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The Great Companion of the Prophet (s): Abu Dharr

The Great Companion of the Prophet (s): Abu Dharr

Publisher: Islamic Seminary Publications

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Chapter 9

Historians and traditionists of both the sects (Shi'ah and Sunni) agree that when the Holy Prophet was to start for the last pilgrimage, he proclaimed far and wide that all the companions should accompany him for pilgrimage. After this proclamation the companions of the Prophet started reaching Medina from all quarters. He had also made it known to the people that those who could not come to Medina, should reach Mecca directly and perform the rites of the pilgrimage with him.

The Prophet left Medina on 25th of Ziq'adah l0th A.H.1 Innumerable companions started with him from Medina, including Salman, Miqdad, Abu Dharr and Ammar.

On reaching Mecca he performed the ceremonies of the pilgrimage. All his Ahlul Bayt, wives and companions joined him in the pilgrimage. He delivered a sermon also at the time of Hajj in which he enumerated the bright points of the well-being of his followers and explained the means through which the ummah could get salvation.

Having finished pilgrimage he left Mecca for Medina. At that time with him were (according to Muhaddis Dehlavi) 1, 25,000 or (according to Khawand Shah) 1, 24,000 companions2 .

When he reached a place called Ghadir Khum with his companions Jibrail brought the Divine message to him:

“O My Messenger! Deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not do it, then you have not delivered His message, (convey my message without fear), and Allah will save you from the mischief of the people” . (Surah al-Ma'idah, 5:67)3

After this clear command there was no alternative left for him except to convey the message to the people. Accordingly he ordered a pulpit to be raised with the pack-saddles of the camel. After that he said to Bilal of Africa,“O Bilal! Call the people and tell my companions that those who have gone forward should come back and those who have lagged behind must hasten to come forward” . Bilal called out, Hayya 'ala Khairil 'amal“Rush for the virtuous act” .

The crowd gathered round the pulpit of the Prophet. He climbed to the pulpit and after a very long and eloquent sermon called Ali to himself. Then holding the two hands of Ali in his own hands raised him so high that the whiteness of his armpit became completely visible. Then he said,“Whoever considers me to be his master and patron he should consider Ali also to be his master and patron. O Allah! Be the friend of him who is the friend of Ali and be the enemy of him who is the enemy of Ali” .

As soon as the people heard it, they raised their supporting voices. The Holy Prophet (s) came down from the pulpit and ordered Ali to accept the congratulations of the companions in a green tent. Accordingly, Ali received the congratulations for the succession of the Holy Prophet (s) and thanked the people for the same. It is written in Ma'arijun Nubuwwah that besides the companions the wives of the Prophet (s) also congratulated Ali for becoming the master and guardian of the Muslim ummah.

According to Tarikh ibn Khalqan the Prophet in his address of Ghadir threw light on the pre-eminence and status of Ali and said that Ali had the same relationship with him as Harun had with Musa. According to Mustadrak, al-Hakim he said,“I leave behind two valuable things amongst you, the Book of Allah and my Ahlul Bayt. You will never go astray if you hold them fast” . The same is written in Khasa 'es an-Nisai.

According to Rauzatul Ahbab the Holy Prophet also said,“O Allah! Be a friend of one who is a friend of Ali and be an enemy of one who is an enemy of Ali and also turn the truth to the direction which Ali turns his face” . It is given in Asbab al-Nuzul, Tafsir Durrul Manthur, Tafsir Fatahul Bayan by Siddiq Hasan, that this verse“Balligh” has been revealed only about Ali. It is written in Sharh Bukhari Aini, Tafsir Ghara'ibul Qur'an of Naishapuri, Tarikh ibnul Wazih, Kanzul 'ummal etc., that the verse“Balligh” has been revealed about the dignity and superiority of Ali.

It is given in Tarikh Abul Fida that after his retum from Ghadir al-Khum, the Holy Prophet (s) fell ill in the last days of Safar, 11 A.H. According to Mishkat Sharif the cause of his illness was the same poison which was given to him in Khaybar and which showed its effect at times. It is given in Tarikh ibn Alwardi that he asked all the companions to go with the army of Usamah bin Zayd and said that he had appointed Usamah the commander of the army.

