Tahzeeb-ul-Islam (Islamic Ettiquettes)

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Tahzeeb-ul-Islam (Islamic Ettiquettes) Author:
Publisher: Ja’fari Propagation Centre
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Tahzeeb-ul-Islam (Islamic Ettiquettes)

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Allamah Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi
Publisher: Ja’fari Propagation Centre
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Tahzeeb-ul-Islam (Islamic Ettiquettes)
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Tahzeeb-ul-Islam (Islamic Ettiquettes)

Tahzeeb-ul-Islam (Islamic Ettiquettes)

Publisher: Ja’fari Propagation Centre

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Manners of Going to a Bath, Washing Head and Body, Applying Noorah and Certain Baths

1. Advantages of a bath:

It is stated from Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.) that bathing on alternative days fattens the body, whereas daily washing melts the fat on kidneys and makes the body thin.

According to Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s.), there are four preventive measures for all diseases:

a) Taking enema

b) Extracting excessive blood from the neck

c) Dropping medicine in the nose

d) Taking bath

According to many traditions, it is stated that a man who believes in God and the Resurrection day will never send his woman to a bath house (common bathroom). There are two points in this order which the Ulema explain. Firstly, in a warm climate, there is no need for a woman to visit a common bath house and secondly, that the woman of the house should never be allowed to a bath house or near the river for this purpose for the sake of entertainment.

2. Etiquette of visiting a bathroom and doas (prayers) which should be recited:

According to all reliable traditions, a person who has faith in the Day of Judgement should wrap a lungi (a cloth around the waist) while taking bath in a bathroom.

Another tradition prohibits a person from seeing another person naked in the bathroom and a person who thus complies God will free himself from the fire of hell.

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has prohibited bathing naked under the sky and in streams and rivers and also said that there are angels in the streams. In the same manner, washing or bathing naked in bathroom is prohibited.

According to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), one should eat a little before going to the bathroom; for if there is anything in the stomach then it will strengthen the body. Thus the temperature of the stomach will be eased. But when the stomach is filled, one should never visit the bathroom. It is further stated that if one wants to grow fat, he should eat a little before entering the bathroom, but if he wants to become slim, then he should visit the bathroom first thing in the morning without taking any food.

3. What should be done in a bathroom:

It is stated from Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.) that Hazrat Ali (a.s.) prohibited lying flat in the bathroom as it melts the fat. One is also prohibited from rubbing tile on the body as it causes dandruff and leprosy. (According to Ibne Babviah (a.r.) and Mulla Mohammed Taqi (a.r.), the tile in this hadith implies piece of Syria pottery).

Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.) has stated that one should not visit the bathroom with one's son. It is also stated that parents are not supposed to see their children naked and the children are not supposed to see their parents

naked. Further, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has cursed that person who sees anyone naked in the bathroom and has also cursed that person who does not wrap a cloth round his waist when in the bathroom.

Another tradition prohibits lying on one's side in the bathroom as this melts the fat on the kidneys and slims the man. One should not comb in the bathroom as this weakens the hair, and one should not wash the hair with mud as it causes loss of respect. One should not rub the tile on the body as it causes leprosy and should not wipe face with loin cloth as it dims the attraction of the face. According to Babviah (a.r.), mud implies the mud of Egypt and tile implies that of Syria.

According to Hazrat Ali (a.s.), urinating in bathroom causes worries.

4. The advantages of removing odour from the head and body:

According to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), water is enough to perfume the body and a person should clean himself before changing his clothes.

It is stated from Hazrat Ali (a.s.) that washing of head not only removes dirt but also all types of eye troubles; and washing of clothes removes sadness and makes one achieve the cleanliness required for prayers. He also stated that body odour hurts other people; therefore, one should always keep the body clean by constant use of water and one should not ignore the cleanliness of the body and it should be remembered that God dislikes dirty persons, sitting with whom becomes intolerable. He has also stated that one should consider water as perfume.

