Category: Supplications and Ziyarat

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This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought


It is stated in Ahaadees that Awlaad are a bounty from Almighty Merciful Allaah, particularly when they are on the right path. Sons are Ne’mat and daughters are Rahmat. Parents are obliged to give proper and quality education to their children together with moral uplifting so that they may remain steadfast on the right path throughout their life. Children are a trust from Allaah so the parents should not overlook their duty towards them. They should be trained and educated in such a way that they could not be taken astray by anyone, especially in these days of immoralities which has been lavishly scattered all around the globe.

It is also said that if Awlaad commits sinful acts then the parents also will be taken to task, and when parents die and leave behind them righteous Awlaad who perform good deeds then the parents also shall be rewarded. As for secular education it has no any guarantee for its benefits but religious education is cent percent guaranteed for.

Imaam Jaa’far Saadiq (A.S.) said that if a woman is being late in conceptionfor a child , she should recite this Duaa:  
Allaahumma Laa Tazar’nee Fardan Wa Anta Khayrul Waaritheen, Waheedan Wahashan Fa Yaksuru An Tafakkuri Bal Habalee Aakibata Swidqin Dhukooran Wa Unaasan Aanasu Bihim Minal Wahshati Wa Askunu Ilayhim Minal Wahdati Wa Ashkuruka Inda Tamaamin Ni’amati, Yaa Wahhaabu Yaa Adhweemu Yaa Mu’adh-dhamu, Thumma A’atwini Fee Kulli Aafiyatin Shukran Hattaa Tablughanee Minha Ridhwaanuka Fi Sidqil Hadeethi Wa Adaa’il Amaanati Wa Wafaa’in Bil Ahadi .

A person who wishes his wife tobe pregnant : on Friday recite 2 rak’at Namaaz, with prolonged Rukuu’ and Sujood, and recite this Duaa: 
Alaahumma Innee As’aluka Bimaa Sa’alaka Bihee Zakariyya, Rabbee Laa Tadharnee Fardan Wa Anta Khayrul Waaritheen, Alaahumma Hablee Min Ladunka Dhurriyyatan Twayyibatan, Innaka Samee’ud-Duaa’a. Alaahumma Bismika Istahalaltu Haa Wafee Amaanatika Akhadha-tuhaa Fa’in Kadhayta Fee Rahamihaa Waladan Waj’alhu Ghulaamam Mubaarakan Zakiyyan Walaa Taj’al-Lish-Shaytwaani Feehi Shirkan Walaa Naseeba .

It is narrated that a person who does not have anychildren should makefirm intention that if Allaah (S.W.T.) bestows a child to him he shall name itALI orHUSAYN, then Inshaa’Allaah he will get children. And if a woman does the intention of naming the childMUHAMMAD orALI , she will conceive a baby-boy.

A certain person complained to Imaam Muhammad Baaqir (A.S.) for thescarcity of children the Imaam showed him this Amal: Forthree days, after Namaaz-e-Sub’h and Ishaa , recite 70 timesSUB’HAANALLAAH and 70 timesASTAGHFIRULLAAH. And then recite this Duaa:  
  Istaghfiru Rabbukum Innahoo Kaana Ghaffaaran Yursilus-Samaa’a Alaykum Midraaran Wa Yumdid Bikum Bi Amwaalin Wa Baneena, Waja’allakum Jannaatin Wa Yaj’allakum Anhaara .

When a woman is inextreme labour pains her husband should recite the following Aayat for quick delivery of the child:  
Fa Ajaa’ahal Makhaadhu Ilaa Jiz’in-Nakhlati, Qaalat Yaa Laytanee Mittu Qabla Haadhaa Wa Kuntu Nasiyyam Mansiyya. Fanaadaahaa Min Tahtihaa Allaa Tahdhanee Qad Ja’ala Rabbuki Tahtaki Sariyyan Wa Huzzee Ilayki Bi Jiz’in Nakhlati Tusaaqit Alayki Rutaban Janiyya.

To keep children safe from calamities recite AR-RABBO many times.

Recitation of AR-RAQEEBO many times also safeguards the children.

If one recites AL-BARRO 202 times his/her children shall be lucky and successful in their lawful dealings.

To make the children faithful and obedient to parents recite this Duaa 7 times after every Waajib Namaaz:     
Rabbee Hablee Min Ladunka Dhurriyyatan Twayyibatan Innaka Sameeud-Duaa.

When a child shows signs of disobedience one should recite 7 times SURAH ASH-SHOORA or once SURAH AL-AHZAAB and pray for the cure of it.

To keep the child safe from misfortune, accidents, or mischief write SURAH AL- WAAQIAH with saffron and tie it as a Ta’veez.

Ta’veez of SURAH AL -BALAD keeps the child safe from the evil of genie and an evil eye.

Recite SURAL AL-QADR (Innaa Anzalnaa…) and blow the breath on the child while taking him/her outdoors, this will be a safety guard from evil eyes.

For the safety of an unborn child and its mother during pregnancy write this Aayat with saffron and tie it to the mother:           
Yaa Ayyuhan-Naasut-Taqoo Rabbakum Innaa Zalzalatas-Saa’atee Shay’un Adhweem.

Imam Ali (A.S.) advised one of his companions that if he wished to be blessed with sufficient children he should regularly reciteAdhaan in clear voice in his house.

