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This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought


It is highly emphasized to do Wudhoo ( i.e. Wazu ) before going to sleep because it carries much Sawaab. A person sleeping on a Taahir (paak or clean) bedding in the state of having performed Wudhoo gets the reward of having done worship for the whole night. Moreover, before falling asleep it is essentially recommended to take account of all our deeds of the past day so as to rewind our tape of memory of good and bad deeds we have committed, thus, eventually realizing our position on the scale of morality, and if the scale of bad deeds is heavier then good deeds we should attempt to reverse the scale in the next coming day.

It is wisely said that take your reckoning yourself before you are taken to be reckoned, or, do your Hisaab yourself before your Hisaab is done, i.e. done by dreadful angels.

Sleep is said to be a sister of death. So when one goes to sleep he/she should realize that there is however no any surety of getting up again, therefore it is very important that when we sleep we must possess a clean heart filled with pure faith. Perhaps we may not get a chance to rectify the past wrongs. So first of all one should revive his or her faith, i.e. confirm from the bottom of the heart all that is necessary for a believer. Then do Istighfaar and recite the recommended Duaas.

It should be remembered that it is Makrooh to keep awake after Ishaa for merely chatting and wasting time in vain talks. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) said that except for three things it is not good to keep awake at night, they are: (1) for Namaaz-e-Shab, (2) for reciting Holy Qur’aan or for education, and (3) for that bride who came to her husband’s house on the first night. It is also Makrroh to sleep (a) upto sun-rise, (b) in-between Maghrib and Ishaa, and (c) after the time of Asr.

And it is recommendable to have a short nap just before Zohr (in summer), and siesta after Namaaz-e-Zohr and Asr. A person complained to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) of the loss of memory, he was advised to have a small amount of sleep in the afternoon, he acted likewise and was cured of his complaint.

It is Sunnat while going to sleep to lie down on the right side and put the hand under the cheek. It is Makrooh to lie down on the left side.

There are some very good Duaas to be recited at the time of going to bed. They are as follows:

Recite 3 times Surah-e-Ikhlaas and Surah-e-Takaasoor.

Reciting this Dauaa earns Sawaab of 1000 rak’at Namaaz: “Yaf’alullaahu Maa Yashaau Bi Qudratihee, Wa Yahkumu Maa Yureedu Bi Izzatihee.”

ReciteSalawaat on all Prophets,Tasbihaat-e-Arba’aa , andIstighfaar for all Mu’mineen wal Mu’minaat.

Recite“Al-Qayyoomu” (The Everlasting) 156 times to have a sound sleep.

Recite 100 times“Al-Baaisu” for the increase in wisdom, or 573 times the same for increase in intellectual power.

Recite Tasbeeh of Bibi Faatima Zehra (S.A.)

ReciteSurah-e-Hashr and S.Az-Zaariyaat (this increases sustenance).

Recite this Duaa: “Aoodhu Bikalimaatillaahit Ttammaatil Latee Laa Yujaavizuhunna Barrun Walaa Faajirun Min Sharri Maa Zara’a Wa Min Sharri Maa Bara’a Wa Min Sharri Kulli Daabbatin Huwa Aakhidhun Bi Naasiyatihaa Inna Rabbee Alaa Swiraatum Mustaqeem.”

To remain safe fromEhtelaam (omission of semen) recite: “Allaahumma Aoodhu Bika Minal Ihtillaami Wa Min Soo’il Ihlaami Wa Min An Yatalaa Abaa Bi Yash-Shaytaanu Fil Yaqdhati Wal Manaam.”

Recite Aayatul Qursee, Aamanar-Rasool, and then this Duaa: “Al-Hamdulillaahil-Ladhee Faqahar, Wal Hamdulillaahil Ladhee Batwana Fakhabar, Wal Hamdu Lillaahil Ladhee Malaka Fa Qadar, Wal Hamdu Lillahil Ladhee Yuhyil Mawta Wa Yummeetul Ahyaa’a Wahuwa Alaa Kulli Shay’in Qadeer.”

Recite: “Bismillaahi Aamantu Billaahi Wa Kafartu Bittwaaghooti, Allaahumahfadhnee Fee Manaamee Wa Fee Yaqdhatee.”

Recite: “Aoodhu Bi Izzatillaahi Wa Aoodhu Bi Qudratillaahi Wa Aoodhu Bi Jalaaillaahi Wa Aoodhu Bi Sultwaanillaahi Wa Aoodhu Bi Jamaalillaahi Wa Aoodhu Bi Daf’illaahi Wa Aoodhu Bi Man’illaahi Wa Aoodhu Bi Jam’illaahi Wa Aoodhu Bi Mulkillaahi Wa Aoodhu Bi Wajhillaahi Wa Aoodhu Bi Rasoolillaahi (S.A.W.W.) Min Sharri Maa Khalaqa Wa Bara’a Wa Dhara’a.”

To wake up at desired time recite:“Allaahumma Laa Tu’minnee Makraka Walaa Tunsinaa Dhikraka Walaa Taj’alnee Minal Ghaafileena Aqoomu Saa’ata…” (here you determine the time)

When you fear you would not be able to wake up at a desired time then recite this Duaa: “Qul Innamaa Basharun Mislokum Yoohaa Elayya Annamaa Elaahokum Elaahin Waahid, Famankaana Yarjoo Liqaa’a Rabbihee Falya’amal Swaalihan Walaa Yushrik Bee Ibaadatee Rabbihee Ahadaa.

To have a sound, peaceful and fearless sleep recite: “Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Wahdhu Laa Shareeka Lahoo Yuhyee Wa Yumeetu Wa Yumeetu Wa Yuhyee, Wahuwa Hayyun Laa Yamoot.

Duaa: “Allaahumma Innaka Faradhta Alayya Twaa’atan Aliyyibni Abee Twaalibin, Wal Hasani Wal Husayn Wa Aliyyibnil Husayn, Wa Muhammadibni Aliyyin, Wa Ja’faribi Muhammad, Wa Moosabni Ja’far, Wa Aliyyibni Moosa, Wa Muhammadibni Aliyyin, Wa Aliyyibni Muhammad, Wall Hasanibni Aliyyin, Wal Hujjatul Qaaimi Swalawaatullahi Alayhim Ajma’een.