According to Jabir-e-Jo’fi, he complained to Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s.) of having lice in his head which fall on his clothes and dirty them. The Imam (a.s.) asked him to take out the juice by beating Mooorad and mix it with vinegar which is very bitter and made of wine until the foam is formed and then to wash the beard and head with it and then to apply the fat of fresh milk to the head and beard. This procedure will cure him of lice.

5. The advantages of washing head with leaves of berry and khatmi:

According to a reliable tradition from Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), it is stated that cutting of nails, trimming of sideburns and washing the head with khatmi leaves removes poverty, and increases earnings.

In another tradition he has stated that a person who trims his nails and sideburns and washes his head with khatmi on a Friday will get the reward of freeing a slave.

A reliable tradition from Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.) states that washing head with leaves of berry increases the earnings.

6. Benefits of applying noorah (a kind of lime water which is applied for the removal of unwanted hair):

It is stated from Hazrat Ali (a.s.), that applying Noorah makes the body clean.

It is stated from the same Imam (a.s.), that the growth of unwanted hair stops the production of semen and children, makes the joints inactive and causes weakness and leprosy.

Applying Noorah to remove unwanted hair increases the production of semen, makes the body strong and increases the fat on kidneys.

It is stated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) that one should not allow his hair over lips, under armpit and over lower abdomen to grow. It opens temptation to shaitan.

It is stated in a reliable tradition from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) that one should not allow the hair under the armpit to grow as it opens temptation to shaitan.

7. Duration of time for applying noorah:

It is stated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) that the person who has faith in Almighty God and the Day of Judgement should not keep the unwanted hair for more than forty days.

It is stated from Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.) that it is sunnat to apply Noorah once in fifteen days. It is also stated that Noorah will not harm anybody if it smells a little.

It is narrated from Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.) and Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.) that it did not matter to apply noorah in the state of Janabat; rather it would increase physical purity.

It is narrated in a reliable tradition from Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.) that a person asked him whether he could apply Olive Oil mixed with flour on the body, after applying Noorah to get rid of the unpleasant smell, and Imam (a.s.) replied in the affirmative.

8. Benefits of applying henna after applying noorah:

It is narrated from Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.) that his ancestors have stated from his grand-ancestor, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), that a person will be safe from lunacy, leprosy, white spots on the skin and itching if he applies henna after applying noorah. This period of safety will continue till the day when the person applies noorah again.

9. Etiquette of Jumma Bath and other kinds of baths:

According to Scholars, there are five compulsory baths:

a) Janabat bath (it is compulsory to take bath after seminal discharge; for women also it is compulsory after coition)

b) Haiz bath (compulsory bath for women after menstruation)

c) Istehaza bath (compulsory bath for women when the excessive blood flows more than the menstruation period of 3 to 10 days, or after Nifas)

d) Nifas (compulsory bath for women when the period of flow of blood after delivery is over)

e) Bath after touching any part of a dead body

It is written in the commentary of Quran by Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) that if one reads the following Doa after Wuzu or Janabat bath, his sins will vanish away as the leaves falling down from the tree, and from every drop of wuzu water or bathing water, an angel will be created to pray to God and recite Durood for Prophets, and all these blessings will be written in his record book.

There are sixty-two varieties of sunnat baths among which Juma’h bath is considered superior, none should avoiod it if within means.

Juma’h’h bath (Ghusl-e-Juma’h’h) according to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), is kaffarah, an expiation of our sins and purifies us outwardly and inwardly till the next Friday.

It is stated in Fiqh-e-Reza that after the Juma’h bath is over, recite:

‘O Allah purify me and my heart, make my bath sacred and let my tongue be busy in Thy praise and the praise of the Apostle Mohammed Mustafa (s.a.w.a.) and make me integrate among those whose retribution was acceptable and was pure and pious.

The time for taking Juma’h bath is from early morning to the beginning of Zawal (i.e. when the sun passes the meridian line). It is better to have bath just before the Juma’h prayer. If there is no possibility of getting water on Friday, one can do it on Thursday and it is not necessary to have niyat. But on Saturday, one can take bath from morning till evening with the niyat of qaza.

