Qom and The Virgin of The City

Qom and The Virgin of The City0%

Qom and The Virgin of The City Author:
Translator: Abdullah al-Shahin
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Supplications and Ziyarat
ISBN: 964-438-430-X

Qom and The Virgin of The City

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Kamal as-Sayyid
Translator: Abdullah al-Shahin
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: ISBN: 964-438-430-X
visits: 9614
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Qom and The Virgin of The City

Qom and The Virgin of The City

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
ISBN: 964-438-430-X

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Lamps in the heart of darkness

The snows of (Bahman) that year were falling heavily. Muhammad went into his room and closed the door while the storm remained blowing violently. When the snow fell while the wind was blowing, the (kolak)[110] would be badly cold. Therefore Muhammad gave up the idea of going home and he preferred to stay in his small room near the gate of qibla (in the holy shrine).

He could go home and come back to the haram of Lady Fatima early because he had to light the lamps in the minarets of the haram.

Muhammad was a middle-aged man. He had accustomed his family not to wait for him because he might think of spending his night in the shrine of Lady Fatima (s) to offer night prayers. He found in that the sweetness of faith especially in this holy peaceful place.

The mad storm at that night chilled the passer-bys and travelers. Muhammad preferred to stay in his small warm room.

The old heater gave a faint light and spread warmth about. He lit a small lamp and sat on his bed. His eyes

fell on some old books. Among them were books of du’a[111] and some books of history. In a special place on the shelf there was the holy Qur’an wrapped with a green kerchief.

He had read the holy Qur’an many times. When he wanted to recite the Qur’an, he used to close his eyes and then he whispered submissively with praying Allah to bless Muhammad and his family (s) then he opened the holy Book and recited the two pages.

As usual in the winter nights Muhammad opened the Holy Book and the sura of (Fussilat)[112] appeared to him. The first verse in the beginning of the right page was the verse (39). Muhammad began to recite the verses with a moving voice and pondered on their meaning in Persian because he was careful to understand what he read:

"And among His signs is this, that you see the earth still, but when We send down on it the water, it stirs and swells: most surely He Who gives it life is the Giver of life to the dead; surely He has power over all things."[113]

The wind was still whistling while roving through the curved narrow lanes of Qom. The sound of the wind mixed with Muhammad’s voice while reciting the Qur’an:

And if We had made it a Qur'an in a foreign tongue, they would certainly have said: Why have

not its communications been made clear? What! a foreign (tongue) and an Arabian! Say: It is to those who believe a guidance and a healing…".[114]

"And certainly We gave the Book to Musa, but it has been differed about, and had not a word already gone forth from your Lord, judgment would certainly have been given between them; and most surely they are in a disquieting doubt about it."[115]

The wind was still storming and Muhammad was reciting the Qur’an with a nice voice until he reached the last verse in the left page:

"We will soon show them Our signs in the Universe and in their own souls, until it will become quite clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient as regards your Lord that He is a witness over all things?."[116]

Muhammad kissed the holy Book and put it back in its place.

The warmth of bed and the whistling of the cold wind outside made him sleep early.

The snows were still falling heavily to cover everything; the streets, the lanes and the trees. The city became as heaps of carded cotton. Nothing of its marks could be seen.

Muhammad did not know how much time passed when he wakened from his sleep. There were some drops of

sweat on his forehead. He looked at his old silver watch, whose hands told him that it was two o’clock after midnight. The sound that he had heard in the dream was still clear in his mind:

“Get up and light the lamps of the minarets!”

He got up from his bed and looked at the heavy falling snow. The minarets of the haram seemed silent waiting for the appearance of the dawn.

He thought that what he had seen in his sleep was just a confused dream so he went back to his warm bed.

Again he saw in his sleep the same young girl ordering him to get up. He did not see her face. She was standing behind white curtains emitting lights.

He got up from his bed. The sound filled his inners. He drove away his sleepiness. He put on his coat, held the lamp and went toward the stairs.

The minarets were lit. They became as springs of light. They seemed from far as if they were lighthouses in ports facing the wind.

Muhammad came back to his room. Three hours remained before the appearance of the dawn. He thought that his awake mind refused to sleep. The vision had shaken him and lit inside him thousands of lamps. The young girl, whom he had seen behind the white curtains with the emitted lights, was still dominating his mind. For the first time in his life he was invaded by irresistible feelings inviting him to know more and more about that virgin, who had stopped at Qom one thousand years ago. The old books on the shelf seemed as if they invited him to a journey to the bottom of history. Thus Muhammad had begun

his journey to probe the past so that he might see from near the virgin of Qom!

History is the memory of mankind…That old man drowned in the years and events, rubbed his forehead, which was full of wrinkles, to light a candle in this age or that, in this point of the wide world or that. So what had he talked about that young girl, who had come to Qom by the fate?

