The Promised Mahdi (Part One)

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The Promised Mahdi (Part One) Author:
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: Ja’fari Propagation Centre
Category: Imam al-Mahdi

The Promised Mahdi (Part One)

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Allamah Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: Ja’fari Propagation Centre
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The Promised Mahdi (Part One) The Promised Mahdi (Part Two)
The Promised Mahdi (Part Two)
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The Promised Mahdi (Part One)

The Promised Mahdi (Part One)

Publisher: Ja’fari Propagation Centre

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

English Translation of Biharul Anwar, Volume 13 (Old Edition)/Volumes 51-52-53 (New Edition)


Chapter Nineteen: People with long lifespans in the History of Humanity - longevity of Imam Zamana (a.s.)

In this chapter the first mention should be made of that which is quoted by Shaykh Saduq inIkmaaluddin wa Tamaamun Nima:

Abu Duniai Muammar

1- It is mentioned in the above book that Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab Shajari said: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Qasim Raqqi and Ali bin Husain bin Habka Alaiki that:

“Once we met a person in Mecca who was from Maghrib. We had come to the House of Allah for Hajj along with a group of traditionists and we went to meet that person. It was three hundred and nine Hijra then. We saw that all the hairs of the head and beard of that person were black. However, he was a skeleton covered with skin like a dry water-bag. He was surrounded by his grandchildren and elderly people of his homeland. They informed that they lived in the far most region of the north-west Africa near Bahirah Ulya. Those elderly persons testified and said: ‘We have heard from our forefathers and they from their ancestors that they are watching this person who is called Abu Duniya Muammar whose name is Ali bin Uthman bin Khattab bin Marra bin Muwayyad from a long time. He is Hamadani and a resident of highland of Yemen.’

We asked that aged person, ‘Have you seen Ali (a.s.)?’ He gestured. His eyebrows were hanging in front of his eyes. When his eyes were opened, it appeared as if two lamps were lighted. He told us, ‘I have seen him with these eyes of mine. I was his servant. I accompanied him in the Battle of Siffeen and this injury was caused by the leg of his mount.’ We saw the mark of injury on his right eyebrow.

All the grandsons and other relatives of that elderly person surrounding him testified for his long life and said: ‘We have seen him in the same state since the time we were born and began to understand things and we have heard the same from our forefathers also.’

When we talked to him, we came to know that he was not of unsound of mind and whatever was asked to him, he replied after thinking. We asked him about himself. He related, ‘My father used to read ancient books and Sahaifs (scriptures). Thus, he read about Aab-e-Hayat (Life-giving water) in one of the books that it is in darkness (deep wilderness) and whoever drinks this water will have a very long life.

After reading this, he developed interest in visiting the darkness. We gathered essential items for the journey and took a few servants, milch camels and camels as beast of burden and departed. I was thirteen years old then. After continuous traveling, we reached darkness and entered the darkness. We traveled in it continuously for six days. We used to differentiate day and night by a faint light, which slightly reduced the darkness of night. After continuous travel, we descended between some

mountains and valleys and my father went around searching for a spring of life everywhere. He had read that the spring of Aab-e-Hayat was at that spot. We stayed at that place for a few days and the water we had with us was depleted. We lived on the milk of she-camels. If we had not the she-camels with us, we would have died of thirst.

My father continuously went about here and there in search of Spring of Life and he had ordered us to keep the fire burning so that the way remains visible and he does not have difficulty in reaching us. We stayed there for five days and my father remained busy continuously searching, but the spring was not found. At last, he gave up and intended to return. Our provisions for journey were exhausted. When servants feared for their lives, they insisted my father to move out of the darkness.

One day, I came out of my caravan to relieve myself and went a little far away. Incidentally, I saw a spring, which had white and sweet water. That spring was neither too small nor too big and was of medium size, which was gushing forth slowly. I went near it and drank two or three fistfuls of water, which was very sweet, tasty and cool. I came back running to my caravan and gave the good news to servants that I had found out a spring of water. They took along water-bags and came along with me. I did not realize at that time that my father was searching for a spring. Instead I was happy that water was exhausted in our caravan and I found a spring.

My father was not present at that time and had gone in search of the spring. We searched for that spring a lot but could not find it. The servants falsified me and said: ‘You did not speak the truth.’ When we returned to our camp, we saw that my father had also returned. I narrated the entire episode to him.

He said: ‘My son, I bore all these calamities for the sake of this spring only but I could not find it and you found it. Now your life would be so long that you would become wary of living.’ Eventually, we returned to our home. My father remained alive for a few years and passed away after that. May Allah be pleased with him.

When my age reached nearly thirty years, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) and two of his caliphs had passed away. When I came to Mecca during the last days of third caliphate, my heart was attracted to Ali among all the companions of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.).

Thus, I joined his service and was present along with him in all the battles. This is the mark of the injury caused to me in the Battle of Siffeen by the hoof of his horse. I continued to serve him after that also till he passed away. Then his children and household members insisted that I stay with them, but I returned to my homeland. I set out for Hajj again during the time of Bani Marwan and came back with my fellow countrymen. Whenever I go on a journey, the kings of western countries who know about my long life summon me to their court and ask me about my long life and what I had witnessed and experienced. I wished that I perform Hajj for last time and as you see my grandsons gathered around me have brought me here.” Muammar Maghribi said: “My teeth fell two or three times and grew up again.”

Reports of Abu Duniawi

We asked him, “Please narrate the traditions heard by you from The Commander of faithful, Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.).” He said: “I had no interest or enthusiasm in seeking knowledge and his companions were seeking a lot of knowledge from him. As I loved the master very much, I used to remain busy serving him.

Then too, whatever I had heard from master, I narrated to knowledge-loving people of western countries, Egypt and Hijaz and all of them have passed away but these grandsons of mine have recorded them all. Then he took out a book and read aloud a few traditions from it (which are narrated below).

1- Narrated to us Abul Hasan Ali bin Uthman bin Khattab bin Murra bin Mazeed Hamadani famous as Abu Duniya Muammar Maghribi (May Allah be pleased with him in his life as well as after his demise):

Ali Ibne Abi Talib told me that the Messenger of Allah had said: “Whoever loves the people of Yemen loves me and whoever hates the people of Yemen hates me.”

2- And Narrated to us Abu Duniai Muammar Maghribi that Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) narrated to him that Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said:

“If someone helps a troubled person Allah will grant him ten rewards, forgive ten of his sins and increase his status by ten levels.”

Then the Commander of faithful said that Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) also said: “If someone fulfills the wish of a brother-in-faith for the sake of Divine pleasure then it is as if he has served Almighty Allah for one thousand years and did not disobey Him even for a moment.

3- Narrated to us Abu Duniai Muammar Maghribi that he heard Ali Ibne Abi Talib saying:

“One day, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) was very hungry. He was in the house of Lady Fatima then. He told me, ‘O Ali! Please lay the food.’ When I laid the food, it comprised of a few loaves of bread and roasted meat.”

4- Narrated to us Abu Duniai Muammar that one day he heard the Commander of faithful say:

“I got twenty-five injuries on my body in the Battle of Khyber. When I came to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) in this state, he saw me and started crying and applied his tears to my wounds and those injuries healed immediately.

5- Narrated to us Abu Duniya that Ali Ibne Abi Talib said that Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said:

“If a person recites Surah Ahad once, it is as if he has recited one-third of Holy Quran. If a person recites it twice, it is as if he has recited two-third of Holy Quran. If a person recites it thrice, it is as if he has recited the entire Holy Quran.”

6- Narrated to us Abu Duniya that Ali Ibne Abi Talib said that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said:

“One day I had taken my goats for grazing when a wolf came before me. I asked it, “What are you doing here?” It said: “What are you doing here?” I said: “I am flock-keeping here.” Then it went away.”

Then, he said: “One day I was making my flock of goats drink water. Suddenly, a wolf came and caught hold of a goat and tore it. I caught hold

of its neck, slaughtered it and took it in my custody. Then I took it (slaughtered goat) to market and suddenly, three angels appeared in front of me viz. Jibraeel (a.s.), Mikaeel (a.s.) and the Angel of Death. When they saw me, they said: “He is Muhammad. Whom Allah has granted abundance.”

They made me lie down and tore open my chest with a knife they were carrying and removed the heart from my chest, washed it with cool water they were carrying in a bowl so much that all the blood on my heart was cleansed. Then they kept it back in my chest and moved their hand on it and my chest became normal by the order of Almighty Allah. I did not feel pain or hurt because of that knife.

I came back to my foster-mother, Halima. She asked me, “Where are the animals?” When I narrated the entire incident to her, she said: “Very soon you would be given a high rank in Paradise.”

Statements of Shaykh Saduq about Abu Duniai Maghribi

Then Shaykh Saduq says: Narrated to us Abu Saeed Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab that he said: Mentioned Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Fatah Markani and Abul Hasan Ali bin Husain Laiki that: “When the governor of Mecca came to know about Abu Duniya, he objected and told him, ‘You would compulsorily have to come along with me to Muqtadir in Baghdad. If he comes to know, he would be displeased with me for letting you go.’

The people of North-west Africa, Egypt and Syria who had come for Hajj said: ‘Please forgive him and do not take him on a journey, because he is an old man and would not remain alive after bearing the difficulties.’ Then, his life was spared.

Abu Saeed says, ‘If I would have gone for Hajj that year I would have surely met Abu Duniya. His fame had spread in all cities and the narrators of Egypt, Syria, Baghdad etc. narrated traditions from him. I too was interested in meeting him and narrating traditions from him.’”

2- Also narrated to me Abu Muhammad Hasan bin Muhammad bin Yahya bin Hasan bin Ja’far bin Abdullah bin Hasan bin Ali bin Husain bin Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) and he gave me the license to narrate traditions which were authentic and according to me, the tradition of Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Hasan bin Ishaq bin Husain bin Musa bin Ja’far bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Husain bin Ali Ibne Abi Talib is correct. He said that he performed Hajj in 313 A.H. and the same year the chamberlain of Muqtadir Billah, Nasr Qishwari had also come for Hajj. He was accompanied by Abdullah bin Hamadan whose agnomen is Abul Hijaa.

We all reached Medina in the month of Zilqad and found an Egyptian caravan there. Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Ali Maazrai was also present among them. He was accompanied by a person who was among the inhabitants of west about whom it came to be known that he had seen (one of) the companions of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.). There was a large crowd of people who had come to see and meet him. People had surrounded him and looked at him with astonishment and touched him. Soon his soul was going to depart from his body because of crowd and pushing and pulling. My paternal uncle, Abul Qasim Tahir bin Yahya (r.a.) ordered his slaves to

disperse the crowd. Thus, slaves did as ordered and Muammar Maghribi was moved to the house of Ibne Abu Sahl Tifli.

