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This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought


The All-Merciful Allaah (S.W.T.) is so much kind towards His creation that when a person falls sick he is rewarded for it. It is narrated that the Angels who record deeds are commanded to record the good deeds of a sick person even though he has not performed any good deed during his sickness, but only because he used to do good deeds during his healthy days. Even when a person becomes old and he can’t perform the good deeds which he used to perfom in his youthful and healthy days, Allaah (S.W.T.) credits his account of good deeds because he used to do it in his good days.

Imaam Muhammad Baaqir (A.S.) said that remaining sick and painful for one night is better then the worship of one year; a fever of one night is the means of Kaffaara of one years’ sins. But this advantage is only for that person who does not complain for his or her sickness or pain.

Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said that the person who is a beloved of Allaah is bestowed with either of these three gifts, fever, headache, or paining eyes.

Howsoever, there are many causes of disease and sickness. One of the causes may be because of our own negligence on the part of hygiene, or it is hereditary, or it is because of carelessness in consumption of food, or it may be atonement for our sins. Howsoever, it is everybody’s duty to be on safe side and protect oneself from disease at whatever extent it is possible.

Nevertheless there are some people who are quite fit but they do not feel well any day. They always complain about their health and they really look like sick, but they are not. This is because of mental thinking of a person; psychological problem causes him or her to consider oneself to be a sick person while physically they might be very well. If one removes the negative thinking from his mind he is surely cured without a tablet of medicine. In contradiction to this there are people who create such a firm will-power in their minds that even they are really sick, but they do not pamper their thought of sickness and thus we can see they live the life as wonders.

However, besides the precautions and cures we must also seek help from Almighty Allaah (S.W.T.) because no medicine can work without His permission. There is a well-known episode of Nabi Moosa (A.S.) that once when he was sick he sought help from Allaah (S.W.T.) He was directed to go to the bush and collect a certain type of herb to use for his sickness. He did accordingly and was cured. Next time when he was sick he went directly to the bush, collected the herb and used it but with no effect. Enquiring from Allaah he was told that the first time he asked help from Allaah so he was successful but the other time he did not do so, that was the reason.

Hereunder are the mention of some essential Duaas and A’amaal, Inshaa- Allaah, for the complete cure of disease, illnesses, and sicknesses.

For any type of disease recite Surah Al-Hamd 7 or 70 times over the forehead of the patient

Various diseases can be avoided by recitingSurah An-Nahl once a month.

Regular recitation ofSura-e-Yaaseen has the merit of curing and protecting from various dangerous diseases.

WriteSurah Al-Mujaadilah and place it on the paining part, the pain will disappear at once.

When you are doubtful to consume certain food that whether it will harm your health or not, then reciteSurah Al-Quraysh over it and the food will do no harm to you.

Khaaq-e-Shifaa is a sure remedy for every disease, but we should better know its usage and particular Duaa to be recited before using it. If it is very necessary then it is allowed to take a very small piece of Khaaq-e-Shifaa, put it in the mouth and drink water over it and recite this Duaa:Allaahummaj’alhu Rizqan Waasi’an Wa Ilman Naafi’an Wa Shiffa’an Min Kulli Daa’in Wa Suqmin.

A sick person should himself/herself recite this Duaa for the recovery: Allaahumma Ashfinee bi Shifaa’ika, Wa Daawinee Bi Dawaaika, Wa Aafinee Min Balaa’ika, Fa Innee Abduka Wabnu Abdika.

It is narrated that we should seekWaseela of Imaam Moosa-e-Kadhim (A.S.) for getting well from disease. To keep Nazar that I shall offer 1400 or 14000Salawaat to the Imaam is a sure way to recover.

Keep some Sadaqa under the pillow of the sick person and recite the following Duaa: Allaahumma Innee As’aluka Bihaqqee Waliyyika Moosa-bni Ja’afar, Illaa Aafaytanee Fee Jamee’I Jawaarihi Maa Dhwahara Minhaa Wamaa Batwan, Wa Daf’at Annee Jamee’il Aalaami Wal Askaami Yaa Jawaadu Yaa Kareem Yaa Arhamar-Raahimeen. Then give that Sadqa to a poor in the morning. InshaaAllaah the sick shall be cured.

To cure any type of fever recite 1000 timesSurah-e-Ikhlaas and beseech Allaah to cure the sicknessin the name of Bibi Fatima (S.A.)

If the recovery from sickness seems hard then daily recite 18 timesNaadey Aliyyan over the glass of pure water and give it to the patient to drink, Inshaa-Allaah the disease will disappear.

RecitingNaadey Aliyyan regularly 27 times daily keeps the sickness away.

Whatsoever dreadful or incurable disease may it be, if these Holy Names are recited over it with purity of intention and sincerity in faith, the recovery will astonish everybody:Yaa Hafeedhu, Yaa Salaamu, Yaa Naafiu, Yaa Baakiu, Yaa Kareemu, Yaa Ghafooru, Yaa Haadiyu . This may be recited3, 5, or 7 times each.