Muhaddith Dehlavi writes in Madarij that the next day the Holy Prophet in the severity of his illness handed to Usamah a flag of war and asked him to leave and fight the unbelievers for the sake of Allah. Usamah gave that flag to Buraydah ibn Khazib outside the city, and appointed him the standard-bearer of the army. Then starting from Medina he halted at“Jaraf” which is close to Medina till the army gathered. The Prophet (s) had also ordered that except Ali all the“Muhajirin” and“Ansar” must join the army of Usamah and go with him.

Some companions became critical that the Holy Prophet had appointed a slave over the high ranking“Muhajirin and Ansar” . So they indulged in open criticism about it. When this information reached the Holy Prophet (s) he felt greatly hurt, and in spite of fever came out of the house in a state of extreme displeasure and went upto the pulpit. There he addressed the people,“O people! What are these talks that you are indulged in at Usamah's appointment as the commander of the army, just as you had done at the time of the Battle of Motah when Usamah's father was appointed the army commander. By Allah Usamah deserves command just as his father deserved to be the army commander” .

It is in al-Milal wan Nahl by Shahristani and Hujajul Karamah by Siddiq Hasan that the Holy Prophet (s) asked the companions to make immediate preparations for the army of Usamah. Cursed be the man who opposes Usamah's army! According to Madarijun Nubuwwah Abu Bakr and Umar remained behind in Medina and Usamah despatched the army.

When he was about to move, his mother informed him that the condition of the Prophet was not satisfactory. She advised him to come back and so he did. According to Tarikhut Tabari in that condition the Prophet called for Ali. ‘Ayesha suggested him to call her father (Abu Bakr) instead, and Hafsa suggested the name of her father (Umar) in place of Ali. In the meantime these people gathered there. But the Prophet said,“You should go back. I will call you myself if I need you at all” , Hearing this, those people went away.

In Sahih Muslim it is reported from Ibn Abbas that when the Holy Prophet was about to die on his death bed Umar ibn Khattab and other companions were present in the house of the Prophet. The Holy Prophet said,“Bring me a piece of paper and pen so that I may write something (as my will) for you lest you should be misled after me” . Umar said,“The Prophet (s) is saying so because of delirium, we have the Holy Qur'an and that is sufficient for us” . At this there arose an altercation among those present there. Some said,“It is obligatory on us to obey his orders so that he may write whatever he likes for us” . Some sided with Umar. When there, arose a great noise over this matter, the Prophet said,“Be off from me” . It was for this reason that Ibn Abbas used to say,“It was a great tragedy and disaster that the Prophet could not write anything because of the noise and dissension among the people” .

Abdullah ibn Abbas is quoted as saying through the narration of Sa'id bin Jubayr related in Sahih Bukhari,“What a calamitous day was the day of Thursday!” After having said this he wept and then said,“When, on Thursday, the illness of the Prophet (s) grew serious he said, bring me the articles of writing so that I may write for you something by way of my will by which you will not be misled after me” , At this people started arguing and disputing. The Prophet said;“It is not proper to quarrel before the Prophet” , People said,“The Prophet is speaking in delirium” . He said,“Get away from me. I am all right in whatever condition I am. It is wrong whatever you say. Leave me alone. Get away from me” . After that the Holy Prophet made his three wills, firstly to turn out all the polytheists from the Arabian Peninsula and secondly to entertain the deputations which came from far off places. The narrator did not narrate the third one or he forgot it”.

It is narrated from Sa'id bin Jubayr in Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal and Sahib Muslim that Abdullah ibn Abbas having said,“What a day it was of Thursday; wept so much that tears rolled down his cheeks like the pearl strings. After that he explained that Thursday was the day when the Holy Prophet said, “Give me the writing articles so that I may write something for you (by way of my will) in order that you may never go astray after me” , But, alas! The people said,“He is speaking in delirium” .

