Category: Supplications and Ziyarat

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This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought


It is stated thatDuaas and supplications in this month are very effective to ward off problems and tribulations.

On any Sunday , makeGhusl, then doWudhoo and pray4 rak’ats of Namaaz in this way - in each rak’at after Al-Hamd recite 3 times S.Ikhlaas, once S.Al-Falak and once S.An-Naas. After Namaaz recite 70 timesAstaghfirullaaha Rabbi Wa Atoobu Ilayhi, and then once -Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahil Aliyyil Adhweem, Yaa Azeezu Yaa Ghaffaaru Ighfir Lee Dhunoobee Wa Dhunnoba Jamee’il Mu’mineena Wal Mu’minaati Fa Innahoo La Yaghfirudh-Dhunooba Illaa Anta.


  Rasoolullaah (S.A.W.W.) said that whoever does this Amal his or her sins will be forgiven, his repentance will be accepted, his enemies will be pleased with him in Qayaamat, his death will be on faith, his faith will be secured, his grave will be made expansive, his parents will be pleased with him, his parents and children will be forgiven, his sustenance will be increased, and at the time of death his soul will be taken away with great ease.

In this month the Sawaab of good deeds are recordedmanifold as well are the punishment for bad deeds.

To observeFasting consecutively onThursday, Friday and Saturday earns theSawaab of ninty years’ Ibaadat.

The 11th day is the birth-day ofImaam Ali Radhaa (A.S.) so it is recommended to recite hisZiyaarat and Salawaat.

The15 thnight is a meritorious night, Allaah (S.W.T.) showers His Mercy on His Mu’min Servents. Whoever observes Ibaadaat during this night gets the Sawaab similar to hundred people who have Fasted and spent all their lives in Masjid and have not committed a single sin even for a moment.

According to some traditions23 rdday is the day of Martyrdm ofImaam Ali Ridhaa (A.S.) so it is Sunnat to recite hisZiyaarat today.

On 23rd of this month it is Mustahab to recite Ziyaarat of Imaam Ali Ridhaa (A.S.)

25thnight is the night ofDahwul Ardh. It was tonight that the land was spread from beneath Khana-e-Kaaba on water. Mercy of Allaah descends tonight. There is great Sawaab to spend this night in Ibaadaat.

Imaam Ali Ridhaa (A.S.) said that tonight were born Hazrat Ibraahim (A.S.) and also Hazrat Isa (A.S.) so it carries much Sawaab to observe Fast, its Sawaab is equal to the Fasts of sixty years.

25thDay . Today is the day ofDahwul Ardh , according to some traditionsImaam-e-Zamaana A.F .shall reappear on this date. This is one of the four days of the year in whichFasting carries extensive reward.

Make Ghusl.

ObserveFasting. The Fast of today is equal to the Fasts of 70 years and is expiation for the sins of 70 years. It is stated that every thing in the world will recite Istighfaar for the person who observes Fasting today.

Todayafter sunrise there is an A’amal of2 rak’at Namaaz with 5 times S.Wash-Shamsi Wadh-Dhuhaa in every rak’at and then Duaa. (please refer M.Jinaan).

It is Sunnat-e-Mu’akkida (highly emphasized) to recite Ziyaarat of Imaam Ali Radhaa (A.S.) today.

The last day of this month is theShahaadat-Day of Imaam Muhammad Taqee (A.S.) so we should recite hisZiyaarat on this day. The Imaam was poisoned by Mu’tasim Mal’oon in A.H.220.


This month of Dhu-l-Hijjah (Zilhajj) is a very praiseworthy month.Specifically the starting ten days are very meritorious days . Rasoolullaah (S.A.W.W.) said that there are no better days then these ten days in which Allaah (S.W.T.) likes Ibaadaat and Khayr the most.

The one who observesFasting for the first nine days gets the Sawaab of Fasting a whole year.

Everyday during these ten days,in between Maghrib and Ishaa pray 2 rak’at Namaaz in which recite this Duaa after Al-Hamd and Qulhuwallaah…: Wa Waa’Adnaa Moosa Thalaatheena Laylatan Wa Atmamnaahaa Bi Ashrin Fa Tamma Meeqaatu Rabbihee Arba’eena Layla, Wa Qaala Moosa Li Akheehi Haarunakh-Lufnee Fee Qawmee Wa Aslih Walaa Tat-Tabi’a Sabeelal Mufsideen.

Benefit: You shall be a partner in the Sawaab of those who performed Hajj.

After Sub’h and before Maghrib there is a Duaa by Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) (ref.M.Jinaan).

