The Captivity Journey

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Publisher: The Society of Islamic Cultural Knowledge
Category: Imam Hussein

The Captivity Journey

Author: The Institute of the Master of Martyrs (A.S)
Publisher: The Society of Islamic Cultural Knowledge

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The Captivity Journey

The Captivity Journey

Publisher: The Society of Islamic Cultural Knowledge

The Captivity Journey

Compiled and Translated by: The Institute of the Master of Martyrs (A.S). for the Rostrum of Hussain (Al Minbar Al Hussainy)

Publisher: The Society of Islamic Cultural Knowledge

First Edition: 2010 A.D -1431 He.


All copyrights are reserved

In The Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful

Table of Contents

Preface 6

Remarks 8

The Aftermath of the Hussainy Epic, 61 A.H. 9

The Implication of the Hussainy Epic 9

The Manifestation of the Divine Wrath after the Murder of Imam Hussain (Q) 10

The Despoilment of Imam Hussain’s (Q) Camp. 11

The Attempted Murder of Imam Zien El-Abedeen (Q) 12

The Burning of the Tents 13

The Head of Imam Hussain (Q) and the Head of the Martyrs 14

The Holy Bodies 15

The Final Hours of the Day of Ashura. 16

The Holy Head in the House of Khewalli Al-Assbahi 17

The Depart of the Rest of the Hussain Convoy from Karbala to Kufa. 18

The Preparatory Measures of Bin Ziad (O) for the Reception of the Rest of the Hussain Convoy  19

Kufa’s Reception of the Rest of the Hussain Convoy. 20

The Speeches of the Family of Prophecy (R) in the Streets of Kufa. 21

The Speech of Sayyeda Zeinab, the Daughter of Ali (L) 21

The Speech of Fatima Bint Al-Hussain Q: 22

The Speech of Um Kalthoum Bint Ali Q: 22

The Most Important Main Trends of the Speeches of Ahlu El-Bayt (R) on the Streets of Kufa  24

The Holy Head between the Hands of Bin Ziad. 25

The Hussain Convoy’s Confrontation with Bin Ziad. 25

Al- Rabab, the Wife of the Imam (Q) with his Holy Head. 27

The Stance of Sayyeda Um Kalthoum in front of Bin Ziad. 28

Indications in the Stances of the Ahlu El-Bayt R. 29

The Hussain’s Convoy in Bin Ziad’s Prison. 31

The Burial of Imam Hussain (Q) and the Rest of the Martyrs 32

The Uprising of Abdu Allah Bin Afeef Al-Azdi 35

Bin Ziad Demands from Bin Saad the Letter that Commanded the Killing of Imam Hussain (Q) 37

Al-Mukhtar Al-Thaqafi Learned about the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (Q) 38

How the Rest of the Progeny were Driven to Yazeed. 39

The Stopping Places on the Way from Kufa to Sham. 40

Nearby Damascus 41

The Festivals of Sham and the Suffering of the Family of the Prophet (peace be upon them) 42

The Hussain Convoy Heading to Sham. 43

Imam Zein El-Abedeen (Q) and the Old Man from Sham. 45

The Head of Imam Hussain (Q) and the Rest of the Hussain Convoy between the Hands of Ya-zeed Bin Muawiya. 47