The cold wind was still blowing and the snow was still falling heavily. The small city slumbered. Only the travelers alone in that land, which had drowned in the night and snow, opened their eyes difficultly to move their steps on the right way. Muhammad was sitting with the sheikh listening to his loud silence.

* * *

The sun shone in a clear sky save from bits of clouds scattered here and there. The wind stopped blowing.

Muhammad put on his suit to stand at the gate of the shrine. The sun overcame the domes and minarets with its shining lights.

Muhammad was still under the effect of the vision. The angelic voice, which he had heard in his sleep, still circulated inside him.

The visitors from among the people of Qom began to come to the haram. Some of them saluted while approaching toward the dome.

Near the gate there were some travelers covering themselves with woolen cloths. They were sitting drinking tea and talking with each other.

One of them shook his head saying:

“How do we thank the Alawite lady for her favor on us last night?!”

The other said: “It was a terrible (kolak). We lost the way”

--“If lighting the minarets was delayed some minutes, we should have perished.”

--“Suddenly we saw a light shining like the light of lighthouses in the ports.”

--“O my friend, it is Ahlul Bayt (s)! They are the harbor for straying people.”

--“After tomorrow we shall go to Mashhad[117] to visit her brother ar-Redha (s).”

--“Let us stay for some days here near al-Ma’ssooma (s) and then we depend upon Allah to set out.”

Ar-Radhawi was listening to the talks of the travelers surprisedly. He approached to them and his eyes were full of tears. He said to them:

“O brothers, it was me, who lit the lamps of the minarets. I did not do that by myself. I saw in my sleep a young girl like a houri covered with light. She said to me:

“Get up and light the lamps of the minarets!”

She said that three times.”

One of the travelers cried astonishedly:

“Do you mean that the minarets are not lit at such a time?”

Ar-Radhawi replied:

“No, they are not. We put out the lamps before midnight and then we light them for one hour at the dawn.”

The eyes were filled with tears because of love, sincerity and devoutness.

Muhammad ar-Radhawi had recorded the details of this charisma.[118]

Every year when this warm anniversary came, Muhammad lit the lamps of the minarets to celebrate this occasion.

At those hours in every year when the heavy snows of Bahman fall, the travelers see the minarets shining like a port.

Ziyaraof lady Fatima al-Ma’ssooma (s)


السَّلامُ على آدَمَ صفوَةِ اللهِ

Peace be upon Adam, the choice of Allah,

السَّلامُ على نوحٍ نَبيِّ اللهِ

peace be upon Noah, the prophet of Allah,

السَّلامُ على إبراهيمَ خَليلِ اللهِ

peace be upon Ibraheem (Abraham), the friend of Allah,

السَّلامُ على مُوسى كَليمِ اللهِ

peace be upon Musa (Moses), the speaker to Allah,

السَّلامُ على عيسى رُوحِ اللهِ

peace be upon Eesa (Jesus), the spirit of Allah,

السَّلامُ عليكَ يا رَسولَ اللهِ

peace be upon you O messenger of Allah,

السَّلامُ عليكَ يا خَيرَ خَلقِ اللهِ

peace be upon you O the best of the creatures of Allah,

السَّلامُ عليكَ يا صَفيَّ اللهِ

peace be upon you O the choice of Allah,

السَّلامُ عليكَ يا مُحَمّدُ بنَ عَبدِ اللهِ خاتَم النَّبِيِّينَ

peace be upon you O Muhammad the son of Abdullah the last of the prophets,

السَّلامُ عليكَ يا أميرَ المُؤمنينَ عَليّ بنَ أبي طالبٍ وَصِيّ رسولِ اللهِ

peace be upon you O ameerul mo’mineen Ali bin Abu Talib the guardian of the messenger of Allah,

السَّلامُ عليكِ يا فاطِمةُ الزهراءُ سيّدةَ نِساءِ العَالمين

peace be upon you O Fatima the head of the ladies of the worlds,

السَّلامُ عليكُما يا سِبطَيْ نَبِيِّ الرّحْمَةِ وَسَيِّدَيْ شَبابِ أهْلِ الجَنَّةِ

peace be upon you O the two grandson of the prophet of mercy, O you the two masters of the youths of Paradise,

السَّلامُ عَليكَ يا عَلِيّ بنَ الحُسينِ سيّدَ العابدينَ وقُرَّةَ عَينِ النّاظِرينَ

peace be upon you O Ali bin al-Husayn the master of the worshippers and the delight of the eyes,

السَّلامُ عليكَ يا مُحَمَّد بنَ عَليٍّ باقِرَ العِلمِ بعد النّبِيِّ

peace be upon you O Muhammad bin Ali al-Baqir, who have cut open knowledge after the Prophet,

السَّلامُ عليكَ يا جَعفَر بنَ مُحَمّدٍ الصّادقُ البارُّ الأمِينُ

peace be upon you O Ja’far bin Muhammad as-Sadiq the truthful, the pious, the faithful,