There are5 Duaas which Jibrael (A.S.) brought as a gift to Nabi Isa (A.S.) from Allaah (S.W.T.) They are to be recited 10 times each:(1) Ash’hadu An Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Wahdahoo Laa Shareeka Lahoo Lahul Mulku Walahul Hamdu Biyadihil Khayru Wahuwa Alaa Kulli Shay’in Qadeer. (2) Ash’hadu An Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Wahdahoo Laa Shareeka Lahoo Ahadan Swamadan Lamyat-Takhidh Swaahibatan Walaa Waladan. (3) Ash’hadu An Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Wahdahoo Laa Shareeka Lahoo Ahadan Swamadan Lam Yalid Walam Yoolad Walam Ya Kunlahoo Kufuwan Ahad. (4) Ash’hadu An Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Wahdahoo Laa Shareeka Lahoo Lahul Mulku Walahul Hamdu Yuhyee Wa Yumeetu Wahuwa Hayyun Laa Yamootu Biyadihil Khayru Wahuwa Alaa Kulli Shay’in Qadeer. (5) Hasbiyallaahu Wa Kafaa Samiallaahu Liman Da’aa Laysa Waraa’Allaah Bimaa Da’aa Wa Annahoo Baree’un Mimman Tabarra’a Wa Anna Lil Aakhirati Wal Oolaa.

This is another Duaa by Ameerul Mu’mineen (A.S.) to be recited 10 times daily for 10 days, its Sawaab is great: Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Adadal-layaali Wad-Duhoori, Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Adada Amwaajil Buhoori, Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Wa Rahmatuhoo Khayrum-Mimmaa Yajmaoon, Laa Ilaaha Illallaaho Adadash- Shawkish-Shajari, Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Adadash-Sha’ari Wal Wabari, Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Adadal Hajari Wal Madari, Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Adada Lamhil Uyooni, Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Fil-Layli Idhaa As’Asa Was-Sub’hi Idhaa Tanaffasa, Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Adadar-Riyaahi Fill Baraari Was-Sukhoori, Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Minal Yawmi Ilaa Yawmi Yunfakhu Fis-Soor.

The 1stDay:

This day is an exceptional graceful day.Fasting on this day is similar to that for eighty years.

ReciteNamaz-e-Bibi Faatima Zehra (S.A.) It is a 4 rak’at Namaaz. In each rak’at recite 50 times Surah-e-Ikhlaas after Al-Hamd. After Namaaz recite this Tasbeeh:-Sub’haana Dhil Izzish-Shaamikhil Muneefi Sub’haana Dhil Jalaalil Baadhikhil Adhweemi Sub’haana Dhil Mulkil Faakhiril Qadeemi Sub’haana Man Yaraa Atharan-Namlati Fis-Swafaa Sub’haana Man Yaraa Waq’at-Twayri Fil Hawaai Sub’haana Man Huwa Haakadhaa Walaa Haakadhaa.

Half hour before noon: Pray 2 rak’at Namaaz, after Al-Hamd recite 10 times S.Ikhlaas, 10 times Aayatul Kursee, and 10 times S.Qadr.

The onewho fears a Dhaalim should recite this Duaa so tha the shall be rescued from tribulations:Hasbee Hasbee Hasbee Min Su’aali Ilmuka Bihaali.

Today is the marriage anniversary of Bibi Faatima Zehra (S.A.) to Imaam Ali ibn Abi Taalib (A.S.)

The 7th Day:

This is the day of sorrow today being the day of Martyrdom ofImaam Muhammad Baaqir (A.S.) in Madeena. So we should recite his Ziyaarat and his Duaas and Salawaat.

The 8th Day:

Today is the day ofTarwiyyah . It is very beneficial to observeFasting today, its reward is the expiation of sixty years’ sins. It is Mustahab to makeGhusl today.

The 9th Night:

This is one of theblessed nights . Tonight is the time to plead, glorify, and ask from our Lord The Most High. Duaas are accepted and sins are forgiven in this night.One who keeps awake for Ibaadaat gets the reward of 170 years’ worship.

Recite thisDuaa - starting withthese words“Alaahumma Yaa Shaahida Kulli Najwaa…” (please refer to M.Jinaan).

Recite this Duaa - Starting with these words “Allaahumma Man Ta’abbab’a Wa Tahayya’a…” (ref.M.Jinaan).

Recite Ziyaarat of Imaam Husayn (A.S.)


Today is a day of greatEed. Today The Merciful Allaah spreads His boundless Mercy and Blessings towards His true servents. Today is the day Shaytaan is made more disgraceful and reprehensive. These are some A’amaal to be observed fot this day:

Make Ghusl.

ReciteZiyaarat of Imaam Husayn (A.S.) Sawaab of Ziyaarat of today is manifold in comparision to other days. It is written that you get the Sawaab of one thousand Hajj, one thousand Umrah, and one thousand Jihaad, reather more then this. The one who is fortunate to be in Karbalaa at the Holy Shrine of Imaam Husayn (A.S.) under the Blessed Kubba earns the Sawaab of not less then that who is present in Arafaat, rather it is much more then that. There is a special Ziyaarat for today, please refer M.Jinaan for it. After Namaaz-e-Asr pray two rak’at Namaaz under the open sky and repent sincerely to Allaah for all the sins, faults, misconducts, misbehaviours etc. Inshaa’Allaah pardon shall be granted, and Sawaab of Arafat shall be gained.

