A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them)

A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian  On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them)0%

A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian  On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them) Author:
Translator: Barkatullah Sinovi and Others
Publisher: ABWA Publishing and Printing Center
Category: Imamate

A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian  On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them)

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Seyed Ali Khamenei
Translator: Barkatullah Sinovi and Others
Publisher: ABWA Publishing and Printing Center
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A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them)
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A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian  On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them)

A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them)

Publisher: ABWA Publishing and Printing Center

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

The Sixteenth Chapter: Imam Jawad, Imam Hadi and Imam Askari

Comprehensive Organizational Endeavor in Order to Have a Long Term Schedule

Imam Jawad like other infallibles Imams for us he is role module, mentor and sample to follow. The short life of this competent servant of Allah ended in jihad with infidels and arrogance. He was appointed as the leader of Islamic nation in his youthful age, and in short years he had an extensive jihad with the enemies of Allah, in such a way the at the age of twenty five, that is at his youthful age, his presence was not endurable for the enemies of Allah, and he was poison to became a martyr. The same is our other Imam (A.S) with their jihad any one of them added a page of history full of proud to Islam. This greatest Imam also practice jihad in any important aspect of Islam and thought us a very big lesion. That big lesion is that when you are faced with hypocritical powers and insincere, we must prepared to agitate people’s awareness against powers. If the enemies unequivocally shows his enmity, and if it is not a claim and insincerity, is easy to deal with him. But if the enmity is like the one of Ma'mon Abbasi, his face shows holiness and supporter of Islam, his identification by the people is a problem. In

Our time and in all historical periods, the powerful men has tried to use hypocrisy and trickery methods, whenever they cannot stand face to face to the people. But Imam Ali ibn Musa Rida and Imam Jawad (A.S), they put a lot of effort to remove this hypocritical and fabricated mask from the face of Ma'mon and they succeeded.1359/7/18

These greatest men are modules and emblems of resistance, great man is the one within his short period of life, who can confront and expose fabricated and insincerity of Abbasid caliphate - Ma'mon -, and He never took a step to retreat. And he endure all the difficult condition, he withstand and resisted all possible methods of war. He was the first person to found matters related to freedom in the presence of Ma'mon Abbasi, wih scholars, preachers and guiders. He talked about the most accurate issues and proofed, then proofed his priority and rightfulness. Free discussion is freedom inherited from Islam, free discussion during the time of Imams was common. During the period of Imam Jawad through his Excellency it continued in the same way.1360/2/25.

In the fight between Imam Hadi (A.S) those caliphates during his Era, the one who became consciously and openly victorious was Imam Hadi (A.S). During the Imamates of this greatest Man six caliphates came one after the other and pursue to hell. The last person of these caliphates was Mutaz will killed Imam Hadi (A.S) and died after that in a very short period. This caliphate normally dies a humiliated death, one is kill from the hands of his son, other from the hands of his nephew and in this sequences the Abbasid descendants was torn apart to perish, and that is opposite to Shia.

Shia during the time of Imam Hadi and Imam Akari, under those hardships was able to spread day by day and strengthen.

Imam Hadi (A.S) was forty two year and He lived samura twenty year out of forty two. In samura he had a farm, work at live his life there. Samura was a real solders camp, and was firmly built so to get the Turkish certitude closer to themselves. -I mean our own Turkish people from Azerbaijan and other places, - you should not make mistake that this Turk was brought from turkey, Samarqand, and this religion of Mongolia and eastern Asia to be confine in Samura. This minority newly converted to Islam. They were not having knowing about the

Imams and the believer and new nothing about Islam. Because of this reason they used to confront people and they had difference with Arabs - Baghdad - In the same town of Samura the minorities who were control where gathered by Imam Hadi (A.S) and guided them. Through these people the message of Imam overwhelm throughout the Islamic world - by correspondence - These turn into Shia number of channels in Qum, Khorasan, Rai, Medina, Yemen and the faraway place were able to spread the message of Islam. And were able days after days to increase the number of people who were embracing this school of thought, Imam Hadi was able to do all these under the watchful eyes, wild sharpen swords and the shedding of blood by the same caliphate, and Imam did all these upon all that hardship. There is a famous narration about the death of Imam Hadi (A.S) which can be understood from its sentences that in the city of Samura some Shia who can be guided were brought together. In such a way that they were not known by the security of the caliph, and if they to be known all of them could be killed. Because these groups where very strongly built so the security of the caliph was not able to identify them.

