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This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought


The month of Sha’abaan is a very auspiscious and meritorious month. This month is related to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) There are various A’Amaal to be performed in this month.Fasting in this month carries special reward . The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) used to observe Fasting all the days in this month and connected them to the Holy month of Ramadhaan. He used to say that, “Sha’abaan is my month and whoerver observes Fasting in this month, even for one day, Paradise shall be made obligatory on him/her.

A tradition from Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) says that when the month of Sha’abaan arrived Imaaam Zaynul Aabideen gathered his companions and said, “Do you know what this month is ? This is Sha’abaan, and Rasoolullah (S.A.W.W.) said that this is his month, so it is better for you to observe Fasting for the sake of All-Merciful Allah and for the love towards the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) I have heard from my father, and he from my Grand Father that, whoever wishes the nearness of Allaah and he Fasts for the pleasure of the Holy Prophet then Allaah shall grant His proximity to him and shall bestow numerous bounties on him on the day of Qayaamat.”

  Imaam Ja’ajar Saadiq (A.S.) said that we should also encourage our friends and near-ones to observe Fasts in this month. When the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) sighted the new moon of Sha’abaan he ordered a person to announce in Madina that it is an information from the Prophet of Allaah that this month of Sha’abaan is his month and whosoever wishes to be helpful and obliging to him should observe Fasting and that, Allaah S.W.T will shower His blessings on him. Imaam Ali (A.S.) said that after this announcement he had never missed a Fast in Sha’abaan. The Fasts of Sha’abaan and Holy Ramdhaan are the means of forgiveness and pardon.

Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said that the Fasts of Sha’abaan are at such an extent of advantage that even if a person is condemned to death because of a Haraam act, then also he shall be benefiting from the Fasts of Sha’abaan.

These are a few A’amaal to be perfomed daily in this month:

Recite 70 times: ‘Astaghfirullaah Wa As’aluhut-Tawbah’;

Recite 70 times: ‘Astaghfirul-Lahal-Ladhee Laa Ilaaha Illa Huwar-Rahmaanur-Raheemul Hayyul Qayyoomu Wa Atoobu Ilayhi’;

Istighfaar is the best Ibaadat in this month. One who does Istighfaar 70 times is equal in merit to seventy thousand times in other months;

Another best deed in this month is to giveSadaqa. It saves one from the fire of Hell.

Recitetotally 1000 times this Duaa during this month :‘Laa Ilaaha Illal-Laahu Walaa Na’budu Illaa Iyyaahu Mukhlisweena Lahud-Deen Walaw Karihal Mushrikoon.’ The reciter gets the Sawaab of 1000 year’s worship;

OnFriday-eve pray2 rak’at Namaaz and in both rak’ats after Al-Hamd recite 100 timesSurah-e-Tawheed , after Namaaz recite 100Salawaat. The advantage will be that all theworldly and hereafter’s needs shall be fulfilled.

KeepingFast on Monday and Thursday will benefit us in the fulfillment of20 Haajaats of this world and 20 of the Hereafter .

It is recommended to reciteSalawaat as much as possible;

There is aspecial Salawaat to be recited every afternoon and a very excellentMunaajaat which was being recited by Aimma-e-Twaahireen (A.S.) (refer.M.Jinaan); This Salawaat was recommended by Imaam Zaynul Aabideen (A.S.) to recite everyday day at noon:Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad, Shajaratin-Nubuwwati Wa Mawdhwi’ir-Risaalati Wa Mukhtalafil Malaaikati Wa Ma’adinil Ilmi Wa AhliBaytil Wahyi. Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadinil Fulkil Jaariyati Fil-Lujajil Ghaamirati Ya’amanu Man Rakibahaa Wa Yaghraqu Man Tarakahal Mutaqaddimu Lahum Maariqun Wal Muta’Akh-khiru Anhum Zaahiqun Wal-Laazimu Lahum Laahiqun .Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Alkahfil Haseeni Wa Ghiyaathil Mudhtwarril Mustaqeeni Wa Malja’al Haaribeen, Wa Ismatal Mu’ataswimeen. Alaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Swalaatan Katheeratan Takoonu Lahum Redhan Wa Li Haqqi Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Adaa’an Wa Qadhwaa’an Bihawlin Minka Wa Quwwatin Yaa Rabbal Aalameen. Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Attwayyibeenal Abraaril Akhyaaril-Ladheena Awjabta Huqooqahum Wa Faradhta Twaa’atahum Wa Wilaayatahum. Alaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Wa’mur Qalbee Bi Twaa’atik Walaa Tukhzinee Bi Ma’aswiyatik Warzuqnee Muwaasaata Man Qattarta Alayhi Min Rizqika Bima Wassa’ata Alayya Min Fadhlika Wa Nasharta Alayya Min Adlika Wa Ahyaytanee Tahta Dhwillika Wa Haadha Shahru Nabiyyika Sayyidi Rusulika Sha’abaanul-Ladhee Hafaftahu Minka Bir-Rahmati War-Ridhwaanil-Ladhee Kaana Rasoolullaahi Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam Yad’abu Fee Swiyaamihi Wa Qiyaamihi Fee Layaaleehi Wa Ayyaamihi Nujoo’an Laka Fi Ikraamihi Wa I’adhwaamihi Ilaa Mahalli Himaamihi. Allaahumma Fa Ainnaa Alal Istinaani Bi Sunnatihi Feehi Wa Naylish-Shafaa’ati Ladayhi. Allaahumma Waj’alhu Lee Shafeean Mushaffa’an Wa Twareeqan Ilayka Maheean Waj’alnee Lahoo Muttabian Hattaa Alqaaq Yawmal Qiyaamati Annee Raadhiyan Wa An Dhunoobee Ghaadhiyan Qad Awjabta Lee Minkar-Rahmata War-Ridhwaan Wa Anzaltanee Daaral Qaraari Wa Mahallal Akhyaar.

