A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them)

A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian  On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them)0%

A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian  On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them) Author:
Translator: Barkatullah Sinovi and Others
Publisher: ABWA Publishing and Printing Center
Category: Imamate

A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian  On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them)

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Seyed Ali Khamenei
Translator: Barkatullah Sinovi and Others
Publisher: ABWA Publishing and Printing Center
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A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them)
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A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian  On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them)

A 250 Years Old Person: Statements and Expressions of the Great Leader and Guardian On the Political Combats and Struggles of Infallible Imams (Peace Be Upon Them)

Publisher: ABWA Publishing and Printing Center

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

The Third Chapter: the Believers' Leader and Chief (Amir al-Mumineen)

The life of the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) (A.S) in the numerous direction and different conditions, for all generations of people, is an eternal model and cannot be blanked out from the memories; whether in his personal activities, in his own issues, in his way of worship, in his Supplication, asceticism, in his deep praise to Allah and his struggle against the devil and stimulus worldly desires. These words are from The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) (A.S) discussing about the wonders of creation and about human life, which is resonant and impressive: (e! World… of impressive, charismatic beauty, a lust which draws strongest people into your ambush, go and cheat someone else not Ali (A.S), Ali is superior, preponderant and a strongest man than all these claims. From there, each and every person should be awake, to attain unforgettable lessons from the life of The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) and his spiritual and connection with his Allah.

On the other dimension, his struggles and paces were set up for truth and the justice. This means that, since the time prophet (s) obtained the prophecy, from the very time, beside him there was a faithful warrior, a faithful combatant and self-giving -who in this time was still in the youthful stage-, who was Ali (A.S).The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) (A.S) never been in disengaged till the end of the holy life of prophet (s) in the constituting of Islamic system and its preservation. He fought a lot, and he stuck it out many beleaguers toward establishment of truth and justice. By that time, none could stand against the enemies on the battlefield expect Imam Ali (A.S), none could step foreside to fight, but he could, and during that time, there were burdens which hindered the combatants and Mujahideen of Allah’s sake. He was a firm mainstay who was providing courage to the other. For him, the purpose of his entire life was to use his endowed aptitudes from almighty, body strength, spiritual potency and freewill; in fact anything which was in his control, was utilized in the sake of reviving the truth. With his ability of will, weapon and his crusade, the truth has resuscitated. What you are seeing today amidst the true concepts, justice and personal morals and connotations which are being discussed and researched by prominent scholarly academicians, these concepts in reality, has persisted and day by day and repetitiously getting indomitable, all these had accomplished because of his resistance and his dedication. If they were no people like Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S) -in which all entire human history has measly such people- in today there would no pre-eminent human values; attractive features of the human would be nothing. Human would not have civilized in culture, exalted goals, aspirations and ideals; and what would happen is that humans would change to wild animals and predators. For humans to be inclined to their prominent ideals, it is due to liability ofthe Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) , his crusade has such effects. Another factor of the life of the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) in the scope of administration, that time when such eminent holy thinker, attained the power amidst short period of time, he worked to a degree that if the historians, artists and the writers were to pursue in this holy person’s biography, then they have left a lot undone. The life conditions of the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) ’s reign, it is so wide. Basically, he changed the view of administration.

He was a model of divine administration, a model of person well-familiar with Qur’anic verses amidst the Muslims, model of (are strong against Unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other.)[28] , and he was purely a justice model. He was so close to the poor people (he was passionate to poor people)[29] , and those who were weak were being treated evenhandedly. Those who proportioned themselves to iniquitous due to their money and oppression and other things, in the view of Imam Ali (A.S), they were dissimilar to the other. The only thing which was more valuable to him was faith, virtue, loyalty, Jihad and humanity.With these valuable fundamentals, the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) ruled less than five years. Many centuries writers have written ofthe Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) , and they have authored little and they have not perfectly portrayed his life, therefore, frustration and blame are for themselves.10/11/1369

The major quality of Ali (A.S) is piousness, his Nahjul-Balaghah book is the book of virtue and his life is a path and a mode to virtue.1377/10/18 this Qur’anic verse it states:[but there are among people he who would give away his life desiring the pleasure of allah] [30] The reason of its descendant and its interpretation of this verse was Imam Ali (A.S). The verse it says: in amidst of you, there are people whose there soul, and their existence, means the paramount capital which everyone has, an asset which cannot be replaced -in which if it is lost, no way to put back- others the very asset they have, they offer for only to attain acquiescent of Allah. People who contribute their soul and their existence, not for any other aim, worldly desire, and not even for propensity and stimulus high-handed, but only for Allah’s sake. Certainly, without repercussion, Allah is so passionate to those who are altruism and generous. Allah is so merciful to his own servants, the referential of this, is the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) Ali Ibn Abi-Talib (A.S). I am going to talk about this later.

Look intothe Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) ’s biography, from childhood, from when he was 9 years old or 13 where he believed in the prophet’s ordainment, and became to understand the truth and relayed on it vigilantly and consciously, from that moment till the time when he engaged in prayer for example, the morn of the 19th Ramadan, he gave his soul for the sake of Allah, this made him opulence, happiness and contented to his Allah. Approximately, during this 50 years, or 52 to 53 years, from 10 to 60 years, you will see a continuation line in the biography of the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) which is a line of generosity and altruism. The entire issues took place within these 50 years long in the life ofthe Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) , the orientation which you see from the first to the end, honestly it is lesson to us. You and me as we are famed entire world to be his devotees, we have to gain a knowledge fromthe Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) , because it is not enough just being his fans as well as knowing his virtues, there were people whom their hearts acknowledged Ali (A.S), and may be there might be a distance of 1400 years from that time, where by others in their hearts were viewing Ali (A.S) as inerrant and clean, they could be friendly to him, but they had irrelevant behavior. Because they had no such specifications, altruism, helping and generous, they were still after satisfying themselves, the special character of Ali was that of altruism. Nothing was important to him; the only thing which was important was pursuing the divine responsibility and jihad for the sake of Allah.