Yazeed Patting the Head of Imam Hussain (Q) for the Second Time 48

Yazeed and the Clear Deception. 50

Yazeed Using the Poetry of Bin Al-Zubary. 51

The Debates of Imam Zein El-Abedeen (Q) with Yazeed. 52

Yazeed Gets Close to Killing Imam Zein El-Abedeen (Q) 55

The Head of the Jews in the General Assembly of Yazeed. 56

Sayyeda Zeinab Bint Ali (O) In Yazeed’s Parlor 57

Sayyeda Zeinab (O) with the Holy Head. 58

The Speech of Sayyeda Zeinab (O)19 59

The Stance of Sayyeda Zeinab (O) from the Request of the Man from Sham   62

The Role of the Ladies of the House of the Prophet (R) at Yazeed’s Parlor 63

The Speech of Imam Zein El-Abedeen (Q) 64

A Glimpse at the Speech of Imam Al-Sajjad (Q) and its Resonance 67

The Most Important Meetings of Imam Zein El-Abedeen (Q) in Sham. 69

Imam Zein El-Abedeen (Q) Makes Discussions with the Deluded Public Opinion  70

The Imprisonment of the Rest of the Hussain Convoy in Sham. 71

The Head of Imam Hussain (Q) with his Orphan. 73

Yazeed Expresses his Regret and Curses the Son of Murjana. 74

The Medina of the Prophet (P) Meeting the Returnees 75

Preparing the Captives of Ahlu El-Bayt (R) to Return to Medina 75

The Remaining of the Hussain Convoy in Karbala. 76

The Medina before Getting the News about the Demise of Imam Hussain (Q) 77

The Soil of Imam Hussain (Q) 78

Um Salama Knows of the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (Q) 79

The Arrival of Bin Ziad’s Messenger to Medina: 80

The Speech of Amro Bin Saeid Bin Al-Ass 81

The Role of Um Salama after the Obituary of Imam Hussain (Q) 82

The Stances of Abdu Allah Bin Jaafar Bin Abi Taleb. 83

The Role of the Daughters of Aqeel 84

The Return of the Rest of the Hussain Convoy to Medina. 85

Imam Zein El-Abedeen (Q) dispatches Bashir Bin Haltham. 86

The Speech of Imam Sajjad (Q) near his Grandfather’s Medina. 87

Notes about the Speech. 87

The Rest of the Hussain Convoy inside the Medina of the Messenger (P) 89

Rewarding the Guards 90

Destroying the Houses that belongs to Imam Hussain’s (Q) Family. 91

The Greif of Um Al-Baneen, the Wife of the Prince of Believers, Ali (Q) 92

The Continuous Crying of Imam Zein El-Abedeen (Q) and his Grief 93

Um Salama Returns the Consignments to its Owners 94

The Role of Imam Zein El-Abedeen (Q) in the Continuation of the Message 95

The Reactions of the Authority towards the Role of Imam Zein El-Abedeen (Q) 96

The Role of Sayyeda Zeinab (O) in the Continuation of the Message 97

Notes 98


All praise is to God, who bestowed on us the grace of loyalty to his Prophet and his progeny (Peace be upon them all) whom God intended them to be the rising suns, the enlightening moons, the shining stars, the signs of the religion and the essence of knowledge, whose succession counted a pious descendant after a pious ascendant, a true hearted following his virtuous ascendant, and a right path after another.

Praised be God who awarded us the salvation Ark, the light of guidance, Imam Hussain Bin Ali (Q), whom we were commanded to commemorate his martyrdom, and to continuously abide by the Islamic rules in order to honor his cause.

Thus far, the renaissance of Imam Hussain (Q) was and still constitutes a vast field of research and studies to extract crucial morals. Though more than thirteen centuries elapsed after this immortal battle, the generations of freemen around the world, are still getting inspired by the Karbala’s essence to set their route and enlighten their path.

Yet, since each era has its own Yazeed and own Imam Hussain (Q), getting to know the heroes of the immortal battle of Karbala, as well as the course of events and facts preceding it, using both logical and emotional language,

and provided with accurate and deep analysis of such events whether having preceded, accompanied, or followed the tenth day of Mouharram , 61 He, is an essential introduction to pave the way to understanding the requisites of such renaissance, in addition to its circumstances, effects and results.

The Institute of the Master of Martyr, Imam Hussain (Q), is glad to fulfill the promise it made in the preface of its previous book (The Journey of Martyrdom), which is to provide you with a new episode of the historical documentary series that deals with the events and the facts following the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (Q), the take off of the captivity journey crowned with pain and sadness, and ending with the return of the Prophet’s convoy to the Holy Medina.

