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Dua on the Day of Arafa from Imam Hussain (A.S) and Imam Sajjad (A.S)

Dua on the Day of Arafa from Imam Hussain (A.S) and Imam Sajjad (A.S)

Publisher: www.alhassanain.org/english

Dua Arafa of Imam Hussian (A.S)

One of the famous prayers of today [9th Zul Hajja] is the prayer of Imam Hossein (AS) which has been narrated by bashar and bashir (the sons of ghaleb-asadi) as follows: In the day of arafah in arafaat we were honoured to be with the Imam and he came out of his tent with his ahlulbayt, children and his shias and humbly stood on the left side of the mountain and looked towards the kaba' and kept his hands in front of his face (like a needy asking for food) and read the following prayer:

1.  اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّهِ الَّذى لَيْسَ لِقَضآئِهِ دافِعٌ

2.  وَلا لِعَطائِهِ مانِعٌ

3.  وَلا كَصُنْعِهِ صُنْعُ صانِعٍ

4.  وَهُوَ الْجَوادُ الْواسِعُ

5.  فَطَرَ اَجْناسَ الْبَدائِعِ

6.  واَتْقَنَ بِحِكْمَتِهِ الصَّنائِعَ

7.  لا تَخْفى عَلَيْهِ الطَّلايِعُ

8.  وَلا تَضيعُ عِنْدَهُ الْوَدائِعُ

9.  جازى كُلِّ صانِعٍ

10.          وَرائِشُ كُلِّ قانعٍ

11.          وَراحِمُ كُلِّ ضارِعٍ

12.          وَمُنْزِلُ الْمَنافِعِ

13.          وَالْكِتابِ الْجامِعِ

14.          بِالنُّورِ السّاطِعِ

15.          وَ هُوَ لِلدَّعَواتِ سامِعٌ

16.          وَلِلْكُرُباتِ دافِعٌ

17.          وَلِلدَّرَجاتِ رافِعٌ

18.          وَلِلْجَبابِرَةِ قامِعٌ

19.          فَلا اِلهَ غَيْرُهُ وَلاشَىْءَ يَعْدِلُهُ

20.          وَلَيْسَ كَمِثْلِهِ شَىْءٌ

21.          وَهُوَ السَّميعُ الْبَصيرُاللَّطيفُ الْخَبيرُ

22.          وَهُوَ عَلى كُلِّشَىْءٍ قَديرٌ

23.          اَللّهُمَّ اِنّى اَرْغَبُ إِلَيْكَوَاَشْهَدُ بِالرُّبُوبِيَّةِ لَكَ

24.          مُقِرّاً بِاَنَّكَ رَبّى

25.          وَ اِلَيْكَ مَرَدّى

26.          اِبْتَدَاْتَنى بِنِعْمَتِكَ قَبْلَ اَنْ اَكُونَشَيْئاً مَذْكُورا

27.          وَخَلَقْتَنى مِنَ التُّرابِ ثُمَّ اَسْكَنْتَنِى الاْصْلابَ

28.          آمِناًلِرَيْبِ الْمَنُونِ وَاخْتِلافِ الدُّهُورِ وَالسِّنينَ

29.          فَلَمْ اَزَلْ ظاعِناً مِنْ مِنْصُلْبٍ اِلى رَحِمٍ

30.          فى تَقادُمٍ مِنَ الاْيّامِ الْماضِيَةِ وَالْقُرُونِ الْخالِيَةِ

31.          لَمْتُخْرِجْنى لِرَاْفَتِكَ بى وَلُطْفِكَ لى وَاِحْسانِكَ اِلَىَّ

32.          فى دَوْلَةِ اَئِمَّةِ الْكُفْرِ

33.          الَّذينَ نَقَضُوا عَهْدَكَ وَكَذَّبُوا رُسُلَك

34.          لَكِنَّك اَخْرَجْتَنى لِلَّذى سَبَقَلى مِنَ الْهُدَى الَّذى لَهُ يَسَّرْتَنى وَفيهِ اَنْشَاءْتَنى َ

35.          وَمِنْ قَبْلِ ذلِكَ رَؤُفْتَ بى

36.          بِجَميلِ صُنْعِكَ وَسَوابِغِ نِعَمِكَ

37.          فابْتَدَعْتَ خَلْقى مِنْ مَنِىٍّ يُمْنى

38.          وَاَسْكَنْتَنى فى ظُلُماتٍ ثَلاثٍ بَيْنَ لَحْمٍ وَدَمٍ وَجِلْدٍ

39.          لَمْ تُشْهِدْنى خَلْقى وَلَمْ تَجْعَلْ اِلَىَّ شَيْئاً مِنْ اَمْرى

40.          ثُمَّ اَخْرَجْتَنى لِلَّذى سَبَقَ لى مِنَ الْهُدى اِلَى الدُّنْيا

41.          تآمّاً سَوِيّاً وَحَفِظْتَنى فِى الْمَهْدِ طِفْلاً صَبِيّاً

42.          وَرَزَقْتَنى مِنَ الْغِذآءِ لَبَناً مَرِيّاً

43.          وَعَطَفْتَ عَلَىَّ قُلُوبَ الْحَواضِنِ

44.          وَكَفَّلْتَنى الاُمَّهاتِ الرَّواحِمَ

45.          وَكَلَاْتَنى مِنْ طَوارِقِ الْجآنِّ

46.          وَسَلَّمْتَنى مِنَ الزِّيادَةِ وَالنُّقْصانِ فَتَعالَيْتَ

47.          فَتَعالَيْتَ يا رَحيمُ يا رَحْمنُ

48.          حتّى اِذَا اسْتَهْلَلْتُ ناطِقاً بِالْكَلامِ

49.          اَتْمَمْتَ عَلَىَّ سَوابغَ الاِ نْعامِ

50.          وَرَبَّيْتَنى زايِداً فى كُلِّ عامٍ

51.          حَتّى إ ذَا اكْتَمَلَتْ فِطْرَتى وَاعْتَدَلَتْ مِرَّتى

52.          اَوْجَبْتَ عَلَىَّ حُجَتَّكَ بِاَنْ اَلْهَمْتَنى مَعْرِفَتَكَ

53.          وَرَوَّعْتَنى بِعَجائِبِ حِكْمَتِكَ

54.          وَاَيْقَظْتَنى لِما ذَرَاْتَ فى سَمآئِكَوَاَرْضِكَ مِنْ بَدائِعِ خَلْقِكَ وَنَبَّهْتَنى لِشُكْرِكَ وَذِكْرِكَ

55.          وَاَوجَبْتَ عَلَىَّ طاعَتَكَ وَعِبادَتَكَ وَفَهَّمْتَنى ما جاَّءَتْ بِهِ رُسُلُكَ

56.          وَيَسَّرْتَ لى تَقَبُّلَ مَرْضاتِكَ

57.          وَمَنَنْتَ عَلَىَّ فى جَميعِ ذلِكَ بِعَونِكَ وَلُطْفِكَ

58.          ثُمَّ اِذْ خَلَقْتَنى مِنْ خَيْرِ الثَّرى

59.          لَمْ تَرْضَ لى يا اِلهى نِعْمَةً دُونَ اُخرى

60.          وَرَزَقْتَنى مِنْ اَنواعِ الْمَعاشِ وَصُنُوفِ الرِّياشِ

61.          بِمَنِّكَ الْعَظيمِ الاْعْظَمِ عَلَىَّ وَاِحْسانِكَ الْقَديمِ اِلَىَّ

62.          حَتّى اِذا اَتْمَمْتَ عَلَىَّ جَميعَ النِّعَمِ

63.          وَصَرَفْتَ عَنّى كُلَّ النِّقَمِ

64.          لَمْ يَمْنَعْكَ جَهْلى وَجُرْاءَتى عَلَيْكَ اَنْ دَلَلْتَنى اِلى ما يُقَرِّبُنى اِلَيْكَ

65.          وَوَفَّقْتَنى لِما يُزْلِفُنى لَدَيْكَ

66.          فَاِنْ دَعَوْتُكَ اَجَبْتَنى

67.          وَاِنْ سَئَلْتُكَ اَعْطَيْتَنى

68.          وَاِنْ اَطَعْتُكَ شَكَرْتَنى

69.          وَاِنْ شَكَرْتُكَ زِدْتَنى

70.          كُلُّ ذلِكَ اِكْمالٌ لاِنْعُمِكَ عَلَىَّ

71.          وَاِحْسانِكَ اِلَىَّ

72.          فَسُبْحانَكَ سُبْحانَكَ مِنْ مُبْدِئٍ مُعيدٍ حَميدٍ مَجيدٍ

73.          تَقَدَّسَتْ اَسْمآؤُكَ وَعَظُمَتْ الاَّؤُكَ

74.          فَاءَىُّ نِعَمِكَ يا اِلهى اُحْصى عَدَداً وَذِكْراً

75.          اَمْ اَىُّ عَطاياكَ اءَقُومُ بِها شُكْراً

76.          وَهِىَ يا رَبِّ اَكْثَرُ مِنْ اَنْ يُحْصِيَهَا الْعآدّوُنَ

77.          اءَوْ يَبْلُغَ عِلْماً بِهَا الْحافِظُونَ

78.          ثُمَّ ما صَرَفْتَ وَدَرَاءْتَ عَنّى اَللّهُمَّ مِنَ الضُرِّ وَالضَّرّآءِ

79.          اءَكْثَرُ مِمّا ظَهَرَ لى مِنَ الْعافِيَةِ وَالسَّرّآءِ

80.          وَاَنَا اَشْهَدُ يا اِلهى بِحَقيقَةِ ايمانى

81.          وَعَقْدِ عَزَماتِ يَقينى

82.          وَخالِصِ صَريحِ تَوْحيدى

83.          وَباطِنِ مَكْنُونِ ضَميرى

84.          وَعَلائِقِ مَجارى نُورِ بَصَرى

85.          وَاَساريرِ صَفْحَةِ جَبينى

86.          وَخُرْقِ مَسارِبِ نَفْسى

87.          وَخَذاريفِ مارِنِ عِرْنينى

88.          وَمَسارِبِ سِماخِ سَمْعى

89.          وَما ضُمَّتْ وَاَطْبَقَتْ عَلَيْهِ شَفَتاىَ

90.          وَحَرَكاتِ لَفْظِ لِسانى

91.          وَمَغْرَزِ حَنَكِ فَمى وَفَكّى

92.          وَمَنابِتِ اَضْراسى

93.          وَمَساغِ مَطْعَمى وَمَشْرَبى

94.          وَحِمالَةِ اُمِّ رَاءْسى

95.          وَبُلُوعِ فارِغِ حَباَّئِلِ عُنُقى

96.          وَمَا اشْتَمَلَ عَليْهِ تامُورُ صَدْرى

97.          وَحمائِلِ حَبْلِ وَتينى وَنِياطِ حِجابِ قَلْبى

98.          وَاءَفْلاذِ حَواشى كَبِدى

99.          وَما حَوَتْهُ شَراسيفُ اَضْلاعى

100.        وَحِقاقُ مَفاصِلى

101.        وَقَبضُ عَوامِلى

102.        وَاَطرافُ اَنامِلى

103.        وَلَحْمى وَدَمى

104.        وَشَعْرى وَبَشَرى

105.        وَعَصَبى وَقَصَبى

106.        وَعِظامى وَمُخّى

107.        وَعُرُوقى وَجَميعُ جَوارِحى

108.        وَمَا انْتَسَجَ عَلى ذلِكَ اَيّامَ رِضاعى

109.        وَما اَقلَّتِ الاْرْضُ مِنّى

110.        وَنَوْمى وَيَقَظَتى وَسُكُونى

111.        وَحَرَكاتِ رُكُوعى وَسُجُودى

112.        اَنْ لَوْ حاوَلْتُ وَاجْتَهَدْتُ مَدَى الاْعصارِ وَالاْحْقابِ لَوْ عُمِّرْتُها

113.        اَنْ اءُؤَدِّىَ شُكْرَواحِدَةٍ مِنْ اءَنْعُمِكَ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُ ذلِكَ

114.        اِلاّ بِمَنِّكَ الْمُوجَبِ عَلَىَّ بِهِ شُكْرُكَ

115.        اَبَداً جَديداً وَثَنآءً طارِفاً عَتيداً

116.        اَجَلْ وَلوْ حَرَصْتُ اَنَا وَالْعآدُّونَ مِنْ اَنامِكَ

117.        اءَنْ نُحْصِىَ مَدى اِنْعامِكَ سالِفِهِ وَ انِفِهِ

118.        ما حَصَرْناهُ عَدَداً وَلا اَحْصَيناهُ اَمَداً

119.        هَيْهاتَ اءنّى ذلِكَ وَاَنْتَ الْمُخْبِرُ فى كِتابِكَ النّاطِقِ  وَالنَّبَاءِ الصّادِقِ