Shahabuddin Khafaji writes in Nasimur-Riyaz Sharah Shafa Qazi 'Ayaz that according to some versions of this hadith Umar said,“The Prophet is speaking in delirium” , Shahristani writes in his book al-Milal wan Nahl that the first dispute and difference that arose during the illness of the Prophet was one which Muhammad Ismail Bukhari has narrated from Abdullah ibn Abbas with his own authorities in his book Sahih Bukhari that when the death disease of the Prophet worsened he said,“Give me the inkpot and paper so that I may write for you a document (by way of testimony) lest you should go astray after me” .

Hearing this Umar said,“The Prophet is saying so on account of the severity of illness. The Divine Book will do for us” . So when there arose a squabble at it the Prophet said,“Get away from me and do not dispute and argue before me” . That was the reason why Abdullah ibn Abbas used to say afterwards,“What a great calamity that dispute was! It came in between ourselves and the writing of the Prophet and kept him from writing” .

Allamah Shibli No'mani writes,“There is a word of Hajr in the tradition which means delirium. Umar had interpreted the speech of the Holy Prophet as delirium” . (Al-Faruq, p.61) In the dictionary the meaning of Hizyan is given as nonsensical talk4 .

Nazir Ahmad Dehlavi writes,“Those who were cherishing the hope of Caliphate in their minds turned off the plan through scuffling and justified their opposition by saying that Qur'an was sufficient for them and as the Prophet (s) was not in his senses there was no need to bring the paper and inkpot or else he would dictate irrelevant matters” 5 .

Imam Ghizali writes that before his death the Prophet of Allah asked his companions to bring for him pen, paper and ink so that he might write as to who deserved to be their Imam and Caliph. But at that time Umar asked people to leave that man as he was talking nonsense6 .

In short, when the Prophet was not given pen and ink there arose a row among those who were present there. My historical inference says that at that time Abu Dharr, Salman, Miqdad and Ibn Abbas etc. opposed the refusal and the ladies admonished them from behind the curtain,“What has happened to you? Why don't you listen to what the Holy Prophet says? For Allah's sake give him what he wants” . Hearing this Umar said“Keep quiet! You are like the ladies of Yusuf. You weep during the Prophet's illness and get on his nerves when he is healthy” . When his voice reached the ears of the Prophet he said,“Do not scold them as they are better than you” . (Tabrani)

According to Rauzatul Ahbab the Prophet at the time of his death asked his daughter Fatimah Zahra to call her sons. She brought them to him. The two grandsons after paying respect to the grandfather set by his side and finding him in the agony of the illness wept so bitterly that those who saw them also began weeping. Hasan put his face on the face of the Prophet and Husayn put his head upon his chest. He opened his eyes and looking at them affectionately caressed them with love, and expressed his wish to the people to respect and reverence them.

There is also a tradition that hearing Hasnain weep, all those present there started crying and hearing them the Prophet also began weeping. Then he sent for his dear brother, Ali came and took his seat towards the head of the Prophet. When he raised his head, Ali, coming to his side, placed the Prophet's head up on his arm. The Prophet said,“Ali! I have borrowed this much loan from a certain Jew for the equipment of the army of Usamah. Pay him back the same. O Ali! You will be the first to come to me at the Cistern of Kauthar, and you will suffer great troubles after me. Face them with patience and when you see that the people have chosen the world you should care for the hereafter” 7

It is also recorded in Madarijun Nubuwwah that Fatimah Zahra was extremely shocked at the death of the Prophet and wept bitterly and excessively with painful cries. Muhaddith Dehlavi writes in the book“Mathabata bis Sunnah” that many tragic events happened to her after the death of the Prophet. She has mentioned them in a couplet saying that if the hardships which she had to face, had befallen the day, it would have turned into dark night. The writer of Rauzatul Ahbab says that after the demise of the Prophet nobody saw her laughing.

Tabaqat ibn Sa'd writes that the Prophet's head was in Ali's lap at the time of his death. Hakim says in Mustadrak that the Prophet before breathing his last passed on secrets to Ali and solved mysteries for him.

