A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them)

A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian  On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them)0%

A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian  On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them) Author:
Translator: Barkatullah Sinovi and Others
Publisher: ABWA Publishing and Printing Center
Category: Imamate

A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian  On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them)

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Seyed Ali Khamenei
Translator: Barkatullah Sinovi and Others
Publisher: ABWA Publishing and Printing Center
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A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them)
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A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian  On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them)

A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them)

Publisher: ABWA Publishing and Printing Center

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

The Seventeenth Chapter: Endpoint of 250 Years Old Person

The principle of Mahdiwiya is a matter agreed by all Muslims. Other religions also expect an-awaiting savior at the end of the era in their belief. They also in one part of the matter, understood some issues, but the root part of the issue which deals with recognition of the awaiting savior in person was dealt with lack of knowledge. Shia with its authentic and obvious narrations, the savior is recognize by his name, address, personal qualities and date of birth. The qualities of our belief we the Shias is that, this reality in the Shia sect has transform from these optimistic and concept into a reality which exists. The reality is that when Shias are awaiting for Imam Mahdi (A.S), they are waiting for the savior who gives salvations and they are not panicking in the imaginary world. They are searching for a certain reality and that reality exist. The proof or the savior of Allah exists among the people, lives with them, sees them, share and sense their happiness and sadness. Those who are lucky and have capability sometimes visits him without recognizing him. He exist, he is a real human being with identity, with identifiable name, with identifiable parents, and he is among the people and lives with them. These qualities are our belief we the Shias.1387/5/27

Those also from the other sect who do have these beliefs, have never presented a logical and acceptable proof to reject this reality. All the real and obvious proofs for Mahdawiya, many are from the Sunnis books. Constantly and obviously the presence of this kind of human leader (Imam Mahdi), this proof of Allah, is undeniable reality - with these qualities that you and I know - narrates it and you witness it in the many of Non Shia references.

The holy son of Imam Hasan Askari (A.S) his date of birth is known, his relatives are known, his miracles are clear and Allah gives him long life and is the personification of big hope by the world generations. All religions and all tribes in all generation this is the qualities of the Shia sect on this important matter.

There are some points in the Shia beliefs of Mahdawiya that I want to present briefly. One point is that, the presences of His holiness, Imam Mahdi (A.S) is the continuation of the movement of Prophet-hoods and Divine calls from the beginning of history until today. As we usually read in the (Dua Nudba) that (therefore YOU allocated some of them in your heaven) pointing to Adam (A.S), (until you ended the matter) pointing to the Holy prophet Muhammad (s.a.w). And then comes the well of the holy progeny of the Holy prophet till Imam Mahadi (A.S). All is one ancestral chain related to each other in the history of mankind. These means that the great movement of Prophet-hood and call through the messenger has never stopped at a certain point. Mankind needed the prophets and the Divine calls and those making divine calls. And this needs till today exist and as time goes on mankind gets closer to the teachings of the messenger of Allah.

Today human society with intellectual, civility and knowledgeable development, many of the teachings of the prophets - before tens of centuries ago was not comprehendible to mankind - are understood. These issue of justice, freedom, human respect and humanity are the populous words in the world today. In those days majority of the people and public opinions were not able to understand these concepts. Prophets came one after the other.

And the publication of the messages of the prophets, these teachings with mindful, heartily and naturally from generations to generations was understood by the people. Today we can confidently say that the descendants of those messengers of Allah did not cut off and the presence of Imam Mahdi is the continuation of the descendants of the messengers of Allah, which we read in the supplication of - Aali Yasin: (Peace be upon you, O caller to Allah and interpreter of His Verses) it means the same messages of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, all the prophet and Divine reformer and the Holy prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is a personification which can be seen in Imam Mahdi (A.S). This greatest personality inherited all these divine people and he bears their flags and messages in hand. He used the same massages and knowledge of His predecessor to call upon the world, and this point is important.