120.        وَاِنْ تَعُدُّوا نِعْمَةَ اللّهِ لا تُحْصُوها

121.        صَدَقَ كِتابُكَ اْللّهُمَّ وَاِنْبآؤُكَ

122.        وَبَلَّغَتْ اَنْبِيآؤُكَ وَرُسُلُكَ ما اَنْزَلْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ مِنْ وَحْيِكَ

123.        وَشَرَعْتَ لَهُمْ وَبِهِمْ مِنْ دينِكَ

124.        غَيْرَ اءَنّى يا اِلهى اَشْهَدُ بِجَهْدى وَجِدّى وَمَبْلَغِ طاعَتى وَوُسْعى

125.        وَاءَقُولُ مُؤْمِنا مُوقِناً

126.        اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّهِ الَّذى لَمْ يَتَّخِذْ وَلَداً فَيَكُونَ مَوْرُوثاً

127.        وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ شَريكٌ فى مُلْكِهِ فَيُضآدَُّهُ فيَما ابْتَدَعَ

128.        وَلا وَلِىُّ مِنَ الذُّلِّ فَيُرْفِدَهُ فيما صَنَعَ

129.        فَسُبْحانَهُ سُبْحانَهُ لَوْ كانَ فيهِما الِهَةٌ اِلا اللّهُ لَفَسَدَتا وَتَفَطَّرَتا

130.        سُبْحانَ اللّهِ الْواحِدِ الاْحَدِ

131.        الصَّمَدِ الَّذى لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ

132.        وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ كُفُواً اَحَدٌ

133.        اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّهِ حَمْداً يُعادِلُ حَمْدَ مَلاَّئِكَتِهِ الْمُقَرَّبينَ

134.        وَاَنْبِي آئِهِ الْمُرْسَلينَ

135.        وَصَلَّى اللّهُ عَلى خِيَرَتِهِ مُحَمَّدٍ خاتَمِ النَّبِيّينَ

136.        وَآلِهِ الطَّيِبينَ الطّاهِرينَ الْمُخلَصينَ وَسَلَّمَ

137.        اَللّهُمَّ اجْعَلْنى اَخْشاكَ كَانّى اَراكَ

138.        وَاَسْعِدْنى بِتَقويكَ

139.        وَلا تُشْقِنى بِمَعْصِيَتِكَ

140.        وَخِرْلى فى قَضآئِكَ

141.        وَبارِكْ لى فى قَدَرِكَ

142.        حَتّى لا اءُحِبَّ تَعْجيلَ ما اَخَّرْتَ

143.        وَلا تَاْخيرَ ما عَجَّلْتَ

144.        اَللّهُمَّ اجْعَلْ غِناىَ فى نَفْسى

145.        وَالْيَقينَ فى قَلْبى

146.        وَالاِخْلاصَ فى عَمَلى

147.        وَالنُّورَ فى بَصَرى

148.        وَالْبَصيرَةَ فى دينى

149.        وَمَتِّعْنى بِجَوارِحى

150.        وَاجْعَلْ سَمْعى وَبَصَرى اَلْوارِثَيْنِ مِنّى

151.        وَانْصُرْنى عَلى مَنْ ظَلَمَنى

152.        وَاَرِنى فيهِ ثارى وَمَاءرِبى

153.        وَاَقِرَّ بِذلِكَ عَيْنى

154.        اَللَّهُمَّ اكْشِفْ كُرْبَتى

155.        وَاسْتُرْ عَوْرَتى

156.        وَاْغْفِرْ لى خَطيَّئَتى

157.        وَاخْسَاءْ شَيْطانى

158.        وَفُكَّ رِهانى

159.        وَاْجَعْلْ لى يا اِلهى الدَّرَجَةَ الْعُلْيا فِى الاْخِرَةِ وَالاُْوْلى

160.        اَللّهُمَّ لَكَ الْحَمْدُ كَما  خَلَقْتَنى

161.        فَجَعَلْتَنى سَميعا بَصيراً

162.        وَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ كَما خَلَقْتَنى

163.        فَجَعَلْتَنى خَلْقاً سَوِيّاً رَحْمَةً بى

164.        وَقَدْ كُنْتَ عَنْ خَلْقى غَنِيّاً

165.        رَبِّ بِما بَرَاءْتَنْى فَعَدَّلْتَ فِطْرَتى

166.        رَبِّ بِما اَنْشَاءْتَنى فَاَحْسَنْتَ صُورَتى

167.        رَبِّ بِما اَحْسَنْتَ اِلَىَّ وَفى نَفْسى عافَيْتَنى

168.        رَبِّ بِما كَلَاْتَنى وَوَفَّقْتَنى

169.        رَبِّ بِما اَنَعْمَتَ عَلَىَّ فَهَدَيْتَنى

170.        رَبِّ بِما اَوْلَيْتَنى وَمِنْ كُلِّ خَيْرٍ اَعْطَيْتَنى

171.        رَبِّ بِما اَطْعَمْتَنى وَسَقَيْتَنى

172.        رَبِّ بِما اَغْنَيْتَنى وَاَقْنَيْتَنى

173.        رَبِّ بِما اَعَنْتَنى وَاَعْزَزْتَنى

174.        رَبِّ بِما اَلْبَسْتَنى مِنْ سِتْرِكَ الصّافى

175.        وَيَسَّرْتَ لى مِنْ صُنْعِكَ الْكافى

176.        صَلِّ عَلى مُحَمَّدٍ وَ الِ مُحَمَّدٍ

177.        وَاَعِنّى عَلى بَواَّئِقِ الدُّهُورِ

178.        وَصُرُوفِ اللَّيالى وَالاْيّامِ

179.        وَنَجِّنى مِنْ اَهْوالِ الدُّنْيا

180.        وَكُرُباتِ الاْخِرَةِ

181.        وَاكْفِنى شَرَّ ما يَعْمَلُ الظّالِمُونَ فِى الاْرْضِ

182.        اَللّهُمَّ ما اَخافُ فَاكْفِنى

183.        وَما اَحْذَرُ فَقِنى

184.        وَفى نَفْسى وَدينى فَاحْرُسْنى

185.        وَفى سَفَرى فَاحْفَظْنى

186.        وَفى اَهْلى وَمالى فَاخْلُفْنى

187.        وَفيما رَزَقْتَنى فَبارِكْ لى

188.        وَفى نَفْسى فَذَلِّلْنى

189.        وَفى اَعْيُنِ النّاسِ فَعَظِّمْنى

190.        وَمِنْ شَرِّ الْجِنِّ وَالاِْنْسِ فَسَلِّمْنى

191.        وَبِذُنُوبى فَلا تَفْضَحْنى

192.        وَبِسَريرَتى فَلا تُخْزِنى

193.        وَبِعَمَلى فَلا تَبْتَلِنى

194.        وَنِعَمَكَ فَلا تَسْلُبْنى

195.        وَاِلى غَيْرِكَ فَلا تَكِلْنى

196.        اِلهى اِلى مَنْ تَكِلُنى

197.        اِلى قَريبٍ فَيَقْطَعُنى

198.        اَمْ اِلى بَعيدٍ فَيَتَجَهَّمُنى

199.        اَم اِلَى الْمُسْتَضْعَفينَ لى

200.        وَاَنْتَ رَبّى وَمَليكُ اَمْرى

201.        اَشْكُو اِلَيْكَ غُرْبَتى وَبُعْدَ دارى

202.        وَهَوانى عَلى مَنْ مَلَّكْتَهُ اَمْرى

203.        اِلهى فَلا تُحْلِلْ عَلَىَّ غَضَبَكَ

204.        فَاِنْ لَمْ تَكُنْ غَضِبْتَ عَلَىَّ فَلا اُبالى سواك

205.        سُبْحانَكَ غَيْرَ اَنَّ عافِيَتَكَ اَوْسَعُ لى

206.        فَاَسْئَلُكَ يا رَبِّ بِنُورِ وَجْهِكَ الَّذى اَشْرَقَتْ لَهُ الاْرْضُ وَالسَّمواتُ

207.        وَكُشِفَتْ بِهِ الظُّلُماتُ

208.        وَصَلُحَ بِهِ اَمْرُ الاْوَّلينَ وَالاْخِرينَ

209.        اَنْ لا تُميتَنى عَلى غَضَبِكَ

210.        وَلا تُنْزِلَ بى سَخَطَكَ

211.        لَكَ الْعُتْبى لَكَ الْعُتْبى حَتّى تَرْضى قَبْلَ ذلِك

212.        لا اِلهَ اِلاّ اَنْتَ

213.        رَبَّ الْبَلَدِ الْحَرامِ

214.        وَالْمَشْعَرِ الْحَرامِ

215.        وَالْبَيْتِ الْعَتيقِ

216.        الَّذى اَحْلَلْتَهُ الْبَرَكَةَ

217.        وَجَعَلْتَهُ لِلنّاسِ اَمْناً

218.        يا مَنْ عَفا عَنْ عَظيمِ الذُّنُوبِ بِحِلْمِهِ

219.        يا مَنْ اَسْبَغَ النَّعْمآءَ بِفَضْلِهِ

220.        يا مَنْ اَعْطَى الْجَزيلَ بِكَرَمِهِ

221.        يا عُدَّتى فى شِدَّتى

222.        يا صاحِبى فى وَحْدَتى

223.        يا غِياثى فى كُرْبَتى

224.        يا وَلِيّى فى نِعْمَتى

225.        يا اِلهى وَاِلهَ آبائى اِبْراهيمَ وَاِسْماعيلَ وَاِسْحقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ

226.        وَرَبَّ جَبْرَئيلَ وَميكائيلَ وَاِسْرافيلَ

227.        وَربَّ مُحَمَّدٍ خاتِمِ النَّبِيّينَ وَ الِهِ الْمُنْتَجَبينَ

228.        وَمُنْزِلَ التَّوريةِ وَالاِنْجيلِ وَالزَّبُورِ وَالْفُرْقانِ

229.        وَمُنَزِّلَ كهيَّعَّصَّ وَطه وَيسَّ

230.        وَالْقُرآنِ الْحَكيمِ

231.        اَنْتَ كَهْفى حينَ تُعْيينِى الْمَذاهِبُ فى سَعَتِها

232.        وَتَضيقُ بِىَ الاْرْضُ بِرُحْبِها

233.        وَلَوْلا رَحْمَتُكَ لَكُنْتُ مِنَ الْهالِكينَ

234.        وَاَنْتَ مُقيلُ عَثْرَتى

235.        وَلَوْلا سَتْرُكَ اِيّاىَ لَكُنْتُ مِنَ الْمَفْضُوحينَ

236.        وَاَنْتَ مُؤَيِّدى بِالنَّصْرِ عَلى اَعْدآئى

237.        وَلَوْلا نَصْرُكَ اِيّاىَ لَكُنْتُ مِنَ الْمَغْلُوبينَ

238.        يا مَنْ خَصَّ نَفْسَهُ بِالسُّمُوِّ وَالرِّفْعَةِ

239.        فَاَوْلِيآئُهُ بِعِزِّهِ يَعْتَزُّونَ

240.        يا مَنْ جَعَلَتْ لَهُ الْمُلوُكُ نيرَ الْمَذَلَّةِ عَلى اَعْناقِهِمْ

241.        فَهُمْ مِنْ سَطَواتِهِ خائِفُونَ

242.        يَعْلَمُ خائِنَةَ الاْعْيُنِ وَما تُخْفِى الصُّدُورُ

243.        وَ غَيْبَ ما تَاْتى بِهِ الاْزْمِنَةُ وَالدُّهُورُ

244.        يا مَنْ لا يَعْلَمُ كَيْفَ هُوَ اِلاّ هُوَ

245.        يا مَنْ لا يَعْلَمُ ما هُوَ اِلاّ هُوَ

246.        يا مَنْ لا يَعْلَمُهُ اِلاّ هُوَ

247.        يا مَنْ كَبَسَ الاْرْضَ عَلَى الْمآءِ

248.        وَسَدَّ الْهَوآءَ بِالسَّمآءِ

249.        يا مَنْ لَهُ اَكْرَمُ الاْسْمآءِ

250.        يا ذَاالْمَعْرُوفِ الَّذى لا يَنْقَطِعُ اَبَداً

251.        يا مُقَيِّضَ الرَّكْبِ لِيُوسُفَ فِى الْبَلَدِ الْقَفْرِ

252.        وَمُخْرِجَهُ مِنَ الْجُبِّ وَجاعِلَهُ بَعْدَ الْعُبُودِيَّةِ مَلِكاً

253.        يا رادَّهُ عَلى يَعْقُوبَ بَعْدَ اَنِ ابْيَضَّتْ عَيْناهُ مِنَ الْحُزْنِ فَهُوَ كَظيمٌ