We are eager to draw your attention, to the following:

1- We relied on a set of highly considered and recommended historical references to compose this issue. Yet, some of the important ones are:

"Bihar Al-Anwar" - for the Scholar Almajlesy

"Yanabeea Al-Mawadda" - for the Qandozi

"Al-Bedaya wa Al-Nehaya Fi Attareikh" - for Abu Alfedaa Ismaeil Bin Katheir Al-Demashqi

"Tareikh Bin Asaker"- Tarjamatu Imam Hussain (Q) - for Al-Mahmoudi

"Tareikh Al-Tabari" - for Muhammad Bin Jareer Al-Tabari

"Tareikh Al-Yaaqoubi" - for the Yaaqoubi

"Tathkerat Al-Khawas" - for Sebt Bin Al-Jouzi

"Al-Fottouh" - Bin Al-Aatham Al-Kufi

Al-Kamel Fi At-Tareikh" - for Bin Al-Atheir Al-Jazri

Al-Lohoof Ala Qatla Al-Tofoof" - for Raddi Al-Dein Bin Tawoose

"Mutheir Al-Ahzan" - for Bin Nama

"Mukhtasar Tareikh Demashq" - for Bin Manthour

"Morooj Al-Thahab" - for Al-Masoudi

"Maqtal Al-Hussain (Q) - for Al-Khawarezmi

2- Regarding some of the cases, requiring a high level of analytical narration, we provided the results that most renowned bibliographers have adopted without getting into the details of their analysis.

3- This edition is composed using simple and easy terminologies. The non professional reader may easily understand it, while preserving its scientific and historical value.

As for us, we ask Allah (SW) to make this edition a knowledge linking bridge between us and the Lord of emancipated freemen, steering to the heart and emotional fondness, hoping thus to be amongst those comprised within his intercession on the Judgment Day!

And Allah’s consent is our intention


1- We ask the respected reader to pay attention to the following remarks:

2- The names mentioned in this book have been written in accordance with their Arabic pronunciation."

"Indeed, if years made me late, and destiny prevented me from being among your supporters, and if I was not a fighter to he who had fought against you, and not an enemy to he who announced his enmity to you, I shall moan you in the morning and at night, I shall weep you with blood instead of tears, due to my heartbreaking and desolation for what happened to you, and out of eagerness to die of the sorrow of the calamity and the distress of the tragedy". 1

The Aftermath of the Hussainy Epic, 61 A.H.

The Implication of the Hussainy Epic

The tragic scene of the epic is not completed yet, it is noon time of the 10th day of Muharram, 61 A.H. as this day marked the beginning of a new phase of striving, revolution, and the objective and conscious exploitation of all the achievements of the Ashura Epic.

The heroes of the ongoing strive (Jihad) on the path of Karbala and its method are different than the heroes of the battle of Karbala. As Zeinab (O) seemed a shining star in leading the captives’ convoy while following the orders of the Imam of her time, Imam Sajjad (Q), whom the legitimate mandate required, in order to preserve the Imamate line, for his stand to be the same as the stand of his grandfather, the Prince of the believers (Q), on the day of the Dar, though he was the main director of the course of events after the battle.

And the families of martyrs, consisting of widows and orphans, had materialized the terminologies to perfect the Mohammedan striving scene. That allowed history to write once again with the help of the rising tears, the rebel cry of pain, and the stands of challenges and confrontations in the Caliph’s castles, the Muslims’ Mosques, their markets, homes and gathering places, as the captives’ convoy was an inseparable part of the blessed revolution of Imam Hussain (Q)

The Manifestation of the Divine Wrath after the Murder of Imam Hussain (Q)

It was not long for the Devine Manifestation, for the death of Imam Hussain (Q), to be reflected on all the mirrors of the worlds of creations in many various and marvelous universal terminologies.

This anger was shown on earth, in the sky, by plants and animals, in the sea, and on land. In some regions, people knew the reason behind such signs, while in other regions, people had no idea what was going on. Thus, it was known between Muslims, indeed they enormously agreed upon the origin of such universal changes. Many historians stated some of these changes, and here is some of it2 : The sky rained thick blood, any stone lifted in Jerusalem, was ought to find thick blood under it, the blackening and crying of the sky, and other facts that no Muslim can deny.

The Despoilment of Imam Hussain’s (Q) Camp

It was not enough for the Umayyad thieves, the enemies of Allah and his Prophet (P), to kill Imam Hussain (Q) and break his holy body with the hooves of their horses, yet they exceeded that by attacking the camp to plunder everything in it. They also exposed the sanctity of the ladies related to Prophet Muhammad (P) by stealing everything they had in a violent way that upsets any ardent person. That was due to the direct orders of Omar Bin Saad who spoke to his soldiers saying: "Beneath you are the tents, do plunder them!" Among the first robbers was Shamer Bin Zi Al-Jawshan. The soldiers attacked the tents and started to rob whatever the ladies and children had on them. They even injured Lady Um Kalthoum’s ear while pulling an earring out of it. When they were done distributing the goods, they started ripping off the tents with their swords and set them on fire. Then, the daughter of the Prince of the believers (O) came out and said: "O Bin Saad, Allah shall be the Judge between us; He may prohibit you from our Grandfather’s intervention and shall not allow you to drink from his trough for what you have done to us and gave your orders to fight against the grandson of the Prophet (P), with no mercy for his children or passion for his ladies…"

But Bin Saad did not pay attention to her.