The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) during his childhood believed to the prophecy of Muhammad (s), which invoked difficulties and derision entire city of Mecca. You can imagine, the city which had people who were not used to worshiping, who were not civilized to politeness and patience; people of carnage and conflictual, attrition and who had fights on useless things, having a firm belief on the wrong believes. In such a community, the message merged from a prominent man, which was purposely to get rid of their beliefs, their way of life and traditional rituals. Of course, naturally all were opposing him, opposing him in different things; the populace opposed the prophet (s) too. For an individual with the message in this condition of different challenges, he needed a volunteer. And the first volunteer was Imam Ali (A.S).

He (Ali) withstood against critical situations beside the prophet (s) during 13 years. Of course the causal of immigration of the prophet (s) was by coercion, ineluctable and the impact of Quraish on them and Meccans, but there was also a sketch behind. Everyone knew that the immigration was a step to success, initial step to victory. In time when the condition was turning into pain, at the same time as it is that all are endeavoring to put themselves into this situation till they could manage to gain better situation; the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) was ready to sleep on the bed of prophet (s) in this dark and gloomy night for the prophet to go out from the city. During that night, the probability of being killed to the one who slept on that bed was high and obvious; the matter it is not what we think, because we know that the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) on that day was not killed, saying that everyone knew about this; no, the fact is, in that gloomy night it was obviously for somebody to be killed, very absolute. They say, for the prophet (s) to go out, it was necessary somebody instead of him to be there so that the spies should feel availability of someone. Who is ready? The dedication of the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) itself is an extraordinary and important adventure, but the time of such self abnegation has an effect on that event too, which time? The period of wiping out all the challenges, and ready to establish the system and gaining tranquility, People of the Yathrib have fetched the faith and waiting the prophet (s) to come. Everyone acknowledges this that the time where the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) took this foreside step; there must be not the personal unsatisfied state in such a person, for an advancement of such prominent movement.

Therefore, they entered Medina where the 24 hours warfare and combats for this new born Islamic system begun, there were wars every day, that was just the nature of that state. Before the battle of Badr, the misunderstandings begun till the end of the life of prophet (s) within 10 years. In these 10 years long, the prophet (s) had numerous battles ‘ten battles’ and conflicts with the different kind of unbelievers and tribes. During this entire period of time, the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) made himself as a true devotee and a sacrifice of the prophet (s), as he explains himself and so as it is indicated in the history, that he was there in all dangerous and difficult scenes; (I supported him with my life on occasions when even the brave turned away and feet remained behind)[31] thereon where I was firmly stood against the enemy and being his volunteer where the geniuses and stalwarts were trembling and they were forced to retreat. He withstood in very difficult stages; there was nothing here which could scare him, while others were thinking on their own that it is important to take care of their life till Islam becomes strong, but the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) never been deceived in such excuses as he had a heart which could not fooled. He was ready at all stages of the risk on the front-line.

The Period [Era] of Silence and Cooperation

After the decease and the pass of the prophet’s (s) period, according to my point of view it shows that; this thirty years after the death of the prophet (s), the hardest life of the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) (A.S) begun, that was the very difficult days for Amiri-Muminin (A.S). The time where the holy prophet (s) was alive, he always under his shadow and persevering together in difficult situations, really it was good days. But after the pass of the prophet (s), the grueling time arose, the time in which hypocrisy began to take shape, where they were impeding those who had good tendency to proceed. In such environment, the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) managed to pursue throughout this great test.

Initially, during the time when the holy soul of the prophet (s) was deceasing, the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) (A.S) was busy carrying out the responsibility. That doesn’t mean that, the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) didn’t know that the power of the destiny and the system in the Islamic world will be located to such a group of people. That was not what concerned the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) because he was always in favor of others. When the issue of Caliphate became stable and came to an end, where the people swore allegiance with Abu-bakr, the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) remained silence, from thereon; The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) has never uttered words against that system. Why not, during the first days he was endeavoring and maybe he could manage to engraft the right belief and what was necessary to the people. But when he saw that it was not necessary that people have made homage with Abu-Bakr and that it has reached to a completion, this period of time in the history it has been known as the period of no any negative effect for him from that regime. The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) in this period of time -which was not long, a period of some months- he said:you have certainly known that I am the most rightful of all others for the Caliphate. And you know this, by Allah, as long as the affairs of Muslims remain intact, when none is being oppressed and there is no oppression in it save on myself I shall keep quiet .[32]

After passing a short period of time, not more that many months, the typical abjuration group emerged, maybe it was for provocation. Some Arabs felt that now there is no prophet (s) and no Islamic leader, for this, the condition was good for them to draw up problems, creating drawbacks and conflicts, making people fighting, perhaps the hypocrites were carrying this move on behalf of them. Finally the consequence -which is the splitting of Muslims- such as; class warfare begun, from here, when the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) mulled the situation, he ascertained that it was necessary to enter into the battle field to defend the state. He stated: when the matter of Caliphate came about and Abu-Bakr rose as a Caliphate of Muslims, I remained quiet.That was for serenity,until I saw people turning away from Islam, and want to spifflicate Islam [33] , this is the reason which made me to enter into battle field. The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) actively got into the battle field; he was the only one to serve important community issues.

