Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

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Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws) Author:
Translator: Syed Jazib Reza Kazmi
Publisher: Wilayat Mission
Category: Imam Ali

Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Author: Abdul Rasool
Translator: Syed Jazib Reza Kazmi
Publisher: Wilayat Mission

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Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)
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Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Publisher: Wilayat Mission

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1. Muhaddath (Narrator of hadith)

Zarara narrates, “I heard Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) saying, “We, 12 Imams (as) from Aal e Muhammad (saw), are narrators of hadith and Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) is the first.”

(Manni ul Akhbar First Edition pg 57)

2. Mohsin (doer of good)

In one sermon of Moula Ali (asws) He says, “I am Mohsin (doer of good)” and Allah says “Allah is most surely with the doers of good” (29:69).

3. Muttarjim Kitabullah (Interpretor of the Book of Allah)

Zaid bin Thabit narrates RasoolAllah (saw) said, “I am leaving two weighty things amongst you. One is the Book of Allah and the other is Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as). Ali (asws) is greater than the book of Allah because He is the interpretor of the Book of Allah.”

(Maya al Munqaba pg 51)

4. Muwatmin ala Sarullah (Trustee of the Mysteries of Allah)

Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am the proof of Allah. I am the path of Allah. I am the door of Allah.

I am the trustee of the knowledge of Allah. I am the trustee of the mysteries of Allah. I am the Imam of the creation after Muhammad (saw) who is the best from amongst the creation.”

(Amali Sudooq pg 31)

5. Mazowj Ahul Janah (One who arranges the marriages of the inhabitants of jannah)

Abu Hamza Thumali narrates from Imam Jafar Sadiq (as), Imam (as) said, “O’Abu Hamza!

Do not diminish or increase the status of Ali (asws) that was bestowed upon Him by Allah.

He will have to fight those who run from the battlefield and He will arrange the marriages of the inhabitants of jannah”.

(Amali Sudooq pg 191)

6. Mowziatul Rasalat (The station of Prophet hood)

Imam Jafar (as) bin Muhammad (as) narrates from His Father that Ameerul Momineen (asws) said, “We, Ahlul Bait (as), are the tree of nabuwat (prophet hood). We are the station of prophet hood. The angels visit Us. We are the house of mercy. We are the treasure of knowledge.”

(Usool e Kafi First Edition pg 221)

7. Mutahir (Purity)

Abdullah ibn Abbas narrates RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Myself, Ali (asws), Fatima (sa), Hasan (as), Hussain (as), and the 9 Offspring of Hussain (as) are infallible and mutahir (pure) .”

(Ayun al Akbar al Reza (as) First Edition pg 62)

8. Muntizir (Awaiting)

“Of the believers are men who are true to that which they covenanted with Allah. Some of them have paid their vow by death (in battle), and some of them still are waiting; and they have not altered in the least” (33:23). Tabarri writes in his tafseer, “Those who fulfilled their promise were Hamza and his companions. They promised with Allah they would not run from the battlefield. They fought courageously until they were martyred.

Those who are awaiting is Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) who remains steadfast in His jihad (struggle for Allah) and has not retreated from His oath.”

(Taweel ul Ayat pg 442)

9. Munkisul Riyat (One who was never defeated in battle)

Imam Hasan (as) narrates, “It never occurred that Ameerul Momineen (asws) fought against someone and Allah did not defeat His opponent. Ameerul Momineen (asws) was always victorious in the battlefield. No one could escape from the blow of the sword of Ameerul Momineen (asws). Whenever Ameerul Momineen (asws) would fight in the battlefield, Jibrael (as) fought alongside Him on His right, Mikael (as) fought on His left and Malik ul Mowt (angel of death) fought in front of Him.”

(Amali Sudooq pg 46)

10. Murtadha

Zahak narrates from ibne Abbas (ra) who said, “I was with RasoolAllah (saw) along with Ali (asws), Fatima (as), Hasan (as) and Hussain (as). Then Jibrael (as) appeared. He was holding an apple. We saw two lines written upon this apple; “Allah is Most Merciful and Beneficient. This is a gift from Allah for Muhammad (saw), Ali ul Murtadha(asws), Fatima (sa), Hasan (as), and Hussain (as), and Their lovers will be free from the fire on the day of judgement.”

(Medinatul Moajiz pg 56)

11. Miliya

Amongst the arabs, Moula Ali (asws)’s name is Miliya.