If a woman does not give birth to a child within reasonable period then she and her husband should recite SURAH WAL-FAJR 3 to 7 times daily.

Make the child increase itsintellectual power by reciting AL-BAAISU as often as possible.

To make your child become a brave person make him recite SURAH WAL-AADIYAAT.


Almost all human beings do have something to ask for from Almighty Allaah. Some have a craving for some lawful worldly objects, some have to ask for solutions of their problems, some longing for remedy of illness and getting good health, while some have the far-sight of asking favours of the next world. Thus every one has something to ask from his/her own angle of view.

There are numerous Duaas and A’amaal shown to us by our Aimmaa (A.S.) for fulfillment of our Haajaat. If we supplicate sincerely observing all the needed conditions then there is a sure response for it. But sometimes we see that in spite of all our Duaas and beseeching we do not get our Duaa answered. There are many reasons for it, e.g. our mode of approach may be not suitable, or, may be we are not the proper candidates for what we ask for, or, may be we are not in a proper condition, either physically or spiritually, or, may be the thing we ask for is harmful for us and we have no knowledge of it, or, may be Allaah has kept in store much more magnificent thing for future then that we ask for, or, Allaah knows best what is good or bad for us.

He definitely loves all His creatures and so he can’t give a thing to us that may do more harm then good. It is also mentioned in some Hadees that we should not stop asking for our demands from Allaah even if we see that is not fulfilled, because for every unfulfilled Haajat there is a surprise gift for us in the next world, the gift which is so marvelous and indescribable that when it will be given to us there we will wish that it would have been very good if all our Haajaat in the world were not answered.

Hereby are some A’amaal for the fulfillment of Haajaat:

For a problem to be solved easily first prayNamaaz-e-Shab, then Ziyarat-e-Aashura, and finally reciteZiyarat-e-Jaamiah . This was prescribed by Imam-e-Zamaana A.F. (ref. Mafaatihul Jinaan).

RecitingZiyarat of Imam Ali (A.S.) and Imam Hussain (A.S.) is also highly recommended for Haajaat.

PerformZiyarat-e-Aashura with the intention of offering its Sawaab to the Revered Mother of Imam-e-Zamaana A.F. and then ask for your Haajat.

Offer the Sawaab of complete recitation of theHoly Qur’an to Janab-e-Bilaal, the respected Muezzin of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.)

On Friday-night reciteDuaa-e-Mashlool eleven times after Ishaa prayers.

It is stated that, if your Haajat is to be answered lately, then reciteDuaa-e-Tawassul, this will hasten its fulfillment.

Imam-e-Zamaana A.F. intercedes to Allaah for our Haajat if we reciteAmman Yujeebul Mudhtarra Idhaa Da’aahu Wa Yakshifus-Sooa .

Pray 2 rak’at Namaaz after midnight, in each Sajdah and after getting up from Sajdah recite 25 times:Salawaat, Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem, Yaa Ghiyyasal Mustagheeseen. After finishing the Namaaz look towards the sky and recite 30 times:Minal Abdidh -Dhaleel Ilal Mawlal Jaleel.

To accomplish an important assignment the following A’amaal is very Mujarrab: Start on the day ofFriday and continueupto ten days. ReciteBismil-laahir-rahmaanir-raheem, then, 11 timesSalawaat, then, 100 timesYaa Mufattihal Abwaab, Yaa Muqallibal Quloob Wal Abswaar, Yaa Daleelal Mutahayyireen Wa Yaa Ghiyaasal Mustagheeseen, Tawaqqaltu Alayka Yaa Rabbee, Faqdhee Haajatee Waqfee Muhimmee, Walaa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahil Aliyyil Adheem, Wa Swallallaahu Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalihee Ajma’een.

To convert an impossible task into a possible one:
Pray4 rak’at Namaaz in units of two rak’at. In the 1st rak’at after Al-Hamd recite11 times Surah Ikhlaas (Qulhuwallaahu…) in the second rak’at after Al-Hamd recite S.Ikhlaas21 times, in the 3rd rak’at31 times, and in the 4th rak’at41 times. After finishing the Namaaz recite51 timesSalawaat and then go into Sajdah wherein recite100 timesYaa Allaahu and beseech Allaah for your Haajat.

Duaa-e-Mujeer, Duaa-e-Sabaasab, Duaa-e-Qaaf, Duaa-e-Hojob, Duaa-e-Saheefah, Duaa-eYastashir and many various Duaas are presented in Mafaatihul Jinaan, Majmooa, and Tohfatul Awaam, which are very effective if recited sincerely.

Before praying Namaaz-e-Sub’h recite:Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem, Bihaqqi Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem.

Perform 2 rak’at Namaaz with the Niyyat ofHadiya-e-Bibi Fatima Zahra (S.A.) In theQunoot of this Namaaz recite:Allaahummaa Bihaqqi Faatimataa Wa Abeehaa, Bihaqqi Faatimataa Wa Ba’lihaa, Wa Bihaqqi Faatimataa Wa Baneehaa, Wa Bihaqqi Faatimataa Wassirrey Almustwdi’ee Iqdhee Haajatee, Swallallaahu Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalihee Ajmaeen. Except for this Duaa in Qunoot all the rest is to be prayed as a usual Namaaz.

