For any difficult problem to be solved recite this Duaa 72 times: Yaa Sayyidinal Kareem Najjinaa Wa Khallisnaa Bihaqqi Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. And then recite 70 times this Duaa: Allaahu Latweefun Bi Ibaadihee Yarzuqu Manyashaa’u Wahuwal Qawiyyul Azeez.
To receive spiritual blessings recite ‘Al-Basweeru’
To get spiritual power recite ‘Al-Adhweemu’
For our Namaaz to be accepted say: Rabbij-Alnee Muqeemas-Swalaatee Wa Min Dhurriyyatee, Rabbanaa Wa Taqabbal Duaa’a.
For thesafety of property
: Recite11 times
Surah Al-Ikhlaas, Surah Al-Qadr And Aayatul Qursee before sunrise.
To recover thelost property
: Pray4 rak’at Namaaz
, in each rak’at after Al-Hamd recite 11 times Surah -e- Ikhalaas and after Namaaz recite Duaa-e-Mujeer (refer M.Jinaan).
For the increase in knowledge recite “Naadey Aliyyan…” everyday regularly.
To ragulate properly all yourlegal affairs
recite in abubdance these Holy Names: ‘Al-Aakhiru. Al-Badee’u. Al-Hakeemu. Al-Aadilu’.
While commencingany work
recite; ‘Al-Awwalu’
many times.
To gainknowledge
and to knowsecrets of nature
recite: ‘Al-Aleemu’
6 times after every Waajib Namaaz.
To develop a forceful personality recite: ‘Al-Muta’aali’ and ‘Al-Adhweemu’ Many Times.
For fearlessness and boldness recite regularly a great deal: ‘Al-Hafidhoo’.
Toaccomplish successfully
any of your undertakings, write ‘Al-Haqqu’
on a square paper, put it in your hands, raise the hands towards the open sky and beseech your need from Allaah.
To pass by unnoticed recite ‘Al-Khaaliqu’ many times.
To safeguard one self fromhypocrisy
For sending a gift to a diseased: Surah-e- Mulk.
For heart diseases, for confrontation, and for wiping out the evil of Monday recite: Surah-e-Dahr.
To remain night vigil for Ibaadat, for being lucky for Hajj, and safety in traveling recite Surah-e-Nabaa. (=Ammaa Yatasaa’aloon)
For a sureinsurance
to your goods and belongings: reciteSurah-e-Qadr.
To cure aparalyses,
for anyfears
, and to find out aculprit
Braveness, success, fearlessness, and forgiveness of sins recite: Surah-e-Kaafiroon in abundance. [*]
To drive awaypoverty and fears
, to be forgiven thesins
and formutual love
in plenty. [*]
For any problem, and Maghfirat recite: Aayatul Qursee. [*]
For repaying debts, for sustenance, and for nervous-less public speaking recite: “Aaya-e-Mulk”. [*]
For any problem, trouble, or need recite: “Amman’yyujeebu…”
For a sure reply to yourHaajat
: reciteDuaa-e-Qumail
after every Namaaz until the need is fulfilled.
To disgrace the enemies of Ahlul Bayt recite: Duaa-e-Samaat.
To wipe away misfortune, crises and deadlocks recite: “Ilaahee Adhumal Balaa’a……” [*]
For thesafety
in journey and unity recite:Al-Waheedu
For intellectual power, proper understanding, and fluent speech: write Surah-e-Bani Israaeel with saffron, wash it with water and drink it.
To be free from any undesirable thing in your house and worries recite: 1000 times “Naadey Aliyyan…”
To take a legalrevenge
from an enemy: Keeping in mind the name of the enemy recite 630 timesAl-Muntaqimoo.
To destroy the enemies: recite this Duaa in the last three night of the month Yaa Qaahiroo, Yaa Dhal Batshish-Shadeed, Antal-Ladhee Laa Yootaqoo Intiqaamuh.
