Elements of Islamic Studies

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Elements of Islamic Studies

Author: Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi
Publisher: Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania

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Principles of Faith (Usul al-Din) Elements of Islamic Studies Islamic Thought (Ma‘arif Islami) Book One
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Elements of Islamic Studies

Elements of Islamic Studies

Publisher: Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania

Lesson 38: Other wajib (obligatory) acts

7. Dhikr

Dhikr means thetasbeeh ofruku’ andsajdah .

8. Tashahhud

Tashahhud iswajib after the secondsajdah of the secondrak'at and that of the lastrak’at .

Six things arewajib in it. They are:-

1. Recitingshahadatayn . It isahwat to recite in the following form:Ash-hadu an la ilaha illal-lahu wahdahu la sharika lahu, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluh ."

2. Recitingsalawat aftershahadatayn .

3.Tartib in its sentences as explained above.

4.Muwalat .

5. Recitingtashahhud while remain sitting.

6.Tama’ninat .

Meaning of tashahhud

I bear witness that there is no God but Allah; the only One; There is no partner or equal to Him. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Apostle. O Lord! May Thy peace be on Muhammad and His descendants.

9. Mustahabbat

It ismustahab in tashahhud that the hands of person rest on the thighs. The fingers should remain close to each other pointing towards qibla. Eyes should rest on the lap. The position of sitting for the man and the woman has already been described In the description of sajdah .


Salaam iswajib after thetashahhud of the lastrak’at . Four things arewajib in it:

1. Reciting either of these two sentences: "Assalarnu ‘alayna wa ‘ala ‘ibadillahis salihin ."(Peace be on us and on all righteous servants of God). "Assalaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. " (Peace be on all of you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings).

2. Remain sitting while recitingsalaam .

3. Correct pronunciation.

4.Tama’ninat .


1. Reciting bothsalaams .

2. Addition of "Assalaarnu alayka ayyuhan Nabiyu wa rahma-tullahi wa barakatuh " (Peace be on thee, O Apostle, and the Mercy of Allah and His Blessings).

3. Sayingtakbir three times after Salaam .

10. Tartib

It iswajib to perform all the acts of prayer in the prescribed sequence. Any change in that sequence will render the prayer invalid, if done intentionally (and in case of a rukn sequence, even unintentionally).

11. Muwalaat

One act ofsalaat must be followed by the next act immediately. The intervening time between two acts should not be so long as to give the impression that the person concerned is not praying any more.

Lesson 39: Actions that Invalidate Prayer

There are certain things or actions which invalidate a prayer:

1.Hadath whether the greater or lesser, and whether intentionally or by mistake.

2. Turning away from qibla.

3. Anything which disturbs the prayer (i.e. anything which gives the impression that the person is not praying), like remaining silent for a considerable time, clapping the hands or jumping or indulging in actions other than the prayer.

4. Speaking intentionally even a single letter (other than prayer or Qur'an ordhikr of Allah). But replying toSalaam al-Shar’i ('Salaamun Alaykum' or'Assalaamu Alaykum' ) is allowed in the very same wordings.

5. Laughing intentionally. Smiling does no harm to the prayer.

6. Weeping intentionally for worldly affairs. But weeping in love or fear of Allah or because of remembering the suffering of Imam Husayn (A.S.) has no harm.

7. Eating or drinking however little may be, whether intentionally or by mistake.

8. Folding the hands intentionally as some non-Shi’ah sects do in the prayer.

9. Saying ‘Amin' intentionally (with exception in certain cases) after Surah al-Hamd.

10. If any of the conditions of prayer is violated. For instance, he realizes during prayer that his clothes areghasbi .

11. Doubt in first tworak’ats of a 4rak’at prayer; or anywhere in a 2rak’at or 3rak’at prayer.

12. Adding or leaving out anyrukn of prayer.

Lesson 40: Shakk (Doubts in Prayer)

We are human beings and to err is human. Although we pray prayer with full care and attention yet sometimes we err. Rather even when we do not err on some occasions we do begin to doubt about the performance of a particular part of the prayer. And there is every likelihood that we might have erred. Now when anybody doubts about certain performance of prayer, he should ponder for a moment to shake of his doubt but if he fails to satisfy himself then he should act according to the prescribed rules.

There are 23 cases of doubt that may arise during prayer. The laws of Shari'ah are distinct for each one of these.

Doubts to be ignored

Six cases of doubts are such that these can be ignored. Prayer does not become invalid in the event of these doubts.