My uncle came there and permitted people to meet him one by one. Muammar Maghribi was accompanied by five persons who were sons of his sons. One of them was also an old man whose age was more than eighty years, about whom it came to be known that he was the grandson of Muammar Maghribi. Another one was seventy years old and two more persons were of fifty or sixty years old who were his grandsons. The fifth one was seventeen years old who was his great grandson. There was no one younger than him. Muammar Maghribi did not appear more than thirty or forty years old. All the hairs of his head and beard were black and he was thin and slim, short in height and had small legs and flat cheeks. Abu Muhammad Alawi says that this person named Ali bin Uthman bin Khattab bin Marrah bin Muwayyad narrated a few traditions to me, which I have written using the same words. When I looked carefully, I saw that the hair present between his lower lip and chin were white. After he had his meals, they used to turn black.”

Abu Muhammad Alawi says: If prestigious people of Medina, a congregation of Pilgrims and many such persons would not have heard this tradition I too would not have narrated it. I have heard a few traditions from him in Medina and Mecca in the renowned house of Sahmiyyin, which is famous by the name Mukabbiriyah, which belongs to Ali bin Isa bin Jarrah and also in the tents of Qishwari and Mazrai near Baab-e-Safa.

Nasr Qishwari wanted to take along Muammar Maghribi and his children with him to Muqtadir in Baghdad. However, the people of Mecca came and said: “May Allah keep you safe! Among all the traditions, which have reached us through our ancestors, one of them says that if Muammar Maghribi enters Baghdad it would be destroyed and the kingdom would fall.” Hearing this, he dropped the idea of taking him along and turned him towards western countries.

When we asked the chiefs of the people of North-west Africa and Egypt, they said: “We have heard the name of this person and name of his homeland, Tunjah from our ancestors and we have narrated many traditions from him in this book owned by us.

Abu Muhammad Alawi narrates that that elderly person, Ali bin Uthman Maghribi narrated about his first journey as follows: “My father and my paternal uncle took me along with an intention of performing Hajj and Ziyarat and set out from the Hadhramaut. They forgot the way during journey. They could not find the way for three days and three nights. After traveling constantly, we got stuck in knolls of sand, which is called Ramal-e-Aalij and which is before Ramal-e-Iram Dhaatul Imad.

We were still involved in this difficulty and we saw large footprints. We followed those marks and reached a village. We saw that two persons were sitting near a well or a spring. As soon as they saw us, one of them got up, filled a bucket of water from the well, came to us and offered it to us. My father said: “We would stay tonight at this well only and would do Iftar with it only.” Then that person came to my uncle and said: “Drink this water.” He too gave the same reply as my father. Then he offered the bucket to me

and said: “Take this and drink water from it.” When I drank water from it, the person said: “Congratulations, you would meet Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.). When you meet him, say that Khizr and Ilyas have conveyed salutation to him and narrate this event to him. O son! You would remain alive for such a long period that you would meet Imam Qaim (a.t.f.s.) and Prophet Isa (a.s.). When you meet them, convey our salutation to them.”

Then they asked me, “What relation do you have with these two persons?” I said: “My father and my uncle.” They said: “Your uncle would not be able to reach Mecca but you and your father would reach. However, your father would pass away. You will get a long life. You would not be able to meet Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) because he is going to pass away.”

I swear by God, after saying this, I don’t know where both of them disappeared - towards the heaven or inside the earth. Then we saw that there were neither any footprints nor a spring or water.

We were surprised at this incident a lot. We all returned to Najran. My uncle fell ill and died over there. I and my father performed Hajj and went to Medina. My father fell ill there and he willed to Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) about me and passed away. Ali (a.s.) brought me up. I was with the Commander of faithful Ali Ibne Abi Talib during the time of three caliphs and during the apparent caliphate of Ali (a.s.). Then Ibne Muljim martyred him. May Allah curse him.

When the house of Uthman was besieged, he called me and handed over a letter and a mount and asked me to take that letter to Ali (a.s.). Ali (a.s.) was in Medina at that time. He had gone to his lands. I took that letter and departed. When I reached the wall of Abaya, I heard a voice reciting Holy Quran. I saw that Master Ali Ibne Abi Talib was coming from Maqam-e-Yambu’ reciting the verse of Holy Quran:

أَفَحَسِبْتُمْ أَنَّمَا خَلَقْنَاكُمْ عَبَثًا وَأَنَّكُمْ إِلَيْنَا لَا تُرْجَعُونَ

“What! did you then think that We had created you in vain and that you shall not be returned to Us?”(Surah Mominoon 23:115)

When he saw me, he said: “O Abu Duniya! How did you come here?” I said: “I have brought a letter given to me by Uthman.” When Imam (a.s.) opened the letter, he found the following two lines quoted in it: “If I am worthy of being eaten up then please do eat me. Otherwise help me before I am torn apart.” After reading this letter, Imam said: “Lets go.”

However, when we reached Medina, Uthman was already murdered. He turned towards the walled garden of Bani Najjar. When people came to know about his arrival, they came running towards him.

Before that, it appeared that people would pay allegiance to Talha but when they saw Imam (a.s.), they came running to his side like a flock of goats, which runs after being attacked by a wolf. First, Talha and then Zubair and then Muhajireen and Ansar paid allegiance. I was busy serving the Imam. I was present in the Battle of Jamal and Battle of Siffeen. Once, the whip fell down from Imam’s hand in Siffeen. I was standing on his right. When I tried to bend and pick up the whip, I was struck on my eyebrow by the iron bridle and this injury is because of that.

The Commander of faithful, Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) called me and applied the wetness of his mouth on my injury and put a pinch of dust on it.

I swear by God, my pain disappeared immediately because of its blessing. I continued to serve the Imam (a.s.). Then I served Imam Hasan (a.s.) till he was injured in Hall of Madayan and came to Medina along with him. I remained busy in his service till Joada binte Ashath Ibne Qais Kindi (may Allah curse her) conspired with Muawiyah and martyred Imam Hasan (a.s.) by poisoning him.

Then I reached Kerbala along with Imam Husain (a.s.). When Imam Husain (a.s.) was martyred, I feared Banu Umayyah and escaped to Maghrib and now I am awaiting the reappearance of Imam-e-Qaim (a.t.f.s.) and emergence and descent of Prophet Isa (a.s.).”

Abu Muhammad Alawi narrates: I saw a strange thing that when he was narrating these events in the house of my uncle, Tahir bin Yahya, the hair between his lower lip and chin became red and then turned white. I had seen (earlier) that there was no white hair on his head and beard.

When that elderly person saw my amazement, he said: “What are you looking at? It happens whenever I am hungry; and when my stomach is full, these hair turn black.”

Eventually, my uncle ordered food and three trays full of food were brought. One of the trays was kept in front of Muammar Maghribi and I joined him along with a few other persons. The other two trays were kept between rest of the people. My uncle told people: “I have right upon you then why don’t you eat? Why do you make my food unlawful for yourselves?” Thus, some people ate food and some people did not. My uncle was sitting to the right of Muammar Maghribi. He used to eat himself and forward it to him also. I saw that he ate food as much as a young man eats. I saw that the hair between his lower lip and chin were blackening. When he ate enough that his stomach was full, all his hairs became black.

Then he said: Narrated to us Ali bin Uthman bin Khattab from Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said: “Whoever loved the people of Yemen has loved me and whoever hates the people of Yemen has hated me.”

Ubaid bin Sharid Jurhami

3- It is narrated from Abu Saeed bin Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab Shajari that he saw a text in a book written by his brother, Abul Hasan:

I have heard a scholar who used to read books narrating that Ubaid bin Sharid lived for three hundred and fifty years. He had seen the sacred period of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and accepted Islam. Then he remained alive after Holy Prophet’s (s.a.w.s.) demise and met Muawiyah during the time he had power and rule. Muawiyah told him, “O Ubaid! Tell me, how was the time? What all did you hear and what all did you see?”

Ubaid said: “The time has not changed much. Day and night exist today as they used to do earlier. As people used to live and die earlier, they do it now also. Yes, people call their time bad. I have seen a person and have met him who lived for one thousand years and he told me that he has met a person who lived for two thousand years.”

“Whatever I have heard is that among kings of Hamiran there was a king from the Shahs of Yemen and he was well-known to people in all the cities.

He was called Dhu Sarah. He was made king in his youth. He used to treat his subjects with good character. He was kind to them. People used to obey him. He ruled for seven hundred years. Often he used to go for stroll or hunting along with his companions.

One day when he went for a stroll, he saw two snakes on the way. One of them was as white as silver and another as black as a coal. Both of them were fighting with each other. Black snake overpowered the white one and very soon white snake was going to die. The king killed the black snake and picked up the white one. He took it to a spring and made it drink water from there and it regained consciousness. The king set it free and it crawled away. The king returned to his camp and came back to his palace in the evening. He went and sat alone in a room such that no one was allowed to come inside. Suddenly, he saw a youth whose handsomeness cannot be explained who stood there resting his hands on the door frame. The king was frightened and said: “Who are you and why have you come here when no one is permitted to come here?”

That youth answered, “O king! Do not fear. I am not a human being but a Jinn and I have to repay you for your nice behavior towards me.” The king said: “What good have I done to you?” He said: “Actually, I am that snake whose life was saved by you today and the snake you killed was my slave and he was betraying me. He had killed many of my family members. Whenever he used to find someone alone, he used to kill him and you have killed my enemy and saved me. Thus, I want to give you something in return and want to thank you. O king! We are Jinn and not Al-jinn.” The king asked, “What is the difference between Jinn and Al-jinn?” The text ends here.

Rabi bin Dhaba Fazari

4- It is narrated from Ahmad bin Yahya Mukattib that he said:

Abu Tayyab Ahmad bin Muhammad Warraq from Muhammad bin Hasan bin Duraid Azdi Omani in his narrations and books that we have found in other sources that:

“Rabi bin Zaba Fazari was also present in the delegation that went to Abdul Malik bin Marwan. He was one of the most aged persons. He was accompanied by his grandson, Wahab bin Abdullah bin Rabi who was very weak. His eyebrows hung in front of his eyes and he used to tie them on his forehead. When the chamberlain saw him, he thought that he was the weakest person and said: “First you please come inside.” He came in with the support of his staff and stood with its support. His beard was so long that it reached his knees. When Abdul Malik saw him, he said: “O elderly person! Please sit down.” He said: “How can I sit when my grandfather is standing at the door.” Abdul Malik said: “Okay, so you are the grandson of Rabi bin Zaba.” He said: “Yes, I am Wahab bin Abdullah bin Rabi.” Abdul Malik ordered his chamberlain to call Rabi. The chamberlain called out: “Who is Rabi?” Rabi came forward and said: “I am Rabi.” Then, he quickly entered the court and saluted. Abdul Malik told his courtiers, “Fie on you, he is younger than the two men. O Rabi! How did you pass your age and what all did you see?” Rabi said: “I am the one who said:

Know that I am one who hopes to live forever and eternally

My life and birth has seen many ages and understood them

I am Imrul Qais, you certainly would have heard about it

Alas, alas, his life was prolonged.

Abdul Malik said: “I noticed words ‘and I was a child’ in your verses. He said: “And I had said:

When a person lives for two hundred years

His desires and youth disappears.

Abdul Malik said: “I also noticed words ‘when I was a boy’ in your verses. O Rabi! You have got best luck and now tell me about your life.” Then he said: “I spent two hundred years of my life inFatara , between Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) and Prophet Isa (a.s.). Then I spent one hundred and twenty years during the time of ignorance and then I lived for sixty years during the time of Islam.”