Duaa: “Sub’haanallaahi Heena Tumsoona Wa Heena Tusbihoon,, Walahul Hamdu Fis-Samaawaati Wal Ardh, Wa Ashiyyan Wa Heena Tudh’hiroon.

Duaa: “U’eedhu Nafsee Wa Dhurriyyatee Wa Ahlibaytee Wa Maalee Bi Kalimaatillaahit-Tammaati Min Kulli Shaytwaanin Wa Haammatin Min Kulli Aynin Laammatin.

For protection recite: “Bismil-Laahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Innahum Yakeedoona Kaydan Wa Akeedu Kayda, Fa Mahhilil Kaafireena Amhilhum Ruwayda.

Duaa when one awakes from sleep: “Sub’haanallaahi Rabbin-Nabiyyeen, Wa Ilaahil Mursaleen, Wa Rabbil Mustadh’afeen, Wal Hamdu Lillaahilladhee Yuhyil Mawta Wa Huwa Alaa Kulli Shay’in Qadeer.

When getting out of bed recite: “Hasbiyar-Rabbu Minal Ibaadi, Hasbiyalladhee Huwa Hasbee, Hasbee Mudh Kuntu Hasbee, Hasbiyallaahu Wa Ni’amal Wakeel.

Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said that anyone who recites thisDuaa 3 times while going to sleep will be cleansed of sins as if a new-born one:“Al-Hamdulillaahil-Ladhee Alaa Faqahar, Wal Hamdu Lillaahil-Ladhee Batwana Fa Khabar, Wal Hamdu Lillaahil-Ladhee Malaka Fa Qadar, Wal Hamdu Lillaahil-Ladhee Yuhyil Mawta Wa Yumeetul Ahyaa’a Wahuwa Alaa Kulli Shay’in Qadeer.”

The same Imaam (A.S.) said not to pass a night without reciting this Duaa: “Aoodhu Bi Izzatillaahi Wa Aooodhu Bi Qudratillaahi Wa Aoodu Bi Jalaalillaahi Wa Aoodhu Bi Sultwaanillaahi Wa Aoodhu Bi Jamaalillaahi Wa Aoodhu Bi Daf’illaahi Wa Aoodhu Bi Man’illaahi Wa Aoodhu Bi Jam’illaahi Wa Aoodhu Bi Mulkillaahi Wa Aoodhu Bi Wajhillaahi Wa Aoodhu Bi Rasoolillaahi Swallallahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Min Sharri Maa Khalaqa Wa Bara’a Wa Dhara’a.

The Imaam said that anyone who recites 100 timesSurah-e-Ikhlaas at bed-time his or her 50 years’ sins shall be forgiven.

The Imaam said that anyone who wakes up from sleep and recites the following Duaa shall be considered a grateful servent of Almighty Allaah (S.W.T.): “Sub’haanallaahi Rabbin-Nabiyyeen Wa Ilaahil Mursaleen Wa Rabbil Mustadh’afeen Wal Hamdu Lillaahil-Ladhee Yuhyil Mawta Wa Huwa Alaa Kulli Shay’in Qadeer.”

Anyone reciting the following at bed-time Allaah shall protect him or her from thieves and every evil things: Aayatul Qursee. [*]

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) said that reciting 3 timesSurah-e-Ikhlaas at bed time is similar to recite the Holy Qur’an; recitingSalawaat on Prophets (A.S.) is to make them interceed on Qayaamat; to doIstighfaar for all Mu’mineen will make them all pleased to you; and reciting‘Tasbeehaat-e-Arba’aa’ is similar to perform Hajj and Umrah.

Imaam Muhammad Baaqir (A.S.) said thatwhen you go to sleep put your right hand under your head and recite this Duaa:  Bismillaahi Innee Aslamtu Nafsee Ilayka Wa Wajjahtu Wajhiya Ilayka Wa Fawwadhtu Amri Ilayka Wa Al’ja’atu Dhwahri Ilayka Wa Tawaqqaltu Ilayka Rahabatan Minka Wa Raghbatan Ilayka Laa Manjaa Walaa Malja’a Minka Illaa Ilayka Aamantu Bi Kitaabikal-ladhee Anzalta Wa Bi Rasoolikal-Ladhee Arsalat.   Then reciteTasbeeh -e-Janaab-e-Faatima (S.A.)

It is also stated that not to miss reciting the following Duaawhen you go to bed Ueedhu Nafsee Wa Dhurriyatee Wa Ahli Baytee Wa Maalee Kalimaatillaahit-Tammaati Min Kulli Shaytwanin Wa Haammatin Wa Min Kulli Aynil-Laammati.

Imaam Radhaa (A.S.) said that anyone reciting the following Duaa shall remainsafe from being crushed under the falling house:  Innallaaha Yumsikus-Samaawaati Wal Ardha An Tazoola Wa La’in Zaalataa In Amsakahuma Min Ahadin Mimba’adihi, Innahoo Kaana Haleeman Ghafoora.  

Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said whoever recites 100 timesLaa Ilaaha Illallaah at bed-time Allaah shall make a house for him/her in Paradise, and whoever recites 100 timesIstighfaar , his/her sins shall be forgiven in such quantity as the falling leaves of a tree.

It is reported from an authentic tradition from Imaam Ali ibnul Husayn (A.S.) that whoever recites the following Duaa at bed-time hispoverty and problems will disappear, and will not be harmed by any dangerous insect :  Allaahumma Antal Awwalu Falaa Shay’in Qablaka Wa Antadh-Dhwaahiru Falaa Shay’un Fawqaka Wa Antal Baatwinu Falaa Shay’un Doonaka Wa Antal Aakhiru Falaa Shay’un Ba’adaka. Allaahumma Rabbas-Samaawaatis-Sab’I Wa Rabbal Aradheenas-Sab’I Wa Rabbat-Tawraati Wal Injeeli Waz-Zaboor Wal Qur’aanil Hakeem. Aoodhu Bika Min Sharri Kulli DaabbatinAnta Aakhizun Bi Naaswiyatihaa, Innaka Alaa Swiraatum Mustaqeem.

Imaam Jaa’far Saadiq (A.S.) said that when youdesire to fall asleep but you can’t, recite this Duaa:Sub’haanallaahi Zish-Shaani Daa’imis-Sultwaani Kulla Yawmin Huwa Fish-Shaan.