Abdul Barr in his book Isti'ab quotes Abdullah ibn Abbas as saying,“Ali possesses four such distinctions as none of us has. Firstly, Ali was the first person to have earned the honour of offering prayers with the Holy Prophet. Secondly, he was the only standard bearer of the Prophet in every battle. Thirdly, when in the holy wars people fled away leaving the Prophet behind, Ali remained steadfast in the company of the Prophet. Fourthly, Ali is that person who gave funeral bath to the Prophet and laid him into the grave” .

According to Shi 'ah Muslim belief, the Holy Prophet died on Monday, the 28th of Safar, 11 A.H.8 Following his death there were lamentations and wailings among the members of his household and his revered companions. Abu Dharr, Salman, Miqdad, Ammar, and other sincere companions were crying their hearts out. In short he was like a sincere friend beside himself with sorrow. History shows that Abu Dharr Ghifari had a lasting impression of this tragedy. Manazir Ahsan Gilani writes,“In most descriptions of Abu Dharr's life, though clear signs are found of that pain without which a believer is not a believer, yet there are some inspiring events which present a beautiful portrait of the mutual relationship of the lover and the beloved before our mind's eye” 9

At the time of the death of the Holy Prophet Abu Bakr was at his home at Sakh, at a distance of one mile from Medina. Umar prevented the death news from being publicized and when Abu Bakr arrived both of them went to Saqifah Bani Sa'dah which was at a distance of three miles from Medina, and with them went Abu Ubaydah bin Jarrah as well who was a washer by profession. Anyhow, the chief companions of the Prophet went to join the dispute of Caliphate leaving his dead body behind, and Ali arranged and managed the affairs of the Prophet's bath and burial. Ali did the washing, Fazl ibn Abbas kept his skirt raised, Abbas and Qathm turned his sides and Usamah and Shaqran poured water. After washing he was enshrouded. Abu Talha dug the grave. Ali led the funeral prayer and it was he who got down into the grave and lowered the corpse in it. After that he covered the grave with earth with great lamentation. Abu Bakr and Umar etc. could not join the washing, enshrouding and the funeral prayer of the Holy Prophet; because when they came back from Saqifah the Prophet had already been buried10 . The Holy Prophet was 63 at the time of his death11 .


1. Tarikh ibn Alwardi

2. Izalatul Khulfa, vol. 1, p. 514 and Rauzatus Safa, vol. 2, p. 215

3. Izalatul Khulfa, vol. 1, p. 514 and Rauzatus Safa, vol. 2, p. 215

4. Sirat, vol. 2, p. 522

5. Ummahatul ummah, p. 92

6. Sirrul 'Alamin, Sharah Muslim, Navai, vol. 2

7. Madarijun Nubuwwah, vol. 2, and Tarikhul Baghdad, vol. 11

8. Ma waddatul Qurba, p. 49 printed Bombay 1310 A.H

9. Al-Ishteraki az-Zahid p. 90

10. Kanzul Ummal, vol. 3 p. 140 Arjahul Matalib, p. 670, Fatahul Bari, vol. 6, p. 4

11. Abul Fida, vol. 1 p. 152

Chapter 10

After the death of the Prophet those companions who were critical of his action at Ghadir al-Khum and who opposed Ali, immediately got together at“Saqifah Bani Sa'dah” which was specially made for vain consultations (Ghayathul Lughaat) and a few individuals, whose number might have been about 200 and in whom both agreeing and disagreeing immigrants and supporters were included, laid the foundation of a personal government. When they returned to Medina from Saqifah, after the burial of the Prophet, they started demanding allegiance from people in order to give that personal government a collective and democratic form. To achieve this end they behaved not only with the dignified companions but also with the Ahlul Bayt in such a manner that humanity shudders even to mention it.

The gist of the painful story of this period is that Ali was compelled to swear allegiance (Rauzatul Ahbab) and on his refusal the army of the caliph took him to the court with his neck tied with a rope. (Ibn Abil Hadid Mo'tazali). Fatimah's house was set on fire. (Tarikh Tabari, Tarikh al-Imamah wa as-Siyasah, Mir'atul Uqul).

