Examining the Ismaili Imams & the Bohras

Author: Ali Azhar Arastu
Publisher: www.winislam.com
Category: Religions and Sects

Author: Ali Azhar Arastu
Publisher: www.winislam.com
Category: visits: 13934
Download: 5133
- Dedication
- Note
- Abstract
- Notes
- Preface
- Note
- Shia, But Shia of which Imam (leader)?
- The meaning of Shia:
- Sects within Shi’as
- The Ithna Ashari Shias (The Twelvers)
- Zaidis
- Alawis
- The Ismailis
- The Druze
- The Nizaris
- The Mustalis
- Notes
- Ismaili Imams
- Ismail Ibn Jafar (6th Ismaili Imam) Start of the Split
- Some questions to raise & ponder about
- Muhammed Ibn Ismail, Abd Allah ibn Muhammad & Ahmad ibn Abd Allah
- Some questions to raise & ponder about
- Ubayd Allah al-Mahdi Billah (The first Fatimid Caliph) (11th Ismaili Imam)
- Some questions to raise & ponder about
- Other Fatimid Caliphs after the death of Ubaydallah
- Abu Mansur Nizar al-Aziz Billah (Died 386 AH/996 AD) (5th Fatimid Caliph)(15th Ismaili Imam)
- Some questions to raise & ponder about
- Abu Ali al-Mansur al-Hakim bi Amr Allah (d 411 AH/1021 AD) (6th Fatimid Caliph) (16th Ismaili Imam)
- Question to raise & ponder about
- Some things to ponder about
- Some things to ponder about
- Something to ponder about
- Something to ponder about
- Something to ponder about
- Something to ponder about
- Something to ponder about
- Something to ponder about
- Something to ponder about
- Some things to ponder about
- Al-Hakim’s death and ascension of Abul Hasan Ali al-Zahir li I’zaz din Allah (d 427 AH/1036 AD) (7th Fatimid Caliph) (17th Ismaili Imam)
- Some questions to raise & ponder about
- Something to ponder about
- Abu Tamim Ma’add al-Mustansir Billah (d 487 AH/1094 AD)lxix (8th Fatimid Caliph) (18th Ismaili Imam)
- Something to ponder about
- Something to ponder about
- Somethings to ponder about
- Notes
- Following the ‘Right’ Imam
- Importance of following the ‘Right’ chain
- After the Holy Prophet (sawa) what?
- Need to follow all the ‘Rightful Imams’
- Who are the rightful Imams?
- Who are the ‘Twelve Caliphs’?
- Imam al-Mahdi (atfs) the twelfth Holy Imam of the Twelvers
- Notes
- Kind of lifestyle and characteristics expected from an Imam
- Imam Musa al-Kadhim ibn Jafar (as) Martyred 183 AH/799 AD.
- His life in a nutshell
- The childhood of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (as)
- The designation (Nass)
- Points to ponder about
- What has been said about Imam Musa al-Kadhim (as)
- Points to ponder about
- Worship of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (as)
- Points to ponder about
- Earning the daily bread
- Points to ponder about
- Some interesting anecdotes from his life
- Anecdote # 1
- Points to ponder about
- Anecdote # 2
- Points to ponder about
- Sayings of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (as)
- Points to ponder about
- Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Ridha (as) Martyred 818 AD
- His nicknames
- What has been said about Imam al-Ridha (as)
- Ibrahïm Bin al-’Abbas al-Sawli:
- Abu al-Salt al-Harawi
- Al-Raja’ Bin Abu al-Dhhak
- Al-Shaykh al-Mufïd
- Al-Waqidi
- Jamal al-Din
- Yousif b. Taghri Bardi
- Ibn Maja
- Ibn Hajar
- ‘Amir al-Ta’i
- Hashim Ma’ruf
- Al-Dhahabi
- Mahmud Bin Wihayb
- ‘Arif Thamir
- Mohammed Bin Shakir al-Kutubi
- Yousif al-Nabahani
- Points to ponder about
- Do we find any such praises regarding the Ismaili/Fatimid Imams?
- His Nomination
- ‘Ali Bin Yaqtin
- Na’eem Bin Qabus
- Dawud Bin Kuthayr
- Sulayman Bin Hafs
- ‘Abd Allah al-Hashimi
- Points to ponder about
- His Debates
- Debate with Abu Qurra
- “Where is Allah?” asked Abu Qurra.
- Debate with the catholic
- Debate with Rabbi
- “Question,” was the answer.
- Al-Sabi’i becomes Muslim
- Some points to ponder about
- Notes
- Problems with Fiqh- Jurisprudence
- The Bohra Calendar & Moon sighting
- Bohra Islamic Calendar
- 1429 Hijri/2008 AD
- 1430 Hijri/2009 AD
- 1431 Hijri/2010 AD
- 1432 Hijri/2011 AD
- Where do the Bohras get this calendar from?
- Moon sighting report for Shawwal 1429 Hijri (2008)
- Moonsighting for Ramadan 1430 Hijri (2009)
- Moon sighting for Shawwal 1430 Hijri (2009)
- Moon sighting for Ramadan 1431 Hijri (2010)
- Moon sighting for Shawwal 1431 (2010)
- Moonsighting for Ramadan 1432 (2011)
- Moon sighting report for Shawwal 1432 (2011)
- Some frequently asked questions about moonsighting
- Notes
- Conclusive Points
- Notes
- Final Points To Ponder About
- Bibliography