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) said that if one recites this Duaa 40 times after Namaaz-e-Sub’h the disease will be cured: Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem, Alhamdu Lillaahi Rabbil Aalameen, Wa Hasbunallaahu Wa Ni’amal Wakeel, Tabaarakallaahu Ahsanul Khaaliqeen, Walaa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahil Aliyyil Adhweem.

Recitation ofYaa Salaamu 111 times is also a remedy of sickness.

ReciteYaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoom 18 times after every Wajib Namaaz.

For asthma and skin disease recite Surah-e-Munaafiqoon.

Recite this Aayat No:17 of Surah-e-An’aam before Sub’h: Wa Inyamsaskallaahu Bi Dhurrin Falaa Kaashifa Lahoo Illaa Huwa, Wa Inyamsaska Bi Khayrin Fa Huwa Alaa Kulli Shay’in Qadeer.

For the cure of toothache recite: T’wonn’y, Seen, Meem, Kaaf, Hey, Ye, Ayn, Swaad, Hay, Meem, Ayn, Seen, Kaaf, Allaahu Laa Ilaaha Illaa Huwa Rabbul Arshil Adhweem.

For the aching eyes recite: Yaa Ahli Yashraba Laa Maqaama Lakum, then blow on the eyes. Another Duaa: Ueedhu Noori Baswaree Bi Norillahl-Ladhee Laa Yutfau. And reciting Aayatul Qursee is also effective.

For any minor or majoreyes problem daily reciteSura-e-Takweer .

For good memory recite this Duaa after Sub’h Namaaz: Sub’haana Man Laa Ya’atadi Alaa Ahli Mamlakatifi, Sub’haana Man Laa Ya’akhudhu Ahlal Ardhi Bi Alwaanil Adhaabi, Sub’haanar-Raoofir-Raheem, Allaahummaj’allee Fee Qalbee Noora Wa Baswara Wa Fahman Innaka Alaa Kulli Shy’in Qadeer.

For storing the memories in brain: recite Surah-e-A’alaa. [*]

IfSurah-e-Alam-Nashrah is reicted 17 times and blown on the chest, thebrain will begin working afresh . [*]

ReciteAayat No: 66 and 67 of Surah-e-Yaaseen 70 times for curing a disease.

ReciteDuaa-e-Mashlool 11 times on the Friday-eve after Ishaa. And recite it once on Friday.

For theprotection of eyes , keep your hands on the eyes and always recite:Faja’alnaahu Sameean Basweera.

For Forgetfulness: recite Surah-e-Alam Nashrah. And daily after Sub’h recite this Duaa: Sub’haana Man Laa Ya’atadee Ahli Mamlekatih… (comp. Duaa written hereabove in No:21)

ForHeart problems : WriteSurah-e-Dahr with saffron on a clean paper then wash it with water and drink that water.

For palpitation: recite Surah-Hashr.

To cure weakness: recite Surah-e-Ar-Rahmaan and Surah-e-Qiyaamah.

Duaa-e-Durood-e-Toosi is also very effective in illness.

  For headache; recite Surah-e-Taqaasur.

For earache: recite Aoodhubillaahil-Ladhee Sakana Lahoo Maa fis-Samaawaati Wa Maa Fil Ardhi Wahuwas-Sameeul Aleem.

To stop bleeding from any part of the body recite: Bismil-Laahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem, Maa Qatwa’atum minleenatin Aw Taraktumooha Qaaematan Alaa Uswooliha Fa Bi Idhnillaahi Wa Liyujziyal Faasiqeen.

For curing boils always recite this 7 times: Laa Ilaaha Illallahul Haleemul Kareem.

To cure shivering fever always recite this Duaa-e-Noorin the morning and evening : “Bismillaahin-Noor, Bismillaahi Noorin-Noor, Bismillaahi Noorun Alaa Noor, Bismillahil-Ladhee Khalaqan-Noor, Minan-Noor, Wa Anzalan-Noor, Alaat-Toor, Fee Kitaabim-Mastoor, Fee Raqqim-Manshoor, Wal Baytil Ma’moor, Was-Saqfil Marfoo’a, Bi Qadarim-Maqdoor, Alaa Nabiyyin Mahboor. Alhamdulillaahil-Ladhee Huwa Bil Izzi Madhkoor, Wa Bil Fakhri Mash’hoor, Wa Alaas-Sarra’i Wadh-Dharra’i Mashkoor, Wa Swallallaahu Alaa Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa Aalihit-Twayyibeenat-Twaahireen.”

To protect oneself from cholera always recite: Lee Khamsatun Utfee Bihim Harral Wabaail Haatwimah Al Mustwafa Wal Murtudha Wabnaa Humaa Wal Faatwimah.

To protect oneself from the disease and sicknesses Imaam Ali (A.S.) stated to recite this Duaa: Allaahu Qadeemun Azaliyyun Yuzeelul Ilal, Wahuwa Qaaimun Azaliyyun Bil Azaliyyati Lam Yazal Walaa Yuzaali, Bi Rahmatika Yaa Arhamar-Raahimeen, Wa Swallallaahu Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalihit-Twayyibeenat-Twaahireen.