The door of the house was dropped on Fatimah resulting in the miscarriage of her male child. (al-Milal wan Nahl of Shahristani). Allamah Mullah Mu 'in Kashifi writes that Fatimah fell ill on account of this shock, which caused her death1 . Then those who had refused fealty to Abu Bakr were forced with an iron hand to show allegiance, and some were badly beaten. Salman Farsi whom the Prophet had included in his Ahlul Bayt was also one of the victims of their tyranny. He was so severely beaten that his neck became tilted and the tilt lasted till his death.

The names of those who were in Medina and who refused allegiance to Abu Bakr are given below:

Imam Ali, Abu Dharr, Salman Farsi, Ammar bin al-Yasir , Miqdad bin al-Aswad, Khalid bin Sa'id, Burayda Aslami, Ubay bin Ka'b, Huzayma bin Thabit, Suhayl bin Hanif, Uthman bin Hanif, Abu Ayyub Ansari, Huzayfa bin al-Yamani, Sa'd bin Ubaydah, Qays bin Sa'd, Abdullah bin Abbas, Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, Abdul Haytham bin Tayhan, Jabir bin Abdullah, Abdullah bin Thamit, Ubaydah bin Thamit, Abu Sa 'id Khudari,2

It is written on page 43 of the same book (Tabsaratul- Awam) that after a few days Sa'd bin Ubaydah was killed with arrows on account of his refusal to pay allegiance.

Anyway, this political hoolinganism continued after the death of the Holy Prophet. Historians write that the land of Fadak, the property of Ahlul Bayt was confiscated only on account of this refusal of allegiance. These people said that Caliphate was Ali's inalienable right and he should get it. The details of this claim ate still available In Ali's sermon of Shiqshiqiyyah recorded.in Nahjul Balaghah. He has stated in clear terms that Caliphate was his right which was snatched away from him. He has also mentioned his attempt for the establishment of his claim as is seen on page 231 of the book an-Nihayah of Ibn Athir. Now we quote from Tarikh-i Ahmadi this great tragedy and catastrophic event which happened to the Ahlul Bayt and the sincere companions after the death of the Holy Prophet, so that the reader may know after all what happened to the progeny of the Prophet and his sincere companions only two weeks after the Prophet's death, and what role Abu Dharr played at that juncture.

According to Tarikh Ibn Jarir, Umar was present at the time of the Holy Prophet's death but Abu Bakr was not there. He was in the village Sakh. When the Prophet died Umar said,“According to the presumption of hypocrites the Prophet is dead, but I swear by Allah that he is alive” .

According to al-Milal wan Nahl of Shahristani Umar threatened to kill the man with his sword if he said that the Prophet was dead. This incident is also recorded in other books such as, (Tarikh Abul Fida vol. 1, p. 164, Tabaqatul Kubra vol. 2, p. 271, Sunan Ibn Maja vol. 1, p. 571, Hadith 1618, Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal vol. 1.)

According to Rauzatul Ahbab the people started doubting the death of the Prophet when they heard this threat of Umar At that time Abu Bakr was in his house at Sakh. When he was informed of the death of the Prophet he immediately rode to Medina and on reaching Masjid an-Nabi saw that the people were in a melee.

According to Tarikh Abul Fida when Abu Bakr witnessed this condition of people he recited the verse meaning:“Muhammad is but a Messenger of Allah and before him also many messengers (like him) have passed away. Should Muhammad die or be slain, would you then turn back to your pre-Islamic behaviour?” 3 Hearing this people became convinced of the demise of the Holy Prophet. After that, all of them hastened to Saqifah Bani Sa'da.

According to Tarikh Ibn Khaldun Abu Bakr on reaching Saqifah said,“We are the companions and kinsmen of the Prophet and hence have a better claim to the Caliphate of the Prophet than anybody else” .

According to Tarikh Tabari of Ibn Jarir Umar said to Abu Bakr:“Hold out your hand so that I may swear allegiance to you” . Abu Bakr said,“No; you should hold out your hand because you are in every way more powerful than I” . This tussle continued for sometime. At last Umar stretched the hand of Abu Bakr and promised loyalty to him and also said,“You should count my strength also combined with yours” .

