An Enlightening Commentary Into the Light of the Holy Qur'an Volume 20

An Enlightening Commentary Into the Light of the Holy Qur'an0%

An Enlightening Commentary Into the Light of the Holy Qur'an Author:
Translator: Sayyid Abbas Sadr-'ameli
Publisher: Imam Ali Foundation
Category: Quran Interpretation
ISBN: 9645691028

An Enlightening Commentary Into the Light of the Holy Qur'an

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Ayatullah Sayyid Kamal Faghih Imani and A Group of Muslim Scholars
Translator: Sayyid Abbas Sadr-'ameli
Publisher: Imam Ali Foundation
Category: ISBN: 9645691028
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An Enlightening Commentary Into the Light of the Holy Qur'an

An Enlightening Commentary Into the Light of the Holy Qur'an Volume 20

Publisher: Imam Ali Foundation
ISBN: 9645691028

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought


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An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur'an vol. 20

From Surah al-Fajr (89) to Surah an-Nas (114)

The light of Islam has enlightened and continuing to enlighten every corner in the world and seekers of truth have closely associated to the Holy Quran which carries the Word of Allah (SWT) to humanity. With increasing focus and attention to the Holy Quran, efforts has been done to provide a pure, correct and accurate translation of this divine book. But sometimes it is difficult for the readers to understand all of the apparent and hidden meanings and it is the duty of every Muslim, man or woman, to read, understand and contemplate on the Holy Qur’an according to his own capacity. Hence, the need for proper explanation becomes obvious and necessary. The book titled,“An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an” compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani is a valuable effort which presents a thorough commentary on the Quran in 20 volumes made available to the reader.

Author: Ayatullah Sayyid Kamal Faghih Imani and A Group of Muslim Scholars

Translator(s): Sayyid Abbas Sadr-'ameli

Publisher(s): Imam Ali Foundation


Table of Contents

Introduction 10

Not All English Versions of Quran Are Acceptable11

What is a 'Commentary'?12

The Current Commentary 13

Attributes Needed for Working on This Kind of Commentary 14

The Problems in Translating 14

Translators Note15

Editor's Note16





Arabic, Farsi Commentaries20

English Translations of Qur'an 20

Supporting Technical References21

Phraseological and Philological Sources21

A Presentation to Muslims23


Surah al-Fajr, Chapter 89 25

Surah al-Fajr (Break of Dawn)25

Number of Verses: 30 25

Contents of the Surah 25

The Virtue of Studying Surah Fajr25

Surah Fajr, Verses 1-5 25

An Oath to the Dawn!26

What an interesting concept!29

Surah Fajr, Verses 6-14 30

Surah Fajr, Verses 15-20 35

Do Not Be Proud of Receiving His Blessings Nor Disappointed When He Puts You in Dire Straights36

