Supplications for the Month of Ramadan (In Detail)

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Supplications for the Month of Ramadan (In Detail) Publisher: Tayyiba Publishers & Distributors
Category: Supplications and Ziyarat

Supplications for the Month of Ramadan (In Detail)

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

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Supplications for the Month of Ramadan (In Detail)
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Supplications for the Month of Ramadan (In Detail)

Supplications for the Month of Ramadan (In Detail)

Publisher: Tayyiba Publishers & Distributors

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought


This book is taken from, but we added some necessary things like the text to some Surahs, put it in several formats and .......

Supplications for the last ten Nights of the holy month

Du'a for the Last Ten Nights

As the month of Ramadan enters its last phase, believers know the special favours bestowed in this month are ending. They pray that the month may not end without their being forgiven and answered. This Du'a has an urgency in it, as though a desperate final call before the month slips by.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

O Allah, You have said in Your revealed book,

the month of Ramadan, in which the Qur'an

was sent, a guidance for men,

and clear signs of guidance and distinction (2:185).

So You have magnified the sanctity,

of the month of Ramadan,

by revealing the Qur'an in it.

And You have made it special,

by placing the night of Qadr in it,

and making it better than a thousand months.

O Allah, and now,

the days of Ramadan are nearing completion,

and the nights are leaving us.

And You know better than me what status

I have reached in this month,

for You alone can calculate it,

from all of creation.

So I ask You by what,

the angels close to You,

Your sent Prophets,

and Your virtuous servants,

have asked.

That You bless Muhammad and his family,

and save me from the fire,

and make me enter Heaven, by Your mercy.

Favour me by Your forgiveness and grace,

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اللهم صلي على محمد وأل محمد

اللهم إنك قلت في كتابك المُنزل

شهر رمضان الذي انزل فيه القرءان

هدى للناس وبينات من الهُدى والفرقان

فعظمت حُرمة شهر رمضان بما انزلت فيه من القرءان

وخصصته بليلة القدر وجعلتها خيراً من ألف شهر

اللهم وهذه أيام شهر رمضان قد انقضت

ولياليه قد تصرمت

وفد صرت يا إلهي منه إلى ما أنت اعلم به مني

واحصى لعدده من الخلق أجمعين

فأسئلك بما سئلك به ملائكتك المقربون

وأنبيائك المرسلون

وعبادك الصالحون

أن تُصلي على محمد وأل محمد

وأن تفُك رقبتي من النار وتُدخلني الجنة برحمتك

وأن تتفضل عليّ بعفوك وكرمك

وتتقبل تقربي وتستجيب دُعائي

وتمُن عليّ بالأمن يوم الخوف

من كل هول اعددته ليوم القيامة

إلهي وأعوذ بوجهك الكريم

وبجلالك العظيم

أن ينقضى أيام شهر رمضان ولياليه

ولك قبلي تبعة أو ذنب تؤاخذني به

أو خطيئة تريد أن تقتصها مني لم تغفرها لي

سيدي سيدي سيدي

اسئلك يا لا إله إلا أنت

إذ لا إله إلا أنت

إن كنت رضيت عني في هذا الشهر فازدد رضا

وان لم تكن رضيت عني فمن الأن فارض عني

يا ارحم الراحمين

يا الله يا أحد يا صمد

يا من لم يلد ولم يُولد

ولم يكن له كفواُ أحد

accept my seeking nearness to You,

and answer my prayer.

Grant me security on the day of fear,

from every horror You have prepared

for the Day of Judgement.

My God, I seek refuge with Your gracious self,

and Your mighty power, from (such a state)

that the days and nights

of Ramadan reach completion,

and there still remains a sin on me,

that You will account me for,

or a mistake that You have not forgiven me.

My Master, my Master, my Master,

I ask You,

there is no god but You,

for surely there is no god but You,

If You are pleased with me in this month,

then increase that pleasure.

And if You are not pleased with me

then from now, be pleased with me.

O the most Merciful of the mercifuls!