According to Tarikh Kamil of Ibn Athir, Umar and others promised loyalty to Abu Bakr, but all or some of the Ansar said,“We will not swear allegiance to anybody except Ali” . According to Tarikh Khamis when Abu Bakr got relief from the work of allegiance he returned from Saqifah to Masjidun Nabi and took his seat on the pulpit. Here, too, he took allegiance till the day came to an end and the people failed to attend the burial of the Holy Prophet. It was Tuesday night.

According to Kanzul 'Ummal it is narrated by Urwa that Abu Bakr and Umar were not present at the burial of the Holy Prophet, but were present in the crowd of the“Ansar” (at Saqifa Bani Sa'dah) and the Prophet had been buried before they returned from there.

According to Nihayah of Ibn Athir Jazari, Majma' al-Bihar of Mulla Tahir Qutni and al-Milal wan Nahl of Shahristani, Umar said afterwards that the allegiance of Abu Bakr was an expected event but Allah saved us from its evil.

According to Tarikh Abul Fida a group of Hashimites and also Zubayr bin al-'Awam, Miqdad bin 'Amr, Salman Farsi, Abu Dharr, Ammar al-Yasir, Bara' bin Azib etc. siding with Ali kept away from swearing allegiance to Abu Bakr.

It is written in Isti'ab of Abdul Barr that when loyalty was promised to Abu Bakr, Ali did not promise loyalty to him and stayed at home.

According to Muruj uz-Zahab of Mas'udi, when on the day of Saqifah allegiance was promised to Abu Bakr, Ali said to Abu Bakr,“You ruined our affairs, did not consult us and did not regard our right” . Abu Bakr said,“Your complaint is justified but I have done so for fear of revolt” .

According to Rauzatul Ahbab when Abu Bakr became free from the work of seeking allegiance he called Ali through some Muhajir and Ansar. Ali came and asked,“Why have I been called?” Umar said,“You have been called to promise loyalty as others have done” . Ali said,“I put before you the same argument, which you have presented before the Ansar to acquire the Caliphate. Tell me honestly the man nearest to the Prophet” . Umar said,“We will not leave you unless you promise allegiance” . Ali said,“Answer my question first and than ask me for allegiance” . Abu Ubaydah bin Jarrah said,“O Abul Hasan! Only you deserve the Caliphate and administration on account of your priority in Islam and your nearness to the Prophet, but as the companions have agreed on Abu Bakr, it is better that you also join them. Ali said, “O Abu Ubaydah! You want to transfer to other place the great blessing which Allah has bestowed upon the Family of the Prophet. Look! We are the place of descent of revelation, the place of arrival of commands and prohibitions, source of virtue and learning, and mine of reason and forbearance” . Hearing this Bashir bin Sa'id said,“O Abul Hasan! We presumed by your staying at home that you like to withdraw from the Caliphate” . Ali said,“Do you people deem it proper that leaving the dead body of the Prophet (s) unwashed, unshrouded and unburied, I should have involved myself in the dispute and hospitality to seek the Caliphate?”

It is recorded in Usud ul-Ghabah that Ali quoted the Holy Prophet (s) as saying,“O Ali! You are like Ka'bah to which everybody goes, whereas it does not go to anybody. So, if the people of your group come to you to swear allegiance to you, accept it. Do not go to them till they themselves come to you” .

According the Rauzatul Ahbab when Abu Bakr heard these things and saw that every reason and argument of Ali was as indisputable, solid and irrefutable as one thousand arguments, he said politely,“O Abul Hasan! I had presumed that you would not refuse allegiance to me. Had I known that you would withhold your allegiance to me I would not have accepted it. Now, as people have sworn allegiance to me I think you should also join them, if you like. But, in case, you have any hesitation in this connection I do not blame you” . At this Ali rose from there and came back home.