Namaaz-e-Isteghaasa-Imaam-e-Zamaana A.F. This Namaaz is to be prayed under the open sky, for its proper way to pray refer in the coming pages. [*]

On every first date of a lunar month reciteDuaa-e-Mujeer andDuaa-e-Mubaahila. This is a rewarding prayer. (Ref. M.Jinaan)

Everyday after Namaaz-e-Sub’h and after Maghrib recite: 100 timesLaa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billahil Aliyyil Adhweem, and then 3 times:Yaa Allaahu Yaa Rahmaanu Yaa nooru Yaa Dhal Jalaali Wal Ikraam.

This is also highly recommended for Haajaat. OnFriday-night after midnight, pray 2 rak’at Namaaz, in each rak’at whle reciting Al-Hamd when you reachIyyaka Na’budoo Wa Iyyaka Nasta’een repeat this verse100 times and then continue the Surah. When you complete reciting Al-Hamd this way then reciteSurah-e-Ikhlaas 200 times , and then perform Rukuu and Sajdah as usual. And the second rak’at also perform same way as in the first. When you finish the Namaaz recite Tasbeeh. Then recite70 times Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahil Aliyyil Adhweem . Then go intoSajdah and recite201 times Yaa Rabbee and finally beseech yourHaajat . Inshaa-Allah it will be fulfilled.

To succeed in a hard task recite recite this on a Thursday morning while you are going out for it:Last portion of Surah-e-Aal-e-Imraan, Aayatul Qursee, Innaa Anzalna…, and S.Al-Hamd, Inshaa-Allaah you will overcome the task and shall achieve success.

Another beneficial A’amaal for immediate fulfillment of Haajat isNamaaz-e-Ja’far-e-Tayyaar . It is a two-rak’at Namaaz and you may refer to the final portions of this book [*] for its method. It is usually to be prayed on Friday before noon, but if need arises it can be prayed at any time. This Namaaz is also emphasized to pray in the Holy Shrines of Ma’soomeen (A.S.)

Whenever there is aproblem to be solved urgently then recite:14 Salawaat, offer 2 rak’at Namaaz as usual, followed by Tasbeeh, then recite Aamanar-Rassol…, [*] then ask Allaah for your need, and finally recite14 Salawaat .

For overcomingfinancial problem : Perform this A’amaal for41 days ,after Namaaz-e-Sub’h, at the same place and on the same time, from day-one upto the final day. ReciteSurah Al-Hamd 41 times with proper pronounciation, then recite13 times -Yaa Mufattih Yaa Fattih Yaa Mufarrij Yaa Musabbib Yaa Musahhil Yaa Sahhil Yaa Mudabbir Dabbir Yaa Mutamayyim Tamayyim, Bi Rahmatika Yaa Arhamar Raahimeen. If the routine gets changed then start afresh. And by the Grace of Allaah if your need is fulfilled during this A’amaal then also you have to complete the routine upto41 days.

Recite many timesAr-Raheemu in the state ofSajdah.

ReciteYaa Allaahu 66 times everymorning, noon and evening .

To reciteLaa Ilaaha Illal-laah 100 times with fully realizing it’s meaning is beneficial.

After midnight reciteAl-Wahhaabu 100 times,bare-headed and with raised hands.

Reciting 1000 timesAl-Badeeu in one sitting and 290 timesAl-Faatiru is also a way of gaining.

When you have a very difficult problem then seek its solution through this A’amaal: Go to a nearby jungle and there draw four lines on the earth with your finger, and bring to mind the middle lines as being the blessed grave of Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.), then facing these line and your back towards Qibla recite -Swallallaahu Alayka Yaa Rasoolallaah . InshaaAllaah your problem will immediately be solved with great ease.

Twelve days A’amaal - Recite 100Salawaat, 1000 timesBismil-Laahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem, and finally 100 timesSalawaat . This is very effective but should be observed insecrecy , nobody should know you are doing this A’amaal.

For any Haajat and especially to cure a disease sit in the Masjid and recite this Duaa70 times with pure intention: Laa Illaha Illallaahu Bi Izzatika Wa Qudratika, Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Bi haqqi Haqqiqa Wa Hurmatika, Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Farrij Bi Rahmatik.

ReciteAaya-e-Mulk [*] and then recite this Duaa:Bismil-Laahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem, Yaa Allaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Allaahu, Laa Ilaaha Illaa Anta Wahduka Laa Shareeka Laka Tajabbarta Anyakoona Laka Waladun Wa Taa Alayta Anyakoona Laka Shareekun Wa Ta’Azzamta Anyakoona Laka Wazeerun, Yaa Allaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Allaahu, Iqdhi Haajatee Bi Haqqee Muhammadin Wa Aalihi, Swalawaatuka Alayhi Wa Alayhim Ajmaeen.

For havinggood fortune : Pray2 rak’at Namaaz , in each rak’at after Al-Hamd reciteSurah Al-Feel [*]and before Salaam recite7 times SurahAl-Nasr and recite this verse12 times -Am Indahum Khazaainu Rahmati Rabbikal Azeezil Wahhaab, Am Lahum Mulkus Samaawaati Wal Ardhi Wamaa Baynahumaa, Fal Yartaqoo Fil Asbaab. Then complete the Namaaz and raise your hands and recite100 times Yaa Wahhaabu.

It is recommended to reciteTasbeeh of Bibi Fatima Zahra (S.A.) in times of difficulty.