1st Night of Sha’abaan:

Pray12 rak’at Namaaz in which recite S.Tawheed 11 times after Al-Hamd in every rek’at;

It is highly emphasized to observeFasting on this day.

On1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd day of this monthFasting is highly recommended by the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) and in their nights pray2 rak’at Namaaz with 11 timesS.Tawheed in each rak’at.

The3 rdday of this month is a very meritorious and auspicious day, it is the birthday ofImaam Hussain (A.S.) One shouldFast on this day and there is a very good Duaa to be recited today. (refer.M.Jinaan)

15th Sha’abaan:

The night preceding this day is an extra-ordinary night. Imaam Muhammad Baakir (A.S.) said that this night is the most excellent night after the Night of Qadr, in this night Allaah distributes His Grace on His creatures abundantly, by His Mercy He forgives numerous people, we should try to gain His proximity. Allaah has promised that He will not return anyone empty-handed except if a sinful thing is asked for.This holy night is to Ahlul Bayt as Laytul Qadr is to Holy prophet (S.A.W.W.) Auspiciousness of this night is amplified manifold because of the birth ofImaam-e-Zamaana A.F . on this date.

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) said that in this night Allaah (S.W.T.) distributes sustenance, registers the life-spans of creatures, and the names of those to go for Hajj are recorded. In this night Allah bestows His Grace and Blessings to His creation much more then what they deserve.

Some A’amaal on ths Night of 15th Sha’abaan:

To performGhusl in this night is the means of forgivness.

To keepnight vigil for Duaas, Namaaz, Istighfaar and other Ibaadaat.

To reciteZiyaarat of Imaam Husayn (A.S.) It is as if to shake hands with 124000 Prophets of Allaah (S.W.T.) Is has the merit of Hajj and Umrah. At least one should stand under the open sky and then look left, right, and towards the heavens and recite even this much: Assalaamu Alayka Ya Abaa Abdillaah Assalaamu Alayka Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh.

There are essential Duaas to be recited tonight, pls. Ref.M.Jinaan.

Recite theSalawaat that is recited everyday at noon.

Recite Duaa-e-Qumayl.

Recite Tasbeehaat-e-Arba’aa 100 times which is the means for the forgiveness of sins and Haajaat are fulfilled Sub’haanallaahi Walhamdu Lillaahi Wa Laa Ilaaha Illaal-Laahu Wallaahu Akbar.

There is also to be recited2 rak’at Namaaz , then a Duaa, ref.M.Jinaan), then 20 timesYaa Rabbi , and 7 timesYaa Allaahu in Sajdah, then 7 times: Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaah, then 10 timesMaa Shaa’Allaahu , then 10 timesLaa Quwwata Illaa Billaah . ThenSalawaat , then beseech your needs and Inshaa’Allaah the Al-Mighty Allaah shall grant your Haajaat even if they are as many as the drops of rain.

Recite thatDuaa which we recite in Namaaz-e-Shafaa. (starting withthese words‘Ilaahee…Ta’Arradha… Laka…’ (This Duaa has already been written in the section on Namaaz-e-Shab).

After each Namaaz ofNamaaz-e-Shab recite the above mentioned Duaa.