It is sunnat to bathe in the odd nights of the month of Ramazan i.e. first, fifteenth and seventeenth nights. On the seventeenth night of Ramazan, the infidels gathered to fight the battle of Badr and Muslims won it. On the nineteenth night of Ramazan, all the deeds of the year are recorded. There are certain traditions which state that successors of

Prophets were martyred on the twenty-first night of Ramazan. Hazrat Esa (a.s.) went to heaven and Hazrat Moosa (a.s.) also died on this night. And it is firmly assumed that this night is Shabe Qadr (the esteemed night).

It is also assumed more firmly that twenty third night of Ramazan is also Shabe Qadr (esteemed night) and two baths are considered necessary - one is just before sunset and the other at the last part of the night. In another tradition it is stated to take bath at every night of the last two days of Ramazan.

It is sunnat to take a bath at the night of Eidul Fitr (i.e. Ramazan Eid) and on the day of Eidul Fitr and Eiduz Zuha (Eid-e-Qurbani). The bath of Eiduz Zuha and Eidul Fitr can be taken from morning till evening but it is better to have before Eid prayer.

It is sunnat to take a bath on 8th Zilhijja and the day of Arafa before Zawal (i.e. before the sun passes meridian line) and at the night of 15th Rajab.

It is stated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) that whoever takes bath on the 1st, 15th and the last day of Rajab, his sins will be forgiven and made pure as if he is born on that day from his mother's womb. It is sunnat to bathe on 27th Rajab as it is the day of Eid-e-Mabo'th (the day of declaration of Prophethood).

15th Sha'ban is the birthday of Hazrat Sahibuzzaman i.e. the 12th Imam Hazrat Mehdi (a.s.). 18th Zilhijja is Eid-e-Ghadeer, 24th Zilhijja is Eid-e-Mubahila and 25th is Eid-e-Dahwularz (creation of earth). It is sunnat to take bath on these days.

According to some scholars, one should take bath on Nawroz.

According to Moalla Ibne Khuniash, it is stated in a tradition that on the day of Nawroz, the sun enters into Burje Hamal. It is sunnat to take bath before wearing Ehram for Haj and Umrah.

The bath for the recitation of Salutation (Ziarat) of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and Holy Imams (a.s.) is sunnat whether salutation is offered from far or near.

Bath is sunnat for Istakhara-e-mutlaq and is advisable for Istakhara-e-Bilkhusus, and special prayers offered for a certain end.

Bath is sunnat for remission of sins and also for offering Qaza prayers of solar eclipse but in the latter case; only when the prayers had not been offered intentionally and the sun had gone into total eclipse. According to few scholars, this bath is compulsory and care should be taken not to avoid it. Others are of the opinion that if the prayers are missed intentionally, when the sun was not in total eclipse, still one must compulsorily take the bath for offering the prayers late; and according to a strong opinion, the bath is compulsory even when the sun was in total eclipse.

There are different types of sunnat baths (Ghusl) for entering Harams, the city of Mecca and the Mosque of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and also for perfoorming Tawaf-e-Haram-e-Madina and the city of Madina.

The bath on the birthday of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and for the Ziarat of the day is sunnat.

The bath for Namaze Istisqa is sunnat and also after killing a lizard or intentionally witnessing a hanging. According to others, this bath is compulsory. Some scholars are of the opinion that bath is sunnat even when one sees a hanging, three days after it had taken place, whether the hanging was based on justice or not, on Islamic law or otherwise. Some scholars are of the opinion that performing of compulsory bath is sunnat when it was taken while any part of the body was bandaged on account of wounds etc.

According to some scholars, the bath is sunnat for shrouding the dead body i.e. if one had touched the dead body (when it gets cold) before it was shrouded, then one should take a bath before covering it with a shroud.

In the same manner, a person who touches the dead body after it had been washed, then taking a bath is sunnat.

If a man died in the state of Janabat, he should be given Ghusle Janabat (Janabat bath) before or after Ghusle Mayyat (i.e. dead body), and it is sunnat.