To ward offevil designs of enemies
in the first rak’at of Namaaz-e-Sub’h after Al-Hamd daily till the danger disappears.
To destroy your enemy recite the following Duaa 55 times for 3 days: Yaa Mudhilla Kulli Jabbaarin Aneedin Biqahrin Adhweemin Wa Sultwaanihee.
To get rid from anoppressor:
Pray 2 rak’at Namaaz and after Namaaz recite 100 times:Rabbi Annee Maghloobun Fantaswir
.(Aayat No:10 Surah Al-Qamar)
To destroy the oppressor recite this Duaa: Yaa Uddatee Inda Shiddatee Wa Yaa Ghawthee Inda Qurbatee Uhrisnee Bi Aynikal-Latee Laa Tanaamu Wakfinee Biruknikil-Ladhee Laa Yuraamu Yaa Dhal Quwwatil Qawiyyati Wa Yaa Dhal Jalaalish-Shadeed Wa Yaa Dhal Izzatil-Latee Kullu Khalqika Lahaa Dhaleelun Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad Wakfinee Dhwaalimee Wantaqim lee Minhu.
An effective Duaa to defeat the evil designs of enemies. Imaam Zaynul Aabideen (A.S.) used to recite this Duaa regularly: Bismillaahi Wabillaahi Wa Minallaahi Wa Ilallaahi Wa Fee Sabeelillaahi Allaahumma Laka Aslamtu Nafsee Wailayka Wajjahtu Wajhee Wa Ilayka Fawwadhtu Amree Wahfidhnee Bihifdhil Eemaani min Bayni Yadayya Wa Min Khalfee Wa An Yameenee Wa An Shimaalee Wamin Fawqee Wamin Tahtee Wadfa’a Annee Bihawlika Wa Quwwatika Fa Innahoo Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahil Aliyyil Adhweem.
The Duaa from Imaam Ali (A.S.) to render the plots and intrigues of enemies be ineffective: Allaahumma Innee Aoodhu Bika Min An Udhlama Fee Sultwaanika Allaahumma Innee Aoodhu Bika An Adhilla Hudaaka Allaahumma Innee Aoodhu Bika An Aftaqira Fee Ghinaaka Allaahumma Innee Aoodhu Bika An Udhayyia Fee Salaamatika Allaahumma Innee Aoodhu Bika An Ughlaba Wal Amru Laka Wa Ilayka.
Duaa by Imaam Ali (A.S.) to have an upperhand over your enemy: Walaa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahil Aliyyil Adhweem Allaahumma Iyyaka Na’abudoo Wa Iyyaaka Nasta’een Yaa Allaahu Yaa Rahmaanu Yaa Raheemu Yaa Ahadu Yaa Swamadoo Yaa Ilaaha Muhammadin (S) Ilayaka Nuqilatul Aqdaamu Wa Afaazatil Quloobu Wa Tashakhkhasatil Abswaaru Wa Muddatil A’anaaqu Wa Tulibatul Hawaaiju Wa Rufi’’atil Aydee Allaahumaftah Baynanaa Wa Bayna Qawminaa Bil Haqqi Wa Anta Khayrul Faatiheen. Then say 3 times: Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Wallaahu Akbar.
