Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

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Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws) Author:
Translator: Syed Jazib Reza Kazmi
Publisher: Wilayat Mission
Category: Imam Ali

Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Author: Abdul Rasool
Translator: Syed Jazib Reza Kazmi
Publisher: Wilayat Mission

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Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)
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Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Publisher: Wilayat Mission

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1. Zahir

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “O’ people! I possess knowledge of the Divine Commandment. I am the recitor of Ayats. I am the Arc of salvation. I am the secret of the unseen. I am the riverbed of the Euphrates. I am the one who revealed the Taurah. I am the Mazher (manifestation) of miracles. I am the one who speaks with the dead. I am the one who removes sufferings. I am the solver of all problems. I am the lion of wars. I am the sign of Allah. I am the reality of secrets. My apparent is Haider e Karar. I am the inheritor of the knowledge of RasoolAllah (saw). I am the killer of kufr. I am the Father of the Holy Imams (as). I am the one who placed the constellations and the stars in their right orbits. I am the scale of accountability. I am the treasure of Allah. I am the Fasee of Zaboor. I am the Scripture of Injeel. I am Fazl e Khatab (a blessed speech). I am umm al kitab (reality of the book). I am the Lord of Sura Baqarah. I am the honored one of Aal e Imran. I am the knowledge of all knowledge. I am the fifth of Ahul Kisa (people of the cloak). I will be stood on A’raaf (an elevated place in the heavens). I am the repentance of the sinful. I am the secret of Ibrahim (as). I am the fortune of My forefathers. I am the sign of Bani Israel. I am the spoke who with Ahlul Kahf (people of the cave). I am the beloved of the Scriptures. I am the strongest path. I am the Quran of recitors. I am the remembrance of Aal e Taha. I am the Wali of Successors. I am the one who appeared before every prophet. I am the purpose of Quran. I am the blessing of rahman (mercy). I am the Imam of Aal e Yasin. I am the Lord of Tur. I am Sura Waqia. I am Sura Adiyat. I am Sura al Qariya. I am Noon wa kalam. I am the light in the darkness. I am the quencher of thirst for the thirsty. I am the source of iman (faith). I am the distributor of heaven. I am the hujjat (proof) of Allah upon human and jinns. I am the Father of the Sacred Imams (as). I am the Father of the last, Imam e Zamana (ajfts).

(Al Zaam al Nasib Second Edition pg 180)

2. Zalil al Ghamam (shadow of the cloud)

Ameerul Momineen (asws) said, “I completed the religion of every prophet. My Lord has bestowed upon Me knowledge and success. I sent forth 12 delegations towards My Lord. I am able to recognize My essence. I was given the treasure of the unseen.” Then someone knocked at the door. Moula (asws) asked Qambar (ra), “Who is at the door?” Qambar (ra) replied, “Meesam Tammar (ra).” Moula (asws) said to Meesam (ra), “Should I tell you something that if you hold tight to it, then you will become momin and if you abandon it, you will become kafir?” Then Moula (asws) said, “I am the difference between haq (truth) and batil (falsehood). I will send My lover into heaven and throw My enemies into hell.

Allah said, “They do not wait aught but that Allah should come to them in the shadows of the clouds along with the angels and the matter has already been decided; and all matters are returned to Allah” (2:210)

(Tafseer e Furat pg 67)

3. Zahir fi al Israr (Reality of secrets)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the reality of the secrets”.

4. Zahir maa al Anbiya (one who appeared with the prophets)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the one who appeared with the prophets”.

5. Zahr qabail al ans (helper of tribes)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the helper of tribes”

6. Zahr al Farsh (helper of the earth)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the helper of the earth.”

7. Zahr al Azhar (helper of helpers)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am helper of the helpers”.

*He remembers when all others forget, Controls His Anger, One who has the ear of remembrance, Generous, Heart who remembers (Al Manaqib Third Vol pg 73)

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1. Ali ul Hakeem

In the tafseer of this ayah, “And surely it is in the original of the Book (umm al kitab) with Us, Most High Most Wise” (43:4), Imam (as) said, “Ali ul Hakeem (Most High Most Wise) is Ameerul Momineen (asws). Regarding this ayah, “Keep us in the right path” (1:6),

Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said, “Siratul Mustaqeem (right path) is Ameerul Momineen (asws).”

