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This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Yasin T. al-Jibouri
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This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

إ،ع I

I`ara or I`aarah إعاره

lending, loaning

Ibada عباده

worship, adoration, religious service, rite, cult; Muslims feel honored when described as "obedient servants of Allah". They testify that Prophet Muhammed ( ص), the very best not only of mankind but of all creation, is the servant and Messenger of Allah. Anyone who serves anyone else other than Allah is a mean, humiliated and miserable loser in both this life and the life to come, whereas a sincere servant of the Almighty is a winner of both.

Ibaha   or Ibaahah إباحة

Sufferance, tolerance or toleration, passive consent, disclosure, divulgence and sometimes it means: promiscuity إباحية

Ibham or Ibhaam إبهام

Ambiguity, obscurity; it also means thumb

Ibtal or Ibtaal إبطال

Nullification, annulment, voiding

Ida عظه

admonition, lesson, warning sermon

Iddi`a' إدعاء

allegation, claim, contention, assertion, declaration

Idman إدمان


Iffa عقه

uprightness, probity, honesty, incorruptibility, continence

If ar إفطار

time or meal for breaking the fast; breakfast


contriving, designing, scheming

Iftirad إفتراض

Supposition, hypothesis, assumption

Ihram إحرام

pilgrimage garb, white unwoven cotton shroud worn by pilgrims

Ihsan or Ihsaan إحسان

benevolence, charity, beneficence, kindness

Ihtijaj or Ihtijaaj إحتجاج

protesting, remonstrance, under protest, the producing of evidence, proof

Ihtikaror Ihtikaar إحتكار

monopoly, monopolization

Ihtiraz or Ihtiraaz إحتراز

taking precaution, precautionary measure

Ihtiyat or Ihtiyaat إحتياط

precaution, taking precautionary measures, advance care/measure

Ijhaf or Ijhaaf إجحاف

injustice, inequity

Ijma` or Ijmaa` إجماع

unanimity, consensus

Ijtihad or Ijtehad, Ijtihad, Ijtehad إجتهاد

the degree one reaches in order to be qualified as amujtahid , one who is capable of deriving religious decisions on his own. It is exerting one's total ability to uncover Allah's rulings on issues from their sources (Qur'an, Sunnah, consensus, etc.).

Ikhtilaq or Ikhtilaaq إختلاق

fabrication, invention, innovation

Ikrah or Ikraah إكراه

Coercion, forcing, imposing on

Ikram or Ikraam إكرام

being generous to, revering, respecting, esteeming, recognizing, venerating

Ilhaf or Ilhaaf إلحاف

insistence, importunity, soliciting or requesting while being too pushy

`Illiyeen or `Illiyoon عليون

the highest pinnacle of Paradise; see Holy Qur'an, 83:18.

`Ilm علم

knowledge, learning, knowing, science; علم الأجواء : aerology; علم الأمراض : pathology;  علم أمراض الجلد: dermatology; علم أمراض النساء : gynaecology; علم الأمراض النقسيه: psychiatrics; علم الأنساب : genealogy; علم الأنسان : anthropology; علم البيئه : ecology; علم التربيه الزراعيه : agrology; علم التشريح : anatomy; علم الجرائم : criminology; علم الحشائش: agrostology; علم الحشرات : entomology; علم الصحه : hygiene; علم الصخور : petrology; علم طبقات الأرض : geology; علم الطبيعيات الأرضيه : geophysics; علم الفلك : astronomy; علم الفنون الصناعيه : technology; علم الكونيات : cosmology; علم النفس :  psychology; علم النوويات: nucleonics; علم الوراثه : genetics.

Imam or Imam, Emam, Emaam مام إ

leader of anummah , a group of people (small or big); he may be the one who leads others in congregational prayers, or a supreme religious or political authority or both, or one of the Twelve Infallible Imams (ع). Animam is a religious community leader. Any person who leads a congregational prayer is called animam . A religious leader who also leads his community in the political affairs may be called animam , anamir (oremir ) or caliph.

Iltibas or Iltibaas   إلتباس

confusion, complication, predicament

Iman or Iman, Eman إيمان

faith and trust in Allah, conviction

Imtiyaz or Emtiyaaz إمتياز

distinction, excellence, eminence, privilege, concession, franchise

Infilaq or Infilaaq إنفلاق

cleaving, fission (of nucleus, molecules, etc.)

Infirat or Infiraat إنفراط

dispersal, breaking down (of group, coalition, etc.), disruption, separation, falling apart

Injil إنجيل

the revelations that were sent down during the time of Prophet Isa (Jesus). It is referred to as the New Testament.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilahi raji'un or Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilahi Rajioon إنا لله و إنا إليه راجعون

When a Muslim is struck with a calamity, such as when he loses one of his loved ones, or when he becomes bankrupt, he should be patient and utter this statement with full conviction. It means: "We are from Allah and to Him do we return." Muslims believe that Allah is the One who gives and who takes away. He tests us. A true Muslim submits himself to Allah wholeheartedly, during good times and bad times. He is grateful and thankful to Allah for whatever He decrees for him. He is patient and says this expression during times of turmoil and calamity.