1. Doubts after having finished the prayer.

2. Doubt after passing of the event. For example while insajdah , to doubt having missedruku’ .

3. Doubt after the time has passed. For example, doubt at the time of Maghrib whether the ‘Asr prayer was offered or not.

4. People having doubtful natures. Such persons doubt about everything. So they can be doubtful about prayer also. They must ignore their doubts.

5. Doubt either by an Imam (one who leads the prayer) or ama’mum (the follower of the Imam in prayer). In this case the Imam may be sure of his performance but thema’mum is doubtful or vice versa. In such case whoever is in doubt will follow the one who is sure.

6. Doubt during asunnat (non-obligatory) prayer, or in Salat al-ihtiyat .

Lesson 41: Valid (Sahih) Doubts

(Doubts that require remedial procedure).

Nine cases of doubts are such that the prayer is not renderedbatil (invalid), provided the remedial procedure as prescribed in each case is carried out. It is not necessary to offer the prayer again.

1. Doubt during a fourrak'at prayer after both thesajdah s whether it was the second or the thirdrak’at . In such a case it should be regarded as the thirdrak'at and the prayer is to be finished after offering the fourthrak'at . ThereafterSalat al-ihtiyat (precautionary prayer) of onerak’at by standing be offered. .

2. Doubt, after the twosajdah s, whether it was second the second, third or the fourthrak’at . In such a case, the prayer should be finished by considering it as the fourthrak’at andSalat al-ihtiya t of tworak’at by standing is to be offered.

3. Doubt after the twosajdah s, whether it was the second, third or the fourthrak’at . In such a case, prayer is to be be finished by considering it as the fourthrak’at andSalat al-ihtiyat of tworak’at s by standing and then another tworak’at s by sitting is to be offered.

4. Doubt after twosajdah s whether it was the fourth or the fifthrak’at . In a such case, the prayer should be completed then and there and twosajdah s ofsahw should be offered immediately.

Note: "After the twosajdah s", in above 4 cases, means after completing thedhikr of 2ndsajdah .

5. Doubt whether it was the third or the fourthrak’at . In such a case the prayer should be finished by considering it as the fourthrak’at andSalat al-ihtiyat of onerak’at by standing or tworak’at by sitting is to be offered.

6. Doubt while inqiyam (standing posture) whether it is fourth or fifthrak’at . In such a case, sit down at once and finish the prayer. ThereafterSalat al-ihtiyat of onerak’at by standing or tworak’at s by sitting is to be offered.

7. Doubt while inqiyam , i.e. beforeruku’ whether it was the third or the fifthrak’at . In such a case, at once sit down and after finishing Prayer, offer tworak’at s ofSalat al-ihtiyat by standing.

8. Doubt while inqiyam whether it was the third, fourth or the fifthrak’at . In such a case, at once sit down and after finishing the prayer offer tworak’at s ofSalat al-ihtiyat by standing and tworak’at s by sitting.

9. Doubt while inqiyam , whether it was the fifth or the sixthrak’at . In such a case, prayer should be finished at once and twosajdah s ofsahw will have to be done.

Note: In last the mentioned four cases, twosajdah of sahw should be done for the unwanted qiyam .

Lesson 42: Mubtil Doubts that Invalidate the Prayer

Eight kinds of doubts are such that if they occur then the Prayer is rendered invalid. The prayer has to be offered again.

1. Doubt about the number ofrak’at s in a tworak’at prayer like Fajr, orqasr of Zuhr, Asr and ‘Isha.

2. Doubt about the number ofrak’at s in a threerak’at prayer i.e. Maghrib.

3. Doubt during a fourrak’at prayer whether it was the first, the second or the thirdrak’at .

4. Doubt during a fourrak’at prayer before finishing thedhikr of the secondsajdah whether it was the second or the thirdrak’at .

5. Doubt during a fourrak’at prayer whether it was the second, the fifth or a higherrak’at .

6. Doubt during a fourrak’at prayer whether it was the third, the sixth or a higherrak’at .

7. Doubt during a fourrak’at prayer whether it was the fourth, the sixth or a higherrak’at .

8. To forget in a fourrak’at prayer the number of rak’at s already prayed.

Lesson 43: Prayer of Ihtiyat and Sajdah al-Sahw

Salat al-ihtiyat

You have been taught that in some doubts about the number of therak’at s of prayer you have to pray one or tworak’at s ofSalat al-ihtiyat . Here I am explaining how to pray that prayer.