Imaam Ja’far Sadiq (A.S.) said if someone is sick,stand under the open sky, raise your hands and recite this Duaa:  “Allaahumma Innaka Ayyarta Aqwaaman Fee Kitaabik Faqulta Qulid’ool-Ladheena Za’Amtum Min Doonihee Falaa Yamlikoona Kashfadh-Dhurri Ankum Walaa Tahweelan Fa Yaa Man Laa Ymliku Kashfa Dhurri Walaa Tahweelahoo Annee Ahadun Ghayruhoo Swallee Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalihee Wakshif Dhurree Wa Hawwilhu Ilaa Man Yad’oo Ma’aka Ilaahan Aakhara Fa Innee Ash’hadu An Laa Ilaaha Ghayruka.”

  It is narrated that to cure a disease recite this Duaa with pure intention whilerubbing your hand on the place of disease : “Wa Nunazzilu Minal Qur’aani Maa Huwa Shifaaun Wa Rahmatun Lil Mu’mineen, Walaa Yazeedudh-Dhwaalimeena Illaa Khasaara.”

Ameerul Mu’mineen (A.S.) said thatkeep your hand on the place of pain and recite this Duaa 3 times: “Allaahu Allaahu Allaahu Rabbee Haqqan Laa Ushriku Bihee Shay’an Allaahumma Anta Lahaa Walikulli Adhweematin Fa Farrijhaa Annee.”

It is narrated that if a child is sick its mother should go on the terrace of the house, there under the open sky she should perform Sajda with bare-head and recite this Duaa in Sajdah: “Allaahumma Rabbee Anta A’atwaytaneehi Wa Anta Habtahu Lee Allaahumma Faj’al Hibatikal Yawma Jadeedatan Innaka Qaadirun Muqtadiroon.” She should continue this Amal till her child recovers.

The sick person should recite this Duaa with sincerety: “Wa Nunazzilu Minal Qr’aani Maa Huwa Shifaaun Wa Rahmatun Lil Mu’mineen.”

For any sickness recite this Duaa for its cure: “Yaa Munzilash-Shifaai Wa Mudh’hibad-Daai Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalihee Wa Anzil Alaa Waj’ish-Shifaa’.”

For the pain in chest recite: “Wa Idh’ Qataltum Nafsan Faddaa Ra’atum Feeha Wallaahu Mukhrijum Maa Kuntum Taktumoon Fa Qul Nadhriboohu Bi Ba’adhihaa Kadhaalika Yuhyillaahul Mawta Wa Yureekum Aayaatihee La’allakum Ta’aqiloon .”

If there isswelling on any part of the body recite the following verses of the Holy Qur’anwhenever you do Wudhoo for Wajib Namaaz, before and after Namaaz: “Law Anzalnaa Haadhal Qur’ana Alaa Jabalinl Lara’aytaho Khaashian Mutaswaddian Min Khashyatil-Llaah, Wa Tilkal Amsaalu Nadhribuhaa Linnaasi La’allahum Yatafakkaroon. Huwal-Laahul-Ladhee Laa Ilaaha Illaa Huwa, Aalimul Ghaybi Wash-Shahaadah, Huwar-Rahmaanur-Raheem. Huwal-Laahul-Ladhee Laa Ilaaha Illaa Huwa, Almalikul Quddoosus-Salaamul Mu’minul Muhahminul Azeezul Jabbaarul Mutakabbiru, Sub’haanallaahi Ammaa Yushrikoon. Huwal-Laahul Khaaliqul Baariul Muswawwiru Lahul Asmaa’ul Husnaa, Yusabbihu Lahoo Maa Fis-Samaawaati Wal Ardhi, Wahuwal Azeezul Hakeem.”

For the cure of irritation or itching skin, recite: “Bismil-Lahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem, Wa Masalu Kalimatin Khabeethatin Kashajaratin Khabeethatin Nijtus-Sat Min Fawqil Ardhi Maa Lahaa Min Aakharin Minha Khalaqnaakum Wa Feeha Nu’eedukum Wa Minha Nukhrijukum Taaratan Ukhraa, Allaahu Akbaru Wa Anta Laa Tukabbaru Allaahu Yabqaa Wa Anta Laa Tabqaa Wallaahu Alaa Kulli Shay’in Qadeer.”