السَّلامُ عليكَ يا مُوسى بنَ جَعفَرٍ الطّاهِرُ الطُّهْرُ

peace be upon you O Musa bin Ja’far the pure in utmost purity,

السَّلامُ عليكَ يا عَليّ بنَ موسَى الرِّضا المُرتَضَى

peace be upon you O Ali bin Musa ar-Redha the contented,

السَّلامُ عَليكَ يا مُحَمَّدُ بنَ عَلِيٍّ التّقِيّ

peace be upon you O Muhammad bin Ali the pious,

السَّلامُ عليكَ يا عَليّ بنَ مُحَمَّدٍ النّقِيُّ النّاصِحُ الأمِينُ

peace be upon you O Ali bin Muhammad the pure,

السَّلامُ عَليكَ يا حَسَنُ بنَ عَلِيٍّ

peace be upon you O Hasan bin Ali,

السَّلامُ على الوَصِيِّ مِنْ بَعدِهِ

peace be upon the guardian after you.

اللّهُمّ صَلِّ عَلى نورِكَ وَسِراجِكَ وَوَلِيِّ وَلِيِّكَ وَوَصِيِّ وَصِيِّكَ وَحُجَّتِكَ عَلَى خَلْقِكَ

O Allah, bless Your light, the guardian of Your guardian and Your authority upon Your people.

السَّلامُ عَلَيكِ يا بِنتَ رَسولِ اللهِ

Peace be upon you O the daughter of the messenger of Allah,

السَّلامُ عَلَيكِ يا بِنتَ فَاطِمَةَ وَخَدِيجَة

Peace be upon you O the daughter of Fatima and Khadeeja,

السَّلامُ عَلَيكِ يا بنْتَ أمِيرِ المُؤمِنِينَ

peace be upon you O the daughter of ameerul mo’mineen,

السَّلامُ عَلَيْكِ يا بِنْتَ الحَسَنِ وَالحُسَيْنِ

peace be upon you O the daughter of al-Hasan and al-Husayn,

السَّلامُ عَلَيكِ يا بِنْتَ وَلِيِّ اللهِ

peace be upon you O the daughter of the guardian of Allah,

السَّلامُ عَلَيكِ يا أُخْتَ وَلِيِّ اللهِ

peace be upon you O the sister of the guardian of Allah,

السَّلامُ عَلَيكِ يا عَمَّةَ وَلِيِّ اللهِ

peace be upon you O the aunt of the guardian of Allah,

السَّلامُ عَلَيْكِ يَا بِنْتَ مُوسَى بنِ جَعْفَرٍ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ

peace, mercy and blessing be upon you O the daughter of Musa bin Ja’far.

السَّلامُ عَلَيْكِ

Peace be upon you.

عَرَّفَ اللهُ بَيْنَنا وَبَيْنَكُمْ فِي الجَنَّةِ

We pray Allah to make us close to you in Paradise,

وَحَشَرَنا فِي زُمْرَتِكُمْ

to insert us in your group,

وَأَوْرَدَنا حَوضَ نَبِيِّكُمْ

to bring us to the pond of your prophet,

وَسَقَانَا بِكَأسِ جَدِّكُمْ مِنْ يَدِ عَلِيِّ بْنِ أَبِي طَالِبٍ

to water us with the cup of your grandfather by the hand of Ali bin Abu Talib.

صَلَواتُ اللهِ عَلَيْكُمْ

The blessings of Allah be upon you all.

أَسْأَلُ اللهَ أنْ يُرِيَنَا فِيكُمُ السُّرورَ وَ

I pray Allah to make us delighted by your



وَأَنْ يَجْمَعَنا وَإِيّاكُمْ في زُمْرَةِ جَدِّكُمْ مُحَمَّدٍ صَلّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ

and to gather us with you in the group of your grandfather Muhammad, peace be upon him and upon his progeny,

وَأَنْ لا يَسْلُبَنَا مَعْرِفَتَكُمْ

and not to deprive us of believing in you,

إنَّهُ وَلِيٌّ قَدِيرٌ

He is guardian, He is powerful.

أَتَقَرَّبُ إلَى اللهِ بِحُبِّكُمْ

I approach to Allah via loving you,

وَالْبَرَاءَةِ مِنْ أعْدائِكُمْ

detesting your enemies

وَالتَّسْلِيمِ إلَى اللهِ راضِياً بِهِ

and submitting to Allah contentedly,

غَيْرَ مُنْكِرٍ وَلا مُسْتَكْبِرٍ

neither denying nor priding,

وَعَلَى يَقِينِ مَا أَتَى بِهِ مُحَمَّدٌ وَبِهِ رَاضٍ

and believing sincerely in what Muhammad has brought and being satisfied with it.