The next point in the chapter of Mahdawiya is awaiting for salvation.Awaiting for salvation is a broad concept that talks of awaiting for the final and last salvation. It means when mankind sees the world’s arrogance with new tactics, looting and pressurizing people by transgressing their rights, should not think that this is the destination of the world. They should not think that there is no way out, so the only way is to surrender to such a condition. They should know that this condition will pass - (for the false is a past) and the thing which is related to this world is the implementation of justice government, and He shall come. The awaiting of salvation and solution, at the end of the era in which we are living mankind has face tyranny and cruelty, this is one reality of awaiting the Savoir and we have other realities also.

When we are told to await salvations, this does not mean that we should only await the final salvations, but it means every problem has a solution. This is the meaning of salvation because salvation means solution. Absolutely by the lesson of salvation we lean and know that there is no any deadlock in the life of mankind which cannot be solved so mankind should not be hopeless and fold his arms and sit down and say now nothing can be done. No, when human being at the end of the day faces all these tyrannical and cruelty movements, the sun of salvation will appear. Therefore in the deadlocks of daily life this kind of salvation must be expected and awaited for. This lesson gives hopes to all people and this is a real lesson to all people.

Therefore, awaiting of salvation is known as best option. No mistakes should be made or misconception that awaiting means folding arms and waiting for something to happen. Awaiting is a deed, is a preparation, is strengthening of anxieties in the heart and consciences, and is hilarity, movement and dynamic in all fields. This is the real interpretation of these holy verses of Quran:

(And we wanted to confer favor upon those who were oppressed in the land and make them leaders and make them inheritors )[191] or (Indeed, the earth belongs to Allah. He causes to inherit it whom He wills of His servants. And the [best] outcome is for the righteous.")[192]

It means nations and generation should not be hopeless under any circumstances.

Iranian nation arose to the challenge and were hopeful. Today those hopes are fulfilled through the revolution. It got that big result and today it is hoping for more prosperous future and with hopes and hilarity it is moving forward. This is the light of hope which pushes the youth with hilarity, ability from the heart and stopped them from panics, and flourish the life of the society. This is the result of awaiting salvation.

Therefore we must await the final salvation as well as the salvation in different stages of personal and social life. Do not allow pessimism to take control of your heart, await the salvation and know that it will happen on condition that your preparedness is real in deeds an actions with anxiety of movements.

Today we are waiting for salvation, it means we are waiting for strong hand which spreads justice to come and overcomes these tyranny and oppression and this hand has control of mankind and which will bring down these conditions of oppression and tyranny and prepare ground for the atmosphere of justice and equality to prevail on the life of human being. A human being who does not rise up his head to his desires is not fare to his own life. A human being who looks at the public life seriously, naturally he is someone who is awaiting justice, and this is the meaning of awaiting. Awaiting means lack of satisfaction, rejecting the present condition of human life and striving to reach at the satisfactory condition. Absolutely this satisfactory condition will prevail in the hand of divinely man the owner of the era, Imam Mahdi (A.S).

It is necessary to look at yourself as a soldier, as a man who is ready for such conditions and get prepared. The awaiting for salvation does not mean you sit down and do nothing and do not look for reforms because you are awaiting for Imam (A.S), this is not awaiting. Awaiting is forceful and strongest divinely hand that must come and with the help of this people to overcome and do away with existing oppression and cruelty. Then truth will prevail and justice will take control in the life of people, and the flag of monotheism will rise, and turn people into real servant of Allah. We must prepare for such work, the founding of the Islamic republic of Iran is one of the steps towards this great historic movement. Every steps towards implementation of justice is a step towards that leadership. This is the meaning of awaiting, is a movement not inactive. Awaiting is not inactive and idleness and siting to wait for things to be done automatically. Awaiting is a movement, awaiting is preparedness. This preparedness must live in our consciences and preserved and maintain in our societies. Allah the exalted has given blessings to our people - the Iranian nation- that they were able to take big steps and prepare the condition for the coming and awaiting savior; this is the meaning of awaiting for salvation.