The unit40 (fourty) is said to be very effective. If a particular Duaa is recited40 times , or40 people gather to recite it, or it is recited for40 days then its effectiveness is highly increased.

RecitingSurah Al-Faatiha 5 times, thenAaya-e-Mulk , [*]and thenTasbihhat-e-Arba’aa is also an effective remedy.

If one recites SurahAl-Muzzammil he or she will get the guidance in dream for solving the problems.

On theeve of Friday pray2 rak’at Namaaz , then recite15 Salawaat , then recite this Duaa (Ilaahee Kayfa Ad’ooka …given here: Ilaahee Kayfa Ad’ooka Wa Anaa Anaa Wa Kayfa Aqtwaoo Rajaa’ee Minka Wa Anta Anta, Ilaahee Idh Lam As’aluka Fa Tu’tweenee Fa Man Dhal-Ladhee As’aluhu Fayu’tweenee, Ilaahee Idhaa Lam Ad’ooka Fatastabeebu Lee, Faman Dhal-Ladhee Ad’oohu Fayastajeebu Lee, Ilaahee Idhaa Lam Atadhwarraoo Ilayka Fatarhamunee, Faman Dhal-Ladhee Atadhwarraoo Ilayhi Fayarhamunee, Ilaahee Fakamaa Falaqtal Bahra Li Moosaa Alayhissalaamu Wa Najjaytahoo, As’aluka An Tuswalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad Wa An Tunjiyanee Mimmaa Anaa Feehi Wa Tafarrija Annee Farajan Aajilan Ghayra Aajilin Bi-Fadhlika Bi-Rahmatika Yaa Arhamar-Raahimeen. And then finally recite15 Salawaat , then request for yourHaajat.

Reciting 7 timesNaade - Aliyyan [*] also brings much blessings.

On anySunday performSunnat Ghusl, do Wudhoo, apply some good scent, then recite 100 timesSalawaat followed byDuaa-e-Durrood-e-Toosi (referMajmooa ), then recite 100Salawaat again, this A’amaal should be carried oneveryday upto next Sunday . Inshaa-Allah your lawful Haajat will be answered.

Pray2 rak’at Namaaz in this method;- niyyat of Haajat, start as usual Namaaz, when you reachIyyaka Na’abudoo Wa Iyyaka Nasta’een repeat this Aayat100 times and then carry on as usualIn Rukoo and Sajdah repeat their Zikr 7 times In both rak’at do the same as first rak’at. Finally recite 100Salawaat then sit to writeAreeza to the Imam of the Age A.F. When the Areeza is written put it in the Holy Qur’an in Surah An-Noor Finally take out the Areeza and put it in water. Inshaa-Allah the problem will be solved instantly.

It is also said that when one looks at thenew moon crescent and recite 3Salawaat and begs Allaah for his need he will not be turned away disappointed.

The one who recitedAl-Kaafiya shall not be in need of anyone except Allaah (S.W.T.)

If one recitesSurah Az-Zumur then most certainly Allaah will fulfill his/her demands.

Recitation ofSurah At-Toor, Surah As-Sabaa and Surah Al-Faatir brings the blessings of this world and of the Hereafter.

It is very effective to recite this before Namaaz, before Duaa or before beseacing for a need: Wa Idhaa Sa’alaka Ibaadee Annee Fa Innee Qareeb Ujeebu Da’awatad Daaee Idhaa Da’aanee, Fal Yastajeeboo Lee Wal Yu’minoo bee La’allahum Yarshudoon . Recite this 7 or 70 or 700 times.

Recite 72 times:Yaa Sayyidanal Kareem Najjina Wa Khallisnaa Bihaqqi Bismillaahirrahmaanirraheem, and then recite 70 times:Allaahu Lateefun Bi Ibaadihee Yarzuqu Manyashaau Wa Huwal Qawiyyul Azeez.

When you are disperate and in need ofurgent help recite 70 times:Yaa Allaah, Yaa Muhammad, Yaa Ali, Yaa Fatima, Yaa Swaahibuz Zamaan Adriqnee Walaa Tulhiqnee.

Pray 2 raka’t Namaz-e-Haajat, then recite 110 timesSalawaat , then1570 times Yaa Ali, then beseech your Haajat, then 10 timesYaa Ali and 10 timesSalawaat.

When problems and tribulations have reached the extreme, performSajdah and recite this Duaa in it:Yaa Mudhilla Kulli Jabbaarin Yaa Mu’izza Kulli Dhaleelin Qad Wa Haqqiqa Balagha Majhoodee Fa Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad Wa Farrij Annee.

On Fridays after Namaaz-Asr keep recitingAr-Raheemu as many times as possible upto the Maghrib.

It is stated that a person is never more nearer to Allaah than when he is in the state of Sajdah. So if you have to ask for something then ask in Sajdah. Perform a Sajda-e-Shukr and recite:Yaa Rabbal Arbaabi Wa Yaa Malikal Mulooki Wa Yaa Sayyidas Saadaati Wa Yaa Jabbaaral Jabaabirati Wa Yaa Ilaahal Aalihati Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad, then beseech your Haajat, then recite -Fa Innee Abduka Naasiyatee Fee Qabdhatika.