Then there are somehow lengthy but very beautiful and beneficial A’amals to be done including some of the following, mentioned, for details please refer M.Jinaan-2 rak’at Namaaz-4 rak’at Namaaz- Tasbihaat- 100 times Tasbihaate Arba’aa-100 times Surah-e-Ikhlaas-100 times Aayatul Kursee—100 times Salawaat-Duaa—Istighfaar- Special Salawaat- Duaa of Imaam Husayn (A.S.)- Duaa for all Mu’mineena Wal Mu’minaat- The third Ziyaarate Jaamia- Duaa-e-Asharaat.

10th Night EED-NIGHT:

This is a very blessed night. This night is amongst those four night in which it is highly emphasized tokeep awake all night for Ibaadat. The gates of heavens are open tonight. It is Mustahab to recite Ziyaarat of Imaam Husayn (A.S.) and this Duaa, starting with these words “Yaa Daaimal Fadhli Alal Bariyyah…”which is stated in the A’amaal of the night of Arafah.

If you so wish you may pray 2 rak’at Namaaz-e-Afw for pardoning of sins; Duaa-e-Tawbaa; Namaaz for Shukr; Duaa-e-Tawassul, Mashlool, Mujeer; Namaaz and Duaas for Haajaat; For good health; For the well-being in Kabr & Aakherat; Namaaz-e-Isteghaasa; S£rah Yaaseen, S. Dukhaan, S. Rahmaan, S. Hajj, S. Mulk, S. Waaqiah, and many more Tilaawat.

EED-U-ZZOHAA 10TH Dul-Hijjaah

Today is the day ofEed-e-Qurbani and it is a magnificient day. Some A’amal for today:

It is Sunnaat-e-Muakkida to makeGhusl , some Ulamaa also say it to be Waajib.

Pray Namaaz-e-Eed.

ReciteDuaa No: 46 and 48 from Saheefa-e-Kaamila.

ReciteDuaa-e-Nudbaa . (ref.M.Jinaan)

PerformQurbaani, it is Sunnat-e-Muakkida.

Recite the followingTakbiraat often, and after Nawaafil, and the person who is present at Meena today should recite these Takbiraat after 15 Namaaz starting from today Sub’h till Zohr of 13th day; the others should shouldrecite after 10 Namaaz starting from Zohr till Sub’h of the 12th day. The Takbeeraat are these:Allaahu Akbar Allaahu Akbar Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Wallaahu Akbar, Allaahu Akbar, Walillaahil Hamd, Allaahu Akbar, Alaa Maa Hadaanaa, Allaahu Akbar, Alaa Maa Razaqanaa Mim Baheematil An’aami, Wal HamduLillaahi Alaa Maa Ablaanaa.


Today is consideredthe greatest Eed by Almighty Allaah and Aal-e-Muhammad. To whomsoever Allah bestowed Apostleship, they observed this day as a very revered day of Eed.

Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq A,S. was once asked that if there was any other Eed besides the Eed of Fitr, Adh’haa, and Jummah, he said that there is one of the greatest Edd and it is the Eed of Ghadeer on 18th Zilhijjah when the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) announced publicly about the Imaamat and Khilaafat of Imaam Ali (A.S.) delaring,“Man Kuntu Mawlaahu Faa Haadhaa Aliyyun Mawlaahu.” The questioner asked the Imaam that what deeds should we do today? He answered that you shouldobserve Fasting, remember Muhammad (S.A.W.W) and Aali Muhammad (A.S.) and send Salawaat on them abundantly.

Imaam Ali Radhaa (A.S.) said to one of his companions that from wherever he was he should try to reach to the Holy Shrine of Imaam Ali (A.S.) because today Allaah S.W.T pardons the sins for sixty years of every Mu’min men and women, and every Muslim men and women. And also He emancipates people from Hell fire as He does in Shab-e-Qadr and Shab-e-Eed. To give one dirham to your Mu’min brother today is more benevolent then to give one thousand dirhams in other days. And it is very beneficient to be compassionate and kind and lenient to your Mu’min brothers and sisters today. The Imaam said on oath that if people would recognize the sanctity and excellence of this day the Angels would shake hands with them. So it is of utmost importance that we should give appropriate reverence to this day of Ghadeer.

For the blessed day of Ghadder one should put on good cloths, wear best perfume, rejoice, make the Shias also rejoice, forgive their mistakes, fulfil their needs, be considerate and free handed to relatives, spend on their children, send food to Mu’mineen, give Iftaar to those who have Fasted, meet Mu’mineen with delight and shake hands with them, send them gifts, and rejoice because of the great blessing from Allaah in the way of the Wilayat of Imaam Ali (A.S.) Today do much Ibaadat and recite Salawaat many times. To feed a Mu’min today is equal to feed all the Prophets and Virtuous. Imaam Ameerul Mu’mineen (A.S.) said that to make Iftaar for a Fasting person is equal to making the same to two hundred thousand people amongst Prophets, Pious, and Martyrs.