254.        يا كاشِفَ الضُّرِّ وَالْبَلْوى عَنْ اَيُّوبَ

255.        وَمُمْسِكَ يَدَىْ اِبْرهيمَ عَنْ ذَبْحِ ابْنِهِ

256.        بَعْدَ كِبَرِ سِنِّهِ وَفَنآءِ عُمُرِهِ

257.        يا مَنِ اسْتَجابَ لِزَكَرِيّا فَوَهَبَ لَهُ يَحْيى

258.        وَلَمْ يَدَعْهُ فَرْداً وَحيداً

259.        يا مَنْ اَخْرَجَ يُونُسَ مِنْ بَطْنِ الْحُوتِ

260.        يا مَنْ فَلَقَ الْبَحْرَ لِبَنىَّ اِسْرآئي لَ فَاَنْجاهُمْ

261.        وَجَعَلَ فِرْعَوْنَ وَجُنُودَهُ مِنَ الْمُغْرَقينَ

262.        يا مَنْ اَرْسَلَ الرِّياحَ مُبَشِّراتٍ بَيْنَ يَدَىْ رَحْمَتِهِ

263.        يا مَنْ لَمْ يَعْجَلْ عَلى مَنْ عَصاهُ مِنْ خَلْقِهِ

264.        يا مَنِ اسْتَنْقَذَ السَّحَرَةَ مِنْ بَعْدِ طُولِ الْجُحُودِ

265.        وَقَدْ غَدَوْا فى نِعْمَتِهِيَاْكُلُونَ رِزْقَهُ وَيَعْبُدُونَ غَيْرَهُ

266.        وَقَدْ حاَّدُّوهُ وَناَّدُّوهُ وَكَذَّبُوا رُسُلَهُ

267.        يا اَللّهُ يا اَللّهُ

268.        يا بَدىُّ يا بَديعُ لا نِدَّلَكَ

269.        يا دآئِماً لا نَفادَ لَكَ يا حَيّاً حينَ لا حَىَّ

270.        يا مُحْيِىَ الْمَوْتى

271.        يا مَنْ هُوَ قآئِمٌ عَلى كُلِّ نَفْسٍ بِما كَسَبَتْ

272.        يا مَنْ قَلَّ لَهُ شُكْرى فَلَمْ يَحْرِمْنى

273.        وَعَظُمَتْ خَطيَّئَتى فَلَمْ يَفْضَحْنى

274.        وَرَانى عَلَى الْمَعاصى فَلَمْ يَشْهَرْنى

275.        يا مَنْ حَفِظَنى فى صِغَرى

276.        يا مَنْ رَزَقَنى فى كِبَرى

277.        يا مَنْ اَياديهِ عِنْدى لا تُحْصى

278.        وَنِعَمُهُ لا تُجازى

279.        يا مَنْ عارَضَنى بِالْخَيْرِ وَالاِحْسانِ

280.        وَعارَضْتُهُ بِالاِسائَةِ وَالْعِصْيانِ

281.        يا مَنْ هَدانى لِلاْ يمانِ

282.        مِنْ قَبْلِ اَنْ اَعْرِفَ شُكْرَ الاِْمْتِنانِ

283.        يا مَنْ دَعَوْتُهُ مَريضاً فَشَفانى

284.        وَعُرْياناً فَكَسانى

285.        وَجائِعاً فَاَشْبَعَنى

286.        وَعَطْشانَ فَاَرْوانى

287.        وَذَليلاً فَاَعَزَّنى

288.        وَجاهِلاً فَعَرَّفَنى

289.        وَوَحيداً فَكَثَّرَنى

290.        وَغائِبا فَرَدَّنى

291.        وَمُقِلاًّ فَاَغْنانى

292.        وَمُنْتَصِراً فَنَصَرَنى

293.        وَغَنِيّاً فَلَمْ يَسْلُبْنى وَاَمْسَكْتُ عَنْ جَميعِ ذلِكَ فَابْتَدَاَنى

294.        فَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ وَالشُّكْرُ

295.        يا مَنْ اَقالَ عَثْرَتى

296.        وَنَفَّسَ كُرْبَتى

297.        وَاَجابَ دَعْوَتى

298.        وَسَتَرَ عَوْرَتى

299.        وَغَفَرَ ذُنُوبى

300.        وَبَلَّغَنى طَلِبَتى

301.        وَنَصَرَنى عَلى عَدُوّى

302.        وَاِنْ اَعُدَّ نِعَمَكَ وَمِنَنَكَ وَكَرائِمَ مِنَحِكَ لا اُحْصيها

303.        يا مَوْلاىَ اَنْتَ الَّذى مَنَنْتَ

304.        اَنْتَ الَّذى اَنْعَمْتَ

305.        اَنْتَ الَّذى اَحْسَنْتَ

306.        اَنْتَ الَّذى اَجْمَلْتَ

307.        اَنْتَ الَّذى اَفْضَلْتَ

308.        اَنْتَ الَّذى اَكْمَلْتَ

309.        اَنْتَ الَّذى رَزَقْتَ

310.        اَنْتَ الَّذى وَفَّقْتَ

311.        اَنْتَ الَّذى اَعْطَيْتَ

312.        اَنْتَ الَّذى اَغْنَيْتَ

313.        اَنْتَ الَّذى اَقْنَيْتَ

314.        اَنْتَ الَّذى اوَيْتَ

315.        اَنْتَ الَّذى كَفَيْتَ

316.        اَنْتَ الَّذى هَدَيْتَ

317.        اَنْتَ الَّذى عَصَمْتَ

318.        اَنْتَ الَّذى سَتَرْتَ

319.        اَنْتَ الَّذى غَفَرْتَ

320.        اَنْتَ الَّذى اَقَلْتَ

321.        اَنْتَ الَّذى مَكَّنْتَ

322.        اَنْتَ الَّذى اَعْزَزْتَ

323.        اَنْتَ الَّذى اَعَنْتَ

324.        اَنْتَ الَّذى عَضَدْتَ

325.        اَنْتَ الَّذى اَيَّدْتَ

326.        اَنْتَ الَّذى نَصَرْتَ

327.        اَنْتَ الَّذى شَفَيْتَ

328.        اَنْتَ الَّذى عافَيْتَ

329.        اَنْتَ الَّذى اَكْرَمْتَ

330.        تَبارَكْتَ وَتَعالَيْتَ

331.        فَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ دآئِماً

332.        وَلَكَ الشُّكْرُ واصِباً اَبَداً

333.        ثُمَّ اَنَا يا اِلهىَ الْمُعْتَرِفُ بِذُنُوبى

334.        فَاغْفِرْها لى

335.        اَنَا الَّذى اَسَاْتُ

336.        اَنَاالَّذى اَخْطَاْتُ

337.        اَنَاالَّذى هَمَمْتُ

338.        اَنَاالَّذى جَهِلْتُ

339.        اَنَاالَّذى غَفَلْتُ

340.        اَنَا الَّذى سَهَوْتُ

341.        اَنَا الَّذِى اعْتَمَدْتُ

342.        اَنَا الَّذى تَعَمَّدْتُ

343.        اَنَا الَّذى وَعَدْتُ

344.        وَاَنَاالَّذى اَخْلَفْتُ

345.        اَنَاالَّذى نَكَثْتُ

346.        اَنَا الَّذى اَقْرَرْتُ

347.        اَنَا الَّذِى اعْتَرَفْتُ بِنِعْمَتِكَ عَلَىَّ وَعِنْدى

348.        وَاَبوُءُ بِذُنُوبى فَاغْفِرْها لى

349.        يا مَنْ لا تَضُرُّهُ ذُنُوبُ عِبادِهِ

350.        وهُوَ الَغَنِىُّ عَنْ طاعَتِهِمْ

351.        وَالْمُوَفِّقُ مَنْ عَمِلَ صالِحاً مِنْهُمْ بِمَعُونَتِهِ وَرَحْمَتِهِ

352.        فَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ اِلهى وَسَيِّدى

353.        اِلهى اَمَرْتَنى فَعَصَيْتُكَ

354.        وَنَهَيْتَنى فَارْتَكَبْتُ نَهْيَكَ

355.        فَاَصْبَحْتُ لا ذا بَرآءَةٍ لى فَاَعْتَذِرَ

356.        وَلاذا قُوَّةٍ فَاَنْتَصِرَ

357.        فَبِاءَىِّ شَىْءٍ اَسْتَقْبِلُكَ يا مَوْلاىَ

358.        اَبِسَمْعى اَمْ بِبَصَرى اَمْ بِلِسانى

359.        اَمْ بِيَدى اَمْ بِرِجْلى

360.        اَلَيْسَ كُلُّها نِعَمَكَ عِندى

361.        وَبِكُلِّها عَصَيْتُكَ

362.        يا مَوْلاىَ فَلَكَ الْحُجَّةُ وَالسَّبيلُ عَلَىَّ

363.        يا مَنْ سَتَرَنى مِنَ الاْباءِ وَالاُْمَّهاتِ اَنْ يَزجُرُونى

364.        وَمِنَ الْعَشائِرِ وَالاِْخْوانِ اَنْ يُعَيِّرُونى

365.        وَمِنَ السَّلاطينِ اَنْ يُعاقِبُونى

366.        وَلَواطَّلَعُوا يا مَوْلاىَ عَلى مَا اطَّلَعْتَ عَلَيْهِ مِنّى اِذاً ما اَنْظَرُونى

367.        وَلَرَفَضُونى وَقَطَعُونى

368.        فَها اَنَا ذا يا اِلهى بَيْنَ يَدَيْكَ يا سَيِّدى

369.        خاضِعٌ ذَليلٌ حَصيرٌ حَقيرٌ

370.        لا ذُو بَرآئَةٍ فَاَعْتَذِرَ

371.        وَلا ذُو قُوَّةٍ فَاَنْتَصِرَ

372.        وَلا حُجَّةٍ فَاَحْتَجَّ بِها

373.        وَلا قائِلٌ لَمْ اَجْتَرِحْ

374.        پوَلَمْ اَعْمَلْ سُوَّءاً

375.        وَما عَسَى الْجُحُودَ وَلَوْ جَحَدْتُ يا مَوْلاىَ يَنْفَعُنى

376.        كَيْفَ وَاَنّى ذلِكَ

377.        وَجَوارِحى كُلُّها شاهِدَةٌ عَلَىَّ بِما قَدْ عَمِلْتُ

378.        وَعَلِمْتُ يَقيناً غَيْرَ ذى شَكٍّ

379.        اَنَّكَ سآئِلى مِنْ عَظايِمِ الاُمُورِ

380.        وَاَنَّكَ الْحَكَمُ الْعَدْلُ الَّذى لا تَجُورُ

381.        وَعَدْلُكَ مُهْلِكى

382.        وَمِنْ كُلِّ عَدْلِكَ مَهْرَبى

383.        فَاِنْ تُعَذِّبْنى يا اِلهى فَبِذُنُوبى بَعْدَ حُجَّتِكَ  عَلَىَّ

384.        وَاِنْ تَعْفُ عَنّى فَبِحِلْمِكَ  وَجُودِكَ وَكَرَمِكَ

385.        لا اِلهَ اِلاّ اَنْتَ

386.        سُبْحانَكَ اِنّى كُنْتُ مِنَ الظّالِمينَ

387.        لا اِلهَ اِلاّ اَنْتَ

388.        سُبْحانَكَ اِنّى كُنْتُ مِنَ الْمُسْتَغْفِرينَ

389.        لا اِلهَ اِلاّ اَنْتَ

390.        سُبْحانَكَ اِنّى كُنْتُ مِنَ الْمُوَحِّدينَ

391.        ا اِلهَ اِلاّ اَنْتَ

392.        سُبْحانَكَ اِنّى كُنْتُ مِنَ الْخاَّئِفينَ

393.        لا اِلهَ اِلاّ اَنْتَ

394.        سُبْحانَكَ اِنّى كُنْتُ مِنَ الْوَجِلينَ

395.        لا اِلهَ اِلاّ اَنْتَ

396.        سُبْحانَكَ اِنّى كُنْتُ مِنَ الرَّاجينَ

397.        لا اِلهَ اِلاّ اَنْتَ

398.        سُبْحانَكَ اِنّى كُنْتُ مِنَ الرّاغِبينَ

399.        لا اِلهَ اِلاّ اَنْتَ

400.        سُبْحانَكَ اِنّى كُنْتُ مِنَ الْمُهَلِّلينَ

401.        لا اِلهَ اِلاّ اَنْتَ

402.        سُبْحانَكَ اِنّى كُنْتُ مِنَالسّاَّئِلينَ

403.        لا اِلهَ اِلاّ اَنْتَ

404.        سُبْحانَكَ اِنّى كُنْتُ مِنَ الْمُسَبِّحينَ

405.        لا اِلهَ اِلاّ اَنْتَ

406.        سُبْحانَكَ اِنّى كُنْتُ مِنَ الْمُكَبِّرينَ

407.        لااِلهَ اِلاّ اَنْتَ

408.        سُبْحانَكَ رَبّى وَرَبُّ اباَّئِىَ الاْوَّلينَ

409.        اَللّهُمَّ هذا ثَنائى عَلَيْكَ مُمَجِّداً

410.        وَاِخْلاصى لِذِكْرِكَ مُوَحِّداً

411.        وَاِقْرارى بِالائِكَ مُعَدِّداً

412.        وَاِنْ كُنْتُ مُقِرّاً اَنّى لَمْ اُحْصِها

413.        لِكَثْرَتِها وَسُبُوغِها وَتَظاهُرِها وَتَقادُمِها اِلى حادِثٍ

414.        ما لَمْ تَزَلْ تَتَعَهَّدُنى بِهِ مَعَها

415.        مُنْذُ خَلَقْتَنى وَبَرَاْتَنى مِنْ اَوَّلِ الْعُمْرِ مِنَ الاِغْنآءِ مِنَ الْفَقْرِ