Soon after finishing the prayer (in which the doubt had occurred and which requiresSalat al-ihtiyat for its completion and validation) without looking away from qibla or doing anything which makes a prayer invalid, you are to stand up and make theniyyah . (if theSalat al-ihtiyat is to be performed sitting, then remain sitting after the first prayer and make theniyyah ).Niyyah is to be done in the following way: "I praySalat al-ihtiyat one (or two)rak’at (s)wajib qurbatan ilal- Laah ." Then sayTakbiratul-Ihram . Recite only Surah al-Hamd in whisper. Go toruku’ then dosajdah ; recitetashahhud andsalaam . YourSalat al-ihtiyat is finished.

If you have to recite two rakats ofSalat al-ihtiyat , then you should stand up for the secondrak’at just after the secondsajdah of the firstrak’at in the usual way. Recite the secondrak’at also with just Surah al-Hamd, without evenqunut , and then finish the prayer in usual way.

Sajdah al-Sahw

Sajdah al-sahw iswajib when:-

1. One has talked by mistake in prayer; or

2. Has left onesajdah by mistake; or

3. Has forgottentashahhud by mistake; or

4. Has recitedsalaam by mistake at a wrong place; or

5. Has added or omitted by mistake any such thing which is notrukn ; or

6. In the 4-rak’at prayer has doubt after the second sajdah whether it was the fourth or the fifth rak’at .

How to do Sajdah al-Sahw

Soon after finishing the prayer,niyyah should be done as follows: " I dosajdah al-sahw in lieu oftashahhud (orsalaam orsajdah orqiyam etc.. as the case may be)wajib qurbatan ilal-Laah ." Thensajdah should be done. InSajdah you have to say once "Bismillahi wa billahi Assalaamu alayka ayyuhan-Nabiyyu wa rahrnatullahi wa barakatuh ." Then raise your head; sit properly; go tosajdah for the second time; recite the above-mentioneddhikr once; sit down properly; readtashahhud andsalaam .

If you have forgottentashahhud or onesajdah in the prayer, it iswajib to do itsqada at once after the prayer; then thesajdah al-sahw is to be done just after theqada tashahhud orsajdah .

If after the prayer, but before theqada of thesajdah or thetashahhud , if any of such actions are done which invalidate the prayer (like turning away from qibla}, it is necessary to do theqada and thesajdah al-sahw as required, and then to repeat the prayer.

Lesson 44: Ghusl

1. Seven kinds of ghusl are wajib

(1)Janabat , (2) Haiz , (3) Nifas . (4) Istihaza (5) Mayyit , (6) Mass al-Maiyit . and (7) The ghusl of nadhar , qasam or ‘ ahd

2. How to do ghusl

There are two ways of doing ghusl: (1)Tartibi and (2) Irtimasi .

Ghusl tartibi

In this way ofghusl , the body is washed in three stages. First, the head down to the chamber-bone is washed including the face and neck; second, the right side of the body is washed from the shoulders down to the feet; third the left side of the body is washed likewise. This ghusl is preferable, even if you are bathing in a pool or river or sea. In a bath-room no method can be used other than the tartibi ghusl .

Ghusl Irtimasi

It can be done in pools or rivers only. In it the whole body is immersed in the water at once after theniyyah , not gradually.

3. Conditions of ghusl:

All the conditions ofwudhu (mentioned in lesson No. 20) apply to theghusl also, except conditions No: 5, 7, 8. 12 and 13.

The difference in these conditions are as follows:

5. The whole body must betahir (clean);

7.Tartib is necessary inghusl tartibi only. Inghusl irtimasi there is notartib .

8. There is nomuwalat inghusl tartibi . It means that if you wash your head then you go out and come again after some time and wash your right side and then left side, yourghusl is correct.

12. There is no fixed law as how should you wash the body. If you maintain thetartib , i.e. if you wash your head first, then the right side, then the left side, It is enough. There is no rule that you should begin the washing of head, for example, from the upper side and then come down; or wash the right side, for example, from shoulder and then come down to the foot. You may begin from the foot and go above up to the shoulder.

13. There is nomasah (wiping) inghusl .

Lesson 45: Ghusl of Janabat

1. When is it required?

There are two things which cause "janabat " and it is wajib to do ghusl of janabat after them:-

(a) Discharge of semen in sleep or while awake;

(b) Sexual intercourse. (both parties becomejunub ).