اللّهُمّ وَأَسْأَلُكَ رِضَاكَ وَالدَّارَ الآخِرَةَ

O Allah, I pray You to be pleased with me and to enter me into Your paradise!

يا فَاطِمَةُ اشْفَعِي لِي فِي الجَنَّةِ فَإنَّ لَكِ عِنْدَ اللهِ شَأناً مِنَ الشّأْنِ

O Fatima, intercede for me in Paradise because you have a great standing near Allah.

اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ أنْ تَخْتِمَ لِي بِالسَّعَادَةِ

O Allah, I pray You to end my life with happiness

فَلا تَسْلُبْ مِنِّي مَا أنا فِيهِ

and not to deprive me of what I am in.

وَلا حَوْلَ وَلا قُوَّةَ إلاّ بِاللهِ العَلِيِّ العَظِيمِ

There is no power save in Allah, the Most High, the Great.

اللَّهُمَّ اسْتَجِبْ لَنا وَتَقَبَّلْهُ بِكَرَمِكَ وَعِزَّتِكَ

O Allah, respond to us and accept (our deeds) with Your generosity, honor,

وَبِرَحْمَتِكَ وَعَافِيَتِكَ

Mercy and peace.

وَصَلَّى اللهُ عَلى مُحَمَّدٍ وَآلِهِ الطّاهِرِينَ وَسَلَّمَ تَسْليماً

O Allah, make Your blessing and peace be upon Muhammad and his pure progeny,

يَا أرْحَمَ الرّاحِمِينَ

You are the Most Merciful.

The etiquette of ziyara

Knowing the etiquette of ziyara is considered as one of the necessary matters that a visitor has to pay attention to in order to gain the reward of his ziyara.

Here are some of these etiquettes:

1. Taking a bath before offering the ziyara.

2. Doing ziyara with a pure spirit and being ready for repentance.

3. A visitor has to have done wudu’[120] and worn pure and perfumed cloths.

4. Proceeding with utmost sincerity, devoutness, submission, mentioning Allah and walking with short steps.

5. Going in with the right leg (the first step) and coming out with the left.

6. Mentioning (blessing and peace upon Muhammad and his progeny) when seeing the pure tomb.

7. Stopping-during ziyara- near the head (of the buried one in the tomb) and saying-before reciting the ziyara- Allahu akbar (Allah is great) thirty-four times, subhanallah (glory be to Allah) thirty-three times and alhamdu lillah (praise be to Allah) thirty-three times. Such it has been narrated from Imam ar-Redha (s).

8. Putting the right and left sides of the face on the pure tomb and praying Allah to grant one what he likes.

9. A visitor is to offer two rak’as prayer and to gift its reward to Lady Fatima al-Ma’ssooma (s).

10. Offering the prayer of jama’a[121] before ziyara if it is the time for the due prayer.

11. Being busy with asking Allah to forgive one, invocating upon Allah for oneself and for the other believers and reciting the Qur’an, du’a and ziyara that have been narrated from the infallible imams (s).

Finally we refer to two important points:

1. When having the honor of doing the ziyara in the shrines of the infallible imams (s) and their children, we have to avoid the conducts that do not fit the believers like prostrating when seeing the tomb because such doings please neither Allah nor the one in the tomb. Such doings just give our enemies excuses to accuse us and fabricate lies against us.

2. Muslim women and young girls, when visiting the saints of Allah, have to care much for the Islamic uniform and not to appear in a way that dissents from the Islamic principles; otherwise there will be no use of this ziyara.

The Tombs of the infallible imams’ children in Qom

Qom, since the Ash’arite Arabs had come to live in it, received hundreds of children of the infallible imams (s). Their honored tombs became as lamps shining in all sides of the city of Qom.

Here are some of them:

1) The pure tombs of Zaynab, Maymoona and Umm Muhammad, the daughters of Imam Muhammad at-Taqiy (al-Jawad).[122] They have been buried beside the holy tomb of Lady Fatima al-Ma’ssooma (s).

2) The tomb of Musa al-Mubarqa’, the son of Imam Muhammad at-Taqiy (s) (in Chihil Akhtaran (forty stars) Quarter).

3) The tomb of Shahzada[123] Ahmad, the son of Musa al-Mubarqa’ (beside his father’s tomb).

4) The graveyard of Chihil Akhtaran (beside the shrine of Musa al-Mubarqa’).

5) Imamzada[124] Sultan Muhammad Shareef (in Chahar Mardan Street).

6) Imamzada Hamza bin Musa (opposite to Kuhna Square in Azar Street).

7) Imamzada Ahmad bin Musa (beside Shahzada Ahmad).

8) Shahzada Ibraheem and Shahzada Muhammad, grandsons of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (s) (in Shahzada Ibraheem Street).

9) Imamzada Ahmad bin Qassim (at the end of Mu’allim Street).