The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) is considering himself as ministration during this threefold period of Caliphate. When they came to elect The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) as a Caliphate after martyrdom of Uthman, he said; “I am better for you as a counselor than as a chief[34] means in 25 years he was aware of his position and status, thus he was as ministration in affairs and issues to Caliphates of that time. This is one of the over-the-top statuses where it depicts remarkable work of the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) in assisting them when things get puzzled. Honestly, this is an astonish status of the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) which surprises people.

The entire period of 25 years, he never contemplate of taking over the system, stand against, opposition, takeover with it illegally or by force. Such things a person sometimes can think. He was nearly 30 to 32 years when prophet (s) dead, the youthful stage of physical strength and exhilaration, popular among people in intellectual, copious knowledge and had everything which could arouse interest from people.

He could do anything if he wanted to, in entire 25 years nothing was important to him than to be at the service of Islam yet there were Caliphates, he never made any kind of movement and he never uttered words against them. There are a lot of incidents associated to this issue but for now I am not going deep into historical events.

In the six-membered council after passed the second Caliphate, they invited the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) to the council. Imam did not refuse and he got inside. Didn’t it say that I am not their side? Where are Taliha and Zubair, Abdi-llah bin Auf, and where am I and Uthman? According to the standpoint of Uthman, he organized a council of six members where they could pick out one among themselves as Caliphate.Among these six members of the council, Ali (A.S) was the luckiest person to be chosen, the role of Abdul-Rahman was to be a determiner, whereby The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) had two alternative options, himself and Zubair. Uthman had two options too, himself and Taliha. The same thing applies to Abdurahman bin Aufi who had also dual alternatives, which is him and Sa-ad bin Abi-Wiqas; he’s option was a chooser. If he swore allegiance to the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) he would have become Caliphate and if he swore allegiance to Uthman he would be Caliphate too. He then debunked the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) and trying to give a suggestion that he should work out his responsibility in accordance to the divine book and the prophet’s tradition and that he should make the previous two leaders to be his model. He said in response; “I am accepting the divine book and the tradition of prophet (s), but I have nothing to do with the biography of those two previous leaders, I am employing my strength, and let their diligence to be theirs”. He could take over and preempt the government to adjust where there were errors simply by an easy mean. Merely the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) did not think of this matter, so he just remained quiet. He dedicated himself and disregarded worldly agendas. The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) was never erupted with such kind of feelings.

When the term of Uthman lasted 12 years, there were a lot of objections against him, he was fronted by oppositions andshowdowns from different areas, like Egypt, Iraq, Basra and other areas; finally, they organized the group of people and Encircled Uthman’s house and killed him. So, what was the role of that person who was in that position of the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) ? A person who claims himself as a rightful Caliphate and who has kept the truth away from him in 25 years, and also opposing the current policies from new governor and for now he sees that the house of Uthman has encircled and besieged.What did the ordinary people and even the chosen ones and those who had respected positions do here? This is the same thing which Taliha, Zubair and Aisha and the rest ones on the event of Uthman did. The homicide of Uthman is one of the crucial events in the history of Islam, and what that has caused the death of Uthman will be known when a person will look into the historical scriptures and in Nahjul Balaghah, from there it is going to be clear who killed Uthman and who were involved. Those who were claiming friendship with Uthman have beaten him covertly. Who killed Uthman? Umar Aas asked. In response he said: one has prepared a sword -he mentioned one of the companions-,one has sharpened it and the other has applied poison to it and lastly the last one has pierced a sword to him. This is the reality of such an adventure.

The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) with all pureness during this event, the divine responsible of Islam which he felt, he carried out. Husain and Hassan whom are two great precious and memorial of prophet were sent to the house of Uthman in order to defend him.The insurgents besieged the house and they were not allowing water for to go inside the house of Uthman to quench. The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) sent water and something edible to him. According to those who had intense anger upon Uthman, they became calm after holding oftentimes negotiation with Imam Ali (A.S). And when they murdered Uthman, the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) became so angry.

After this event, no any manner of inconsiderateness and selfish which everyone has was in the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) . The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) could come into the field as opportunists and telling people that they have become free; people had affection upon him. After the incident of uthman, the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) never pointed his mind over preempting the system. How wonderful was this man. Leave me and seek someone else, if you have found someone else then I am going to be his ministration. This was something very amazing that the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) did on that day. But people never admitted his excuses; there was no one whom they could pick out for leadership than the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) .

The Period [Era] of Caliphate

The entire Muslim communities swore allegiance, only people of Syria did not swear allegiance. A few number of people less than ten were remained in the Mosque, and they were asked one by one the reason why they did not swear allegiance with the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) .Such as; Abdillah bin Umar and Sa-ad bin Abi Qa-si. The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) asked one at a time, each and every one had his own excuse and finally others swore allegiance while others did not -very little number of people- but the commander of faithful left them. And very profiled people such as Talihah, Zubair and others swore allegiance with the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) and prior to hold such allegiance The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) stated: “You should know that if I respond to you I would lead…….[35] If my reaction is going to be positive, do not think that I will consider of previous personalities. Don’t think that I will apply someone’s methodology, never. I will administrate and govern you with my own methodology in conformity to my divine knowledge and discern. However, the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) before accepting the Caliphate he made such ultimatum to the people. In this circumstance, the commander of the faithful could do everything he wanted in order to preserve the interests and to soothe the hearts of the people,