O Allah, O One, O Needless

O He who does not give birth

and was not born,

and there is none equal to Him.

Say this passage repeatedly

O the softener of iron for Dawood,

peace be on him.

O the remover of harm and distress

from Ayyub, peace be on him.

O the reliever of the grief of Y'aqub,

peace be on him.

O the comforter of the sorrow of Yusuf,

peace be on him.

Bless Muhammad and his family,

the way it befits You to bless them all,

and deal with me in a manner which befits You

not in a manner which befits me.

Say this passage repeatedly

يا مُلين الحديد لداود عليه السلام

يا كاشف الضُر والكرب العظام عن ايُوب عليه السلام

أي مُفرج هم يعقوب عليه السلام

أي مُنفس غم يُوسف عليه السلام

صلي على محمد وأل محمد

كما أنت أهله أن تُصلي عليهم اجمعين

وافعل بي أنت أهله

ولا تفعل بي ما أنا أهله

Du'a for 21st night

In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

O (One) who causes the night to pass into the day,

and the day to pass into the night.

O (One) who brings forth the living from the dead,

and brings forth the dead from the living.

O the Provider of sustenance for whoever He pleases,

without measure.

O Allah, O Benenficent, O Allah, O Merciful.

O Allah, O Allah, O Allah,

You have the most beautiful names,

the highest examples,

the grandeur, the bounties.

I beseech You to,

bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad,

and place my name, in this night, among the fortunate,

and my soul among the martyrs,

let my good deeds be (written) in the 'Illiyyin (Book of the virtuous), and my evil deeds be forgiven.

(And I beseech You to )

grant me a certainty which gives joy to my heart,

and a faith which drives doubt away from me,

and make me pleased with what You have granted me.

(And I beseech You to)

Give us good in this world,

and good in the Hereafter,

and save us from the punishment of the burning fire.(HQ 2:201)

(And I beseech You to)

grant me in it (Laylatul Qadr) Your remembrance,

and Your gratitude, and desire for (pleasing) You,

turning (to You for repentance), and success,

for all that You have granted Muhammad and his family,

peace be on him and on them.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اللهم صلي على محمد وأل محمد

يا مُولج الليل في النهار ومُولج النهار في الليل

ومُخرج الحي من الميت والمُخرج الميت من الحيّ

يا رازق من يشاء بغير حساب

يا الله يا رحمن يا الله يا رحيم

يا الله يا الله يا الله لك الأسماء الحُسنى

والأمثال العُليا والكربياء والالاء

اسئلك أن تُصلي على محمد وأل محمد

وأن تجعل اسمي في هذه اليلة في السعداء

ورُوحي مع الشهداء واحساني في عليين

واسائتي مغفورة وأن تهب لي يقينا تُباشر به قلبي

وايماناً يُذهب الشك عني وتُرضيني بما قسمت لي

وأتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الأخرة حسنة

وقنا عذاب النار الحريق

ورزقني فيها ذكرك وشُرك والرغبة إليك

والأنابة والتوفيق لما وفقت له محمد وأل محمد

عليه وعليهم السلام

Du'a for the 22nd night

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

O Allah, bless Muhammad and his family.

O (One) who draws forth the day from the night,

and lo! we are in darkness.

O (One) who causes the sun to travel its appointed place,

through Your decree, O the Mighty, the All­-knowing.

and who decreed stages for the moon,

till it returns bent like a palm tree.

O the Light of all lights,

and the ultimate goal of all desires,

and the Guardian of all blessings,

O Allah, O Beneficent.

O Allah, O Holy, O One ,

O (the) Unique, O (the) Single

O Allah, O Allah, O Allah,

You have the most beautiful names,

the highest examples,

the grandeur, the bounties.

I beseech You to,

bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad,

and place my name, in this night, among the fortunate,

and my soul among the martyrs,

let my good deeds be (written) in the 'Illiyyin (Book of the virtuous), and my evil deeds be forgiven.

(And I beseech You to )

grant me a certainty which gives joy to my heart,

and a faith which drives doubt away from me,

and make me pleased with what You have granted me.