10) Shahzada Sayyid Ali (at the end of Bajak Street, near Jihad Square).

11) Imamzada Sayyid Sarbakhsh (in Azar Street after Kuhna Square-opposite to Chihil Akhtaran).

12) Shahzada Nasir, one of Imam Hasan’s grandsons (opposite to Imam Hasan Askari Mosque).

13) Chahar (four) Imamzada, Imam Zaynulaabideen’s grandsons (at the end of Bajak Street).

14) Imamzada Khak Faraj (at the end of Imam Musa as-Sadr Street-Khak Faraj Quarter).

15) Imamzada Shah Jamal (Arak Highway, near Salarya).

16) Imamzada Abu Ahmad, one of Muhammad bin al-Hanafiyya’s grandsons (between Shah Sayyid Ali and Chahar Imamzada-15 Khurdad Street).

17) Imamzada Ali bin Ja’far (at the end of Chahar Mardan Street-near Golzar Shuhada’).

18) Shahzada Hadi and Shahzada Mahdi (in Jamkaran).

19) Imamzada Tayyib and Imamzada Tahir (on the side of Qom-Saraja Highway).

20) Shahzada Ja’far Ghareeb (Jamkaran crossroad- near Baqee’ Graveyard).

21) Imamzada Zayd (opposite to the tomb of Musa al-Mubarqa’).

22) The tombs of Bagh Gombad Sabz-the garden of the green dome (tombs of the walis of Qom from the dynasty of Ali as-Safiy- opposite to the shrine of Ali bin Ja’far).

Numbers and addresses

Note: [added by www.alhassanain.org/english]

The telephone numbers have been changed in 16-05-2013 and Qom Code into (0)25 from (0)251 while a digit of “3” is added to every local number: like +98-(0)25-37110100, so please if you to visit Qom and need to dial any number, just note this point.



1- Ahlul Bayt estab. of Ihya’ut Turath: Fatimi St., la.9, bldg. 1,3, tel. 7730001-5.

2- Al-Ishragh studio: Shuhada St., tel. 7745270.

3- Computational inquiries of Islamic sciences center: Mu’allim St., tel. 8843413.

4- Darul Hadith: 19 Dey St. la.10 tel. 7701575-10.

5- Estab. of arranging and publishing the works of Imam Khomeini: Shuhada St., Mumtaz, bldg. 84, tel. 7742247-9.

6- Establishment of Baqir al-Uloom: Aastana square, upper floor of Hadhrati market, tel. 7740369.

7- Establishment of Nahjol Balagha: Shaheed Muhammad Muntadhary St. la. 34 bldg. no.28 tel. 7742594.

8- International assembly of Ahlul Bayt: Fatimy St. after la.21, bldg.41, tel.7740771-3.

9- International center of Islamic studies: Hujjatiyya St., opposite to Hujjatiyya school, tel. 7743289.

10- Islamic sciences and knowledge estab. for studies: Shaheed Muntadhari St., la. 8, tel. 7742010.

11- Library of Ayatollah al-Gulbaygani’s school: Ayatollah an-Najafi (Iram) St., tel. 7703076.

12- Library of Ayatollah al-Khamana’iy: Sahil (coast) St., tel. 7720760.

13- Library of Ayatollah an-Najafi: Ayatollah an-Najafi (Iram) St., tel. 7741970.

14- Noor cultural, artistic and sporting assembly: Neerogah, tel. 8824615.

15- Radio and TV centre of Islamic inquiries: Ameen St., tel.2933850.

16- University of al-Qur’an al-Kareem: Shuhada St. Mumtaz lane, second alley, bldg. 25, tel.7739073.


17- Az-Zahra’ university: Ameen St., tel. 7741970.

18- International centre of Islamic studies: Hujjatiyya St., tel. 7742389.

19- The administrative body of al-Hawza al-Ilmiyya in Qom: Hadhrati St., Dar al-Shafa’ school, tel. 7740284.

20- The office of Islamic information: Shuhada crossroads, tel. 773001.

21- The society of teachers in al-Hawza al-Ilmiyya in Qom: Mu’allim St., tel. 7740771-3.


22- Al-Ghadeer center for Islamic studies: Inqilab (revolution) St., Graveyard of the martyrs of the Islamic Revolution (Golzar), Department of Islamic Jurisprudence knowledge, tel. 7739999.

23- Ansariyan publications (religious books in different languages): Shuhada St., la.22, tel.7741744.

24- The center of printing the Qur’an: Khakfaraj St., al-Hadi square, beside al-Hadi school, tel. 6611125.


25- Ayatollah as-Sistani: Mu’allim St., tel. 7741416.

26- Ayatollah at-Tabrizi: Iram St., Ark, tel. 7744286.

27- Ayatollah Bahjat: Ayatollah al-Mar’ashi St., Guzarkhan, tel. 7743271.