Smelling and Application of Scent, Flowers and Oil

1. Benefits of sweet-scent and its proper application:

According to reliable traditions, applying scent and smelling it is included in the elegant manners of the Prophets.

It is stated froom Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.) that sweet scents increase the strength of heart and virility.

According to a reliable tradition from Imam Reza (a.s.), it is not advisable for man to leave off applying scent. It is better if one applies it every day; if he cannot, he should apply every alternate day and even if that is not possible, he should never miss applying scent on a Friday.

According to Hazrat Ali (a.s.), one should apply scent on the moustaches as it was the habit of the Prophets. The angels who record the deed are impressed as they like good scent.

According to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), the person who applies it (scent without spirit) in the morning will be free from freak of reason until night; and that the prayer of a person who applies it during prayers, is better than 70 prayers performed without it.

Another tradition states that people used to recognise the place where Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.) had done sajdah (bowing down during prayers) by the scent which used to emanate from the place.

According to a tradition from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), the scent which is used by women should have a prominent colour and its perfume subdued whereas the scent used by men must possess a subdued colour and impressive perfume.

Hazrat Ali (a.s.) states that it is imperative for a woman to be always well-perfumed for the sake of her husband.

2. A version on refusing scent or perfume:

People asked Imam Ja'farr-e-Sadiq (a.s.) whether it was proper for a person to refuse perfume when it is offered. The Imam (a.s.) replied that it is not advisable to refuse the creation of Almighty.

According to a tradition, people brought perfumed oil as a gift to Hazrat Ali (a.s.). He (a.s.) accepted the gift and applied it to his body though he had already applied oil to his body earlier in the day and said that he had never refused perfume at any time.

Another tradition states that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) never used to refuse the sweets and perfumes brought for him.

According to Hasan ibne Juane, he visited Imam Reza (a.s.) one day. The Imam (a.s.) brought a container which had musk in it and asked him to take some from it. He did what was told. He was ordered to take musk once more and apply it on his neck and garment. He did what he was told and there was a little left in the container. The Imam (a.s.) asked him to take that much also and apply it as he had applied before and said that except a donkey no one refuses the wonders of God. When Hasan inquired of the Imam (a.s.) as to what were the wonders of the Almighty, the Imam (a.s.) replied, perfume, relaxing cushions which people offer one to sit comfortably and also those things which are the signs of respect.

3. The blessings of musk, umber and saffron:

According to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), perfume implies musk, saffron and ood.

Another tradition states that Imam Zainul Aabedin (a.s.) possessed a musk container made of alloy (rang). Before changing his clothes he used to apply a little on his body.

Another tradition states that he kept a little bottle of musk in his prayer mat and used to apply it every time he stood for prayers.

Another tradition states that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) used to apply so much musk that the colour of the musk could be seen on his forehead.

Another tradition states that Imam Reza (a.s.) possessed a bottle of scent which had many sections in it. Each section contained a separate perfume and in one section there was musk.

Another tradition states that Ali, the son of Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), asked his elder brother Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.) whether it was permissible to mix musk in the oil which was applied on the body. The Imam (a.s.) said that it was not harmful as he himself mixed musk with the oil meant for body.

Many traditions have praised Khulooq (name of a perfume) but some traditions have prohibited its constant use.

4. Advantages of Ghalia (Musk):

According to a reliable tradition, it is stated that Ishaq ibne Ammar said to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.) that when he meets merchants he applies a little ghalia (musk) that they may not think him poor. The Imam (a.s.) said that whether the ghalia is more or less, it does not matter and even a little of its application once in a while is enough. Ishaq said that he listened to the advice of Imam (a.s.) and only with ghalia worth ten dirhams he was able to keep himself perfumed for the whole year.

5. Advantages of Almond and Banafsha Oil:

According to a reliable tradition from Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), the greatness of banafsha oil over others is comparable to the greatness of the Ahle bait over other people. One should rub it in good quantity, as it cures all sorts of headaches and eye troubles.