This is a multi-purpose Duaa: “Allaahumarzuqnaa Tawfeeqat-Twaa’ati, Wa Bu’adal Ma’aswiyyati, Wa Swidqan Niyyati, Wa Irfaanal Hurmati, Wa Akrimnal Hudaa Wal Istiqaamati, Wa Saddid Alsinatinaa Bi Swawaabi Wal Hikmati, Wam’la’a Quloobanaa Bil Ilmi Wal Ma’arifati, Wa Twahhir Butwoonanaa Minal Haraami Wash-Shub’hati, Wakfuf Aydiyanaa Anidh-Dhulmi Was-Sirqati, Wagh-dhwudh Abswaaranaa Anil Fujoori Wal Khiyaanati, Wasdud Asmaa’anaa Anil-Laghwi Wal Gheebati, Wa Tafadhdhal Alaa Ulamaaina Biz-Zuhdi Wan-Nasweehati Wa Alal Muta’allimeena Bil Juhdi War-Raghbati, Wa Alal Mustami’eena Bil Ittibaa’I Wal Maw’idhati Wa Alaa Mardhal Muslimeena Bish-Shifaa’i War-Raahati, Wa Alaa Mawtaahum Bir-Ra’afati War’Rahmati, Wa Alaa Mashaayikhina Bil Waqaari Was-Sakeenati, Wa Alash-Shabaabi Bil Inaabati Wat-Tawbati, Wa Alan-Nisaai Bil Hayaa’i Wal Iffati, Wa Alal Aghniyaa’i Bit-Tawaadhu’i Was-Sa’ati, Wa Alal Fuqaraa’i Bis-Swabri Wal Qanaa’ati, Wa Alal Ghuzaati Bin-Nasri Wal Ghalabati, Wa Alal Usaraa’i Bil Khalaaswi War-Raahati Wa Alal Umaraa’i Bil Adli Wash-Shafaqati, Wa Alar-Ra’iyyati Bil Inswaafi Wa Husnis-Seerati, Wa Baarik Lil Hujjaaji Waz-Zuwwari Fiz-Zaadi Wan-Nafaqati, Waqdhi Maa Awjabta Alayhim Minal Hajji Wal Umrati, Bi Fadhlika Wa Rahmatika Yaa Arhamar-Raahimeen.”
For nervousness, anxiety and stress (=Gabhraaman) Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) prescribed the following Duaa: “Bismillaahi Wa Billaahi Wa Tawaqqaltu Alallaahi Innahoo Man Yatawaqqalu Alallaahi Fahuwa Hasbuhoo Innallaaha Baalighu Amrihee Qad Ja’alallaahu Likulli Shay’in Qadran Allaahummaj’alnee Fee Kanafika Wafee Jawaarika Waj’alnee Fee Amaanika Wafee Man’ik.”
If you are all alone in a room recite Aayatul Kursee and this Duaa: “Allaahumma Aanis Wahshatee Wa Aamin Raw’atee Wa Ainnee Alaa Wahdatee.”
Imaam Ali (A.S.) said that when you see a beast in jungle recite this: “Aoodhu Bi Rabbi Daaniyaal Wal Jubbi Min Kulli Asadin Musta’asidin.”
Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said if you see a dreadful beast recite Aayatul Kursee towards its face and then recite this Duaa, it will go away: “A’zamtu A’layka Bi A’zeematillaahi Wa A’zeemati Muhammadin Swallallaahu A’layhi Wa Aalihee Wa A’zeemati Sulaymaan-ibni Daawood Wa A’zeemati Ameerul Mu’mineen Aliy-yibni Abi Twaalibin A’layhissalaamu Wal Aimmatit-Twahireen A’layhimus-salaamu Mim Ba’adihee.”