An excellent Duaa for gaining success:Allaahumma In Kaanat Dhunoobee Qad Akhlaqat Wajhee Indaka Fa Innee Atawajjahu Ilayka Bi Nabiyyika Nabiyyir Rahmati Muhammadin Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Aliyyin Wa Fatimata Wal Hasani Wal Husayni Wal Aimmati Alayhimus Salaam.

Before retiring to bed if one recites these Surahs of the Holy Qur’an, he/she shall not depart from this world without meeting the Imam A.F. and if atall death comes he/she will be in the neighbour of the Holy Prophet (S.A.)W.W:Surah-e-Hadeed, S.Hashr, S.Saff, S.Jumuah, S.Taghaaboon, and S.A’alaa.

To reciteSurah-e-Innaa Anzalna 10 times erases 1000 sins. One who recites it loudly is like martyr who performs Jihaad in the way of Allaah.

To remain safe from problems reciteSurah-e-Ikhlaas on your right, left, front, back, up and down.

To remain safe from earth quack and lightening always reciteSura-e-Zilzaal , especially in Naafila Namaaz.

To gain spiritual strength reciteAl-Adhweemu abundantly.


The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) said:

Prosperity and affluence helps a person to be protected from sins and become pious.

Earn the Hearafter from this world.

The one who puts his load to others and is dependent on them for his family’s rizq, is an accursed person.

There are 70 stages of Ibaadah and the best of them is to earn the living by Halaal means. Go for business early in the morning after sun-rise).

Imam Ali (A.S.) said:

Whoever starts to do trade/business without knowing the rules concerning it, then that will be counted as a business of INTREST. (ribaa / vyaaj)

Imaam Muhammad Baaqir (A.S.) said that when you goto the bazaar recite this Duaa:Allaahumma Innee As’aluka Min Khayrihaa Wa Khayra Ahliha.

When you sit at your place of business recite this Duaa :  Ash’hadu An-Laa Ilaaha Illaallahu Wahdahu Laa Shareeka Lahu, Wa Ash’hadu Anna Muhammad Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Abduhu Wa Rasooluhu. Allaahumma Innee As’aluka Min Fadhlika Rizqan Halaalan Twayyiban, Wa Aoodhu Bika Man Adhlima Aw Udhlima,Wa Aoodhu Bika Faskatin Khaasiratin, Wa Yameenin Qaazibatan.

Imaam Jaa’far Saadiq (A.S.) said thatwhen you want to purchase any commodity recite this Duaa 3 times:Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoomu Yaa Daa’imu Yaa Ra’oofu Yaa Raheemu, As’aluka Bi Izzatika Wa Qudratika Wamaa Ahaatwa Bihi Ilmuka, An Taqsima Lee Minat-Tijaaratil Yawmi A’adhwamaha Rizqan-Wa Awsa’aha Fadhlan Wa Khayraha Aakibatan, Fa Innahoo Laa Khayra Feemaa Laa Aakibata Lahoo.

Onthree consecutive Thursdays , at any time pray 2 rak’atNamaaz as usual and then reciteSura-e-Yaaseen .

Recitation ofSurah-e-Zumar brings pleasant results in one’s lawful earnings and good for Haajaat also.

After any Wajib Namaaz recite Aaya-e-Mulk and then recite: “Yaa Rahmaanad-Dunya Wal Aakhirati Wa Rahimhumaa Tu’tee Mantashaa’u Minhumaa Maa Tashaau Wa Tamnaoo Minhuma Maa Tashaau Iqdhee Annee Daynee.” The loan and debt shall be paid Inshaa’Allah.

On everyWednesday before noon pray 2 rak’atNamaaz as usual and finally reciteSurah-e-Kawsar 40 times after completing the Namaaz.

After Namaaz-e-Maghrib and before Ishaa pray 2 rak’at Namaaz as usual but in its Qunoot recite: “Allaamumma Rabbanaa Anzil Alayna Maa’idatan Minas-Samaa’i Takoonoo Lanaa Eedan Li Awwalina Wa Aakhirina Wa Aayatin Minka Warzuqnaa Wa Anta Khayrur-Raaziqeen.”

For the increase in sustenance recite this Duaa every morning when going out to the work place: “Wa Man Yattiqillaaha Yaj’al Lahoo Makhrajan Wa Yarzuqhoo Min Haysu Laa Yahtasib, Wa Man Yatawaqqal Alallaahi Fahuwa Hasbuhoo Innallaaha Baalighu Amrihee, Qad Ja’alallaahu Li Kulli Shay’in Qadra.”

If one is in financial crisis and the debtors do not repay money, then this A’amaal will bestow the desired results.When you go for Hajj, after completing all the Waajibat then perform someTawaaf on behalf of Hazrat Abdul Muttalib (A.S.), Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S.), Hazrat Abdullah (A.S.), Bibi Aamina (S.A.), and Bibi Fatima binte Asad ((S.A.)) After praying Namaaz-e-Tawaaf ask Almighty for His kind help.

At night before going to bed reciteSurah-e-Hashr andSurah-e-Zaariyaat .

For prosperity reciteNaadey Aliyyan [*] 12 times every morning and evening.

Whenever possible recite these Surahs of the Holy Qur’an in Wajib or Sunnat Namaaz:Surah-e-Qaaf, Al-Hadeed, Al-Mujaadilah, Al-Qalam, Al-Humazah, and An-Nasr.