  For the pain in knees: Recite thisAayat no: 1 upto 7 of Surah-e- Fat’ha after Waajib Namaaz, keeping your hand on the knee. Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Innaa Fatahnaa Laka Fat’ham-Mubeenan Liyaghfira Lakallaahu Maa Taqaddama Min Dhanmbika Wamaa Ta’akh-khara Wa Yutimma Ni’amatahu Alayka Wa Yahdiyaka Sweeraatam-Mustaqeeman-Wa Yansurakallaahu Naswran Azeeza. Huwal-Ladhee Anzalas-Sakeenata Fee Quloobil Mu’mineena Liyazdaadu Eemaanam-Ma’a Eemaanihim Walillaahi Junoodus-Samaawaati Wal Ardhi Wa Kaanallaahu Aleeman Hakeeman-Li Yudkhilal Mu’mineena Wal Mu’minaati Jannaatin Tajree Min Tahtihal Anhaaru Khaalideena Feeha Wa yukaffira Anhum Sayyi’aatihim Wa Kaana Dhaalika Indallaahi Fawzan Adhweeman-Wa Yu Adh-dhibal Minaafiqeena Wal Munaafiqaati Wal Mushrikeena Wal Mushrikaatidh-Dhwaanneena Billaahi Dhwannas-Saw’I Alayhim Daa’iratus-Saw’i, Wa Ghadhiballaahu Alayhim Wa La’anahum Wa A’adda Lahum Jahannam Wa Saa’at Masweera. Walillaahi Junoodus-Samaawaati Wal Ardhi Wa Kaanallaahu Azeezan Hakeema.

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) said to recite the following Duaa to keep away the Satan, and be protected from magicians: “Inna Rabbakumullahul-Ladhee Khalqas-Samaawaati Wal Ardha Fee Sittati Ayyaamin SummasTawaa Alal Arshi Yughshil-Laylan-Nahaar Yatlubuhoo Haseesan Wash-Shamsa Wal Qamara Wannujooma Musakh-Kharaatin Bi Amrihi Alaa Lahul Khalqu Wal Amru Tabaarakallaahu Rabbul Aalameen.”

  To protect oneself from an evil eye (Najar) recite: “Wa In Yakaadul Ladheena Kafaroo Layuzliqoonaka Bi Abswaarihim Lammaa Samee’udh-Dhikra Wa Yaqooloona Innahoo Wa Majnoona Wamaa Huwa Illaa Dhikrul-Lil Aalameen.”

Once a pale-faced person came to Imaam Ameerul Mu’mineen (A.S.) and complained about hisconstant sickness and disease and asked for the remedy. The Imaam said that he was showing him a Duaa which was brought by Jibraeel (A.S.) to Rasoolullaah (S.A.W.W.) when Imaam Hasan (A.S.) and Imaam Hussain (A.S.) were sick. This is the Duaa:“Ilaahee Kullamaa An’Amta Alayya Ni’amatan Qalla Laka Indahaa Shukree, Wa Kulla Mamtalaytanee Bi Baliyyatin Qalla Laka Indahaa Swabree, Fa Yaa Man Qalla Shukree Inda Niamihee Falam Yahrimnee, Wa Yaa Man Qalla Swabree Inda Balaa’ihee Falam Yakhdhulnee, Wa Yaa Man Ra’aanee Alal Ma’aaswee Falam Yaf’dhwahnee, Wa Yaa Man Ra’aanee Alal Khatwaaya Falam Yuaaqibnee Alayhaa, Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad Waghfirlee Dhanbee Washfinee Min Maradhwee, Innaka Alaa Kulli Shay’in Qadeer.”

To cure head-ache and ear-ache recite this Duaa placing your hand over the head or ear: “Aoodhu Billaahil- Ladhee Sakana Lahoo Maa Fil Barri Wal Bahri Wa Maa Fis-Samaawaati Wal Ardhi Wahuwas-Sameeul Aleem.”

Another Duaa for headache - take a glass of water and recite the following Duaa over it and then drink that water: “Awalam Yaral-Ladheena Kafaroo Annas-Samaawaati Wal Ardhi Kaanataa Ratqan Fafataqnaa Humaa Wa Ja’alnaa Minal Maa’i Kulla Shay’in Hayyin Afalaa Yu’minoon.”

This Duaa was given to Imaam Ameerul Mu’mineen (A.S.) by Rasoolullaah (S.A.W.W.) for curing Fever: “Allaahummar’ham Jildiyar-Raqeeq Wa Adhmiyad-Daqeeq Wa Aoodhoo Bika Min Fawratil Hareeq, Yaa Umma Mildamin In Kunti Aamanti Billaahi Falaa Ta’akulil-Lahma Walaa Tashrabid-Dama Walaa Tafoori Minal Fami Wantiqali Ilaa Man Yaz’amu Anna Ma’allaahi Ilaahan Aakhar Fa Innee Ash’hadu An Laa Ilaaha IllallaahuWahdahoo Laa Shareka Lahoo Wa Ash’hadu Anna Muhammadan Abduhoo Wa Rasooluh.”

For curing theFever one shouldunbutton the shirt and put his head inside , then therein reciteAdhaan and Iqaamah once and 7 timesS. Al-Hamd .

To remain safe from disease recite: “Bismillaahi Wa Billaahi Kam-Min Ni’amatin Lillaahi Fee Irqin Saakinin Wa Ghayri Saakinin Alaa Abdin Shaakirin Wa Ghayri Shaakirin.”Hold the beard with right hand and recite: “Allaahumma Farrij Annee Kurbatee Wa Ajjil Aafiyaee akshif Dhurree.”