According to 'Iqdul Farid by Shahabuddin ibn Abd Rabbihi Undlusi, the people who refused allegiance to Abu Bakr were Ali, Abbas, Zubayr and S'ad bin Ubadah. Of them Ali, Abbas and Zubayr stayed in the house of Lady Fatimah till Abu Bakr sent Umar to turn out of the house those who were staying there and to use sword if they refused to go out. Hence Umar reached there with some fire in order to ignite the house. When Fatimah came to know of it she said,“O the son of Khattab! Have you come to burn my house?” Umar said,“of course, I have come with the same intention, or else, those who are in this house should come out to promise allegiance to Abu Bakr” .

According to Tarikh Abul Fida Umar came with some fire with the intention of burning the house of Fatimah. When she came to know of it, she said,“O the son of Khattab! Have you come to burn my house?” Umar replied,“Yes, otherwise the people who are inside the house should swear allegiance to Abu Bakr” .

According to the Tarikhut Tabari of Ibn Jarir, Umar went to the house of Murtaza (Imam Ali) in which there were Talha, Zubayr and some immigrants and said,“By Allah! I will burn the house otherwise you should come out for allegiance” .

It is written in“Al-Imamah wa as-Siyasah'' of Ibn Qutaybah Dinuri that when Abu Bakr did not see in his company when allegiance to him was being faced, those who were with Ali, he sent Umar to call them to him. Those people were inside the house of Ali. They refused to come out. Umar sent for faggots and said, “Come out or by Allah I will bum those people who are inside the house by setting the house on fire” . People said,“Fatimah, the daughter of the Holy Prophet is also in this house” , Umar replied,“It does not matter” , Hearing this all those people who were inside the house came out except Ali who addressing the people who had come to call him said:“O the group of immigrants! I have a better right to Caliphate than you in every respect. I will not swear allegiance to you. Rather, you should swear allegiance to me. Look! You got the Caliphate by putting forth the argument before the Ansar that you are related to the Prophet and (surprisingly enough) now you are trying to snatch away the Caliphate from the Ahlul Bayt of the Prophet. Do you not base your claim of superiority over the Ansar on the plea that the Prophet belonged to your tribe? Now I put against you the same argument which you had put against the Ansar that is, our relationship with the Prophet is, in every way, superior to and nearer than yours during his lifetime as well as after his death. Now be just and fair if you believe in Allah and fear Him. O the group of immigrants! Remember Allah and do not take the Prophet's leadership from his house to your houses” . After that Fatimah said at her doorstep,“O people! Leaving the dead body of the Prophet to us you settled the matter of Caliphate in your favour and ignored our right” .

According to Tarikh Ibn Qutaybah when Umar went to Abu Bakr he said,“Why do you not arrest Ali when he is opposing your allegiance?” Abu Bakr again sent his slave Qanfaz to call Ali to him. Qanfaz said to Ali,“The Caliph of the Prophet of Allah is calling you” . Ali said,“So soon you people have slandered the Prophet” . Qanfaz went back and he repeated to Abu Bakr what Ali had said to him. After hearing it Abu Bakr kept on weeping for some time. Umar said to Abu Bakr, the second time,“Do not give time to Ali who is withholding allegiance to you” . Abu Bakr again ordered Qunfaz to go to Ali and say,“The Commander of the Faithful is calling you for allegiance. Qunfaz conveyed the message of Abu Bakr to Ali. Ali said loudly, “Allah be praised! Your master has claimed that relationship with which he has no connection” . Qanfaz went back to Abu Bakr and repeated Ali's words. On hearing this Abu Bakr started weeping again. Then Umar rose and with a group of people went to Fatimah's house and knocked at the door. Hearing the shouts of people Fatimah began to weep and cry loudly,“O my father! O the Prophet of Allah! What a severe trouble has been inflicted on us by the son of Khattab and the son of Abu Quhafah! “When the people heard the wailings of Fatimah most of them went back weeping and only a few persons stayed behind with Umar. Then Ali came out of the house and went with them to Abu Bakr. There he was asked to swear fealty to him. He said, “If I do not swear allegiance then?” He said,“If you do not swear allegiance, by Allah, we will kill you” .