(And I beseech You to)

Give us good in this world,

and good in the Hereafter,

and save us from the punishment of the burning fire.

(HQ 2:201)

(And I beseech You to)

grant me in it (Laylatul Qadr) Your remembrance,

and Your gratitude, and desire for (pleasing) You,

turning (to You for repentance), and success,

for all that You have granted Muhammad and his family,

peace be on him and on them.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اللهم صل على محمد وأل محمد

يا سالخ النهار من اليل فإذا نحن مُظلمون

ومُجري الشمس لمُستقرها بتقديرك يا عزيز يا عليم

ومُقدر القمر منازل حتى عاد كالعرجون القديم

يا نور كل نور ومنتهى كل رغبة

وليّ كل نعمة يا الله يا رحمن

يا الله يا قدوس يا أحد يا واحد يا فرد

يا الله يا الله يا الله لك الأسماء الحُسنى

والأمثال العُليا والكبرياء والألاء

اسئلك أن تُصلي على محمد وأل محمد

وأن تجعل اسمي في هذه اليلة في السعداء

ورُوحي مع الشهداء وإحساني في عليين

وإسائتي مغفورة وأن تهب لي يقينا تُباشر به قلبي

وايماناً يُذهب الشك عني وتُرضيني بما قسمت لي

وأتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الأخرة حسنة

وقنا عذاب النار الحريق

وارزقني فيها ذكرك وشكرك والرغبة إليك

والأنابة التوفيق لما وفقت له محمد وأل محمد

عليه وعليهم السلام

Du'a for the 23rd night

In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

O Lord of Laylatul Qadr (night of power),

who has made it better than a thousand months.

O Lord of the night and the day,

of the mountains and the seas,

of darkness and light, and the earth and the sky.

O the Originator, the Designer,

The Affectionate, the Gracious.

O Allah, the Beneficent, O Allah, the Everlasting,

O Allah, O (the) Maker,

O Allah, O Allah, O Allah,

You have the most beautiful names,

the highest examples,

the grandeur, the bounties.

I beseech You to,

bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad,

and place my name, in this night, among the fortunate,

and my soul among the martyrs,

let my good deeds be (written) in the 'Illiyyin (Book of the virtuous),and my evil deeds be forgiven.

(And I beseech You to )

grant me a certainty which gives joy to my heart,

and a faith which drives doubt away from me,

and make me pleased with what You have granted me.

(And I beseech You to)

Give us good in this world,

and good in the Hereafter,

and save us from the punishment of the burning fire.(HQ 2:201)

(And I beseech You to)

grant me in it (Laylatul Qadr) Your remembrance,

and Your gratitude, and desire for (pleasing) You,

turning (to You for repentance), and success,

for all that You have granted Muhammad and his family,

peace be on him and on them.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اللهم صل على محمد وأل محمد

يا رب ليلة القدر وجاعلها خيراً من الف شهر

ورب الليل والنهار والجبال والبحار

والظلم والأنوار والأرض والسماء

يا بارئ يا مُصور يا حنان يا منان

يا الله يا رحمن يا الله يا قيوم يا الله يا بديع

يا الله يا الله يا الله لك الأسماء الحُسنى

والأمثال العُليا والكبرياء والألاء

اسئلك أن تُصلي على محمد وأل محمد

وأن تجعل اسمي في هذه الليلة في السعداء

ورُوحي مع الشهداء واحساني في عليّين

واسائتي مغفورة ، وان تهب لي يقيناً تُباشر به قلبي

وايماناً يُذهب الشك عني وتُرضيني بما قسمت لي

واتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الأخرة حسنة

وقنا عذاب النار الحريق

وارزقني فيها ذكرك وشكرك والرغبة إليك

والإنابة والتوبة والتوفيق

لِما وفقت له محمد وأل محمد عليهم السلام

Du'a for the 24th night

In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

O the cleaver of the dawn,

who made the night for rest,

and the sun and moon for calculation (of time).