This Duaa is from Ma’soom (A.S.) It safeguards from sins, and it is also a Muti-Purpose Duaa: “Yaa Man Adh’haral Jameel Wa Sataral Qabeeh, Walam Yahtikis-Sitra Annee, Yaa Kareemal Afwi, Yaa Hasanat-Tajaawozi, Yaa Waasi’al Maghfirati Wa Yaa Baasital Yadayni Bir-Rahmati, Yaa Swaahiba Kulli Najwa, Wa Yaa Muntahaa Kulli Shakwaa, Ya Kareemas-Swafhi, Yaa Adhweemal Manni, Yaa Mubtadi’a Kulli Ni’amatin Qablas-Tihqaaqiha, Yaa Rabbaahu Yaa Sayyidahu Yaa Mawlayaahu Yaa Ghaayataahu Yaa Ghiyaathaahu Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Wa As’aluka An Laa Taj’alnee Finnaar. (Haajat)
Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said to recite this Duaa which was recited by Rasoolullaah (S.A.W.W.) on the day ofBadr
, and Sayyidush-Shuhadaa (A.S.) also recited on the day ofAashoora
when he embraced Imaam Zaynul Aabideen (A.S.) and blood was flowing from his holy body:“Allaahumma Anta Thiqatee Fee Kulli Kurbatin Wa Anta Rajaa’ee Fee Kulli Shiddatin Wa Anta Lee Fee Kulli Amrin Nazala Bi Thiqatun Wa Uddatun Kam-Min Karbin Yadh’ufu Anhul Fuaadu Wa Taqillu Feehil Heelatu Wa Yakhdhulu Anhul Qareebu Wal Ba’eedu Wa Yashmatu Bihil A’duwwu Wa Tu’ayeenee Feehil Umooru Anzaltuhoo Bika Wa Shakawtuhoo Ilayka Raaghiban Feehi Amman Siwaak Fa Farrajtahoo Wa Kashftahoo Wa Kafaytaneehi Fa Anta Waliyyu Kulli Ni’amatin Wa Swaahibu Kulli Haajatin Wa Muntahaa Kulli Raghbatin Falakal Hamdu Katheeran Walakal Mannu Faadhilan.
“When you are in agreat problem
or tribulation recite this Duaa: “Bi Haqqi Yaaseen Wal Qur’aanil Hakeem Wa Bi Haqqi Twaa Haa Wal Qur’aanil Adhweem, Yaa Man Yaqdiru Alaa Hawaaijis-Saaileen Yaa Man Ya’alamu Maa Fidh-Dhwameeri, Yaa Munaffisan Anil Makroobeen, Yaa Mufarrijan Anil Maghmoomeen, Yaa Raahimash-Shaykhil Kabeer Yaa Raaziqat-Twiflis-Swagheer, Yaa Man Laa Yahtaaju Ilat-Tafseer, Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Waf’al’bee…” (haajat).
A tradition from Imaam Moosa ibn Ja’afar (A.S.) says that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) told Imaam Ali (A.S.) to recite this Duaa when sometough problem
is to be solved:“Allaahumma Innee As’aluka Bi Haqqi Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin An Tuswalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Wa An Tunjiyani Min Haadhal Ghammi.”
This Duaa is called Hirz-e-Bibi Faatima (S.A.): “Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyomu Bi Rahmatika Astagheethu Fa Aghithnee Walaa Takilnee Ilaa Nafsee Twarfata A’ynin Abadan Wa Aslih Lee Sha’anee Kullahu.”
A person saw the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) in dream and he wished he could get a Duaa torevive his heart
. The Holy Prophet taught him this Duaa:“Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoomu Yaa Laa Ilaaha Illaa Anta As’aluka An Tuhyiya Qalbee Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhaadin Wa Aali Muhammad.”
To be fortunate tosee Imaam-e-Zamaana A.F.
: Before going to sleep at night recite everyday from the Holy Qur’an Surahs called‘Musabbihaat’
. i.e.S.Hadeed. S.Hashr. S.Saff. S.Jumuah. S.Taghaaboon. and S.A’alaa.
The reciter shall not die until he sees the Imaam, otherwise if death came he will be in the proximity of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.)
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) said that a person who recites the following mentioned Aayaat will be safeguarded from allevil things
, Shaytaan shall not come near to him/her, and he/she shallnot forget Holy Qur’an
:(a) First four Aayat of S.Baqarah, (b) Aayatul Kursee, (c) Two Aayats after Aayatul Kursee, (d) and last three Aayaats of S.Baqarah.
Imaam Moosa Kadhim (A.S.) said that (A) whoever recitesAayatul Kursee
when going to sleep should not have thefear of paralysis
. (B) And if he or she recites it after every Waajib Namaaz anypoison can not harm
, (C) and anyone who recitesSurah-e-Ikhlaas
in front, back, right, left, up and down willremain unharmed from the enemy and will gain something from him.