Ali said,“Will you kill a man who is a slave of Allah and brother of the Messenger of Allah?” Umar said,“We admit that you are a slave of Allah but we do not acknowledge that you are also the brother of the Prophet” . Abu Bakr was absolutely quiet at that time. Umar said to him,“Why do you not order and sit quietly?” Abu Bakr said,“I will not force Ali in the life time of Fatimah” . Then Ali rose from there and went to the grave of the Prophet and there he cried bitterly saying:“O brother! The people of the tribe have insulted me so much and were about to kill me” .

Abu Dharr was seeing these things with his own eyes. He had in his mind what he had seen at Ghadir al-Khum. He was wonder-struck to see what was happening. In this state of wonder his faith suddenly stirred his sentiment and he ran up to Masjidun Nabi. His mind was agitated and perturbed and his blood was ebullient in enthusiasm. He was waiting for an opportunity to give vent to his feelings. When he reached the masjid he found a gathering of companions there with Abu Bakr and Umar also in their midst. His manly courage got excited and he started to deliver a speech standing on a raised spot.

He said:“O the people of Quraysh! What has happened to you? How careless are you! You have completely ignored the kinship of the Holy Prophet! By Allah a group of Arabs have turned apostates, and have created breaches of doubts in the faith. Listen to me! Caliphate is the right of Ahlul Bayt. This violence and brawl is uncalled-for. What has happened to you? You call the capable incapable and praise the incapable. By Allah all of you know that the Prophet has declared again and again “After me the Caliphate and leadership is for Ali, then for Hasan, then for Husayn and then my infallible progeny will hold this Office” . You ignored the word of the Prophet and the command of Allah! You forgot that covenant and command which was made binding on you. You have done obeisance to the perishing world and have sold the hereafter which is everlasting, and in which the young will not grow old, and the blessings will not diminish, and the dwellers will not feel sorrowful or depressed and to which angel of death will have no access. You sold away such a valuable thing for a paltry price. You have done the same thing which the people of the Prophets of the past had done. They had broken the allegiance and gave up their faith when their Prophet died. They annulled the covenants, changed the commands and metamorphosed the faith. You have proved yourselves on a par with them. O group of Quraysh! Very soon you will get the recompense for your misdeeds and the punishment for your evil doing. That which you have sent through your conduct will come before you. Remember! Whatever will happen will be just, because Allah does not do injustice to His slaves4 .

The manly courage of Abu Dharr may be judged by this eloquent speech. It is obvious that he had a very sensitive heart and was endowed with boldness and courage.

Abu Dharr delivered this speech at a time when nobody could even utter a word. The army of the Caliph was bent upon strangling the companions of the Holy Prophet. Whoever hinted at the refusal of allegiance was beheaded. He who hesitated to swear allegiance was strangled. A brave man like Ali was tied by the neck with a rope, and a companion like Salman was strangulated and was beaten so much that he felt its torment till he breathed his last.

Shaykh Abbas Qummi writes that when Fatimah the daughter of the Prophet, being hurt from falling of the door, remained ill for some time and then expired. Ali did not, according to her will, give the news of her death to those who were planners in giving her trouble. Having finished with the bathing of her dead body Ali sent Imam Hasan to call Abu Dharr in order to help him in her burial, and he came along5 .

Hafiz Muhammad bin Ali bin Shahr Ashob (died 588 A.H.) writes that the funeral prayers of Fatimah was offered by Ali, Hasan, Husayn, Aqil, Salman, Abu Dharr , Miqdad, Ammar and Buraydah. Another narration includes the names of Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, Fazal, Huzayfah and Ibn Mas'ud also6 .


1. Ma'arij un-Nabuwwah Rukn 4, chapter 3 p. 42

2. Tabsaratul Awam p. 24, Ainul Hayat p.5

3. Surah Ale Imran, 3: 144

4. Al-Ishtiraki az-Zahid p. 113

5. Safinatul Bihar, of Shaykh Abbas Qummi, vol. 1, p. 483

6. Manaqib Ibn Shahr Ashob, vol. 2, p. 65 printed in Multan