One day of jihad of these greatest men, - the Imams (A.S) - impacted the world for so many years. One day of their holy lives is like a group of people who worked for so many years impact the society. These greatest Men, this is how they preserved the religion, otherwise the religion that is headed by Mutawakil, Mutaz, Mutasim and Ma'mon, and its scholars people like Yahya bun Aktham, upon being part of the caliphs government, they themselves where famously ranked as number one corrupt and insincere personalities. They do not deserve to live and they must end up in those cruelty days everything would ended. These jihad and strives of the Imams (A.S) was only for preservation Shiites but Quran, Islam and religious science was preserved. That is the qualities of pure and sincere of the divinely appointed Men. If Islam were not to be having who tightens their belts, it would have being impossible for after thousand two hundred, three hundred years then it revive, and call for Islamic awakening. The satanic whispering must go away, if Islam were not having people who are to teach these greatest sciences and put them into the minds of mankind after the Holy prophet, all the knowledge could vanish. It would have finished and nothing would remain. And if it would have remained there would have not be any thought remain. Like Christianity and Judaism today which do not have any of its original thought. As Quran remain accurately, the traditions of the Holy Prophet remain accurate, and as all these rules and sciences remain accurate, And Islamic sciences after thousand years to be able to stay on top of human sciences and proof itself was not a natured work. It was unnatured work done by hardworking. Along this biggest path, there was physical assault, imprisonment and executions, which were regarded by this greatest men as nothing.

There is a narration about the childhood of Imam Hadi (A.S), when Mutasim in the year two hundred and seventeen of lunar calendar, Imam Jawad was brought from Medina to Bagdad two year before his martyrdom. Imam Hadi (A.S) was six year at that time, He stayed in Medina with his family. After Imam Jawad (A.S) was brought to Bagdad, Mutasim asked the about the condition of his family, and when he heard that the eldest son of Imam Jawad - Ali ibn Muhammad - is six years old. He said (Mutasim) He is very dangerous and we must think of how to deal with him. Mutasim ordered a person who was closer to him to go from Bagdad to Medina to found someone who is enemy of Ahlul-bayt, and put Imam Hadi to his custody. So to act as a teacher of Imam Hadi (A.S) and teach him how to became the enemy of his own family and according to the perspectives of caliph. This went from Bagdad to Medina and one of the scholar of Medina known as al-juneidi, who was among the enemies of Ahlul-bayt, - in Medina during those days there was scholars like that - , was assigned to this job and was told: I want you to train and bring up this child. Do not allowed him to him associate to someone and bring him up in way we want it. The name of this man is - Al-juneidi - recorded in history. Imam Hadi (A.S) - as I said - was six years old at that time, and at this age He took the leadership, who can resist that pressure.

After some time one who was the member of the ruler saw al-juneidi and asked him about a child who is in his custody. Al-juneidi said: a child? Is this a child? When I explained to him one topic about morals He (A.S) will explained to me many topics about morals that I benefit from it. These Imams (A.S) where did they lean? At times when He (A.S) wanted enter in the room we asked him to recite one chapter from the Holy Quran before you enter. - Just for disturbances - He (A.S) ask them which chapter should I recite. Then I said a big chapter like al-umran. He (A.S) recite and explain to me the difficult part of it. They are scholars, memorizers of Quran and scholars of commentary of Quran. A child? The relationship of this child -

It appears like a child - but He is man of Allah (and we gave him the prophethood at childhood.[183] ). He (A.S) continued with this teacher and the teacher became one of the sincere Shia of Ahlul-bayt.

"شدغلامىكهآبجوآردآبجوىآمدوغلامبِبُرد" , [184]

Victory was with them in all field and they have never defeated any point. Deble was bad towards the Abbasid caliphates, with his poems was able to confront them and recorded their cruelty in history. He had some poems about Mutasim in which he said we read in books that Abbasid have seven caliphs and now they are saying that is eight caliphs. Where is eighth one? He is like the people of the cave. Their eighth one was their dog. Then he said - dueble - where are you and where is that god? That dog do not have any sins against Allah and you from head to toe is full of sins.1383/5/30

Imam Hadi was taken from Medina to Samura to be under their closest watchful eye but this could not benefits them. If you take a look of the conditions of these three Imams (A.S) in a book known as -Manaqib - and other books[185] , if will found out that during the time of these greatest Imam (A.S) there were Shia channels related to each other. A lot of these occurred during the time of Imam Baqir, and Imam Sadiq in faraway places in the world. They used to send letters and money also received commands from the Imams. Upon being under restriction Imam Hadi (A.S) was loved by the people in Samura. All the people respected him and there was no humiliation from these people. After the death of Hadi (A.S) and also Imam Askari (A.S) the whole township was destabilized. These are where the rulers became aware that there were something secret connections with the people so they must found it and destroyed it. Then the rulers understood the meaning of Holiness. Mutawakil took Imam to a bear bar just to tarnish his image, Ali ibn Muhammad, Ayashi, and Basatsharab who were visitors of Mutawakil were among the gathering. All were expecting how this rumors will spread.