The Mahdawiya society means the world which Imam Mahdi will come and build, that is the same society which all the prophets came to implement. This means all the prophet took steps for the ideal of perfect society, which will finally be built by the coming Imam Mahdi to this world.

From its root, like a mansion someone will come and prepare the land and level it, others will come and make the foundation, others will come and rise the pillars, others will come and build the walls, and one after the other the architects will be visiting the site until this mansion is ready. This mansion is built throughout a long period gradually. The messengers of Allah from the beginning of the history of mankind, were coming one after the other for the human society to be taken step by step closer towards the aims and the final perfection. All the prophets were successful and no one of them was stopped in this path. It was a load which was laid on the shoulder of these great designated people. Each one of them took this load to closer destination. They worked hard and put every effort to achieve that goal. The owner of the era (Imam Mahdi) who inherits all the prophets is to come and take the final step and take the divinely society to its final destination.

Let me talk briefly about the qualities of that society, although in the Islamic books and in the main text if studied carefully, all the qualities can be collected. Going back to the famous Friday dua (Dua Nudba) it says:

(Where is the one who gratifies the believers and humiliates the enemies?)

For example that is the society whereby the believer of Allah is gratified and the enemies of Allah humiliated, these are the values and criteria for such a society.

(Where is the one to implement the punishment of Allah?)

That is the society where the punishment of Allah will be implemented. It means all restriction and boarders that Allah has put and Islam identifies will be implemented in that society and Imam of the era will consider and control all of them. When Imam appears, he is going to build a society which in brief shall have this few qualities, and I am going to mention them.When you are reciting you should open your mind widely in this places. Reciting alone is not enough.

Taking lessons and understanding is important.

Imam of the era (Imam Mahdi) is going to build his society on these few pillars:first, to destroy, remove and uproot arrogance and tyranny. This means that the society must be free from oppression and cruelty not only in Iran or in the Islamic nations but the whole world. The society will be free of economic, political, cultural and all kind of oppression and suppression. Colonization, inequality, social and economic differences, bulling, all will be uprooted from the society.

Secondly, the qualities of idealist society which will be built by Imam of the era, is the rising of the level of human thoughts in terms of sciences and Islamic knowledge. This means during the time of Imam Mahdi you must not see any signs of illiteracy, lack of knowledge, lack of intellects, lack of culture and morals in the world. People will be able to understand the true religion and this - as we all know - was one of the biggest goals of the Prophets and Imam Ali (A.S) as explained in Nahjul-Balagh: (and flourish for them the buried intellects[193] ). In our narration (i.e. Shia references) it is said that when Imam Mahdi appears, a woman will sit at home and open the holy Quran and extract the realities from the Quran and understand it. What is the meaning? It means the level of Islamic culture will be risen up where by all people and society and the women who may not take part in the society and choose to stay at home, can also be intellectuals and religious scholars. They can open the Quran and understand some religious facts by themselves from the holy Quran. You look in the society where men and women in different level, have the ability of understanding and extraction of sharia from the Quran.

The third qualities which is possessed by the society of Imam Mahdi (A.S) is that, all the powers of nature and mankind will be used, nothing will remain beneath the earth

So mankind can make use of it. All energy including those natural ones,lands that can feed human being, all undeveloped energy for centuries ago that existed in history will be extracted during the era of Imam Mahdi. In another sentence the other qualities of the era of Imam Mahdi is the criteria and scale of superiority is morals and advantages, and those who have more of this are superior and are ahead of others.

In another narration it say:

The up riser among us is helped through horror and he is supported with victory which will fold and expose to him all the assets. His rulings cover east and west.[194]

It means our up riser will be victorious through cowards and cruel and oppressive governments will fear him. This is the sample of such thing which we see today in our society. Today our government and our society and our Islamic system is a sprinkle from the sprinkles of that Islamic government, one droplet from the ocean with the Divine greatness and powerfulness. However in the hearts of the world powers and oppressors is full of fearfulness and this is a sign of victory. Today the arrogant of the world have fears of Islamic republic, our revolution, our nation and our system, because of their fears they are struggling hard to do away with Iran through hindrance and suppression. Contrary to their struggling - as you witness - in the field of world politics, most of the victory will end up to Islam and Muslims. That time conditions like these will be within the conscience of the owner of the era which will overwhelm Him to be able to build worldly government, -(supported with victory) - help with Divine support because things are complicated in front of Him and this means that his disposal and powers is handled. All assets will be at his disposal and his powers will spread to east and west of the world.