O Mighty, O All-­Knowing,

The Possessor of;

blessings and might,

strength and power,

grace and favours,

and majesty and nobility.

O Allah, O Beneficent, O Allah, O (the) Single, O (the) Unique

O Allah, O (the) Manifest, O (the) Hidden, O (the) Ever-­Living

There is no god but You,

You have the most beautiful names,

the highest examples,

the grandeur, the bounties.

I beseech You to,

bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad,

and place my name, in this night, among the fortunate,

and my soul among the martyrs,

let my good deeds be (written) in the 'Illiyyin (Book of the virtuous),and my evil deeds be forgiven.

(And I beseech You to )

grant me a certainty which gives joy to my heart,

and a faith which drives doubt away from me,

and make me pleased with what You have granted me.

(And I beseech You to)

Give us good in this world,

and good in the Hereafter,

and save us from the punishment of the burning fire.

(HQ 2:201)

(And I beseech You to)

grant me in it (Laylatul Qadr) Your remembrance,

and Your gratitude, and desire for (pleasing) You,

turning (to You for repentance), and success,

for all that You have granted Muhammad and his family,

peace be on him and on them.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اللهم صلي على محمد وأل محمد

يا فالق الإصباح وجاعل الليل سكناً والشمس والقمر

حُسباناً ، يا عزيز يا عليم يا ذا المنّ والطول

والقوة والحول والفضل والإنعام والجلال والإكرام

يا الله يا رحمن يا الله يا فرد يا وتر

يا الله يا ظاهر يا باطن يا حيّ

لا إله إلا أنت لك الأسماء الحُسنى

والأمثال العُليا والكبرياء والألاء

اسئلك أن تُصلي على محمد وأل محمد

وأن تجعل اسمي في هذه اليلة في السعداء

ورُوحي مع الشهداء وإحساني في علييّن

واسائتي مغفورة ، وأن تهب لي يقيناً تُباشر به قلبي

وإيماناً يُذهب الشك عني وتُرضيني بما قسمت لي

وأتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الأخرة حسنة

وقنا عذاب النار

وارزقني فيها ذكرك وشكرك والرغبة إليك

والأنابة والتوفيق لما وفقت له محمد وأل محمد

عليه وعليهم السلام

Du'a for the 25th night

In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

O (One) who made,

the night a covering,

and the day for seeking livelihood,

and the earth a resting place,

and the mountains as pegs.

O Allah, O (the) Subduer, O Allah, O (the) Most Powerful

O Allah, O All­-Hearing, O Allah, O (One who is) Near

O Allah, O (the One) who Answers

O Allah, O Allah, O Allah,

You have the most beautiful names,

the highest examples,

the grandeur, the bounties.

I beseech You to,

bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad,

and place my name, in this night, among the fortunate,

and my soul among the martyrs,

let my good deeds be (written) in the 'Illiyyin (Book of the virtuous),and my evil deeds be forgiven.

(And I beseech You to )

grant me a certainty which gives joy to my heart,

and a faith which drives doubt away from me,

and make me pleased with what You have granted me.

(And I beseech You to)

Give us good in this world,

and good in the Hereafter,

and save us from the punishment of the burning fire.

(HQ 2:201)

(And I beseech You to)

grant me in it (Laylatul Qadr) Your remembrance,

and Your gratitude, and desire for (pleasing) You,

turning (to You for repentance), and success,

for all that You have granted Muhammad and his family,

peace be on him and on them.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اللهم صل على محمد وأل محمد

يا جاعل الليل لباسا والنهار معاشا

والأرض مهادا والجبال اوتاداً

يا الله يا قاهر يا الله يا جبار يا الله يا سميع

يا الله يا قريب يا الله يا مُجيب

يا الله يا الله يا الله لك الأسماء الحُسنى

والأمثال العُليا والكبرياء والألاء

أسئلك أن تصلي على محمد وأل محمد

وأن تجعل اسمي في هذه الليلة في السعداء

ورُوحي مع الشهداء واحساني في عليّين

واسائتي مغفورة ، وان تهب لي يقيناً تُباشر به قلبي

وايمانا يُذهب الشك عني وتُرضيني بما قسمت لي

واتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الأخرة حسنة

وقنا عذاب النار الحريق

والرزقني فيها ذكرك وشكرك والرغبة إليك

والأنابة والتوفيق لما وفقت له محمد وأل محمد

عليه وعليهم السلام

Du'a for the 26th night

In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful

O Allah bless Muhammad and his family.

