Islamic Thought (Ma‘arif Islami) Book Two

Islamic Thought (Ma‘arif Islami) Book Two0%

Islamic Thought (Ma‘arif Islami) Book Two Author:
: Mohsen Javadi
Translator: Mansoor L. Limba
Publisher: ABWA Publishing and Printing Center
Category: General Books
ISBN: 978-964-529-700-6

Islamic Thought (Ma‘arif Islami) Book Two

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Ali Reza Amini
: Mohsen Javadi
Translator: Mansoor L. Limba
Publisher: ABWA Publishing and Printing Center
Category: ISBN: 978-964-529-700-6
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Islamic Thought (Ma‘arif Islami) Book Two
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Islamic Thought (Ma‘arif Islami) Book Two

Islamic Thought (Ma‘arif Islami) Book Two

Publisher: ABWA Publishing and Printing Center
ISBN: 978-964-529-700-6

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Islamic Thought (Ma‘arif Islami) Book Two

This text is the second of two books and it analyzes the concept of prophethood and Imamate.

Author(s): Ali Reza Amini & Mohsen Javadi

Translator(s): Mansoor L. Limba

Publisher(s): ABWA Publishing and Printing Center

Table of Contents

Publisher’s Foreword. 4

Foreword. 6

Reference 8

Preface to the Farsi Edition. 9

References 11

Chapter One: Prophethood. 12

Section One: The Necessity of Prophethood  13

General objectives 13

Introduction. 13

The necessity of prophethood from the Islamic theological perspective 14

Some notes 20

References 23

Section Two: The Contributions and Blessings of the Prophets 26

General Objectives 26

The Prophets and Morality. 26

The prophets and knowledge 27

1. The prophets (‘a) and knowledge 27

2. The prophets (‘a) and empirical sciences 28

A. Science and religion are two opposing poles 30

B. Science and religion are two parallel lines that do not intersect each other 30

C. Science and religion are complimentary. 31

The prophets and social justice 32

The prophets and mysticism. 33

An example of the manifestation of the blessings of the prophets 33

References 35

Section Three: Revelation and Miracle 36

General Objectives 36

Revelation. 36

Miracles 39

Miracles as proof of the truthfulness of the prophets (‘a) 42

The Qur’an as the eternal miracle 43

Finality of prophethood. 48

References 51

Chapter Two: Imamate and Leadership  52

Section One: Period of the Presence of the Imāms (‘a) 53

General Objectives 53

Introduction. 53

Shī‘ism. 55

The necessity of Imamate 57

Imamate as a matter of appointment [manṣūṣ] 58

The Tradition of Ghadīr [Ḥadīth al-Ghadīr] 59

The Role of the Imāms (‘a) 61

Philosophy of Occultation [ghaybah] 63

A question. 65

Imamate and the duty of the faithful [mu’minīn] 65

References 68

Section Two: Period of Occultation. 71

General Objectives 71

Introduction. 71

Religious authority. 71

Salient features of ijtihād. 72

Sources of ijtihād. 73

Leadership. 74

1. Rational proof 74

2. Textual proof 76

Dimensions of the theory of wilāyah al-faqīh. 77

References 83

Publisher’s Foreword

In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful

The invaluable legacy of the Household [Ahl al-Bayt ] of the Prophet (may peace be upon them all), as preserved by their followers, is a comprehensive school of thought that embraces all branches of Islamic knowledge. This school has produced many brilliant scholars who have drawn inspiration from this rich and pure resource. It has given many scholars to the Muslimummah who, following in the footsteps of Imāms of the Prophet’s Household (‘a ), have done their best to clear up the doubts raised by various creeds and currents within and without Muslim society and to answer their questions. Throughout the past centuries, they have given well-reasoned answers and clarifications concerning these questions and doubts.

To meet the responsibilities assigned to it, the Ahl al-Bayt World Assembly (ABWA) has embarked on a defence of the sanctity of the Islamic message and its verities, often obscured by the partisans of various sects and creeds as well as by currents hostile to Islam. The Assembly follows in the footsteps of theAhl al-Bayt (‘a ) and the disciples of their school of thought in its readiness to confront these challenges and tries to be on the frontline in consonance with the demands of every age.

The arguments contained in the works of the scholars belonging to the School of theAhl al-Bayt (‘a ) are of unique significance. That is because they are based on genuine scholarship and appeal to reason, and avoid prejudice and bias. These arguments address scholars and thinkers in a manner that appeals to healthy minds and wholesome human nature.