The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) had have engaged a fight in three different cantonments, each of these camps has been an exemplar to a reality of piousness, altruism and finally being murdered in this status, it has been said about that exceptional man: Ali (A.S) trundled to death by his own justice. If the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) wanted to disregard the justice and turn himself into worldly life, he could obviously become a strongest leader ever with no any opposition, but the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) was a rightful man far from such status. This is why everyone wants Ali (A.S) to lead, he’s the most justice man, and if someone found who has no acceptance with Ali then he has a problem. Therefore without having something diminutive immoral conduct, such as; self-centeredness and self-assertion and that he is mantle of responsibility, the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) chosen and preceded. That is the status ofthe Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) , precisely he is the basement of truth. This is the life ofthe Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) , his entire living was put in sacrifice not only the time when his soul was taken away, his soul was always in the way of Allah.8/2/1368

This is the time where the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) wanted to show people the possibility of undergoing propagation of the fundamental of Islam in such critical time. This is very important point to be attentive with. Islamic fundamental, the justice of Islam, reserving a right of a person, spiritual upbringing, Islamic strengthening, ethical basics and the value of Islam were descended in the era of prophet (s) and practiced by the prophet (s) himself in the Islamic community. Islam by that time had little number of followers up to ten years in Medina; a city with thousands of people. In the aftermath of the victory in Mecca and Taif, a limited area which had no wealth, Islamic values emerged from such an environment.

Twenty five years from the time where the prophet (s) died, ten times Islamic propagations heightened throughout Middle East to North Africa - like Egypt- which was under Islamic system oversight. And two neighboring countries to Islamic government -Iran and Rome- of which Iran by during that period was Islamically settled. A part of Rome also was under supervision of Islam.Such wide arena was in the hands of Islamic system; and finally they obtained a great mass of wealth whereby there was no more insufficient of food and poorness. In this case Islamic community had financial capability. Really, their needs reached to a good extent. If we were to eliminate Ali (A.S) from the list of figures in the history, it would have been possible for the history to adjudicate that the fundamentals of Islam and prophetic values were good; but theera of city of the prophet itself, was an era of puniness and littleness and poverty of Islamic community. But when the Islamic community grew up and mixed up with other civilizations; different cultures and civilizations entered the life of people and, all different nations were under an umbrella of Islamic community, then those principles and fundamentals were not sufficient enough for governing a country. The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) had by his work, biography and method of handling of governmental issues shown that the same bright principles of genesis of prophecy-monotheism, justice, equanimity and equality, brotherhood between people-are of possible to be implemented. This is a reality which has so far remained in the history. Howsoever these ways and methods did not remain, but the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) made it clear that if an Islamic ruler, managers of a community and managers and leaders of Muslims have good and strong beliefs and make a decision they could manage with such basic within the wide epoch of Islamic community and the coming of different of conditions and civilization, they could obviously administrate in such a way that people would benefit. So, where is the social justice of Imam Ali (A.S) amongst the millions of people during the era of his authority, the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) accomplished such responsibility.

I am going to explain some of the engagements of Ali (A.S), and there are thousands of them in his life. People persisted and tried to swear allegiance but Imam Ali (A.S) never accepted. Old, young and leaders insisted that there is none but Ali (A.S) who has capabilities. Consequently, Ali told people to go to the Mosque and he went at the platform, and delivered a speech which, he said: “I will return the money to the treasury of the state which has been used to inappropriate people and occasion”.In the Previous years people have managed to collect money of treasury of the state and put into their pockets. He said that, I will return all this money; “Even if I am going to find that the money has used as a dowry, and have used to buy bondwomen, I would return it to the treasury of the state, and this should be understood to all that it is my methodology”.

After passing few days, the oppositions begun to take shape, in fact weak people and oppressed people wanted things to go in this way; But efficient and well-recognized people who were addressing the issue, it was clear that they were dissatisfied. They formed a meeting, which was all about Ali (A.S) saying what does Ali wants to do. One among the group stood -Walid bin Uqbah a governor of the time of Uthman- and said: “we are swearing with you an allegiance with a condition that you have reallocate the money which was misallocated in time of Uthman”, after Walid bin Uqbah, Taliha and Zubair came as well. The matter fact, the issue of Walid is contrary to that of Talihah and Zubair. Precisely, Walid bin Uqbah was newly became Muslim at which his entire family was the rebels of Islam, they even fought with the prophet (s) but finally he converted to Islam just like Bani Umiyye; but Zubair and Taliha were the great companions of the prophet (s), they came to Ali (A.S) and uttered contentious words, saying: “you have not separated our rights to other people, and made us equal to those who are incomparable to us”. What have you done? Why not to differentiate? We are the one who attain Islam from fighting with our sword. We toiled very much, and now you are putting us on the same position with people who have become Muslims newly and non-Arabs.

For me I have not seen the response of Imam Ali (A.S) to Walid bin Uqbah -it has not been mentioned in the history- but he answered to the other. He went up to platform and he reacted in a very pungency manner. He therefore spoke about favoritism on the sharing of money: “I am not the founder of such methodology”, “you and me we saw the prophet (s) acting in this way”[36] ; I have not started everything; I am going to apply prophet’s methodology. During this era, I want to plant in the community the same values and the fundamental beliefs, Ali (A.S) managed to do so, and he compensated the expenses too.