Imaam Jaa’far Saadiq (A.S.) said if you wish to be blessed withholy sight of The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) in dream perform this Amal:  After Ishaa Namaaz doSunnat Ghusl, then pray4 Rak’at Namaaz in which reciteAayatul Kursee 100 times in every rak’at, after this recite 1000 timesSalawaat , then sleep on such a bedding on which neither Halaal nor Haraam act has been done, and place your right hand under your right cheek, and recite 100 times -Sub’haanallahi Wal Hamdu Lillaahi Wa Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Wallaahu Akbar, Walaa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaah .

If you wish to be blessed with theholy sight of Imaam Ali (A.S.) then at the time of going to sleep recite this Duaa:  Allaahumma Innee As’aluka Yaa Man Laho Lutfun Khufayyun Wa Ayaadeehi Baasitwatun Laa Taqbeedhan As’aluka Bi Lutfikal Khafiyyil-Ladhee Maa Latwufat Bihee Li Abdin Illaa Kafaa An Turiyanee Mawlaaya Ameerul Mu’mineen Aliy-Yibna Abee Twaalibin Alayhissalaamu Fee Manaamee.

A person who wishes to see in dream anyone from the dead should do this:  PerformWudhoo and sleep on yourright , reciteTasbeeh-e-Bibi Faatim (S.A.) then recite this Duaa:Allaahumaa Antal Hayyul-Ladhee Laa Yooswafu Wal Eemana Ya’arifu Minhu Badaa’atil Al’ashyaau Wa Ilayka Ta’oodu Akbal Minhaa Kuntu Maljaa’a Wa Maa Adabar Minhaa Lam Yakunlahoo Maljaa’un Walaa Manjaa Minka Illaa Ilayka, Fa As’aluka Bi Laa Ilaaha Illaa Anta, Wa As’aluka Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem, Wa Bihaqqi Habbebika Muhammadin Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Sayyidin-Nabiyyeen, Wa Bihaqqi Aliyyin Khayril Waswiyyeen, Wa Bihaqqi Faatimata Sayyidatan-Nisaail Aalameen, Wa Bihaqqil Hasani Wal Husaynil-Ladheena Ajalta Humaa Sayyiday Shabaabi Ahlil Jannati Alayhi Ajmaeens-Salaamu, An Tuswalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhamma Wa In Turiyanee Mayyiti Fil Haalil-Latee Huwa Feehaa.

Imaam Jaa’far Saadiq (A.S.) saidwhen you change your sides while sleeping reciteAl-Hamdu Lillaahi Walaahu Akbar.

This is from the same Imaam (A.S.): When youget up from sleep reciteSub’haanallahi Rabbin-Nabiyyeen Wa Ilaahil Mursaleen Wa Rabbil Mustadh’afeen, Wal Hamdu Lillaahil-Ladhee Yuhyil Mawta Wahuwa Alaa Kulli Shay’in Qadeer .

To seek guidance for a problem in dream: Go to bed while you are in the state ofTwahaarah . Before falling asleep recite 7 timesSurah Ash-Shams and 7 timesSurah Al-Layl , then recite:Allaahumj’alnee Min Amri Haadhaa Farajan Wa Makhrajan.


1-If you want to be under the protection of Allaah (S.W.T.) until you return home then whenever you intend to go out of your house recite 3 times “Allaahu Akbar” and 3 times: “Billaahi Akhruju Wa Billaahi Adkhulu Wa Alallaahi Atawakkalu” and then say: “Alaahummaftah Lee Fi Wajhee Haadhaa Bikhayrin Wakhtimlee Bikhayrin Waqinee Sharra Kulli Daabbatin Anta Aakhidhun Binaaswiyatihaa Inna Rabbee Alaa Swiraatim-Mustaqqem.”

2-Imaam Zaynul Aabideen (A.S.) said when you step out of the door of your house recite: “Bismillaahi Aamantu Billaahi Wa Tawaqqaltu Alallaahi.”

3-Imaam Muhammad Baaqir (A.S.) said that anyone reciting the following Duaa will be safe from everything which is sorrowful for him in this world as well in the Hereafter:“Bismillaahi Hasbiyallaahu Tawaqqaltu Alallaahi Allaahumma Innee As’aluka Khayra Umooree Kullihaa Wa Aoodhu Bika Min Khizyid-Dunyaa Wa Adhaabil Aakhirati.”

4-Imaam Jaa’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said when you come out of your house recite ths Duaa:“Bismillaahi Tawaqqaltu Alallaahi Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahi Allaahumma Innee As’aluka Khayra Maa Kharajtu Lahoo Wa Aoodhu Bika Min Sharri Maa Kharajtu Lahoo Allaahumma Awsi’a Alayaa Min Fadhlik Wa Atmim Alayya Ni’amatik Wasta’amilnee Fee Twaa’atika Waj’al Raghbatee Fee Maa Indak Watawaffanee Alaa Millatik Wa Millati Rasoolik Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihee.”

5-Imaam Radhaa (A.S.) said that his Holy father used to recite this Duaa while going out:“Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Kharajtu Bi Hawlillaahi Wa Quwwatihee La Bi Hawlin Minnee Walaa Quwwati Bal Bi Hawlik Wa Quwwatik Yaa Rabbee Muta’arridhwan Li Rizqik Fa’tinee Bihee Fee Aafiyatin.”

6-Imaam said whoever recite10 times S.Ikhlaas while going out will remain safe until he returns back.

7-The Imaam saidwhen you go out of your house or to a journey recite this Duaa:“Bismillaahi Aamantu Billaahi Wa Tawaqqaltu Alallaahi Maashaa’Allaahu Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Bilaahi.”

8-Imaam Ali A.S saidwhen you return at your home do Salaam to your household members, and if there is nobody there then sayAssalaamu Alayna Min-Rabbinaa , and reciteSurah-E-Ikhlaas when you reach inside the house, it repells the worries and problems.