(Tafseer e Burhan 4th Edition pg 134)

2. Andah ilm al Kitab (one who possesses the knowledge of the book)

Burida bin muawiyah narrates “I asked Imam Abu Jafar al Baqir (as) regarding this ayah, “Say: Allah and whoever has knowledge of the book is sufficient witness between me and you” (13:43), Imam (as) replied, “This ayah was revealed for Us. Ali (asws) is the first amongst Us and the greatest. He is the best after RasoolAllah (saw).”

(Usool e Kafi First Edition pg 229)

3. Azwoo al Rasool (saw) (Part of RasoolAllah saw)

Huzaifa bin al Yaman narrates, “RasoolAllah (saw) kissed Ali (asws) and said, “O’Abul Hasan (asws)! You are a part of Me. You were revealed the same way as I was revealed.

Verily, Allah has given Me the right of intercession in jannah. Tuba is for You and for Your shia.”

(Maya Manqaba pg 36)

4. Alamah (landmarks)

Al Washa narrates, “I asked Imam Reza (as) regarding this ayah, “And landmarks and by the stars they find the right way” (16:16), Imam (as) said, “We are those landmarks and star is RasoolAllah (saw).”

Asbat bin Salim narrates from Hasim who asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) regarding this ayah, “And landmarks, and by the stars they find the right way” (16:16), Imam (as) said, “RasoolAllah (saw) is the star and Aimmah (as) are landmarks”.

(Usool e Kafi First Edition pg 207)

5. Aalim (scholar)

Muhammad bin Muslim narrates from Imam Abu Abdullah (as), Imam (as) said, “Verily, Ali (asws) is the scholar and the knowledge comes from His inheritance. A scholar never dies.

He remains forever through the knowledge he has taught to others or as Allah wills. There is a narration from Imam Abu Jafar (as) that says, “The knowledge that came from Adam (as) was never removed. The knowledge is inherited. Ali (asws) was the scholar of this ummah. Verily, no scholar from amongst Us dies. We pass Our knowledge from one to the other.”

(Usool e Kafi First Edition pg 221-222)

6. Al uqabah (Ascent)

Imam Abu Jafar (as) says regarding this ayah, “But he would not attempt the Ascent”

(90:11), Imam (as) hit His hand upon His chest and said, “We are that ascent and one who crosses Us has found salvation.”

(Tafseer e Furat pg 211)

7. Awaz al Nabi (Likeness of RasoolAllah saw)

Ibne Abbas (ra) narrates, RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Ali (asws) is to Me as My skin. Ali (asws) is to Me like My flesh. Ali (asws) is to Me like My bones. Ali (asws) is to Me like My blood in My veins. Ali (asws) is from Me. He is My brother, My successor, My inheritor, and My caliph of My ummah. He is judge of the religion. He is My likeness in this world”.

(Maya Manqaba pg 44)

8. Abdullah (servant of Allah)

Moula Ali (asws) said, “I am the servant of Allah and the brother of RasoolAllah (saw). No one after Me can claim to be this except a liar.”

(Ayun al Akbar al Reza (as) First Edition pg 63)

9. Aali (exalted)

Abu Saeed Khudri narrates, “We were sitting with RasoolAllah (saw) when a man came and said, “O’RasoolAllah (saw)! Tell me about iblees regarding this ayah, “Are you proud or are you of the exalted ones?” (38:75). O’RasoolAllah (saw)! Who are those who are greater than angels?” RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Myself, Ali (asws), Fatima (sa), Hasan (as), and Hussain (as). We use to praise Allah near the throne of Allah 2000 years before the creation of Adam. When Allah created Adam, He ordered the angels to perform sajdah to him. He did not order Us to perform sajda to Adam. So the angels performed sajda all except iblees. He refused. Allah asked him, “Are you proud or are you of the exalted ones?”

Allah was referring to those 5 names that were written on the throne. We are the doors of Allah through whom Allah bestows His blessings. Those who seek guidance obtain their guidance through Us. One who hates Us hates Allah. Allah will throw him into the hellfire.

No one will love Us except a halali (one who is born legitimate).”

(Kafaya al Talib)

10. Amwad al islam (Pillar of islam)

Imam Abu Jafar (as) narrates, “RasoolAllah (saw) would never speak regarding His successor until a verse was revealed from Allah or until the appropriate time had passed.