O (One) who made the sun and the moon two signs.

O (One) who removed the sign of the night,

and made the sign of the day bright,

that you may seek grace from Him,

and (His) pleasure.

O (One) who separates everything distinctly.

O the Magnificent, O (the) Giver, O Allah, O (the) Generous.

O Allah, O Allah, O Allah,

You have the most beautiful names,

the highest examples,

the grandeur, the bounties.

I beseech You to,

bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad,

and place my name, in this night, among the fortunate,

and my soul among the martyrs,

let my good deeds be (written) in the 'Illiyyin (Book of the virtuous),and my evil deeds be forgiven.

(And I beseech You to )

grant me a certainty which gives joy to my heart,

and a faith which drives doubt away from me,

and make me pleased with what You have granted me.

(And I beseech You to)

Give us good in this world,

and good in the Hereafter,

and save us from the punishment of the burning fire.

(HQ 2:201)

(And I beseech You to)

grant me in it Your remembrance,

and Your gratitude, and desire for (pleasing) You,

turning (to You for repentance), and success,

for all that You have granted Muhammad and his family,

peace be on him and on them.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اللهم صلي على محمد وأل محمد

يا جاعل الليل والنهار ايتين

يا من محا اية الليل وجعل اية النهار مُبصرة

لتبتغوا فضلاً منه ورضواناً يا مُفصل كل شيئ تفصيلاً

يا ماجد يا وهاب يا الله يا جواد

يا الله يا الله يا الله لك الأسماء الحُسنى

والأمثال العُليا والكبرياء والألاء

اسئلك أن تُصلي على محمد وأل محمد

وأن تجعل اسمي في هذه الليلة في السعداء

وروحي مع الشهداء واحساني في عليّين

واسائتي مغفورة ، وأن تهب لي يقيناً تُباشر به قلبي

وايماناً يُذهب الشكّ عني وتُرضيني بما قسمت لي

واتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الأخرة حسنة

وقِنا عذاب النار الحريق

وارزقني فيها ذكرك وشكرك والرغبة إليك

والأنابة والتوفيق لما وفقت له محمد وأل محمد

عليه وعليهم السلام

Du'a for the 27th night

In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

O (One) who extended the shadow

and had You wished You would have made it stationary.

And You made the sun its guide,

then You withdrew it to Yourself, an easy withdrawal.

O the possessor of generosity and power,

grandeur and bounties.

There is no god but You,

Knower of the unseen and the manifest,

The Beneficent, the Merciful.

There is no god but You, O Holy, O Peace,

O (the) Trusted, O (the) Protector

O Mighty, O Most Powerful, O Sublime.

O Allah, O Creator, O Originator, O (the) Fashioner,

O Allah, O Allah, O Allah,

You have the most beautiful names,

the highest examples,

the grandeur, the bounties.

I beseech You to,

bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad,

and place my name, in this night, among the fortunate,

and my soul among the martyrs,

let my good deeds be (written) in the 'Illiyyin (Book of the virtuous),and my evil deeds be forgiven.

(And I beseech You to )

grant me a certainty which gives joy to my heart,

and a faith which drives doubt away from me,

and make me pleased with what You have granted me.

(And I beseech You to)

Give us good in this world,

and good in the Hereafter,

and save us from the punishment of the burning fire.

(HQ 2:201)

(And I beseech You to)

grant me in it (Laylatul Qadr) Your remembrance,

and Your gratitude, and desire for (pleasing) You,

turning (to You for repentance), and success,

for all that You have granted Muhammad and his family,

peace be on him and on them.