28- Ayatollah Fadhil Lankarani: Bazaar crossroads, tel. 7717871.

29- Ayatollah Makarim ash-Shirazi: Shuhada St., tel. 7743111.

30- Ayatollah Noori Hamadani: Shuhada St., Bigdali, tel. 7741850.

31- Ayatollah Safi al-Golbaygani: Inqilab St., tel. 7715511.

32- Ayatollah sayyid Ali Khamana’iy: Shuhada St., tel. 7474.

33- Ayatollah Shubayri Zanjani: Shaheed Muntadhari St., tel. 7740322.

34- Ayatollah Waheed al-Khurasani: Shuhada St., tel. 7740611.


35- Al-Masjid al-A’dham (great mosque) 7742719

36- Culture manager 7735186

37- General manager of the Haram affairs 7743057

38- Health manager 7741439

39- International relations 7741441

40- Public relations 7731591

41- The assistant office 7741437

42- The fax 7741435

43- The library 7741440

44- The museum 7741491

45- The office of the custodian 7741434

46- The police of the yard 7741487

47- Tradal Za’ir library 7742519


48- Legal questions and fatwas in Haram 7741425-33

49- The old yard 3283(internal)

50- Atabaki yard 3268(internal)

51- Post office box 37185-3775

52- Questions about Hadith, Qom 7710010

53- Questions about the belief 7743120-7743111

54- Questions about the Qur’an and Tafseer 7740804

55- Legal questions concerning women 2935848


56- Jama’a prayers

57- Fajr prayer (dawn):

The first: led by Ayatollah Salawati.

The second: led by Ayatollah Zanjani.

58- Dhuhr and Asr prayers (noon and after noon):

In the haram: led by Ayatollah Ishtihardi.

In al-Masjid al-A’dham: led by Hujjatol Islam Nadhari (temporary).

59- Magrib and Isha’ prayers (sunset and evening):

In the haram: Ayatollah Zanjani.

In al-Masjid al-A’dham: Ayatollah Ameeni.


60- Du’a an-Nudba: Fridays’ nights after maghrib and isha’ prayers.

61- Du’a Kumayl: on Wednesdays’ nights.

62- Fee Rihab ath-Thaqalayn: daily program in Arabic before Maghrib prayer in summer including explaining legal laws, elegies, praise poems and preaching.

63- Hareem ath-Thaqalayn: every night by the visitors, who speak Urdu in Dar at-Tilawa in al-Masjid al-A’dham.

64- Morning and evening speeches: everyday at 7:30 in the morning and at 7:00 in the evening in the haram opposite to the tomb of Fatima al-Ma’ssooma (s).

65- Ziyara of al-Jami’a al-Kabeera: Fridays’ nights at ten o’clock.


66- Al-Amr bil Ma’roof (enjoining the right) centre 145

67- Anesthetics resisting centre 128

68- Courts security 195

69- Data bank 190

70- Electricity accidents 121

71- Fire extinguishing calling centre 125

72- First aid centre 115

73- Gas accidents 194

74- Information 113

75- Inquisition department news centre 124

76- Islamic revolution guards information 114

77- Legal times and talking clock 119

78- Police calling centre 110

79- Police command centre 116

80- Police information 146

81- Police station 130

82- Post office 140

83- Public relations of telephonic communications 135

84- Reserving telephonic calls 126

85- Secretary-general of Anesthetics resisting centre 120

86- Social care centre 128

87- Taxis (wireless) 133

88- Telephone failures 117

89- Telephone information 118

90- Telephonic post 193

91- The Qur’an call 144

92- The weather 134

93- Traffic accidents 197

94- Vocal post 163

95- Ways and transportations office 141


96- The governorate office: Sahil St., tel. 771610.

97- Local and abroad tourism (Iran gardi wa jahan gardi): Sa’eedi square, tel. 6621577.

98- Visitors service centre: Shaheed Muntadhari St., tel. 7744635.

99- Education department: Ameen St., tel. 2937541-4.

100- Passengers transportation service: Tehran old street, tel. 66203008-11.

101- Religious endowment and charity department: Imam Husayn square, tel. 7756201-3.

102- Inquisition and censorship: tel. 6607088-9.

103- Governmental censures: tel. 6619060-1.

104- Taxis establishment: Seventy-two persons square, tel. 6656556.

105- Railway station: Eestgah square, tel. 6617141-5.

106- Islamic information organization: Aastana square, tel. 7740372-5.

107- Municipality of Qom: Sahil St., tel. 7704001.

108- Radio and TV station: Ameen St., tel. 2930040-2.

109- Ministry of Islamic Culture and Guidance: Mu’allim St., tel. 4437412.

110- The Cultural Heritage: Inqilab St., tel. 7736082.

111- District commissionership of Qom: Jihad square, tel. 7711524.

112- Post office: Seventy-two persons square, tel. 6658439.