It was narrated that Imam Reda (Q) had said: "Indeed Muharram was a month that the people of Jahiliyya (pre-Islamic state of ignorance) used to forbid fighting during it. Yet, in it our blood was shed, our reputation was defamed, our descendants and women were captivated, our camps were set on fire, and were plundered of all the valuables that we owned".

The Attempted Murder of Imam Zien El-Abedeen (Q)

Imam Zein El-Abedeen and Sayyed Al-Sajjadeen Ali bin Al-Hussain (Q) was present in Karbala with his father, but he was sick, and it was not documented in the historical references how long did his sickness last, but it was understood from some of the historical indications that he (Q) was still very sick and weak even when they reached Damascus.

Yet, Shamer Bin Zi Al-Jawshan entered the tent where Imam Zein El-Abedeen (Q) was, while he was resting down on a mattress and said: "Kill this one!" A man among his soldiers said to him: "Praised Be Allah! Do you want to kill such a young and sick man who did not fight you?"

Just then Sayyeda Zeinab (O) came to him and said: "By Allah, he shall not be killed unless I am killed first! So stay away from him".

Here, it is important to point that his sickness (Q) even though it was a helping factor in driving the enemies away from killing him, since they thought he is very close to being dead due to his sever sickness, but it was not the main reason that had stopped them. Indeed, it was the great heroic stand of his aunt, Sayyeda Zeinab (O) when she held him and said to Shamer: "You had enough of our blood! By Allah, I shall never separate from him, if you want to kill him you shall kill me as well!" She (O) had repeated this great heroic act in many occasions.

The Burning of the Tents

After Shamer Bin Zi Al-Jawshan had failed to kill Imam Zein El-Abedeen (Q), the soldiers started to pull the ladies and children out of the tents and set them on fire. So they came out weeping, bare footed and without any of their belongings. And it is not hidden that all the tents had been set on fire, as it was said by Imam Reda Q: "Our camps were set on fire" Yet it appears that this pavilion, where all the ladies and children had gathered along with Imam Zein El-Abedeen (Q), was the last one to be burned after they had been pulled out of it.

That is when Sayyeda Zeinab (O) went out calling with a sad voice and a depressed heart: ""Alas Muhammad, May the King of Heavens bless you, this is Hussain, covered with blood and dirt, while his body parts are cut off, How saddening is that! And your daughters are now captives. To Allah we complain, to Muhammad Al-Mustafa, to Ali Al-Murtada, to Fatima Al Zahra’a and to Hamza the Master of Martyrs!"

"Alas Muhammad this is Hussain thrown on the desert land, in the hot wind. He had been murdered by the sons of wrong doers. Alas how sad and distressed I am for you Aba Abdullah! Today, My Grandfather, Allah’s Prophet (P), died". O Muhammad’s companions, here are the Pedigrees of Al-Mustafa treated like captives!!"

The Head of Imam Hussain (Q) and the Head of the Martyrs

Indeed, the incident of carrying the head of the Prophet’s grandson (P) and the rest of the pure heads is another crime of the many horrible crimes that Karbala had witnessed. This crime had uncovered another veil off the malicious intention of the Umayyad regime.

Thus Omar Bin Saad had sent off on that day, the Day of Ashura, the head of Imam Hussain (Q) with Khewalli Bin Yazeed Al-Assbahi to Obayd Allah Bin Ziad. Then he ordered the same for the rest of the martyrs’ heads, except for the head of Al-Hurr Al Riyahi, due to his tribe objecting the cutoff of his head, and he ordered Shamer Bin Zi Al-Jawshan to take it along with Qeiss Bin Al-Ashaath and Amro Bin Al-Hajjaj.