اللهم صل على محمد وأل محمد

يا ماد الظل ولو شئت لجعلته ساكنا

وجعلت الشمس عليه دليلا ، ثم قبضته إليك قبضاً يسيراً

يا ذا الجود والطول والكبرياء والألاء

لا إله إلا أن عالم الغيب والشهادة الرحمن الرحيم

لا إله إلا أنت يا قُدوس يا سلام يا مؤمن يا مُهيمن

يا عزيز يا جبار يا مُتكبر يا الله يا خالق يا بارئ يا مُصور

يا الله يا الله يا الله لك الأسماء الحُسنى

والأمثال العُليا والكبرياء والألاء

أسئلك أن تُصلي على محمد وأل محمد

وأن تجعل اسمي في هذه الليلة في السعداء

ورُوحي مع الشهداء واحساني في عليّين

واسائتي مغفورة ، وأن تهب لي يقيناً تُباشر به قلبي

وايماناً يُذهب الشك عني وتُرضيني بما قسمت لي

واتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الأخرة حسنة

وقِنا عذاب النار الحريق

وارزقني فيها ذكرك وشكرك والرغبة إليك

والأنابة والتوفيق لما وفقت له محمد وأل محمد

عليه وعليهم السلام

Du'a for the 28th night

In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

O (One) who keeps safe the night in the atmosphere,

and keeps safe the light in the sky,

and prevents the sky to fall on the earth

except by His permission,

and holds them back lest they move away.

O All-­Knowing, O Mighty,

O Forgiver, O Eternal,

O Allah, O Inheritor,

O (One) who will raise those in the graves.

O Allah, O Allah, O Allah,

You have the most beautiful names,

the highest examples,

the grandeur, the bounties.

I beseech You to,

bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad,

and place my name, in this night, among the fortunate,

and my soul among the martyrs,

let my good deeds be (written) in the 'Illiyyin (Book of the virtuous),and my evil deeds be forgiven.

(And I beseech You to )

grant me a certainty which gives joy to my heart,

and a faith which drives doubt away from me,

and make me pleased with what You have granted me.

(And I beseech You to)

Give us good in this world,

and good in the Hereafter,

and save us from the punishment of the burning fire.

(HQ 2:201)

(And I beseech You to)

grant me in it (Laylatul Qadr) Your remembrance,

and Your gratitude, and desire for (pleasing) You,

turning (to You for repentance), and success,

for all that You have granted Muhammad and his family,

peace be on him and on them.

اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد

يا خازن الليل في الهواء وخازن النور في السماء

ومانع السماء أن تقع على الأرض إلا بإذنه

وحابسهما أن تزولا

يا عليم يا عظيم يا غفور يا دائم

يا الله يا وارث يا باعث من في القبور

يا الله يا الله يا الله لك الأسماء الحُسنى

والأمثال العُليا والكبرياء والألاء

أسئلك أن تصلي على محمد وأل محمد

وأن تجعل اسمي في هذه الليلة في السعداء

ورُوحي مع الشهداء واحساني في عليّين

واسائتي مغفورة ، وأن تهب لي يقيناً تُباشر في قلبي

وايماناً يُذهب الشكّ عني وتُرضيني بما قسمت لي

واتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الأخرة حسنة

وقنا عذاب النار الحريق

وارزقني فيها ذكرك وشكرك والرغبة إليك

والإنابة والتوفيق لما وفقت له محمد وأل محمد

عليه وعليهم السلام

Du'a for the 29th night

In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

O (One) who coils the night into the day,

and coils the day into the night.

O All­-Knowing, O Wise,

O the Lord of Lords, and the Chief of chiefs.

There is no god but You.

O (One) who is nearer to me than my jugular vein.

O Allah, O Allah, O Allah,

You have the most beautiful names,

the highest examples,

the grandeur, the bounties.

I beseech You to,

bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad,

and place my name, in this night, among the fortunate,

and my soul among the martyrs,

let my good deeds be (written) in the 'Illiyyin (Book of the virtuous), and my evil deeds be forgiven.