416.        وَكَشْفِ الضُّرِّ

417.        وَتَسْبيبِ الْيُسْرِ

418.        وَدَفْعِ الْعُسْرِ وَتَفريجِ الْكَرْبِ

419.        وَالْعافِيَةِ فِى الْبَدَنِ

420.        وَالسَّلامَةِ فِى الدّينِ

421.        وَلَوْ رَفَدَنى عَلى قَدْرِ ذِكْرِ نِعْمَتِكَ جَميعُ الْعالَمينَ

422.        مِنَ الاْوَّلينَ وَالاْ خِرينَ

423.        ما قَدَرْتُ وَلاهُمْ عَلى ذلِكَ

424.        تَقَدَّسْتَ وَتَعالَيْتَ مِنْ رَبٍّ كَريمٍ عَظيمٍ رَحيمٍ

425.        لا تُحْصى الاَّؤُكَ وَلا يُبْلَغُ ثَنآؤُكَ

426.        وَلا تُكافى نَعْمآؤُكَ

427.        صَلِّ عَلى مُحَمَّدٍ وَ الِ مُحَمَّدٍ

428.        وَاَتْمِمْ عَلَيْنا نِعَمَكَ

429.        وَاَسْعِدْنا بِطاعَتِكَ

430.        سُبْحانَكَ لا اِلهَ اِلاّ اَنْتَ

431.        اَللَّهُمَّ اِنَّكَ تُجيبُ الْمُضْطَرَّ وَتَكْشِفُ السُّوَّءَ

432.        وَتُغيثُ الْمَكْرُوبَ

433.        وَتَشْفِى السَّقيمَ

434.        وَتُغْنِى الْفَقيرَ

435.        وَتَجْبُرُ الْكَسيرَ

436.        وَتَرْحَمُ الصَّغيرَ وَتُعينُ الْكَبيرَ

437.        وَلَيْسَ دُونَكَ ظَهيرٌ

438.        وَلا فَوْقَكَ قَديرٌ

439.        وَاَنْتَ الْعَلِىُّ الْكَبيرُ

440.        يا مُطْلِقَ الْمُكَبَّلِ الاْسيرِ

441.        يا رازِقَ الطِّفْلِ الصَّغيرِ

442.        يا عِصْمَةَ الْخآئِفِ الْمُسْتَجيرِ

443.        يا مَنْ لا شَريكَ لَهُ وَلا وَزيرَ

444.        صَلِّ عَلى مُحَمَّدٍ وَ الِ مُحَمَّدٍ

445.        وَاَعْطِنى فى هذِهِ الْعَشِيَّةِ

446.        اَفْضَلَ ما اَعْطَيْتَ وَاَنَلْتَ اَحَداً مِنْ عِبادِكَ

447.        مِنْ نِعْمَةٍ تُوليها

448.        وَ الاَّءٍ تُجَدِّدُه ا

449.        وَبَلِيَّةٍ تَصْرِفُه ا

450.        وَكُرْبَةٍ تَكْشِفُها

451.        وَدَعْوَةٍ تَسْمَعُها

452.        وَحَسَنَةٍ تَتَقَبَّلُها

453.        وَسَيِّئَةٍ تَتَغَمَّدُها

454.        اِنَّكَ لَطيفٌ بِما تَشاَّءُ خَبيرٌ

455.        وَعَلى كُلِّشَىْءٍ قَديرٌ

456.        اَللَّهُمَّ اِنَّكَ اَقْرَبُ مَنْ دُعِىَ

457.        وَاَسْرَعُ مَنْ اَجابَ

458.        وَاَكْرَمُ مَنْ عَفى

459.        وَاَوْسَعُ مَنْ اَعْطى

460.        وَاَسْمَعُ مَنْ سُئِلَ

461.        يا رَحمنَ الدُّنْيا وَالاْخِرَةِ وَرحيمَهُما

462.        لَيْسَ كَمِثْلِكَ مَسْئُولٌ

463.        وَلا سِواكَ مَاْمُولٌ

464.        دَعَوْتُكَ فَاَجَبْتَنى

465.        وَسَئَلْتُكَ فَاَعْطَيْتَنى

466.        وَرَغِبْتُ اِلَيْكَ فَرَحِمْتَنى

467.        وَوَثِقْتُ بِكَ فَنَجَّيْتَنى

468.        وَفَزِعْتُ اِلَيْكَ فَكَفَيْتَنى

469.        اَللّهُمَّ فَصَلِّ عَلى مُحَمَّدٍ عَبْدِكَ وَرَسُولِكَ وَنَبِيِّكَ

470.        وَعَلى الِهِ الطَّيِّبينَ الطّاهِرينَ اَجْمَعينَ وَتَمِّمْ لَنا نَعْمآئَكَ

471.        وَهَنِّئْنا عَطآئَكَ

472.        وَاكْتُبْنا لَكَ شاكِرينَ

473.        وَلاِلاَّئِكَ ذ اكِرينَ

474.        امينَ امينَ رَبَّ الْع الَمينَ

475.        اَللّ هُمَّ ي ا مَنْ مَلَكَ فَقَدَرَ

476.        وَقَدَرَ فَقَهَرَ

477.        وَعُصِىَ فَسَتَرَ

478.        وَاسْتُغْفِرَ فَغَفَرَ

479.        يا غايَةَ الطّالِبينَ الرّاغِبينَ

480.        وَمُنْتَهى اَمَلِ الرّاجينَ

481.        يا مَنْ اَحاطَ بِكُلِّ شَىْءٍ عِلْماً

482.        وَوَسِعَ الْمُسْتَقيلينَ رَاْفَةً وَرَحْمَةً وَحِلْماً

483.        اَللّهُمَّ اِنّا نَتَوَجَّهُ اِلَيْكَ فى هذِهِ الْعَشِيَّةِ

484.        الَّتى شَرَّفْتَها وَعَظَّمْتَها بِمُحَمَّدٍ نَبِيِّكَ وَرَسُولِكَ

485.        وَخِيَرَتِكَ مِنْ خَلْقِكَ وَاَمينِكَ عَلى وَحْيِكَ الْبَشيرِ النَّذيرِ السِّراجِ الْمُنيرِ

486.        الَّذى اَنْعَمْتَ بِهِ عَلَى الْمُسْلِمينَ

487.        وَ جَعَلْتَهُ رَحْمَةً لِلْعالَمينَ

488.        اَللّهُمَّ فَصَلِّ عَلى مُحَمَّدٍ وَ الِ مُحَمَّدٍ

489.        كَما مُحَمَّدٌ اَهْلٌ لِذلِكَ مِنْكَ يا عَظيمُ

490.        فَصَلِّ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلى الِهِ الْمُنْتَجَبينَ

491.        الطَّيِّبينَ الطّاهِرينَ اَجْمَعينَ

492.        وَتَغَمَّدْنا بِعَفْوِكَ عَنّا

493.        فَاِلَيْكَ عَجَّتِ الاْصْواتُ بِصُنُوفِ اللُّغاتِ

494.        فَاجْعَلْ لَنَا اَللّهُمَّ فى هذِهِ الْعَشِيَّةِ نَصيباً مِنْ كُلِّ خَيْرٍ تَقْسِمُهُ بَيْنَ عِبادِكَ

495.        وَنُورٍ تَهْدى بِهِ وَرَحْمَةٍ تَنْشُرُها

496.        وَبَرَكَةٍ تُنْزِلُها

497.        وَعافِيَةٍ تُجَلِّلُها

498.        وَرِزْقٍ تَبْسُطُهُ

499.        يا اَرْحَمَ الرّاحِمينَ

500.        اَللَّهُمَّ اَقْلِبْنا فى هذَا الْوَقْتِ مُنْجِحينَ مُفْلِحينَ

501.        مَبْرُورينَ غانِمينَ

502.        وَلاتَجْعَلْنا مِنَ الْقانِطينَ

503.        وَلا تُخْلِنا مِنْ رَحْمَتِكَ

504.        وَلا تَحْرِمْنا ما نُؤَمِّلُهُ مِنْ فَضْلِكَ

505.        وَلا تَجْعَلْنا مِنْ رَحْمَتِكَ مَحْرُومينَ

506.        وَلا لِفَضْلِ ما نُؤَمِّلُهُ مِنْ عَطآئِكَ قانِطينَ

507.        وَلا تَرُدَّنا خائِبينَ

508.        وَلا مِنْ بابِكَ مَطْرُودينَ

509.        يا اَجْوَدَ الاْجْوَدينَ

510.        وَاَكْرَمَ الاْكْرَمينَ

511.        اِلَيْكَ اَقْبَلْنا مُوقِنينَ

512.        وَلِبَيْتِكَ الْحَرامِ امّينَ قاصِدينَ

513.        فَاَعِنّا عَلى مَناسِكِنا

514.        وَاَكْمِلْ لَنا حَجَّنا

515.        وَاعْفُ عَنّا وَعافِنا

516.        فَقَدْ مَدَدْنا اِلَيْكَ اَيْدِيَنا

517.        فَهِىَ بِذِلَّةِ الاِعْتِرافِ مَوْسُومَةٌ

518.        اَللّهُمَّ فَاَعْطِنا فى هذِهِ الْعَشِيَّةِ ما سَئَلْناكَ

519.        وَاكْفِنا مَا اسْتَكْفَيْناكَ

520.        فَلا كافِىَ لَنا سِواكَ وَلا رَبَّ لَنا غَيْرُكَ

521.        نافِذٌ فينا حُكْمُكَ

522.        مُحيطٌ بِنا عِلْمُكَ

523.        عَدْلٌ فينا قَضآؤُكَ

524.        اِقْضِ لَنَا الْخَيْرَ

525.        وَاجْعَلْنا مِنْ اَهْلِ الْخَيْرِ

526.        اَللّهُمَّ اَوْجِبْ لَنا بِجُودِكَ عَظيمَ الاْجْرِ

527.        وَكَريمَ الذُّخْرِ

528.        وَدَوامَ الْيُسْرِ

529.        وَاغْفِرْ لَنا ذُنُوبَنا اَجْمَعينَ

530.        وَلا تُهْلِكْنا مَعَ الْهالِكينَ

531.        وَلا تَصْرِفْ عَنّا رَاْفَتَكَ وَرَحْمَتَكَ

532.        يا اَرْحَمَ الرّاحِمينَ

533.        اَللّهُمَّ اجْعَلْنا فى هذَا الْوَقْتِ مِمَّنْ سَئَلَكَ فَاَعْطَيْتَهُ

534.        وَشَكَرَكَ فَزِدْتَهُ

535.        وَتابَ اِلَيْكَ فَقَبِلْتَهُ

536.        وَتَنَصَّلَ اِلَيْكَ مِنْ ذُنُوبِهِ كُلِّها فَغَفَرْتَها لَهُ

537.        يا ذَاالْجَلالِ وَالاِْكْرامِ

538.        اَللّهُمَّ وَنَقِّنا وَسَدِّدْنا

539.        وَاقْبَلْ تَضَرُّعَنا

540.        يا خَيْرَ مَنْ سُئِلَ

541.        وَيا اَرْحَمَ مَنِ اسْتُرْحِمَ

542.        يا مَنْ لا يَخْفى عَلَيْهِ اِغْماضُ الْجُفُونِ

543.        وَلا لَحْظُ الْعُيُونِ

544.        وَلا مَا اسْتَقَرَّ فِى الْمَكْنُونِ

545.        وَلا مَا انْطَوَتْ عَلَيْهِ مُضْمَراتُ الْقُلُوبِ

546.        اَلا كُلُّ ذلِكَ قَدْ اَحْصاهُ عِلْمُكَ وَوَسِعَهُ حِلْمُكَ

547.        سُبْحانَكَ وَتَعالَيْتَ عَمّا يَقُولُ الظّالِمُونَ عُلُوّاًكَبيراً

548.        تُسَبِّحُ لَكَ السَّمواتُ السَّبْعُ وَالاْرَضُونَ وَمَنْ فيهِنَّ

549.        وَاِنْ مِنْ شَىْءٍ اِلاّيُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِكَ

550.        فَلَكَالْحَمْدُ وَالْمَجْدُ وَعُلُوُّ الْجَدِّ

551.        يا ذَاالْجَلالِ وَالاِكْرامِ

552.        وَالْفَضْلِ وَالاِنْعامِ

553.        وَالاْيادِى الْجِسامِ

554.        وَاَنْتَ الْجَوادُ الْكَريمُ

555.        الرَّؤُوفُ الرَّحيمُ

556.        اَللَّهُمَّ اَوْسِعْ عَلَىَّ مِنْ رِزْقِكَ الْحَلالِ

557.        وَعافِنى فى بَدَنى وَدينى

558.        وَ امِنْ خَوْفى

559.        وَاَعْتِقْ رَقَبَتى مِنَ النّارِ

560.        اَللّهُمَّ لا تَمْكُرْ بى

561.        وَلا تَسْتَدْرِجْنى وَلا تَخْدَعْنى

562.        وَادْرَءْ عَنّى شَرَّ فَسَقَةِ الْجِنِّ وَالاِْنْسِ

563.        يا اَسْمَعَ السّامِعينَ

564.        يا اَبْصَرَ النّاظِرينَ

565.        وَيا اَسْرَعَ الْحاسِبينَ

566.        وَيا اَرْحَمَ الرّاحِمينَ

567.        صَلِّ عَلى مُحَمَّدٍ وَ الِ مُحَمَّدٍ السّادَةِ الْمَيامينِ

568.        وَاَسْئَلُكَ اَللّهُمَّ حاجَتِىَ

569.        الَّتى اِنْ اَعْطَيْتَنيها لَمْ يَضُرَّنى ما مَنَعْتَنى

570.        وَاِنْ مَنَعْتَنيها لَمْ يَنْفَعْنى ما اَعْطَيْتَنى

571.        اَسْئَلُكَ فَكاكَ رَقَبَتى مِنَ النّار

572.        لااِلهَ اِلاّ اَنْتَ

573.        وَحْدَكَ لاشَريكَ لَكَ

574.        لَكَ الْمُلْكُ وَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ

575.        وَاَنْتَ عَلى كُلِّشَىْءٍ قَديرٌ

576.        يا رَبُّ يا رَبُّ

577.        اِلهى اَنَا الْفَقيرُ فى غِناىَ

578.        فَكَيْفَ لا اَكُونُ فَقيراً فى فَقْرى

579.        اِلهى اَنَا الْجاهِلُ فى عِلْمى

580.        فَكَيْفَ لا اَكُونُ جَهُولاً فى جَهْلى

581.        اِلهى اِنَّ اخْتِلافَ تَدْبيرِكَ

582.        وَسُرْعَةَ طَوآءِ مَقاديرِكَ

583.        مَنَعا عِبادَكَ الْعارِفينَ بِكَ

584.        عَنْ السُّكُونِ اِلى عَطآءٍ وَالْيَاءْسِ مِنْكَ فى بَلاَّءٍ

585.        اِلهى مِنّى ما يَليقُ بِلُؤْمى

586.        وَمِنْكَ ما يَليقُ بِكَرَمِكَ

587.        اِلهى وَصَفْتَ نَفْسَكَ بِاللُّطْفِ وَالرَّاءْفَةِ لى

588.        قَبْلَ وُجُودِ ضَعْفى

589.        اَفَتَمْنَعُنى مِنْهُما بَعْدَ وُجُودِ ضَعْفى

590.        اِلهى اِنْ ظَهَرَتِ الْمَحاسِنُ مِنّى فَبِفَضْلِكَ

591.        وَلَكَ الْمِنَّةُ عَلَىَّ

592.        وَاِنْ ظَهَرَتِ الْمَساوى مِنّى فَبِعَدْلِكَ

593.        وَلَكَ الْحُجَّةُ عَلَىَّ

594.        اِلهى كَيْفَ تَكِلُنى وَقَدْ تَكَفَّلْتَ لى

595.        وَكَيْفَ اُضامُ وَاَنْتَ النّاصِرُ لى

596.        اَمْ كَيْفَ اَخيبُ وَاَنْتَ الْحَفِىُّ بى

597.        ها اَنَا اَتَوَسَّلُ اِلَيْكَ بِفَقْرى اِلَيْكَ

598.        وَكَيْفَ اَتَوَسَّلُ اِلَيْكَ

599.        بِما هُوَ مَحالٌ اَنْ يَصِلَ اِلَيْكَ

600.        اَمْ كَيْفَ اَشْكوُ اِلَيْكَ حالى

601.        وَهُوَ لا يَخْفى عَلَيْكَ

602.        اَمْ كَيْفَ اُتَرْجِمُ بِمَقالى

603.        وَهُوَ مِنَكَ بَرَزٌ اِلَيْكَ

604.        اَمْ كَيْفَ تُخَيِّبُ امالى

605.        وَهِىَ قَدْ وَفَدَتْ اِلَيْكَ

606.        اَمْ كَيْفَ لا تُحْسِنُ اَحْوالى

607.        وَبِكَ قامَتْ

608.        اِلهى ما اَلْطَفَكَ بى مَعَ عَظيمِ جَهْلى

609.        وَما اَرْحَمَكَ بى مَعَ قَبيحِ فِعْلى

610.        اِلهى ما اَقْرَبَكَ مِنّى

611.        وَاَبْعَدَنى عَنْكَ وَما اَرْاَفَكَ

612.        بى فَمَا الَّذى يَحْجُبُنى عَنْكَ

613.        اِلهى عَلِمْتُ بِاخْتِلافِ الاَّْثارِ

614.        وَتَنقُّلاتِ الاْطْوارِ

615.        اَنَّ مُرادَكَ مِنّى

616.        اَنْ تَتَعَرَّفَ اِلَىَّ فى كُلِّشَىْءٍ

617.        حَتّى لا اَجْهَلَكَ فى شَىْءٍ

618.        اِلهى كُلَّما اَخْرَسَنى لُؤْمى

619.        اَنْطَقَنى كَرَمُكَ

620.        وَكُلَّما ايَسَتْنى اَوْصافى

621.        اَطْمَعَتْنى مِنَنُكَ

622.        اِلهى مَنْ كانَتْ مَحاسِنُهُ مَساوِىَ

623.        فَكَيْفَ لا تَكُونُ مَساويهِ مَساوِىَ

624.        وَمَنْ كانَتْ حَقايِقُهُ دَعاوِىَ

625.        فَكَيْفَ لا تَكُونُ دَعاويهِ دَعاوِىَ

626.        اِلهى حُكْمُكَ النّافِذ

627.        وَمَشِيَّتُكَ الْقاهِرَةُ

628.        لَمْ يَتْرُكا لِذى مَقالٍ مَقالاً

629.        وَلا لِذى حالٍ حالاً

630.        اِلهى كَمْ مِنْ طاعَةٍ بَنَيْتُها

631.        وَحالَةٍ شَيَّدْتُها

632.        هَدَمَ اعْتِمادى عَلَيْها عَدْلُكَ

633.        بَلْ اَقالَنى مِنْها فَضْلُكَ

634.        اِلهى اِنَّكَ تَعْلَمُ

635.        اَنّى وَاِنْ لَمْ تَدُمِ الطّاعَةُ مِنّى فِعْلاً جَزْماً فَقَدْ دامَتْ مَحَبَّةً وَعَزْماً

636.        اِلهى كَيْفَ اَعْزِمُ وَاَنْتَ الْقاهِرُ

637.        وَكَيْفَ لا اَعْزِمُ وَاَنْتَ الاْمِرُ

638.        اِلهى تَرَدُّدى فِى الاْثارِ يُوجِبُ بُعْدَ الْمَزارِ

639.        فَاجْمَعْنى عَلَيْكَ بِخِدْمَةٍ تُوصِلُنى اِلَيْكَ

640.        كَيْفَ يُسْتَدَلُّ عَلَيْكَ بِما هُوَ فى وُجُودِهِ مُفْتَقِرٌ اِلَيْكَ

641.        اَيَكُونُ لِغَيْرِكَ مِنَ الظُّهُورِ ما لَيْسَ لَكَ

642.        حَتّى يَكُونَ هُوَ الْمُظْهِرَ لَكَ

643.        مَتى غِبْتَ حَتّى تَحْتاجَ اِلى دَليلٍ يَدُلُّ عَليْكَ

644.        وَمَتى بَعُدْتَ حَتّى تَكُونَ الاْثارُ هِىَ الَّتى تُوصِلُ اِلَيْكَ

645.        عَمِيَتْ عَيْنٌ لا تَراكَ عَلَيْها رَقيباً

646.        وَخَسِرَتْ صَفْقَةُ عَبْدٍ لَمْ تَجْعَلْ لَهُ مِنْ حُبِّكَ نَصيباً

647.        اِلهى اَمَرْتَ بِالرُّجُوعِ اِلَى الاْثارِ

648.        فَارْجِعْنى اِلَيْكَ بِكِسْوَةِ الاْنْوارِ وَهِدايَةِ الاِْسْتِبصارِ

649.        حَتّى اَرْجِعَ اِلَيْكَ مِنْها كَما دَخَلْتُ اِلَيْكَ مِنْها

650.        مَصُونَ السِّرِّ عَنِ النَّظَرِ اِلَيْها

651.        وَمَرْفُوعَ الْهِمَّةِ عَنِ الاِْعْتِمادِ عَلَيْها

652.        اِنَّكَ عَلى كُلِّشَىٍْ قَديرٌ

653.        اِلهى هذا ذُلّى ظاهِرٌ بَيْنَ يَدَيْكَ

654.        وَهذا حالى لا يَخْفى عَلَيْكَ

655.        مِنْكَ اَطْلُبُ الْوُصُولَ اِلَيْكَ

656.        وَبِكَ اَسْتَدِلُّ عَلَيْكَ

657.        فَاهْدِنى بِنُورِكَ اِلَيْكَ

658.        وَاَقِمْنى بِصِدْقِ الْعُبُودِيَّةِ بَيْنَ يَدَيْكَ

659.        اِلهى عَلِّمْنى مِنْ عِلْمِكَ الْمَخْزُونِ وَصُنّى بِسِتْرِكَ الْمَصُونِ

660.        اِلهى حَقِّقْنى بِحَقائِقِ اَهْلِ الْقُرْبِ

661.        وَاسْلُكْ بى مَسْلَكَ اَهْلِ الْجَذْبِ

662.        اِلهى اَغْنِنى بِتَدْبيرِكَ لى عَنْ تَدْبيرى وَبِاخْتِيارِكَ عَنِ اخْتِيارى

663.        وَاَوْقِفْنى عَلى مَراكِزِ اضْطِرارى

664.        اِلهى اَخْرِجْنى مِنْ ذُلِّ نَفْسى

665.        وَطَهِّرْنى مِنْ شَكّى وَشِرْكى

666.        قَبْلَ حُلُولِ رَمْسى

667.        بِكَ اَنْتَصِرُ فَانْصُرْنى

668.        وَعَلَيْكَ اَتَوَكَّلُ فَلا تَكِلْنى

669.        وَاِيّاكَ اَسْئَلُ فَلا تُخَيِّبْنى

670.        وَفى فَضْلِكَ اَرْغَبُ فَلا تَحْرِمْنى

671.        وَبِجَنابِكَ اَنْتَسِبُ فَلا تُبْعِدْنى

672.        وَبِبابِكَ اَقِفُ فَلا تَطْرُدْنى

673.        اِلهى تَقَدَّسَ رِضاكَ اَنْ يَكُونَ لَهُ عِلَّةٌ مِنْكَ

674.        فَكَيْفَ يَكُونُ لَهُ عِلَّةٌ مِنّى

675.        اِلهى اَنْتَ الْغَنِىُّ بِذاتِكَ اَنْ يَصِلَ اِلَيْكَ النَّفْعُ مِنْكَ فَكَيْفَ لا تَكُونُ غَنِيّاً عَنّى

676.        اِلهى اِنَّ الْقَضآءَ وَالْقَدَرَ يُمَنّينى

677.        وَاِنَّ الْهَوى بِوَثائِقِ الشَّهْوَةِ اَسَرَنى

678.        فَكُنْ اَنْتَ النَّصيرَ لى حَتّى تَنْصُرَنى وَتُبَصِّرَنى

679.        وَاَغْنِنى بِفَضْلِكَ

680.        حَتّى اَسْتَغْنِىَ بِكَ عَنْ طَلَبى

681.        اَنْتَ الَّذى اَشْرَقْتَ الاْنْوارَ فى قُلُوبِ اَوْلِيآئِكَ حَتّى عَرَفُوكَ