(D) He said that if youfear
something then recite100 verses
from the Holy Qur’an from any chapter and then recite this: “Allaahummakshif Annil Balaa’a.”
Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said that whoever has purefaith on Allaah S.W.T
and believes on the day of Qayaamat should not abandon recitingSurah-e-Ikhlaas after every Wajib
Namaaz because Allaah shall gather all the good of this world and of the hereafter for him and shallforgive his parents and children.
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) said hatSurah-e-Al’Hamd
has so much effect that one should not be surprised if it is recited on the dead and itssoul returns back.
Ameerul Mu’mineen (A.S.) said recite this Duaa to be safe from drowning and from fire: “Allaahul-Ladhee Nazzalal Kitaba Wahuwa Yatawallas-Swaaliheen Wamaa Qadarullaaha Haqqa Qadrihee Wal Ardhu Jameean Qabdhwatuhoo Yawmal Qiyaamati Was-Samaawaatu Matwiyyaatun Bi Yameenihee Sub’haanahoo Wa Ta’aala Ammaa Yushrikoon.”
To recover thelost thing
pray 2 rak’at Namaaz, then recite Surah-e-Yaaseen, then recite: Yaa Haadiyadh-Dhwaallati Rudda Alayya Dhwaallatee.
Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said do not hasitate to reciteSurah-e-Zilzaal
very often because anyone reciting it in Naafilah, upto the end of his life thelightening shall not strike him nor will he be effected by earthquake and he will remain unaffected by all tribulations. When his end shall near an angel will come to ease the death and good tidings of paradise shall be manifested to him and the Angle shall accompany him to Paradise.
This Duaa is recommended to be recited during the Ghaybat (absence from our sights) of Imaam-e-Zamaana A.F.- “Allaahumma Arrifnee Nafsaka Fa Innaaka In’lam Tu’Arrifnee Nafsaka Lam A’arif Nabiyyaka, Allaahmma Arrifnee Rasoolaka Fa Innaka Inlam Tu’Arrifnee Rasoolaka Lam A’arif Hujjataka, Allaahumma Arrifnee Hujjataka Fa Innaka Inlam Tu’Arrifnee Hujjataka Dhwalaltu An Deenee.”
Aimmah (A.S.) has said that ifSurah-e-Innaa Anzalna…
is recited over any thing that you want torestore or to keep it safe
it will keep the thing intact.
Ameerul Mu’mineen (A.S.) said that if anyone recites100 Aayats from the Holy Qur’an
and then say“YA ALLAAH”
seven timeshis or her task shall be accomplished.
Imaam Ja’afar Sadiq (A.S.) said that the Duaa is incomplete if there is notTamjeed
(Praises for Allaah) before it; and this is sufficient: (a)“Allaahumma Antal Awwalu Fa Laysa Qablaka Shay’un, Wa Antal Aakhiru Fa Laysa Ba’adaka Shay’un, Wa Antadh-Dhwaahiru Fa Laysa Fawqaka Shay’un, Wa Antal Baatwinu Fa Laysa Doonaka Shay’un, Wa Antal Azeezul Hakeem.”
(b) This is also a Duaa from Imaam Ali (A.S.) for praising Allaah (S.W.T.):“Yaa Man Aqrabu Ilayya Min Hablil Wareed, Yaa Man Yahoolu Baynal Mar’i Wa Qalbihi, Yaa Man Huwa Bil Mandhwaril A’alaa Wa Bil Ufuqil Mubeen, Ya Man Laysa Kamithlihee Shay’un.”
Imaam Moosa Kaadhim (A.S.)’s Duaa to be freed from prison; “Yaa Mukhalliswash-Shajari Mim Bayni Ramlin Wa Tweenin Wa Maa’in Wa Yaa Mukhalliswal-Labani Mim Bayni Farathin Wa Damin Wa Yaa Mukhalliswal Waladi Mim Bayni Masheematin Wa Rahimin Wa Yaa Mukhalliswan-Naari Mim Baynil Hadeedi Wal Hajari Wa Yaa Mukhalliswar-Roohi Mim Baynil Ahshaai Wal Am’aa’ii Khalliswnee Min Yaday ………(name of the dhaaalim).