When Imaam Ali (A.S.) was sick and the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) went to see him he asked him to recite this Duaa:“Allaahumma Innee As’aluka Ta’ajeela Aafiyatika Wa Swabran Alaa Baliyyatik Wa Khuroojan Ilaa Rahmatik.”

Put your hand on thepaining part and recite 3 times: “Allaahumma Innee As’aluka BiHaqqil Qur’aanil Adhweemil-Ladhee Nazala Bihir-Roohul Ameenu Wahuwa Indak Fee Ummil Kitaabi Aliyyun Hakeemun An Tashfiyanee Bi Shifaa’ika Wa Tudaawiyanee Bi Dawaaika Wa Tu’aafiyanee Min Balaaika.”

Imaam Ali Radhaa (A.S.) has shown this Taaweez forevery type of illness :  Ueedhu Nafsee Bi Rabbil Ardhi Wa Rabbis-Samaai, Ueedhu Nafsee Bil-Ladhee Laa Yadhurru Ma’asmihee Daa’un, Ueedhu Nafsee Billaahil-Ladhi-smuhu Barakatun Wa Shifaaun.


It is very beneficial to recite this Duaa at various instancesfor the forgivness of our sins, specificaly this helpsat the last moments of life when it is a critical moment of the departure of soul to the next world:  Yaa Man ‘ Yaqbalul Yaseer, Wa Ya’afoo Anil Katheer, Iqbal Minnil Yaseer, Wa’afoo Anneel Katheer, Innaka Antal Ghafforur-Raheem.

As the last moments of life are very critical and Shaytaan comes to destroy our Eemaan it is of utmost importance that one should alwayspreserve in mind all the five Usool-e-Deen and beseech Allaah (S.W.T.) that on his last moments he should be firm on them. Ask Allaah by the following Duaa that this is your trust and that he return it to you at the time of death:Allaahumma Yaa Arhamar-Raahimeen, Innee Qad Awada’atuka Yaqeenee Haadhaa Wa Thabaata Deenee Wa Anta Mustwdioo Waqad Amartanaa Bi Hifdhil Wadaai’a, Fa Ruddahoo Alayya Waqta Hudhooree Mawtee.    
[It is necessary that we understandin detail the meanings of Tawheed, Adal, Nubuwwat, Imaamat, and Qayaamat. The apparent meaning for mere memorizing shall not avail us of any good.]

For experiencing ease when the time to depart from this world comes one should always practice atleast these two things: (a) be obedient to parents, and (b) do Seela-e-Raham, i.e. to be lenient, kind, forgiving and generous to relatives.

Always reciteSurah-e-Zilzaal in Sunnat Namaaz. [*]

To depart with Eemaan one should (a) reciteSurah-e-Mu’minoon on Fridays, (b) reciteDuaa-e-Tamjeed of Saheefa-e-Kaamila Duaa no:11.

For being safe fromFishaar-e-Kabr ; On the eve of1st Rajab pray 20 rak’at Namaaz as usual of 2 rak’at each, and after Al-Hamd recite S.Ikhlaas once. And on the day of1st Rajab recite 10 rak’at Namaaz in each rak’at after Al-Hamd recite S.Ikhlaas 3 times.

On the eve of7th Rajab : Pray 4 rak’at Namaaz, in each rak’at after Al-Hamd recite 3 times Surah-e-Tawheed and once Maoodhatain (S.Falak and S.Naas), after Namaaz recite Salawaat and 10 times Tasbihaat-e-Arba’aa. The benefit of this A’mal is that you will get the Sawaab of those who have fasted, Sakaraat will be easy, Fishaar in the grave will be removed, and you will be happy on the Day of Judgement.

On the eve of22nd Rajab : Pray 8 rak’at Namaaz, in each rak’at after Al-Hamd recite 7 times Surah-e-Tawheed, after Namaaz recite 10 times Salawaat and 10 times Istighfaar.

Observe fasting for 4 days on any day in the month ofRajab and 12 days in the month ofSha’baan.

InSha’baan , at any time pray 4 rak’at Namaaz, in each rak’at after Al-Hamd recite 50 times Surah-e-Tawheed.

Anyone reciting 100 timesLaa Ilaaha Illallaahul Malikul Haqqul Mubeen daily, will be free from the fear and dreadfulness in the grave.

To be safe from Fishaar-e-Kabr one should reciteSurah-e-Nisaa and S.Zukhruf on Fridays; should also recite S.Qalam in Sunnat Namaaz, and should recite S.Mulk and S.Taqaasur at the time of going to sleep.