2. For which Purpose?

Ghusl iswajib for all the things for whichwudhu is required. Also, it iswajib to validate asawm (fast), as will be explained later.

3. Things which are forbidden before performing Ghusl janabat:

The following things areharaam if a person has to doGhusI janabat : (a) Reciting even a single

verse from those Surahs in whichsajdah iswajib ; Touching the writing of the Qur’an or the names of Allah, the Prophets, or the Imams (in any script}: (c) Entering any mosque. (If necessary, he/she may pass through the mosque without stopping for a single second). But so far as the Mosque of the Prophet, at Medina and Masjid al-Haram, at Mecca, are concerned, even passing through them is not allowed. (d) Putting anything into a mosque even from outside; and entering into a mosque to take out anything.

Note 1 . The shrines of Imams are like the mosques in every detail.

4. Things which are makruh in the janabat :

For a person who has to doghusl janabat , it is makruh to (1) read Quran more than seven ayats. (This applies to the Surahs in which no sajdah is wajib ); (2) touch the Quran (not the writing, which will be haram ); (3) take a Quran or carry it from one place to other, even without touching it.

Lesson 46: Ghusl of haidh and nifas

(1) Haidh

"Haidh " means "menstruation" generally known as monthly course' or 'period'. Every adult and healthy woman has her periods regularly. Shari’ah has laid down some rules for this period, a summary of which is given here:

1. Any blood seen before completion of 9 years or after 50 years of age is not "haidh ", It is called'istihadha' , rules of which will be explained later on.

2. Duration of "haidh " is not less than 3 and not more than 10 days. Blood which comes for less than 3 days, or which comes after 10 days, is called'istihadha' .

3. There are detailed rules concerning woman which are based on whether in condition ofhaidh she has regular date and/or number of days or not; and whether she is having her period for the first time, or whether she has forgotten her date and number of days.

But it is not possible to give all the details in this small booklet.

(2) Nifas

The bleeding after child birth is callednifas . If blood appears before the delivery is notnifas ; it isistihadha .

The bleeding after 10 days from delivery is notnifas ; it isistihadha . But there is no minimum time fornifas . Even if it stops 5 minutes or less after delivery, it isnifas .

(3) Things which are haram in haidh and nifas

1. All the things which are haram in the condition ofjanabat , are haram in the condition ofhaidh andnifas , before doing theghusl . Likewise, all the things which aremakruh injanabat aremakruh inhaidh andnifas also.

2. In addition, it isharaam to give divorce to a woman in the period ofhaidh ornifas . Some other things are alsoharaam in these periods, but it is not the place to go into details.

4. The woman duringhaidh ornifas is exempted from prayers, and every such'ibadat' which requiresghusl ,wudhu ortayammum . But she may recitedu’a etc, (without touching the writings of the Qur’an or the names of Allah, the Prophets or the Imams, which isharam for her as mentioned earlier). She is not required to prayqadha of the prayers left during the period ofhaidh andnifas .

5. A woman inhaidh ornifas cannot fast; but she must fast itsqadha after that period.

Lesson 47: Istihadha

The blood which is nothaidh ornifas is calledistihadha .lstihadha has been divided into 3 categories:

1. Istihadha qalila

If the blood does not penetrate the cotton-pad used for protection, it is called "istihadha qalila " (minoristihadha ).

There is noghusl for this category of istihadha ; but she must do wudhu for every prayer. She is not allowed to pray two prayers with one wudhu .

2. Istihadha mutawassita

If the blood penetrates the cotton-pad but does not exceed it, it is called "istihadha mutawassita " (mediumistihadha ).

She should do onewudhu for every prayer and one ghusl daily. For example, if she had seen this istihadha before Zuhr, she should do ghusl before Zuhr and should pray Zuhr with that ghusl and one wudhu as mentioned earlier. The 4 later prayers (up till the morning prayer of the next day) should be prayed with one wudhu each.

3. Istihadha kathira

If the blood exceeds the cotton-pad after soaking it, it is calledistihadha kathira (major istihadha ). She should do separate wudhu for each prayer, as mentioned earlier, and should do 3 ghusl s daily: One for morning prayer, one for Zuhr and Asr and one for Maghrib and Isha. She should pray Zuhr and Asr together and Maghrib and Isha together.

Note: In all cases it is emphasized that she should change the cotton-pad before everywudhu .

2. If she is unable for any reason (described in lesson 48) to doghusl orwudhu , she should dotayammum in place of thatghusl orwudhu .