However,we readthat: (there is no need for destruction on earth except if there is command) this means that power will only be used for developments of the world, but not for imperialism and taking control of the benefits of the people and lead them to weakness. Throughout the world there will not be any point of destruction except development. Now what kinds of destruction occurred through the hands of mankind? What kinds of destructions were imposed to mankind through ignorance? One narration by Imam Baqir (A.S) says that:

When the up riser arises there will be auction, and a man will come and take his needs from his brother’s pocket and the brother will not prevent him.[195]

This points to the morality and equality of the people, sacrifices and forgiveness among the people, saves the hearts of the people from greediness and miseries, these were the biggest means of bulling mankind. After this a brother can go to his fellow brother and take from his pocket what he needs and his fellow brother will not prevent him. In reality this shows peace, moral, social economic of the Islamic system for that days, which means bulling and dictatorship will not be there. Mankind himself will be saved from greediness and selfishness and this will bring that kind of human heaven.

Also in another narration:

- If our awaited arises all discriminations will perish and there will be no segregations[196]

That favoritism which world arrogant governments normally give their friends or allies are normally taken from other nations and pass on these groups. When the time comes all these will be curbed in this world, what was constant in a certain condition in the past will not be in a different conditions on that day. In the past the condition was that a monarch, imperialist will take a piece of land, desert, cottage, town, palace, and province and give it to a person and say go and do whatever you like with it. Take taxes from its people, get benefits from their farms, whatever kind of material interest they have is for you, and give some right to the King. Today in a monopolistic manner all kinds of petroleum, manufacturing, skills and all these big manufactures in reality is term as crippling containment of nations.

In reality, all these containment is still considered today. Because these help to restrict and control the nations and also assist in bribery and corruption. These means of inhuman and immorality will perish and the way for general benefits will be implemented.

In another narration it looks also to economic condition and says:

-And equality will prevail among the people until the needy of alms will not be seen.[197]

Among the people this kind of monitory and economic equality will be installed, so that you will not see a poor person whom you are willing to give alms. Here alms or zakat will definitely be used for the public benefits and will not be given to any poor people because in those days and in that world, there will be no poor people. For such example narration are the designers of an Islamic heaven and the real world. It will not be like those cities of perfection which some people tried to imagine and think of. No is the same slogans of Islam and all is real practicable and we are feeling that in Islamic republic. That is a real powerful heart through which is connected to revelation and with the Divine support, and an infallible one who can bring such condition in the world, and mankind will also welcome that in this world.

Now if you go back to verses and narrations - though researchers and followers have done it - you will get more qualities. A society free from tyranny, transgression and suppression, a society which in terms of religious and scientific thought its people are at high level,a society in which all blessings, gifts, goods and beauty of the world are exposed and put at the reach of the people. At last, you end up having a society in which belief, advantage, forgiveness, self-sacrificing, brotherly hood, mercifulness and one color are the root cause of superiority. You must expect such a society. This is that society which our coming Imam Mahdi (A.S), our lovely Imam of the Era - who still live under this sky and on this earth among the people - will bring and support, this is our belief about Imam Mahdi (A.S).

We the Iranian nation now have done a revolution. Our revolution is in the path of that aim which Imam Mahdi will be sent to come and support, and obviously it is possible because (the revolution) is a necessary and a big step. If we had not taken this big step, the exaltation of Imam would have delay. You the people of Iran, you the mothers of Martyrs and the bereaved fathers, and all the individuals who struggled in this path must know this has led to the movement towards the destination and also lead to the hastening of the exaltation of Imam Mahdi (A.S). In this time with this revolution, you have taken a step closer to the house- during this time the same suppressive and cruel system of government was in some corner of the world and was very dangerous and nuisance cancer - and this is your effort, struggles and bitterness.

