An Enlightening Commentary Into the Light of the Holy Qur'an Volume 19

An Enlightening Commentary Into the Light of the Holy Qur'an0%

An Enlightening Commentary Into the Light of the Holy Qur'an Author:
Translator: Sayyid Abbas Sadr-'ameli
Publisher: Imam Ali Foundation
Category: Quran Interpretation
ISBN: 9645691028

An Enlightening Commentary Into the Light of the Holy Qur'an

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Ayatullah Sayyid Kamal Faghih Imani and A Group of Muslim Scholars
Translator: Sayyid Abbas Sadr-'ameli
Publisher: Imam Ali Foundation
Category: ISBN: 9645691028
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An Enlightening Commentary Into the Light of the Holy Qur'an

An Enlightening Commentary Into the Light of the Holy Qur'an Volume 19

Publisher: Imam Ali Foundation
ISBN: 9645691028

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought


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An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur'an vol. 19

From Surah al-Insan (76) to Surah al-Ghashiyah (88)

The light of Islam has enlightened and continuing to enlighten every corner in the world and seekers of truth have closely associated to the Holy Quran which carries the Word of Allah (SWT) to humanity. With increasing focus and attention to the Holy Quran, efforts has been done to provide a pure, correct and accurate translation of this divine book. But sometimes it is difficult for the readers to understand all of the apparent and hidden meanings and it is the duty of every Muslim, man or woman, to read, understand and contemplate on the Holy Qur’an according to his own capacity. Hence, the need for proper explanation becomes obvious and necessary. The book titled,“An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an” compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani is a valuable effort which presents a thorough commentary on the Quran in 20 volumes made available to the reader.

Author: Ayatullah Sayyid Kamal Faghih Imani and A Group of Muslim Scholars

Translator(s): Sayyid Abbas Sadr-'ameli

Publisher(s): Imam Ali Foundation


Table of Contents

Introduction 8

Not All English Versions of Quran Are Acceptable9

What is a 'Commentary'?10

The Current Commentary 11

Attributes Needed for Working on This Kind of Commentary 12

The Problems in Translating 12

Translators Note13

Editor's Note14





Arabic, Farsi Commentaries18

English Translations of Qur'an 18

Supporting Technical References19

Phraseological and Philological Sources19

A Presentation to Muslims21


Surah al-Insan Chapter 76 23


Number of Verses: 31 23

Contents of the Surah 23

Was the Surah Revealed In Medina?23

Surah al-Insan, Verses 1-4 24

Explanation 27

Explanation: The Fetus and its Development28

Surah al-Insan, Verses 5 - 11 29

The Occasion of Revelation 30

The Great Reward for the Righteous31

Feeding the Starved is of the Greatest Good Deeds35

Surah al-Insan, Verses 12 - 22 36

Great Rewards in Heaven 37

Surah al-Insan, Verses 23 - 26 43

Surah al-Insan, Verses 27 - 31 45

Supplication 49


Surah Mursalat, Chapter 77 50

(Those Sent Forth)50

Number of Verses: 50 50

Contents of the Surah 50

The Virtue of Studying this Surah 50

Surah Mursalat, Verses 1-15 51

Allah’s Promises Surely Befall! Woe to the Rejecters of Truth!51

Contents of the Oaths55

Surah Mursalat, Verses 16-28 55

They See These Signs of Power, Yet They Reject the Resurrection!56

Surah Mursalat, Verses 29-40 59

They Can Neither Defend Themselves Nor Escape60

Supplication 61

Surah Mursalat, Verses 41-50 63

What Statement Will They Believe In, If They Do Not Believe in Holy Qur’an?64

Supplication 66


Surah Nabaa, Chapter 78 68

(The Great News)68

Number of Verses: 40 68

Contents of the Surah 68

Surah Nabaa, Verses 1-5 68

The Great News!69

Why is the Resurrection Emphasized On So Much?72

Surah Nabaa, Verses 6-16 73

Explanation: The Relation Between These Verses and the Resurrection 80

Surah Nabaa, Verses 17-20 80

Finally, the Promised Day Will Come81

What are the meanings of ‘be opened’ and ‘gates’?82

Surah Nabaa, Verses 21-30 84

Hell is a Great Ambush!84

Surah Nabaa, Verses 31-37 88

Some Great Rewards for the Righteous88

Explanation: The Rewards of the Righteous and the Recompense of the Rebels91

Supplication 92

Surah Nabaa, Verses 38-40 92

Supplication 99


Surah Nazi’at, Chapter 79 101

(Those Who Tear Out)101

Number of Verses: 46 101

Contents of the Surah 101

The Virtue in Studying this Surah 101

Surah Nazi’at, Verses 1-5 101

By The Angels Who Try Hard 102

Surah Nazi’at, Verses 6-14 103

The Resurrection Will Happen with a Single Great Blast!104

Surah Nazi’at, Verses 15-26 106

Pharaoh Used to Say: I Am Your Lord, Most High 107

Explanation: A Small Sample of the Elegance of Holy Qur'an 110

Surah Nazi’at, Verses 27-33 110

A Reason For the Resurrection: Are You More Difficult to Create or the Heaven He Built?110