12. Matusim (those who examine)

Jabir narrates from Imam Abu Jafar (as) who narrates from Ameerul Momineen (asws) regarding this saying of Allah, “Surely in this are signs for those who examine” (15:75),

Imam (as) said, “RasoolAllah (saw) is those who examine along with Me and the Imams (as) from My Offspring”.

(Usool e Kafi First Edition pg 218)

13. Mishru Jabeel

Amongst Syranians, Moula Ali (asws)’s name is Mishrujabeel.

14. Mashood (one who the testimony is for )

Imam Abu Abdullah (as) narrates regarding this saying of Allah, “And the bearer of witness and those against whom the witness is borne” (85:3). Imam (as) said, “The witness is RasoolAllah (saw) and the one whom the testimony is for is Ameerul Momineen (asws).”

(Maani ul Akbar pg 299)

15. Mudmur

Amongst shaitans, Moula Ali (asws)’s name is Mudmur.

16. Memoon

Amongst Zera, Moula Ali (asws)’s name is Memoon.

17. Muezzin (caller)

Ali bin Ibrahim narrates from his father who narrates from Muhammad bin Faqeel who narrates from Imam Reza (as) regarding this saying of Allah, “And the dwellers of the garden will call out to the inmates of the fire” (7:44), Imam (as) said, “The caller is Ameerul Momineen (asws)”. Abul Qasim narrates from Muhammad bin Hanfia who narrates from Ameerul Momineen (asws) ; Ameerul Momineen (asws) said, “I am the caller”. Imam Abu Jafar (as) narrates, “One who called from jannah is Ameerul Momineen (asws)”.

(Al Manaqib pg 3)

18. Mowt ul Ahmar (Red Death)

Amongst mushriks (polytheists), Moula Ali (asws)’s name is red death.

19. Maeen

In the heavens, Moula Ali (asws)’s name is Maeen.

20. Minsoom

On the tablet, Moula Ali (asws)’s name is Minsoom.

21. Moula al Birya (Master of Creation)

Imam Jafar (as) bin Muhammad (as) narrates from His Father who narrates from His Father who narrates from Imam Ali (as) bin Hussain (as) that RasoolAllah (saw) said, “One morning Jibrael (as) arrived while in the state of immense happiness. I asked Him, “O’My friend! Today I see that you are in the state of immense happiness.” Jibrael (as) replied, “O’Muhammad (saw)! How can I not be happy when Allah has given Your Brother and Successor such an auspicious status. Allah chose His angels for His worship and said, “O’My angels! O’the carriers of My throne! Look upon My hujjat (proof) upon the earth. Ali (asws) has placed His head down prostrate in order to show the elevated status of My station. I make You a witness that Ali (asws) is the Imam and Master of My creation.”

(Maya al Munqaba pg 46)

22. Maqeem al Hujjah

Abdullah ibn Masood narrates RasoolAllah (saw) said, “When Allah created Adam (as) and blew His spirit inside, Adam (as) yawned and said, “Alhamdullillah”. Allah sent a revealation to Him, “O’My servant! You praised Me. I swear by My hono r if I had not willed to create My two servants, then I would not have created You.” Adam (as) asked, “O’My Lord! Are both of Them from Me?” Allah replied, “Yes. Lift Your head.” When Adam (as) lifted His head, He saw written on the throne, “La illaha illallah, Muhammad (saw) nabi al rahmat wa Ali (asws) Maqeem al Hujjah”. One who gains the marifat (recognition) of Ali (asws) is purified. One who denies Him is accursed. I swear by My honor if anyone disobeys Him even though He obeys Me I will throw Him into hell.”

(Maya al Manqaba pg 34)

23. Misbahul Dajaa

Abdullah bin Abbas narrates “RasoolAllah (saw) said to Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as),

“Jibrael (as) has told Me such a wonderous thing that has made Me become immensely happy. He said, “O’Muhammad (saw)! Allah said to Me, “Give My salam to Muhammad (saw) and tell Him that Ali (asws) is Imam of guidance, Misbahul Dajaa, and My Hujjah (proof) upon My creation. Verily, He is Siddiq e Akbar (most trustworthy) and Farooq e Azm (greatest honor). I swear by My honor, I will not put anyone in hell who loves Him and I will not allow anyone who denies His wilayat and does not obey Him to enter into jannah.

I will fill hell with His enemies and jannah with His Shia.”

(Maya al Manqaba pg 20)

24. Musa fi Batashah (in the power of Musa)

Abu Hammra narrates RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Anyone who wants to see the knowledge of Adam (as), the wisdom of Nuh (as), solemnity of Ibrahim (as), humility of Yahya bin Zakriya (as) and the power of Musa (as) should look at Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).”