Abdullaah bin Jundab, the companion of Imam Moosa Kaadhim (A.S.) and Imaam Ali Radhaa (A.S.) requested the Imaam to tell him something, which will increase hisknowledge and intelligence
. The Imaam told him to recite this as much as possible: “Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Laa Hawla Walaa Quwata Illaa Billaahil Aliyyil Adhweem.”
Imaam Ali (A.S.) has said to recite this Duaawhen looking in the mirror
: Al-hamdu Lillaahil-Ladhee Khalaqanee Fa Ahsana Khilqa, Wa Swa-wwarnee Fa Afsana Sooratee, Wa Azaana Minnee Maa Ashaana Min Ghayri, Wa Akramanee Bil Islaam.
A tradition from Imaam Muhammad Baaqir A.S says that to remain safe and protected during the whole day one shouldlook at the Aqeeq
in his hand, first thing to see when getting up in the morning, one should turn the Aqeeq towards the palm and recite the SurahINNAA AZALNA
, and then recite this Duaa:Aamantu Billaahi Wahdahoo Laa Shareeka Lahu Wakafartu Bil Jibti Wat-Twaaghooti Wa Aamantu Bi Sirri Aal-e-Muhammadin Wa Alaaniyyatihim Wa Dhwaahirahim Wa Baatwinihim Wa Aakhirihim.
It is narrated to recite this Duaa whileputting on the ring
: Alaahumma Sawminnee Bi Seemaa’il Eemaani Wakh-timlee Bi Khayrin Waj’al Aaqibatee Ilaa Khayrin, Innaka Antal Azeezul Hakeemul Kareem.
is a very much prefered profession by Allaah (S.W.T.) All the Prophets, the Awsiyaahs, and the virtuous people from their Ummaah madefarming
to be their main business. The 6th Imaam (A.S.) said that nobody can do more purer and Halaal work thenFarming business
. The 4th Imaam (A.S.) said thatFarming
isthe most excellent business
. While tilling the land and sawing the seeds one should recite this Duaa: (a)Wa Mathalu Kalimatin Twayyibatin Ka Shajarati Twayyibatin Asluha Wa Saabitan Far’uha Fis-Samaai Tu’tee Ukulaha Kullu Heenin Bi Idhni Rabbiha.
(b) For harvesting a bumper crop recite 1001 times everyday:
When you want togrow the seeds in your farm
take a handful of them in your hands, stand facing Qibla, and recite this 3 times:
Wa Antum Tadhra’oonahum Am Nahnudh-Dhaari’oon.
Then recite:
Allaahumaj’alhu Harasam-Mubaarakan Warzuqna Feehees-Salaamata Wat-Tamaamata Waja’alhu Habbam- Mutaraakiban Walaa Tahrimnee Khayra Maa Abtaghee Walaa Taftinnee Bimaa Matta’anee Bihaqqi Muhammadin Wa Aalihit-Twayyibeen.
Imaam Jaa’far Saadiq (A.S.) said to recite this Duaa whileputting on the lights
in the house:
Allaahummaj’Alnaa Nooran-Namshee Bihee Fin-naasi Walaa Tahrimnaa Nooraka Yawma Nalqaaka Wa Ja’alnaa Nooran Innaka Noorun Laa Ilaaha Illa Anta.
Whenputting off the lights
recite this Duaa:
Allaahumma Akhrijnaa Mindh-Dhulumaati Ilan-Noor .
Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq A.S hadAayatul Kursee
written on hisdoor
and at theplace of Prayers
towards Qibla.