On the eve ofFriday (Jumma Raat) pray 2 rak’at Namaaaz in each rak’at after Al-Hamd reciteSurah-e-Zilzaal 15 times. [*]

In the Qunoot of Namaaz recite: Rabbanaa Laa Tuzigh Quloobana Ba’ada Idh Hadaytanaa Wa Hablanaa Min Ladunka Rahmatan, Innaka Antal Wahhaab. And / Or another Duaa: Yaa Allaahu Yaa Rahmaanu Yaa Raheem Yaa Muqallibal Quloob Sabbit Qalbee Alaa Deenik. And / Or: Rabbanaa Afrigh Alaynaa Swabran Wa Tawaffanaa Muslimeen. And/Or: Tawaffanee Musliman Wa Alhiqnee Bis-Swaaliheen. And/ Or: Rabbanagh Firlanaa Dhunoobana Wa Israafinaa Fee Amrinaa Wa Thabbit Aqdaamanaa Wansurnaa Alal Qawmil Kaafireen.

If one always recitesSurah-e-Al-Haaqqah hisImaan will be safe for ever .

Duaa-e-Adeelah is such a Duaa that if Shaytaan tries all his technics to destroy theImaan but he will fail. So it is essential that we should often recite this Duaa. (refer Majmooa).

PrayingNamaaz-e-Shab regularly saves one from thesqeeze of grave and grant immunity from the Hell-fire. [*]

To remain in the state of Najaasat after urinating, creating mischief amongst people, back- biting, and Qat-e-Raham are thecauses of sqeezing in the grave , so these should be avoided from the very root cause.

The first night in the grave is the most dreadful time for the deseased. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) said to giveSadaqa for the safety of the dead person, and if you do not have anything for Sadaqa pray2 rak’at Namaaz in which recite S.Tawheed two times after S.Al-Hamd in the 1st rak’at and recite 10 times S.Takaasur in the 2nd rak’at after A.Al-Hamd. After finishing praying this Namaaz recie‘Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad, Wab’ath Thawaabahaa Ilaa Qabri Dhaalikal Mayyit ( Fulaan bin Fulaan). Allaah will immediately send 1000 Angels to the grave of that dead person with attires of Paradise, and will expand his grave till Qayaamat, and for the person who has recited this Namaaz for the deseased, Allaah will offer him great rewards and exalt his position fourty times.

Another Namaaz for the dead person (also calledNamaaz-e-Wahshat ) is to be performed on the first night of burial thus:Two rak’at Namaaz, after Al-Hamd, in 1st rak’at recite Aayatul Qursee and in the 2nd rak’at after Al-Hamd recite ten times S. Qadr. After Namaaz recite:‘Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad Wab’ath Thawaabahaa Ilaa Qabri … (here say the name of Marhoom).

At the time of death Shaytaan approaches and tries to spoil the faith of the believer. Therefore one who wishes to remain safe from the mischief of Shataan should preserve five proofs regarding fundamental principles of faith, i.e. Usool-e-Deen in his mind and present it to Allaah’s custody so that at the time of death these may be handy at that critical time. And this Duaa should be recited:‘ Allaahumma Yaa Arhamar-Raahimeen Innee Qad Awda’atuka Yaqeenee Haadhaa Wa Thabaata Deenee Wa Anta Mustawdi’a Wa Qad Amartanaa Bi Hifdhil Wadaai’a Faruddahoo Alayya Waqta Hudhoori Mawtee.’

Reciting S. Yaaseen, S. Swaaffaat and the following Duaa helps in the tribulation during death: ‘ Laa Ilaaha Illallaahul Haleemu Kareem Laa Ilaaha Illallaahul Aliyyul Adhweem, Sub’haanallaahi Rabbis-Samaawaatis-Sab’i, Wa Rabbil Aradhweenas-Sab’i Wamaa Fee Hinna Wamaa Bayna Hunna Wamaa Fawqa Hunna Wamaa Tahta Hunna Wa Huwa Rabbul Arshil Adhweem Wal Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil Aalameen.’

Reciting this Duaa also is very beneficial at the time of death: ‘Yaa Man’Yaqbalul Yaseer Wa Ya’afu Anil Katheer Iqbal Minnil Yaseer Wa’afu Annil Katheer, Innaka Antal Ghafoorur-Raheem.’


Imaam Jaa’far Saadiq (A.S.) said that there should be only three purposes for making a journey, they are: (a) for gaining Sawaab in Aakherat, (b) for prosperity in this life, & (c) merely to have relaxation, sight-seeing, or lawful pleasure in traveling. Go on travel so that you gain good health; do Jihaad so that you get blessings in both worlds; and go for Hajj so as to become rich and self-dependant. Traveling is a sort of trouble so as soon as your job is accomplished return soon to your home. Travel on Tuesdays to accomplish your hard tasks, because it is a day when Allaah (S.W.T.) softened the iron for Nabii Daawood (A.S.) The one who travels on Saturday shall return to his home because even if a stone moves away from its place in a mountain it will return again to it. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) preferred to travel on Thursday because he said it was the day liked by Allaah, The Prophet, and Angels.

Our 5th and 6th Imaam (A.S.) said that it is Makrooh (abominable, detestable) to travel by sea going for trading purpose. Imaam Ali (A.S.) said that the one who travels by sea on business trip has not tried to generate his earnings by more superior ways.