Abdul Malik said: Tell me about the persons of Quraish who have similar names. He said: “Ask me about anyone.” Abdul Malik said: “What kind of person was Abdullah bin Abbas?” He answered, “He possessed knowledge, understanding and benevolence and was serene and forbearing.”

He then asked, “Tell me about Abdullah bin Umar.” He replied, “He was possessor of knowledge and serenity. He was kind and controlled his anger and kept away from injustice.”

He asked, “Abdullah bin Ja’far?” He said: “He was like light and mild scent and softhearted and Muslims were not hurt by him.”

He was asked about Abdullah bin Zubair. He said: “He was such a mountain, from which rocks used to fall.” Abdul Malik said: “By God, how did you gain so much information?” He said: “Some of it was gained while staying close to them and most from reports I received about them.”

Shaqqul Kahin and his wise counsels

5- It is narrated from Ahmad bin Yahya Mukattib (r.a.) that he said: Narrated to us Abu Tayyab Ahmad bin Muhammad Warraq from Muhammad bin Hasan bin Duraid Azdi Omani from Ahmad bin Isa Abu Bashir Aqili from Abu Hatim from Abu Qubaisah from Ibne Kalbi from his father who heard from the elders of Bajila that:

“They had not seen anyone more courteous, dignified and handsome (than Shaqul Kahin). They have informed that Shaqul Kahin lived for three hundred years. When the time of his death arrived, the people of his community gathered around him and said: “Please give us some advice, because now your last moments have arrived.” He said: “O people! All of you remain united. Do not break relations and remain ahead of one another and do not remain behind. Behave nicely with your relatives. Fulfill your duties. Appoint an intelligent man as your leader. Honor one who is going to provide salvation. Respect elders. Disgrace the wicked. Remain forbearing during the time of seriousness. Do not destroy your good deeds with ostentation. After you overpower your enemy, forgive him. When you are wary, sign a peace treaty and when you are deceived, do a favor. Obey elders and be the first to invite towards goodness in case of enmity, because reaching the end in enmity is such an injury, which is difficult to be healed. Do not taunt anyone’s relation. Do not point out the faults of others. Do not marry your daughters with one who is not your equal, because it is great

mistake and a cause of disgrace. Behave softly, because oppressiveness leads to disgrace and earns condemnation. Remaining patient is more profitable than taking revenge. Satisfaction is the greatest wealth. People are slaves of pride and avarice. Destruction sits along with them. Their mounts are souls of a being, which would make them cry and ashamed. They are such examples whose sleepy eyes have the hope of gaining wealth and fear (of destruction) of their wealth.”

Then he said: “What kind of advice is this? That is full of sweetness and eloquence when it should have been very strict and strong and the mine of advice is not common for all.” Then he died.

The author says: Our opponents narrate many such traditions and prove their truthfulness. They also narrate a tradition about Shaddad bin Aad bin Iram that he lived for nine hundred years. Also, they narrate characteristics of his paradise that it is on this earth but hidden from the eyes of people. They reject Qaim of progeny of Muhammad (a.t.f.s.) only because of their hatred towards right and rightful people and they reject the traditions narrated about him.

Shaddad bin Aad bin Iram and his paradise. Like which nothing was ever made on this earth

1 - Informed us Muhammad bin Harun Zanjani through what he wrote to us that: Narrated to us Maaz Abu Muthanna Anbari: Narrated to us Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Asma: Narrated to us Juwairiya from Sufyan from Mansur from Abi Wael that he said:

“A man called Abdullah bin Qalabah set out in search of his lost camel. He was searching it in the desert and wilderness of Aden. He saw a city in that wilderness, which was surrounded by a city-wall on all four sides and had many palaces and countless flags. He thought that the city would be inhabited and went there to enquire about his camel, but he did not see anyone entering or leaving the city. He reached near the city, got down from his camel and tied it on one side, unsheathed his sword and entered the city through its gate. He saw two more large gates such that no one would have seen gates as large as and as high as those. The wood of those doors was fragrant and was studded with saffron and red rubies, whose light had illuminated all the houses. He was amazed at this. Then he opened one of the doors and entered. There was a matchless and unique city inside. He saw palaces standing, whose pillars were of emerald and ruby. There were windows in every palace and every window had another window above it. All of them were made from gold, silver, pearls, ruby and emerald. The doors of those palaces were like the gates of city, whose wood was fragrant and were decorated with rubies. The flooring of those palaces was made from the balls of pearls, musk and saffron. When he saw those buildings, he did not find anyone there and became frightened. There were flower-beds on all four sides of those palaces.

Trees were planted in them and fruits were hanging from the trees. Streams were flowing beneath them. He thought that it is the same paradise, which Allah has promised for His virtuous servants. He thanked God for making him enter Paradise in the world itself. Then he picked up small

bottles containing pearls, musk and saffron as much as he could. However, he could not remove even a single emerald or ruby because they were strongly fitted on walls and door and balls containing pearls, musk and saffron were spread in palaces and rooms like sand. He collected as much as he could and then came out, mounted his camel and reached Yemen from the way he had come. There he showed those balls of pearls, saffron and musk and narrated whatever he had seen. He sold the pearls, which had turned saffron and changed because of ravages of time. This news spread and when it reached Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan, he sent a messenger to the governor of Sanaa and summoned that person. Thus, the person went to Muawiyah. He enquired about that city in private and asked what he had seen in it. He narrated the entire incident to him and showed him the pearls, musk and saffron he had picked up from there and said: “By God, even Sulaiman bin Dawood did not have such a city.” Muawiyah called Kaabul Ahbar and said: “O Abu Ishaq! Have you received the information about a city in this world, which is made of gold and silver? Its pillars are made of rubies and emerald and its palaces and windows are made of pearls. Its flower-beds have trees and streams flow beneath them?”

Kaab said: “Yes, such a city was built by Shaddad bin Aad. It is Iram Dhatul Imad, which was praised by Almighty Allah and He says in the book revealed on His Messenger (s.a.w.s.) that nothing was created like that.”

Muawiyah said: “Tell me about it.” Kaab said: “There was a person called Aad-e-Ula and he was not from Aad, the community of Prophet Hud (a.s.). He had two sons - Shadeed and Shaddad. When Aad died, both of his sons became kings and came to power so much that everyone in the east and west started obeying them. Shadeed died first and Shaddad became the king undisputedly.

He loved books very much. When he used to hear about Paradise that there would be buildings made of rubies, emerald and pearls, he wished that he too would make such a paradise like that in this world against God. He appointed one hundred persons for his work and appointed one thousand people to help each one of them and ordered: “Look for the best and wide ground and make a city of gold, silver, rubies, emerald and pearls for me in it and make the pillars from emerald. Make its pillars from emerald. Construct palaces in it and make windows in them and construct more windows above the existing ones. Plant trees of different fruits below those palaces and make streams flow beneath the trees as I have read in books about the features of Paradise. I want to construct a city like that in this world. Those people said: “From where will we get so many jewels and gold and silver to make a city with them as wished by you? Shaddad said: “Maybe you people don’t know that all the countries of world are under my control.” The people said: “Yes, we know that.” He said: “Go and appoint a group on every mine of gold, silver and jewels so that they collect as much as you want. Also, get the gold and silver from people as much as they have.”

Thus, letters were written to the sovereigns of the east and west and they collected jewels for ten years. Then the city was constructed in three hundred years. Shaddad lived for nine hundred years. People informed him

that they had completed the construction of Paradise. He ordered, “Construct a boundary on all four sides of it and build a thousand palaces around that boundary and fix a thousand flags near each palace because each palace would be occupied by one of my viziers. Hence, go back and complete this work.” Hearing this, those people came back and constructed as they were ordered and informed him. Now, when he ordered people to make preparations to go to Iram Dhatul Imad, people collected belongings for the journey for ten years.

Then, the king departed with an intention of visiting Iram. When he reached near that paradise and the journey of only a day and night was left, Lord of worlds sent a voice on him and his companions and all of them died after hearing it. Neither he could enter Iram nor could any of his companions do so. It is a characteristic of that Iram that a city could not be created like that one.

Also, I have noted this fact in books that a person would go to that Iram. He would see it and narrate it to the people but the people would not believe him. However, faithful people would enter it during the last age.”

The author says: If it is permissible for a paradise made on earth to remain hidden from the eyes of people and no one can find it out and even though its location is unknown, people believe in it on the basis of traditions then why don’t they accept the occultation of Qaim (a.t.f.s.) on the basis of traditions? Also if it is acceptable that Shaddad bin Aad lived for nine hundred years then why is the long life of Imam Qaim (a.t.f.s.) objected to?

The narration about Shaddad bin Aad is reported by Abu Wael and reports about the Qaim (a.t.f.s.) are narrated from Prophets (a.s.) and Imams (a.s.). Thus, it is mere rejection of truth.

I have seen inKitab Muammareen, in which it is narrated from Hisham bin Saeed Rihal: I saw a stone in Alexandria, on which it was inscribed “I am Shaddad bin Aad” who constructed Iram Dhatul Imad such that no city was constructed like it. I trained many armies and leveled many battlefields with the power of my arms and constructed Palaces of Iram when there was no old age and death, and stones were as soft as flowers. Also, I threw a lot of wealth whose quantity reached twelve storeys in sea and no one would be able to remove it but the Ummah of (Prophet) Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) will bring it out.

Aus bin Rabiah bin Kaab bin Umayyah Astami lived for two hundred years and composed the following verses:

I lived so much that my family members became wary

Of my living with them and my long life

And it is justice that apart from two hundred years

The fourteen years, which were spent

Making one wary of life and every morning

Is followed by night

My bones had left the flesh like Rahib (his bones)

And my heart accepted it.

Abu Zubaida whose name was Badr bin Hurmula was a Christian and he lived for one hundred and fifty years.

Nasr bin Duhman bin (Basar bin Bakr bin) Sulaiman bin Ashja’ bin Reeth bin Ghatfan lived for one hundred and ninety years and all his teeth fell and all his hair turned white and he became unsound of mind. When his community needed his advice in one of the matters, they prayed to Allah to restore his mind and youth. Allah accepted their supplication and granted him mind and youth and all of his hairs turned black.

Thus, Musallama bin Kharshab Anmari told Anmar bin Bagheez (about this) and it is said that Ayaz Mardas Salami said:

Nasr bin Duhman’s life was like a hundred-year-old camel, which he lived

His posture was straightened and his body accepted it

And the whiteness of his hair was changed to black for ninety more years

And his youth began once again after he had lost it

His also regained his sense

Even though he had lost it but he died in spite of all these things.

Saub bin Saddaq Abadi lived for two hundred years.

Khatham bin Auf bin Hudhaimah lived for a long period and composed the following verses:

Till when would Khatham have lived?

Who neither had anyone to support him and nor was he rich

Alas, there is no medicine for death.

Thalaba bin Kaab bin Zaid bin Abdul Ash-hal Ausi lived for two hundred years and composed the following verses:

I spent life with many groups

But all of them went away. They became so silent

That when I call them, they don’t respond

Thus, my life was lengthened too much for me after them

Hence, I used to sit in a corner of my house whole day

And spent those days wishing for death.