There are some A’amaals to be done for today:

ObserveFast. Its merit is equal to the Fastings of the whole life and 100 Hajj and Umrah.

Make Ghusl.

Recite Ziyaarat of Imaam Ali (A.S.) known as Ziyaarat-e-Ameenullah

Recite another Ziyaarat-e-Jaamia Mutliqah.

Pray2 rak’at Namaaz just before noon in the first rak’at Innaa Anzalnaa and in the second S. Ikhalaas once each. Then go intoSajdah and recite100 times Shukr of Allaah . Then raise from it and recite aDuaa (ref.M.Jinan), then anotherSajdah and recite !00 timesAl-Hamdulillaah and 100 timesShukran-Lillaah .        
  MERIT: The performer of this A’mal is as if he was present at Ghadeer-e-Khum and accepted all what Rasoolullah (S.A.W.W.) has said.

AfterGhusl , half hour before noon pray 2 rak’at Namaaz in which, after Al-Hamd recite 10 times S.Ikhlaas, 10 times Aayatul Kursee, and 10 times S.Ikhlaas in each rak’at.MERIT: Sawaab of one lack Hajj, one lack Umrah, the Haajaat shall be granted, and good health guaranteed..

ReciteDuaa-e-Nudbaa today.

OtherDuaas are in Mafaatihul Jinaan.


Today is the day of great rejoicing and full conviction that Islaam is the true religion and the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) and his Holy Ahlul Bayt are the True Guides of the right path. This is because some non-Muslims, Christians from Najraan, came to the Holy Prophet for the arguments concerning true religion. The Holy Prophet tried his best to make them understand the true matter but due to their stubbornness the non-Muslims did not believe. Finally they decided to come to an open ground together with their respective sons, daughters, and selves and invoke curses on the one who is not on the right. But when they observed that the Prophet had brought with him the most loved and near ones with him, whose personality so much godly and astounding, and they observed the signs of Adhaab ready to come over them, so they accepted their defeat and thus Islaam was proved to be the rightful religion.

Today was the day whenAayae - Tat’heer was revealed to acertain the purity of Ahlul Bayt.

Today was the day when Imaam Ali (A.S.) in the state of Rukoo’ gave away his valueable ring to a needy person, and Allaah revealed the Aayat of“Innamaa Waliyyukumullaah…” In the honour of Imaam Ali (A.S.)

Some A’amaal for today:

Make Ghusl.


Pray2 rak’at Namaaz such as that of Eed-Ghadeer’s.

ReciteDuaa-e-Mubaahila . (ref.M.Jinaan).

GiveAlms to Faqeer.

Recite Ziyaarat of Imaam Ali (A.S.) better to recite Z.Jaamia.

25th Day:

It is an honourable day today.Surah-e-Hal-Ataa was revealed today in honour of Ahlul Bayt. They had Fasted for three days but at the time of Iftaar they broke their Fasts with water only because a needy, an orphan and a prisoner respectively had come at their door to ask for food, so every member of the family of Ahlul Bayt gave away his portion of food, in spite of themselves being in need of it.

Some A’amal for today:

In the eve of this night givealms to the needy and deserving.

On this day it is recommended to observeFasting.

Recite Ziyaarat-e-Jaamiah.

Recite Duaa-e-Mubaahila.

The Last Day Of Zilhajj:

Today is the last day of the year. Pray2 rak’at Namaaz , after Al-Hamd recite 10 times S.Ikhlaas and 10 times Aayatul Kursee, and after Namaaz recite thisDuaa:

Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Allaahumma Maa Amiltu Fee Haadhihis-Sanati Min Amalin Nahaytahu Anhu Walan Tardhahu Wa Naseetuhoo Walam Tansahoo Wa Da’awtanee Ilat-Tawbati Ba’adajtiraaee Alayka Allaahumma Fa Ainnee Astaghfiruka Minhoo Faghfirlee Wamaa Amiltu Min Amalin Yuqarribunee Ilayka Faqbalhu Minnee Walaa Taqtwa’a Rajaa’i Minka Yaa Kareemu.

Merits: When you have recited this much the accursed Shaytan shall be disappointed and flees away disgraced.



This is a month of great sorrow and mourning for the Ahlul Bayt and their followers. This is because of the brutal killings of Imaam Husayn and his companions on the plains of Karbalaa by the multitude army of accursed Yazid. Imaam Hussain (A.S.) and his followers had no any fault nor did they commit any offence except that they were the truth-loving people on the right path. The Yezidites wished them all to be on their evil guidelines abandoniong the truthful Shariah laid down by the Almighty Allaah and brought by the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) While Imaam Husain (A.S.) stood steadfast on the preservation of the Islamic Shariah, Yazid and his henchmen wanted the Imaam to endorse on their own beastly and unhuman ways of life. But Imaam Husain (A.S.) being the inheritor of the bringer of Shariah did not give a nod to those wild Yezidites and thus he willingly agreed even to pay heavily by sacrificing the invalueable lives of his family members, companions, and his own self. Thus the Imaam saved Islaam for ever upto the day of Qayaamat. They were kept thirsty for three consecutive days and brutally massacred one by one, from age-olds to infants.Even then the merciless forces were not at rest, they imprisoned the holy innocent and helpless ladies and children of the Holy Household and tortured them for a long time. And this is why we expess our affection towards Imaam Husain and hatred towards Yezidites by commemorating the sorrowful event of the tragedy of Karbala in Muharram.There are some A’amaal in this month as follows:

First Night:

Pray100 rak’at Namaaz , after Al-Hamd recite S.Ikhlas once only.