Recite this Duaa in Sajdah:  Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Sajada Laka Sawaadee Wa Khayaalee Wa Aamana Laka Fuaadee Haadhihee Yadaaya Wamaa Janaytuhoo Alaa Nafsee Yaa Adhweemu Turjaa Likulli Adhweemin Ighfirliyal Adhweem Fa Innahoo Laa Yaghfirudh-Dhanbiyal Adhweem.

Again go into Sajdah and recite:  Aoodhu Bi Noori Wajhikal-Ladhee Adhwaa’at Lahus-Samaawaatu Wal Ardhoona Wankashfat Lahudh-Dhulumaatu Wa Swalaha Alayhi Amrul Awwaleen Wal Aakhireen Min Fuj’ati Naqimatik Aafiyatik Wamin Zawaali Ni’amatik Allaahummar’zuqnee Qalban Taqiyyan Naqiyyan Wa Minash-Shirki Baree’an Laa Kaafiran Walaa Shaqiyyan.

Imaam Radhaa (A.S.) has recommended to prayNamaaz-e-Ja’afar-e-Tayyaar in this holy night.

From amongst other Ibaadaat there is 4 rak’at Namaaz, in each rak’at after al-Hamd recite 100 times S’Ikhlaas, then there is a Duaa:  Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Allaahumma Ilayka Faqeerun Wamin Adhaabika Khaaifun Mustajeerun, Allaahumma Laa Tubaddilismee Walaa Tughayyir Jismee Walaa Tajhad Balaai Walaa Tushmit Bee A’adaai, Aoodhu Bi Afwika Min Iqaabika Wa Aoodhu Bi Rahmatika Min Adhaabik Wa Aoodhu Bi Ridhaak Min Sakhtik Wa Aoodhu Bika Minka Jalla Thanaauk Anta Kamaa Athnayta Alaa Nafsik Wa Fawqa Maa Yaqoolul Qaailoon.

AnotherNamaaz is of 100 rak’at, in each rak’at S.Ikhlaas is to be recited 10 times.

Recite thatNamaaz mentioned in the month of Rajab to be recited on13 th, 14 th, and 15 thnights .

The Day Of 15th Sha’abaan:

Today is the Birthday of our Imaam Al-Mahdi Swaahibuz-Zamaan A.F. and so it is the great day ofEed. It is highly emphasized to recite theZiyaarat of Imaam Mehdi A.F. from wherever you are. We should pray much today for the safety and reappearence of the Imaam, who will come to wipe out all corruptions and evils of the world and will establish the most just rule.

There are various essential Ziyaaraat, Duaas and A’amaal of Immam-e-Zamaana which should be performed today.

Other A’amaal of Sha’aban:

Imaam Radhaa (A.S.) said that whoever shall observeFasting even for the last three days of Sha’abaan and connect to the Fasts of Holy Ramadhaan shall earn the Sawaab of two months of Fasting.

As the Holy Month of Ramadhaan is approaching we should try to be free from all sins so as to enter in the Holy Month with purity and piousness.

Imaam Radhaa (A.S.) said to one of his followers that in the final days of this month one should reciteDuaas , performIstighfaar, and reciteHoly Qur’an so that we should become clean and free of any thing that is disliked by the All-Merciful Allaah.We should keenly observe that we are not laden with debts, nor do we nurse any grudge towards anyone, should keep away from all types of sins, and should keep complete faith and trust on non but Allaah only.

Recite this Duaa in the final days of this month: Bismillaahir-Rahmmaanir-Raheem, Allaahumma In Lam Takun Ghafarta Lanaa Fee Maa Madhaa Min Sha’abaan Faghfirlanaa Fee Maa Baqiya Minhu.

In the last night of this month there is a meritorious Duaa to be recited, which starts with these words,“Allaahumma… Inna… Haadhash-Shahral… Mubaaraka...” (ref. M. Jinaan)


Although Fasting is recommended in various days of the year the Holy Month of Ramadhaan is chosen by Allaah S.W.T specifically for this purpose. Fasting has numerous benefits for human beings and that is why we are commanded to observe Fasts. The most virtuous effect of effective Fasting is the reaching on the peak of perfaction.

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) said, “Whoever keeps his stomach hungry, his thinking culminates to the highest level, thus, making his reflections stronger.” The effect of less-eating is mostly seen as being purity of heart and insight and it prepares the mind and heart to grasp quickly the right way of enlightenment. While the effect of over-eating is always like drunkenness and dumbness in the sense of perception, thus reducing the power of quick grasping, moreover, that is the main cause in many desease. Over-eating needs preparations, purchasing, cooking, consuming, relieving, money, treatment and time, thus wasting all these objects merely to satisfy a few moment’s taste of the tongue. While less-eating will opportune more free time, ease, and comfort. Moreover, as a result of over-eating the expenses for providing unnecessary food items and its medical expences can be utilized for charity, benevolence, pilgrimage, and other worshiping objectives that require money.