According to a tradition from Aqba, a person fell down from a donkey. The Imam (a.s.) ordered that drops of almond and banafsha oil should be poured into the injured man's nose. The man felt greatly relieved. Then the Imam (a.s.) addressed Aqba thus. ‘O Aqba, banafsha oil gives heat in winter and is cool in summer. It is beneficient for our shias and harmful for the unbelievers and if people come to know every beneficient quality of banafsha oil, then a very little of it will be valued as a gold coin.

6. Advantages of Chambeli (a tropical flower) and Bakain oil:

According to Hazrat Ali (a.s.), one should apply bakain oil as it has been used by the Prophets. It safeguards one from all types of pains.

According to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), there are many benefits of chambeli (jasmine) oil. It cures seventy diseases.

Even according to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), there are many beneficial uses of chambeli oil besides its being a cure for seventy diseases. Chambeli implies white chambeli and in arabic the word for chambeli is Raazne as stated in many traditions.

7. Advantages of other oils:

It is stated, according to a tradition, that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said to Hazrat Ali (a.s.) that olive oil should be eaten and applied on the body because shaitan keeps away from the man who applies it for forty days.

According to a tradition, when the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) suffered from headache, he used to put drops of washed til (sesamum seed) oil in his nose.

According to another tradition, Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.) used to apply oil of a flower known as Gule Khairo on his body.

8. Advantages of incense, its types and how to take it:

According to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), one should, when possible, incense one's clothes.

Whosoever used to enter the presence of Imam Reza (a.s.) used to feel the aroma of incense.

A tradition from Marazam states that when he once visited a bathing-house with Imam Reza (a.s.), and the Imam (a.s.) reached the stage of putting on clothes after the bath, he ordered for Oode Sooz and applied it to his body and then ordered that the perfume should be given to Marazam too.

According to a tradition, the wife of Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.) used to incense his clothes by putting the seed of sobhani dates and other types of fragrant material in fire so that the scent may increase and last longer.

According to another tradition, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) used to smell the incense of Ood-Qumari.

Another tradition from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) states that one should take the incense of Ood-e-Hindi as it possesses eight kinds of cures.

Another tradition quotes Imam Reza (a.s.) as taking incense and later applying rose and musk on his body.

A tradition from Syed ibne Toos (a.r.) states that the Prophet used to recite the following while taking incense:

‘All praise is for Allah Whose blessings are the cause of all goodness. O Allah make our perfume clean and purified and make our place of eternal rest better. Piety is our accompaniment. Our place of return is heaven and Thy care and blessings are always with us. Undoubtedly You are Almighty.’

9. Benefits of Rose, Rose-water and other flowers:

It is stated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) that washing the face with rose-water enhances its beauty and removes worry and poverty.

It is stated from Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.) that a person who sprays a handful of rose water on his mouth on the first of Ramazan-ul-Mubarak will find freedom from worries, and the person who will spray a handful of water on his mouth on the eighth day will be free from cerebral disease and pneumonia.

According to a tradition from Hazrat Ali (a.s.), Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) gave him a handful of red flowers and when Hazrat Ali (a.s.) started

smelling them, the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said that amongst the flowers of Heaven, after rose this was the best.

According to another tradition, rubbing narcissus (nargis) or smelling it is very advantageous. When Abraham (a.s.) was thrown in fire and when that fire froze and he came out unburnt, God created narcissus for him and that was how it first came on earth.

10. Etiquette of smelling flowers:

According to a reliable tradition from Malik Juainer, he gave a flower to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.). He (a.s.) smelled it and touched his eyes with it and said that a person who smells flowers and touches his eyes with them and recites:

‘O Allah shower Thy blessings on Mohammed and Ale-Mohammed (a.s.)’

will be pardoned of his sins before he could keep it on the ground.