Therefore, after this what should we do? After this our assignment is clear. First we must know that the exaltation of Imam with this revolution is a step closer, and with this same revolution we can get closer again. This means with this same people who made the revolution and put themselves a step closer to their Imam, they can also take their people step by step one after the other to get closer to Imam Mahdi (A.S). How? First and foremost, whatever you can, the limited ground of Islam which you and I have in Iran - I am not exaggerating - though it is not perfect Islam but this nation is able to practice part of Islam in Iran. This same part of Islam whatever you can to propagate, spread and channel to the other part of the world, other countries and other point of darkness this amount will help and bring you closer the exaltation of Imam Mahdi (A.S).

Secondly, getting closer to Imam of the Era is not in a place and not in a particular time you wish for exaltation. Exaltation of Imam of the Era do not have a specific period of time like hundred years or fifty years to come. Therefore we can countdown and say two and three year has passed, forty six or forty seven year remaining, exaltation is not in terms of place so we say that if we move towards this place, for an example to east or west of the world, or north and south to found out where is the owner of the Era and who can we meet him. Getting closer to Imam Mahdi is a spiritual closeness, in any time till another fifty years.

Another ten years, hundred years, where we can increase the qualities and quantities of the Islamic society Imam Mahdi will appear. If you can help within your own society - revolutionist society - to support beliefs, morals, religiousness, generosity, and spiritual closeness to Allah for yourself and others, you have strengthen the pillars of exaltation of Imam Mahdi (A.S).Whatever you can do to increase the qualities and quantities of the number of faithful Muslims, then you have got closer to Imam and the time of exaltation. Therefore step by step we can get our society, our time and history closer to the time of exaltation of Imam Mahdi. This is one point.

The second point is, today in our revolution have movements and methods, this movements must move towards which direction? This point must per attention to.We consider a student who want to be a mathematics teacher in future, now how are we going to provide him with the necessary steps? We must lay the grounds that all his studies we provide should be in mathematical direction. It is meaningless that someone we want him to be a mathematician then for example teach him jurisprudence, that person who wants to be jurisprudent then we teach him about nature. Is necessary that steps taken must be contrast to the result and aims, a developed society of Imam Mahdi must have these qualities. Therefore we must also provide these kinds of grounds and steps, we should not be with tyranny, we must move against anybody and any kind suppression absolutely. We must go towards the implementation of the Islamic rules. In our society we should not give any field of spreading non Islamic and Islam phobia thoughts. I am not say we should use force or restriction and overcoming, know that is thought and intellect. As you know there cannot be fight without thoughts and intellects, but we are saying that Islam must be propagated through reasons and logics in the right way.

All our national rules, code of conduct, officiating, acting organizations, all and all, in general must have Islamic contents, and day by day we get closer to Islam. This direction of awaiting of Imam Mahdi moves us forward. In the dua-nudba we recite that Imam will stand against corruption, transgression, arrogant and hypocrites, and will uproot and remove hypocrisy, sinfulness, divisions and double standard. Today in our society we must also move towards that direction and move up more. This is the thing which move us spiritually closer to Imam Mahdi, and our society will move closer to the society of the owner of Era, that Mahdawi, Alawi, monotheistic society.

Another impact and result which shape the world for us is, hopeless and pessimistic is increasing in the hearts of nations, we now that our fight is effective and have a result. Sometime individual who do not have knowledge about this kind of Islamic thoughts, in contrast of equating and choosing the world’s biggest material they wonder and be pessimistic. They are feeling that with these biggest material powers, with these developed technology, with these destructive weapons and the presence of atomic bomb, a certain country will rise and form revolution, how much can he resist these? They are feeling that as for them persistent resistance and the face of suppressive arrogant is impossible.But believe in Imam Mahdi is a belief of future divinely and Islamic government, through the descendant of prophet - Imam Mahdi - this hope and optimistic is being bring to the people. We are fighting just because the outcome belongs to us. Because at the end of the day there will be that condition, whereby the world will necessarily be submissive and humble in front it, and this shall happen. For the historic routine to head towards that thing which we have founded its pillars, we have made sample of that even if it is not perfect. If this optimistic is brought in the heart of resistant nations - especially Islamic nation - It will give them tirelessness condition that no factor will be able to overcome them in the battle field, and will defeat and stricken their self-consciences.