When RasoolAllah (saw) knew the time of His death this ayah was revealed, “So when you are free, nominate and strive to please your Lord” (94:7-8). In this ayah, Allah says “When You are free from Your prophecy, appoint Ali (asws) as Your successor and announce it so RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Whomsoever I am His Moula, Ali (asws) is His Moula. O’ Allah! Love him who loves Him (Ali asws) and hate him who hates Him (Ali asws),

help him who helps Him (Ali asws). Condemn him who denies Him (Ali asws).” RasoolAllah (saw) repeated this three times. People wanted to turn against Ali (asws). Then RasoolAllah (saw) said, “O’Allah! Send such person who loves You and Me and whom You and Me love”. Before this RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Ali (asws) is master of all muslims. Ali (asws) is pillar of islam. He will fight for haq (Truth) after Me. Haq (truth) is always with Ali (asws).” This was the will of RasoolAllah (saw).”

(Tafseer e Furat pg 216)

11. Aalim al Arz (most knowledgeable on the earth)

Minhal bin amr narrates Zar bin Hasan said, “Moula Ali (asws) was passing near Saqifa with RasoolAllah (saw). Salman (as) was also with Them. Salman (as) said to the people there, “Why are you standing here? Come and take oath, and ask Him “I swear by Allah who causes the tree to gush forth from the seed. Verily, Ameerul Momineen (asws) will tell you the secrets that you have hidden amongst you. Verily, He is the most knowledgable on the earth. If you lose Him, you lose the knowledge.”

(Amali Sudooq pg 49)

12. Ilm (knowledge)

Zaid bin Ali (as) bin Hussain (as) was asked regarding this hadith, “Whomsoever I am Moula, Ali (asws) is His Moula”. He said, “Ameerul Momineen (asws) was chosen for knowledge.”

(Maani ul Akbar pg 16)

13. Ayeen al Mazloomah (oppressed eye)

Ibne Abbas (ra) narrates RasoolAllah (saw) said, “When the eyes will be oppressed, the hand of the fourth will be responsible for the slaughtering of the eye. One who will slaughter one from amongst the eyes, the curse of Allah and all of the angels be upon him”.

People asked, “O’RasoolAllah (saw)! What is that eye and eyes?” RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Eye is My brother Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) and eyes are His enemies. The fourth of them will slaughter Him (Ali asws) brutally.”

(Maani ul Akbar pg 387)

14. Ahad (promise)

Sama bin Mahran narrates, “I asked Imam Abu Abdullah Sadiq (as) regarding this ayah, “Be faithful to your promise with Me and I will fulfill My promise with you” (2:40), Imam (as) said, “That promise of Allah is wilayat e Ali (asws). It is wajib upon you from Allah.

Fulfill it and Allah will fulfill His promise of jannah with you.”

(Tafseer e Ayyashi First Edition pg 60)

15. Azd al Rasool (hand of RasoolAllah saw)

Muhammad bin Asnad narrates from Ans bin Malik, “RasoolAllah (saw) sent an ambassador towards a nation. They oppressed him and slaughtered him. When RasoolAllah (saw) heard this, He sent Ali (asws) towards them. He fought them, slaughtered them and imprisoned them. When Ali (asws) returned back to Medina and met with RasoolAllah (saw), He (RasoolAllah saw) kissed Ali (asws)’s forehead and said, “May My parents be sacrificed upon You! Allah strengthened My hand through You the way He did with Musa (as) through Haroon (as).”

(Tafseer e Burhan)

16. Ali

Thabit bin Dinar narrates from Swaid bin Jabir who narrates from Yazid bin Qanab who says, “I was sitting with Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib near the Kaaba. Fatima (sa) binte Asad came there. She held the wall of the Kaaba and said, “O’ my Lord! I believe in You and all of the prophets and books revealed by You. I testify to the words of my forefather, Ibrahim (as). He made this Your holy house. He built this house for Your prophet and the one who is in my womb. Make the birth of Him easy for me”. Yazid bin Qanab says, “I saw the wall of the Kaaba open and Fatima (sa) entered inside and disappeared from our sight.” We sent the caretaker of the Kaaba to open the door for us, but he could not get it to open. Then we knew this is from Allah. Then on the fourth day, she came out of the Kaaba. She had Ameerul Momineen (asws) with her. Then she said, “Allah gave me greatness over all the women and I am honored.” Asya binte Muzahim used to worship Allah hiddenly and Allah did not like such worship except in the state of compulsion. Mariam (sa) binte Imran had to eat dates by her own hands. When I entered in the house of Allah, I ate the fruits of jannah.