682.        وَوَحَّدُوكَ

683.        وَاَنْتَ الَّذى اَزَلْتَ الاْغْيارَ عَنْ قُلُوبِ اَحِبّائِكَ

684.        حَتّى لَمْ يُحِبُّوا سِواكَ وَلَمْ يَلْجَئُوا اِلى غَيْرِكَ

685.        اَنْتَ الْمُوْنِسُ لَهُمْ حَيْثُ اَوْحَشَتْهُمُ الْعَوالِمُ

686.        وَاَنْتَ الَّذى هَدَيْتَهُمْ حَيْثُ اسْتَبانَتْ لَهُمُ الْمَعالِمُ

687.        ماذا وَجَدَ مَنْ فَقَدَكَ

688.        وَمَا الَّذى فَقَدَ مَنْ وَجَدَكَ

689.        لَقَدْ خابَ مَنْ رَضِىَ دُونَكَ بَدَلاً

690.        وَلَقَدْ خَسِرَ مَنْ بَغى عَنْكَ مُتَحَوِّلاً

691.        كَيْفَ يُرْجى سِواكَ

692.        وَاَنْتَ ما قَطَعْتَ الاِْحْسانَ

693.        وَكَيْفَ يُطْلَبُ مِنْ غَيْرِكَ

694.        وَاَنْتَ ما بَدَّلْتَ عادَةَ الاِْمْتِنانِ

695.        يا مَنْ اَذاقَ اَحِبّآئَهُ حَلاوَةَ الْمُؤ انَسَةِ فَقامُوا بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ مُتَمَلِّقينَ

696.        وَيا مَنْ اَلْبَسَ اَوْلِيائَهُ مَلابِسَ هَيْبَتِهِ فَقامُوا بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ مُسْتَغْفِرينَ

697.        اَنْتَ الذّاكِرُ قَبْلَ الذّاكِرينَ

698.        وَاَنْتَ الْبادى بِالاِْحْسانِ قَبْلَ تَوَجُّهِ الْعابِدينَ

699.        وَاَنْتَ الْجَوادُ بِالْعَطآءِ قَبْلَ طَلَبِ الطّالِبينَ

700.        وَاَنْتَ الْوَهّابُ ثُمَّ لِما وَهَبْتَ لَنا مِنَ الْمُسْتَقْرِضينَ

701.        اِلهى اُطْلُبْنى بِرَحْمَتِكَ حَتّى اَصِلَ اِلَيْكَ وَاجْذِبْنى بِمَنِّكَ حَتّى اُقْبِلَ عَلَيْكَ

702.        اِلهى اِنَّ رَجآئى لا يَنْقَطِعُ عَنْكَ

703.        وَاِنْ عَصَيْتُكَ

704.        كَما اَنَّ خَوْفى لا يُزايِلُنى

705.        وَاِنْ اَطَعْتُكَ

706.        فَقَدْ دَفَعَتْنِى الْعَوالِمُ اِلَيْكَ

707.        وَقَدْ اَوْقَعَنى عِلْمى بِكَرَمِكَ عَلَيْكَ

708.        اِلهى كَيْفَ اَخيبُ وَاَنْتَ اَمَلى

709.        اَمْ كَيْفَ اُهانُ وَعَلَيْكَ مُتَّكَلى

710.        اِلهى كَيْفَ اَسْتَعِزُّ وَفِى الذِّلَّةِ اَرْكَزْتَنى اَمْكَيْفَ لا اَسْتَعِزُّ وَاِلَيْكَ نَسَبْتَنى

711.        اِلهى كَيْفَ لا اَفْتَقِرُ وَاَنْتَ الَّذى فِى الْفُقَرآءِ اَقَمْتَنى اَمْ كَيْفَ اَفْتَقِرُ وَاَنْتَ الَّذى بِجُودِكَ اَغْنَيْتَنى

712.        وَاَنْتَ الَّذى لا اِلهَ غَيْرُكَ

713.        تَعَرَّفْتَ لِكُلِّ شَىْءٍ فَما جَهِلَكَ شَىْءٌ

714.        وَاَنْتَ الَّذى تَعَرَّفْتَ اِلَىَّ فى كُلِّشَىْءٍ فَرَاَيْتُكَ ظاهِراً فى كُلِّ شَىْءٍ وَاَنْتَ الظّاهِرُ لِكُلِّ شَىْءٍ

715.        يا مَنِ اسْتَوى بِرَحْمانِيَّتِهِ فَصارَ الْعَرْشُ غَيْباً فى ذاتِهِ

716.        مَحَقْتَ الاْثارَ بِالاْثارِ

717.        وَمَحَوْتَ الاْغْيارَ بِمُحيطاتِ اَفْلاكِ الاْنْوارِ

718.        يا مَنِ احْتَجَبَ فى سُرادِقاتِ عَرْشِهِ عَنْ اَنْ تُدْرِكَهُ الاْبْصارُ

719.        يا مَنْ تَجَلّى بِكَمالِ بَهآئِهِ فَتَحَقَّقَتْ عَظَمَتُهُ مِنَ الاِسْتِوآءَ

720.        كَيْفَ تَخْفى وَاَنْتَ الظّاهِرُ اَمْ كَيْفَ تَغيبُ وَاَنْتَ الرَّقيبُ الْحاضِرُ اِنَّكَ عَلى كُلِّ شَىْءٍ قَديرٌ وَالْحَمْدُ لِلّهِ وَحْدَهُ

1- Praise be especially for Allah, that nobody can repulse His decree.

2- And nobody can impede His gift.

3- And there is no creator can create like his creation.

4- And He is the boundless generous.

5- And He created new things out of nothing.

6-And He persisted all the creatures by His wisdom.

7- And nothing is concealed form His view.

8- And properties would not be lost beside Him.

9- He who rewards the job of every doer.

10- And supporting every contented person.

11- And being compassionate with every humble crying body.

12- And descending all benefits.

13- And comprehensive book (Quran).

14- Via shining light.

15- And He who responds to all prayers.

16- And removes all sorrows.

17- And promotes all the ranks.

18- And eradicates the oppressors.

19- Then there is no God beside Him and nothing is equivalent to Him.

20- And there is nothing similar to Him.

21- And He is the hearer, the seer, the seer, the lover and the expert.

22- And he is the powerful over everything.

23- O, Lord I come to you with eagerness and confess to you, your lordship.

24- And I confess that you are my Lord who brought me up.

25- And finally I shall return to you.

26- And you started your affluence for me when I was just nothing.

27- And you created me from the soil and then put me in the order of my ancestors.

28- And saved me from the events of death and differences of ages, and the years.

29- And I was always on the move of my ancestors towards a womb.

30- In the previous ages and last centuries (without anything has happened to me).

31- And with the kindness and affection you had on me and charity that caused me not to come out.

32- In the time of blasphemous government.

33- Those who broke your agreement and denied your messengers.

34- But you gave me existence and brought me to this world on the period of time that I could have your guidance.

35- And you offered me affection, before that.

36- And you granted me with your gorgeous creation and various affluences.

37- Then you started my creation by dropping sperm into womb.

38- And made me dwell into darkness of threefolds of flesh, blood and skin.

39- You did not show me my creation and you did not refer anything of my affair to me.

40- Then you put me out in this world for the guidance which previously was chosen for me.

41- As my creation was arranged and completed you protected me into cradle where I was a baby.

42- And you gave me daily meal which was digestible milk.

43- And provided me with the merciful feelings of the nurse’s hearts.

44-And allocated me to kind mothers for my guardianship.

45- And You protected me from Geniis threats.

46- And secured me from any surplus and shortcoming.

47- Then you are glorified O, compassionate and merciful.

48- When I started to speak out.

49- You completed best affluences for me.

50- And you kept bringing me up every year.

51- As my virtue became and my power was enticed.

52- Then you bound me with your argument and provided me with your knowledge.

53- and taught me the wonders of your wisdom.

54- And awakened me towards whatever you have created in your sky and earth of the wonders of the creation then you called me for your praise and thanking.

55- And ordered me to obey and worship you and made me to understand whatever your messengers have brought us.

56- And made it easy for me the acceptance of your satisfaction.

57- And bestowed on me all these graces by your help and love.

58- Then you created me from the best clay.

59- You were not satisfied my lord with a single affluence and did not withhold from me the other affluences.

60- And you gave me all kinds of foods and clothes.

61- With your great bestowal in me and your magnificent old charity.

62- Till you completed to me all the affluences.

63- And you kept me away from all my misfortunes.

64- You did not stop your guidance to me to be close to you because of my ignorance and foolishness.

65- And you made me successful to be in your presence and so close to you.

66- Then when I called you, you answered me.

67- And when I asked you something you gave it to me.

68- And when I obeyed you, you thanked me.

69- And when I thanked you, you added to me.

70- All that in order to complete your graces on me.

71- And to make perfect your affluence on me.

72- Then glory be to you, glory be to you, you are the finder, the reviver, the praise worthy, and the gorgeous.

73- Your names sacred and your graces are great.

74- Then which one of your affluences I can remember and I can count.

75- And for which one of your donations I can stand thanking.

76- And the are more than which the reckoners O,my Lord can account.

77- Or wise people can acknowledge.

78- And what you saved me, the pain and difficulties O, Lord.

79- More than what had appeared to me of health and wealth.

80- My lord with the truth of my faith, I bear witness.

81- and with the incisivensses of my believe that I confess.

82- And with clean pure unification that I have.

83- And with my hidden conscience.

84- And with the light of the eye and attachment of my sight.

85- And with the lines of my forehead simpressions.

86- And with open tracts for my breathing.

87- And with cartilage of my nose.

88- And with vibration of my eardrums of hearing.

89- And with that which my lips have concluded and closed on.

90- And with the verbal movement of my tongue.

91- And with place of connection of my lower and upper jaws.

92- And with place of growth of my teeth.

93- And with the sense of taste of my food and drinking.

94- And with the bearer of my mother head.

95- And with communication of the cables of my neck.

96- And with what is kept in the cage of my chest.

97- And with holding aorta and vital vein of the bottom of my heart.

98- And with pieces around my liver.

99- And with what contains of both sides of my ribs.

100- And with cavity or hip-bone and other moveable bones.

101- And with active function of my organs.

102- And with joints of my fingers.

103- And with my meat and my blood.

104- And with my skin and my hair.

105- And with my nerves and my veins.

106- And with my bones and my brain.

107- And with all my veins and members of my body.

108- And with resultant of days of my formation in the early days of my childhood.

109- And with bearing of my weight on the earth.

110- And with my sleep and wakefulness and stop.

111- And with motions of my bowing down and prostration.

112- And if I had tried very hard and decided for ages, and years in my life time.

113- To thank even one single grace of your graces I could not find a word to make it possible.

114- unless via your help which requires me to thank you as well.

115- Always and forever and keep trying to thank you now and then.

116- Yes if we try, I and the other reckoners from your creatures.

117- To count your gifts in the past and nowadays.

118- We will never finish the counting and will not get to the end.

119- Far be it as you have announced in your spoken book and true words.

120- If you want to count the Allah,s affluences you will never get to the end.

121- My lord your book has told the truth and you news were right.

122- And your messengers and prophets, have conveyed your mission, and what ever you have inspired them.

123- And what ever you have assigned to them from your religion.

124- My Lord I have to tell and confess with all of my power, my seriousness, my obedience and my endeavour.

125- And I say in such a way that I an certain and sure.

126- The eulogy and praise is especially for The Lord who, did not have a child to be the inheritor.

127- And He dose not share with any body his monarchy to let him be against His innovation.

128- And there is no guardian for him in his doing humbly.

129- Then glory be to him, glory be to him. If there had been any Gods in them except Allah they would both have certainly been in a state of disorder.

130- Glory be to Allah the one and unique.

131- The one whom all depend on him he begets not, nor is he begotten.

132- And no one is like him.

133- Praise be to Allah with such euogly and praise similar to praise of His esteemed angles.

134- And the prophets who were sent by him.

135- And bless of Allah and peace be on his chosen one Mohammad, the seal of all prophets.

136- And also peace be on his purified household, the good ones sinceres.

137- My Lord in such a way teat me to be afraid of you like I can see you.

138- And via your virtue make me fortunate.

139- And do not make me unfortunate because of disobeying you.

140- And choose the good thing for me in your judgment.

141- And bless me by your fate.

142- That I do not like to hasten what you put late.

143- And do not wish late, what you made in haste.

144- O, Allah please put the richness in my soul.

145- And the certainty in my heart.

146- And the sincerity in my deeds.

147- And the light in my eyes.

148- And the insight into my religion.

149- And let me enjoy my limbs and organs.

150- And let my eyes and ears to be my inheritors.

151- And help me to be victorious over who oppressed me.

152- And let me to take revenge and vengeance from him.

153- And let by this my eyes to be shining.

154- O, Lord keep the sorrow away from me.

155- And cover my ugliness.

156- And forgive my sin for me.

157- And keep my Satan away from me.

158- And keep me away from my binder.

159- And arrange O, my Lord the highest rank of this and next world for me.

160- O, Lord I praise you for my creation.