Etiquette of Sleeping, Reciting Do'as at the Time of Sleeping and Seeing Dreams

1. Timings of sleep:

It should be remembered that sleeping from early hours of the morning till the rise of the sun, between Maghrib and Isha (night prayer) and after Namaz-e-Asr (afternoon prayer) is makrooh. However, sleeping is sunnat before Namaz-e-Zohr during summer and also between Zohr and Asr.

According to another reliable tradition, if one recites extra prayers (Taqeebat) after Namaz-e-Subh (morning prayers) and sleeps just before sunrise, it is not harmful. Another tradition states that Imam Reza (a.s.) asked a man to meet him after the sun has risen completely as he slept just after his morning prayers.

According to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), the earth complains to God on the basis of three things; firstly on blood-shed without any justice, secondly when the water falls on the earth while taking bath after committing adultery and thirdly when a person is sleeping before sunrise.

According to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), sleeping during morning hours is a source of loss of income, plain, of complexion ugliness. Sleeping at such hours is undesirable because God distributes food. One should never sleep at that time for Bani Israel used to receive roasted chicken and Trinjabeen at that time and the sleeping one never used to receive his share.

According to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), a person who sits on the prayer-mat during those hours will be saved by God from the fire of hell; and another tradition states that that person will receive the reward of a (sunnat) Haj of Ka'aba and his sins will be forgiven.

According to Hazrat Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s.), sleeping in the early hours of the morning is foolish, sleeping in the afternoon is a blessing and it is harmful to sleep after Asr and sleeping between Maghrib and Isha is depriving oneself of the daily bread.

Another tradition states that a person entered the presence of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and said that his memory was getting worse and he is forgetting everyting easily. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) pointed out that he has left midday nap and the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) bade him to do as he used to do before and his memory would improve.

2. To do ablution (wuzoo) before sleep:

According to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), when a person performs wuzoo before lying on bed, his bed becomes as good as a mosque. If one forgets to perform wuzoo and remembers afterwards, then he can perform tayammum on the sheet with which he is covering himself. If after this form of purification and before going to bed he thinks and praises God until he is asleep, then his sleep will be as good as prayer.

According to Hazrat Ali (a.s.), a muslim should not sleep in the state of janabat and without wuzoo. If water is not available for bathing or wuzoo, then one should perform tayammum as the spirit of the momin travels towards Heaven while he is sleeping and according to its cleanliness and purification it is received by God. It is blessed and rewarded by God. And if

he dies while sleeping, then he gets a place in the blessings of God. If he is alive, then God sends angels to guard him.

According to another tradition, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) asked his followers that who amongst them kept fasts all the year round. Hazrat Salman-e-Farsi replied that he fasted all the year round. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) questioned who had spent his nights in prayers, being awake all through. Again Salman replied that he was the man in accordance with the description. Then, looking at all the assembled companions, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) asked who reads one Quran every day. All kept quiet except Salman who replied in the affirmative. One of the assembled was furious at Salman and said to others that Salman is showing off and lieing as he had seen Salman many a days not observing fast, many a nights sleeping instead of praying and also not completing a Quran each day. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) intervened and said that Salman is like Lukman (Soloman the Great) and whosoever doubts him should question him directly and he would reply. Then he immediately questioned Salman and Salman gave the following answer; every month he fasted on 13th, 14th and 15th. God has said that he will reward ten times any good act; therefore, his three fasts are equal to thirty fasts and in this manner he fasts for one month it will be like keeping fasts all the year round. Besides, he fasted all through the month of Shaban and Ramzan in this way he keeps more fasts when each fast will be multiplied by ten. And about being awake at night and praying, he had heard from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) that sleeping with wuzoo is equal to being awake at night and praying all the while; and about reading one complete Quran each day, he had heard from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) that reciting three Sura-e-Tauheed (chapter 112) is equal to reciting one Quran. He heard the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) saying to Hazrat Ali (a.s.) that Ali (a.s.) and his followers are like Sura-e-Tauheed in the Quran. When a person recites Sura-e-Tauheed once it is like reciting one third of the Quran, if he recites it twice, it is like reciting two third of the Quran and if he recites three times, it is like reciting the whole of the Quran. Then the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) continued that a person who is just a verbal friend of Hazrat Ali (a.s.), his faith will be only one third complete; the person who is literally as well as from his heart a friend of Hazrat Ali (a.s.), then his faith is two third complete; whereas a person who is not only a literal and true friend of Hazrat Ali (a.s.), but also practically follows Hazrat Ali (a.s.), his faith is complete. If all those on earth were as friendly towards Hazrat Ali (a.s.) as the Shias, then God would not have put any being to trial or punish them.