The expense of this task was the occurrence of three warfares, the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) withstood firmly. Understandably, there is no doubt that The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) knew that the right of Caliphate was appertained to him; but after the death of the holy prophet (s) things did not go in that way. He did not do anything in 25 years long; they were keeping the mouth of the people closed if they want to talk. The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) told brother of Banu Asad that; “you girth is loose and you have put it on the wrong way, it was an act of appropriation by some who became greedy for it”[37] The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) in such issues he never stepped up to 25 years but he stood up and fought three kind of warfare due to poor administration; the battle of Jamal, the battle of Siffin and Nuhruwan. This was a great work to him, The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) has a phrase and it is not bad to mention it for us to gain celestial knowledge, the intent of his words is like this; if the person is a pious, he’s a zealous for the sake of Allah, he has penetrated through inconveniences,it is recommended to obey him.[38]

And don’t remain silent when the right has been spoiled and mistaken, you are responsible for that, ought not for the right to inhibit because of the areas where has been mistaken. You should distinguish them issues, if someone is a good person, very profound person, and has a good background plus has played a pivotal role for Islamic community; this is the right person whom his policies should be accepted not the one who infracts in his policies. These are the principle of Imam Ali (A.S). A great poet Imam Ali (A.S) in the name of Najaash, who eulogized the combatants on the battle of Siffin, the battle against Muawiyah, he was one of the people who loved The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) and has fame according to his loyalty and his admission to the rulership (Vilayat), in the month of Ramadan he boozed, The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) was informed about this and he ordered people to come with him, he punished him on the public by beating him 70 scourges. His family and relatives went to The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) and said: Othe Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) ! You have dishonored us; he is one of your supporters, closest friend of yours.In reply he said: “I have done nothing wrong, that was the punishment in accord to infraction he acted, and I have charged him with that divine punishment” in fact before whipped, he told The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) that after beating me I will go to Muawiyah to poetize. Najash stood and headed to the camp of Muawiyah. The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) did not say anything about his leave; “can we keep him”, The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) said no, he has gone, but if he was to remain with us that could be good. This was the methodology of the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) , he said to the comrades of Najaash: “was he was not a Muslim person? Who committed a sin from the prohibitions of Allah, and we have punished him to be his atonement”.[39]

A person from the tribe of Bani Asad faced a charge, some companions of Ali (A.S) who were from the same tribe of accused person said we have to go to him and sought out the matter. Firstly, they consulted Imam Hassan (A.S) to be their mediator to Imam Ali (A.S). Imam Hassan said there is no need for to interfere in this matter; go your own because you are familiar to my father, finally they went to him and said, there is a problem would you help us. In his account he said: anything which I am concerned with, it is my responsible to work out. They came out while smiling, and met Imam Hassan (A.S) who asked them the feedback from Ali (A.S) by saying: “what has happened” they said: “everything went polite”, he promised us that he is ready to do anything as far as he is concerned. Imam Hassan smiled while saying: ‘whatever is important on punishing him, go and punish him! And finally Ali (A.S) punished him’. Other people said: why you are punishing this man in this way? He said: this responsible is not in my hand, this is the divine law; as I said whatever is my work, i will do for you. It is not in my hands.[40] This was when newly Bani Asad made friendship withthe Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) . This was such life ofthe Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) .

Their kind of living as such; type of food, dressing and many other things have been quoted, the narrator is saying: “I went to Imam Hassan and Hussein (A.S) I found them seated while eating food. It was a piece of bread and some vegetables. I said to them: ‘you are the princes, you are from the house ofthe Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) , why you are taking in such foods yet at the market Rahbah -near Kufa- there is the variety of foods’. Is this your food you eat? They told him: ‘are you not aware of The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) ; go and see his lifestyle, Ali (A.S) had that kind of life with his family too.

Have you ever taken heeds about the incident of Zainab? Who took loan from Abu-Raafi. Have you heard of Aqil who went to Ali (A.S) to supplicate the help from him and asked for the wheat flour, Ali (A.S) brought heated steel close to him but he did not beat him, he was threatened and his request was not accepted. Abdillah bin Jaafar -a nephew of Imam Ali (A.S) and the husband to Zainab- he went to Imam Ali (A.S) and asked a financial help, he said: ‘dear Ali! I am having a financial problem to a degree that I want to sell my properties’. But, The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) did not accept and said: do you want to be given money of the other people.

The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) lived in the difficult situation, the period which had civilized people, spacious, with rich people just the same thing applies to the period of the holy prophet, it was an advanced community. The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) wanted to prove that in the same environment it is possible to keep the fundamentals alive. This is the great work ofthe Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) . He is the origin of justice, spiritual, Jihadist, community implementor and an exemplar of good administrator -this means that the life of Imam Ali (A.S) is full of events on the different arenas in the lengthy years, and you have listened about this from stories and traditional quotes- honestly, these exemplify the truth. The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) wanted to show people that the fundamentals of Islam can perpetuate in any kind of environment. The basics of Islam refers not to the way of attire of Ali (A.S), that today we have to do the same things, for instance the way of his dressing; no, the fundamentals of Islam refers to the justice, the oneness of Allah, being fairness with people, valuing the right of people, resisting the weak condition, withstanding and protecting Islam from the enemies. These can be undergone in any environment without exceptional.

Today when we are expressing such words, verily our words are from the deep of our hearts. Who can even imagine of equating Imam Ali (A.S) to someone else? None can be compared with The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) . Imam Sajad (A.S) the grandson of Ali (A.S) who had inerrant status too. Someone wondered the way he was praying, telling him that he was praying very much, he said to him: see how we pray and the way Ali was praying, this means that his is exceptional to everyone even me. There is a great distance between non indulgence and God-fearing of today with Imam Ali (A.S), he demonstrated people the right direction. Now, we can undergo into different issues. Islam means justice; giving equal rights to people and valuing their rights and not to allow oppression to take effect on weak them. These are the problems which man has over the centuries, and they are there today and in evermore. Owing to this challenge the life of people is becoming difficult. But the methodology of Ali (A.S) is dissimilar to these things; whether it is within the community, or entire world.15/8/1383

Sovereignty, Be Oppressed, and Conquer in the life of the Believers' Leader and Chief (Amir al-Mumineen)