When I was about to depart, a crier said, “O’Fatima (sa)! Name this child “Ali”. He is Ali and Allah the Most High says, “I named Him from amongst My names and taught Him My hidden knowledge. He is the one who will destroy the idols in My house and will recite adhan on the back of My house. He will recite the greatness of My praises. There is jannah for anyone who will love and obey Him. He who is his enemy and disobeys Him will be destroyed.”

(Maani ul Akbar pg 62)

Jafar (as) bin Muhammad (as) narrates from His Father who narrates from His Grandfather, “One day RasoolAllah (saw) was sitting along with Ali (asws), Fatima (sa), Hasan (as) , and Hussain (as). RasoolAllah (saw) said, “I swear by Allah who made Me a warner. There is no one on the earth more beloved by Allah than Us. Verily, Allah named Me from His names.

He is Mahmood and I am Muhammad. He named Ali (asws) from His names. He is Ali ul ala and You (Ali asws) are Ali. Allah named Fatima (sa) from His names. He is Fatir and You are Fatima. Allah named Hasan (as) from His names. He is Mohsin and You are Hasan. Allah named Hussain (as) from His names. He is Zulahsan and You are Hussain.” Then RasoolAllah (saw) said, “O’Allah! I testify I am peaceful with those who are peaceful with Them (Ali asws, Fatima sa, Hasan as, and Hussain as) and I am at war with those who are at war with Them. I love him who loves Them. I hate him who hates Them. I am from Them.”

(Maani ul Akbar pg 155)

Abu Zarr (ra) narrates, “I heard RasoolAllah (saw) saying, “Ali (asws) and I are from the same noor. We praised Allah on the throne 2000 years before the creation of Adam (as).

When Allah created Adam (as), Allah placed Our noor in His lineage. When Adam (as) was in jannah, We were in His lineage. When Ibrahim (as) was thrown in the fire, We were in His lineage. Allah kept transferring Us until We reached to Abdul Muttalib (ra). Allah split Us into two parts. He kept Me in the lineage of Abdullah and Ali (asws) in the lineage of Abu Talib (as). He gave Me the prophecy and gave Ali (asws) the wilayat. He named Us from His names. The Lord of the Throne is Mahmood and I am Muhammad (saw). The Allah is Ala and He is Ali (asws).”

(Maani ul Akbar pg 56)

Ibne Masood narrates, “RasoolAllah (saw) said to Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as), “When Allah created Adam (as) and blew His spirit in his form. The angels performed sajdah to him.

Then Allah sent him along with his wife, Hawa (sa), into jannah. Adam (as) looked at the throne and saw 5 lines written on it. Adam (as) asked, “O’ My Lord! Who are They?” Allah said, “They are those through whom My creation will seek My intercession and I will intercede through Them.” Adam said, “O’ My Lord! They have great importance to You.

What are Their names?” Allah said, “I am Mahmood and first of Them is Muhammad (saw),

I am Ala and the second of Them is Ali (asws). I am Fatir and the third from Them is Fatima (sa). I am Mohsin and the fourth from Them is Hasan (as). I am Ahsan and the fifth from Them is Hussain (as). They all praise Me, Allah”.

(Maani ul Akbar pg 157)

Jabir Jaffi narrates, “The people are disputed regarding why Moula Ali (asws) was named “Ali”. One group says, “No one in the offspring of Adam (as) has this name nor in the arabs neither in the ajim and all of the people named their children “Ali” after Ameerul Momineen (asws).” The second group said, “Ali (asws) was named “Ali” because His house in jannah is on a very high spot. Even the house of the prophets are not as high as the house of Ali (asws).” One group said, “Ali (asws) was named “Ali” because He was the same as RasoolAllah (saw) in the obedience of Allah and He stood on the shoulders of RasoolAllah (saw) when He destroyed the idols in the Kaaba.” Another group said, “Ali (asws) was named “Ali” because He was married in the heavens and no one in the whole creation of Allah was married in the heavens.” Another group said, “Ali (asws) was named “ Ali”

because He was the most knowledgable after RasoolAllah (saw)”.