(Zakhairul Uqba pg 34)

25. Manar al Iman (Pillar of faith)

Ans bin Malik narrates from RasoolAllah (saw), “Allah has told Me regarding Ali (asws) stating that Ali (asws) is the standard bearer of guidance, pillar of faith, and Imam of My Auliya”

(Al Jawahir al Suniya pg 180)

26. Mishkat

There is a narration from RasoolAllah (saw) regarding this saying of Allah, “Allah is the noor of the heavens and the earth” (24:35), RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Verily,O’Ali (asws)!

My name is Noor and You are the Noor of religion. Light is Hasan (as) and Hussain (as).

Lamp is Ali (as) bin Hussain (as). Brightly shining star is Muhammad (as) bin Ali (as) bin Hussain (as). Jafar (as) bin Muhammad (as) is the olive tree. The blessed is Musa (as) bin Jafar (as). The oil is Ali (as) bin Musa (as) al Reza. Its light is Muhammad (as) bin Ali (as).

The west is Ali (as) bin Muhammad (as). The east is Hasan (as) bin Muhammad (as) and the one who will light it is Al Qaim (ajfts).”

(Manaqib First Edition pg 240)

27. Minhatul Kubra (Greatest Mercy)

Authentic narrators have narrated from Ibne Shazaan that they have found more than 300 names of Ameerul Momineen (asws). However, here we shall only mention the titles and kunyas of Ameerul Momineen (asws). His kunyas are Abul Hasan, Father of Shabbir and Shabeer, Abu Turab, Abu Nooreen, and His titles are Ameerul Momineen, Syedul Wasieen, the leader of the people with bright shining foreheads, slayer of rebels, Siddiqe Akbar (most trustworthy), Farooq e Azm (greatest honor), distributor of jannah and jahannum, Wasi, Wali, Caliph, Justice of the religion, one who fulfills His promises, Minhatul Kubra (greatest mercy), Master of jinns and man, Master of the religion, door of repentance, Arc of Salvation, Siratul Mustaqeem (straight path)”

(Manaqib ibne Shazaan pg 174)

28. Momin (true believer)

It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) that when He recited this ayah, “so Allah will see your work and (so will) His Messenger and the believers” (9:105), Imam (as) said, “I swear by Allah that momin is Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).”

(Usool e Kafi First Edition pg 22)

29. Minfiq (those who spend)

In the tafseer of this ayah “And the parable of those who spend their property to seek the pleasure of Allah” (2:265), Imam Sadiq (as) said, “This ayah was revealed for Ameerul Momineen Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).”

(Tafseer Furat pg 7)

30. Mizanullah (scale of Allah)

In one of His sermons Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am the scale of Allah”.

(Mukhtasir al Basair pg 33)

31. Madhal ul Jababrah (humiliator of oppressors)

In one sermon of Moula (asws) He says, “I am humiliator of oppressors”.

(Mukhatsirul Basair pg 33)

32. Mahalik Asahab al Ras (slayer of Asahab al Ras)

In one sermon of Moula (asws) He says, “I am the slayer of Asahab al Ras”.

(Mukhtasirul Basair pg 33)

33. Mazher al Ajeebat wal Ayat (Manifestation of the wonderous signs)

In ziarat of Ameerul Momineen (asws) on the night of al Baath, it is written, “Salam be upon you O’Manifestation of the wonderous signs”.

34. Mufazail al Fazailat (most superior)

In Khutba Bayan, Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am Most Superior”.

35. Mihal al Afaaf (source of purity)

In Khutba Bayan, Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am the source of purity”.

36. Madan al Ansaaf (administer of justice)

In Khutba Bayan, Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am the administer of justice”.

37. Madhal al Shajaan

In Khutba Bayan, Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am Madhal al Shajaan”.

38. Mumjad al Hasab(Lord of the day of judgement)

In Khutba Bayan, Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am the Lord of the day of judgement”.

39. Mirhoob al Shadaa

In Khutba Bayan, Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am Mirhoob al Shadaa”.

40. Mowziahul Haqeeqat (revealer of truth)

In Khutba Bayan, Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am revealer of truth”.

41. Mizanahul Wadiyah

In Khutba Bayan, Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am Mizanahul Wadiyah.”

42. Mibtal al Abtal

In Khutba Bayan, Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am Mibtal al Abtal”.

43. Midhal al Iqbal

In Khutba Bayan, Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am Midhal al Iqbal.”