Even on the times after Iftaar we should observe some stricktness in consuming food. Allaah has made the abstinence from food compulsory in this month, He loves to see us sobre of foods and drinks whilst we eat and drink more than we do in other months. This is contrary to the wish of Allaah. It is as if a host loves to sit with his guest and talk to him fondly whereas the silly guest is busy in other nonsensical activity.

The Fast-Observers whose eating and drinking and the level of consumption and the means of food are lawful and permissible, and they do not indulge in any sort of extravegence, neither they fill their dining table with colourful and delicious dishes, nor do they practice over-eating and belly-filling, they limit to single dish and do not eat for enjoyment and taste, so Allaah (S.W.T.) shall reward them with the best of His bounties, shall shower His special Blessings on them, and shall present to them His special rewards which no eyes has ever seen nor any mind has ever imagined.

Fasting in its true spirit produces humility, hospitality, obedience and surrender to the Lord of Universe. It enhances the spirit of freedome from arrogance, egotism and haughtiness; it also lowers the intensity of sensual passions and other bad motivations that diverts a person to the wrong path. Less-eating creates a state of awakefulness thus reducing the hours of sleep, consequently giving the opportunity to do some creative works for this world as well as for the Hereafter. There is a Hadeeth which says, “Stop the path of Satanic influence upon yourself through hunger”

Howsoever,Fasting is not only the renunciation of food and drink . This type of Fasting is termed as a state of hunger only. True Fasting is the observing Fast with our flesh, eyes, ears, tongue, limbs, and all organs of the body, these must remain pious and ascetic all the time.

Our main aim of Fasting should be that what our Creator Allaah (S.W.T.) wish us to be, that is, to reach to the peak of perfaction by acknowledging true value of life given to us for the main purpose of pleasing our Lord and reach closer to Him (The Glorious, The Exalted). Therefore Fasting should keep us far apart from bodily sensual desires and lead us to angelic and spiritual virtues. Ofcourse Fasting will save us from the Hell-Fire and attain Paradise for us, but our main objective of Fasting should be the matter stated above. The prime on the list must be the Pleasure of Allaah only.

Regarding the Conditions of Fasting , some of them are mentioned by Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) as , “The Fast-observer should consider himself as a Here-after’s traveler, should remain in the state of humility, fear, self-degradation, and like a servent fearing his master should remain afraid of Allaah; his heart should remain pure from defects and contaminations, and his inner self should be free from everything except Allaah; must sacrifice his entire friendship and intentions for Him and must purify his heart from all other friendships except Allaah’s; must surrender his eyes and soul to Him; must commit his soul for His rememberence; must utilize his body in Allaah’s path and must keep it distant apart especially the tongue from all sorts of sins and indecencies. Whoever has observed these limitations has indeed discharged his obligations of Fasting properly, and whoever has shown negligience to discharge these obligations has wasted his Fast and would not be benefited from its reward.”

With reference to Imaam Ali (A.S.) our eighth Imaam Ali Radhaa (A.S.) said that once the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) delivered a sermon in which he said, “O people, very soon a month will be coming to you which is a month of great blessings, mercy, and forgiveness of sins by All-Merciful Allaah (S.W.T.) To Allaah its nights, days and hours are better then all other nights, days and hours. This is a month whereby All Mighty Allaah is your Host, wherein your breath is counted as Tasbeeh, and your sleep is an Ibaadat. So beg forgiveness from Allaah and beseech Him with sincerety that He may give you Tawfeeq to observe Fasting and recite Holy Qur’an. Whoever will be deprived of Allaah’s Mercy in this month is an unfortunate one.

When you Fast remember the thirst and hunger of the Day of Judgement. Give alms to the needy. Give due respect to your aged ones. Be compassionate to your younger ones, and sympathetic to your relatives. Abstain from that which is unlawful to see, hear, and speak. Be kind to orphans of the others so that others would be kind to your orphans. After repenting for your sins pay full attention towards Allaah.. Be punctual in Namaaz, pray in its fixed time and raise your hands towards heavens because the time of Namaaz is the best time when Allaah looks most kindly towards His creatures and answers their needs when they ask sincerely.