Imam looked at scene like resistant person and withstand these conspiracy. Imam went to the palace of Mutawakil and turn this alcoholic gathering into spiritual gathering. By speaking the truth and saying of poems Imam overcame Mutawakil. It was in such a way that that at the end of his world Mutawakil

Stood up brought good perfume to Imam and with respect saw him off. Imam told him that - you are imagining that death will never come to you at where you are sitting? - This is how death threatens the life of Mutawakil and took his life. And Imam changed the face of the palace totally before leaving. In a combat which its beginner was caliph who was strong hard and the other opponent, a defenseless youth, appeared to be weaker, was able bring in psychological war. A war in which swords and arrows were useless. If we were presence we would have not been able to do this work. Is Imam who can analyses the situation and speak in such a way that He will not upset the caliph. For example it was possible that Imam could have stood up and pull down all the cups containing alcoholic drinks. This would not have been good reaction and no good result would have come out of that, Imam rather acted in a different manner, and this dimension of the matter is every important.

We must pay attention to this point in the lives of Imams (A.S) that these greatest Men, they were in conflict always. The conflict which have political motives because the one on top of government also claim to be religious man, and take religious slogans into consideration. And sometimes accepts the views of Imam about religion, for example like stories you head about Ma'mon who appeared to accept what Imam said. Meaning sometime they do not have problem to accept the views of jurisprudent. The things which were causing the conflict and confrontation for Ahlul-bayt is that they regard themselves as Imams. And were saying that we are the Imams (A.S), and this was the biggest conflict with the ruler, because whoever was ruler also regard himself as Imam and leader. They were seeing all the Quranic witnesses and signs which are compulsory for Imam present in this Imam (A.S) but they were lacking it. So the presences of Imam was a threat to the government, because the ruler were just making a claims confronting the Imam. But Imams (A.S) also stood like mountain with high spirit to fight this conflict. It was obvious that in this conflict, knowledge, jurisprudent, moral and attitudes possessed and published by the Imams could not ended. Training of many students and having connections with Shia increased day by day. These things maintain Shia. You just take an example of a building with two hundred and fifty years of governance in it. It obvious that nothing will remain from this building. Without any renovation all the building will be demolished and vanished. But look at what is the news today where Shia has arrived today.

This point must carefully seen from poems recited about Imam Sadiq, Imam Hadi and Imam Askari (A.S). They were fighting and they lost their lives in this fight. This was a path towards a clear ambition and it will continue. Sometimes some retreat, other took another direction but all our ambition is one. These greatest Men (A.S) from Imam Husain (A.S) who founded the pillars was more successful, because after the martyrdom of Imam Husain - people abundant their religion except three of them - no one remain. But when you look during the time of Imam Hadi (A.S) all the Islamic world within the hands of Imam (A.S), if the Abbasid caliphates were surprised and even do not know what to do, they turned to Shia.

One of the Abbasid caliphates wrote a letter to give a command that Ahlul-bayt must be mentioned during sermons, by saying that they are righteous people. This letter is recorded in history and it was written. The minister of palace hasten to the caliph and said: what are you doing? He was courageous to say that Ahlul-bayt is not the righteous but he rather said: now in the mountain of tabristan and other places some rising up with the slogans of Ahlul-bayt. If this news is spread everywhere that time soldier could be formed and turned against you. The caliphs understood that is was truth then said: some part of the letter should not be published, this means that they were afraid of losing their powers of governance. Even if they were believer this powers and imperialism would prevent them to be true believers.1380/6/30

These greatest Men upon being an alien for long time, this is reality, far away from Medina and families and also far away from usual environment. But besides this, about these three Imams (A.S) - from Imam Jawad till Imam Askari - there is another point and that is, however we are heading further towards the end of the Era of Imam Askari (A.S), this strangeness increases. The influential areas and broadness of Shia during the time of these three Imams (A.S) could be ten times compare to Imam Sadiq and Baqir (A.S) and is something wonderful. May be the reasons were that because these were under pressure and restriction, it was the root cause. After

Imam Rida (A.S) moved towards Iran and settle in khorasan, one of the incidence that is this, may in the calculation of the eighth Imam (A.S) this incidence where not present. Before that separated everywhere but without links to each other, hopelessness, lack of vision and with no any hopes. The government were present everywhere, and the heart of this was Harun with powers like Pharaoh. The Imam who was heading towards Khorasan and through his way, was a person who appears and pass by the people with full of, knowledge, greatness, inspirer, truthful and lightness. After all people have never seen a person like Him before, how many people would have been able to move from Khorasan to Medina to meet with Imam Sadiq (A.S). But in this long way every places people were able to see Imam from close range. What a strange it was, as if they have seen a person who is prophet. That outlook, spiritual greatness, honesty, morals, faithfulness, spirituality and broad knowledge. - Whatever you asked and whatever you want is in his hands, things that people have never seen - these caused instability.