(Maani ul Akbar pg 61)

The letters of the titles of Moula (asws) is equal to the names of the Imams (as). Every title has 12 letters.

علي وصي الرسول، علي زوج الثتول، علي قامع الشرك، علي دامغ الافك، علي فالع الثاب، علي ردالاحساب، علي عالم الامة، علي اتو الائمة، علي فارج الكرب، علي خليفة الرب، علي ذو العجائة، علي ذو الغرائة، علي خليفة الله، حيدر اتو تراب، علي تن اتي طالة، امير المؤمنين

(Ali the successor of RasoolAllah saw, Ali the husband of Batool (sa), Ali the remover of shirk, Ali the remover of accusations, Ali the remover of the door, Ali the destroyer of armies, Ali the most knowledgable of the ummah, Ali the Father of the Imams (as), Ali the caliph of the Lord, Ali the man of wonders, Ali the man of miracles, Ali the caliph of Allah, Haider Abu Turab, Ali ibn Abi Talib, Ameerul Momineen)

(Manaqib First Edition pg 260)

17. Ahad al Mukid (strong promise of allegiance)

Imam Abu Abdullah Sadiq (as) narrates RasoolAllah (saw) left the Book of Allah and His Successor Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) for His ummah. He left Ameerul Momineen (asws),

Imam al Muttaqeen, the strongest rope of Allah, His strongest chain that will never be broken and His strong promise. Imam (as) guides people regarding the obedience of Allah and Imam. He informs the people about His right and the Amr (command/authority) of Allah.”

(Basar ul Darjat pg 413)

18. Adl (justice)

Jabir bin Abdullah narrates I asked Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) regarding this ayah, “Allah bears witness that there is no god but He and so do the angels and those possessed of knowledge, maintaining His creation with justice; there is no god but He the Mighty, the Wise” (3:18), Imam (as) said, “Allah testified there is no god except Him. He testified for His greatness and honor. As for the angels, Allah testified because they obeyed their Lord and in this ayah, the people of knowledge are prophets and successors. The adl (justice) is Ameerul Momineen (asws).”

(Tafseer e Ayyashi First Edition pg 166)

19. Aalim bil Taurah wal Injeel (the one who possesses the knowledge of Taurah and Injeel)

Ameerul Momineen (asws) said, “Ask Me before you lose Me. I swear by Allah who is the creator of every being, I am more knoweldgable than the people of Taurah. I am more knowledgable than the people of the Injeel. I am more knowledgable than the people of Quran. I swear by Allah who is the creator of every being, on the day of judgement each group will contain no more than 80 people each and I am fully aware of their leaders and guides.”

(Tafseer e Furat pg 68)

20. Aqd al Iman (foundation of faith)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the foundation of faith”.

21. Aqab al Kufar (punishment of kufar)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am punishment of kaffirs (disbelievers).”

22. Ayeen al Aayeen (Lord of greatness)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the Lord of greatness”.

23. Asmah al Urs (purity of the universe)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am purity of the universe.”

24. Aybatul Ilm

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am aybatul ilm”.

25. Ahad al Mahood (promise of the one who promises)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the promise of the one who makes promises.”

26. Asam al Asmah (purity of pure)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the purity of the pure”.

27. Alim al Aalim (scholar of scholars)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the scholar of the scholars”.

28. Abd Awab

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am abd awab”.

29. Asam al Shoahad

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am asam al shoahad”.

30. Aamal al Amil (the one who acts)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the one who acts.”

31. Atard al tafzeel

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am atard al tafzeel.”

32. Ayun al Meezan (eyes of the scale)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the eyes of the scale”.

33. Alaneet al Mabood (apparent of the lord)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the apparent of the Lord”.

34. Aqood al Makrameen

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am aqood al makrameen.

35. Amad al Rukn(pillar of tauheed)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the pillar of tauheed”.

36. Azab (wrath)

Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) narrates “O’ oppressors soon you will see the right of Aal e Muhammad (as). When you will see that wrath you will say, “Is there any way that we can be forgiven?”

(Tafseer e Burhan Fourth Edition pg 129)

37. Azoobatul Anhar (sweetness of rivers)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the sweetness of rivers”.

38. Afeef al Tun

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am afeef al tun”.

39. Ateed al Fraqid

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am ateed al fraqid”.