161- Then you made me able to see and hear.

162- And I praise you for my creation.

163- Then you made my being so perfect mercifully.

164- And in such a way that you did not need to create me.

165- O, my Lord by what you adjusted my virtue to be temperate.

166- O, my Lord by what gave me existence and made my face beautiful.

167- O, my lord by what you made me a favour and gave me healthy soul.

168- O, my Lord by what you protected me and made me successful.

169- O, my Lord by what you graced me then you guided me.

170- O, my Lord by what you granted me and from everything you gave me.

171- O, my Lord by what you fed me and satified me with fresh drink.

172- O, My Lord by what you gave me from wealth and affluences.

173- O, my Lord by what you helped me and esteemed me.

174- O, my Lord by what you dressed me with your soft dress.

175- And availed me with your enough products.

176- Bless Mohammad and the family of Mohammad.

177- And help me against the trouble event of times.

178- And the events of days and nights.

179- And rescue me from severe events of this world.

180- And from calamities of the next world.

181- And keep me away from the unjust doing of the opperssores in the earth.

182- O, my Lord secure me from what I am afraid of.

183- And save me from what I am aware of.

184- And protect me in my religion and my religion and myself.

185- And protect me in my journies.

186- And be my in absence among my family and money.

187- And With my sustenance bless me.

188- And make me humble in my self.

189- And make me glorious in the eyes of the people.

190- And protect me from Genii and mankind.

191- And do not disgrace me by my sins.

192- And do not make me despised with my inward temperaments.

194- And do not take away your affluences from me.

195- And do not leave me to others but you.

196- O, my lord to whom do you turn me over.

197- And you going to turn me over to my relatives who do not accept me.

198- Or to none relatives who give me raw.

199- Or to those people who weaken me.

200- Where you are my Lord and owner of my affairs.

201- I complain to you from my exile and great distance of my home.

202- And my humility before the one who took possession of my affairs.

203- My Lord do not put down your anger on me.

204- I am not afraid of the anger of others, if your anger was not on me.

205- Glory be you but your but your health and wealth is widely open for me.

206- My lord I ask you by your light that enlightened the earth and the skies.

207- And by that the darkenss become away and obvious.

208- And the affairs of the first and the last ones were corrected with that.

209- Do not let me depart while you are angry with me.

210- And do not send down on me your anger.

211- Blaming is your own, blaming is your own, till you are satisfied.

212- There is no God but you.

213- The lord of AL - Balad AL -  Haram (Meccah).

214- And the holly place (AL – Mashar AL – Haram).

215- And the sacred house (AL – Bayt AL – Atiiq).

216- That you put the blessing in.

217- And you made it shelter for people.

218- O, He who has forgiven the gigantic sins with His forbearance.

219- O, He who has spread affluences with his grace.

220- O, he who has granted many graces with his generosity.

221- O, he who helps me in my hard times.

222- O, he who would be with me while I am alone.

223- O, he who would be my shelter in my sad times.

224- O, he who would be my guardian in my affluences.

225- O, my lord and the lord of my ancestors Ebrahim, Esmaiel and Isaac and Jacob.

226- And the lord of Gabriel, Israfiel and micheal.

227- The lord of the seal of Prophets Mohammad and His chosen progeny.

228- The descanter of Torah, Bible, Psalms and furq‘an (Quran).

229- And the descanter of Kaf Ha ya Ain Suad and Taha and yasin.

230- And the holy Quran.

231- You are my shelter while I am lost in the roads.

232- And when the earth by width would be narrow for me.

233- Had I not having your kindness I would have been among downfalls.

234- You are the only one who can make me free form my failure.

235- And I would have been disgraced if you had not protected me.

236- You are my assistant against my enemies.

237- Gad I not having your support I would have been defeated.

238- O, he who has chosen the highest rank and dignity for himself.

239- Then his followers are dignified by his dignity.

240- O, he who the kings put the ring of obedience for him in their necks.

241- And they fear his government.

242- He knows the cheating of the eyes and the hide of the chests.

243 – Also He knows the hide of the times and eras.

244- O, he who the only one who knows how he is.

245- O, he who nobody knows what he is except himself.

246- O, he who nobody can understand him except him.

247-O, he who made the water stop on the soil.

248- and He closed the air by the sky.

249- O, he who the most glorious names belong to him.

250- O, he whose beneficence would never stop.

251- O, he who in order to rescue Joseph, has guided the caravan through the desert area.

252- And made him king and rescued him from the well after slavery.

253- O, he who returned Joseph to him after both his eyes became blind because of sadness and patience.

254- O, he who removed the illness and difficulties from job.

255- O, he who stopped Ebrahim,s hands to sacrifice his son.

256- After his old age and the end of his life.

257- O, he who accepted the prayer of zachrias and gave John to him.

258- And did not leave him alone by himself.

259- O, he who put out Jonah from the stomach of a large fish.

260- O, he who cracked the see to rescue the children of Israel.

261- And has drown the pharaoh and his soldiers in the sea.

262- O, he who sent the winds to presage before the rain as a sign of commiseration.

263- O, he who is not in rush to penalize sinful people.

264- O, he who rescued the wizards from blasphemy after they misused his affluences.

265- They used his sustenance and appreciated the other.

266- And they became his enemies and told his prophets that you are liars.

267- O, Lord O, Lord.

268- O, he who the intiator and the creator of the wonders, there is nobody like you.

269- O, he who is the eternal indestructible in the period of time, and the alive while no alive.

270- O, he who gives life to the dead bodies.

271- O, he who knows and aware of everything that every body has done.

272- O, he who my praise is so little to him and He did not deprive me.

273- And he did not disgrace me while I had gigantic offences.

274- And he did not disgrace me while I was in the stage of sinfulness.

275- O, he who protected me when I was very young.

276- O, he who gave me sustenance when I grew up.

277- O, he who his donations for me I uncountable.

278- And there is no way can return his affluences.

279- O, he who behaved with me goodly and lovely.

280- And I opposed him with adversity and disobeying.

281- O, he who guided me to have faith.

282- Before I could understand how to thank the affluence.

283- O, He who when I was ill I called him and he cured me.

284- And when I was naked he clothed me.

285- And while I was hungry he fed me.

286- And while I was thirsty he irrigated me.

287- And while I was humiliated he made me deat.

288- And in the motion of follishness he acquaintanced me with knowledge.

289- And while I was all alone by myself he increased me.

290- And while I was all alone by myself he increased me.

290- And while I was far away he returned me (to my homeland).

291- And while I was poor he made me wealthy.

292- And when I asked for help then he helped me.

293- And when I was rich he did not take away from me, and I refrained from all that but he began to offer me.

294- Then praise and thanking is only for you.

295- O, he who saved me my failure.

296- And made me comfortable.

297- And accepted my prayer.

298- And covered my fault.

299- And forgave my sins.

300- And gave me whatever I wanted.

301- And supported me against my enemies.

302- And if I want to count your affluences and your best graces, I would not be able to count them.

303- O, my Lord you are the one who graced.

304- You are the one who gave affluence.

305- You are the one who did a favour.

306- You are the one who beautified.

307- You are the one who increased.

308- You are the one who perfected.

309- You are the one who sustained.

310- You are the one who harmonized.

311- You are the one who gave.

312- You are the one who enriched.

313- You are the one who gave fortune.

314- You are the one who sheltered.

315- You are the one who satisfied.

316- You are the one who guided.

317- You are the one who protected.

318- You are the one who covered.

319- You are the one who forgave.

320- You are the one who saved.

321- You are the one who strengthened.

322- You are the one who adorned.

323- You are the one who assisted.

324- You are the one who supported.

325- You are the one who gave power.

326- You are the one who gave victory.

327- You are the one who cured.

328- You are the one who gave health.

329- You are the one who offered.

330- Exalted and high you bare.

331- So always praise be to you.

332- And thanking should be always to you.

333- Then my Lord I admit my sins.

334- So forgive them to me.

335- I am the one who did a bad thing.

336- I am the one who made errors.

337- I am the one who was going to commit a sin

338- I am the one who made a fault.

339- I am the one who neglected.

340- I am the one who made a mistake.

341- I am the one who depended on (some body else).

342- I am the one who purposely did it.

343- I am the one who promised.

344- And I am the one who violated.

345- I am the one who broke the promise.

346- I am the one who admitted.

347- I am the one who confessed all what you graced on and for me.

348- And with my guilt I came to you, so forgive them to me.

349- O, he who the guilt of his creatures do not harm him.

350- And he is not in need of their obedience.

351- And he is the one who graces those who do good with his commiseration and esteem.

352- Praise is to you my Lord and  my master.

353- My Lord you ordered me, and I disobeyed you.

354- And you forbade me and I did not listen o your forbiddance.

355- So I became in the stage of not having any acquaintance in order to ask for apology.

356- And I do not have any power so I can ask for victory.

357- Then O, my Lord by what thing I can face you.

358- With my ear, my eye, or my tongue.

359- With my hand or my leg.

360- Are not these all affluences which were donated to me belong to you.

361- And by all those, I disobeyed you.

362- Therefore my Lord your proof and logic were against me.

363- O, He who covered me from my fathers and mothers not to punish me.

364- And from my relatives and brothers, not to blame me.

365- And from the authorities not to punish me.

366- So my Lord by all those which you were aware of, if the were aware they would not give me a single moment for rest.

367- So they were to refuse and cut me to pieces.

368- O, my Lord I am the one who is standing before you.

369- Humbled, contempt, helpless and ignoble.

370- I so not have acquaintance with immunity to apologize.

371- And I do not have any power so I can ask for help.

372- And I do not have any reason so I could defend myself.

373- And I would not say that I did not commit any crime.

374- And I did not do any bad thing.

375- And if I would deny it O, my Lord does it benefit me?!

376- How and where it (could benefit me).

377- Where all of my limbs are witness of what I did.

378- And I certainly knew, without any doubt.

379- That you will ask me about important items.

380- And you are the just governor who will not allow injustice.

381- And your justice will cause to destroy me.

382- And I always run away from your all justice.

383- After completing your argument O, my Lord if you punish me that is because of my sins.

384- And if you forgive me that is because of your forbearance, your generosity, and your gift.

385- There is no Cod but you.

386- Glory be to you, verely I am one of the oppressors.

387- There is no God but you.

388- Glory be to you verely I am one of the seekers for forgiveness.

389- There is no God but you.

390- Glory be to you verely I am one of the monotheists.

391- There is no God but you.

392- Glory be to you verely I am one of the fearlful ones.

393- There is no God but you.

394- Glory be to you verely I am one of the vigilants.

395- There is no God but you.

396- Glory be to you verely I am one of the optimists.

397- There is no God but you.

398- Glory be to you verely I am one of the eager persons.

399- There is no God but you.

400- Glory be to you verely I am one of the believers and reciters of your unity.

401- There is no God but you.

402- Glory be to you verely I am one of the beggars.

403- There is no Cod but you.

404- Glory be to you I am one of the praising persons.

405- There is no God but you.

406- Glory be to you verely I am one of the magnifying persons (supplicants).

407- There is no God but you.

408- Glory be to you, you are verely my Lord and the Lord of my first ancestors.

409- O, Lord this is my praising to you and glorifying.

410- And I a mentioning your unity sincerely.

411- And I confess your affluences, countedly.

412- While I admit that I can not count them.

413- Because your affluences from the old time up o now are very plentiful and interconnection able.

414- And you still remind me with those affluences.

415- From the time you have created me and awarded me existence, and made me wealthy and removed my poverty.

416- And you kept me away from pain and callosity.

417- And with providing me the means of easiness.

418- With availing peaceful life and repulsing the difficulties.

419- And awarding the health of the body.

420- And soundness of religion.

421- And If all the people of the worlds help me to remember your affluences.

422- From the beginning of the creatures up to the end.

423- Neither I nor they can count them.

424- Sanctification and exaltation are yours and you are the great, generous and merciful Lord.

425- Your affluences are countless and your praise is unreachable.

426- And your affluences are not returnable.

427- Bless Mohammad and his family.

428- And complete your affluences for us.

429- And make us happy with your obedience.

430- Glory be to you there is no God but you.

431- O, Lord you answer the desperate people and you keep away and difficulties.

432- And you help the pained one.

433- And you cure the sick person.

434- And you make the poor person rich.

435- And you heal the broken one.

436- And you are kind to a child and you help the old one.

437- And there is no protector just you.

438- And there is no power above your power.

439- And you are the highest and the greatest.

440- O, He who releases the prisoner in chain.

441- O, He who feeds the infant.

442- O, He who gives shelter to afraid refugee.

443- O, He who does not share with any body and does not have any minister.

444- Bless Mohammad and his family.

445- Give me in this very night.

446- The best donation of what you have given to your obedients.

447- From all those affluences that you have given others.

448- From new donations which you donate.

449- And the difficulty that you repulse.

450- And the sorrow that you remove.

451- And the supplication that you hear.