Kaab bin Rida-ah bin Kaab bin Dhahl bin Qais Nakh-I’ lived for three hundred years and composed the following verses:

And it did not remain, alas, what an infamy

I am neither the father of sons nor of daughters

Nor am I a barren woman for whom there is no sleep

But the dead are counted daily

Is there anyone who would buy my life and I would sell it to him?

Adi bin Hatim Tai lived for one hundred and twenty years.

Ammabaat bin Qais bin Harith bin Shaiban Kindi lived for a hundred and sixty years.

Umair bin Hajir bin Umair bin Abdul Azza bin Qumair lived for one hundred and seventy years and composed the following verses:

I got involved and the time destroyed me and I received

Hundred more years of life and ten more years after that

And I have become like a chick that I am neither included among dead,

Which would have ended my problems nor am I included among alive to give order

I spent a long period of my life with the people of my tribe

Now I am like a man heading to his grave.

Awwaam bin Mundhar bin Zubaid bin Qais bin Haritha bin Laam lived for a long period during the time of ignorance and saw the time of Umar bin Abdul Aziz and met him. When his cloak used to fall, his ribs were visible one above the other. Hence, he asked, “What did you get?” He recited the following lines in reply:

And I swear by Allah that I don’t know whether I

Have seen the people of the time of Dhulqarnain and thought that I am older than them

When you will remove my shirt so that

You would see the chest, which neither has flesh nor blood.

Saif bin Wahab bin Judhaimah Taai lived for two hundred years and composed the following verses:

Know that very soon I am going away

And don’t think I am a liar

Whichever cloak I wore was thus, destroyed

And the controlling power saw me

And warded off the enemy and benefited his friend so that someone may live with him.

Irtaah bin Dush-habah Muzni lived for one hundred and twenty years. His agnomen was Abu Waleed. Abdul Malik bin Marwan told him, “O Irtah! Is something left from your verses? He replied, “O Amirul Momineen! I do not drink wine nor do I sing nor get angry while the poets who come to me do not have these characteristics. Then I said:

I showed man that nights eat him up

Like earth eats up the fragments of iron

And when death arrived

The life of Adam’s son did not remain even for a moment

And know it that it would come back again in order to

Complete the offering of Abu Waleed.

Abdul Malik was taken aback. He said: “O Irtah!” Then Irtah said: “O Amirul Momineen! My agnomen is Abu Waleed.”

Also Ubaid bin Abras lived for three hundred years and composed the following verses:

I was destroyed and the time destroyed me

And my example is like Banu Naa’th and like the polestar.

Then Numan bin Mundhir arrested him and killed him on the day he was angry.

Also Shuraih bin Hani lived for one hundred and twenty years till he was killed during the time of Hajjaj bin Yusuf. He composed the following verses about his weakness and old age:

I became aged and continued to bear the sufferings of old age

And I spent a long period among polytheists

Then I saw the time of prophet who was a warner

And after that I saw Siddique and Farooq also

And I also saw the day of Mahran and Shushtar

And the gatherings of Siffeen and Nahrawan

Alas, I am sad about this long life.

Masjaah’ bin Sabaa’: Also, a person from Bani Z’abbah who was called Masjaah’ bin Sabaa’ Z’abbi lived for a long time and composed the following verses:

I went around the earth many times

I became weak and wished that I should have died

And I was destroyed and if day

And night are destroyed then they come back

And a month comes after a month

And a year comes after every year.

Luqman[1] Aadi, the elder lived for five hundred years. Umar lived for seven Unsurs; and every Unsur consists of eighty years. He was included in the delegation of the community of Aad, which had gone to Haram to pray for rain. He used to keep a female young one of a vulture on the mountain, which was his actual home till the vulture remained alive. After that he used to catch another one and bring it up till nothing remained of it and his life was very long. Thus, it is said about him that he lived till now without having anything.

Also, many famous poems are quoted from him. He was granted strength and sharp hearing sense and sight, which was necessary for him and he has narrated a number of traditions.

Zuhair bin Junaab bin Hubal bin Abdullah bin Kunana bin Bakr bin Auf bin Uzrah bin Zaidullah bin Rufaidah bin Thaur bin Kalb Kalbi lived for three hundred years.

Maziqiyyah whose name was Umar bin Aamir was like water from the sky. He used to spread life wherever he went. He was called Maziqiyyah because he lived for eight hundred years. He was a common man for four hundred years and ruled for four hundred years. He used to wear two suits everyday and then tear them so that no one reuses them.

Hubal bin Abdullah bin Kananah lived for six hundred years.

Abu Tahaman lived for one hundred and fifty years.

Mutasawwaghar bin Rabia’h bin Ka’ab bin Zaid Munah bin Tameem lived for three hundred years. He saw the time of Islam but did not convert. The verses quoted from him are famous.

Duwaid bin Zaid bin Nahd lived for four hundred and fifty years. He said:

The time surrounded me

And the time is such that if someone makes something, it destroys it

Whoever is corrected today, it defaces him tomorrow.

When the time of his death arrived, he called all his children and willed them: “Do bad to people and do not accept their apology and do not accept their revenge.”

Rabi bin Zaba bin Wahab bin Bagheez bin Malik bin Saad bin Adi bin Fuzara lived for two hundred and forty years. He saw the time of Islam but did not accept Islam.

Maadi Karb Himyari from the progeny of Dhi Yazn lived for two hundred and fifty years.

Also Tharyah bin Abdullah Jofi lived for three hundred years. Thus, he came to Umar bin Khattab in Medina and said: “I have seen in this desert, in which you are that the people of my community read your testimony i.e.Laa ilaaha illallaah. He was accompanied by his son at that time who stumbled as he walked. He had become very old. He was told, “O Tharyah! Your son has become old and you are still alive.” He replied, “I swear by God, I had married his mother when I was seventy years old. However, this wife of mine was very chaste and loyal. Whenever I was happy, she used to treat me so that my eyes used to become cool and if I was upset she used to coax and make me happy. However, this son of mine has married a woman who is very immodest and evil-doer. Whenever he is happy, she troubles him so much that he becomes unhappy and if he is sad she abuses so much that he approaches his death.

Auf bin Kunana and his wise statements

Auf bin Kunana bin Auf bin Uzrah bin Zaid bin Thaur bin Kalb lived for three hundred years. When his final moments arrived, he gathered his children and willed:

“Fear Allah, do not mourn or grieve (for loss of wealth). Keep away from distrust. Do not disturb wild animals otherwise all of them will come out of their shelters and you will be disgraced. Do not hurt people and live with peace and harmony. Do not ask excessive questions lest people get fed up with you.

Do not speak except the truth, so that people praise you. Treat people with love so that their hearts become spacious for you. Do not deprive people of benefiting from you. Otherwise, their hearts will become full of complaints for you and include yourselves among those who give gifts to their children secretly. Do not spend much time with people lest you would be considered lowly. Be patient during the time of difficulty and make the time wear its clothes. Certainly speaking nice with difficulty is better than speaking bad with ease.

Be humble to one who is humble to you, for people come closer because of love. If someone expresses hatred and dislike do not move away from promise and commitment. If someone seeks excuse from you, accept his excuse. Keep your promises and do not break them.

Lift your status by keeping away from falsehood, because human misfortune is in falsehood and speaking against the will. Do not express your helplessness to people. Otherwise, you will lose respect in their eyes. Fear poverty because it is a disgrace. Treat your equals honorably and wish that you are uplifted. The beauty of women should not separate you from healthy lineage and involve you in worry because marriage with virtuous women invite respect and honor.

Be humble while meeting your family. Do not betray them and do not show indifference in a matter, in which they are united, because opposition is against obedience of a leader. First do good to your people and then to others and do not fear the wishes of your near and dear ones, because it is a cause of extinguishment of fire of hard work and non-fulfillment of duties. And leave the one who sleeps and become their helpers during the time of their difficulties and pains so that you will conquer and fear from asking

that, whose benefits did not reach them. Treat your neighbors with respect who comes to you with expectation. Give preference to the right of weak over your right.

Tolerate fools so that your sorrow and grief is reduced. Keep away from groupism, because it is a disgrace. Do not trouble yourself more than your capacity except during the time of difficulty so that your are not condemned inspite of your helplessness; and you should have such a strength, which is better than supporting them through apologies in the state of helplessness (i.e. you should assist them before it is time to seek forgiveness) and make effort and do not be sluggish, because effort keeps away poverty and helplessness. You all should shout one slogan because it is a cause of respect and keep your edges sharpened. Do not pay attention to disrespectful people nor bring them near you and do not meet wicked people, because you will be hurt by them. Do not be jealous among yourselves else you will be destroyed. Miserliness is a disease. Keep away from it. Elevate your status through generosity, kindness and by respecting the purity of excellent people. Spend and gain love. Take care of knowledge and respect of knowledgeable and excellent persons. Benefit from the experience of the experienced persons. They would not stop you even from a smallest deed, which contains reward and do not consider people lowly. Otherwise the same would be returned to you, because a person is judged by the purity of his heart and purity of his tongue and when you are involved in fear of something it is necessary for you to be steadfast instead of hurrying up. Also, see to it that you make your place near rulers through love, because whoever tried to disrespect them was disrespected himself and whoever elevated them was elevated. Show courtesy, because eyes are pointing you out. Show humility with dignity to people so that your Lord likes you.” Then he said:

“And every intelligent and shrewd will not advise you

Nor every advisor is intelligent

However, if both things are collected in one person

Then it is necessary for you to obey him.”

Saifi bin Riyah bin Aktham who was from the progeny of Asad bin Amr bin Tameem, lived for two hundred and seventy years. He used to say, “Your brother is under your control in all circumstances, except during the time of war, because when a man picks up a weapon, he cannot be controlled by anyone. Sword is the best advisor. Avoiding pride keeps praises alive. The greatest punishment is that given to a traitor. The mischief of help is injustice. The worst character is one, which is troublesome and bad manners are cause of increasing displeasure.” Then he hit his staff on ground and recited the following verses:

It is necessary for a destroyed person that he realizes his faults before his death comes

And human beings got knowledge so that they understand everything.

Inscription on the Ehram Tablet of Egypt

Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab bin Nasr Sajzi narrated from Abul Hasan bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Hamza bin Zaid

She’rani who was from the progeny of Ammar bin Yasir that Abul Qasim Muhammad bin Qasim Misri narrated that:

“The treasures of Egypt opened for Abul Jaish Hamaduyah bin Ahmad bin Tuloon so much that they had not opened for anyone else. When he intended to raze the pyramids of Egypt, his trustworthy advisers advised him not to do so but he did not listen and appointed one thousand laborers for this work who continued to dig the area around it for one year but could not find a way and when they intended to return without any hope, they saw a hole. Hence, they estimated that it was the same door and opened it through its mechanism. (Muhammad bin Muzaffar says that they saw a foundation behind that, which was very strong. They removed and cleansed it.) It contained an inscription in Greek. All the wise people from all the regions of Egypt were called to read that inscription, but no one was successful in deciphering it.