Pray2 rak’at Namaz in which recite S.An-Aam after Al-Hamd in the first rak’at and S.Yaaseen in the second.

Pray2 rak’at Namaaz in which recite 11 times S.Ikhlaas after Al-Hamd in each rak’at.

The First Day:

ObserrveFast and then beseech Allaah for your Haajat, I/A you shall be successful. It is Mustahab to observeFasting for the first nine days.

Pray2 rak’at Namaz and then a Dua from Mafaatihul Jinaan.

The Third Day:

Whoever observesFasting today his problems shall be eased, and will come out of tribulations, and his Duaa shall be granted.

The Tenth Night -SHAB-E-AASHOOR

Pray 100 rak’a Namaaz and in each rak’at after Al-Hamd recite 3 times Surah-e-Ikhlaas. Then recite this Duaa: Sub’haanallaahi Wal Hamdu Lillaahi Wa Laailaaha Illallaahu Wallaahu Akbar Walaa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Bilaahil Aliyyil Adhweem.

ReciteNamaaaz-e-Ameerul Mu’mineen : 4 rak’at Namaz in which recite 50 times S.Ikhlaas after Al-Hamd in every rak’at.

At the end of this night pray4 rak’at Namaaz , in each rak’at after Al-Hamd recite 10 times S.Ikhlaas, 10 times Aayatul Kursee, !0 times S. Al-Falak, 10 times S.An-Naas.After Namaaz recite 100 times S’Ikhlaas.

Night vigil is highly recommended for Ibaadaat.Recite Duaas, Salawaat, and send as many curses as possible on the enemies of Ahlul Bayt. Tonight’s worship carries Sawaab of 70 years’ Ibaadaat.


Today is the day ofMartyrdom of Imaam Husayn (A.S.) It is a great day of sorrow and mourning for the Shiahs. Do not busy yourselves in worldly matters today. Hold Majaalises and commemorate Aashoora with utmost sadness. Invoke curses on the enemies of Imaam Husayn (A.S.)

We should expressPursa (condolenses) to each other in these words:

A’azamallaahu Ujooranaa Bi Muswaabinaa Bil Husayni Alayhissalaamu Wa Ja’alnaa Wa Iyyaakum Minat-Twaalibeen Bi Saarihi Ma’a Waliyyehil Imaamil Mahdiyyi Min Aali Muhaammadin Alayhimus-Salaam.

Anyone who is fortunate today to be present at Karbala near to the Blessed Grave of Imaam Husayn (A.S.)should freely give water to the people, its merit is such as he gave the water to the army of Imaam Husayn (A.S.) and was with them on the day of Aashoora.

There is tremendous Sawaab in reciting1000 times Surah-e-Ikhlaas today.

ReciteDuaa-e-Asharaat . (ref. M.Jinaan)

Today we ought to behave as much sorrowfully and gloomily as possible, expressing our paramount disgust for the outrageous event of Aashoora in which Imaam Husayn (A.S.) and his bend of few thirsty and hungry companions were innocently slaughtered with the most animalstic brutality by the so-called Muslims of the army of Yazid L.A.

Today Fasting is not allowed but we should not eat or drink anything until at late afternoon partaking the simplest food.

Allama Majlisi says that it is better not to observe Fasting on the Ninth and Tenth of Muharram because Bani Umayya and their followers used to rejoice on the event of Karbala, they considered these two days to be very much good for them and thus they observed Fasting on this fateful event., and they also accumulated their needful things for the year.

Therefore Imaam Ali Radhaa (A.S.) said that anyone who leave his worldly business Allaah shall accomplish all his works and undertakings, and one who will pass this day in sadness, sorrow, and tears, and encourage his household members also to the same, Allaah will make the day of Qayaamat a happy event for him. Whoever accumulates worldly things for peace and pleasure Allaah will take away His Barakat from them and shall gather them on Qayamat with the Accursed Yazid bin Muawiya, Uubaydulla bin Ziyad, Umar bin Saad, and their associates (may Allah’s everlasting curses be on them and remain in greatest tribulation forever). Aameen.

Today we should not even laugh or pass the time in playing games, but for the whole day and night we should behave like a bereaved people. We should ponder over the reasons of such a great event that for what cause it occurred and now what is our duty towards it, how should we live our lives so as to be in line with the cause of Imaam Husayn (A.S.)