Your backs are overloaded with sins so perform many Sajdahs, because Allaah (S.W.T.) has promised not to punish those who do Sajdah and those who pray Namaaz.

O people! any one giving Iftaar to a Fsting person will get the reward of emancipating one lack slaves, and his / her past sins shall be forgiven. For Iftaar it may not be plenty or delicious dishes, but as much as one can afford.

O people ! one who corrects his/her ways of lifestyle to a better way shall pass with ease on Pool-e-Siraat when feet will be stumbling and loosing balance over there. A person who does not exercise strictness on his workers will be saved from the strictness of Allmighty on Qayaamat and a person who lessens the load of works from his / her workers Allaah shall take his account with leniency. A person who is kind and honours an orphan then Allaah also shall honour him on Qayaamat. A person who is compassionate toward his kith and kin then Allaah shall bestow His grace on him, and whoever disgraces and be cruel to his relatives then Allaah shall also deprive him of His Mercy. A person who performs Sunnat Namaaz in this month shall be given clemency in Qayaamat. A person who observes all obligatory deeds will be rewarded seventy times more for each Waajibaat, and his balance of good deeds will remain heavier then the bad deeds. A person who recites Holy Qur’an in this month will be rewarded the merit of recitation of a complete Qur’an. Verily, Shaytaan is made captive in this month so bag to Allaah not to let him overpower you, the doors of Paradise are made wide open so bag Allaah not close them for you and the dors of Hell are closed so bag Allaah not to open them for you.”

It is quoted by Shaikh Sadooq A.R. that when the Holy month of Ramadhaan arrived then the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) used to pardon all the prisoners and donate generously to everyone who asked from him.

This month is the holiest month of all so each person should remain careful to utilise the valueable opportunity given to us by the Most High Allaah (S.W.T.) We should seriously consider how to spend this holy month in accordance to the pleasure of Allaah by abstaining from sins and bad deeds with all our organs of the body. Attention should be given to the fact that we should not waste away its nights in sleeping hours and the days without rememberence of Allaah.

Regarding the reverence and majesty of this Holy Month it suffices to note that Imaam Ali (A.S.) said, “Don’t say ‘Ramadhaan’ only, because you don’t know what Ramadhaan is. Whoever says so must pay charity and must offer atonement Fast. Instead of saying ‘Ramadhaan’ say the way Allaah (S.W.T.) called it, -‘The Month of Ramadhaan’.

It is narrated that in Holy Ramadhaan, at the time of Iftaar, Allaah sets free thousands of the already covicted people from the fire of Hell. When the eve and day of Friday comes then also countless sinful people are pardoned by All-Merciful. And finally, at the end of this month Allaah forgives the total of those pardoned all along this month. Therefore it is very important that we should not be negligient towards the grace, bounty and mercy of this month, it should not depart and leave us at the same position where we were before its arrival, with loads of sins on our backs. Lest we are abandoned and punished when the observers of Fast and other good deeds are being rewarded. So only the recitation of Holy Qur’an in the days and nights of this month, the Sunnat A’amaal, doing sincere Istighfaar, praying on its time, keeping away from bads deeds, and performing good deeds can surely bring salvation to us and make us the rightful candidates of Allaah’s bounties.

Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said that whoever is not forgiven in this month then there is no any hope for his salvation until either the next Holy Ramadhaan or that he / she should be present in Arafah. The Imaam said that our Fastings should not be of only abstaining from food and drink, rather every organ of our body should strictly observe Fast. We should not utter falsehood with our mouth, we should not hear vain talks and music with our ears, we should not look at prohibited objects with our eyes, we should not quarrel with each other, we should not envy others, we should not backbite, or abuse, or take false oath, we should not be stingy and miser, we should not oppress anyone, in brief we should keep away from every act which makes our Lord unhappy. Rather we should concentrate on good deeds like being helpful to the fellow human beings, always speak truth, keep away from bad people, realize the hereafter to be near, be hopeful of the rewards from Allaah, be fearful of the dreadful punishments for our sins, and be among the pious people who sincerely wait for the reappearence of Imaam Mehdi A.F.

The Imaam continued, O the observers of Fasting ! Surrender your selves materially as well as spiritually to non-but Allaah (S.W.T.) Keep away from prohibited things in public and in privacy. Fear Allaah as it is the right to fear Him.

Imaam Ali A.S said that there are some fasting people whose share of reward is nothing else but thirst and hunger. And there are some worshippers whose share in reward is nothing but the difficulty and hardship. This is mainly because of wisdom, insight, and knowledge.(Ma’arifat).