40. Asmatul Mihaj

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am asmatul mihaj”.

41. Ateed Qaf

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am ateed qaf”.

42. Alamatul Talaq

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am alamatul talaq”.

43. Azoobatul Qatr

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am azoobatul qatr”.

44. Amood al Islam (pillar of islam)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the pillar of islam”.

45. Araoon al Karahee

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am araoon al karahee”.

46. Isa al Zaman (Isa of the time)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the Isa of the time”.

47. Amad al Ins

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am amad al ins”.

48. Asmatul Awamiz

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am asmatul awamiz”.

49. Auratullah (strong chain of Allah)

Moula Ali (asws) said to His Son Imam Hasan (as), “I am that strong chain of Allah that can never be broken. Verily, Allah is the most forgiving and most knowing”.

50. Ayun al Momineen (helper of believers)

Moula Ali (asws) said to His Son, Imam Hussain (as), “I am the helper of momineen (believers) and their intercessor before Allah.”

*Al Syedul Wara, wal Malja al Mafza, wal Minhal al Makrah, wal Sajjadul Anza, wal Bateen ul Asla, Ablul Zarah, Taweel ul Balah, Hafooz ul Bazah, Bazagh al Masarah, al Masadiqul Mushfah, Atool o Bani Hashim Ba’ah, Amongst His names are Ali, Alim, Adl, al Ibaad, Abid, al Azab, al Adl, al Asr, al Azeez, al Arwah, Ainullah, book of momin’s deeds (al Manaqib Third Edition pg 73)

Ghain غ

1. Ghazran al Sharteen

In the second Khutba Bayan, Ameerul Momineen (asws) said, “I am the sign of Allah. I am the reality of the secrets. I am the proof of heavens. I am the forgiver of those who praise. I am the Lord of Jibrael (as). I am the one who orders Mikael (as). I am the Lord of the angels. I am the one who placed the stars in their orbits. I am the one causes the rain to fall. I am the one who causes the lightning to flash. I am the witness of the oath of allegiance. I am sheen al sarah. I am the protector of the tablets. I am the star of guidance. I am the destination of those who are honored. I am the foundation of Imamate. I am the proof of all proofs. I am the best of the ummah. I am the glory of the brave. I am the door of doors. I am the reason of the reasons. I am the one that will hold those accountable. I am the first of the religion. I am the last in yaqeen (certainty). I am the hidden of kufars. I am the apparent in the secrets. I am the shining light. The whole creation will be brought before Me. I am the revealer of the truth. I am the source of hope. I am the first and last. I am apparent and hidden. I am the master of the stars. I am the protector of the universe. I am the collector of the signs. I am the secret of the hidden things. I am the Lord of oceans. I am the Lord of sun and moon. I give sweetness to the fruits. I am the floor of Euphrates. I am the guide of kings. I am the sweetness of the rivers. I am the arc of salvation. I am the helper of momins. I am the recitor of Scriptures. I am the interpretor of Zaboor and Injeel. I am ummal kitab (original of the book). I am fazl al kitab (blessed speech). I am the path of Hamd. I am the word of honor. I am the meaning of Sura Baqarah. I am the glory of Aal e Imran. I am the knowledge of scholars. I am the fifth of Ahlul Kisa (people of the cloak). I am the interpretor of Quran. I am the man of A’raaf (elevated places). I am the meaning of Sura Anfaal. I am the door of repentance. I am al Saad wal Meem. I am the secret of Ibrahim (as).

(Al Zaam al Nasib Second Edition pg 216)

2. Ghashiyah (overwhelming)

Moula Ali (asws) said in Khutba Bayan, “I am the overwhelming”.

3. Ghiyath al Malik

Moula Ali (asws) said in Khutba Bayan, “I am ghiyath al malik”.

4. Ghiyath al Zank

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am ghiyath al zank”.

5. Ghram al Ghaleel

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am ghram al ghaleel”.