Surah Fajr, Verses 21-26 39

They Will Awaken On a Day When It Is Too Late39

Surah Fajr, Verses 27-30 42

O, You Possessor of the Serene Soul!42

Supplication 44


Surah Balad, Chapter 90 45

(The City)45

Number of Verses: 20 45

Contents of this Surah 45

The Virtue in Studying Surah Balad 45

Surah Balad, Verses 1-7 45

By This Sacred City!46

Surah Balad, Verses 8-10 49

The Gifts of Eyes, Tongue and Guidance!49

Surah Balad, Verses 11-20 51

An Arduous Uphill Climb!51

Supplication 54


Surah Shams, Chapter 91 56

(The Sun)56

Number of Verses: 15 56

The Contents of the Surah 56

The Virtue in Studying this Surah 56

Surah Shams, Verses 1-10 56

Explanation 62

Surah Shams, Verses 11-15 62

The Fatal End of the Wrongdoers!63

Explanation: The Brief Story of the Thamood 65


Surah Lail, Chapter 92 68

(The Night)68

Number of Verses: 21 68

Contents of the Surah 68

The Virtue in Studying Surah Lail68

Surah Lail, Verses 1-11 68

The Occasion of the Revelation of Surah Lail69

Piety and the Divine Assistance70

Surah Lail, Verses 12-21 73

Payment of Charity Causes the Fire to Be Kept Away 74

Supplication 77


Surah Duha, Chapter 93 78

(The Glorious Morning Light)78

Number of Verses: 11 78

The Contents of Surah Duha78

The Virtue in Studying this Surah 78

Surah Duha, Verses 1-5 79

The Occasion of Revelation 79

Explanation: The Philosophy Behind the Discontinuation of the Revelations82

Surah Duha, Verses 6-11 82

As a Sign of Gratitude for the Bounties of Your Lord 82

Supplication 86


Surah Inshirah, Chapter 94 88

(The Expansion)88

Number of Verses: 8 88

Contents of the Surah 88

The Virtue in Studying Surah Inshirah:88

Surah Inshirah, Verses 1-8 88

We Endowed You With Various Bounties!89

Explanation 94

Supplication 94


Surah Tin, Chapter 95 96

(The Fig)96

Number of Verses: 8 96

Contents of Surah Tin 96

Surah Tin, Verses 1-8 96

We Have Created Man In the Finest of Moulds97

Supplication 101


Surah ‘Alaq, Chapter 96 102

(The Clot)102

Number of Verses: 19 102

Contents of Surah 'Alaq 102

The Virtue of Studying this Surah 102

Surah ‘Alaq, Verses 1-5 102

The Occasion of the Revelation 103

Read (Proclaim!) In the Name of your Lord!104


The First Revelation Was Accompanied by a Societal Movement106

Remembrance of Allah in any Condition 107

Surah ‘Alaq, Verses 6-14 107

Do You Not Know That Allah Surely Sees What You Do?108

Does such a person not deserve the Divine Punishment?109

Explanation: All the World is Before the Presence of Allah 110

Surah ‘Alaq, Verses 15-19 110

Prostrate Yourself and Draw Nigh (to Allah)!110

Explanation: Rebellion and Self-Sufficiency 112

Supplication 113


Surah Qadr, Chapter 97 114

(The Night of Honour)114

Number of Verses: 5 114

Contents of Surah Qadr114

The Virtue of Studying this Surah:114

Surah Qadr, Verses 1-5 114


Which Affairs are to be Fixed on the Night of Honour?118

Which Night is the Night of Honour?119

Why is the Night of Honour a Mystery?119

Was there the Night of Honour for Former Nations?120

How is the Night of Honour Better Than a Thousand Months?120

Why Was the Qur'an Descended on the Night of Honour?121

Is the Night of Honour the Same Night in Different Zones?121

Supplication 122


Surah Bayyinah, Chapter 98 123

(The Clear Evidence)123

Number of Verses: 8 123

Contents of the Surah 123

The Virtue in Studying Surah Bayyinah 123

Surah Bayyinah, Verses 1-5 124

The Religion Right and Straight124

Surah Bayyinah, Verses 6-8 127

The Best and the Worst Creatures127

The Necessity of Intention in Adorations131

The Wonderful Heights and Depths to Which Man Can Reach 131

Supplication 132


Surah Zilzal, Chapter 99 133

(The Quaking)133

Number of Verses: 8 133

Contents of Surah Zilzal133

The Virtue in Studying this Surah 133

Surah Zizal, Verses 1-8 133

The Day When Man Sees All His Deeds134

Does this surprise and question thereby depend on whether it is the First or the Second Blast?135