There are three elements congregated in the personage, life and martyrdom of the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) (A.S) that are to somewhat manifestly different from each other. These are as follows: majesty, ill-treatment and victory. His majesty, refers to as his power in steely volition, deeds and seated purpose, managing the most difficult arenas of regime, guidingbrains and thoughts towards excellent Islamic and humanistic teachings, upbringing respected people such as Malik Ashtar, Ammar, ibn Abbas, Muhammad bin Abi-bakri and others, provision of a certain progress in the humane history. A symbol of majesty of The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) was his power of logic, power in reasoning and in politics, power in handling government issues.There is no any kind of weakness in personage of The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) (A.S). On the spot, we found him the most ill-treated man when we read the history and this did not spare any part of his life. During his infancy he was abused. After the prophet he was ill-treated. And during his senility and caliphate he was oppressed. After his martyrdom and years later, he was denounced and stigmatized. His martyrdom was also so oppressive.

In Islamic remnants we have two members who are referred to as thaaru-llah. This term means: when one member of a certain family is oppressively killed, the blood of that member belongs to the deceased family. They call that blood ‘thaar’ and the deceased family has the right to vengeance. Therefore thaaru-llah literary means “blood of Allah”, but this interpretation is inexpressible and incomplete which does not give the actual meaning. The word “thaar” means right of vengeance, if someone is “thaar” of a family, that family has a right of vengeance. In Islamic history there are two names of people of whom their right of vengeance lies and rests in hands of Allah. These two people are Imam Hussein and his father, The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) (A.S) (O! the servant of Allah, and his father).[41] Hussein’s father’s right of vengeance is also in hands of Allah.

The third element of this magnanimous person should be his victory. His victory was his overcoming all the difficulties he experienced which were imposed on him by his opponents; there were destructive deploys of the opponents by which they never managed to defeat him; they were all defeated by Ali (A.S).After his martyrdom his realities were becoming more manifest day after day; even during his life time this was increasing rapidly. Look at the world today, not only at Islamic world but at the world as a whole; you will notice how many eulogists there are who do not even accept Islam, but they accept Imam Ali as a shiny one in the history. That is the light of this radiant essence and Almighty God will grant this abused one his prize. He finally has his premium and gratuity kept aside for him by the Almighty God despite the ill-treatment he experienced, strangulation, soiling his sunny fountain of personalities by opponents’ exaggerated accusations, his patience to these oppressions and abuses. That will be a premium for such a shiny personage you have ever seen in the humanistic history. And may be the loveliest books we know that has been written about the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) are those written by non-muslims. I do remember vividly that three Christian authors have written books eulogistically aboutthe Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) .These regards had begun in the same first days; after his martyrdom when his opponents were accusing and making propagandas and propagation against him- those who were in power circles connected to authority of Syria and their followers, and those who were bitter with sword of the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) his justice-this issue was already known. Let me tell you one of its examples.

The son of Abdullah bin Urwa bin Zubair, went to his father and denouncedthe Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) . The family of Zubair, were at enmity with Imam Ali (A.S) except one of them who is Mus-ab bin Zubair. Mus-ab bin Zubair was a noble, brave and powerful man and he was the man who is found in some issues connected to the city of Kufa and Mukhtar and after that he also disagreed with Abdul Malik. Zubair bin Mus-ab was a first son in-law of Imam Hussein; this means he was a husband to Sakinah, the daughter of Imam Hussein (A.S).Excepthim, the rest of the family of Zubair day by day was increasingly raising their denunciation over The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) . Whenever a person reads the history he will definitely notice and see this. After that denunciation; his father said to him a statement which is not also supportive but there is a certain significant point in it. Abdullah told his son that: (any structure that was brought in by religion and substratum and its basis and valence which were set upon it, whatever the matter could be, world dwellers could not remove and wipe them off; this meant that people should not wear off themselves by trying to spoil the name of The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) (who his works’ nerve is structured on beliefs). He continued by saying that: (look at how Baniy Marwan struggled to spoil Ali’s name whenever they went on addressing people, trying to spoil the good qualities of Ali bin Abi Twalib! But the result was contrary to their expectance and intentions. The more they kept on denouncing this bright face, the brighter it was becoming; their denunciation was turning to eulogy in mind of the people).Another example isBan Umayyah; (Bani Umayya are doing their circumscriptions, but the more they describe the more they are disliked and hated by people). These words might be spoken thirty years after the Believers' Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) ’s martyrdom. This means that The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) despite such ill-treatment he felt, he both became a victor during his life time and in history and even in memories of the people.

Adventure of majesty together with being abused of The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) which ended by this way, it is summarized in this way. In the time of this regime - a regime of less than five years of The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) - there were three deploys which had been set up against this respected person: oppressors, transgressors and renegades. This statement is narrated from The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) both by Shiites and Ahli-sunnat brothers that: (I am directed to battle against transgressors, oppressors and renegades ).[42]