Recite 1000 times:

Allaahumal’An Qatalatal Husayn Alayhissalaam.

False Traditions:

There are some false traditions manufactured by Bani Umayyas such as {{(“giving credence of merits of Fasting on Aashoora, beseeching Allaah for your Haajaats being Mustahab, every Prophet was blessed with some good this day, the fire of Namrood went off today, Nabi Nooh’s ark came to a safe halt today, army of Firown drowned today, Nabi Isa was rescued from Jews, Tawba of Nabi Adam was accepted today, Nabi Yunus came out of the belly of the fish today, accumulating the necessities for the next year, hadeeth to beautify oneself and rejoice, and some false Duaas such as ``` Sub’haanallahi Mil’al Meezaani Wa Muntahal Hilmi Wa Mablaghar-Ridhaa Wa Zinatal Arshi, then- Yaa Qaabila Tawbata Adama Yawma Aashoora Yaa Raafi’a Idreesa Ilas-Samaai Yawma Aashoora Yaa Musakkina Safeenati Noohinn Alal Joodiyyi Yawmi Aashoora Yaa Ghiyaasa Ibrahima Minan-Naari Yawma Aashoora……``` etc.”}}} All this sort of material does not make any sense, history has authentic records to every event of Prophets against what they claim to happen on Aashoora.

Therefore we should be careful in it. Their main intention was to cover this great issue of Karbala so that people should not come to know the actual matter that the so-called Muslim rulers were actually worse then infidels and they wished that Imam Husayn (A.S.) may give his consent to the un-Islamic and un-humanly ways of their lives so that it gets a permanent seal of Islaam and thus a thick veil may cover their misdeeds and their predecessors’ misdeeds also., consequently burying the religion of Islaam from its very foundation. This was the main cause to demand Bay’at but nevertheless they were defeated in their cause but Imaam Husayn (A.S.) came out victorious even though by the greatest sacrifices, he won the battle which was actually between the causes, he won in his cause, which is obvious to all the world tday, a proof being his magnificient Shrine and his follwers all around the globe commemorating Muharram. While his enemies are wiped out and became extinct species of oppressors, looters, and debauches. Nobody knows and cares of the whereabout of their unclean remains.

However, in the evening of this day we should reciteZiyaarat-e-Tahiyyat , i.e. the Ziyaarat to convey our condolences to the Holy Prophet and Ahlul Bayt Alayhimussalaam. For this Ziyaarat please refer Mafaatihul Jinaan. It was on this same evening of 61 A.H. that the cruel and brutal army of accursed Yazid took captive the respected and honourable ladies of Ahlul Bayt and still denying them even some water to drink. It was a dreaful evening for those holy ladies lamenting for their dead ones on one side and on the other side being subjected to tortures by setting their camps on fire. The intense Zulm on them is enough to melt the hardest heart.

25th of Muharram:

This is the Martyrdom Day of Imaam Zaynul Aabedeen (A.S.) The Imaam was present in Karbalaa on Aashoora but he was severly sick and was in a state of unconsciousness most of the time. After the massacre of Karbala on the second day he was made to walk bare-footed to Kufa and then to Shaam, together with the holy ladies, moreover he was mercilessly chained also.

The unimaginable Zulm inflicted on the family of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) is enough to make a human being weap tears of blood throughout entire life. Let us pray to The All-Just Allaah that those Zaalims and their ‘yes men’ and those who had created foundation for the massacre of Karbalaa remain under the most severe curse from Allmighty Allaah forever ever ever. Aameen.

We are under the highest obligation from the martyrs of Karbala because it is because of their precious sacrifice that Islaam was saved and we are Muslims today. Therefore we should dutifully remember them by reciting their Ziyarat, and by offering some Namaaz on their behalf, and keep up the spirit of Islaam ever high.

Surah-e-Fajr has its other name asSurah-e-Imaam Husayn (A.S.) so it is beter to recite it often to refresh the memories concerning Imaam Husayn (A.S.) Recite this Surah in Wajib and Sunat Namaaz, it has got its merits.

RecitingZiyaarat-e-Aashoora is not limited to the day of Aashoora only. We should recite it as often as possible, its merits are beyond imagination.

Namaaz-e-Imaam Husayn (A.S.) should be prayed for his rememberence. (ref.M.Jinaan)

ReciteZiyaarat-e-Naahiya . This is to salute Shohadaa-e-Karbalaa. Imaam-e-Zamaana recites this Ziyaarat.

The sister of Imaam Husayn (A.S.), Bibi Zaynab (S.A.) has also a very great share in safeguarding Islaam. She suffered enormous hardships from Karbala to Kufa and Shaam. It was her holy presence among the captives who managed to answer bravely to the Zalims and made it known to the public masses their identity which the Zalims were intentionally hiding. After Krbala the mission of Imaam Husayn was completed by Bibi Zaynab (S.A.) It was Bibi Zaynab (S.A.) who made it known to those who were ignorant about the cause of Martyrdom of Imaam Husayn (A.S.) And it was Bibi Zaynab (S.A.) who unveiled the hypocrites and infidels who were behind the atrocitites of Karbalaa.