Imam arrived at Khorasan in the city Maru and Maru was the capital that occurs in turkmastani today. After one or two years He became a martyr and people became bereaved. The arrival of Imam - was a signs that portrays Imam as things that people never seen and heard -. And the martyrdom that greatest Man - was gather a wonderful bereaved - in fact all the atmosphere of this region was put within the disposal of Shia. Is not real that everybody became shia, but all became the lovers of Ahlul-bayt. In this atmosphere the Shias were spread to work. You see the Ashariya suddenly found in Qum, why did they come? The Asharis were strangers, when they heard about this - Imam Rida - they came to Qum to build centers and propagate Islamic thoughts. In the city of Rai people like Kulaini rise up. Someone like Kulaini from the beginning was not supposed to stand up. There must a circular place for Shia for gathering places. There must be an atmosphere for beliefs so to be able to bring up the young once with this qualities to be like Kulaini. After that this movement continued.

When you look at sheikh Saduq[186] , up Harat and Khorasan and different places he want for compilations of narrations for Shia. This is very important, the narrators of Shia in Khorasan what were they doing?Shia narrator in Samarqand what were they doing? Who was in Samarqand? Sheikh Ayashi Samarqani[187] . Ayashi Samarqandi was in the city of Samarqand, and it was said that: - (in his house in which he was hotbed For Shia and scholars[188] ) - This is in the explanations of sheikh Kashi[189] , and he himself was from Samarqand. So the movement of Imam Rida (A.S) and after his oppressive martyrdom, He laid foundation for this atmosphere to remain in the hands of Shia. And the other Imams also built and benefit from the foundation. The correspondences and up and down movements that was going on was not occurring normally. All was going on at the blind side of the security men, and if it could have been exposed arrest will be done and hand and legs cut off. For the example the harshness deed of Mutawakil and his prevention of people to go Karbala, could he have allowed people to send their matter to Imam easily?And then allowed people to get their answers? Or could he have allowed any links between the people and the Imam? These tell us about the big channels and networks of this greatest Imam used to propagate Islam.

After Imam Rida until the martyrdom of Imam Askari (A.S) incidence like this occurred. Imam Hadi and Imam Askari (.s.a) in the town of Samura they were camped like soldiers, - Samura was not a big town as such, it was a newly built capital that (Surra man ra’a[190] ). Digities, elite and the governmental official and some few ordinary people who were seeking for some assistance were gathered in his town- The Imams were able to link to the whole Islamic world. When we look at the angles of the lives of Imam we will understand what they were doing. So they were not only explaining the Islamic rules of prayers and fasting or purity and diets. They stood in the same position with Imam, - with same meaning of Islam - And speak to people. According my view this angle must considered beside other angles. You have seen that Imam Hadi (A.S) was taken from Medina to Samura in his youthful years. - Fourth two years at age - and was murdered to became a martyr, or Imam Askari (A.S) became a martyr at the age of twenty eight. All these show the biggest movement of the Imams (A.S) and Shias and the companions of these greatest Men throughout the history. Upon all cruelty of the caliphs, which was harsh and heard in its deed, at the same the Imams (A.S) was so successful in their ambitions, justified that being in foreign land and attained this greatness.1382/2/20

At any time the relation and links and increments of Shia associations of throughout the Islamic world, was not like the Eras of Imam Jawad, Imam Hadi and Imam Askari (A.S). The presence of representatives and entrusted people, and stories that are narrated by Imam Hadi and Askari (A.S). - For example someone brought money to Imam, and Imam instructed what to do with it - it shows that upon these two (Imam Hadi and Askari (A.S)) being sentenced in Samura and put in a solders camp, they were able to spread Shia. And before them was Imam Jawad and Imam Rida also played different role to linked with the people to spread Shia, and this role was present even before Imam Rida. But presence of Imam Rida in Khorasan increased the effectiveness of this kind of methods.1384/5/18

Our Imams throughout this two hundred and fifty years, - from the day the holy prophet passed away till the death of Imam Askari (A.S), two hundred and fifty years -they suffered a lot, they were killed, they oppressed. And they deserved for us to cry for them. Their innocence draws the attentions of emotional heart. But they were able to overcome the oppressive at a period and also throughout the history.1384/5/30