FA ف

1. Fata (Brave youth)

Imam Sadiq (as) narrates from His Father who narrates from His Grandfather (as), “Once a man came to see RasoolAllah (saw). RasoolAllah (saw) was wearing a beautiful cloak. The man said, “O’Muhammad (saw)! You look like a very youthful man.” RasoolAllah (saw) replied, “Yes, I am the son of a youthful man and the brother of a youthful man.” The man asked, “O’Muhammad (saw)! I can believe You are a youthful man but how can You be the son and brother of a youthful as well?” RasoolAllah (saw) replied, “Have you not read in quran, “They said, “We heard a youth called Ibrahim speak of them” (21:60). I am the son of Ibrahim and the brother of such youth for whom criers announced for Him on the day of Uhad from the heavens, “There is no sword like DhulFiqar and no youth like Ali (asws).” Ali (asws) is My brother and I am His brother. “

(Maani ul Akbar pg 119)

2. Farooq al ummah (Honor of the nation)

Ibne Abbas (ra) narrates, “I heard RasoolAllah (saw) saying, “Soon you will be tested through the Book of Allah and Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).” Then He held the hand of Ali (asws) and said, “This is the first one who believed in Muhammad (saw). On the day of judgement He will be the first one to shake hands with Me. Ali (asws) is the honor of this nation and is the difference between haq (truth) and batil (falsehood). Ali (asws) is the master of momin (believers). He is Saddiq e Akbar (most trustworthy). Ali (asws) is My door. Anyone who wishes to come near Me must do so through this door. He is My caliph after Me.”

(Amali al Toosi pg 401)

3. Firoz

It is narrated RasoolAllah (saw) called Ali (asws) by 17 different names. Ibne Abbas (ra) said, “O’Messenger of Allah! Inform us of those names”. RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Amongst arabs, His name is Ali. His Mother calls Him “Haider”. In Taurat His name is Birya. In Injeel His name is Iliya. In Zaboor His name is Qariya. Romans call Him “Pitris”. Persians call Him “Firoz”. Amongst the stars He is known as “sun”. Dilum calls Him “Frikiatia”. Karur calls Him “Sheeha”. Zanj calls Him “Hameem”. Negros call Him “Bashir”. Turkish calls Him “Hameera”. Arman call Him “Kirkir”. For momins (believers) He is al Sahab (clouds). He is remembered by the kafirs (disbelievers) as “red death”. For muslims He is “Wahdah”. For munafiqs (hypocrites) He is “Waeed”. For Me, He is the most pure. He is Junb Allah (side of Allah), nafs Allah, Yadullah (hand of Allah), (Allah biddeth you to beware only of His nafs 3:28) (Both of His hands are spread out 5:64)”

(Manaqib ibne Shazan pg 175)

4. Fasl al Qaza

In one sermon Ameerul Momineen (asws) said, “Praise be to Allah who established time and who is Lord of the entire universe. All of creation comes from Him but He is not created. Verily! We must return back to Him. Verily! We are the representatives of Allah upon His creation. I am the way and RasoolAllah (saw) is the one who directs to the way. I am Bab ul Maqam and Hujjatal Khasam. I am Dabitul Arz (sign of the coming of the day of judgement), Lord of time and fasl al qaza. I am the arc of salvation. I am the proof of the veil of Allah.”

(Mashariqul Anwar al Yaqeen pg 162)

5. Fra al Kareem(branch of mercy)

It is written in the ziarat of Ameerul Momineen (asws), “Salam be upon Fra al Kareem (the branch of mercy)”

(Bihar al Anwar vol 97 pg 305)

6. Falk al Lajaj (lord of the brave)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am lord of the brave”

7. Fazl dhi al Hamim

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am fazl dhi al hamim”.

8. Farqid al Simak

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am farqid al simak”.

9. Fazl al Khitab (blessed speech)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the blessed speech”.

10. Fasool al Baqarah (meaning of Sura Baqarah)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the meaning of Sura Baqarah”.

11. Fatir al Nafaah

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am fatir al nafaah”.

12. Fajar al Fikhr

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am fajar al fikhr”.

13. Fars al Fawaris (nobility of the noble)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the nobility of the noble.”

14. Furqan

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Furqan”.

*Amongst the other names of Moula (asws) are Syedul Shareef, al Kareem, al Ghatreef, al Sami al Maneef, al Masoom al Haneef, al Dayan al Afeef, Truq al Kahf, Dhul Rajaf, Manaqish al Khof, Qatil al Aluf, Makhriq al Safoof, al Nahin al Munkir wal Amr ul Maroof.

From amongst His titles are Faeez, Fata, Farooq, Fatir,Fasl, Fazil, Fikhr, Fakhar