44. Mukhamidul Fatin (destroyer of fitna)

In Khutba Bayan, Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am the destroyer of fitna”.

45. Misadir al Mihan

In Khutba Bayan, Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am Misadir al Mihan”.

46. Miknoon al Hijab (secret of the veil)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the secret of the hijab (veil)”.

47. Misbahul Zulm (light in the darkness)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the light in the darkness”.

48. Mimdooh Hul Ata (praised one of Hul Ata (76:5-22))

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the praised one of Hul Ata (76:5-22)”.

49. Mahkam al Fazl (absolute blessedness)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the absolute blessedness”.

50. Misbahul Qaloob(noor of hearts)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the noor of hearts”.

51. Maksar al Asnam (destroyer of idols)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the destroyer of idols.”

52. Mohin al Bitarq (destroyer of stars)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the destroyer of stars”.

53. Matalaa ala akhbar al auliyaeen (informer of previous nations)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the informer of the previous nations”.

54. Mahdi al Awan

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mahdi al Awan”.

55. Mushtri al Koakib

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mushtri al Koakib”.

56. Mitlu sabaa wal Waqaah (the one whose name is recited in Sura Sabaa and Sura Waqia)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the one whose name is recited in Sura Sabaa and Sura Waqia”.

57. Mikhbar an waqiya al akhreen (teller of fortunes)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the teller of fortunes”.

58. Makhatab al Amuwat (one who speaks with the dead)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the one who speaks with the dead”.

59. Miklam al Thabaan (one who spoke with the snake of Musa as)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the one who spoke with Thabaan (snake of Musa as)”.

60. Mahalk al Hijab

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mahalk al Hijab”.

61. Mafarq al Ahzab

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mafarq al Ahzab”.

62. Mishkatul Noor (lamp of noor)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the lamp of noor”.

63. Mablagh al anbiya (one who delivered divine inspiration)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the one who delivered the divine inspiration”.

64. Mafarj al Karb (remover of sufferings)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the remover of sufferings.”

65. Mudhah al Qadhiya (interpretor of verdicts)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the interpretor of verdicts”.

66. Mastoodaa al Wasiya (trustee of wills)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the trustee of wills”.

67. Minhatul Manah (mercy of the merciful)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the mercy of the merciful.”

68. Moarif al Awarif (marifat of saints)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the marifat (recognition) of saints”.

69. Mahallul Shiklat (solver of difficulties)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the solver of difficulties”.

70. Mazeel al Shabhat (remover of doubts)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the remover of doubts.”

71. Matil al Qiyas (remover of qiyas)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the remover of qiyas (analogy)”.

72. Aamal al Awamil

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Aamal al Awamil”.

Molajul Dhat Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Molajul Dhat”.

73. Majamaa al Shatat

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Majamaa al Shatat”.

74. Meezan al Bateen

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Meezan al Bateen”.

75. Mareekh al Quran

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mareekh al Quran.”

76. Madim al Amal (one who answers prayers)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the one who answers the prayers”.

77. Mafajir al Anhar (distributor of rivers)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the distributor of rivers”.

78. Madhab al Thamar (one who sweetens the fruits)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the one who sweetens the fruits”.

79. Mafeez al Firat (distributor of Firat)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am distributor of Firat”.

80. Marib al Taurah

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Marib al Taurah”.

81. Mabeen al Sahaf (recitor of Quran)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the recitor of Quran.”

82. Mifsaha al Zaboor (one who has complete knowledge of Zaboor)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the one who possesses the complete knowledge of Zaboor”.

83. Maool al Taweel

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Maool al Taweel.”

84. Mafasir al Injeel (interpretor of Injeel)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the interpretor of Injeel.”

85. Mahee al Barrat

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mahee al Barrat”.

86. Mithqal al Meezan (most weighty on the scale)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am most weighty when measured on the scale.”

87. Mahakim al Raad ( crack of thunder)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the crack of the thunder”.

88. Mastanabit Hud

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mastanabit Hud”.

89. Makhatib Ahul Kahf (one who spoke with the people of the Cave)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the one who spoke with the People of the Cave”.

90. Mahboob al Saf

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mahboob al Saf.”

91. Mooza Mareem (protector of Miriam sa)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the protector of Miriam (sa).”

92. Miftah al Awasaf (Lord of storms)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the Lord of Storms”.

93. Minzil al Karamah (source of honor)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the source of honor”.

94. Muathiq al Meethaq (writing of oaths)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the writing of oaths”.

95. Misbab al Asbab

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Misbab al Asbab”.