Jaabir bin Abdullah narrated a tradition from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) that he said, “O Jaabir, this is the holy month of Ramadhaan, the one who observes Fasting in its days and keeps awake for some period in its nights, and abstains his/her stomach and private parts from unlawful acts, and restrains his/her tongue, they come out of sins as fast as this month passes away.” Jaabir said, “how good the tradition is !” The Prophet said, “and how exacting the rules are to be adhered to !”

Therefore, consequently, given so much significance and value for this Holy Month of Ramadhaan, it is our duty to make full preparation to receive it with befitting provisions. Some of them are that we should make our hearts clean and pure as aforementioned; we should also make our place of worship and its sorrounding to be clean and without disturbances; we should also make provision for our workers that they get some breathing time; Khums, Zakaat, debts and any other outstanding dues should be cleared up so that when we stand to pray in front of Allaah (S.W.T.) we should be free of any worldly burdon on our backs; the habit of gossiping and back-biting should be wiped out, because this is one of the things which invalidates the Fast; and the most essential of all - a firm, solid, and unyielding resolution to adhere to all the laws laid down for a successful Fasting.

Moreover, there are various magnificient A’amaal. Duaas and Namaaz that if we wish to accomplish majority of them then there is no chance to stand unless we dovout our large time at night hours. So it needs a firm inspiration and determination also to perform proper Ibaadat…

A’maal of Ramadhaan:

Some of the A’amaal are mentioned as hereunder:

There are particularDuaas to be Recited After Every Namaaz, these are mentioned in the back pages of this book. [*]

AfterNamaaz-e-Maghrib daily reciteDuaa-e- Hajj . [*].

As the Holy Qur’an is revealed in this month it is of utmost importance to recite it and ponder over it as much as possible. Every thing has its particular season and theSeason of Holy Qur’an is the Month of Ramadhaan . If one does a Khitma and dedicates its Sawaab to any one of the Ma’asoomeen (A.S.) then the reward for the reciter is manifold. Duaa at the time of Khitma of Holy Qur’an is given in back pages. [*]

Reciting ofSurah-e-Anqaboot and S.Room restores the good deeds which were made null and void due to other bad deeds

Recite as much as possible the Salawaat, Istighfaaar, and Laa Ilaaha Illallaah.

It is Mustahab to doIftaar after Ishaa . But if it is unbearable or people are waiting for you then you may do Iftaar first and then go for prayers.

To break the Fast at Iftaar starting withKhajoor (dates) will bring you theSawaab of 400 Namaaz for a single one. It is good to do Iftaar with taking either dates, water, sweetmeat, or hot water.

Duaas of Iftaar:

These are some specialDuaas to be recited at the time ofIftaar :  

Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem . Allaahumma Laka Swumtu Wa Alaa Rizqika Aftwartu Wa Alayka Tawakkaltu.

Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem Bismillaahi Allaahum-ma Laka Swumna Wa Alaa Rizqika Aftwarna Fataqabbal Minna Innaka Antas-Sameeul Aleem.

Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Yaa Waasial Maghfirati Ighfir Lee.

Before Iftaar:

If one recitesDuaa-e-Ahd ( that Duaa which is recited on every Friday morning, starting with‘Alaahummaa… Rabban… Nooril… Adhweem……”) [*] he/she shall get plenty of Sawaab, Allaah will answer his prayer, accepts his prayer and Fasting, grants his 10 requirements, forgives his sins, removes his grief, makes his heart at ease, grants his wishes, makes to ascend his deeds upwards with the deeds of Prophets and Saints, and on Qayaamat will bring him to His presence with a face illuminated like a bright moon.

Imaam Ali (A.S.) used to recite this Duaa at the Time of Iftaar:-Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Bismillaahi Allaahumma Laka Swumna Wa Alaa Rizqika Aftwarnaa Fataqabbal Minnaa Innaka Antas-Sameeul Aleem.

On the first morsal of Iftaar recite; Bismillahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem Yaa Waasi’al Maghfirati Ighfirlee.

It is also stated to treciteSurah-e-Qadr at Iftaar.

It is recommended to give alms and togive food to other Fastng peopleAt the Time of Iftaar .

It is stated to reciteSurah-e-Qadr 1000 timesevery night.

There areparticular Duaas to be recited in every night of this month. (Ref. M.Jinaan).