So they kept going until they reached Bin Ziad.

Thus tribes like Kinda, Hawzan, Banu Tameem, and Banu Asad all competed to carry the martyrs’ heads.

The Holy Bodies

The body of Imam Hussain (Q) along with the bodies of the other martyrs among his family and his companions out in the open while not buried, it was blazed by the hot sun, and hit by the strong wind; while the cursed, Omar Bin Saad, had buried his soldiers and performed the proper prayer for leaving the body of Imam Hussain (Q) and the bodies of his supporters.

The Final Hours of the Day of Ashura

All the women of Imam Hussain (Q) along with his daughters and children had gathered under the captivity of the enemies, while occupied by sadness, distress and weeping. That day had ended while they were in so much sorrow and grieve that no heart can bear. They spent that night having lost their men and protectors, strangers where ever they reside or travel. Yet, the enemies exaggerate in abandoning them and staying away from them, aiming for the consent of the hypocrite Omar Bin Saad who had wounded the hearts and caused for the children of the Messenger of Allah (P) to become orphans. Also, they wanted to become closer to the libertine, Obayd Allah Bin Ziad, who was appointed by the infidel, Yazeed Bin Muawiya, the head of obstinacy and disbelieving.

The Holy Head in the House of Khewalli Al-Assbahi

Khewalli Bin Yazeed Al-Assbahi hastened to deliver the Holy Head to Obayd Allah Bin Ziad, he stopped on his way by a house called "Al-Hannanah", and when he reached the reign’s castle in Kufa, the door was closed, so he headed to his home. He put the Head under a bowl then went to his wife, Annawwar Bint Malik Bin Aqrab. She asked him about the news, so he answered her happily: "I came to you with the wealth of all times; this is the Head of Hussain with you in the house". She went insane and yelled: "Woe to you, people had come with gold and silver and you came with the Head of the Prophet’s grandson (P). By Allah, I shall never live in the same house with you, be happy! As your enemy tomorrow (Resurrection Day) is His Grandfather, Muhammad P!"

It was narrated that she helped in killing him when Al-Mukhtar took revenge from the killers of the Master of Martyrs (Q)

The Depart of the Rest of the Hussain Convoy from Karbala to Kufa

Bin Saad spent the remainder of that day in Karbala till the noon of the second day. Then, he headed to Kufa along with whoever is left from the family and children of Imam Hussain (Q). He made the ladies of the Imam (Q) ride on the camels’ backs with no cover or saddles, while their faces were exposed to the enemies even though they were the sacred ladies of the family of the best of Prophets (P). Yet, they were driven and treated just like the captives of Turkish or Rome in such tragic and distressing captivity.

Bin Saad (May Allah Curse Him) gave his orders to pass by the dead bodies, in order for them to see their brothers and sons and say good bye to them. So, the soldiers made them go through the battle field. When the ladies saw the dead bodies, they started to weep and hit their cheeks (a way to show deep distress).

Just then Sayyeda Zeinab (O) started saying:

"Alas Muhammad, May the King of Heavens bless you, this is Hussain, covered with blood and dirt, while his body parts are cut off, while your descendants are killed, left alone under the bad, hot wind". So she caused for every one cry whether an enemy or a friend.

Thus the historical resources did not mention what happened to the Hussain convoy in their way from Karbala to Kufa.

The army of Bin Saad, along with the remainder of the Hussain Convoy, reached the borders of Kufa on the night of the eleventh day of Muharram. They spent that night in one of the houses on the roads that were very close to Kufa or near its borders. Thus they entered Kufa on the twelfth day of Muharram during day light, which was an important publicity factor to shed the lights on their triumph and to show off their victory.

The Preparatory Measures of Bin Ziad (O) for the Reception of the Rest of the Hussain Convoy

When the news of the return of Bin Saad’s army to Kufa reached Bin Ziad, he ordered that no one shall carry weapons in Kufa. He also ordered ten thousand knights to spread on the roads, markets and streets due to his fear of people moving out of rage to what happened to Ahlu El-Bayt (R)3 , especially if they saw who is left of them in such miserable state of captivity. Thus, the population of Kufa was at that time around three hundred thousand. He ordered for the heads of the martyrs to be put among the ladies and to make them walk the streets and roads in order to inculcate fear in the hearts of the people. Bin Ziad also ordered for the holy head to be put on top of a spear and to walk with it all the streets of Kufa.