96. Meezan al Hasab (scale of accountability)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the scale of accountability”.

97. Mikhbar an al Dhat (revealer of essences)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the revealer of essences”.

98. Maburhan bilayat (one mentioned in the verses)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the one mentioned in the verses”.

99. Misdad al Khalaiq

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Misdad al Khalaiq”.

100. Mahafif al Hafaif

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mahafif al Hafaif.”

101. Mitia al Afoo

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mitia al Afoo”.

102. Miqeel al Shab

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Miqeel al Shab”.

103. Mirtab al Hukm (one who possesses the commandment)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the one who possesses the commandment”.

104. Mishtree al Koakib

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mishtree al Koakib”.

105. Mihajah al Fal

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mihajal al Fal.”

106. Madeer Maadah

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Madeer Maadah.”

107. Musoof al Noon

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Musoof al Noon”.

108. Minoon al Rezaa

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Minoon al Rezaa”.

109. Mafeeth al Deen (protector of the religion)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the protector of the religion”.

110. Mikral al Awasif (Lord of storms)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the Lord of Storms”.

111. Mizan al Sihaib

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mizan al Sihaib”.

112. Mifzal walid al anbiya (honor of the offspring of prophets)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the honor of the offspring of the prophets”.

113. Mikr al Furqan (repeater of Quran)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the repeator of Quran”.

114. Mahukm al Towaseen

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mahukm al Towaseen.”

115. Moeed al Safat

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Moeed al Safat”.

116. Misahim al Dhariyat

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Misahim al Dhariyat”.

117. Miknoon al Hijab (mystery of veils)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the mystery of veils”.

118. Mithal al Hadeed (Iron mentioned in Quran)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am that Iron (sura hadeed) that is mentioned in Quran”.

119. Misbah al Zulm (lamp in the darkness)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the lamp in the darkness”.

120. Mumdooh bhil ata (praised one in Hul Ata (76:5-22))

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the praised one in Hul Ata (76:5-22)

121. Mihukm al Azl

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mihukm al Azl”

122. Mamoon al Sur

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mamoon al Sur”

123. Moalif al Shatat

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Moalif al Shatat”

124. Manks al Asnam (destroyer of idols)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the destroyer of idols.”

125. Morid al Warood (one who will return and reveal)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the one who will return back and reveal”.

126. Moakhee al Yoshih (brother of Yoshih)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the brother of Yoshih”

127. Momin Rezaa Musa

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Momin Rezaa Musa”.

128. Mishateer al Neeran

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mishateer al Neeran”.

129. Mabeed al Kafarah (remover of kufar)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the remover of kufar”.

130. Maheemin al Amim (caretaker of the nations)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the caretaker of the nations.”

131. Misdad al Khalaiq

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Misdad al Khalaiq”.

132. Mihaqeeq al Haqaiq (revealer of truth)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the revealor of truth”.

133. Mirtab al Hukm (establisher of the commandment)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the establisher of the commandment”.

134. Mabeeh al Amil

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mabeeh al Amil”.

135. Muhaddath al Shatat

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Muhaddath al Shatat”.

136. Mireekh al Quran

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mireekh al Quran.”

137. Misahib al Hadeedian

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Misahib al Hadeedian”.

138. Mahat al Qasas

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mahat al Qasas”.

139. Miqadim al amal

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Miqadim al amal”.

140. Mafajir al Anhar (establisher of rivers)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the establisher of rivers.”

141. Madhab al Thumar (one who gives sweetness to fruits)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the one who gives the sweetness to the fruit”.

142. Mulk bin mulk (King son of a king)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the Son of a King and a King”.

143. Mabeen al Sahaf

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mabeen al Sahaf”.

144. Mifsah al Zaboor

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mifsah al Zaboor”.

145. Mawal al Taweel

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mawal al Taweel.”

146. Mufassir al Injeel (interpretor of Injeel)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the interpretor of Injeel”.

147. Munjid al Birrah (forefather of the pious)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the forefather of the pious”.

148. Mahajah al Miqal

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mahajah al Miqal”.

149. Ma’adah al Kashif

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Ma’adah al Kashif”.

150. Mabawath bani Israel

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mabawath Bani Israel”.

151. Musoof al Momineen

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Musool al Momineen”.

152. Moakhee Yusha bin Nun (brother of Yusha bin Nun)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the brother of Yusha bin Nun”.

153. Meemoon wasi Isa

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Meemoon wasi Isa”.

154. Musateer al Neeran

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mustaeer al Neeran”.