ReciteDuaa-e-Iftitaah inevery night . (Ref. M.Jinaan)

Inevery night of this Holy month recite the following Namaaz so that 17000 sins might be forgiven.2 rak’at Namaaz,after Al-Hamd recite 3 times Surah-e-Ikhalaas and after Namaaz recite this Duaa:Sub’haana Man Huwa Hafeedhun Laa Yaghfulu, Sub’haana Man Huwa Raheemun Laa Ya’jalu, Sub’haana Man Huwa Qaaimun Laa Yas’hoo Sub’hana Man Huwa Daa’imun Laa Yalhoo . Then recite7 times Tasbihaat-e-Arba’aa. And then recite once this Duaa:Sub’haanaka Sub’haanaka Sub’haanaka Yaa Adhweemu Ighfirliyadh-Dhambal Adhweem. The recite10 Salawaat .

If anyone recitesSurah-e-Fat’h (Innaa Fatahna Laka Fat’ham-Mubeena……)in Sunnaat Namaaz in these nights he shall remain safe from all problems and disease during this whole year.

After everyNawafil Namaaz it is better to recite this Duaa: Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Allaahummaj’al Fee Maa Taqdhwee Wa Tuqaddiru Minal Amril Mahtoom Wa Fee Maa Tafruqu Minal Amril Hakeem Fee Laylatil Qadri An Taj’alanee Min Hujjaji Baytikal Haraamil Mabroori Hajjuhumul Mashkoori Sa’yuhumul Maghfoori Dhunoobuhum Wa As’aluka An Tutweela Umree Fee Twaa’atika Wa Tuwassi’a Lee Fee Rizqee Yaa Arhamar-Raahimeen.


It is highly emphasized to eat some food at the time of Sehri, even if one is not hungry he / she should partake a little food or some drink.

It is narrated that Allaah (S.W.T.) bestows His Mercy on the one who doesIsteghfaar at the time of Sahri.

One who recitesSurah-e-Qadr at the time of Sahri and Iftaar gets the Sawaab of a Martyr.

There are beautiful Duaas to be recited at Sahri, e.g.Duaa-e-Tasbihaat, Duaa-e- Abu Hamza-e-Simaali, etc. (pls. Refer M.Jinaan for it.)


We should try our best to see the new moon ofMaah-e-Ramadhaan , some Ulamaa say that it is obligatory to see it. And when we see the moon we should not point to it rather we should raise our hands towards the sky and recite this Duaa:Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem, Rabbee Wa Rabbukallaahu Rabbul Aalameen, Allaahumma Ahillahu Alaynaa Bil Amni Wal Imaani Was-Salaamati Wal Islaami Wal Musaara’atee Ilaa Maa Tuhibboo Wa Tardhaa, Allaahumma Baarik Lanaa Fee Shahrinaa Haadhaa Warzuqnaa Khayrahoo Wa Awnahoo Wasrif Annaa Dhurrahoo Wa Sharrahoo Wa Balaa’ahoo Wa Fitnatahoo.

Another Duaa when you see the new moon. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) used to turn towards Qibla and recite the following Duaa when he sighted the new moon of Maah-e-Ramadhaan:

Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Allaahuma Ahillahu Alayna Bil Amni Wal Eemaani Was-Salaamati Wal Islaami Wal Aafiyatil Mujallalati Wa Difaail Asqaami Wal Awni Alas-Swalaati Was-Swiyaami Wal Qiyaami Wa Tilaawatil Qur’aani. Allaahumma Sallimna Li Shahri Ramadhaan Wa Tasallaamhu Minna Wa Sallimnaa Feehi Hattaa Yanqadhiya Annaa Shahru Ramadhaan Wa Qad Afawta Annaa Wa Ghafarta Lanaa Wa Rahimtanaa.


It is recommended to makeGhusl in running water on this night and thenpour 30 handfuls of water over the head ; one who does so shall not be affected with skin disease till the next Maahe Ramadhaan and shall remain in the state of cleanliness.

Recite Ziyaarat of Imaam Husayn (A.S.)

Recite2 rak’at Namaaz in which reciteSurah-e-An’aam after Al-Hamd, then beseech Allaah that you be safe from every disease you fear of.

Recite the Duaa of the last day of Sha’abaan.

Recite 44th Duaa of Saheefa-e-Kaamilah.

Rasoolullah (S.A.W.W.) was reciting this Duaa on thefirst night and first day : Bismillaahr-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Allaahumma Innaho Qad Dakhala Shahru Ramadhaan, Allaahumma Rabba Shahri Ramadhaanal-Ladhee Anzalta Feehil Qur’an Wa Ja’altahoo Bayyinaatin Minal Hudaa Wal Furqaani. Allaahumma Fa Baarik Lanaa Fee Shahri Ramadhaan Wa A’innaa Alaa Swiyaamihee Wa Swalawaatihee Wa Taqabbalhu Minnaa.