(And I beseech You to )

grant me a certainty which gives joy to my heart,

and a faith which drives doubt away from me,

and make me pleased with what You have granted me.

(And I beseech You to)

Give us good in this world,

and good in the Hereafter,

and save us from the punishment of the burning fire.

(HQ 2:201)

(And I beseech You to)

grant me in it (Laylatul Qadr) Your remembrance,

and Your gratitude, and desire for (pleasing) You,

turning (to You for repentance), and success,

for all that You have granted Muhammad and his family,

peace be on him and on them.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد

يا مُكوّر الليل على النهار ومُكور النهار على الليل

يا عليم يا حكيم ، يا رب الأرباب وسيّد السادات

لا إله إلا أنت يا أقرب إليّ من حبل الوريد

يا الله يا الله يا الله لك الأسماء الحُسنى

والأمثال العُليا والكبرياء والألاء

أسئلك أن تُصلي على محمد وال محمد

وأن تجعل اسمي في هذه الليلة في السعداء

ورُوحي مع الشهداء واحساني في عليّين

واسائتي مغفورة ، وان تهب لي يقيناً تُباشر به قلبي

وايماناً يُذهب الشك عني وتُرضيني بما قسمت لي

وأتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الأخرة حسنة

وقنا عذاب النار الحريق

وارزقني فيها ذكرك وشكرك والرغبة إليك

والأنابة والتوفيق لما وفقت له محمد وال محمد

عليه وعليهم السلام

Du'a for the 30th night

In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful

O Allah bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

All Praise is for Allah, there is no partner for Him.

All Praise is for Allah,

as is deserved by His glorious countenance,

and His mighty power,

and as He is worthy of it.

O Holy, O Light, O Holy Light.

O Glorious, O the ultimate goal of all glorification.

O Beneficent, O the doer of mercy.

O Allah, O All­-Knowing, O Great, O Allah, O Gracious.

O Magnificent, O Allah, O All­-Hearing, O All-­Seeing.

O Allah, O Allah, O Allah,

You have the most beautiful names,

the highest examples,

the grandeur, the bounties.

I beseech You to,

bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad,

and place my name, in this night, among the fortunate,

and my soul among the martyrs,

let my good deeds be (written) in the 'Illiyyin (Book of the virtuous), and my evil deeds be forgiven.

(And I beseech You to )

grant me a certainty which gives joy to my heart,

and a faith which drives doubt away from me,

and make me pleased with what You have granted me.

(And I beseech You to)

Give us good in this world,

and good in the Hereafter,

and save us from the punishment of the burning fire.

(HQ 2:201)

(And I beseech You to)

grant me in it , Your remembrance,

and Your gratitude, and desire for (pleasing) You,

turning (to You for repentance), and success,

for all that You have granted Muhammad and his family,

peace be on him and on them.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اللهم صلي على محمد وال محمد

الحمد لله لا شريك له

الحمد لله كما ينبغي لكرم وجهه وعزّ جلاله

وكما هو اهلُه ، يا قدوس يا نور يا نور القدس

يا سبوح يا منتهى التسبيح ، يا رحمن يا فاعل الرحمة

يا الله يا عليم يا كبير يا الله يا لطيف

يا جليل يا الله يا سميع يا بصير

يا الله يا الله يا الله لك الأسماء الحُسنى

والأمثال العُليا والكبرياء والألاء

أسئلك أن تصلي على محمد وال محمد

وأن تجعل اسمي في هذه الليلة في السعداء

وروحي مع الشهداء واحساني في عليين

واسائتي مغفورة ، وان تهَب لي يقيناً تُباشر به قلبي

وايماناً يُذهب الشك عني وتُرضيني بما قسمت لي

واتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الأخرة حسنة

وقِنا عذاب النار الحريق

وارزقني فيها ذكرك وشُكرك والرغبة إليك

والأنابة والتوفيق لما وفقت له محمد وال محمد

عليه وعليهم السلام