Not a single day has passed on the earth when its inhabitants did not have their Leader here. From day-one each community did possess its Leader by one way or the other. We being Muslims, the followers of a religion chosen by Allaah (S.W.T.) for mankind, have been blessed with a sinless Leader in every era, who is also the most knowledgeable, courageous, patient, brave, and endowed with all perfections. After the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) we are commanded to follow his 12 holy household members who are the guides for the mankind as ordained by Allaah (S.W.T.) They were from Imaam Ali (A.S.) upto Imaam Hasan Askari (A.S.) and we are at present passing in the era of the last vicegerent of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) i.e. the 12th Imaam, i.e.Hujjat-Ibnul-Hasan Imaam Muhammad Mehdi Swaahibuz-Zamaan (A.S.) who is the present Imaam of the age and the right guide for the mankind. We firmly believe that even though The Imaam A.F. is in Ghaibat (Hidden from our sight) but he is aware of all our deeds and conditions. Whenever need arises The Imaam extends his helping hand to us. And Inshaa’Allaah he will soon reappear to us and wipe out all evils from its grassroot levels and finally peace, tranquility, and justice shall prevail from Easts to Wests.

It is also our firm belief that all our deeds, good and bad, are presented to the Imaam, when he sees our good deeds he is happy but he becomes sad and sorrowful when he sees our bad deeds. So we should always keep in mind that there is no any other exceeding good act to that of making our Imaam be happy, and there is no any worst thing then that to make our Imaam weep on seeing us committing bad deeds.Thus all our deeds should incline towards goodness at every moment of our lives, so as to please Allaah, His Prophet, and our Imaam. (A.S.)

A true and sicere devotee of the Imaam should have pure affection towards him and should remain sorrowful because of the absence of our Imaam from our sights. Indeed it is a great calamity to be deprived of his holy company. May be this is because of our sins or unworthiness or any other reason, Allaah (S.W.T.) knows better. We should always pray to Allaah for his safety, reappearence, and request Allaah (S.W.T.)that we should be included amongst the The Imaam’s true followers. Not forgetting that a true follower can only be such who follows the rules and regulations of Shareeah commanded by Allaah (S.W.T.)

Therefore it is our foremost duty to remember our Imaam at all times. Especially while praying Duaa we should beseech Almighty Allaah (S.W.T.) for the safety and speedy reappearence of our Leader, Imaam-e-Zamaana A.F. Hereunder are some Duaas concerning the Imaam of the age:

Atleastafter every Namaaz one shoud recite this Duaa to acknowledge the presence of Imaam as the Devine Guide and asking Allaah for his safety upto the time when his rule is established over the earth:  Allaahumma Kun Li Waliyyikal Hujjaatibnil Hasan Swalawaatuka Alayhi Wa Alaa Aabaaihi Fee Haadhihis-Saa’ati Wa Fee Kulli Saa’atin, Walliyyan Wa Haafidhwan Wa Qaaidan Wa Naaswiran Wa Daleelan Wa Aynan Hatta Tuskinahu Ardhaka Twaw’an Wa Tumati’ahoo Feehaa Twaweela.

Recite this Duaaduring the Ghaybat of the Imaam A.F.:Allaahumma Arrifnee Nafsaka Fa Innaka Inlam Tu’arrifnee Nafsaka Lam A’arif Nabiyyaka, Allaahumma Arrifnee Rasoolaka Fa Innaka Inlam Tu’arrifnee Rasoolaka Lam A’arif Hujjataka Allaahumma Arrifnee Hujjataka Fa Innaka Inlam Tu’arrifnee Hujjataka Dhwalaltu An Deenee.

Everydayafter Namaaz-e-Sub’h recite this Duaa starting with these words:Allaahumma Balligh Mawlaaya Swaahibuz-Zamaan…  [*].

Imaam Radha (A.S.) said to recite this Duaa for Imaam Swaahibul Asri Waz-Zamaan, the Duaa starting with these words:Allaahumad’fa’a An Waliyyika Wa Khaleefatika… (refer Mafaatihul Jinaan).

Imaam Jaa’far Saadiq (A.S.) said that whoever shall recite this Duaa(Duaa-a-Ahad) for 40 days will be among the helpers of the Imaam, if he dies before the Zuhoor of the Imaam A.F. then Allaah shall raise him from the grave and will be among the Imam’s companions, and his sins shall be forgiven. This Duaa starts with these words:Allaahumma Rabban-Nooril Adhweem… [*]

Whenever there is a problem to be solved perform the A’amal ofDUAA-E-ISTIGHAASA of Imaam-e-Zamaana. (details of this A’amaal has been given here below). [*]

DUAA-E-ILAAHEE ADHUMAL BALAA’A: This Duaa also is effective to ward off troubles. [*]

R ecite theZiyaarat of Imaam-e-Zamaana A.F. on Friday . This Ziyaarat starts with these words:Assalaamu Alayka Yaa Hujjatallaahi Fee Ardhihee……… [*]

Recite theNaamz-e-Imaam Hujjat (A.S.) on Fridays. It is 2 rak’at Namaaz, in each rak’at while reciting Surah Al-Hamd when you reachIyyaaka Na’abudu Wa Iyyaaka Nasta’een repeat this verse 100 times and then continue as usual, after Al-Hamd recite Surah-e-Ikhlaas. After Namaaz rcite this Duaa:Allaahumma Adhwumal Balaa’u, Wa Barihal Khafaa’u, Wankashafal Ghitwaa’u, Wa Dhwaaqatil Ardhu Bimaa Wasi’atis-Samaau, Wa Ilayka Yaa Rabbil Mushtaqa, Wa Alaykal Mu’awwalu Fish-Shiddati War-akhaa’i, Allaahumaa Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Al-ladheena Amartana Bi Twa’atihim Wa Ajjilillahumma Farajahum Bi Qaaimihim, Wa Adh-hir I’azaazahu. Yaa Muhammadu, Yaa Aliyu Yaa Aliyu, Yaa Muhammadu Ikfiyaani Fa Innakuma Kaafiyaay, Yaa Muhammadu, Yaa Aliyu, Yaa Aliyu, Yaa Muhammadu, Unswiraani Fa Innakuma Naaswiraaya, Ya Muhammadu, Yaa Aliyu, Yaa Aliyu, Yaa Mujhammadu, Ihfadhwaani Fa Innakumaa Haafidhwaaya. Yaa Mawlaaya Yaa Swaahibaz-Zamaani, Yaa Mawlaaya Yaa Swaahibaz-Zamaani, Yaa Mawlaaya Yaa Swahibaz-Zamaani, Al-Ghawth, Al-Ghawth, Al-Ghawth, Adriknee, Adriknee, Adriknee, Al-Amaan, Al-Amaan, Al-Amaan.