Insha-Allah or Insha Allah,Insha Alla, Insha Alla, In Sha' Alla إنشاء الله

When a person wishes to plan to do something in the future, when he promises someone to do something for him or to give him something, when he makes resolutions, and when he makes a pledge…, he does so only with permission of the Almighty Who enables him to do so, Who provides him with the means, tools, resources, etc., to achieve this end. For this reason, a Muslim uses the Qur'anic instructions by saying "In-Sha' Allah", which means: "If Allah so wills." Muslims are supposed to strive hard and to trust in Allah, not in themselves, not in anyone else. They leave the results in the hands of Allah.

Inshiqaq or Inshiqaaq إنشقاق

separating from, breaking open, cleaving, breaking apart

Inshitar or Inshitaar   إنشطار

Fission, cleaving, splitting, dividing, tearing apart

Intihal or Intihaal إنتحال

impersonation, simulation

Intikas or Intikaas إنتكاص

recanting, repudiation, renunciation (of a previous assertion or conviction)

Iq'ad إقعاد

paralysis in the lower half of the body

Iqama or Iqamah إقامه

the pronouncement of certain statements in preparation for the performing of the prayers. It usually follows theathan .Iqama means that the prayer ritual is ready to start, to be performed, whether individually or collectively (in a congregation). It is to be recited in Arabic before every obligatory prayer.

Iqna` إقناع

convincing, persuading, inducing

Irhab إرهاب

terrorism, terrorizing, intimidation

Irtid ad إرتداد

reneging, defection, apostasy, reversion

Irtiyab إرتياب

Suspicion, doubt, apprehension

Isha or Isha'   عشاء

nighttime, evening, time for obligatory evening salat , prayer, after sunset, later in the evening. It also means supper.

Ishtiqaq إشتقاق

derivation, deduction

Islam إسلام

Islam is an Arabic word the root of which is "silm", peace, and "salam", which also means peace. Among its other meanings are these: greeting, salutation, obedience to the Almighty, loyalty, allegiance, and submission to the will of the Creator of the Universe. Islam is the last and final religion to all mankind and to all generations irrespective of color, race, nationality, ethnicity, language or one's social, political or any other position. The religion of Islam is not to be confused with so-called "Mohammedanism", a misnomer created by some ignorant folks in order to tarnish the image of this pristine faith. Muslims do not accept this name as it gives wrong information about Islam and Muslims. If you really wish to know what Islam is all about, ask Muslims, not those who are hostile to the adherents to this religion of peace, and unfortunately there are many such folks.

Isnad إسناد

the method whereby oneadath is traced and in the end attributed to amuhaddith , traditionist, one who first transmitted it

Isra' إسراء

night journey; usually a reference to the Prophet's night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, an incident which took place in the year 622 A.D.

Israf إسراف


Ithbat or Ithbaat إثبات

proof or proving, evidence (or presenting an evidence)

Ith`an ذعان إ

surrender, submission, obedience, resignation, succumbing, acceding

Istidrak إستدراك

retraction, catching up (with), overtaking (somebody ahead)

Istighfar إستغفار

seeking Allah's forgiveness

Istihqaq إستحقاق

entitlement, worth, value, merit, maturity (of debt, etc.)

Istihsan إستحسان

preference, finding something to be valuable, worthwhile, commendable, advisable

Istihtar إستهتار

rash behavior, disregard (for laws, customs, traditions, ethics, etc.), wantonness, recklessness, disregard for others' feelings, sentiments, interests, etc.

Istinsakh إستنساخ

copying, duplicating, cloning

Istintaj إستنتاج

Reaching conclusion, deduction (from certain events or facts) by inference

Istitan إستيطان

settling (usually on someone else's land)

Istithna' إستثناء

exception, exclusion

I`tikaf إعتكاف

the act of remaining most of the time at a mosque for prayers and supplications

Itmam or Itmam إتمام

Completion, conclusion, consummation

Ittikal or Ittikaal  إتكال

reliance (on), dependence on, dependency

Ittizan or Ittizan إتزان

Rationality, sobriety, the keeping of sedateness (of conduct), balance, poise

Izdiwajiyya زد واجية إ

Duplicity, duality (of control, allegiance, jurisdiction, etc.), measuring by two scales

ج J

Jaddaf جدف

blaspheme (the name of God), revile, swear to a lie

Jahannam جهنم

 Hell; reference to and description of it has already been made in this book.

Jahid جاحد

ingrate, unappreciative, denies favors, denies the existence of the Creator (apostate), atheist

Jahil جاهل

ignorant, illiterate, unlettered

Jahiliyya جاهليه

period of overwhelming ignorance, a reference to the conditions of the Arabs before the advent of Islam. It implies is a combination of views, ideas, and practices that totally defy and reject commonsense and the guidance sent down by God through His Prophets.