To assist the seekers of truth, the Ahl al-Bayt World Assembly has endeavored to present a new phase of these arguments contained in the studies and translations of the works of contemporary Shī‘ah writers and those who have embraced this sublime school of thought through divine blessing.

The Assembly is also engaged in edition and publication of the valuable works of leading Shī‘ah scholars of earlier ages to assist the seekers of the truth in discovering the truths which the School of the Prophet’s Household (‘a ) has offered to the entire world.

The Ahl al-Bayt World Assembly looks forward to benefit from the opinions of the readers and their suggestions and constructive criticism in this area.

We also invite scholars, translators and other institutions to assist us in propagating the genuine Islamic teachings as preached by the Prophet Muḥammad ( ).

We beseech God, the Most High, to accept our humble efforts and to enable us to enhance them under the auspices of Imām al-Mahdī, His vicegerent on the earth (may Allah expedite his advent).

We express our gratitude to Alī Rezā Aminī and Mohsen Javadi, the authors of the present book, and Dr. Mansoor Limba, its translator. We also thank our colleagues who have participated in producing this work, especially the staff of the Translation Office.

Cultural Affairs Department

Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) World Assembly


The precious legacy left behind by the Holy Prophet’s Household [Ahl al-Bayt ] (may peace be upon them all) and their followers’ preservation of this legacy from the menace of extinction is a perfect example of an all-encompassing school [maktab ] which embraces the different branches of Islamic knowledge and this school has been able to train many talented personalities by quenching them with the fountain that gushes-forth.

The school has presented scholars to the Muslim community [ummah ] who, by following the Holy Prophet’s Household (‘a ), have occupied the station of clarifying the doubts and skepticisms brought forth by various creeds and intellectual currents both inside and outside the Muslim society and, throughout the past centuries, they have been the presenters of the firmest answers and solutions to these doubts.

Anchored in the responsibilities it is shouldering, the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a ) World Assembly has embarked upon defending the sanctity ofrisālah [apostleship] and its authentic beliefs-truths which have always been opposed by the chiefs and leaders of anti-Islamic sects, religions and trends. In this sacred path, the Assembly regards itself as a follower of the upright pupils of the Ahl al-Bayt’s (‘a ) school-those who have always been ready to refute accusations and calumnies and have tried always to be in the frontline of this struggle while trying to conform to the demands of our time.

Experiences in this field, which have been preserved in books of the scholars of the Ahl al-Bayt’s (‘a ) school, are unique in their own right. This is because the experiences have been based upon knowledge [‘ilm ] and the preeminence of intellect and reasoning, and at the same time, are devoid of any iota of blind prejudice as well as whims and caprice. These experiences address the experts, scholars and thinkers in such a manner that is acceptable to a healthy mind and pure human natural disposition [fiṭrah ].

In a bid to assist those who are in quest of truth, the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a ) World Assembly has endeavored to enter a new phase using these worthy experiences within a framework of research by drawing upon works of contemporary Shi‘ah writers and those who, through divine guidance, embraced this noble school.

This Assembly is also engaged in the study and publication of valuable works of pious predecessors and outstanding Shī‘ah personalities of the past, so that those who are thirsty for truth can quench their thirst from this refreshing fountain by understanding and embracing the truths which the Holy Prophet’s Household (‘a ) has offered as a gift to the entire world.

It is hoped that the esteemed readers will assist the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a ) World Assembly with their valuable views and suggestions as well as constructive criticisms.

We also invite scholars, translators and other institutions to assist us in propagating pure Muhammadan ( ) Islam.

We ask God, the Exalted, to accept this modest effort and enhance it further under the auspices of His vicegerent on earth, Hadrat al-Mahdī (may Allah, the Exalted, expedite his glorious advent).

It is appropriate here to express our utmost gratitude to the group of scholars of the Office of the Supreme Leader in the Universities for writing the book1 and to Mr. Mansoor Limba for translating it, as well as to all our honorable colleagues in accomplishing this task especially the dear friends in the Translation Office who performed their responsibilities cadmirably.

Cultural Affairs Department

Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) World Assembly


1. - Ma‘ārif-e Islāmī (Qum: Office of the Supreme Leader in the Universities, Spring 1379 AHS (2000)), volumes 1-2.