155. Mabeed al Kafarah (destroyer of kufar)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the destroyer of kufar”.

156. Mabeen al Mishklat (remover of difficulties)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the remover of difficulties”.

157. Minzil al Safat

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Minzil al Safat”.

158. Mowathir al Mathir

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mowathir al Mathir”.

159. Meezan al Qast (scale on the day of judgement)

Moula Ali (asws) says to His Son Imam Hasan (as), “I am the scale on the day of judgement”.

160. Murdee al kamah

Moula Ali (asws) says His Son Imam Hussain (as), “I am Murdee al kamah”.

161. Madhab al Kareem

In the ziarat written in Lalitul Mabath al Shareef, “Salam be upon You, O’Madhab al Kareem”.

162. Mathani was Quran al Kareem (seven oft repeated verses and Quran)

Moula Ali (asws) said to Syeda (sa), “I am seven oft repeated verses and Quran al Kareem”.

163. Mabrij al Abraj

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Tutanjiya, “I am Mabrij al Abraj”.

164. Mifatha al Afraj (remover of hardships)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Tutanjiya, “I am the remover of hardships”.

165. Mijree al Anhar (establisher of rivers)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Tutanjiya, “I am establisher of the rivers”.

166. Madbir al Aalim (most wise)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Tutanjiya, “I am the most wise”.

167. Mintaq Isa fi al Hamd Sabiya

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Tutanjiya, “I am Mintaq Isa fi al Hamd Sabiya”.

168. Mahasee kul shain (authority over all of creation)

In one of His sermons, Moula Ali (asws) says, “I possess the authority over all of the creation”.

(Mukhtasir al Basair pg 33)

169. Mahalik Aad (destroyer of the people of Aad)

In one of His sermons, Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am the destroyer of the people of Aad”.

(Mukhtasir al Basair pg 33)

170. Mahalik Thamud (destroyer of Thamud)

In one of His sermons, Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am the destroyer of Thamud”.

(Mukhtasir al Basair pg 33)

171. Maskhar lah al Sihab wal Raad wal Barq (one for whom clouds, thunder, and all of creation was created)

In one of His sermons, Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am the one for whom the clouds, thunder and all of the creation was created”.

(Mukhtasir al Basair pg 33)

172. Minhool Ism Allah (one who has the name of Allah)

In one of His sermons, Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am the one who has the name of Allah”.

(Mukhtasir al Basair pg 33)

173. Mahasib al Khaliq (one before whom the whole creation will be gathered)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Iftikharia, “I am the one before whom the whole creation will be gathered”.

174. Matee (bestower of blessings)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Iftikharia, “I am the bestower of blessings”.

175. Mabeed al Shajaan (one at the forefront of the battlefield)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Iftikharia, “I am the one who is always at the forefront of the battlefield”.

176. Mahsood (One whom the people are envious of)

Abu Hamza Thumali narrates from Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) regarding this ayah, “Or do they envy the people for what Allah has given them of His grace? But indeed We have given to Ibrahim's children the Book and the wisdom, and We have given them a grand kingdom.” (4:54), Imam (as) said, “I swear by Allah, We are those whom the people are envious of. And Our kingdom shall return back to Us”.

(Basair al Darjaat pg 36)

177. Mahat al Qasas

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Mahat al Qasas”.

178. Mahee al Birrah (life of the pious)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the life of the pious”.

179. Mahukm al Raad (lord of thunder)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the Lord of thunder”.

180. Mahboob al Saaf (meaning of Sura Saaf)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the meaning of Sura Saaf”.

181. Mahaqiq al Haqaiq (revealer of truth)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the revealor of truth”.

182. Mikhtas bil Rahmah (chosen by Allah for His mercy)

Abu Salih narrates from Hammar who narrates from Imam Reza (as) who narrates from His Forefathers the saying of Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) regarding this ayah, “Allah chooses especially whom He pleases for His mercy” (2:105), Imam (as) said, “Allah has chosen His Prophet, His Successor, and His Offspring for His mercy. Allah has 100 different kinds of mercy. 99 of which are for Muhammad (saw), Ali (asws), and His Offspring. One is for all of the believers”.

(Tafseer Burhan First Editon pg 140)

183. Mikhzee al Kafreen (denouncer of kufar)

Imam Muhamamd Baqir (as) narrates that Jabir bin Abdullah was asked regarding Ameerul Momineen (asws). He said, “I swear by Allah, He is master of all momineen, the denouncer of kufar, and the sword of Allah upon kufar, munafiqs (hypocrites), and rebels”.