Surah Nazi’at, Verses 34-41 112

Those Who Restrain Their Soul From Low Desires113


What is the meaning of “the Presence of the Lord”?115

The Relation Between the Rebels and Worldliness115

There are only Two Groups116

Surah Nazi’at, Verses 42-46 116

Supplication 118


Surah ‘Abasa, Chapter 80 120

(He Frowned)120

Number of Verses: 42 120

Contents of the Surah 120

The Virtue in Studying this Surah 120

Surah ‘Abasa, Verses 1-10 120

The Occasion of Revelation 121

Surah ‘Abasa, Verses 11-23 124

Only the Purified Ones Can Touch the Qur'an 125

Surah ‘Abasa, Verses 24-32 130

Man Should Look At His food!130

Explanation 132

Explanation:Wholesome Nutriments134

Surah ‘Abasa, Verses 33-42 135

The Resurrection Cry!135

Explanation: Self-Perfection 137

Supplication 137


Surah Takwir, Chapter 81 139

(The Folding Up)139

Number of Verses: 29 139

Contents of the Surah 139

The Virtue in Studying Surah Takwir139

Surah Takwir, Verses 1-9 140

The Day When All the Universe Will be Dissolved 140

Surah Takwir, Verses 10-14 144

Explanation: The Order of the Verses146

Will the Solar System and the Stars Darken?146

Surah Takwir, Verses 15-25 147

Gabriel, the Bringer of Allah’s Message Descends to him 147

Explanation: The Characteristics of a Qualified Messenger152

Surah Takwir, Verses 26-29 153

O Neglectful Ones! Where Are You Going?153

Supplication 155


Surah Infitar, Chapter 82 156

(The Cleaving Asunder)156

Number of Verses: 19 156

Contents of the Surah 156

Surah Infitar, Verses 1-5 156

The Disturbance in Order and Symmetry 156


Surah Infitar, Verses 6-12 160

O man! What Has Seduced You?160

Explanation: The Angels; the Scribes165

Surah Infitar, Verses 13-19 167

On That Day, No One Does Anything for Anyone167

Supplication 169


Surah Mutaffifin, Chapter 83 171


Number of Verses: 36 171

Contents of the Surah 171

The Virtue in Studying the Surah 171

Surah Mutaffifin, Verses 1-6 171

The Occasion of Revelation 172

Woe to Those Who Deal in Fraud 172

Explanation: 'Dealing in Fraud' is One of the Factors of Mischief in the Land175

Surah Mutaffifin, Verses 7-10 176

What Informs You What 'Sijjin' Is?176

Surah Mutaffifin, Verses 11-17 179

Sin Works as Rust Upon the Heart179


Why Does Sin Work As Rust Upon The Heart?181

A Curtain Over The Spirit182

Surah Mutaffifin, Verses 18-28 183

‘Illiyin is Anticipating the Righteous183

Explanation: Who are 'the Righteous' and 'the Ones Nearest to Allah'?187

Heavenly Drinks188

Surah Mutaffifin, Verses 29-36 189

The Occasion of Revelation 189

Supplication 192


Surah Inshiqaq, Chapter 84 194

(The Rending Asunder)194

Number of Verses: 25 194

Contents of the Surah 194

The Virtue In Studying This Surah 194

Surah Inshiqaq, Verses 1-9 194


A Surprising Narration!198

This Life is Full of Pain and Labour199

Surah Inshiqaq, Verses 10-15 199

Those Who Hold Their Record Behind Their Back!199

Surah Inshiqaq, Verses 16-25 201

Explanation 204

Supplication 205


Surah Buruj, Chapter 85 206

(The Constellations)206

Number of Verses: 22 206

Contents of the Surah 206

The Virtue in Studying This Surah 206

Surah Buruj, Verses 1-9 207

The Believers and the Pyres207


Who Were 'The Makers of The Pit of fire’?213

Resistance in Keeping Faith 215

Surah Buruj, Verses 10-16 216

Allah's Punishment for the Persecutors216

Surah Buruj, Verses 17-22 219


Surah Tariq, Chapter 86 222

(The Night)222

Number of Verses: 17 222

Contents of the Surah 222

The Virtue in Studying this Surah 222

Surah Tariq, Verses 1-10 222

O man! Consider of What You Are Created!223

Surah Tariq, Verses 11-17 227

We Destroy the Enemies' Plans227

Supplication 230


Surah A'la, Chapter 87 232

(The Most High)232

Number of Verses: 19 232

Contents of Surah A'la232

The Virtue in Studying this Surah 232

Surah A’la, Verses 1-5 233

Glorify Allah, The Most High 233

Surah A’la, Verses 6-13 235

We Will Make Everything Prepared For You To Do Good 236

Surah A’la, Verses 14-19 240

All Divine Books Contained A Definite Law 240

Explanation 242

Supplication 244


Surah Ghashiyah, Chapter 88 245

(The Overwhelming Event)245

Number of Verses: 26 245

Contents of Surah Ghashiyah 245

The Virtue in Studying This Surah 245

Surah Ghashiya, Verses 1-7 245

They Are Weary, But With No Gain 246

Surah Ghashiyah, Verses 8-16 247

A Perspective of the Blessings in Heaven 248

Surah Ghashiyah, Verses 17-26 251

Look at the Camel; a Sign of Allah 251

Supplication 256