Send AREEZA frequently to the Imaam. This is not limited to 15th Sha’abaan only.


To ward off any fears of harm from enemy help must be sought from our Imaam: Daily recite2 rak’at Namaaz , a briefZiyaarat of the Imaam, and then recite thisDuaa :Yaa Mawlaay Yaa Swaahibaz-Zamaan, Anaa Mustagheethun Bika, Yaa Mawlaay Ikfinee Sharra Man-Yu’adhinee.

Always recite this Duaa for hastening The Imaam’s reappearence and be included in his companions:  Allaahumma Ajjil Farajah Wa Sah-hil Makhrajah Waj’alnaa Min Answaarihee Wa A’awaanihee.

Imaam-e-Zamaana A.F. had once given audience to a certain person, solved his problems, and instructed that if any one had a wish or is in trouble (a) should recite thisDuaa 70 times:  Yaa Allaah, Yaa Muhammad,Yaa Ali, Yaa Faatima, Yaa Swaahibuz-Zamaan Adriqnee Walaa Tuhliknee.(b) Likewise when the Imaam helped certain person in his problem the Imaam recommended this:Namaaz-Tahajjud, Ziyaarat-E-Jaami’ah, andZiyaarat-E-Aashoor. And the Imaam repeated this three times.


It is narrated that this is the Istighaasah (a call for help) to Imaam Mehdi Swaahibuz Zamaan (A.S.) (A.F). When a person is disperate and all doors of hope seem closed, perform this A’amal and Inshaa’Allaah most surely the problem shall be easily solved instantly.

Wherever you are, pray 2 rak’at Namaaz as usual, with any Surah after Al-Hamd, then recite the following Duaa standing under the open sky. The narrator says that it is better in this Namaaz to reciteSurah-e-Fat’h (Innaa Fatahnaa…) in 1st rak’at after Al-Hamd andSurah-e-Nasr in the 2nd rak’at.

DUAA: Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Salaamullaahil Kaamilut-taammush-shaamilul Aammu Wa Swalawaatuhud-daaimatu Wa Barakaatuhul Qaaimatut-taamaatu Alaa Hujjatillaahi Wa Waliyyihi Fee Ardhiji Wa Bilaadihi Wa Khaleefatihi Alaa Khalqihi Wa Ibaadihi Wa Sulaalatin-Nubuwwati Wa Baqiyyatil Itrati Was-Safwati Swaahibiz-Zamaani Wa Mudh’hiril Eemaani Wa Mulaqqini Ahkaamil Qur’aani Wa Mutwahhiril Ardhi Wa Naashiril Adli Fit-twooli Wal Ardhi Wal Hujjatil Qaaimil Mahdeeyil Imaamil Muntadhiril Murdhwiyyi Wabni Aimmatit-Twaahireenal Wasweeyibnil Awswiyaail Mardhwiyeenal Haadil Ma’aswoomibnil Aimmatil Hudaatil Ma’soomeen. Assalaamu Alayka Yaa Mu’izzal Mu’mineenal Mustadhw’afeen Assalaamu Alayka Yaa Mudhillal Kaafireenal Mutakabbireenadh-dhwaalimeen Assalaamu Alayka Yaa Mawlaay Yaa Swaahibaz-Zamaan, Assalaamu Alayka Yabna Rasoolillaahi. Assalaamu Alayka Yabna Ameeril Mu’mineen. Assalaamu Alayka Yabna Faatwimataz-Zahraa’i Sayyidatan-Nisaail Aalameen. Assalaamu Alayka Yabna Aimmatil Hujajil Ma’soomeen Wal Imaami Alal Khalqi Ajmaeen. Assalaamu Alayka Yaa Mawlaay Salaama Mukhliswin Laka Fil Wilaayati. Ash’hadu Annakal Imaamul Mahdiyyu Qawlan Wa Fi’alan Wa Antal-ladhee Tamlaul Ardha Qistwan Wa Adlan Ba’ada Maa Muli’at Dhulman Wa Jawran, Fa Ajjalallaahu Farajak Wa Sahhala Makhrajak Wa Qarraba Zamaanak Wa Kath-thara Answaarak Wa A’awaanak Wa Anjaza Laka Maa Wa’adaka Fa Huwa Asdaqul Qaaileen, Wa Nureedu An Namunna Alal Ladheenastudh’ifoo Fil Ardhi Wa Naj’alahum Aimmatan Wa Naj’alahumul Waaritheen. Yaa Mawlaaya Yaa Swaahibuz-Zamaani Yabna Rasoolillaahi Haajatee…

Ask your Haajat here.

  Then recite the following Duaa:

Fash’fa’alee Fee Najaahihaa Fa Qad Tawajjahtu Ilayka Bi Haajatee Li Ilmee Anna Laka Indallaahi Shafaa’atan Maqboolatan Wa Maqaaman Mahmoodan Fa Bi Haqqi Manikhtasswakum Bi Amrihee Wartadhwaakum Li Sirrihee Wa Bish-sha’anil-ladhee Lakum Indallaahi Baynakum Wa Baynahu Salillaaha Ta’ala Fee Nujhi Twalibatee Wa Ijaabatee Da’awatee Wa Kashfi Kurbatee.

Then ask yourHaajat , Inshaa’Allah it will be fulfilled.


Surah - e - Yaaseen is the most important and significant chapter from the Holy Qur’an. If one recites this Holy surah only for the pleasure of Allaah then all his/her sins are forgiven and Sawaab of reciting Holy Qur’an 12 times is recorded in his/her account. If this is recited at night Allaah (S.W.T.) sends 1000 angels for protection of the reciter, and if the reciter dies then he/she shall be admitted to Jannat.

Aayat No: 2. For increase in Ne’mat, recite 100 times daily.

3. “mental sickness or a bewitched person.

4. “for befriending someone for Allah’s pleasure. 100.

13. “good luck. Write with rose water, wash it and drink.

17. “the oppressed should write and keep with him/her.

19. “safe child-birth.

23 “the cure of any sickness.

25. “the cure of fever.

26. “walking long distance without exaustion.

29. “a child crying too much and does not sleep.

31. “wiping out enmity and disgrace the enemies.