These are the names of the groups which the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) himself labeled those groups. Qastin means oppressors. When the word (Qasata) is used originally from Arabic -qasata, yaqsut- it is like the words -jaara, yajur; dhalma, yadhlum-, it means to oppress. And when it is brought to three letters derived form of pattern ‘af-aal’ it is written -aqsat, yaqsat- it means justice and righteousness. Therefore if this word (qasata) is used in the pattern of ‘af-aal’ it denotes justice; but when this word is read ‘yaqsit’ by pronouncingkasrah under the letter (siin) it means the opposite of justice; it means oppression. The word (Qastin) originates from that basis. Hence the word (Qastin) means oppressors. The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) named that group ‘oppressors’. So who are these oppressors by the way?This was a group of people who accepted Islam externally and manifestly for their own advantages and they did not accept the astral regime heartedly. Any kindness of the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) towards that group yielded nothing. Of course, this administration was surrounded by Bani Umayyah and Muawiya bin Abi Sufian -who was a ruler and governor of city of Shaam (Syria) - their most manifest personality was honorable Muawiya himself and then Marwan Hakkam and Walid bin ‘Uqbah.These were the people who were not ready to reconcile with Imam Ali (A.S). It is true that Mughayrah bin Shu’ubahand Abdullah bin Abbas and others had said at the preamble of Ali’s administration that: “O the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) ! Leave them for several days”. But the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) did did not accept this suggestion. Then they thought that Imam Ali did not handle things in a well political manner. But this was not true; they did not understand him and were unmindful. The next issues made this event to be well understood. Every work of The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) did not please Muawiyah. Their way of thinking was not in accordance to understanding and accepting such an astraladministration; even though some previous ones persevered others.

Less than thirty years had never passed from the day when Muawiya had embraced Islam to the day he wanted to battle againstthe Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) . Muawiya and his surrounding people were the rulers in the city of Shaam (Syria) for many years, they had dominance and osmosis and had built their base there. By this time they felt that they can have their own words unlike before that; as it could be said to them that they are new comers in Islam. Therefore they paved a way for themselves. These were movements which had substantially disliked the astral administration of Ali (A.S) and wanted it be governed by their suggestions and struggled to snatch it from Ali (A.S); and this is indeed what they did and the Islamic world experienced their methods of governance. The same Muawiya who showed friendly and humble face to some of the companions during the time he was at great loggerheads withthe Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) , changed after ascending to power and became so harsh till the time of Yazid and an event of Karbala came in; and then time of Marwan, Abdul Malik, Hujjaj bin Yusuf Thaqafiy and Yusuf bin Umar Thaqafiy came who were one of the fruit of such a kind of administration. These were administrations that history becomes terrified when it comes to mention their crimes, blunders and felonies- for example administration of Hujjaj. These were administrations which Muawiyah had implemented and which was the main reason for his battle against The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) .This was obvious before its climax as it was well understood that they were after obtaining the power; they wanted to establish a worldly administration, by prioritizing on egotism; the same thing which people had experienced during administrations of Bani Umayyah. Of course, we have no theological discussion and research here; what iam saying here are from texts of history. And, it is not Shiite history; these are texts from the books of history of Ibn Athir and Ibn Qutaybah and others I am saying here, and I have them, they are recorded and they are kept and preserved as well.These are appendages of presuppositions; not a discussion of differences of thought between Shia and Sunni.

The second movement that battled againstthe Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) , was a movement named Nakithin. The Arabic word “Nakthin” means destroyers and breakers and, here it means breakers of allegiance. These were the first people who made their allegiance to The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) but they broke it after a while. They were Muslims and contrary to the first group, they were relative to administration ofthe Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) ; but their relativity and acceptance to administration of Ali bin Abiy Talib was based on a condition that they should have a sound share in the government; they should be consulted for some issues, they should have a right to govern the administration in sometimes, their money and properties should not be invaded and, they should not be asked of how and where they got it from?!This groupwas accepting The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) but on a condition that they should not be investigated; they should not be asked where and how they had accumulated their wealth and so many questions surrounding their wealth. That it is the reason why most of them came to Imam Ali (A.S) to surrender their allegiance. Of course, some of them did not say their allegiance to him. Honorable Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas did not say his allegiance to him at first and so some others; but honorable Talhah, honorable Zubair, some great people of the companions and others had said their allegiance to The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) and submitted and accepted; but after three or four months, they saw that they cannot work with that administration; since that regime never recognized a friend, it is not selfish, it does do away with family members, it has nothing to keep aside for those who embraced Islam firstly, it does not spare anyone in its implementation of divine regulations, despite himself being the first in embracing Islam. Therefore they disjoined themselves from Ali (A.S) and organized and arranged a battle of Jamal against The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) and indeed it was a temptation. They took Ummul Muminin, Aisha, with themselves. What a larger number of their people were they killed in this battle!This was a second movement that made Ali (A.S) busy by then.

The third movement was the group of Mariqin (renegades).The Arabic word “Mariqin” is a plural one and its singular is ‘Mariq’ which means ‘Someone who rebels and becomes an outlaw’. It is said that the reason for giving them this name it is because they were escaping and running away from religion just like the way an arrow does when it is thrown away from a bow!They were running away from religion like that. They were clinging to the external and manifest of Islam and they called it the real Islam.

These were the same rebellious people of Islam; the group that put work on the basis of their wrong capacity of understanding- which is so dangerous. They were taking religious teachings from elsewhere rather than from Ali bin Abi Talib, the great exponent and interpreter of the holy Qur’an, they were taking them from their own wrong ways;of coursesuch a kind of people are there in every community,but their way of settlement and civilization were done by politics. This politics were supervised by some people.The significant point that lies here is that this group by its limbs could read a Quranic verse for you whenever you say a word, in the middle of prayers when The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) is present, they could read any verse that they thought it was somehow in expositional way to Ali (A.S); they could stand up while The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) is delivering a speech and read any verse that could appear contradictive to Ali bin Abiy Talib; their slogan was (ruling is only for Almighty God); this meant that “we don’t accept your administration, we are only belong to an administration of Allah”. This was manifest of their works; their political way of handling issues was in the hands of great peoples of movement of Qastin and some big peoples of city of Shaam -it means Umar Assi and Muawiyaa- They had intermingled communication between themselves. Ash’ab bin Qais, as some evidences show, was not a pious man.Some intellectually weak people also followed this group and acted.Therefore the third group that Ali bin Abi Talib battled against and became victorious was a group of Mariqin. In the battle of Nahriwan he showed them a big blow; however these people were in a community in which Imam Ali (A.S) was living and they finally martyred him.