3. Etiquettes to be observed before sleeping and the place of sleeping:

According to reliable traditions, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has cursed three types of people:

a) Those who eat alone

b) Those who travel alone

c) Those who sleep in an empty house

The probability in the last case is that the man who sleeps alone will go mad on account of fear.

According to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), a person who is forced by circumstances to sleep alone in a desert or a house should recite the following prayer before going to sleep:

‘O Allah be my friend in depression and anxiety and help me in my loneliness.’

According to another reliable tradition from Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), sleeping alone on the roof of the house is prohibited and also on that roof which has no encircling walls. This applies both to men and women. When people asked him whether it was permissible to sleep on a roof having wall on three sides, he replied in the negative and said that walls should be on all the four sides of the rood. In certain traditions the height for these walls was ascertained. Some state it as 2 yards and others as 1¼ yards.

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has warned that hands should not be dirty or full of food particles while going to sleep as, in that case, shaitan overbomes and it is probable that that man may get mad and in that case he himself is to be blamed. He also asked children's faces to be washed before they went to sleep as otherwise shaitan will smell their hands and frighten them.

Many reliable traditions state that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) had asked the beds to be cleaned and sweeped before going to bed as any hidden harmful animal (insect) which is roosting inside the bed may be thrown out and the person becomes safe from any harm.

4. Complete manners of sleeping:

It is sunnat to sleep inclined on the right side and facing Qibla and the right hand should be kept under the face. Sleeping inclined towards the left side is makhrooh.

According to Hazrat Ali (a.s.) there are four ways of sleeping. When the prophets slees, their eyes are not closed but are awaiting revelation from the Almighty God. Momins or the pious sleep inclined toward right side and facing Qibla (west); wordly kings and princes sleep inclined towards the left side that the food they have eated may be digested; and Shaitan and those who follow him sleep on their stomachs, flat.

In another tradition he (a.s.) prohibits sleeping, lying on one's stomach and to awake those persons who sleep in such a manner and not to let them sleep like that. He even requested the people to sleep with their right hand under the right side of their face as one never knows whether he will ever wake up.

Besides this many other traditions have extolled the rewards or benefits of sleeping towards the right and prohibited sleeping inclined towards the left.

5. The verses and prayers meant to be recited before going to bed:

According to a Hadees from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) one has to lye in the bed with his right hand with his right side of his face then he should recite the following prayer:

I begin with the name of Allah, Oh Allah I have my life unto Your care, turn my face towards You, hand over my work unto You I am afraid only of You and seek Your good will Only on You I depend for my salvation and

towards You for refuge. I have brought faith on the Book which You have sent and the apostle which You have made prophet.

After this he should recite Tasbeeh-e-Hazrat Fatima (a.s.)

Another tradition states that the Imam (a.s.) has asked the following do'a to be recited with punctuality before going to bed and never to miss it.

I safeguard my life, the life of my wife and children and my property with complete wordings of Allah from every devil, harmful animal and black eye.

This prayer was recited by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) on Hasnain (a.s.) for their protection.

According to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.) one should recite Qool ya Ayyohal Kaferoon and Qool Howal-laho Ahad before going to sleep as the former deals with repulsion and fatigue from polytheism and the latter express (Tauhid) Oneness of God.

‘In the name of God the Beneficent the Merciful Say thou (O'Our Apostle Muhammad!) "O'ye who disbelieve! I worship not what ye worship Nor worship ye Whome I worship Nor shall I worship whome ye worship. Nor will worships ye Whom I worship. Unto ye be your religion, and unto me my religion."