Preface to the Farsi Edition

This Islamic studies course aims to elucidate the Islamic worldview and ideological foundations and to strengthen the religious beliefs of esteemed students. The previous textbooks had been written and published by a group of scholars on the basis of the needs and conditions of the universities at that time. With some technical and substantial additions and changes in certain topics, these textbooks are still taught in the universities.

For many years, the Islamic Studies Professors and Courses Affairs Department of the Office of the Supreme Leader in the Universities has included in its program the writing of new Islamic Studies textbooks based on the criticisms and assessment of the then existing textbooks and manuscripts, the suggestions of Islamic studies professors and the opinions of some students.

Thanks be to God, the Munificent, this program has been completed and the Islamic studies course notes along with other course notes have now been written and published. After using the book in experimental teaching and obtaining correctional and supplementary views of professors and students, it is hoped that a model textbook in terms of its substance and structure has now been written and published, God willing.

The present book is a product of the Islamic Studies Section of the Textbook Writing and Research Unit of the Department. After sketching out its initial table of contents, it has been written by the honorable professors and Ḥujaj al-Islām1 Ḥamīd Pārsāniyā, Muḥammad Sa‘īdī-Mehr, Amīr Dīwānī, Muḥsin Jawādī, and ‘Alī Riḍā Amīnī.2

The following notes are worth considering:

1. In writing this book, intricate philosophical discussions are avoided and an average level of understanding of students is taken into account. In explaining religious tenets, Qur’anic concepts and traditions [aḥādīth ] are amply used.

2. Due to the inclusion of the topics on Resurrection [ma‘ād ] in the first volume of the book and the extensive citation of Qur’anic verses and narrations [riwāyāt ] in the Origin [mabda’ ] and Resurrection [ma‘ād ] Sections, the first volume is larger than the second. As such, the respected professors can use the sections in the first volume as they deem appropriate to supplement the second volume. Also, because of the importance of the chapter on Imamate and leadership in the second volume, there is more time during the second term to examine the different dimensions of this topic.

3. The general objectives are stated at the beginning of every discourse (section). It is hoped that the arrangement of the subjects in this edition will facilitate understanding and discussion.

4. In view of the lofty station and value of ritual prayer [ṣalāh ] in the devotional system of Islam, selected parts of the works of Imām Khomeinī (r )3 and a commentary of hisĀdābuṣ-Ṣalāt [The Disciplines of the Prayer] 4 , which deals with the spiritual secrets of prayer, have been included in the last discourse on anthropology in Book One so that the students could become acquainted with the inner [bāṭinī ] or celestial [malakūtī ] aspects of this divine obligation. In these parts of the book, some mystical terms and phrases have been used. With the respected professors’ exposition and

elucidation of the pertinent statements of Imām Khomeinī, these sections could be of much benefit to students.

In spite of diligent efforts in writing and publishing this book, the door for edition and revision is open for improvement. Suggestions and ideas expressed by concerned authorities, scholars, professors, and students can be of immense help in improving it.

Finally, we would like to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to all our esteemed colleagues who have contributed to writing, editing and typesetting this volume.

Textbook Writing and Research Unit

Islamic Studies Professors and Courses Affairs Department

Office of the Supreme Leader in the Universities


1. - Ḥujaj al-Islām: the plural form of the religious title Ḥujjat al-Islām which literally means “proof of Islam”. [Trans.]

2. - The introduction of the book is written by Ḥujjat al-Islām Pārsāniyā; the chapters pertaining to the knowledge of God by Dr. Sa‘īdī-Mehr; the initial manuscript of the topics on the Resurrection by Ḥujjat al-Islām Dīwānī and its revised edition by Dr. Sa‘īdī-Mehr; the chapter on prophethood by Dr. Jawādī; and the chapter on Imamate and leadership by Ḥujjat al-Islām Amīnī.

3. - The abbreviation, “r” stands for the Arabic invocative phrase, rahmatullāh ‘alayhi, rahmatullāh ‘alayhā, or rahmatullāh ‘alayhim [may peace be upon him/her/them], which is mentioned after the names of pious people. [Trans.]

4. - Imām Khomeinī, Ādābuṣ-Ṣalāt [The Disciplines of the Prayer], trans. Sālār Manāfī Anārī, 2nd edition (Tehran: Institute for the Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini’s Works, 2002). [Trans.]

Chapter One: Prophethood

Section One: The Necessity of Prophethood

Section Two: The Contributions and Blessings of the Prophets

Section Three: Revelation and Miracles