Nevertheless, we should not mistake when trying to recognize the rebellious group of Islam. Some people compare rebellious group of Islam to as non-holy people. No, the issue is not like that. The ones who seat somewhere and say their players are not rebellious ones. Rebellious people are those who made a revolt. They brought crisis, they went battling and had battled against Ali (A.S); however the basis of their reasons was totally wrong, their war was erroneous, their tools were wrong and their objective and goal was amiss. These were the three groups with which Ali was incompatible.

The major difference between the period of administration of Ali and that of the holy prophet was that during the era of the prophet groups and queues were clear and definite; there was a queue of faith and blasphemy. Hypocrites who were inside the community were lying behind and they were been warned by the verses of the holy Qur’an. The verses were pointing a warning finger towards them, were energizing the believers against them, were attenuating and emasculating the hypocrites and this means all things were clear during the Islamic system of the time of the prophet. Clear queues were face to face to each other; one member was supporting blasphemy, idols and ignorance whereasanother member was advocating faith, Islam, oneness of God and spirituality. Of course, all were people in all meanings by then, and by that time all were people as well but, the only difference was that theirqueues were transparent. The problem that was there in the time of The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) , was that the queues were not clear; for the reason that the group of Nakthin, there were admissible faces. Everyone doubted when meeting a face like that of honorable Zubair or honorable Talhah. This Zubair was a person who during the time of the prophet was one of the appendages of the prophet and so close to him and above all he was a son of the prophet’s paternal uncle. He was even an appendage of a group of Ali after the prophet that went to the saqifah (سقیفه) to protest for the sake of defending Ali. Yes; the law of hiding is in the last time! God may make our last time be a good one. Sometimes worldly issues, different situations, parades and luster of the world, they to some extent cause bad influences to some personalities and they cause handicaps to attributes in particular; and what about normal and ordinary people. This was so difficult by then.

It seems that those who stood firmly around the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) and battled against his opponents had intelligently used their foresight and vision. I (the Iranian supreme leader) have repeatedly narrated this tradition from the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) for you which says: (this flag is not carried by anyone but only by people of vision and insight )[43] . Insight should be the first policy. Difficulties of The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) are therefore well known in such antagonisms. They were fighting and saying innuendo idioms and phrases against The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) by depending on their fake and wrong claim of Islam. During the time of birth of Islam wrong thoughts were been said but a verse of the Qur’an used to come down and strongly oppose such ideas and thoughts. This used to happen whether it was in Mecca before migration of the prophet or in Medina after the migration. You can look at a chapter of Baqarah which was sent down while in Medina and, you will come to know that it is a predominantly elaboration of different skirmishes and contentions between the prophet and hypocrites and the Jews, which is also tackling minor issues; even the ways by which the Jews of Medina of that days were using to spiritually annoy and disturb the holy prophet are also mentioned there in Qur’an; for example (don’t say consider us )[44] and so many others. In chapter of A’araf as well, which is a chapter of Mecca, a complete topic is mentioned that is totally fighting against superstition; an issue of permitting and forbidding (halal and haram) of some meat and other kind of meat that they were exaggeratingly connecting them to the real permitted and forbidden ones by Allah a certain verse says: (say: the things that my lord hath indeed forbidden are: shameful deeds )[45] . These are the forbidden things, not those things you have made the forbidden for yourselves.The holy Qur’an was strongly opposing such thoughts; but in the time ofthe Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) , his opponents were also using the same Qur’an; they werebenefiting from the same of the Qur’an. That is why the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) was in such troubles. The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) during his short term of administration met with dubious difficulties. Opposite of these groups,was the bloc of Ali himself; a real energetic bloc. They were the likes of Ammar, Malik Ashtar, Abullah bin Abbas, Muhammad bin Abiy Bakri, Mitham Thammar, Hujar bin Addiy; these were the believing and personalities of vision and insight and knowledge who had firm position in guidance of peoples’ mind and thoughts. This era of the Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) is a brilliant one by considering the intelligent effort these great personalities, but it is a sad era as well, in regard to the difficulties and calamities that these better characters experienced- for example their movement to the city of Kufah and Basrah. The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) in sent his two sons, Hassan and Hussein, to the battle field together with some of his companions by the time when Talhah and Zubair and some others came and surrounded the city of Basrah and Kufah. Their conference that they had with people there, their statements they made in the mosque, their way of reasoning there is one of the beautiful logical and mindful parts of early days of Islam. You will notice that Invasions and assaults of opponents of The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) were also by their consideration of this point. Acting against Malik Ashtar, Ammar Yasir, Muhammad bin abiy Baqri was a greatest skullduggery. The opponents were against all people who were together with The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) from early time of Ali’s event and who were examined by numerous situations and showed that they had firm beliefs and insight and the enemies were throwing different kinds ofarrows of abusive and defamation which were falling to the souls of these good characterized persons that is why most of them were becoming martyrs, but Muhammad bin abi-bakr was martyred by tricks of people of Shaam (Syria), so Malik Ashtar whereas others remained and were cruelly martyred later on. This is the situation of the lifetime and administration of The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) . If we want to classify, we should say that the time of his administration was an era of majesty and power and on the spot, time of his being ill-treated and again of his victory. This means that he managed to defeat his opponents in his time and after his ill-treated martyrdom, he became a bright torch and flambeau of the history in all centuries. Of course, blood of The Believers’ Leader and Chief(Amir al-Mumineen) isthe most affable appendage of this piece of time and of events of the history.18 /10/1377