It is not good to travel onNahas Days but if need arises one can travel on those days after givingSadaqa and praying to Allaah for safety.

It is disliked to travel on3 rd, 4 th, 21 st, and 25 th of lunar months, so if possible try to avoid traveling on these days.

Even though it is allowed to travel on any day of the week butSaturdays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are considered good for travelling.

If travelling is for the purpose of lawful business transactions thenTuesday is the best day to undertake the journey.

If you are all alone on safari recite this Duaa: Maashaa-Allaah Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaah, Allaahummaa Aanis Wahshatee, Wa Ainnee Alaa Wahdatee Wa Addee Ghaybatee.

At the commencement of journey and all along the safari this Duaa should be recited every now and then: Bismillaahi Aamantu Billaahi, Watawaqqaltu Alallaahi, Maashaa-Allaah Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaah.

While boarding the vehicle of travel recite: Bismillaahi Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahi Al-Hamdulillaahil-Ladhee Sakh-Khara lanaa Haadhaa Wamaa Kunnaa Lahoo Mukrineen, Wa Innaa Ilaa Rabbina La-mun-qaliboon.

When entering a town or a city to which you are not familiar to, recite: Allaahumma Innee As’aluka Khyrahaa, Wa A’oodhoo Bika Min Sharrihaa, Allaahumma Habbib Lanaa Ahlihaa Wa Habbib Swaalihi Ahlihaa Ilayna.

  While embarking from the vehicle of travel recite: Rabbi Anzilnee Manzilan Mubaarakan Wa Anta Khayrul Munzileen.

While you are on journey away from home recite this Duaa every night before going to sleep: ReciteAayatul Qursee , then recite-Allaahummaj’al Masweeree Ibaran Wa Sumtee Tafakkuran Wa Kalaamee Dhikraa.

While starting the journey recite 11 timesSurah-e-Ikhlaas, Tasbeeh of Bibi Faatima (S.A.) andAl-Waheedu as many times as possible.

Before starting traveling, first pray2 rak’at Namaaz and recite this Duaa: Allaahumma Astawdi’uka Nafsee Wa Ahlee Wa Maalee Wa Deenee Wa Dunyaayi Wa Aakhiratee Wa Khawaateema Amalee.

Reciting SurahAn-Nabaa in the journey brings safety and success.

One who is going on safari and wishes to return safely to his family should recite the following Duaa when he is to come out of his house for the journey:  Bismillaahi Makhrajee Wa Bi Idh-nihi Kharajtu Wa Qad Alima An Akhruja Khurooji Wa Qad Ahswaa Ilmuhu Maa Fi Makhraji Wa Marji’ee Tawaqqaltu Alal Ilaahill Akbari, Tawaqqula Mufawwidhwan Alayhi Amruhu Wa Musta’eenin Bihi Alaa Shu’oonihi Mustazeedin Min Fadhlihi Mubri’in Nafsahu Min Kulli Hawlin Wa Min Kulli Quwwatin Bihi Khurooja Dhwareerin Kharaja Bi Dhurrihi Alaa Man Yakshifuhu, Wa Khurooja Faqeerin Kharaja Bi Faqrihi, Ilaa Man Yasudduhu, Wa Khurooja Aailin Kharaja Bi Eelatihi, Ilaa Man Yughneeha, Wa Khurooja Man Rabbuhu Akbaru Thikatihi, Wa A’adhwamu Rajaaihi Wa Afdhalu Umniyyatihi, Allaahu Thiqatee Fi Jamee’i Umooree Kulliha Bihee Feehaa Jamee’an Asta’eenu Walaa Shay Illaa MaashaaAllaahu Fi Ilmihi As’alullaaha Khayral Makhraji Wal Madkhali, Laa Ilaaha Illaa Huwa Ilayhil Masweeru.           

It is recommended that when one returns from a journey he should bring somegifts for his family members, and arrange for afeast/ banquet / ceremonial dinner for his brothers-in-faith.

It is reported from Rasoolullaah (S.A.W.W.) that when a person sits on his means of riding and says‘Bismillaah’ then an Angel also accompanies him and protects him, but if he does not say so a Shaytaan accompanies him and makes him go astray.

While riding recite this Duaa forprotection :  Bismillaahi Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahil-Ladhee Hadaana Lihaadha Wamaa Kinnaa Li Nahtadiya Lawlaa An Hadaanallaahu, Sub’haanal-Ladhee Sakh-khara Lanaa Haadhaa Wamaa Kunnaa Lahoo Mukrimeen.

Another Duaa (forforgiveness ) while riding ;  ReciteAayatul Kursee, then: Astaghfirullaahal-Ladhee Laa Ilaaha Illaa Huwal Hayyul Qayyoom Wa Atoobu Ilayhi, Allaahummagh-Firlee Dhunoobee Fa Innahoo Laa Yaghfirudh-Dhunooba Illaa Anta.

When the riding vehicle stumbles or goes wrong recite:  Allaahumma Innee Aoodhu Bika Min Zawaali Ni’amatika Wa Min Tahweeli Aafiyatik, Wa Min Fujaati Ni’amatika.