‘In the name of God the Beneficent, the Merciful Say "He, God, is ONE (alone). God, the Needless, He begetteh not, nor is He Begotten And there is none like unto Him."

Another tradition states that if a man after being in bed recited:

‘All praise is for Allah who is All-elevated and Almighty and all praise is for Him only, Who, though hidden Himself, is well aware of everything; and all praise is for that Allah who raises up the dead and makes the living die; and He holds power over everything.’

then he will be purified of his sins like a newborn baby just born of his mother.

According to Imam Reza (a.s.), a person who recites Ayatul Kursi:

‘God there is no God but He, the (Ever) living, the self-subsistent. Slumber seizeth Him not nor sleep; His it is whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth; who is he that can intercede with Him but with His permission; He knoweth what is before them and what is behind them, while they cannot comprehend anything out of His knowledge save that which He willeth. His Throne extendeth over the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of them both, tireth Him not, and He is the Most High and Most Great. No compulsion be in religion; indeed truth has been made manifest distinct from error; therefore he who disbelieveth the rebels (false deties) and believeth in God hath indeed laid hold on the strongest handle no break is for it; and verily God is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. Allah is the Guardian of those who believe; He taketh them but of darkness into light; and those who disbelievel the rebels are their guardians, they take out from light to darkness; they are the companions of the (Hell) fire, therein shall they abide.’

before going to bed, will be safe from paralysis.

According to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), if a person recites Surae Yaseen before going to bed, God will send one thousand angels to guard him from the mischief of shaitan or any other harm.

According to Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s.), a person who recites Surae Waqaya (chaper 56) every night before he goes to bed will have a face shining like the full moon of the fourteenth night, on the Day of Judgement.

According to another tradition from him, no scorpion or insect will bite the person who will recite the following Doa at night:

‘I seek shelter from that sting which has been evil and from the mischief of all those things which walk over the earth and Allah only is aware of their destiny. I seek shelter through the Words (Kalema) of Allah whose power no good or bad thing can escape. There is no doubt that my Allah is the right path. Undoubtedly, Allah has restrained the Heaven and the earth from deterioration and if they deteriorate, is there anyone who can check them? Undoubtedly, Allah is Almighty and Forgiver.’

According to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), a person who recites:

‘There is no God but one Allah.’

ten times while going to sleep will have a house in heaven for him, made by God. And a person who recites a hundred times will be washed of all his sins as the leaves fall down from a tree.

According to another reliable tradition from Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), a person who recites the Sura of Qool Howallaho Ahad (Sura Tauheed) seven times before going to bed will have all his sins forgiven and his neighbours will be safe from any harm; and if he recites this sura hundred times then all the sins which he may commit during the next fifty years (in nature) will be forgiven.

Another tradition from the Imam (a.s.) states that if a person recites the following do'a before going to bed.

Oh Allah I hold you witness unto me that you have made the love of Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib, Hasan and Husain Ibne Ali, Ali Ibnul Husain, Muhammad Ibne Ali, Ja'far Ibne Muhammad, Moosa Ibne Ja'far, Ali Ibne Moosa, Muhammad Ibne Ali, Ali Ibne Muhammad, Hassan Ibne Ali and Hujjat-e-Qaem incumbent on me.

and dies during the night, then he will enter heaven.

According to a reliable tradition from Hazrat Ali Ibnul Husian (a.s.) a person who recites the following prayer while going to bed will be freed from poverty and worry and will be safe from the insects and animals who bite:

‘Oh Allah You are the first before Whom nothing even existed and You are Almight and well revered and nothing is greater than You and Your are Hidden though there is nothing that is not known to You and You are such a 'Last' after which nothing will exist. On Allah who cherishes! made Taurait, Injeel and Zaboor and the wisdom of the Quran keep me safe from the mischief of all those things which crawl on the earth, the destiny of which you alone know; I seek refuge with You only Who undoubtedly is right path.’