Thus the head of Imam Hussain (Q) was the first head to be put on a spear.

Kufa’s Reception of the Rest of the Hussain Convoy

All the people of Kufa went to the streets to witness the celebration of Bin Ziad welcoming his victorious army!

Yet the streets, roads, and passages of Kufa got full of all the men, women and children, and when the women saw the state of the captivated women, how they were riding on camels’ backs with no saddles, they started to weep and hit their cheeks. Just then, Imam Zein El-Abedeen (Q) said to them with a faint voice, while the chain was around his neck and his hands were tied up: "These ladies are weeping! So, who did kill us?!"

One of the ladies of Kufa looked from her roof and asked the ladies:  "To which families do you belong?" They answered: "We are the families of the progeny of Muhammad (P)”.

So, the woman came down of her house to gather some veils, covers and clothes, and she gave them to the ladies, and they covered themselves.

Muslim Al-Jassas had narrated that while he was mending the Imamate Castle, he heard loud screams from Kufa, so he asked about the reason and he was told that the army had brought the head of a repellent who did not obey Yazeed. When he learned that it was the head of Imam Hussain Bin Ali (Q) he started slapping his face until his eyes almost popped out. He also saw ladies, women, and the children of Fatima O, while Ali Bin Al-Hussain (Q) was on a camel’s back with no saddle while blood was coming out of his veins. He went on saying:

O bad nation, may your lands never be watered

O nation that did not care for our Grandfather’s sanctity when dealing with us.

The people of Kufa started to hand the children who were on the camels’ backs some dates, bread and walnuts. Yet, the daughter of the Prince of believers (Q) yelled at them saying: "O people of Kufa, charity is prohibited to us!" And she started taking the food away from the children’s hands and mouths and said: "Quiet O people of Kufa, your men kill us, and your women weep for us!  Allah shall be the Judge between you and us on the Judgment Day".

She (O) intended from returning the charity of the people of Kufa to let the people know that the captives of this convoy are not ordinary people, indeed they are the family of the Messenger of Allah (P), whom love and obedience were imposed by Allah (SW).

The Speeches of the Family of Prophecy (R) in the Streets of Kufa

The Speech of Sayyeda Zeinab, the Daughter of Ali (L)

When Al-Aqeela Zeinab (O) saw that the huge crowds of the people of Kufa had filled up the streets, she precipitated explaining what had happened to the family of the Prophet, and she held them responsible for breaking their promise and allegiance and causing the killing of the beloved grandson of the Messenger of Allah (P). She was prickling their conscious and grieving their hearts by pointing out the magnitude of the sin they have committed. She gesticulated to the people to be silent, so they all held their breaths and the bells stopped ringing, and then she said:

"Thank God, and Peace be upon my Grandfather, Muhammad, and his kind and pure progeny, then…

O people of Kufa, O you people of treachery and deceit. Are you crying?! May your tears never stop!  And your weeping shall never be stilled. Indeed you are just like that lady who untied her yarn after she had worked hard knitting it.

You take your oaths to deceive and cheat each other. Is there any one among you but a shameful arrogant, repugnant and revolting, who speaks what he does not mean, who is the aim of the enemies (proverb), like sheep feeding from adung, or like silver on a dead body!4 Oh how bad is what you made for yourselves, that brought Allah’s wrath upon you and you shall forever be in torment!

Are you crying and weeping?!! Indeed by God, do cry a lot and laugh a little, since you have gained its shame and disgrace, and you will never be able to wash it away, how can you wipe off killing the descendant of the last Prophet, the core of the prophecy, the master of the Heaven’s youths, the haven for good people, the refuge from calamities, the light for your arguments, and the core of the Sunna (rules set by the Prophet). How bad is what you are baring, demise and distraction are for you. As your striving had failed, your hands are tied, and the deal was lost, as you came out with the rage of Allah, and humiliation and degradation shall be your destiny!

Woe to you O people of Kufa! Are you aware which liver of the Messenger of Allah you had torn?! Which dignified granddaughter you had exposed?! Which of his blood you had shed, and which sanctity of his you have revoked?! Indeed you have done it, loud and clear, black and dark, enough to fill the earth and the sky of your bad deeds.