113- Bank post (carrying out transactions by post): Imam St., tel. 7757541-3.

114- Shaheed (martyr) Establishment (Bunyad Shaheed): Shaheed Fatimi St., tel. 7736995-6.

115- The weak and handicapped establishment (Bunyad Mustadh’afan wa Janbazan): 15 Khurdad St., tel. 7716926.

116- Amakin (resisting abominable actions): tel. 773674.


117- Department of resisting anesthetics: Ameen St., 20 metri St., Golistan, tel. 2933068-128.

118- Department of Social Affairs: Sahil St., tel. 7727900.

119- General Department of Traffic: Ameen St., tel. 2933000- 2922030.

120- Intelligence Agencies: tel. 7722042-130.

121- Police Station of the Railway Station: Ghaffari crossroads, Eestgah St., tel. 617420.

122- Station no. 11: Safa’iyya, Shuhada crossroads, tel. 7742075.

123- Station no. 13: Eestgah St., tel. 6606085.

124- Station no. 15: Ameen St., Sadiqi, tel. 2922390.

125- Station no. 17: Imam Khomeini St., tel. 662033.

126- Station no. 2: Bazaar crossroads, 19 Dey St., tel. 7722044.

127- Station no. 8: Imam Khomeini St., Shaheed Hajji Khodakaram, tel. 660023.

128- Station of 15 Khurdad: 45 meters St., 15 Khurdad, tel. 7722080.

129- Station of Hajji Aabad: Eestgah St., Hajji Aabad crossroads, tel. 252323-3364.

130- Station of Imam Khomeini quarter: Imam Khomeini quarter, tel. 2929292.

131- Station of Ja’far Aabad: Qom-Kazaroon highway, Ja’far Aabad district, tel. 252622-2800.

132- Station of Jamkaran: Kashan highway, Jamkaran Village, tel. 252323-3320.

133- Station of Kuhak: Kashan highway, Kuhak district, tel. 252422-3432.

134- Station of Sheikh Aabad: Sheikh Aabad, tel. 8834715.


135- Central parking (Markazi): Ayatollah Najafi (Iram) St., tel.7743017.

136- Mahdiyya: Bajek, 19 Dey St., tel. 7703548.

137- The river (Nahr): beside Pul (bridge) Hujjatiyya.


138- Ameen: Sumayya St., tel. 7734300.

139- Khayyam: Iram St., tel. 6601500.

140- Maytham: Sahil St., tel. 7726300.

141- Muhajir: Mutahhari St., tel. 6602212.

142- Rafah: Neerogah, tel. 8837575.

143- Tawheed: Doorshahr, tel.7733364.


144- Ay. So. Da: Ameen St., beside Social Insurance, tel. 2933611-3.

145- Fakhir: Ameen St., beside Namoona Restaurant, tel. 2924249.

146- Fardees: Ammar bin Yassir St., Arabistan Lane, tel. 7718771.

147- Hadiyya Tour: 45 metri, Sadooq, lane four, tel. 2927189.

148- Homa Flight Company: Ameen St., Dr. Sadiqi Parking, tel. 2933096.

149- I’timad: 45 metri St., Sadooq, Mufattih square, tel. 2934050-2.

150- Jabaroot: Ameen St., Salarya, tel. 2932442.

151- Kareema: Neyayesh St., beside al-Quds Musalla (place of prayer), tel. 7736073.

152- Marjan Tour: Imam Khomeini square, tel. 6631191.

153- Nadhim Zada: Ameen St., opposite to Zaynabiyya lane, tel. 2314208.

154- Qom Cars Station: Tehran old highway, tel. 6604000.

155- Railway Station: Eestgah St., tel. 6617151.

156- Sajjad: 45 metri St., Ammar bin Yassir, opposite to 7 Teer St., tel. 7710297.

157- Shadi Tour: 45 metri St., Ammar bin Yassir, beside Imam Husayn Mosque, tel. 7718200.

158- Shahab Tour: Neerogah, 20 metri St., Zad, tel. 8823636.

159- Shahin Tour: Ameen St., beside the office of Homa Flight Company, tel. 2932797.

160- Taha Tour: Ameen, opposite to Zaynabiyya Lane, tel. 2392317.



161- An-Nabi: Bahar St., tel. 7744270-4.

162- Az-Zahra’: Bahar St., tel. 774004-7.

163- Be Be: Qom Naw (new Qom), tel.6600324.

164- Iram: Iram St., tel. 7744089-91.

165- Itmeenan: opposite to Pul Aahantchi, Haramnama lane, tel. 6609640.

166- Kawthar: opposite to Pul Aahantchi, tel.7795578.

167- Markazi: Aastana square, tel. 7743321.

168- Muhammad: opposite to Pul Aahantchi, Haramnama lane, tel. 6614861.

169- Mumtaz Munadi: Aastana square.