Another point which is there is that, a false propagations is been put in to peoples mind in the previous years, that before the exaltation of Imam Mahdi any kind of movement, reforms and uprising is ineffective, trying to proof that by saying, the world must be full of sins and suppression before exaltation will occurred. Until the world is not full of sins and suppression Imam will not come, and they were saying that, after the world is full of in then He will come.

The point here is that, all the narrations which are about Imam Mahdi, there is sentence like this: (through Him Allah will fill the world with justice and equality as it was filled with sins and suppression[198] ) up to now I have not seen and I am not Imagining that the sentence - after is filled with sins and suppression - is present in the narrations. Because of this point I have make references to different narrations in different lesion. I have not seen at any place the sentence - after is filled with sins and suppression - all narrations are alike.After it is filled with sins and suppression - it means filling the world with justices and equality is through Imam Mahdi, but not after the world is filled with sins and suppression no. But severally, as it was throughout the history, not one occasion, and not a place, rather in different periods the world was filled with sins and suppression. During the pharaohs’ era, during the arrogance governments, during the imperialism the whole world was under suppressive pressure, and was covered under the shadows of black clouds and it was all black. There were no lights any place which was a signs of justice and freedom. This was days witnessed by the world, the world shall witness another days, from pole to pole throughout this world, a place without the lights of justice. There will not be a place for suppressive governments, a place where people will suffer from the hands of oppressors, tyrants, bulling and marginalize by regimes. Meaning that this condition that dominates in the world, and is fact that it was a dominant in the world this will change to the social justice.

Today with the Islamic revolution, we are in the front line seeking for justices at the world’s level. The revolution of Imam Mahdi is a biggest step closer to his aims, not only that the existence of the Islamic government will delay the exaltation but it will rather hasten it and this is the meaning of awaiting. Awaiting for salvation, it means awaiting for Islamic governance. You should not convince with what is going on in the presently, even with the progress achieved by the Islamic revolution. I want us to get closer to the Islamic governance and this is awaiting for salvation. Awaiting for salvation means to await humanity work.

Today humanity is in difficult knots, complicated and complex. Today materialistic culture is forcefully imposed to human being.

This is a knot, today in the world marginalization is hurting people, and this is a big node. Today this is where human being ended up by falsely imagination so when an outcry of revolutionary nation got misses within the imperialists and those who are greedy of power, this a node. Today the weakened Africans, Latin Americans, Asia and Mideast millions of people starving. Millions of nonwhite people are suffering from marginalization and suppression due to their color. Their eyeful hope is pin to righteous and salvage outcry, and this big power will not allow for this salvage outcry to get into hears, this is a hindrance. Salvation means opening up these knots, we should widely open our eye in our houses and should not restrict our normal life. At the world level humanity is looking for salvation but he do not know the path of salvation.

You the revolutionary and Islamic nation, you must use your systematic movement in persisting of Islamic revolution to get closer to the world’s salvage humanity. You must head toward the exaltation of Imam Mahdi and the final worldwide Islamic revolution of humanity, that will overwhelms the whole world, and He will open up all the knots step by step. You must get yourselves closer and take humanity also closer, this is to await for salvation. In this path we are supported with the mercy of Allah and the accepted supplication of Imam Mahdi, and we must prepared ourselves to be with him and know him more. We should not forget the Imam of the Era our nation is the nation of that Imam, our revolution is the revolution of Imam, because it is an Islamic revolution. We must keep the memories of that divinely Imam in our hearts. The supplication - O Lord we are wishing from YOU a perfect nation[199] - we should recite it with all our hearts and all our needs, your soles should be in the awaiting of Imam Mahdi, also our physical energy must move in this direction. Any steps you take in the path of strengthen this Islamic revolution, is a step closer to exaltation of Imam Mahdi.