So it is our duty to remember theHoly Lady Bibi Zaynab Salaamullaahi Alayhaa by reciting herZiyaarat as often as possible. Moreover, if luck permeates, one should visit her Blessed Shrine in Shaam to pay due tributes. Her Shrine stands as lively as the Holy Shrine of Imaam Husayn (A.S.) in Karbalaa. And one should not doubt about the Mo’jiza at Bibi Zaynab (S.A.)’s shrine. They do happen and faithfuls are certainly benefited over there.

One of the most heart rendering atrocities of the tragedy of Karbalaa is that the loving daughter of Imaam Husayn (A.S.), Bibi Sakeeena (S.A.) who was only four years old was also subjected to untold Dhulm. She was amongst the captives in a dreadful prison. She endured very much but atlast the small soul could not bear the atrocities any more and she breathed her last in the very prison. She was buried therein. Today her Holy Shrine also stands with full glory and majesty in Shaam. We should also recite Ziyaaratof Bibi Sakina (S.A.) realizing how much sufferings she had to bear for the sake of Islaam, although she was little in age but as a blessed daughter of the Imaam she was highly learned and knowledgable.

It was only by the command of Allaah (S.W.T.) that Imaam Sajjaad (A.S.) remained alive through the tragedy of Karbalaa, otherwise the enemies of Islaam, specifically Banu Umayya had firm plans to extinguish the light of Islaam by sparing not a single male person from Ahlul Bayt so that Islaam could no longer be propogated. The cruel Yezidites did not spare even the feeding infant Ali Asghar (A.S.) who was only six month old. But as Allaah S.W.T has declared in His Holy Book that it is a vain effort by the infidels to extinguish the light of Islaam, it will ever remain shining upto the last day on earth.

The Dhulm they had commited in Karbalaa was at its peak. No more of it can ever be imagined of. Attrocities were of such extents that a simple-minded would think as if the oppressed were of the most severe crime. In fact Imaam Husayn (A.S.), his household members, and his companions were quite innocent and sinless. The only sin, if it could ever be called a ‘sin’, in the sight of the oppressors was that the Imaam was on a right path leading pious life and guiding people to the right path. While Bani Umayya being the worshippers of this world, and infidels at their hearts, wanted quite the opposite, i.e. keeping the masses in darkness of ignorance and leading them astray, thus gaining power to rule over them.

When the treaty was concluded between Imaam Hasan (A.S.) and Muawiya it was particularly mentioned that he will not appoint anyone to succeed him in ruling the state, but as was their old custom Muawiya committed breach of agreement and appointed his drunkard and animalistic son Yazid to be his successor. When Imaam Husayn (A.S.) was told to give his consent and recognize Yazid as a rightful caliph of the Holy Prophet it was obvious that such a holy person can never agree to it. And the war started between good and evil. Yazid was sure that if Imaam Husayn (A.S.) did not recognize him then his empire was doomed to the extinct. He and his likes were completely absorbed in vanity they did not wish to leave their beastly pleasures of this world at any cost. As such, they had put aside all the reverence and sanctity of Allaah, His Prophet, and Ahlul Bayt, and acted according to their own devilsh desires.

Bani Umayya had started their enmity towards Islaam from the very beginning era. They prosecuted Muslims in Makkah, they even tried to assassinate the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.), they waged bloody wars against Muslims in Madeena, they poisoned and assassinated the Imaams, they commenced their enmity just on the moment the Holy Prophet left the world, but in spite of uncountable tortures and killings of Muslims yet today Muslims’ figure stands towering at its maximum. Especially they wished the progeny of the Holy Prophet to be wiped out, and they certainly did it to their best, but it is obvious that today not a single corner of earth is without any population of Sayyids, i.e. the generations of Ahlul Bayt (A.S.) After the fall of Umayyids the accursed Bani Abbaasis took over their job. Even though they commited untold atrocities, brutalities, tortures and massacres on Ahlul Bayt and their followers, but they also could not wipe out Islaam. From east to west and from north to south there are scattered like pearls people snd Ulamaa from the progeny of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.), but ask for the Bani Umayya or Bani Abbaasis, there is no trace of them anywhere. They are an extinct specis.


This month is known as an un-auspecious month. Therefore we should always take outSadaqa and pray to Allaah (S.W.T.) to keep away all the evils and problems.