There was a person called Abu Abdullah Madini who was one of the great scholars of the world. He told Abul Jaish Hamaduyah bin Ahmad, “I know an Ethiopian Bishop whose age is three hundred and sixty years now and he knows this writing. He had tried to teach this writing to me also but I loved Arabic more and hence, I could not learn it. That person is alive even today.” Eventually, Abul Jaish Hamaduyah wrote a letter to the Shah of Ethiopia to send that Bishop to him. The Shah of Ethiopia wrote a letter in reply: the Bishop has grown very old and has become used to the environment of this place. If he leaves this environment and goes to another place then there is a risk that the environment will not be suitable for him there and he would die. Also, he can no longer bear long journeys. His presence is a cause of honor, joy and tranquility for us. Therefore, if you want him to read something or explain or to answer your questions then write and send them here.” Hence, that marble slab was kept in a tray and sent to the city of Aswan. Then it was sent to Ethiopia from Aswan, which was near it. When that piece reached Ethiopia, the Bishop read it and translated it into Ethiopian language. It was then translated into Arabic from Ethiopian. It was written as follows in it:

“I am Rayyan bin Dumagh.” Abdullah Madini asked the Bishop who that person was. He replied, “He was the father of King Aziz of Egypt during the time of Prophet Yusuf (a.s.) whose name was Waleed bin Rayyan bin Dumagh. The Aziz of Egypt lived for seven hundred years. His father Rayyan lived for one thousand and a hundred years and Dumagh lived for three hundred years. In short, it was inscribed as follows:

“I am Rayyan bin Dumagh who had set out to know where river Nile originated, because I was not aware of it. I was accompanied by four thousand people and I continued to travel for eighty months and I reached darkness and the ocean. I saw that river Nile cut that encircling ocean and crossed it. There was no way for me to cross the river and only one person was left with me out of four thousand. I feared that my rule would come to an end and hence, I returned to Egypt. Then I constructed many pyramids and cellars. I also constructed two such pyramids, in which I kept all my treasures safely and I have composed the following verses about it:

My knowledge consists of that which exists

And my I don’t have knowledge of unseen and Allah knows better

And provided firmness in creation of a thing, which required it

And Allah is the Most Powerful and Wisest

Thus, I tried to find out the origin of River Nile,

I became wary and man is wary

I spent eighty months in journey

Even though I was surrounded by the people Bani Hajar and a very huge army

Till the point we had left behind all men and Jinn

And I came face to face with a dark river

Thus, I accepted that there is no stage after this

For any person who dares before or after me

Then I returned to my country and stayed there

Sometimes in calamities and sometimes with bounties

I am the owner of all the pyramids of Egypt

And of all the earthen utensils and I am one who initiated

I have left in it signs of my craftsmanship and wisdom

And handed over to the time, which would neither get torn or destroyed

And it has many treasures and strange things

And this act is a cause of bitterness and disappointment for the time

My locks will be opened and my strange things will come out

In the hands of a friend of Lord, which would shine like a star during the last age

His actions will be seen around the House of Allah

And he will reach the peak and then it would be a time of peace and harmony

Eight and nine and two and four

And other ninety or nine will be killed or taken captives

Then there would be clashes for ninety-nine years

And all signs of mine would come into their hands and will be destroyed

All my treasures will come out

However I see that blood would be shed because of this

I have written my words on rocks

They would remain and would then be destroyed and will then become extinct.

After looking at this inscription, Abu Jaish Hamaduya bin Ahmad said: “This is a thing, which would be used by Qaim of progeny of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.).” Then that marble slab was kept back in its place.

A year later, Abu Jaish was killed in the state of intoxication on his bed by his slaves. It was known after this incident when pyramids were constructed and by whom and it is one of the most authentic narrations about Nile and pyramids.

Zabira bin (Saeed bin) Saad bin Sahm Qarshi lived for a hundred and eighty years. He lived during the time of Islam also. His death was accidental.

Lubaid bin Rabia

Lubaid bin Rabia Ja’fari lived for a hundred and forty years and lived during the time of Islam and accepted it. When he was of seventy years, he composed the following verses:

As if I have spent seventy years

And took the cloak off my shoulders

This soul is crying and complaining to me

That I lifted you for seven years more than seventy years

If you complete three more years then you would get a wish

And eighty years will be completed after those three years

When he was ninety, he composed the following verses:

As if I have completed ninety years now

Thus, I have taken off the bridle of life along with it

The daughters of the time attack me from unknown place

However, I am injured with something other than arrows.

When he completed one hundred and ten years, he wrote:

A person who lived for a hundred years and completed ten more years after that

Then what is missing in his age?

When he completed one hundred and twenty years, he wrote:

I spent a long life before I fell ill

But there is no place for this adamant soul.

When he was a hundred and forty, he composed the following verses:

Now I am fed up with life and its length

And with the question of people, “Lubaid, how are you?”

Men were overcome but you did not lose

That lengthy period, which will be forever and elongated

If a day comes for me and a night after that

Then both of them come once again after they have passed.

When he was in his final moments, he willed to his son, “Your father will not only die but will be destroyed. Thus, when your father’s soul is captured, close his eyes, make him face Qibla and wrap him in his clothes and tell everyone strictly that they should not cry or shout. Then prepare nice food in the large vessel, in which I used to feast and send it to those people in the mosque who have mourned for me. Make the people eat it after the Imam completes prayer with salutation. When they have finished eating, tell them that their brother Lubaid has died and request them to attend my funeral and that Almighty Allah has captured my soul.” Then he recited following verses:

“When you bury your father, put some wood and wet sand on him

And use such strong planks that uninvited guests do not manage to make nests inside

And it is certain that the face would become like fine sand although it is unbelievable.”

There is another tradition that Lubaid had taken an oath that when northern wind blows, he would slaughter some camels and fill them in a large vessel and invite everyone for feast.

When Walid bin Uqbah bin Abi Muit became the governor of Kufa, he delivered a sermon and said after praising and glorifying Allah, “O people!

You know about Lubaid bin Rabia Ja’fari and his courtesy and helpfulness and you also know that he had taken an oath that whenever northern wind blows, he would slaughter a few camels. Hence it is your duty that to help him for his courtesy.” Saying this, he got down from the pulpit and sent five camels and wrote the following verses to Lubaid:

I see that when Abi Aqeel Lubaid’s northern wind blows

The butchers sharpen their knives

He is a Ja’fari who is very tall and has a broad chest

He is generous like his lineage and like a sharp sword

And these virtues are present in Ja’fari sons also

As if there is dearth of wealth for him.

It is said that Walid had send twenty camels. When Lubaid read those verses, he said: “May Allah give ten rewards to Amir for this. Probably, he does not know that I have stopped composing verses.” Then, Lubaid called his five-year-old daughter and said: “Reply these verses of Amir.” The girl thought for a while and then recited the following verses:

Now, whenever Abu Aqeel’s northern wind blows

We would remember Walid

A tall one with broad chest

And one who is related to Abdush Shams

He helped Lubaid like long ropes, like a caravan of camels

On which the people of Bani Haam are mounted

O Abu Wahab (Walid)! May God reward you for it

We have slaughtered the camels gifted by you and

Please be generous another time also because a generous is one who

Is generous again and again and our oath is fulfilled again and again.

Lubaid (after hearing these verses) said: “O daughter! You have quoted very nice verses but you should not have asked for anything in them.” She replied, “A king never gets angry when asked for something.” Lubaid said: “Then you are a very good poet.”

Dhul Asba Adwani whose name was Harthan bin Harith bin Muharrith bin Rabia bin Hubairah bin Thalaba bin Zarb bin Uthman lived for three hundred years.

Ja’far bin Qabt lived for three hundred years and lived during the time of Islam.

Aamir bin Zarb Adwani lived for three hundred years

Muhassin bin Utbaan bin Zaalim bin Amr bin Qatiah bin Harith bin Salama bin Mazin Zubaidi lived for two hundred and fifty years and composed the following verses:

Beware, O Muslim (community)! I am not from you

I am such a man whose strength is hungry

When I was challenged by two persons, I told them to come

They said: “Every person who is challenged, displays his strengths

Beware, O (Bani) Muslim! My life has made me wary

And trade and traveling for it has made me weak

I have become a burden for my house because of illness and weakness

And every stranger and relative has become wary of me

This time and days are like a table with food laid on it

Which has a part for every hungry person.

Aad bin Shaddad Yarbui lived for a hundred and fifty years.

Aktham bin Saifee

Aktham bin Saifi from the progeny of Asad bin Amr bin Tameem lived for three hundred and sixty years. Some say that he lived for one hundred and ninety years. He saw the time of Islam. There is difference of opinion whether he accepted Islam or not. Most people say that he did not accept Islam. He said about this:

Certainly, a man should spend ninety years of life

If it is extended by hundred more years then an ignorant (person) does not become wary of life

If six and four are subtracted from two hundred then one hundred and ninety would remain

It is when nights are also counted.

Muhammad bin Salama says, “When Aktham wanted to accept Islam, his son made him die out of thirst. Also, I have heard that this verse was revealed for him:

وَمَن يَخْرُجْ مِن بَيْتِهِ مُهَاجِرًا إِلَى اللّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ ثُمَّ يُدْرِكْهُ الْمَوْتُ فَقَدْ وَقَعَ أَجْرُهُ عَلى اللّهِ

“And whoever flies in Allah’s way, he will find in the earth many a place of refuge and abundant resources, and whoever goes forth from his house flying to Allah and His Apostle, and then death overtakes him, his reward is indeed with Allah.”

There was no one wiser than him among the people of Arabia. When he got the news of annunciation of apostleship of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.), he sent his son Halees to Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and said: “O son! I want to give you some advices. You should follow them after you depart till your return to me. Try your luck in the month of Rajab. Then try to make it lawful so that it becomes lawful, because unlawful is not only illegal for oneself but also for one’s acquaintances. During this journey, you should stay with the person who is most respectful, in whichever tribe you happen to pass by. Maintain your relations with noble persons. Keep away from disgraced ones, because if they would not have been disgraced then they would have been respected in their community and when you approach that person then first of all, I am aware of him and his family as he belongs to one of the most honored households of Quraish. You should keep two things in mind. Even if he desires kingdom, you should honor him and stand in front of him. Do not sit unless he asks you to do so. In this way, you would not be hurt by him and you will be benefited by him and if he is really a prophet then Allah would not like misbehaving with him. You would find that all his matters are right and you would find humility in him. He would be an obedient one of his Lord. Be humble when you meet him and do not say anything except what I have ordered you. Remember whatever I have told you and follow it.

Then he handed over a letter addressed to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) to his son, which contained the following text: In the name of Allah, this letter is from a servant to another servant. I got the news of you apostleship, but I

don’t know the truth. If you have seen something then show me and if you have received knowledge then give it to me also and include me in your treasury. Wassalaam.

Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied this letter as follows: From Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) to Aktham bin Saifi. I thank Allah that he ordered me to say ‘There is no God except Allah’ and order others to do so. All creatures are created by Allah and every order belongs to Allah. Only He gives life and only He gives death. Only He will assemble people and we have to return only to Him. I have been sent to teach you people the manners of messengers and you would certainly be asked about the great news and that great news would be known soon.”