It is beneficial to reciteSurah-e-TaaHaa in the last portion of the night.

It is narrated that if you want to seek financial solutions then pray to Allaah by theWaseela of Imam Muhammad Taqee (A.S.) There are Duaas, Ziyarat, and Ta’aveez of the said Imam written in Mafaatihul Jinaan.

To receive old outstanding amounts from the debtors reciteAl-Mudhillu 770 times.

To getmore then expectation recite 308 timesAr-Razzaaqu .

For eminence and advancement in business recite 351 timesAr-Raafiu daily.

After Namaaz-e-Sub’h recite 10 times: Sub’haanallaahil Adhweemi Wa Bi Hamdihee, Astaghfirullaah, Wa As’aluhoo Min Fadhlihi.

For abundance reciteSurah-e-Qadr 100 times orSurah-e-Falak as many times as you can.

For the bumper harvest or unexpected abundance recite 1001 timesAdh-Dhaarroo, and 308 timesAr-Razzaaqu.

Everyday after Sub’h or Maghrib recite 66 times Allaahu Akbar, Allaahu Latweefun Bi Ibaadihee Yarzuqu Man Yashaau.

After all Waajib Namaaz recite -Rabbee Innee Limaa Anzalta Ilayya Min Khayrin Faqeer.

Recite Aayat no: 2 ofSurah-e-Yaaseen for abundence. (i.e.“Wal Qur’aanil Kakeem.” )

To ward off poverty and destitution always recite Aayat no: 68 of Surah-e-Yaaseen. (i.e. “Waman-Nu’ammirhu Nunakkis’hu Fil Khalqi, Afalaa Ya’aqiloon.”)

To safeguard and keep your business secured and running reciteSurah-e-An-Nahal after Zohrain.

For achieving success recite 78 timesAl-Hakeemu after Tahajjud.

For Rizq-e-Akber ((large means of livelihood) recite this Duaa 350 times daily: Wa Annal Fadhla Biyadil-Llaahi Yu’teehi Man Yashaau, Wallaahu Dhul Fadhlil Adhweem.

For more profits and progress in business recite these Qur’anic Holy Verses daily as many times as possible:Yarjoona Tijaaratan Lan Taboora, Zuyyina Linnaasi Hubbush-Shahawaat.

For receiving abundant Rizq from unexpected sources: after Ishaa Namaaz stand under the open sky, bareheaded, and recite -14 salawaat , 500 timesYaa Mussabbibal Asbaab , and again14 Salawaat . The debt will also be repaid InshaaAlaah.

Every morning and evening recite: Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahi, Tawaqqaltu Alal Hayyil-Ladhee Laa Yamootu Walhamdu Lillaahilladhee Lam Yattakhidh Waladan, Walam Yakunlahoo Shareekun Fil Mulki, Walam Yakun Lahoo Waliyyun Mindh-Dhulli Wa Kabbirhoo Takbeera.

Pray 2 rak’at Namaz in this method: In each rak’at after Al-Hamd recite 10 times -Kulillaahumma Maalikal Mulk Tu’til Mulk Mantashaau, Wa Tanzi’ul Mulk Mantashaau, Wa Tuizzu Mantashaau, Wa Tudhillu Man Tashaau, Biyadikal Khayr, Innaka Alaa Kulli Shay’in Qadeer. Salawaat. Then recite 10 times: Toolijul Layli Finnahaari Wa Toolijunnahaari Fillayli, Wa Tukhrijul Hayyi Minal Mayyiti Wa Tukhrijul Mayyiti Minal Hayyi, Wa Tarzuqu Man Tashaau Bighayri Hisaab, Salawaat. After completing the Namaaz recite 10 Salawaat and then go intoSajdah and there recite -Rabbigh Firlee Wa Hablee Mulkan Laa Yambaghee Li Ahadim Mimba’adee Innaka Antal Wahhaab, Recite Salawaat while starting and at the end. Then beseech your Haajat.

  Recite 10 times: Waman-Yattiqillaha Yaj’allahoo Makhrajan Wa Yarzuqhoo Min Haysu Laa Yahtasib, Waman- Yatawaqqal Alallaahi Fahuwa, Hasbuhoo, Innallaaha Baalighu Amrihee Qad Ja’alallaahu Likulli Shay’in Qadraa. And then recite 7 times Surah-e-Alam Nashrah.