452- And the charity that you accept.

453- And the ugly deed which you cover.

454- Surely you are beautiful and know whatever you want.

455- And you are the powerful over every thing you want.

456- O, Lord you are the most closest one among those who are called.

457- And you were the quickest among those who answered.

458- And you are the most generous among those who forgave.

459- And the most noblest among those who gave.

460- And the best listener among those who were asked.

461- O, the merciful of this and the next world and commpationate of both.

462- There is no one responsible like you.

463- And there is nobody can be dependent on except you.

464- I called you, then you answered me.

465- I asked you, then you granted me.

466- And I requested you, then you gave me the mercy.

467- And I had confidence in you, then you saved me.

468- And I came running to you, then you sufficed me.

469- O, Lord bless Mohammad your servant, messenger and prophet.

470- And all his purfied family and complete your affluences on us.

471- And make your grant wholesome for us.

472- And put us in the category of your thankful people.

473- And put us in the category of those who always remember your affluences.

474- Amin Amin O, Lord of the worlds.

475- O, Lord he who owns and controls (the existence).

476- And became puissant and forcible.

477- And they rebelled and he forgave them.

478- And they asked for forgiveness and he accepted their request.

479- O, the final aim of the seekers and lovers.

480- And the extremity of the wishes of all wishers.

481- O, he who his knowledge surrounded the whole creatures.

482- And by his mercy, kindness and patience has forgiven all seekers.

483- O, Lord at this period of sun setting we call and face you.

484- That you have dignified and hounored it by your prophet and your messenger Mohammad (s).

485- And your prophet among your creatures, faithful on your inspiration, and sending good news, warnings and the shining light.

486- That you granted such affluence for Muslim people by his blessing.

487- And you sent him as mercy for all of your creatures.

488- O, Lord bless Mohammad and all his family.

489- As far as Mohammad deserves, all that from you O, the greatest.

490- Then bless Mohammad and his chosen house  hold.

491- The pure and good people and the best in the world.

492- And please cover us by your forgiveness.

493- Then the sounds of praying in different languages are coming towards you.

494- Therefore at this night whatever you give from your charity to your creatures give us a share too.

495- And from every light that you spread as a guidance and from every blessing which you distribute.

496- And from any abundance which you send.

497- And from any welfare which you put on your creatures.

498- And from any food which you spread.

499- O, the most kind of the kind ones.

500- My lord at this accept us to be victorious and prosperous.

501- Blessed and gainful.

502- And to not make us unfortunate from your mercy.

503- And do not made us deprived from what we expect from your favour.

504- And do not make us hopeless from your mercy.

505- And do not make us hopeless from excess of your grant which we are looking forward to it.

506- And from that virtue and rank which we are looking forward for your donation, please do not disappoint us.

507- And do not return us with empty hands.

508- And do not dismiss us from your doors.

509- O, who is the most merciful of merciful ones.

510- And the most generous of the generous ones.

511- We came to you with certainty.

512- And we aimed to visit your sacred home.

513- Therefore help us to perform our worshippings.

514- And complete our Hajj (pilgrimage).

515- And forgive and give us welfare.

516- Verily we put forward our hands asking you for your help.

517- The Hands which are bereaved the sing of confessing slavery.

518- O, Lord at this night what ever we requested from you grant us.

519- And with your wealth make us rich.

520- There is no agent for us just you and we do not have any lord but you.

521- Your determination is obvious on us.

522- Your knowledge is surrounding us.

523- Your judgement is just about us.

524- Judge good thing for us.

525- And put us in the category of good people.

526- My lord with your generosity donate for us great donation.

527- With eternal award.

528- And with excellent treasure which last for ever.

529- And forgive us all our sins.

530- And do not destroy us with perished ones.

531- And do not stop your kindness and your mercy on us.

532- O, the most merciful of mercifuls.

533- O, my lord at this time please put tie put us in the category of those people who asked you something and you awarded them.

534- And they thanked you, and you increased them.

535- And they repented to you and you accepted them.

536- And they came out of their sins and you forgave them.

537- O, the owner of glory and the generosity.

538- O, Lord keep us pure and put us in the right path.

439- And accept our imploring.

540- O, who is the best one to be requested.

541- O, the most kind one that anybody asks him for kindness.

542- O, he who no one can hide the closed eyelid before him.

543- And the sight of the eyes.

544- and what is hidden inside the cage.

545- And the knowledge inside the hearts.

546- All that under your knowledge and your patience.

547- O, Lord you are pure and higher than what the oppressors talk about you.

548- And the seven heavens and the lands glorify you and what are inside them.

549- There is not a single thing but glorifies you.

550- Then the praise, glory, highness are yours.

551- O, the owner of glory and generosity.

552- And the granting and affluences.

553- And the large graces.

554- And you are the most generous and the vest giver.

555- the merciful and the affable.

556- O, Lord extent your lawful daily bread and sustenance in me.

557- And keep my body and my religion healthy.

558- An secure me from fear.

559- And release my neck from the flame of hell.

560- O, Lord do not cheat me.

561- And to not take me for your agony and requital.

562- And keep me away from lewd, Genii and mankind.

563- O, who the most hearer one of the hearers.

564- O, who the most seer of the seers.

565- O, who the quiker accountant.

566- O, who the most merciful of the mercifuls.

567- Bless Mohammad and his family the best leaders.

568- My Lord I beg you to accept my lawful wish.

569- That wish which if you give it to me nothing would hurt me if I miss it.

570- And if you do not give it to me nothing will benefit me.

571- I request you, please keep me away from the hell.

572- There is no lord but you.

573- You are alone all by yourself and no one is sharing with you.

574- The kingdom is yours and the praise is yours (the lordship).

575- And you have the power over everything.

576- O, my lord O, my lord.

577- O, my Lord I am poor in my richness.

578- Then how in my poverty I am not poor.

579- My lord I am ingnorant in my knowledge.

580- Then how in my ignorance I am not ignorant.

581- My lord your changeable management.

582- And your quick decisions.

583- Obstained your close knowers.

584- From stop asking more gift and being away from tests.

585- O, my lord whatever reaches you from me is sutiable to my greediness.

586- And from you whatever is suitable to your generosity.

587- O, my lord you have described yourself for me  as kind and compassionate.

588- Before my weakness occurs.

589- Are you going to abstain them after my weakness.

590- My lord if my goodness appears that is via your merit.

591- And you do me a favour.

592- And if my bad things appear that is because of your justice.

593- And your argument is proven for me.

594- O, my lord how are going to leave me to myself while you have undertaken me.

595- And how I will be oppressed and you are my helper.

596- And how I will be disoppointed and you are my hope.

597- Hence I betake myself to you via my poverty.

598- And how I will ask you.

599- Via something which never reaches you.

600- And how I complain my case to you.

601- And that is not hidden from you.

602- And how I can explain it by my speech.

603- And it came out of you towards you.

604- And how could you spoil my hopes.

605- And they faced your generosity.

606- And how could you not repair (take care) of my cases.

607- And via you stood up.

608- O, my lord how your love is significant to me with my big ignorance.

609- And how you are merciful to me with my ugly action.

610- O, my lord how you are near to me.

611- And how I am far away from you, while you, while you are so graceful to me.

612- And what thing that covers me from you.

613- O, my lord I understood from the different traces.

614- And from changeable monuments.

615- That your aim from me.

616- To show me yourself in everything.

617- In order that I so not forget you in anything.

618- O, my lord whenever my greedness made me speechless.

619- Your generosity made me speaking out.

620- And whenever my qualities made me hopeless.

621- Your favour made me hopeful.

622- O, my lord the one whose beauty is his uglyness.

623- How come his uglyness is not uglyness.

624- And the one whose realitises are claims.

625- And how his claims are not claims.

626- O, my lord your overwhelming desision.

627- O, my lord your overwhelming desision.

628- Did not leave for any speaker any speech.

629- And for anyone, any case.

630- O, my lord how many prayers that I have performed.

631- And how many cases that I have built.

632- My confidence of it was disappeared because of your juctice.

633- And your grace gave me tranquility and made me free.

634- My lord you know.

635- Verely if the mode of my prayer is not constant but the eagrness and kindness of you is continuance inside me.

636- My how could I get decisive intention, while you overcome on my intention.

637- And how could I not make decision where you ordered me to decide.

638- My lord, the research in the phenomena of this world has put me away.

639- Therefore please make my attention to be pure service to reach you.

640- How would it be possible to make evidence to know you by the creatures, which are in need of you in their existance.

641- Is there any sign for others of existence that you do not have.

642- In order to have a sign for your existence.

643- When you were absent that you need to bring a sign for your presence.

644- And when did you go far away that the signs could guide us towards you.

645- That eye should be blind if it does not see you watching it.

646- And the trade of your obedience would be lost without giving him a share of your love.

647- My lord you ordered me to look in your remaining signs.

648- Now you guide me with your shiny lights and bright site towards you.

649- In order to return to you as the first time I entered them towards you.

650- And not to pay attention to them.

651- And I do not depend on them in my attention.

652- Verely you are powerful over everything.

653- My lord my humility is shown in front of you.

654- And this case of mine is not hidden from you.

655- And I ask you to bring me close to you.

656- And by you I can bring evedience on you.

657- Therefore with your shiny light lead me to you.

658- And reside me in your place with the truth of slavery.

659- My lord teach me from your secret knowledge and cover me with your concealment.

660- My lord by the truth to of your close followers get me close to you.

661- And I ask you to make me run in the way of your lovers.

662- My lord make me free from my management with your plan and do not leave me alone by my own self to choose what I choose.

663- And make me aware of my helpless centres.

664- O, my lord release me from my object deed.

665- And release me from my doubt and dualism.

666- Before arriving of my death.

667- I ask you for your help, then help me.

668- And I rely on you then do not leave me by myself.

669- And I ask you then do not make me hopeless.

670- With your grace that I have fondness to you then do not make me deperived.

671- And I relate myself to you then do not leave me away.

672- And I stand on your door then do not push me away from yourself.

673- O, my lord, glory be to your satisfaction, to have a need from your own reason.

674- So how come to have a reason from me.

675- My lord you are free from any want to ask a benefit from yourself, so how would not be free from any want to ask me.

676- My lord the judgement and destiny are giving me a hope.

677- And verely with eagerness of my lusts I was captured.

678- So please be my aid and helper in order to help me and let me see the truth.

679- And with your kindness and your grace enrich me.

680- In such a way that I do not request anything from you but you.

681- You were the one who made The hearts of your lovers so bright till they could know you.

682- And they confirmed your unity.

683- And you have brought out the others from the hearts of your lovers.

684-then they did not take friend other than you and they did not ask anyone for help just you.

685- And you were their lover when the worlds were empty from love and were wild.

686- And you were the one who guided them were the signs were obvious for them.

687- What did he gain, the one who lost you.

688- And what did be loose the one who gained you.

689- And any body who chose somebody else except you, he will become hopeless.

690- And who ever asked for another one except you, he will loose.

691- How would somebody have a hope in other except you.

692- Where you have not stop the favour at all.

693- And how would it be possible to ask except from you.

694- Where you have not changed your grant (to your creatures).

695- O, who gave the taste of sweet loving to his lovers then they became longing to him.

696- O, he who put on the clothes of fearing for his lovers then started asking his lovers then they started asking his pardon.

697- You are the reciter of your names before your creatures reciting your names.

698- And before your worshippers come to you, you have started your favour.

699- And before the seekers ask for something you granted them and you are the most generous one.

700- And you are the giver of the gifts then you asked us something from what you have given us.

701- My lord call me with your mercy till I reach you and let me love you till come to you by your favour.

702- O, my lord I do not loose the hope from you.

703- Even though I disobeyed you.

704- And my fear will not be disappeared.

705- Even though I obeyed you.

706- Verely the worlds have pushed me towards you.

707- And m acknowledgement of your mercy has led me to you.

708- O, my lord how would I be disappointed while I have hope in you.

709- And how would I be humiliated while I have confidence in you.

710- How would I boast with my esteem while you made me concentrate on my humble deed and how I do not feel proud, while I am one of your creatures.

711- My lord how would I not call myself poor while you put me among the poors and how I would count myself poor while you made me rich.

712- And you are the only God and there is no God but you.

713- You made your sing clear to all creatures that no one will remain ignorant.

714- And you showed me yourself in every thing than I saw you clear in everything than I saw you clear in everything and you are known to me in everything.

715- O, he who has spread his blessing everywhere then the thrown disappreared and become unseen by itself.

716- You removed the effect with another effect.

717- And you have abolished the darkness of the others by the lights of heavens.

718- O, he who became hidden from the eyes of the creatures in the celestial of his thrown.

719- O, he who is reflected in his complete beauty then his greatness is so exalted.

720- How would you be hidden from your creatures where you are next to each of them and how would you be absent, where as you are always observer and present and you have power over everything and the praise is for the only lord (ALLAH).