(Fazail ibn Shazaan pg 162)

184. Mutzakirbay (Reminder)

Jabir narrates “I asked Imam Abu Jafar (as) regarding this ayah, “But when they neglected that with which they had been admonished, We opened for them the doors of all things” (6:44), Imam (as) said, “Allah reminded them regarding the wilayat of Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).”

(Tafseer e Furat pg 133)

185. Mirghan al Fajrah (Destroyer of oppressors)

O’Allah! Send durood upon Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) who is the brother of Your Prophet, His Wali, Sucessor, Trustee of His knowledge, who is the door of wisdom, who speaks with Your Hujjat (proof), who calls the creation towards Your sharia (laws), who is RasoolAllah (saw)’s caliph upon His nation, who is the remover of the sufferings of RasoolAllah (saw),

who is the destroyer of kufar and oppressors, who You made the same for RasoolAllah (saw) the way Haroon (as ) was for Musa (as). O’Allah! Be a friend to those who are His friends and enemies of those who are His enemies. Abandon those who abandon Him.

Curse those who are envious of Him.”

(Mafatih al Jinan pg 419)

186. Misdad al Khalaiq

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Misdad al Khalaiq”.

187. Misbab al Asbab

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Misbab al Asbab”.

188. Misbah al Dajaa (Lamp in the darkness)

Imam Hussain (as) narrates, “I heard My Grandfather saying, “Anyone who wants to live My life and wants to die as I do and wishes to enter into jannah, must love Ali (asws) and Ahlul Bayt (as). Verily, They are Imam and lamp in the darkness. They will never allow you to go astray after Me.”

(Al Manaqib pg 34)

189. Masadiq (Truth)

Imam Jafar Sadiq(as) narrates regarding this ayah, “And he who brings the truth and (he who) accepts it as the truth” (39:33), Imam (as) said, “The one who came with truth is RasoolAllah (saw) and the one who testified to Him is Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).”

(Taweel al Ayat Second Edition pg 517)

190. Min andah ilm al kitab (knowledge of the book of Allah)

Atya Ufi narrates Abu Saeed al Khudri said, “I asked RasoolAllah (saw) regarding this ayah, “One who had the knowledge of the Book” (27:40), RasoolAllah (saw) said, “That is My brother, Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as)”.

(Al Bihar 35th Vol pg 429)

191. Mafatah al Jannah (Key of Paradise)

Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) narrates from His Forefathers that RasoolAllah (saw) said, “On the day of judgement, O’Ali (asws)! A room of noor will come to You and You will be wearing a crown with four sides, and written on each side will be “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is the prophet of Allah, and Ali (asws) is the key of paradise”. A chair will be placed there for You and will be known as the “Chair of Imamate” upon which You will sit and the whole creation will be brought in front of You. Then You will order Your Shia to enter jannah and Your enemies into hell for You are the distributor of jannah (heaven) and jahannum (hell). Whosoever loves You shall find salvation. Anyone who has animosity towards You will be thrown into hell. On that day, You will be the clear proof of Allah.”

(Mashariq al Mustafa pg 210)

192. Miqatil Ahul Kirah

Abu Hamza Thumali narrates from Imam Jafar Sadiq (as), Imam (as) said, “O’Abu Hamza!

Do not diminish or increase the status of Ali (asws) that was bestowed upon Him by Allah.

He will have to fight those who run from the battlefield and He will arrange the marriages of the inhabitants of jannah”.

(Basair al Darjaat pg 415)

193. Munajee (One who pays sadqa)

Imam Sadiq (as) narrates regarding this ayah, “when you consult the Messenger, then offer something in charity before your consultation; that is better for you and purer”

(58:12), Imam (as) said, “This ayah was revealed for Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as). Those who were wealthy were very proud of their wealth. Ameerul Momineen (asws) had ten dirhams and two goats. He gave all ten dirhams in sadqa and slaughtered both goats. He sacrificed His entire wealth in the way of Allah in such a way that no one else could do.

Therefore, Allah revealed this ayah. “Do you fear that you will not (be able to) give in charity before your consultation?” (58:13) Through this act Moula Ali (asws) became superior to all others.

(Tafseer Burhan Fourth Edition pg 303)

194. Mustaqeem

Ibne Abbas (ra) narrates regarding this ayah, “And if We take thee away, We surely shall take vengeance on them,” (43:41) with Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).”