When Aktham bin Saifi read the letter of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.), he asked his son, “How was he according to you?” He said: “I saw that he orders good things and stops from doing bad deeds.” Thus, he told his son, “O son! Gather Banu Tameem but do not bring any fool, because every person has an opinion and a fool’s opinion is weak however physically strong he might be. Whoever does not have intelligence, does not have goodness (When Banu Tameem gathered, he delivered a sermon following:)

“O Banu Tameem! Now, I have become aged and I have entered the disgrace of old age. If I say a right thing, you must accept it. Otherwise, inform me about a right thing so that I become steadfast on it. My son had gone to meet a person. He informed that that person orders to do good things and stops from evil. He narrates benefits of good character and restrains one from having bad character. He orders worship of One Allah. He prevents from worshiping idols and fire. He says that he is the messenger of Allah and that messengers had come before him also who had books and ordered worship of One Allah. Hence it is the duty of you all that you help Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) in his mission. If the orders given by him are rightful, you will benefit and if it is not rightful, it is your duty to hide him and do not become angry with him.”

“Earlier Asqaf Najran had also narrated his characteristics. Before that, Sufyan bin Majashi’ had also talked about him and hence, he named his son Muhammad. Those among you who possess opinion know it well that the matter, towards which he is inviting is a good thing. Hence, you should be the first to accept him and do not delay this matter. If you obey him, it would be a cause of your honor and you would be manifested. Make haste in obeying him before you are compelled to do so, because I see that he would not leave any high or low position and would not live without uprooting fixed thing and would reach everywhere. Even if it is supposed that whatever he is inviting towards is not a religion then too it is merciful character. Accept whatever I say and follow it. I am asking for a thing from you, which can never be snatched from you. Your population is a majority in Arabia and your cities are largest. I think that even if a disgraced one will follow him, he would become respectful and even if a respectful person opposes him, he would be disgraced. You people are respectful. Hence, your respect will be doubled. Then there would be no one to compete with you. Remember that those who go ahead do not leave anything for those who are left behind. Leadership is for those who come first and those who are left

behind have to obey. Thus, hasten in your work, because determination is strength and precaution is helplessness.

Malik bin Nuwairah said: “O people! This old man has become unsound of mind.” Aktham said: “Curse be upon the person who is aggrieved and extremely sorrowful. You people kept quiet over my words. The worst thing for an advice is that people turn their faces away from it.”

“Woe unto you, O Malik! You would be destroyed. When truth becomes manifest, it manifests its followers also and backward people also come in the level of those who have progressed. Thus, you should make it obligatory for yourself to be among those who stand up for establishing truth. Now, when you have considered me elder to you, bring my camel so that I mount on it.” Saying this, he mounted on his camel and his son and nephew walked behind him. Then he said: “I am sad about the work, which I could not accomplish and which did not take me ahead.”

Banu Tai wrote a letter to Aktham. They were his maternal uncles. Some narrators say that Bani Marrah wrote a letter to him. They were also his maternal uncles. They sought advice from him. Aktham wrote to them in reply:

“So to say: I advise you to fear Allah and maintain good relations, because its roots are strong and branches are spread out. Keep away from sins and breaking relations, because its roots are weak and branches do not spread. Do not marry foolish women because it is abominable to have sexual intercourse with them and the children born are useless. Consider the worth of camels. They are like a strong fort for Arabia. Do not load them more than their capacity. They are fixed as dower and accepted in expiation for killing. Their milk is a gift for elders and food to children. They can also be used for operating grinding mill. A person who considers his worth will never be destroyed. Poverty of intelligence is the real poverty. A virtuous man would never allow his wealth to be destroyed. Sometimes, a single man happens to be better than a hundred men and sometimes a single group happens to be better than two groups together. A person, who complains about time, bears pain. A person, who is thankful for his fortune lives a good life. Lust and greed are barriers in the way of (a person with) opinion and habit should be in accordance with good manners. A needy, who has love in his heart is better than a rich who has hatred in his heart. World is a temporary abode, which will be destroyed. Whatever is bound to come, will come in spite of your weakness even if you fail to seek it and whatever is bound to go, will go in spite of all the force and attempts made by you. The defect of poverty and hunger wastes honor. Jealousy is such a disease, for which there is no medicine; rejoicing at another’s distress comes after that. If a person treats others with goodness, he too would be treated with goodness. Foolishness is accompanied by shame. Forbearance is the pillar of mind. The collection of all (good) deeds is patience; and forgiveness is the best act. Keeping promises, maintains friendship and the love for a person who shows inclination increases.”

Wise bequest of Aktham bin Saifi to his children

Aktham bin Saifi gathered his children at the time of his death and told them: “O my sons! I lived for a long period of time and want to make some wills to you before I die.

I will you that you should fear Allah and to maintain relations. Continue to do good deeds so that your number increases. Neither its roots nor its branches deplete. Keep away from disobedience of Allah and breaking relations because neither roots nor branches of a person who breaks relations are strong. Control your tongue, because it is your enemy. Even a friend would not like to hear a true thing and look at the necks of camels and load them according to their capacity because they are given in dowers and also accepted as blood-money. You must not marry foolish girls, because it would be nothing but trouble for you and children from them would be nothing but trouble. To have proper food during a journey guarantees comfort and strength and a person who does not become hopeless after losing a thing will get peace and if a person remained satisfied with whatever he has, his eyes will be cooled. Leave that (wrong) deed before you are embarrassed and according to me, it is better to do a good deed than committing a sin. No man dies without knowing his value and status. Helplessness during distress is a barrier for dignity. Pity on that scholar who is fearless about his foolishness; and fear takes insight away. Whenever some issue is brought to him, he becomes confused and when the work is taken back, he is recognized by clever as well as foolish. Extravagance during happy times is stupidity. Attaining heights give respect. Do not be sad if you get a little, because you will get more. Do not answer a thing, which is not asked to you. Do not laugh at a thing, which is not worthy of laughing. Express your aloofness from this world and do not have hatred. Jealousy resides among relatives and when everyone gathers in one place, their weapons start cackling. You get near because of love but do not depend on proximity. Also, it is obligatory that you reform through wealth, because the reformation of wealth and property cannot take place without your reformation. Pay attention to your diet. Do not rely on your brother’s wealth to fulfill your needs. It is like that one who tries to enclose water in the hollowed palm. If a person wants to become rich, he should spend on his family members. Respect your leaders. The game of a respectful woman is to play with spindle (i.e. she remains busy in her work). When there is no way out, patience is the last policy.”

Qirdah bin Thalaba bin Nafasha Sulooli lived for one hundred and thirty years during the time of ignorance. Then he saw the period of Islam and accepted it.

Masaad bin Junaab bin Maraarah was from the progeny of Amr bin Yarboo’ bin Hanzala bin Zaid bin Munaah and he lived for a hundred and forty years.

Qus bin Saada Ayaadi lived for six hundred years and he was one who composed the following verses:

Does a raining cloud take peace away from a person who is in a bad condition?

Or it showers favor on him?

Whatever has passed away and lost from the hands then

There is no use of lamenting and saying, “Only if it would have been as such”.

Similarly, Lubaid says:

And Qus said “Only if” and “If I would have been as such”

He left Luqman the wise behind by saying that.

Harith bin Kaab Midh-haji lived for a hundred and six years.

Shaykh Saduq’s view

The author says: All traditions narrated by us are also related by our opponents from Muhammad bin Saaeb Kalbi, Muhammad bin Ishaq Bashaar, Awaana bin Hakam, Isa bin Zaid bin Aab and Haitham bin Adi Tai. And the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: “Whatever has happened in the previous Ummahs will happen in this Ummah also, in the same order.”

Thus, if it is appropriate that long life was prevalent among previous Ummahs and the incidents of occultation of proofs of Allah (a.s.) took place in previous centuries, why should the occultation of Imam Qaim (a.t.f.s.) and his long life be rejected in spite of the fact that there are traditions from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) and Holy Imams (a.s.) about his, which are narrated in this book?

Narrated to us Ali bin Ahmad Daqaaq from Muhammad bin Abi Abdullah Kufi from Musa bin Imran Nakhai from his uncle, Husain bin Yazid Naufili from Ghiyath bin Ibrahim from Imam Ja’far Sadiq from his holy father from his holy ancestors that Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said:

“Whatever has happened in previous Ummahs will happen exactly in the same way in this Ummah also, in the same order.”

Muhammad bin Zakariya from Ja’far bin Muhammad bin Imarah from Imam Ja’far Sadiq from his father from his holy ancestors that Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said:

“I swear by Him, Who made me a rightful Prophet and harbinger of good news that all those things are going to occur in my Ummah in the same order, which had occurred during previous Ummahs. So much so that if a snake entered a hole in Banu Israel, it would happen in my Ummah also.”

Narrated to us Shareef Abul Hasan Ali bin Musa bin Ahmad bin Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Abdullah from Abu Ali Hasan bin Rakaam from Ahmad bin Muhammad Naufili from Ahmad bin Hilal from Uthman bin Isa Kilaabi from Khalid bin Najeeh from Hamza bin Hamraan from his father from Saeed bin Jabeer that he heard Syedul Aabideen Ali bin Husain bin Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.) saying:

“Our Qaim (a.t.f.s.) has Sunnah of prophets. The Sunnah of Prophet Nuh, Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Musa, Prophet Isa, Prophet Ayyub and Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) is included in it.” The Sunnah of Prophet Nuh is a long life, secret birth and remaining hidden from people is the Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim. The Sunnah of Prophet Musa is fear and occultation. The Sunnah of Prophet Isa is that people have difference of opinion about him. The Sunnah of Prophet Ayyub is happiness after bearing calamities and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad is that he will come out carrying a sword.”

Thus, if it is correct that the incidents of long life were prevalent during previous ages, it is appropriate that this Sunnah is true for Imam Qaim (a.t.f.s.) also, who is the twelfth Imam. It is not possible that nothing will be

left in the occultation of Imam (a.t.f.s.) and as the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: “Even if one day is left before this world perishes then Allah will prolong that day enough so that Imam Qaim (a.t.f.s.) will reappear and fill the world with justice as much as it would have been filled with injustice and oppression and we would get Islam only when we surrender to the commandments of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and Holy Imams (a.s.). There is no power and might, except by Allah, the High and the Mighty.”

During the previous ages, the people who were religious, worshippers and abstinent used to hide such a person and their matters and this custom is followed from the beginning of the world till our time. Then how is it possible to deny the occultation of Imam Qaim (a.t.f.s.)? Only those people will reject this, whose hearts are filled with infidelity and misguidance and hatred of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and Imams (a.s.).