When the riding vehicle abruptly stops going forth recite:  Awalam Yaraw Annaa Khalaqnaa Lahum Mimmaa Amilat Aydeena In’aaman Fahum Lahaa Maalikoon, Wa Dhallalnaahaa Lahum Faminha Rakoobuhum Waminha Ya’akuloon.

FRIDAY-NIGHT & DAY (Jumme-Raat and Jumuah)

Friday-night, i.e. the night preceding the day of Friday is a very blessed, holy, sacred, and meritorious night, as well is for the day of Friday. Angels ascend from heavens onto the earth to record the deeds of people as these revered days and nights possess special merits. Good deeds and Salawaat are rewarded manifold. There are some A’amaal to be performed on these events, some of them are stated here below:

ReciteSlawaat abundantly starting from the Asr of Thursay till at night on Friday. Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said that reciting Salawaat gets the Sawaab of 1000 merits (nekee) and 1000 sins are pardoned. Special Salawaat for these times is:“Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad Wa Ajjil Farajahum Wa Ahlik Aduwwihim Minal Jinni Wal Insi Minal Awwaleen Wal Aakhareen.”

Do as muchIstighfaar as possible. Recite Tasbeeh for Tawba, recite Namaaz for Tawba, recite Duaas for Tawba, etc. PrayNamaaz-e-Ameerul Mu’mineen for requesting Allaah (S.W.T.) to forgive our sins, (this is beneficial for Fishaare Kabr and dreadfulness of Qayaamat) its method is this: Pray 2 rak’at Namaaz, in each rak’at after Al-Hamd recite 15 times Surah-e-Zilzaal.

On these auspicious occasions we should not forget our existing and deseased parents, relatives, Muallims, Scholars, Ulamaa, Neighbours, and all Mu’mineen and Mu’minaat, pray for their well-being and in return the Angels will pray for you.

Recite Holy Qur’an. Atleast these Holy Surahs should be recited, each has its own separate advantage for us: Surah-e-Waaqiah, S.Rahmaan, S.Dukhaan, S.Swaad, S.Ahqaaf, S.Sajdah, 3 S.Tawaaseen, S. Yaaseen, S.Jumuah, S.Kahaf, S.Banee Israaeel.

Send gifts to our Marhoomeen in the form of Namaaz-e-Hadiya, Qur’an, Duaas, Sadaqah, Khayraat, Radde Madhaalim.

It is stated that when one goes to the grave of a Marhoom and places the hand on it and recitesS.Al-Hamd and 11 times S.Ikhlaas or 7 times S.Qadr or S.Waaqiah or S.Mulk then if atall there is a punishment being meted out to the diseased it abruptly stops and the Marhoom gets excellent rewards.

For any Haajat one should reciteDuaa-e-Mashlool .

On Friday if one recites 10 timesS. Kaafiroon before sunrise and requests Allah for his needs they shall be fulfilled. [*]

It s highly emphasized to makeGhusl on Friday .

Recite atleast these Surahs of the Holy Qur’an: S. Yaaseen, S. Rahmaan, S. Ahqaaf, S. Kahaf, S. Mu’minoon, S. Was-Swaaffaat, S. Nisaa, S. A’araaf, S. Hood.

For Haajat to be granted: Pray Namaaz-e-Ja’afar-e-Tayyaar.[*]

For the safety of Imaam-e-Zamaana recite Duaas, and give Sadaqah on Imaam’s behalf.

For Rizq-e-Akbar (bumper harvest) recite 70 times this Duaa before noon: “Yaa Mufeedu Yaa Ghafooru Yaa Wadood Aghninee Bi Halaalik An Haraamik Wa Bi Twaa’atik An Ma’aswiyatik Wa Bi Fadhlik Amman Siwaak Bi Rahmatik Yaa Arhamar-Raahimeen.”

For the repayment of debts recite this Duaa: Allaahummakfinee Bi Halaalika An Haraamika Wa Aghninee Bi Fadhlika Amman Siwaak Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoom.

After Asr reciteDuaa-e-Asharaat. ( ref. M.Jinaan)

Before sunset reciteDuaa-e-Samaat. (ref. M.Jinaan)

To see one’s place in Jannat: Praytwo rak’at Namaaz after Asr prayers, in which after Al-Hamd recite Aayatul Kursee and 25 times S. Al-Falak, in the second rak’at recite after Al-Hamd recite S.Ikhlaas and 25 times S.An-Naas. After Namaaz recite 25 times- Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwat Illaa Billaahil Aliyyil Adhweem.

On the Friday one should put on clean and good cloths, trim moustaches and nails, wear good perfume, and make the family members feel happy and pleased.It is narrated that any charity given on a Friday or its night have onethoushand Sawaab more then that of other days.

There are various magnificientZiyaaraat and Namaz specifically for every Holy Ma’soom, which should be prayed on Fridays.

Important Note:

For more details on the A’amaal of Friday night and Fridays please refer toMafaatihul Jinaan .