170- Rose: Imam square, tel. 6613300-1.

171- Sepeeda: Bahar St.

172- Shah Khurasan: Arak St., tel. 6605746.

173- Tawheed: Mutahhari square, tel. 6616119.


174- Atlas: Aastana square.

175- Bo Ali: Aastana square, tel. 7724139.

176- Fadak: opposite to Pul Aahantchi, Haramnama lane.

177- Firdousi: Aastana square, Adabi (passage) market, tel.7741375.

178- Husayni: Iram St.

179- Izzat: Bahar St., tel. 7743725.

180- Kaj: Iram St., tel.7725884.

181- Mahdiyya: Aastana square, tel. 7740381.

182- Meehan: Iram St., tel. 7742918.

183- Sa’di: opposite to Pul Aahantchi.

184- Tawakkuli: Chahar Mardan Jawad St., Bahar St.


185- Adalat Naw: Iram St., tel. 7730835.

186- Azerbaijan: Aastana St., beside Bank Sadirat, tel. 7724142.

187- Furootan: Aastana St.

188- Haramnama: Iram St.

189- Hashimi:

190- Islami: Aastana St., beside Masjid Naw (new mosque), tel. 7726304.

191- Karamat Naw: Guzarkhan, tel. 7742975.

192- Park: Hadhrati St., Bilwar Shadiman, tel. 7722504.

193- Safa: opposite to Pul Aahantchi.

194- Shahin: Aastana square, tel. 7743261.

195- Waheed Najad: Iram St.

196- Zeeba: opposite to Pul Aahantchi, tel. 6633019.


198- Al-Quds: Inqilab St., tel. 7735299.

199- Baba Ali: Inqilab St., opposite to Endowment Department, tel.7731919.

200- Safa: Mu’allim St., tel. 7732499.


202- Alborz: at the beginning of Tehran old highway, tel. 6640272.

203- Al-Mahdi: Imam square, the end of 45 metri St., Kargar.

204- Imam Khomeini: Imam St., tel. 6620924.

205- Jawadul A’imma: 72 Persons square, tel. 6662233.

206- Muqaddas Zada: at the beginning of Isfahan highway, tel. 2923250.

207- Sadiqi: at the beginning of Arak highway, tel. 8825394.

208- The committee of protecting the prisoners: Neerogah St., tel. 885077.

209- Zabuti: Ayatollah Talaqani St. (Azar), tel. 7725260.


210- Ayatollah Golbaygani (charity): Mawlawi St., Mawlawi crossroads, tel. 6615511-5.

211- Dr. Bahishti: Shaheed Bahishti St., tel. 6618111-6.

212- Eezdi maternity (government): Ayatollah Talaqani St., after the gas station, tel. 7711301-5.

213- Kamkar Arab Niya (government): 19 Dey St., tel. 7713511-5.

214- Kodakan (government): Shaheed Luasani St., beside College of Medical Sciences, tel. 7715214-7.

215- Ma’ssoomiyya (charity): Imam Khomeini St., before the bridge of Shaheed Dastghayb, tel. 6651802-9.

216- Nekoey Hidayeti (government): Ayatollah Talaqani St., Nekoey square, tel. 7714001-5.

217- Waly Asr charity hospital: at the end of Yazdanshahr St., tel. 2924310.


218- Bajek (19 Dey): 19 Dey St., beside Kamkar hospital, tel. 7705888.

219- Children Hospital: Shaheed Luasani St., tel. 7715214-7.

220- Dr. Dahqan: Neerogah, after Hafiz square, tel. 8853985.

221- Dr. Sa’eedi: Ayatollah Talaqani St., Nekoey square, tel. 7725348.

222- Dr. Zareen Iqbal: Shuhada square, tel. 7742350.


223- Eeraj: Ameen St., Dr. Sadiqi parking, tel. 2935606.

224- Iran: Ameen St., Dr. Sadiqi parking, tel. 2927968.

225- Marwareed: Ameen St., Zaynabiyya station, tel. 2935653.

226- Meehan: Ayatollah Najafi St., tel. 7743433.

227- Namoona: the beginning of Ameen St., tel. 2935097.

228- Nasir: 45 metri St., Sadooq, tel. 2930377.

229- Omeed: Shuhada St., tel. 7742111.

230- Pizza Kundo: Ameen St., tel. 2934438.

231- Shandeez: 45 metri St., Ammar bin Yassir, tel. 7751475.

232- Tawheed: Shaheed Mutahhari square, tel. 6603094.


233- Alawi: at the beginning of Isfahan old highway.

234- Al-Mahdi: at the end of 19 Dey St.

235- Awariz: at the beginning of the highway between Qom and Tehran.

236- Laleh: 72 persons square.

237- Shaheed (the Martyr): beginning of Doorshahr, Janbazan (commandos) square.

238- Waly Asr: Waly Asr square.