Is it a wonder to you that the sky rained blood?!! Indeed the torture of the afterlife is more degrading and you shall not be helped! Do not be taken by the awaiting time, as God might hasten to punish you, and He shall take the revenge and your God is watching!"

Thus people were puzzled and crying while had put their hands in their mouths.

An old man cried until his beard got soaked, while he was saying: "You are worthier to me than my father and mother, your old men are the best seniors, your young men are the best youth, your ladies are the best women,

and your offspring is the best offspring, which shall not be defeated or distressed"

The Speech of Fatima Bint Al-Hussain Q:

Then, Fatima Bint Al-Hussain (Q) had lectured saying: … "Then, O people of Kufa, O people of cunning, treachery and hauteur. Indeed God had afflicted us, Ahlu El-Bayt, by you, and had tested you by us. So, He made our performance good, He gave us His knowledge and apprehension. We are the depositary to His knowledge, the container for His wisdom and apprehension, and His proof on earth in His lands for His worshipers. He dignified us with His dignity, and He vividly distinguished us from many of his creations with his Prophet, Muhammad (P). So, you accused us of lying and disbelieving! And you considered your fight against us to be legitimate! And our money is for you to plunder! …. As you have murdered our Grandfather before, the Prince of believers, Ali (Q), your swords are soaked with our blood being the family of the Prophet (R) due to an old animosity!!

Your eyes are rested for that and your hearts are pleased, out of calumny to Allah, and you plotted conspiracies and Allah is the Best of those who plot…".

So, the cries got louder and the people said: "That is enough, O daughter of the kind people! Indeed, you have burned our hearts, hurt our throats, and flamed up our souls". So, she stopped.

The Speech of Um Kalthoum Bint Ali Q:

Um Kalthoum had raised her crying voice and addressed the people saying: "O people of Kufa, shame on you! You let Hussain down and murdered him; you plundered his money and inherited him?! And you captivated his women and harmed him?! So demise and perish shall be for you… You had killed the best of men after the Prophet P! Thus mercy had been removed from your hearts. Indeed, the party of Allah will be the victorious and the party of Satan will be the losers".

So the people cried louder and started to whimper and groan, the women spread their hairs (sign of distress) and started putting dirt on their heads, they scratched their faces and hit their cheeks, and wished for torment and destruction. And the men cried as it was never seen people crying more than that day.

While the people were crying loudly, Imam Zein El-Abedeen (Q) signaled to them to be quiet, so they did. Then he got up, thanked and praised Allah, and he mentioned the Prophet Muhammad (P) and praised him, then he said:

"O people! For he who knows me, I do not need to introduce myself to him, and for he who does not know me, Indeed I am Ali the son of Hussain the son of Ali Bin Abi Taleb (Q), I am the son of whose sanctity was breached, whose boon was robbed, whose money was stolen, and whose family was captivated. I am the son of who was slaughtered on the Furat’s docks for no personal hatred or revenges! I am the son of who was killed unjustly, which by itself is enough to be proud of!

O people! I do ask you By Allah, do you know that you have written to my father and deceived him?! And you pledged to him your allegiance and you assured him with your lives, to then fight against him!

How bad is what you brought to yourselves! And what a bad decision! How are you going to face the Messenger of Allah (Q) when he tells you: You killed my progeny and violated my sanctity, so you are not of my Nation?!!"

So, the voices became louder coming from all directions, while people were saying to each other: you are doomed and you do not know it!

The Most Important Main Trends of the Speeches of Ahlu El-Bayt (R) on the Streets of Kufa

Thus the Family of the Prophet (R) had spoken to the people of Kufa with a common main trend, which is that they all blamed the people of Kufa and spoke to them as they are the murderers who had committed the crime of killing the Master of martyrs (Q) and his family and supporters. Since the people were the fuel for the fire that the mighty tyrants had lightened its sparkle, they were the murdering tool, indeed they were those who committed the crime, and this was pointed in many of the narrations of the members of the purified family (R), part of it is this paragraph from Ziyarat Ashura:

"… So God’s curse shall be upon the nation that set the basis for your oppression, and God shall curse the nation that pushed you away from your place and removed you from the ranks that God had appointed you for them, and Allah shall curse a nation that killed you…".