3. If a woman observes the rules mentioned above, she should not think herself asnajis ; she will be clean.

Lesson 48: Tayammum

1. When to do tayammum

1. When there is no possibility of finding water sufficient forghusl orwudhu ;

2. When owing to old-age or the danger of thieves or beasts or unavailability of any means to get water from its place it is difficult to doghusl or wudhu ;

3. When there is any danger to life or health from the use of water;

(Note: If by using hot water, that danger can be averted then it is necessary to use hot water;

tayammum is not allowed)

4. When there is water, but one is afraid that by using that water he will put himself, his companions or valuable animals in the danger of remaining thirsty or becoming ill;

5. When there is water but the body or the clothes of the person concerned isnajis , and he finds that if he uses the water inwudhu orghusl , his body or the clothes will remainnajis . In this case he will cleanse his body or the clothes by water and then will dotayammum ;

6. When there is no water exceptghasbi ormudhaf ; or there is no pot of water except a pot which is made of silver or gold or which isghasbi ;

7. When the time of prayer is so short that if he startswudhu orghusl his prayer will beqadha and he expects that by doingtayammum the prayer will be finished in time.

In these seven conditions a person should dotayammum ; not wudhu or ghusl .

2. Things upon which Tayammum is permissible

Tayammum should be done (in order of preference) on: (a) Earth; (b) Sand; (c) Chunks of sand or earth -- other than baked in fire; (d) Stones - other than minerals; (e) If the first mentioned four things are not available then, and only then, it is permissible to dotayammum on the dust which gathers upon the mats, floors, desks etc.; (f) If the dust, also, cannot be found, then it is allowed to dotayammum on mud.

Note: Some people keep earth in a small bag and dotayammum upon its dust which gathers on the outside. It is not correct. They have earth with them, therefore, they are not allowed to do tayammum on dust, which has been allowed just as an emergency measure. They should open the bag and do tayammum on earth.

3. The conditions about the above-mentioned things:

(a) All the above-mentioned led things must be dry as far as possible. Even the mud should be

dried, if possible, to convert it into the chunk of earth;

(b) They must betahir ;

(c) Andmubah - notghasbi ;

(d) The place where these things are kept, must bemubah ;

(e) The place where you are standing while doingtayammum , must be mubah .

4. How to do tayammum

1.Niyyah : I am doingtayammum in place ofwudhu orghusl (as the case may be), so that my prayer or fast (as the case may be) may be correct,wajib orsunnat (as the case may be)qurbatan ilal-Laah .

2. Strike palms of both hands together upon the thing on whichtayammum is correct e.g. earth or sand etc. Remember that just putting the hand upon earth etc. is not sufficient. You must hit or strike it by your palms.

3. Pull both palms together from the beginning of the forehead down to the point of the nose. Both sides of the forehead joining the ears should be included in it. Eyes and cheeks are not to be included.

4. Then pull the left palm upon the back of the right hand from the projecting small bone on the wrist up to the fingertips;

5. Then pull the right palm on the back of the left palm likewise:

6. Strike the palms together upon earth etc. second time;

7. Pull the left palm on the back of right hand, as explained above.

8. Pull the right palm on the back of the left hand, as explained above.

If a person has to doghusl andwudhu both, and he has got water sufficient for only one of them, he will dotayammum in place of othertaharat , after using the water in thetaharat for which it was sufficient.

The hands and forehead must betahir before tayammum ; there should not be anything like ring or nail-polish etc. which may be a cover against the earth etc.

Lesson 49: Salat al-ayaat (Prayer of signs)

1. Its causes

The prayer of "signs" (ayaat ) is obligatory when any of the following signs occur:-

1. Solar eclipse.

2. Lunar eclipse.

3. Earthquake.

4. Any natural occurrence which normally creates fear in the common people, like black, red or yellow storm, cyclone and things like that.

2. Its time

In solar and lunar eclipses, the time of the "prayer of signs" is from beginning of the eclipse till it is completely cleared.

In other causes like earthquake it must be prayed soon after the cause subsides. But it is alwaysada even if prayed many days after its occurrence.

3. Its method

Prayer of signs is 2rak’at s; everyrak’at has 5ruku’ (total 10ruku’ ).