The government that is in our hand today was the hopes of believers. All the Imams moved in this direction so to implement and governance of Allah and divine rules in the societies. Some effort were put, some struggles were use, sufferings and imprisonment, and

Exiles and martyrdoms, a lot of heavy was endeared in this path. Today you have find this chance as the sons of Israel after centuries they have this chance during the time of Prophet Solomon and David.Whatever you have O the nations of Islam, O the victorious and resistant nation - Iran - you must recognize your values, get hold of yourself until by the will of Allah this government will end up with the government of Imam Mahdi the owner of the Era.

This is the path that you the dear Iran nation has already grabbed and following, and by the grace of Allah you will pursue this path. This is the path fortunately you are witnessing the Islamic nations in the corner and sidelines of the world slowing, slowing having and moving towards. Allah the almighty says: - the outcome is for believer- if that is that, then this belief can be reflected as our own methods, definitely the outcome shall belong to Islamic nations and this future with trust in Allah is not far.

At the end I present one sentence about spiritual and solely emotional relationship with that Imam, the greatest and divinely infallible for every one of us. The issues should not analyses within the limited of intellectuals and intellects. That infallible is appointed by Allah, today He lives among us the people in a certain place in the world where we do not know. He is present and prays, recites Quran, explains the matters of Allah, prostrates and bows down, worship and appears in some gatherings, helps people and he is physically and real present. But for us we are ignorant about him, the man is appointed by Lord. Today he is present and we must strengthen our relationship with him by our personality, heartily, spiritually, in addition to social and political, - thanks to Allah our system is in the direction of the will of that greatest Imam - It means every individual in our society with intersection of that Imam and signs and Telis of that greatest man (A.S), and wishing peace to him, paying attention to him, must be known as a responsibility and obligation. And pray for him as we have in narrations and

This dua: - O my Lord be for your great servant[200] - is one of the many of the supplication that is present. And there is a lot of supplications in books in addition of having dimensions of intellects, self-awareness and sciences we must also recite them. It also contains solely, heartily, and merciful dimensions, and we are in need of them. Our children, our youths and our jihadists in the frontline by paying attention and interceding through Imam Mahdi they gain more spirits, active and optimistic. With the desirable crying and tears they shed, they move their hearts closer to that Imam, and they draw the attention of Allah and that greatest Man to themselves and this must be present.

O Imam of the Era, O the exalting Mahdi, loved by this nation, O the descendant of the Holy Prophets, O the inheritor of all the world’s monotheistic revolution. This our nation started with your memory, by your name, and your mercy is tested in their life and existence. O deservable servant and reformer of Allah, today we need a supplication, that is from the pure divinely, omnipotent, and from the holy spirit for the victory of our nation and the victory of this revolution. And from the powerful hand that Allah has given you, help this nation and the path of this nation.- You are dearly upon me to see the creatures and without seeing you[201] - . O Imam of the Era, it is very difficult for as that in this world, in this infinitive nature which is belong to reformer, which belongs to the servants of Allah to see the enemies of Allah, to see their clues but without seeing you and recognizing your grace.

O Lord we swear by the Muhammad and the progeny of the Muhammad, let our hearts persistently remembering the Imam of the Era.

O Lord brighten our eyes with the beauty of the owner of the Era.

O Lord these are the soldiers of Allah, these are the people who fought in YOUR path, Put them among the soldiers and veterans of Imam Mahdi.

O Lord by the Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad, Let us be accepted by the holy heart of yours holy infallible the Owner of the Era. And let us be part of

Those pay attention and intercedes through Him.

O Lord by the holiness of Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad exaltation of that Imam and rising up that divine government bring it closer in any circumstances.

O Lord let us successes to qualify the condition of that day, and let us systematically build this Islamic society with your support and guidance.

O Lord by Muhammad and his progeny, put us among the companions and the Shias of that Imam in all condition works.