Sarbabak Hindi

Saduq also says: Narrated to us Ahmad bin Hasan Qittan from Hasan bin Ali Aswari from Makki bin Ahmad from Ishaq bin Ibrahim Tusi who lived for ninety-seven years; he said in the house of Yahya bin Mansur that Sarbabak was the king of Kanauj in India. We asked him his age. He said that his age was nine hundred and twenty-five years and that he was a Muslim. He narrated: The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) sent ten of his companions to me, including Huzaifah bin Yaman, Amr bin Aas, Usamah bin Zaid, Abu Musa Ashari, Sahib Rumi and Safinah etc. They invited me to Islam and I accepted it. When he kissed the letters of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) I asked him: In spite of your physical weakness, how do you sit for the ritual prayer? He replied: the Almighty Allah has said:

الَّذِينَ يَذْكُرُونَ اللّهَ قِيَامًا وَقُعُودًا وَعَلَىَ جُنُوبِهِمْ

“Those who remember Allah standing and sitting and lying on their sides.” (Surah Aale Imran 3:191)

I asked him: What is your diet? He said: I need a little once a week. I asked him about his teeth and he said: They have changed twenty times. In his stable I saw an animal larger than an elephant which is called Zind Feel. I said: In what way do you make use of it? He replied: He carries the dirty clothes of the servants to the washer man. The extent of his kingdom was having length and breadth of four years of travel and his capital was fifty farsakhs from all sides. On every gate there were 120000 troops so that if any attack is launched from there they may tackle it effectively without needing enforcements. The king himself stayed at the center of his capital. I heard him say: I reached a western country and saw a desert in which there was no vegetation. After traveling for sometime I reached the people of Musa (a.s.) the roof of their houses were equal in height and the store houses of rations were located outside the town. They brought home some rations and left the rest in the store houses. The graves of their dead were inside their houses and their orchards were located at a distance of two farsakhs. None of them were old in age and I did not see any of them ill or on the verge of death. There was a market also where one would go if one wanted anything and weigh and take whatever one liked without the shop owner being present there. When they wanted to pray they would come,

pray and then go back. There were no fights among them ever; they spent all the time in prayers and never talked of anything except about God and death.”

The author (r.a.) says: If our opponents consider the life of Sarbabak, the king of India as possible they must not present any excuse with regard to the age of the Proof of Allah and there is no power and strength except by Allah.

Abdullah Yemeni Moammar

Al Ghawaali Al Layali: Ahmad bin Fahd has narrated from Bahauddin Ali bin Abdul Hamid from Yahya bin Najal Kufi that he traveled to Kufa in 734 A.H. Salih bin Abdullah Yemeni narrated to me that his father, that is Abdullah Yemeni had a very long age and he had the good fortune to see His Eminence, Salman Farsi (r.a.) and the latter had narrated the following traditional report from him that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said: Love of the world is the root of evil. And good expectation from the Almighty Allah is the root of every worship act.

Shaykh Baba Ratan Moammar

Al Ghawaali Al- Layali: Mala Alimul Waiz Abdullah bin Fatehullah bin Abdul Malik narrated to me from Tajuddin Hasan Sairshnawi from Shaykh Jamaluddin Hasan bin Yusuf bin Mutahhar from Maulana Sharafuddin Ishaq bin Mahmud Yamani, Qadi of Qom from his maternal uncle, Maulana Imaduddin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Fathan Qummi from Shaykh Sadruddin Sawi who says:

Once I went to meet Shaykh Baba Ratan and found that his eyebrows had sagged on his eyes. He lifted them and looked at me. He said: You can see my eyes; for a period of time these eyes have had the good fortune to glance at the luminous face of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.). I saw the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) digging the trench on the occasion of the Battle of Khandaq with the people and carrying mud on his back. I heard him recite the following supplication on that day: O Allah, I beg You for a pleasant life and an appropriate death; and when I return to You, there should be no shame for me.

Another Aged Person

Anwarul Madhiya: Sayyid Ali bin Abdul Hamid has written inAnwarul Madhiya that Raees Abul Hasan Katib Basri who is considered as a man of letters, says that in 392 A.H. it had not rained for many years in Basra when all of sudden pearls rained down there. When Arabs heard about it, people speaking different tongues came from far off places and I also came with some people to learn about the details of this incident; so that perhaps something useful can be learnt from there.

I reached there to find a tall tent and moved towards it with my friends. A very old man sat there surrounded by his servants and companions. We greeted the old man and he reciprocated in a nice way. A person introduced me as the leader of my group and an eloquent Arab. “We have come to meet you; perhaps we will gain something useful from you. We have come to you since you are so aged.”

He said: O nephews, I don’t have what you expect from me. I remained busy in worldly matters. If you want something useful, you must refer to my respected father; he is in that tent opposite to mine.

So we went to that tent to find an extremely old man lying down on his bed surrounded by his servants. We came to him, greeted and explained that his son had sent us to him so that we may learn something useful from him.

He said: O nephews, I was also involved in worldly matters like my son; you must refer to my father and he pointed to another tent.

We said: Let us go there and see. We found that old man surrounded by a crowd of people who hastened to us the moment they saw us approach. They asked: “What do you want, may Allah bless you?”

“We would like to greet your master and we hope we would learn something useful from him.”

They said: “You will indeed benefit from meeting our master.”

One of them went inside to seek permission and came back from there. Then he escorted us inside. We saw a bed in the center of the tent and two small pillows at the sides and a big pillow in the center on which the head of that old man was placed. We greeted him in a loud voice and he replied in a very nice way. One of us repeated the same dialogue that we had with his son, and told him that he has sent us to him so that we might be able to gain something from him.

He opened his sunken eyes and asked his servant to help him to sit up.

After that he said: O nephews, pay attention to what I say. None of my father’s children survived though he was very desirous of them; thus when I was born, he was very much excited. When I was hardly seven that my father passed away. After that my uncle took me under his care and like my father, he was also worried about my survival. So he brought me to the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) and beseeched: O Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) this is my nephew and my brother is no more. I am responsible for his upbringing. I fear that he might also die like the other children of my brother. So write an amulet for his safety and health.

His Eminence (s.a.w.s.) asked: Why have you forgotten the four Quls? That is Surah Kafiroon, Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falaq and Surah Naas.

After that I made it a habit to recite those chapters every morning and blow on myself. No harm touched me ever after that and I have lived to this old age. So you also take note of this.

After that we returned.

Abu Amr Uthman bin Khattab bin Abdullah bin Awwam (Moammar)

Majalis Shaykh Tusi: Ibrahim bin Hasan bin Jamhur narrated that Abu Bakr Mufeed Jarjarai told me in 376 A.H. that when I went to meet Abu Amr Uthman bin Khattab bin Abdullah bin Awwam in 316 A.H. in Egypt there was so much rush of visitors that he had to occupy the attic of the house. After that I traveled to Mecca with him and he dictated fifteen traditions to me. He informed me that he was born during the reign of Abu Bakr bin Abi Qahafa. When the tenure of Amirul Momineen Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) arrived, I came out to meet him with my father. On way to Kufa

we had water shortage and were on the verge of death. My father was very much aged and I asked him to wait when I went out in search of water.

I found a well full of water at a short distance. First of all I undressed and had a bath; and then drank as much water as I wanted. I decided to bring my father there since he was near by.

I went to him and said that there was a well nearby. But when he accompanied me out we could not find any well. We gave up after a long time and had hardly sat down to rest when he passed away. Somehow I managed to bury him there and then came to Amirul Momineen (a.s.). He was about to march for the Battle of Siffeen. When I bent down to kiss his feet, I received this wound.

Abu Bakr Mufeed says: A clear scar was visible on his face.

Imam Ali (a.s.) asked about me and I narrated to him about what had befallen us. He said: Anyone who drinks from that well has a long age.

Then he named me as Motamar.

Abu Bakr Mufeed says: Then he narrated many traditions to me from Imam Ali (a.s.) which I noted down. At that time some teachers of his native country, Tanja were also present there. They also verified his authenticity and the fact that he had met Amirul Momineen (a.s.).

Finally that aged personality passed away in 317 A.H.

Moammar Mashriqi

Karajaki has narrated this report in detail in hisKanzul Fawaid along with the report of Abu Duniya Moammar Maghribi through his chains.

After that he has mentioned another incident of Moammar Mashriqi.

There was a man who inhabited a mountainous region of Persia and he claimed to have met Amirul Momineen (a.s.) and that he was known to all since ages, that he had remained in the company of Imam Ali (a.s.). His face also carried a scar like that of Moammar Maghribi

Once a group of people of different faiths narrated to me that they had also met and talked to him. Such a one is Abul Abbas Ahmad bin Nuh bin Muhammad Hanbali Shafei, who narrated to me in 411 A.H. at Ramla that he was traveling to Iraq to learn jurisprudence when he passed through the Suharward province near Zanjan. He was informed that an aged person lived in that area who claims to have met Amirul Momineen (a.s.) and it was worth meeting him.

“I found him to be an extremely aged man with a round beard and he also had a one-year-old son. They told him that we were heading to Iraq and requested him to narrate his meeting with Amirul Momineen (a.s.).”

He said: A rider passed by me and when I looked at him he passed his hand over my head. When I came to know that he was Amirul Momineen (a.s.) I ran after him and joined his entourage.

He narrated: I lived with the Imam at Tikrit also and continued to serve him. And after that I also served his children.

Ahmad bin Nuh says: His countrymen verified his statements and that they had heard about this man from their ancestors and that he had gone away for sometime and lived in Ahwaz, from where he moved to Dailam and now he lived in Suharward.

Abu Abdullah Husain bin Muhammad bin Qummi has narrated that many people have met and spoken to him and people of Suharward have also narrated from him.

Harith bin Kaab Moammar

Sayyid Murtadha (q.s.) has written inGhurar wad Durar that among the long lived persons of the world is Harith bin Kaab bin Amr bin Waala bin Khalid bin Malik bin Adad Madh-haji. Abu Hatim Sajistani says: When the death of Harith approached, he gathered his children and said: I have reached an age of a hundred and sixty years, but so far have neither made peace with any traitor nor befriended any transgressor. Nor flirted with cousins and sisters-in-law. I have never kept a woman of loose character in my house.

I follow the religion of Prophet Shuaib (a.s.) and except for me, Asad bin Hazima and Tamim bin Murrah no one in the Arab Peninsula follows this faith. So remember my will and live on my religion. Continue to fear the Almighty Allah as He is sufficient for you in every way. Never disobey Him.

My sons, be united and never should you fall into discord. Without any doubt, a death of honor is better than a life of degradation and helplessness. What is destined would come to pass. Everything is of two different types. Thus time is also of two kinds: A time of prosperity and a time of troubles. People are also of two types: One kind will support you and another will oppose you.

Also remember that you should take in marriage a woman who is compatible to your status and is chaste. Avoid foolish girls as their issues will be useless.

Those who cut off relations will never get peace.

There is enmity in discord with the people of your community. That is if you oppose them, they will become inimical to you.

No matter how numerous you may be; if you have no unity, you are in great trouble.

Goodness erases evil.

To reciprocate evil with evil is to participate in evil.

Sins destroy good deeds.

Breaking off of the relations create sorrow.

Disrespect destroys blessings.

Disowning of parents leads to destruction. It reduces population and houses are destroyed.

Bad behavior cuts off benefits. Mutual enmity causes separations.

Mustaughar Moammar

Mustaughar was also among those who attained a long age. He real name was Amr bin Rabia bin Kaab bin Saad bin Zaid Manat bin Tamim bin Murrah bin Aadde bin Tabikha bin Ilyas bin Mudhir. Experts of genealogy are of the view that he lived for 320 years and was present during the period of Islam.