Recite Duaa-e- Jawshani Kabeer.

Duaa of The First Night: 

Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Allaahumma Rabba Shahri Ramadhaan Munazzilal Qur’aan, Haadha Shahru Ramadhaanal-Ladhee Anzalta Feehil Qur’aan, Wa Anzalta Feehi Aayaatin Bayyinaatin Minal Hudaa Wal Furqaan. Allaahummarzuqna Swiyaamahu Wa Ainnaa Alaa Qiyaamihi. Allaahumma Sallimhu Lanaa Wa Sallimna Feehi Wa Tasallaamhu Minna Fi Yusrin Minka Wa Muaafaatin Waj’al Feemaa Taqdhee Wa Tuqaddiru Minal Amril Mahtoom, Wa Fee Maa Tafruqu Minal Amril Hakeem Fee Laylatil Qadri Minal Qadhaail-Ladhee Laa Yuraddu Walaa Yubaddalu An Taktubanee Min Hujjaji Baytikal Haraamil Mabroori Hajjuhumul Mashkoori Sa’ayuhumul Mukaffari Anhum Sayyiaatuhum Waj’al Feemaa Taqdhee Wa Tuqaddiru An Tutweela Lee Fee Umree Wa Tuwassia Alayya Minar-Rizqil Halaal.

Duaa Of The First Night:

Bismillaahir-Rahmmaanir-Raheem. Allaahumma Innahu Qad Dakhala Shahru Ramadhaan, Allaahumma Rabba Shahri Ramadhaanal-Ladhee Anzalta Feehil Qur’aan Wa Ja’altahu Bayyinaatin Minal Hudaa Wal Furqaan, Allaahumma Fa Baarik Lanaa Fi Shahri Ramadhaan Wa Ainnaa Alaa Swiyaamihee Wa Swalawaatihi Wa Taqabbalhu Minna.

Duaa Of The First Night:

Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Al-Hamdu Lillaahil-Ladhee Akramanaa Bika Ayyuhash-Shahrul Mubaaraku Allaahumma Fa Qawwinaa Alaa Swiyaaminaa Wa Qiyaaminaa Wa Thabbit Aqdaamanaa Wansurna Alal Qawmil Kaafireen. Allaahumma Antal Waahidu Falaa Walada Laka, Wa Antas-Swamadu Falaa Shib’ha Laka, Wa Antal Azeezu Falaa Yu’Izzuka Shay’un, Wa Antal Ghaniyyu Wa Anal Faqeeru, Wa Antal Mawlaa Wa Anal Abdu, Wa Antal Ghafooru Wa Anal Mudhnibu, Wa Antar-Raheemu Wa Anal Mukhtwiu, Wa Antal Khaaliqu Wa Anal Makhlooqu, Wa Antal Hayyu Wa Anal Mayyitu., As’aluka Bi Rahmatika An Taghfiralee Wa Tarhamanee, Wa Tajaawaza Annee, Innaka Alaa Kulli Shay’in Qadeer.


PerformGhusl in flowing water and thenpour 30 handfuls of water over the head , this will keep you safe from all disease for the whole year.

Sprinkle somerose-water on the face and head, this will keep you away from all problems and ailments.

Perform the Namaaz of the first day of every month and give some Sadaqa.

Perform2 rak’at Namaaz in whch recite Surah-e-Fat’h in the first rak’at after Al-Hamd and any Surah in the second rak’at, this will keep yousafe from all evils for this year .

After Sub’h-e-Saadiq of the FIRST DAY recite this Duaa: Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Allaahumma Qad Hadhwara Shahru Ramadhaan Waqadif-Taradhta Alayna Swiyaamahoo Wa Anzalta Feehil Qur’an Hudan Linnaasi Wa Bayyinaatin Minal Hudaa Wal Furqaan. Allaahumaa Ainnaa Alaa Swiyaamihee Wa Taqabbalhu Minna Wa Tasallaamhu Minnaa Wa Sallimhu Lanaa Fee Yusrin Minka Wa Aafiyatin Innaka Alaa Kulli Shay’in Qadeer.

Recite thatDuaa which was directed byImaam Mosa Kaadhim (A.S.) He said that who ever recites this Duaa sincerely for the pleasure of Allaah only, will be safeguarded by all those problems which were decreed to come on him / her.Refer to M.Jinan for this Duaa starting with these words‘Allaahuma Innee As’auka Bismikal-Ladhee Daana Lahoo…’