Ja'iz جائز

permissible, allowable, admissible, possible, probable

Jalbab جلباب

long loose fitting garment worn by the Arabs

Jalda or Jaldahجلده

lash, whip

Jallad جلاد

executioner, headsman, hangman

Jami `a جامعه

inclusive, universal, university; it also means handcuffs

Janaba جنابه

uncleanness caused by seminal discharge

Jannat or Jannah جنه

heaven, Paradise, garden, plural:jannat

Janih جانح

devious, errant, delinquent, misdemeanant

Jami` جامع

mosque, house of congregational worship, same asmasjid مسجد; literally, it means "place where peoplegather for يتجمع prayers"

Janin جنين


Jard جرد

stock-taking, inventory

Jarrada جرد

stripped one (of property, clothes, etc.), deprived of, despoiled, denuded

Jariya جاريه

bondmaid, slave girl, servant

Jasha` جشع

greed, avarice, avidity

Jaza'i جزائي

punitive, penal, vindicatory

Jazak Allahu khayran or Jazak Allahu Khairan, Jazak Allah Khair, Jazak Allahu Khairجزاك الله خيرأ

This is a statement of thanks and appreciation said to the person who does a favor. Instead of saying "thanks" (Shukran), the Islamic statement of thanks is to say this phrase. Its meaning is: " May Allah reward you for the good deed which you have done." It is understood that human beings can't repay one another enough, especially and particularly his parents and educators. Hence, it is better to plead to the Almighty, Allah, to reward the person who did you a favor to grant him what is best for him.

Jawhara جوهره

jewel, precious (stone, etc.)

Jazim جازم

positive, sure, categorical

Jidal جدال

arguing, argument, debate, discussion

Jihad or Jihad جهاد

It is an Arabic word the root of which is "jahada" which implies one who has strived for a worthy cause, a better way of life, etc. The nouns from which the word is derived are: juhd (effort, endeavor, exertion, exhaustion), mujahid (one who exerts himself or defends the creed, provided such defense is not done through aggression or through any means not allowed by Islam), jihad (struggle, defense of the Islamic creed) and ijtihad (ultimate effort in order to derive a solution for a problem related to jurisprudence; one who does so is calledmujtahid , a highly learned jurist capable of deriving Islamic rulings). The other meanings are: strain, exertion, effort, diligence, fighting to defend one's life, land and religion. Jihad has commonly been mis-translated or misrepresented to the world to mean "holy war". In the absence of the Prophet, such a war does not exist in Islam, nor will Islam allow its followers to be involved in this so-called "holy war". Unfortunately, the past few years have witnessed the rising of a number of extremist movements that justify the shedding of the blood not only of non-Muslims but even of Muslims who do not agree with their ideologies. Those who are hostile to Islam have utilized the acts of terrorism committed by these groups, mostly identified as Takfiri groups, groups that label all others as "kafirs", apostates, to tarnish Islam's image. They use Islam as a pretext for their criminal acts just as the crusaders had done during the Middle Ages when even some crusaders shed the blood of their own Christian brethren. Jihad is not a war to force the Islamic faith on others, as many ignorant people think or portray. Contrariwise, there is an explicit verse in the Qur'an that says the following: "There is no compulsion in religion" (Chapter Al-Baqarah, verse 2256). Jihad is not only a defensive war but a struggle, through peaceful means, against any unjust regime or any injustice, period. If such a regime exists - and there are many which do exist - such an effort has to be exerted against the leaders, the decision-makers, not against the people. Islam strongly prohibits terrorism, kidnapping, hijacking and depriving one of his freedom, even if this "one" is an animal or a bird. One statement made by the Prophet of Islam (ص) says, "A woman entered hell because of a cat which she confined, neither feeding it nor letting it eat of what is available on the ground." As for some "Muslim" political figures, leaders and rulers who waged wars against non-Muslims in the pretext of "spreading Islam", they were further from Islam than the earth is from the sun and did what they did for political, economic or selfish reasons. They were ignorant of the true message of Islam. Unfortunately, there are many such "Muslims" in our time and in all times and climes.

Jinaya or Jinayah جنايه

serious crime, felony

Jinn or Jin, Ginn جن

These are spiritual beings that inhabit the world and, like humans, are required to follow the commandments of their Creator. They are held accountable for their deeds. Some of them are good while most of them are not, as is the case with humans. The meaning of the word "jinn" in Arabic is "hidden", invisible, because they cannot be seen by most humans. They were created by the Almighty from smokeless fire. I discussed the jinns in more detail in my book titledAllah: The Concept of God in Islam .

Jirab جراب

pouch, bag, sack

Jizya or Jizyah جزيه

tribute, protection tax paid to Muslims by non-Muslims residing in areas under Islamic control. The Muslims collect this tax in exchange for protecting the lives and possessions of these non-Muslims, exempting them from the military service and awarding them full freedom to practice their religion, whatever it may be. If the Islamic State cannot protect those who have paid thejizya , they are entitled to get it back. In all reality, such tax is hardly collected because even in Pakistan, where the majority are Muslims living with mostly Hindu and Buddhist minorities, the latter do not pay anyjizya .

Jumood جمود

stagnation, freezing, inaction, inactivity, passiveness (to influence, change, etc.)

Junha or Junhah جنحه


Junoon جنون

madness, insanity

Jutham جذام


Juzaf جزاف

at random, haphazard, casual