Explanation: Accuracy and Severity at the Divine Reckoning 137

An Answer to a Question 138

The Most Expressive Verses of the Qur'an 139

Supplication 139


Surah ‘Adiyat, Chapter 100 140

(The Chargers)140

Number of Verses: 11 140

Contents of the Surah 140

The Virtue of Studying Surah 'Adiyat140

Surah ‘Adiyat, Verses 1-11 140

The Occasion of Revelation 141

By Those Which Raid At Dawn 142

Explanation: Is Man Naturally Ungrateful?146

Supplication 147


Surah Qari’ah, Chapter 101 148

(The Calamity)148

Number of Verses: 11 148

Contents of Surah Qari'ah 148

The Virtue of Studying this Surah 148

Surah Qari’ah, Verses 1-11 148

The Calamity 149

Weighing the Good Deeds; the Deciding Factors151

Supplication 152


Surah Takathur, Chapter 102 153

(Vying in Exuberance)153

Number of Verses: 8 153

Contents of the Surah 153

The Virtue of Studying Surah Takathur153

Surah Takathur, Verses 1-8 153

The Occasion of Revelation 154

The Affliction of Vying in Exuberance!154


The Source of Vying 156

Yet, What is This Mass of Yying and Pride For?156

Certitude and its Degrees157

All Will See Hell158

What Bounties Are Asked About in the Hereafter?158

Supplication 159


Surah Asr, Chapter 103 160


Number of Verses: 11 160

Contents of the Surah 160

The Virtue of Studying Surah 'Asr160

Surah ‘Asr, Verses 1-3 160

The Only Path to Salvation 160

Explanation: Salvation Through Four Principles163

Supplication 166


Surah Humazah, Chapter 104 167

(The Slanderer)167

Number of Verses: 9 167

Contents of the Surah 167

The Virtue of Studying Surah Humazah 167

Surah Humazah, Verses 1-9 167

The Occasion of Revelation 168

Woe to Every Backbiter, Slanderer!168

Divine Justice Requires a Penalty on Them Similar to Their Behaviors171


Pride, the Origin of Great Sin 172

The Lust For Amassing Wealth 173

Supplication 174


Surah Fil, Chapter 105 175

(The Elephant)175

Number of Verses: 5 175

Contents of the Surah 175

The Virtue in Studying Surah Fil175

Surah Fil, Verses 1-5 175

The Occasion of Revelation 176

The Story of the Companions of the Elephants176

Explanation: This House Has An Owner180

The Gravest Punishment By the Least Means!180

A Certain Historial Event181

Supplication 182


Surah Quraish, Chapter 106 183

(Custodians of the Ka’aba)183

Number of Verses: 4 183

Contents of the Surah 183

The Virtue of Studying Surah Quraish 183

Surah Quraish, Verses 1-4 183

Supplication 185


Surah Ma’un, Chapter 107 186

(Neighbourly Needs)186

Number of Verses: 7 186

Contents of the Surah 186

Occasion of the Revelation 186

The Virtue of Studying the Surah 186

Surah Ma’un, Verses 1-7 186

The Harmful Fruit of the Denial of the Hereafter187

Explanation: Subjects Discussed in this Surah 189

A Great Social Pest; Pretense and Hypocrisy 189

Supplication 190


Surah Kawthar, Chapter 108 191

(The Abundance)191

Number of Verses: 3 191

Contents of the Surah 191

Occasion of Revelation 191

The Virtue of Studying the Surah 191

Surah Kawthar, Verses 1-3 192

Explanation: Lady Hazrat Fatimah and Kawthar194

The Miracle of this Surah 195

Allah and the Plural Pronoun 195

Supplication 196


Surah Kafirun, Chapter 109 197


Number of Verses: 6 197

Contents of the Surah 197

The Virtue of Studying Surah Kafirun 197

Surah Kafirun, Verses 1-6 198

Occasion of the Revelation 198

He Never Agrees with the Idol Worshippers198

1. Why Does the Surah Begin With the Command: ‘Say’?199

2. Did the Idol Worshippers Deny Allah?200

3. What Is This Repetition In the Verses For?200

4. Is the Phrase: 'To You Be Your Religion' A Licence For Idolatry?201

5. Not Even For One Moment Did He Collude With Polytheism 201

Supplication 202


Surah Nasr, Chapter 110 203


Number of Verses: 3 203

Contents of the Surah 203

The Virtue of Studying this Surah 204

Surah Nasr, Verses 1-3 204

Allah's Help Brings Multitudes to Allah's Religion 204

Supplication 206


Surah Lahab, Chapter 111 208

(The Flame)208

Number of Verses: 5 208

Contents of the Surah 208

The Virtue in Studying this Surah 208

Occasion of the Revelation of the Surah 208

Surah Lahab, Verses 1-5 209


Prophecy: A Sign of the Miracle of the Qur'an 211

Relationship is Not a Reason for Faith 212

Supplication 212


Surah Ikhlas, Chapter 112 213


Number of Verses: 4 213

Contents of the Surah 213

Occasion of Revelation of the Surah 213

The Virtue of Studying this Surah 213

Surah Ikhlas, Verses 1-4 214

Explanation: The Belief in the Oneness of Allah 219

1. The Belief in the Oneness of Allah in Himself219

2. The Belief in the Oneness of Allah in His Attributes220

3. The Belief in the Oneness of Allah in His Actions220

4. The Belief in the Oneness of Allah in Worship 220

Supplication 221


Surah Falaq, Chapter 113 223

(The Daybreak)223

Number of Verses: 5 223

Contents and Virtue of the Surah 223

Occasion of Revelation 223

The Virtue in Studying Surah Falaq 224

Surah Falaq, Verses 1-5 224

I Take Refuge With the Lord of the Dawn 224


1. The Most Important Sources of Vice and Corruption 227

2. The Influence of Sorcery 227

3. The Evil of the Envious227

Supplication 228


Surah Nas, Chapter 114 229


Number of Verses: 6 229

Contents of the Surah 229

The Virtue in Studying -Surah Nas229

Surah Nas, Verses 1-6 229

I Take Refuge With the Lord of Mankind 230

Explanation: Why Do We Take Refuge With Allah?232

Supplication 232

An Expressive Tradition 232