Recitation of the following Aayat benefits three things: (a) if a child cries too much, (b) if a woman is scared in dreams, and (c) if some one is sleepless:
Fadharabnaa Alaa Aadhaanihim Fil Kahfi Sineena Adada, Thumma Ba’athnaahum Li Na’alamu Ayyul Hizbayni Ahswaa Limaa Labisu Amadaa.
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) said thatin a gathering or a sitting
of people if there is no any mantion of Almighty Allaah (S.W.T.) nor Salawaat on the Prophet, then, on the Day of Judgement that gathering shall be a source of trouble for them. Therefore if we sit in certain gathering, we should atleast recite this:Sub’haana Rabbika Rabbil Izzati Ammaa Yaswifoon, Wa Salaamun Alal Mursaleen, Wal Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil Aalameen.
It is mentioned in a Hadeeth that whenever youwrite a letter
to someone do not omit writing:Bismillaahir-Rahmaani-Raheem
; and also writeInshaa’allaah
wherever applicable.
In another Hadeeth it is mentioned that when youwrite a letter or an application
and you have aHaajat
, then write on top of the paper, with a pen without ink, this Aayat:
Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Innallaaha Wa’adas-Swaabireen, Almakhraja Mimmaa Yakrahoon, War-Rizqa Min Haythu Laa Yahtasiboon, Waja’alnnahu Wa Iyyaakum Minal-Ladheena Laa Khawfun Alayhim Walaa Hum Yahzanoon.
Imaam Ali (A.S.) said that it isnot allowed to spit facing the Qibla,
and if anyone mistakenly does so he/she should atonce doIstighfaar.
(i) As for theshoes, black
is not advisable, the best colour preferred by the religion is yellow, followed by white. (ii) And for the sox it is best to put on black soxes, but if you are traveling red sox is advisable, which is Makrooh at home. (iii) While putting on the shoes start with the right leg but when taking them off start with the left. (iv) While putting on shoes or sox it is said that one must be seated, it is Makrooh to put on shoes or sox while in standing position. (v) Recite this Duaa whileputting on the shoes
:Bismilaahi Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad, Allaahumma Wattee Qadamayya Fid-Dunya Wal Aakhirati Wa Thabbit Humaa Alaa Swiraati Yawma Tadhillu Feehil Aqdaam.
Whiletaking off the shoes
be standing and recite this Duaa:
Bismillaahi Al-Hamdu Lillaahil-Ladhee Razaqanee Maa Aqee Bihi Qadamayya Minal Azaa, Allaahumma Thabbit Huma Alaa Swiraatika Walaa Tudhillahumaa Alaa Swiraatikas-Swawiyyi.
As regarding thecolour of clothes
(i) it is stated that except for these three things -Soxes, Amaama, and Kabaa
, all other cloths are Makrooh if they are black. (ii) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) said thewhite colour
is the best for all cloths. (iii) Imaam Jaa’far Saadiq (A.S.) said not to weareven the cap
, which is black in colour while praying because it is the clothing of the people of Jahannam. (iv) It is related that whoever wears the cloths in standing position his Haajat shall not be granted for three days. (v) Recite this Duaa while putting on cloths:Bismillaahi Allaahummastur Awratee Walaa Tahtiqnee Fee Arsaatil Qiyaamati Wa Aiffa Faraji Wala Takhla’a Annee Zeenatal Eemaan.
(vi) While putting on anew dress
Alhamdu-lillaahil-ladhee Kasaani Minal-Libaasi Maa Atajammalu Bihee Finnaasi, Allaahummaj’alhaa Siyaaba Barakatin Asa’a Feeha Li Mardhaatika Wa A’amuru Feeha Masaajidika.
While having thehajaamat
(cupping) one should recite this Duaa:
Bismillaahi Wa Billaahi Wa Alaa Millati Rasoolillaahi Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sunnatihi Haneefam Muslimaw-Wamaa Anaa Minal Mushrikeen. Allaahumma A’atwinee Bi Kulli Sha’aratin Nooran Saatiyan Yawmal Qiyaamah.