Afterniyyah andTakbiratul-ihram , you should recite Surah al-Hamd, then any other Surah; then go toruku’ . Your oneruku’ is complete. After rising fromruku’ , recite again Surah al-Hamd and one Surah and go toruku’ . Your secondruku’ is complete. Likewise, you should do 5ruku’ . After rising from 5thruku’ , say'Sami’ Allahu liman hamidah' and go tosajdah . Complete 2sajdah s as usual and rise for the 2ndrak’at .

Likewise, do 5ruku’ in the 2ndrak’at , and perform 2sajdah s, recitetashahhud andsalaam as usual. Your prayer is complete.

Note: It is mustahab to recitequnut before every second ruku’ . For this purpose count all ten ruku’ together, Thus you will recite qunut before the 2nd and 4th (in the first rak’at ), and before the 6th, the 8th and the 10th ruku’ (in the 2nd rak’at ).

4. Short Method

Also you are allowed to pray this prayer by a short method:

AfterTakbiratul-Ihram , you recite Surah al-Hamd, and only a part of a Surah; then go to the firstruku’ , after rising recite another subsequent part of that Surah and go to the secondruku’ , rise again and recite the third subsequent part of that Surah and go to the 3rdruku’ . Likewise do before the 4th and the 5thruku’ , finishing the Surah before 5thruku’ .

For example: Surah al-Ikhlas is 5 verses. You may recite'Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim' before firstruku’ ;'Qul-Huwa’llahu Ahad' before the 2ndruku’ ;Allahus-Samad' before the 3rdruku’ ;'Lam yalid wa lam yulad ' before the 4thruku’ ; and'Wa lam yakun lahu kufuwan ahad' before the the 5thruku’ ,

Thus you would have read only one al-Hamd and only one complete Surah in onerak’at . You may recite one rak’at in one way and the other rak’at in the other way.

Lesson 50: Friday Prayer

In the presence of Imam (A.S.) or his specially appointed authority, Friday prayer iswajib al-‘ayni in place of Zuhr. Zuhr is not recited on such occasions.

In ghaybah (occultation) of the Imam (A.S.) when there is no one specially appointed by Imam (A.S.) to lead in this prayer, Friday prayer and Zuhr becomewajib al-takhyiri .

Wajib al-takhyiri means that a man has an option to choose between two obligatory acts, but he cannot leave both. For example, in the 3rd and 4thrak’at of the daily prayers, a man has to recite eitherTasbihat Arba’ah or Surah al-Hamd. He has to choose anyone of these two alternatives, but cannot leave both. Thus these two things are "wajib al-takhyiri " in these tworak’at s. Likewise, on Fridays, Zuhr and Friday prayer arewajib al-takhyiri . It means that a man has the option to choose between these two prayers. But he cannot neglect both.

There are certain conditions for Friday prayer:-

1. Friday prayer must be prayed inJama’ah (congregation).

2. There must be at least 5 (better 7) persons including the Imam.

3. Only one Friday prayer may be prayed in a radius of 3 miles 720 yards. If two prayers are held within this distance, the later will be null and void.

According to the fatwa of Ayatullah al-Khu’i, if Friday prayer of even the Sunnis or other sects is held within the said radius of 3 miles 720 yards, and begins before the Friday prayer of the Shi’as, then those Shi’as who are followers of Ayatullah al-Khu’i cannot doniyyah ofwajib for their Friday prayer. In such cases, they may pray Friday prayer withniyyah ofqurbatan ilal-Laah (in the hope that may be the Shari’ah likes them to pray such Friday prayer) .

4. There must be two sermons delivered by the Imam before the prayer and attentively listened to by at least 4 (or 6) persons.

5. As explained earlier, it is not obligatory to hold Friday prayers specially. Instead, Zuhr may be prayed. But if Friday prayer is held by an ‘adil (just) lrnarn, then it is obligatory(ihtiyat wujubi ) to participate In that prayer; and there will be no need to pray Zuhr afterwards. .

6. Friday prayer is tworak’at s: In the firstrak’at it is sunnat for the Imam to recite Surah al-Jumu’ah and in the 2ndrak’at Surah al-Munafiqun, after Surah al-Hamd. .

7. Twoqunut aremustahab in this prayer: In the 1strak’at beforeruku’ ; in the 2ndrak’at after rising fromruku’ . There is a specialqunut for Friday.

"Allahumma Inna ‘abidam min ‘ibadikas saleheena qamu bikitabika wa sunnati Nabiyyika fajzihim ‘anna khayr al-jaza". (O Allah, verily, some servants from among thy pious servants stood firm with Thy book and the traditions of Thy Prophet; Thou reward them with the best reward from us.)