(Tafseer e Furat pg 402)

195. Munadee (caller)

Umar bin Abu Rahman bin Qasir narrates from Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) regarding this ayah, “surely we have heard a preacher calling to the faith, saying: Believe in your Lord, so we did believe” (3:193), Imam (as) said, “That was Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) for whom a caller from the heavens asked the people to believe in RasoolAllah (saw)”

(Tafseer Ayyashi First Edition pg 211)

196. Muhajir al Hajrateen (Immigrant who made two migrations)

Asbagh bin Nabata narrates, “One day Ameerul Momineen (asws) delivered a speech on the mimbar of Kufa, He said, “I am the master of successors. I am the successor of the master of prophets. I am the Imam of the muslims. I am the Imam of the pious. I am the master of momins. I am the husband of the Mistress of the Women of the whole universe. I am the one who made two migrations. I am the one who gave two bayyats. I am the one who fought in Badr and Hunain. I fought with two swords. I rode on two horses. I am the inheritor of the knowledge of previous nations. I am the mercy of Allah upon all worlds.

Those who love Me will be forgiven and My enemies will be accursed. RasoolAllah (saw) use to say to Me, “O’Ali (asws)! Your love is taqwa (piety) and iman (faith). Your hatred is kufar (disbelief) and nifaq (hypocrisy). I (RasoolAllah saw) am the house of wisdom. You are its key. Anyone who claims to love Me (RasoolAllah saw) while at the same time hating You (Ali asws) is a liar.”

(Biharul Anwar vol 39 pg 321)

197. Matoosim (Examiner)

Imam Abu Jafar (as) narrates Ameerul Momineen (asws) said regarding this ayah, “Surely in this are signs for those who examine.” (15:75), Imam (as) said, “Myself, RasoolAllah (saw) and the Imams (as) from My Offspring are examiners”.

(Usool e Kafi First Vol pg 218)

198. Meezan al Aamal (Scale of Deeds)

While visiting the grave of Ameerul Momineen (asws), stand near the foot of the grave and say, “Salam be upon You, O’Father of Imams (as)! Friend of Nabuwat (prophet hood). Salam be upon You, O’Master of Religion and Faith. Salam be upon You,O’Kalamatullah (word of Allah). Salam be upon You, O’Scale of Deeds. Salam be upon You, O’sword of Allah.

O’inheritor of the knowledge of prophets! Salam be upon You, O’Lord of the day of judgement. You are the absolute blessing of Allah. You are the bright path, bright star, and You lighten the hearts of momins. Allah’s mercy and blessing be upon You.”

(Mafatiha al Jinan pg 418)

199. Meezan (scale)

Imam Abu Abdullah al Sadiq (as) narrates regarding this ayah, “He said: This is a right way with Me” (15:41), Imam (as) said, “I swear by Allah, the straight path is Ali (asws). I swear by Allah, He is meezan (scale) and Siratul Mustaqeem (right path).”

(Mukhtasir al Basair pg 98)

200. Meemoon

Jabir al Jafi narrates, “The woman who fed Ameerul Momineen (asws) was from Bani Hilal.

One day when Moula (asws) was a child, she left Him in a tent along with her son who was a year older than Ameerul Momineen (asws). There was a well near the tent. A child went near the well and put his head into the well. Moula Ali (asws) chased behind the child but the leg of Moula Ali (asws) became entangled in the rope of the tent. Moula Ali (asws) held onto the child with one hand and pulled him out of the well. Meanwhile, the mother of the child came. When she saw this happening, she began to scream. The people gathered around and were astonished at the strength of Moula Ali (asws) for His age. The mother had named her child “Meemoon” and until today the children of Bani Hilal are known by the name of Meemoon.”

(Maani ul Akbar pg 61)

*Imam e Masoom, Shaheed e Mazloom, Nifees al Mahroom, the door of knowledge, the one who possesses the knowledge of the entire universe, who knows the secrets of Bani Israel, the Imam of the entire creation, Father of Scholars, who helped Islam during His childhood, destroyer of idols, helper of the poor, who guides towards the path of Allah, who calls towards Islam, Siddiq e Akbar, who is the greatest sign separating halal (lawful) and haram (unlawful), Biharul Ilm (ocean of knowledge), Quran e Azeem, Most Merciful, Siratul Mustaqeem, Farooq e Azm, Greatest Imam, one who never worshipped idols, one who never commited any sin, one who was praised by Jibrael (as),

Amongst His names are Al Maqla, al Musil, al Muqadum, al Momin, al Mutosim, al Mahmoon, al Mubarak, al Mukhasin (Al Munaqib Third Edition pg 75)