32. “curing a person bewitched by genie.

34. “shutting the mouths of enemies.

35 “Fishaar-e-Kabr.

36. “curing the bleeding nose.

37. “for making people hear us and be sociable.

38. “to degrade and debase the enemy.

39. “mentally sick.

40. “beseeching Allaah for a wish.

41. “crossing Pool-e-Siraat with ease.

42. “seeing the Holy Prophet (S) in dream.

44. “abstaining from sins.

45. “becoming free from all shortfalls and deficits.

46 “remaining free from want.

47. “easiness of questioning in the grave.

47. “safety from drowning in water.

50 “knowing amazing secrets.

55 “instilling your fright in enemies’ minds.

57 “increase in sustenance and long life.

62 “sins being pardoned.

68 “removing poverty and hardship.

69 “for aching eyes.

76 “desiring a male baby.

78 “curing unconsciousness and headache.

81 “safety in journey.

83 “all types of Haajaat, recite abundantly.


ReciteIstighfaar every morning and evening.

On the eve of Friday recitethree Surahs of Tawaaseen.

Recite this Aayat from S.Yoosuf, in abundance:Inna Rabbee Latweefun Limaa Tashaau, Innahoo Huwal Aleemul Hakeem.

To open the doors to success::: reciteAayatul Qursee as per the Adad of your name. (Adad=code number of each Arabic alphabet).

If there is something you fear and you want a good fortune: Recite 2 rak’atNamaaz, in each rak’at after Al-Hamd reciteSurah-e-Feel , then before you recite Salaam you should recite 7 timesSurah-e-Nasr and 12 times—Am Indahum Khazaainoo Rahmati Rabbikal Azeezil Wahhaab, Am Lahum Mulkus-Samaawaati Wal Ardhi Wamaa Baynahumaa, Fal Yartaqoo Fil Asbaab. Then complete the Namaaz. ThenTasbeeh . Then raise your hands and recite 100 timesYaa Wahhaabu .

Recite this Duaa which is from Jawshan-e-Kabeer:Yaa Uddatee Inda Shiddatee, Yaa Rajaa’ee Inda Musweebatee, Yaa Moonisi Inda Wahshatee, Yaa Swaahibee Inda Ghurbatee, Yaa Waliyyee Inda Ni’amatee, Yaa Ghiyaasee Inda Kurbatee, Yaa Daleelee Inda Hayratee, Yaa Ghinaaee Indaftikaaree, Yaa Maljaaee Indadhh’tiraaree, Yaa Mu’eenee Inda Mafzaee.


Just before the time of Zohr recite this Duaa: “Sub’haanallaahi Wa Laa ilaha Illallaahu Walhamdu Lillahil-Ladhee Lam Yattakhidh Swaahibatan Walaa Waladan Walam Yakun Lahoo Shareekun Fil Mulki Walam Yakun Lahoo Waliyyun Minadh-Dhulli Wa Kabbirhu Takbeera.”

A tradition from Imaam Jaa’fer Saadiq (A.S.) that it is Waajib on a Muslim to recite this Duaa everyday before sunrise and sunset:“Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Wahdahoo Laa Shareeka Lahoo Lahul Mulku Walahul Hamdu Yuhyee Wa Yumeetu Wahuwa Hayyun Laa Yamootu Biyadihil Khayru Wahuwa Alaa Kulli Shay’in Qadeer.”

First thing in the morning while getting up from bed one should recite this 10 times so as to be protected from all problems during the day: “Bismil-Laahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem, Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billahil Aliyyil Adhweem.”

It is also recommended by Ma’soomeen (A.S.) to recite this 10 times every morning and evening: “Sub’haanallaahi Wal Hamdu Lillaahi Wa Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Wallaahu Akbar.”

Every mormning we should remember four bleesings which Allaah (S.W.T.) has given to us and thus recite the Duaa: “Alhamdu Lillaahil-Ladhee Arrafanee Nafsahoo Walam Yatruqnee Amyaanal Qalb. Alhamdu Lillaahil-Ladhee Ja’alanee Min Ummati Muhammadin Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihee. Alhamdu Lillaahil-Ladhee Ja’ala Rizqee Fee Yadayhi Wa Lam Yaj’al Rizqee Fee Aydinnaas. Alhamdu Lillaahil-Ladhee Satara Dhunoobee Wa Uyoobee Walam Yafdhahnee Baynal Khalaayikin-Naas.”

A Riwaayat from Salmaan Faarsee A.R. says that one who recites the following Duaa 3 times every morning then Allaah (S.W.T.) will protect him/her from 70 problems:“Alhamdu Lillaahi Rabbil Aalameen Alhamdu Lillaahi Hamdan Kaseeran Twayyiban Mubaarakan Feehi.”

It is reported from authentic books that one who recites the followingSALAWAAT every morning and evening, 3 times, his/her sins shall be forgiven, he/she shall always remain pleased and happy, the needs shall be fulfilled, sustenance increased, shall overcome the enemies, and in Jannat shall be near the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) it is this Salawaat:“Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Fil Awwaleen, Wa Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Fil Aakhireen, Wa Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Fil Mala’il A’alaa, Wa Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Fil Mursaleen. Allaahumma A’ati Muhammadal Waseelata Wash-Sharafa Wal Fadheelata Wad-Darajatal Kabeera.. Allaahumma Innee Aamantu Bi Muhammadin Wa Aalihee Walam Arahoo Falaa TahrimneeYawmal Qiyaamati Ru’ayatahoo Warzuqnee Suhbatahoo Wa Tawaffanee Alaa Millatihee Wasqinee Min Hawdhihee Mashraban Rawiyyan Saaighan Hanee’an Laa Adhmaa’u Ba’adahoo Abadan Innaka Alaaa Kulli Shay’in Qadeer. Allaahumma Kamaa Aamantu Bi Muhammadin Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihee Wa Lam Arahoo Fa Arenee Fil Jinaani Wajhahoo, Allaahumma Balligh Rooha Muhammadin Annee Tahiyyatan Katheeratan Wa Salaama”.