Duraid bin Zaid Moammar

Duraid bin Zaid bin Nahad bin Zaid bin Laith bin Sawad bin Aslum bin Haaf bin Qaza-a bin Malik bin Murra bin Malik bin Himyar also had a long lifespan and he lived for 456 years. Ibne Duraid says that he was among the Moammareen; among the Arabs one who lives for more than 120 year is called as a Moammar.

Zuhair bin Janab Moammar

Zuhair bin Janab bin Abdullah bin Kanana bin Bakr bin Auf bin Azra Ibne Zaid Laat bin Rafida bin Thawr bin Kalab bin Babra bin Taghlib bin Halwan bin Imran bin Haaf bin Qaza-a bin Malik bin Amr bin Murra bin Zaid bin Malik bin Himyar also had a long lifespan and he lived for 220 years, according to Abu Hatim. And he participated in 200 battles. He was the leader of his tribe and possessed ten extraordinary qualities: He was a chief of his tribe, he was of noble lineage and an eloquent speaker and a poet. He used to visit other kings as a diplomat; he was an accomplished physician, a soothsayer and an expert rider. He was a wise advisor.

Once he heard some words from his wife which ladies should not speak to their husbands. When he objected, she threatened to thrash him and she said that she was under the impression that he was deaf and stupid.

Zuhair composed the following verses in response:

Brothers, look at my condition. My eyebrows sag on my eyes and I can neither see the stars nor the sun and my wife threatens to thrash me with a stick. But I say: Forgive me. Death is better than a life of such degradation.

Zul Asba Adwani

Zul Asba Adwani also had a long lifespan. His full name was Harsan bin Muharras bin Harith bin Rabia bin Wahab bin Thalaba bin Zarab bin Amr bin Attab bin Yashkar bin Adwan. He was called Zul Asba (one having finger), because he was bitten by a snake which paralyzed his index finger. It is said that he lived for 170 years and according to Abul Hatim he attained an age of 300 years. He was an Arab king during the period of Jahiliyya.

Mady Karb Himyari

Mady Karb Himyari also had a long lifespan from Aale Zeeroin according to Ibne Sallam.

Rabi bin Zaba Fazari

Rabi bin Zaba Fazari also had a long lifespan. It is said that he lived through the Umayyad period and according to traditional reports, he attended the court of Abdul Malik bin Marwan and also that he lived during the period of Muawiyah. It is said that when he was 200 years old, he composed the following verses:

When a man reaches 200 years neither youth remains nor the pleasure of youth.

Abu Tamahan Qini

His real name was Hanzala bin Sharqi and he was from the Bani Kanana bin Qin. According to Abu Hatim he also lived for 200 years.

Abdul Masih bin Baqila Ghassani

Abdul Masih bin Baqila Ghassani also had a long lifespan and he lived for 350 years. His name was Abdul Masih bin Amr bin Qays bin Hayyan bin Baqila, according to Kalabi and Abu Mikhnaf. He lived during the Islamic period but did not accept Islam; on the contrary he remained a Christian.

It is narrated that when Khalid bin Walid laid siege to Hira he sent a man to them with the message to send a responsible person for mediation.

They sent Abdul Masih bin Baqila. He came to Khalid on foot and said: Good morning, O King.

Khalid said: The Almighty Allah has made us needless of this greeting.

“Where have you come from, O Shaykh?”

“From the loins of my father.”

“I wanted to ask you about your origin.”

“From the womb of my mother.”

“Do you know where you stand?”

“Yes, on the earth.”

 “No, I mean to ask you where you are located?”

“In my garments.”

“Who is your father?”

“A man.”

“I have never seen anyone so full of wit and an expert at deflecting the question.”

“I replied to all your questions. But you can ask me again, if you want.”

“Are you an Arab or a Nabatean?”

“I am an Arab but people think that I am a Nabatean. And the Nabateans consider me as a Nabatean.”

“Do you like hostilities or you are a peaceful person.”


“Then why have you made these forts?”

“We are afraid of foolish people.”

“How old are you?”

“Three hundred and fifty years.”

The narrator says: Abdul Masih was carrying a very effective fatal poison.

Khalid asked: “What is this?”

“It is poison.”

“What do you want to do with it?”

“I will thank the Almighty Allah if I can find something useful for my people from you; and on the contrary I don’t want to be the first from my community to put my people into trouble and return to them alive. I will consume this poison and free myself from this life, because not much of it is left.”

“Hand it over to me.” And he took away the poison and then said:

“In the name of Allah and by Allah; Lord of the earth and the heavens. Nothing causes any harm if it is accompanied by His name.” And he consumed that poison which made him lose consciousness. After that he perspired a lot and then regained his posture. He felt that he had been freed from prison.

Abdul Masih bin Baqila returned to his people and remarked: I have met a satan who did not die even after consuming the poison. So make peace with these people somehow and send them away.

So they made peace with Khalid at a hundred thousand dirhams.

Some scholars have written that when the people of Hira wanted to construct a chapel, they found a hole in the foundation; when they dug further they found a house and people entered the house to see a dead body placed on a glass throne and the following was engraved at his head:

“I am Abdul Masih bin Baqila.”

Nabigha Jodi

Nabigha Jodi was among the long lived personalities among the Arabs. His real name was Qays bin Kaab bin Abdullah bin Aamir bin Rabia bin Joda bin Kaab bin Rabia bin Aamir bin Saasa. His patronymic was Abu Laila.

Abu Hatim says that he attained an age more than that of Zebani. That is he lived for more than 180 years. According to Hisham bin Muhammad Kalabi, he lived for 180 years. It is narrated from Ibne Duraid from Abu Hatim that Nabigha Jodi lived for 200 years and witnessed the period of Islam.

It is narrated that Nabigha Jodi used to boast on his Islam and say: I recited the following verses to the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.):

“Our greatness and nobility has reached to the skies and we hope that it will go beyond them.”

The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) asked: “Till where, O Abu Laila?”

I replied: “In Paradise, O Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.).”

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) remarked: “All right, if Allah so wills.”

According to another report, till Nabigha Jodi was 120, he did not lose any of his teeth.

Some say that when he lost a teeth, another one grew in its stead.

Luqman bin Aad

 Shaykh Saduq has mentioned Luqman bin Aad also among the long lived persons. He lived for 3500 years.

Rabi bin Zaba bin Wahab bin Baghiz bin Malik bin Saad bin Abas bin Khuzara is also mentioned among the aged people. He lived for 340 years.

With regard to Aksam bin Saifi it is mentioned that he lived for 333 years and his father Saifi bin Raba lived for 270 years without any decrease in his mental capacities.

Zabira bin Saeed

Zabira bin Saeed bin Saad bin Saham bin Amr is also included among people with long life spans. He lived for 220 years and no signs of senility were visible in him. Although he lived during the period of Islam, he did not accept faith. Abu Hatim and Rayashi have written on the authority of Atba that he lived for 220 years. His hair had not grayed and his teeth were also intact.

Duraid bin Sama Jashami

Duraid bin Sama Jashami lived from 200 years and witnessed the period of Islam without accepting the faith. He was the chief of the polytheists during the Battle of Hunain and was at the forefront in fighting the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.). He was killed in the same battle.

Mohsin bin Ghassan

Mohsin bin Ghassan bin Zalim Zubaidi lived for 256 years.

Amr bin Hamama Doosi

Amr bin Hamama Doosi lived for 400 years.

Harith bin Mazaz Jurhami

Harith bin Mazaz Jurhami also lived for 400 years.

Yarab bin Qahtan

His real name was Rabia. He was the first to speak the Arabic language. He ruled for 200 years. According to Abal Hasan Nasaba Isfahani, he was a Yemenite progenitor.

Note: After that Shaykh Saduq (r.a.) says: Also take note of the aged persons from Fars.

A brief account of the long lived Persians

Zahak, the man with two snakes

He lived for 1200 years.

Afridun, the Just

He lived for more than a thousand years and it is said that he initiated the celebration of Meherjan festival. He lived for 1500 years from which he disappeared from his people for 600 years.

Amr Aaamir Maziqiya

Isfahani has written that he lived for 800 years. He is known as Maziqiya, because during his reign the people of Yazd migrated to various parts of the world. He was a king of the Saba kingdom. Soothsayers told him that his country would be destroyed by the floods of Iram. So he sold his land and migrated to some other place. The Ansar of Medina are his descendants.

Jalhama bin Adad bin Zaid bin Yashjab

Jalhama bin Adad bin Zaid bin Yashjab bin Arib bin Zaid bin Kahlan bin Yarab is also known as Lajalmaha Tai and Bani Tai are his descendants. His account is very long. Yahabir bin Malik bin Adad was one of his nephews. Each of them lived for 500 years and there was a battle between them regarding a pasture land. Jalhama thought that in this way his whole clan will be destroyed. So he left that place and traveled a great distance; that is why he began to be called as Tai. He was the owner of two mountains in Tai, named Aja and Salma.

Amr bin Lahih

His real name was Rabia bin Haritha bin Amr Maziqiya. According to scholars of Khaza he was the chief of the Khaza during the battle between Khaza and Jurham. He had initiated the customs of Saiba, Wasila and

Haam. He brought the idols of Hubal and Manat from Syria to Mecca. He entrusted Hubal to Khazima bin Mudrika and that is why it began to be referred to as the Hubal Khazima. Then he placed Manat on Abu Qubais mountain and he was the first to bring Nard (a dice game) to Mecca, which people played all the time in Kaaba.

It is narrated from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) that he said: I was shown the Hell during my journey of Meraj. I saw a short stature man, Amr bin Lahih paying with his baton in Hell. When I asked about him, I was told:

He is Amr bin Lahih. He also behaved with the Kaaba as the Jurham had done, till he died.

The Shaykh says: I saw a writing of Sharif Ajal Razi Abul Hasan Muhammad bin Husain Musawi dated Sunday, 15th Mohurrum 381 A.H. in which he has mentioned the account of a long lived man in Syria who had crossed the age of 140 years. He says: I met him in Karkh and he was a wonder that Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) had also met with.

It is mentioned inKanzul Fawaid that all the communities accept the occurrence of longevity. Thus such points are also mentioned in Old Testament and there is no difference of opinion among them. It is mentioned therein that:

Aged Personalities of the Old Testament and their ages

Adam (a.s.) - 930 years.

Sheeth (a.s.) - 912 years.

Anush - 965 years.

Qinan - 910 years.

Mahlail - 895 years.

Burd - 962 years.

Akhnuh (Idris) - 965 years.

Matuselah - 969 years.

Lamak - 767 years.

Prophet Nuh (a.s.) - 950 years.

Saam - 600 years.

Azfaqshar - 498 years.

Shalikh - 493 years.

Aabir - 870 years.

Faligh - 299 years.

Arguh - 260 years.

Bahor - 140 years.

Tarukh - 280 years.

Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) - 175 years.

Prophet Ismail (a.s.) - 137 years.

Prophet Ishaq (a.s.) - 180 years.

These personages are mentioned in the Old Testament and there is no difference of opinion between the Jews and Christians. In the same way, there is no difference between Muslim scholars regarding this.