Recite thisDuaa 10 times daily for Hifaadhat:

Yaa Shadeedal Quwaa Wa Yaa Shadeedal Mihaali, Yaa Azeezu Yaa Azeezu Yaa Azeezu, Dhallat Bi Adhwamatika Jamee’u Khalqik, Fakfinee Sharra Khalqika, Yaa Muhsinu Yaa Mujmilu Yaa Mun’imoo Yaa Mufdhilu, Yaa Laa Ilaaha Illaa Anta Sub’haanaka Innee Kuntu Minadh-Dhwaalimeen, Fastajabnaa Lahu Wa Najjaynaahu Minal Ghammi Wakadhaalika Nunjil Mu’mineen, Wa Swallallaahu Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalihit-Twayyibeenat-Twaahireen.

On 1st of this month in 37 A.H. -took place thebattle of Siffeen between Imaam Ameerul Mu’mineen (A.S.) and Muaviya

On 1st of this month in 61 A.H. -the severed Holy head ofImaam Husayn (A.S.) was brought to Damishq.

On the 3rd is the day of Martyrdom of Janaab-e-Zayd son of Imaam Zaynul Aabideen (A.S.)-

Praytwo rak’at Namaaz , recite Surah-e-Fat’h after Al-Hamd in the first rak’at and S.Ikhlaas in the second,

Recite 100 timesSalawaat ,

Recite 100 times ‘Allaahummal-An Aala AbiSufyaan’

Recite 100 timesIstighfar,

Beseech your Haajat.

7th Safar:

Day of Shahaadat ofImaam Hasan (A.S.) (according to another tradition it is 28th Safar);Imaam Moosa-e-Kaadhim (A.S.) was born today.

ARBA’EEN. (Chehlum) 20th Safar:

Today is the day ofChehloom (Foutieth) of Imaam Husayn (A.S.) It was on this day the family of Imaam Husayn (A.S.) returned from Shaam to Madeena. The revered companion of the Holy Prophet, Janaabe Jaabir bin Abdullah Ansaari today reached Karbalaa and he was the first Zaair (Visitor to the Holy Grave)) of Imaam Husayn (A.S.)

It is Mustahab to recite Ziyaarat of Imaam Husayn (A.S.) especially Ziyaarat-e-Arbaeen.

Imaam Hasan Askari (A.S.) said thatfive things are the sign of a Mu’min, they are:

Praying totally51 rak’at Namaaz during 24 hours,

Reciting Ziyaarat of Imaam Husayn (A.S.) on Arbaeen,

Wearing a ring on right hand,

Prostrating on the sand(Sajdagaah/Mohr), and

Speaking Bismillaahir-Rahmanir-Raheem aloud in Namaaz.

28th Safar:

On this fateful day of 11 A.H. theHoly Prophet (S.A.W.W.) left the world for the everlasting abode at the age of 63 years. At the age of 40 revelation started to descend on him and he strarted propogating openly. He worked very hard and endured all sorts of problems and troubles from infidels of Makka uptill 13 years. At the age of 53 The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) migrated to Madeena and established the first Islaamic State there. The infidels did not left any stone unturned so as to wipe out the very roots of Islaam but the unflenchig and firm faith of Muslims did not allow it to happen and Islaam went on gaining power day in day out. He remained in Madeena for 10 years and his holy soul departed on Monday, 28th Safar, 11 A.H.

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) had endured so much sufferings during his life time that he had to declare that no any Prophet had suffered so much as he had to. As the history is witness that he had to suffer the insults and injuries from Quraish and others to such an extent that they hindered people to come even near to the Prophet, lest they hear the verses of Holy Qur’an and be attached to him. The enemies of Islaam boycotted him and his tribe in Makkah so that he had to stay in a distant velley in a state of the impending fear of enemies’ attacks. He was also targeted to be assassinated but was miraculously saved by Allaah (S.W.T.) His blessed body was injured by stones and dirt was often thrown on him. Thorns were laid on his path so as to injure him on his feet.

Even after his migration to Madeena the infidels of Makkaah did not leave him but persueded him and imposed many bloody wars on him. Not satisfied with all these atrocities and shameful acts, even when the Prophet was on his death-bed they ignored his commands on his face, and when he breathed his last, the hypocrites left his holy dead body unattended and made a rush to grab the power and rulership of the State.

The people of Arabia were in a state of barbaric community and sunk in dark ignorance, it was the Holy Prophet who rescued them from there and made them human beings suitable to live in a well established society, but they did not realize its value. All this was of tremendous pain to the Holy Prophet. Moreover he was also sure of the impending danger of ignoring and torturing his Holy family members after him.

Inspite of all this the Holy Prophet never cursed the people of his Ummah, instead he gave his blessings to one and all and prayed to Allaah (S.W.T.) for the salvation of Muslims on the Day of Judgement. How merciful was he who was actually sent as a Mercy to both worlds by the Merciful Lord of both the worlds !

It is necessary to recite theZiyaarat of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) today and on other days, and remember him bySalawaat, Duaas and ponder over his blessed life which is a shining milestone for us to follow.

Last Day of Safar:

On this day in 203 A.H.Imaam Ali Radhaa (A.S.) was martyred by poison given by Accursed Maamun Rasheed. At that time the Imaam was of 55 years of age. It is recommended to recite hisZiyaarat today.