As we remember the the most cruel atrocities, carnages and killings committed by the despots and enemies of Ahlul Bait it is our duty to curse all those Zaalims every time, especially in these words which are in Ziyaarat-e-Aashoora:“Allaahul’an Awwala Dhwaalimin Dhwalama Haqqa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Wa Aakhira Taabi’in Lahoo Alaa Dhaalika, Allaahumal’anil Iswaabatil-Latee Jaahadatil Husayn, Wa Shaaya’at, Wa Baaya’at, Wa Taaba’at Alaa Qatlihee, Allahumal’an Hum Jamee’a.”

There is tremendous Sawaab in reciting this Duaa everyday in the morning: ‘Ash’hadu An Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Wahdahoo Laa Shareeka Lahoo, Ilaahan Waahidan Ahadan Fardan Swamadan Lam Yat-Takhiz Swaahibatan Walaa Waladaa.”

Imaam Ameerul Mu’minees (A.S.) said that if anyone recites the following Duaa 3 times before and after evening time then he or she shall not miss any good deed during the night, and shall remain safe from all evils deeds:“Fa Sub’haanallahi Heena Tumsoona Wa Heena Tusbihoon Walahul Hamdu Fissamaawaati Wal Ardhi Wa Ashiyyan Wa Heena Tudh’hiroon.”

A person came to the Holy Prophet S..W.W. and complained about his poverty and disease. He was instructed to recite this Duaa every morning and evening for its relief:“Laa Hawala Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahi Tawaqqaltu Alal Hayyil-Ladhee Laa Yamootu Walhamdu Lillaahilladhee Lam Yattikhidh Waladan Walam Yakunlahoo Sharrekun Fil Mulki Walam Yakun Lahoo Waliyyun Minadh-Dhulli Wa Kabbirhoo Takbeera.”

A tradition from Salamaan Farsee says that anyone who recites the following Duaa 3 times every morning Allaah will drive away seventy types of problems from him:“Alhamdu Lillaahi Rabbil Aalameen Alhamdu Lillaahi Hamdan Katheeran Twayiban Mubaarakan Feehi.”

A tradition from Imaam Muhammad Baaqir (A.S.) says that it is very meritorious to recite this Duaa: “Allaahu Akbar Allaahu Akbar Kabeera Wa Sub’haanallaahi Bukratan Wa Asweela Walhamdu Lillaahi Rabbil Aalameena Katheeran Laa Shareeka Lahoo Wa Swallallaahu Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalihee.”

Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) says that anyone reciting this Duaa 3 times in the morning and 3 times in the evening will remain safe from all troubles,“Bismillaahil-Ladhee Laa Yadhurru Ma’asmihee Shay’un Fil Ardhi Walaa Fis-Samaai Wahuwas-Sameeul Aleem.”

Imaam Muhammad Baaqir (A.S.) said that Allaah (S.W.T.) called Nabee Nooh (A.S.) by the name ‘Banda-e-Shaakir’ (the most grateful one) because he used to recite this Dua daily morning and evening:“Allaahumma Innee Ush’hiduk Annahoo Maa Amsaa Wa Asbaha Bi Min Ni’amatin Aw Aafiyatin Fee Deenin Aw Dunyaa Faminka Wahdaka Laa Shareeka Laka Lakal Hamdu Walakash-Shukru Bihaa Alayya Hattaa Tardhwaa Ilaahanaa.”

Nabee Nooh (A.S.) used to recite the following Duaa 10 times: “Allaahumma Innahoo Maa Asbaha Bi Min Ni’amatin Aw Aafiyatin Fee Deenin Aw Dunyaa Fa Minka Wahdaka Laa Shareeka Laka Lakal Hamdu Wa Lahash-Shukru Bihaa Alayya Hataa Tardhwaa Wa Ba’adar-Ridhaa.”

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) said anyone who recites this Duaa 7 times in the morning will remain safe and sound from every problem and trouble:“Fallaahu Khayrun Haafidhan Wahuwa Arhamur-Raahimeen, Inna Waliyyiyallaahul-Ladhee Nazzalal Kitaaba Wahuwa Yatawallas-Swaaliheen Fain Tawallaw Faqul Hasbiyallaahu Laa Ilaaha Illaa Huwa Alayhi Tawaqqaltu Wahuwa Rabbul Arshil Adhweem.”

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.)said that anyone who recites the following Duaa everyday his request shall be fulfilled, his enemy shall be defeathed, nobody can overcome him, his debt shall be repaid, and all his worries shall be overcome:“Subhaanallaahi Kamaa Yambaghi Lillaahi, Walhamdulillaahi Kamaa Yambaghi Lillaahi, Wa Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Kamaa Yambaghi Lillaahi Wallaahu Akbar Kamaa Yambaghi Lillaahi, Walaa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahi Wa Swallallaahu Alaa Muhammadin Nabiyyii Wa Alaa Ahli Baytihi Wa Jamee’il Mursaleen Wannabiyyeen Hattaa Yardhwallaahu.”

There is tremandous Sawaab to recite this Duaa 360 times daily: “Sub’haanallaahi Wal Hamdu Lillaahi Wa Laa Ilaaha Illaallaahu Wallaahu Akbar Walaa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahi.” and also, “Alhamdu Lillaahi Rabbil Aalameen Katheeran Alaa Kulli Haalin.”.

Anyone who recites the following Duaa 400 times daily for 2 months, Allaah shall either give him plenty of properties or plenty of knowledge:“Astaghfirul-Laahal-Ladhee Laa Ilaaha Illaa Huwal Hayyul Qayyoomur-Rahmaanur-Raheem Badee’us-Samaawaati Wal Ardhi Min Jamee’i Dhulmi Wa Jurmi Wa Israafi Alaa Nafsee Wa Atoobu Ilayhi.”

Anyone who recites this Duaa Allaah shall guarantee all his affairs of this world and of the Hereafter: “Bismillaahi Hasbiyallaahu Tawaqqaltu Alallaahi Allaahumma Innee As’aluka Khayra Umooree Kullihaa Wa Aoodhu Bika Min Khizyid-Dunyaa Wa Adhaabil Aakhirati.” -And this Dua also has the same effect: “Hasbiyallaahu Rabbiyallaahu Laa Ilaaha Illaa Huwa Alayhi Tawaqqaltu Wa Huwa Rabbul Arshil Adhweem.”

Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said this Duaa is from the treasures of Duaas, so don’t miss to recite this 3 times everyday morning and evening:“Allaahummaj’Alnee Fee Dir’ikal Hasseenatil-Latee Taj’alu Feehaa Man Tureedu.”