  At night when all have gone to bed, perform this Namaaz which is very effective for repaying debts and getting abundance: Pray2 rak’at Namaaz, in the first rak’at after Al-Hamd reciteAayatul Kursee and in the second rak’at after Al-Hamd recite—Lav Anzalnaa Haadhal Qur’ana Alaa Jabalinl-Lara’ayatahoo Khaashian Mutaswaddian Min Khashyatillaah, Wa Tilkal Amsaalu Nadhribuhaa Linnaasi La’allahum Yatafakkaroon. Huwal-Laahulladhee Laailaaha Illaa Huwa, Aalimul Ghaybi Wash-Shahaadah Huwar-Rahmaanur-Raheem. Huwal-Laahulladhee Laa Ilaaha Illaa Huwa, Almlikul Quddoosus-Salaamul Mu’minul Muhayminul Azeezul Jabbaarul Mutakabbiru, Sub’haanal-Laahi Ammaa Yushrikoon. Huwal-Laahul Khaaliqul Baariul Muswawwiru Lahul Asmaaul Husnaa, Yusabbihu Lahoo Maa Fis-Samaawaati Wal Ardhi, Wahuwal Azeezul Hakeem. Then finish the Namaaz as usual. Now take theHoly Qur’an in your hands and recite -Bihaqqi Haadhal Qur’aani Wa Bihaqqi Man Arsaltahoo Bihee Wa Bihaqqi Kulli Mu’minin Madahtahu Feehi Wa Bihaqqika Alayhim Falaa Ahada A’arafu Bihaqqika Minka; then recite these 15 Holy names 10 times each:Bika Yaa Allaahu x 10, Yaa Muhammadu x 10, Yaa Aliyyu x 10, Yaa Faatimatu x 10, Yaa Hasanu x 10, Yaa Husaynu x 10, Yaa Aliyyibnal Husayni x 10, Yaa Muhammadabna Aliyyin x 10, Yaa Ja’farabna Muhammadin x10, Yaa Moosabna Ja’farin x 10, Yaa Aliyyabna Moosa x 10, Yaa Muhammadabna Aliyyin x 10, Yaa Aliyyabna Muhammadin x 10, Yaa Hasanabna Aliyyin x 10, Bil Hujjati x 10. And now beseech your Haajat.

For repaying the debts, even if the amount is as to the weight of gold equal to the whole earth, InshaaAllaa it shall be paid if you recite this Duaa:Allaahumma Yaa Faarijal Hammi Wa Munaffisal Ghammi Wa Mudh’hibal Ahzaani Wa Mujeebatil Mudhtarreen, Yaa Rahmaanad-Dunyaa Wal Aakhiratee Wa Rahimhumaa Anta Rahmaani Wa Rahmaanu Kulli Shay’in Farhamnee Rahmatan Tughneenee Biha An Rahmati Man Siwaak Wa Taqdhee Bihaa Anneed-Dayn.

A certain person said he did not find anything more beneficial for Riqz other then this Duaa by Imaam Jaa’afar Sadiq A.S: “Allaahummar’zuqnee Min Fadhlikal Waasi’il Halalit-Twayibi Rizqan Waasian Halaalan Twayyiban Balaaghan Lid-Dunyaa Wal Aakhirati Swabban Swabban Hanee’an Maree’an Min Ghayri Qaddin Walaa Mannin Min Ahadin Min Khalqik Illaa Sa’atan Min Fadhlikal Waasi’i Fa Innaka Qulta Was’alullaaha Min Fadhlihee Famin Fadhlik As’alu Wamin Atwiyyatik As’alu Wamin Yadikal Mal’a As’alu.”

Imaam Muhammad Baaqir (A.S.) said to recite following Duaa in Sajdah of Waajib Namaaz; “Yaa Khayral Mas’ooleen Wa Yaa Khayral Mu’atween Urzuqnee Warzuq Ayaalee Min Fadhlik Fa Innaka Dhul Fadhlil Adhweem.”

Abu Baseer requested Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) to give him a Duaa for Rizq, the Imaam taught him the following Duaa to be recited in theSajdah of Namaaz-e-Tahajjud . He said since he practiced this never was he Mohtaaj anymore: “Yaa Khayra Mad’uwween Wa Yaa Khayra Mas’ooleen Wa Yaa Awsa’a Man A’atwaa Wa Yaa Khayra Murtajan Urzuqnee Wa Awsi’a Alayya Min Rizqika Wa Sabbib Lee Rizqan Min Fadhlik Innaka Alaa Kulli Shay’in Qadeer.”

  The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) taught this Duaa for Rizq: “Yaa Raziqal Muqilleen Wa Raahimal Masaakeen Wa Yaa Waliyyil Mu’mineen Wa Yaa Dhal Quwwatil Mateen Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Ahli Baytihi Warzuqnee Wa Aafinee Wakfinee Maa Ahammanee.”

  To be free from financial debts recite: “Alaahumma Lahdhwatan Min Lahadhwaatik Tuyassiroo Alaa Ghuramaa’I Bihal Qadhaa’a Wa Tuyassiru Lee Bihal Iqtidhwaa’a Innaka Alaa Kulli Shay’in Qadeer.”


Allah (S.W.T.) emphasizes the worth and importance of parents at various places in the Holy Qur’an. It is enough for the wise person to realize this when he observes thatthe obedience of parents is mentioned side by side with the worship of Allaah . It is also authentically mentioned that if your parents are not pleased with you all your worship and good deeds are gone waste, they don’t have any value. And it is not limited for the living parents only but even if they are dead you must remember them by praying for them, attributing some good deeds to them, and rectifying their faults (if any) in a proper way. Perhaps at the time of departure from the world the parents were not pleased at heart with their children, but if the children give due attention to their parents’ well-being in the Hereafter by some good deeds, they become pleased to them.

The world that is five feet under the earth is certainly a dreadful place for the sinners. Although we should consider that all are pious and righteous but one never knows in what condition there the diseased is. Perhaps they are enjoying the fruits of their good deeds and perhaps they are in trouble because of some lapse during their lifetime. So if we perform any good deed on their behalf or offer a Namaaz for them they surely are benefited by it, and it is said thatour 2 rak’at Namaaz for the Marhoom is better for them then the riches of the whole world. If they are not in any trouble there then the bounties are increased for them and if they are in any tribulation then their pain is lessened or wiped off. Moresover, the performer of good deed is also to be rewarded.