Indeed the nation’s role is very important and effective, as the leaders of goodness need the nation to achieve victory and without it they are unable to achieve any of the goodness and reformation objectives, and by the nation the leaders of wickedness win and without it they cannot reach their evil objectives.

The Holy Head between the Hands of Bin Ziad

Bin Ziad sat in the ruling castle, and called for the public to come to him. He ordered for the Holy head to be put in front of him, and started looking at it while smiling! He also was hitting its parts with a stick he held in his hands!

The Hussain Convoy’s Confrontation with Bin Ziad

The Hashim’s women were taken to the ruling castle while the children of Imam Hussain (Q) were taken to Bin Ziad. Sayyeda Zeinab (O) entered along with them disguised in non attracting clothes, and she sat in one of the corners of the castle.

So Bin Ziad said: "who is this lady that went aside with her women?"

And he repeated the question about her a second and a third time.

Then some of the ladies said to him: "This is Zeinab the daughter of Fatima, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah, May Allah’s peace be upon them all"

Thus Bin Ziad approached her and said to her: "Thank is to God that he exposed and killed you; and he proved you wrong!"

Then Sayyeda Zeinab (O) said:

"Thank God who had honored us with his Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him and his Progeny, and He had purified us from all wrong doing thoroughly. Indeed, only a dissolute can be exposed, and only an extravagant shall be proved wrong, and both are not us, thank God!"

So, Bin Ziad said: "How did you see what God had done to your family?"

She (O) said: "I only saw what is good! These are people that God had destined them to be killed, so they emerged to their resting places. God shall confront you with them and you will discuss and argue, and you will see who will be the loser then, may your mother mourn you, son of Murjana!"

This made Bin Ziad angry and flared him up.

Then Amro Bin Hareeth said: "My Prince, she is just a woman, and women are not blamed for what they say, and are not disparaged for their speeches"

Bin Ziad said: "God pleased my soul with what he had done to your tyrant and the rebellions of your family!!"

So, she (O) cried and said: "Indeed, you killed my elderly, finished my family, cut off my branch, and uprooted my origin, if this pleases you, then you shall be pleased!"

Obayd Allah said: "This rhymes! Indeed your father was a good rhyming poet".

So she (O) answered: "What a woman has to do with rhyming?! I have other important things than rhyming to occupy me…".

Imam Sajjad’s Confrontation with Bin Ziad

They brought Imam Zein El-Abedeen before him, so he said: "Who are you?"

He (Q) said: "I am Ali the son of Hussain".

Then he said: "didn’t God kill Ali Bin Hussain?!"

So he (Q) said: "I had a brother called Ali, and the people killed him".

Bin Ziad said: "Indeed, God had killed him".

Imam Zein El-Abedeen (Q) said: "God is who terminates the life of people when they die".

Bin Ziad got angry and said: "and you dare to talk back to me! Are you still able to answer me? Go, and cut off his neck".

Then, Sayyeda Zeinab (O) held on to him and said: "O Bin Ziad, enough of our blood!"

She hugged him and said: "By Allah, I shall not leave him, if you want to kill him, do kill me with him!"

Bin Ziad looked at her and said: "How strange is kinship! By Allah, I do believe that she wanted me to kill her with him! Leave him".

Afterwards, Bin Ziad asked that they reside next to the Great Mosque.

Al- Rabab, the Wife of the Imam (Q) with his Holy Head

Bin Ziad had asked for them one more time, and when the ladies entered, they saw the Head of Imam Hussain (Q) between his hands, while divine lights were shedding from it towards the sky. The Rabab, the wife of Imam Hussain (Q), could not control herself, so she threw herself on him and started kissing him.

The Stance of Sayyeda Um Kalthoum in front of Bin Ziad

The cursed man spoke to Um Kalthoum, the daughter of Ali (Q) and said:

 "Thank is to God who killed your men! So, how do you view what He did to you?"

She said: "O Bin Ziad! If your eyes are comforted by the killing of Imam Hussain (Q), you shall know that the eyes of his Grandfather were comforted by seeing him long before that, he used to kiss him, kiss his lips, and carry him on his shoulder! O Bin Ziad, do prepare an answer for his Grandfather, as he is your opponent tomorrow!"