RADD-E-MAZAALIM (Compensation for zulm)

Zulm (atrocity, tyranny, despotism, oppression, cruelty, violence) is the most hated thing by The All-Merciful Allaah (S.W.T.) He is Merciful, Compassionate and Kind, and so does He like His creatures to behave towards each other. All the mess and chaos seen around the world is the result of Zulm in one-way or the other. Peace and tranquility can never be achieved if there prevails Zulm. And the punishment in hereafter is very dreadful for this sin of Zulm. Allaah does not forgive the Zaalim because the sin has not been committed to Allaah, it is the matter of concern to others then Allaah (S.W.T.). The only way for forgiveness is to seek pardon from the person to whom Zulm was done.

If atall it is not possible to seek forgiveness from the person to whom Zulm was done (because of death, absence, or any other reasonable cause) then it is stated that the culprit should give a considerable amount in Sadaqa on behalf of the wronged ones and seek pardon from Allaah and beseech to Him that He may make the amendment by pleasing the wronged ones because all the might and power lies with Allaah (S.W.T.) only.

There are mentioned some A’amaal in the books that if we performed then they might be beneficial for the purpose. They are as follow:

Give Sadaqa on behalf of the person to whom you had done Zulm.

Do Istighfaar on his / her behalf.

Recite 12 times Surah-e-Ikhlaas and then recite this Duaa: Allaahumma Innee As’aluka Bismikal Maknoonil Makhzoonit-Twaahirit-Ttwuhril Mubaaraki Wa As’aluka Bismikal Adhweemi Wa Sultwaanikal Qadeemi Yaa Waahibal Atwaaya Yaa Mutliqal Usaara Yaa Faqqaaqar-Riqaabi Minan-Naari Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Wa Fukka Raqabatee Minan-Naari Wa Akhrijnee Minad-Dunyaa Aaminan Wa Adkhilnil Jannata Saaliman Waj’al Duaa’ee Awwalaha

Falaahan Wa Awsatwahoo Najaahan Wa Aakhirahoo Swalaahan Innaka Anta Allaamul Ghuyoob.


On everyday morning recite this Duaa, it wards off 70 types of problems: Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil Aalameen, Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Hamdan Katheeran Twayyiban Mubaarakan Feehi.

When you are faced with some thing you are fearful of, then to get rid of it: recite2 rak’at Namaaz and then recite 70 times this Duaa beseeching Allaah for your need:Yaa Abswaran-Naadhireen Yaa Asma’as-Saami’een Wa yaa Asra’al Haasibeen Wa Yaa Arhamar-Raahimeen.

When you feel or suspect a danger recite: Allaahu Rabbee Laa Ushriku Bihee Shay’an Tawakkaltu Alal Hayyil-Ladhee Laa Yamootu.

Jibraeel (A.S.) ascended from Allaah (S.W.T.) to Nabee Yoosuf (A.S.) when he was put in a deep well, he taught the following Duaa to come out from his problem.:Allaahumma Innee As’aluka Bi Anna Lakal Hamd Laa Ilaaha Antal Mannaanu Badee’us-Samaawaati Wal Ardh Dhul Jalaali Wal Ikraami An Tuswallee Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad Wa An Taj’ala Lee Mimmaa Anaa Feehi Farajan Wa Makhrajan.

Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said that when you fear something recite this Duaa: Allaahumma Innaka Laa Yakfee Minka Ahadun Wa Anta Takfee Min Kulli Ahadin Min Khalqika Fakfinee Kadhaa wa Kadhaa.

A Riwaayat from Imaam Muhammad Taqee (A.S.) says that one should have faith on this Duaa to solve problems and difficulties:Ya Man Yakfee Min Kulli Shay’in Walaa Yakfee Minhu Shay’un Ikfinee Maa Ahammanee.

To ward off and disperse fears from a tyrant ruler and to be safe from troubles recite this “Duaa-e-Ahli Bayt”: Yaa Qaa’inan Qabla Kulli Shay’in Wa Yaa Mukawwina Kulli Shay’in Wa Yaa Baaqiyan Ba’ada Kulli Shay’in Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad Waf’albee… (here beseech yout Haajat).

Immam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said that Imaam Zaynul Aabideen (A.S.)used to say that when I recite this Duaa then I don’t care even if all the human beings and gennies gather to harm me, they can’t do any harm to me. The Duaa Is:Bismillaahi Wa Billaahi Wa Minal-Laahi Wa Ilal-Laahi Fee Sabeelil-Laahi Wa Alaa Millati Rasoolullaahi Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihee Allaahumma Ilayka Aslamtu Nafsee Wa Ilayka Wajjahtu Wajhee Wa Ilayka Alja’atu Dhwahree Wa Ilayka Fawwadhtu Amree, Allaahumah Fadhnee Bi Hifdhil Eemaani Min Bayni Yadayya Wa Min Khalfee Wa An Yameeni Wa An Shimaalee Wa Min Fawqee Wa Min Tahtee Wamaa Qibalee Wadfa’a Annee Bi Hawlika Wa Quwwatika Fa Innahoo Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Bika.

Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said that if anyone recites this Duaa he/she shall not experience any discomfort due to fear in the mind:Bismillaahi Wa Billaahi Wa Tawaqqaltu Alallaahi Innahoo Manyatawaqqalu Alallaahi Fahuwa Hasbuhoo Innallaaha Baalighu Amrihee Qad Ja’alallaahu Likulli Shay’in Qadraa. Allaahummaj’alnee Fee Kanafika Wa fee Jawaarika Waj’alnee Fee Amaanika Wafee Man’ik.

For Hadees-e-Nafas (waswaas) recite: Tawaqqaltu Alal Hayyil-Ladhee Laa Yamootu Wal-Hamdu Lillaahil-Ladhee Lam Yattakhidh Waladan Wa Lam Yakun Lahoo Shareekun Fil Mulki Wa Lam Yakunlahoo Waliyyun Mindh-Dhulli Wa Kabbirho Takbeera.

To be free from worries and for peace of mind, recite this Duaa after Namaaz-e-Shab:Sub’haanallaahil Adhweemi Wa Bi Hamdihee, Astaghfirullaah Wa As’aluhoo Min Fadhlihi.

RecitingSurah-e-Jumuah relieves one from worries and fears.