Here below are stated some A’amaal for the benefit of diseased parents, although they are said to benefit them but the performer of these A’amaal are also nicely rewarded.

Especially on every Friday-night and on Friday children of the Marhoom should pray for their parents and give charity on their behalf.

RecitingSurah-e-Yaaseen is very beneficent for the Marhoom. He/she is tremendously rewarded for it.

If one recitesSurah-e-Mulk or 7 timesSurah-e-Qadr by the side of Marhoom’s grave, God-forbid if any punishment is being implemented therein, it is instantly ceased.

Whenever you wish you can pray2 rak’at Namaaz for Marhoom, it gives a great joy to the diseased.

On Friday-night (Shabe Jumma) or on any day you may pray 2 rak’at Namaaz between Maghrib and Ishaa with Niyyat of Maghfirat-e-Waalidayn. In the first rak’at after Al-Hamd recite 10 times Rabbigh Firlee Waliwaalidayya Walil Mu’mineena Yawma Yaqoomul Hisaab. And in the second rak’at after Al-Hamd recite 10 times Rabbigh Firlee Waliwaalidayya WalimanDakhala Baytiya Mu’minan Walil Mu’mineena Wal Mu’minaat. Then complete the Namaaz as usual. Then go into Sajdah and recite 10 times—Rabbir Hamhuma Kamaa Rabbayaani Swagheera.

Some Tasbeeh ofSalawaat and Istighfaar should be offered on behalf of Marhoomeen every now and then.

Pray2 rak’at Namaaz for the benefit of Marhoom, in the first rak’at after Al-Hamd reciteSurah-e-Qadr and in the second reciteSurah-e-Kawsar .

There is anotherNamaaz also for Marhoom. It is 2 rak’at, in the first rak’at after Al-Hamd reciteonce Aayatul Kursee and Surah-e-Ikhalaas 2 times and in the second rak’at after Al-Hamd reciteSurah-e- Takaasur 10 times . This also carries a great reward for Marhoom and the reciter also.

If at all the son or a daughter did not fulfill the rights of their parent during their lifetime, then they should pray this Namaaz. InshaaAllaah the Marhoom parents shall be pleased with them: Time: on the night between Wednesday and Thursday. Inbetween Maghrib and Ishaa . Niyyat: Fulfillment of the rights of my parent(s).Namaaz; 2 rak’at . In each rak’at after Al-Hamd recite5 times Aayatul Kursee, 5 times Surah-e-Ikhlaas, 5 times Surah-e-Kaafiroon, 5 times Surah-e-Falak, and 5 times Surah-e-Naas. After you finish praying the Namaaz in this way recite15 times Astaghfirullaaha Wa Atoobu Ilayh. Dedicate the Sawaab of this A’amaal to the Marhoom parent and you shall get the reward of fulfilling their rights.

If atall, you suspect that there were some wrong transactiones committed by your parents so you would naturally wish that they should not be punished for that. Therefore its remedy is that first you should try to rectify if possible, try to make the wronged pepople be pleased with your parents by recompensing some thing that they would appreciate, and then observe this prayer on behalf of your parents: Pray4 rak’ar Namaaz in sets if 2 rak’at each. In the 1st rak’st after Al-Hamd eciteSurah-e- Ikhlaas 25 times , in the 2nd rak’at50 times, in the3 rak’at75 times and in the 4 th rak’at100 times. After Namaaz recite this Duaa:Allaahumma Swalli Ala Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad, Bismil-Laahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Yaa Nooras Samaawaati Wal Ardhi Wa Yaa Ghawthak Mustagheeseen, Yaa Jaaral Mustajeereea Antal Munzalu Bika Kullu Haajatin Astaghfiroo Atoobu Ilayka Mimmadhaalimi Katheeratin Li Ibaadika Qablee Allaahumma Fa Ayyu Maa Abdim Min Ibaadika Aw Amatin Min Imaaika Kaanat Lahoo Qablee Mudhlimatun Dhwalamtuhaa Aw Fee Ardhihee Aw Fee Maalihee Aw Fee Ahlihee Wa Waladihee Aw Gheebatun Ightabtahoo Bihaa Aw Tahammulin Alayhi Bimaylin Aw Hawan Aw Anfatin Aw Hamiyyatin Aw Riyaain Aw Asabiyyatin Ghiyaaban Kaana Aw Shaahidan Wa Hayyan Kaana Aw Mayyitan Fa Qasurat Yadee Wa zaaqa Wus’ee Aw Ruddahaa Ilayhi Wat-Tahallulee Minhoo Fa As’aluka Yaa Man Yamlikul Haajata Wa Hiya Mustajeebatun Li Mashiyyatihee Wa Musriatun Ilaa Iraadatihee An Tuswallee Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad Wa An Turdhiyahoo Aniyy Bimaa Shi’ta Min Khazaaini Rahmatika Thumma Tahaba Lee Min Ladunka Rahmatan Innahoo Laa Tanqusukal Maghfiratu Walaa Tadhurrukal Moohibatoo Rabbi Akrimnee Birahmatika Walaa Tukhzinee Bi Dhunoobee Innaka Waasiul Maghfiratee Yaa Arhamar-Raahimeen Allaahuma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammmad.