Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

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Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws) Author:
Translator: Syed Jazib Reza Kazmi
Publisher: Wilayat Mission
Category: Imam Ali

Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Author: Abdul Rasool
Translator: Syed Jazib Reza Kazmi
Publisher: Wilayat Mission

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Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)
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Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Publisher: Wilayat Mission


O’my Moula (as) Ameerul Momineen!

I am a beggar. I am jahil (ignorant). Whatever I have written in your praise, if it is good, then it is only due to your blessings. I do not even need to ask in order to gain Your mercy because You are aware of all things and all things come from You. Whenever I become speechless, You gave me the words because You are the one who removed the love of everything from Your lovers that is other than You. Your lovers have become lost in Your love. Their eyes see nothing other than You. They seek Your kindness. They seek Your help whenever this world turns against them. You are not hidden from those who love You.

Abdul Rasool


All the praise is for Allah who is the Lord of the whole universe. Salutations be upon Hz Muhammad (saw) who is the mercy upon the entire universe and upon His Holy Offspring (as) whom Allah created as Masoom (infallible), Paak (pure), and with Noor and upon Their Companions, may Allah’s mercy be upon them, those who lived during the times of the Imams (as) and those who will come from then until the day of judgment. Allah’s eternal wrath and punishment be upon Their enemies; those during Their times and those from then until the day of judgment.

This book“Fi Asma wa Alqaab wa Ameerul Momineen (as)” is regarding the names and titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws) which are mentioned in Quran, hadith, and sayings of Masooms (as). We have written these in alphabetical order. In this book, we have mentioned almost 1000 different names and titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws). In reality, it is like a drop in the ocean when compared to the attributes of Moula Ali (asws). The attributes of Moula (asws) can never be measured. The entire knowledge of the prophets, secrets of their successors, glory of the Awliya (friends of Allah) are like a raindrop falling into the ocean in comparison with the attributes of Moula Ali (asws). The name of Moula Ali (asws) has been written on everything throughout the entire universe because this is the name of Allah. In other words, this book is specifically for those with marifat (understanding). Allah created the whole universe through His complete knowledge and by His mercy and blessed His creation with the marifat (understanding and recognition) of His zaat (self). If this was not so, then no one would be able to recognize any other. Marifat demands that the creation recognizes its Lord. It is not possible to recognize the zaat (self) of Allah directly. Therefore, Allah sent His Prophets and Their Successors in order to convey His orders to His creation. The Seal of all Prophets is RasoolAllah (saw) and His Successor is Ameerul Momineen (asws). The procedure of marifat (recognition) is not a new process. It has been in existence from the beginning of creation and can be found throughout the universe and in the seven heavens. Some of the orders of Allah are taqwini and some are tashreehi. Allah sent a prophet amongst every nation as a source of the deliverance of the message of Allah to the people and as a way for the people to gain the marifat (recognition) of Allah through His (Allah) ism. Allah appointed specific jinns from amongst the jinns in order that His message may be conveyed to them as well. From amongst the minerals Allah appointed one that would convey His message to all. The Ism (name) of Allah is His attributes and the only way we can gain the marifat (recognition) of Allah is through His Ism. In Quran where Allah says “and call Me by those beautiful names”, it is a clear hint for those who have marifat, but some things are not meant to be spoken out loud so instead they must be whispered to those who have understanding.

The following hadiths and narrations are in reference to those things upon which Allah places the name of Ameerul Momineen (asws).

1. Moula Ali (asws)’s name is on the leaves of the trees of jannah

In the hadith regarding the incident of Miraj, RasoolAllah (saw) says, “When I was taken to the 6th heaven, the angels who were present there called Me by My name like I was one of their fellow angels. I asked “Do you recognize Me”? They replied, “How could we not recognize You? There is a tree beside the door of Jannah which Allah created and upon its each leaf it is written in noor “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah, and Ali (asws) is Wali of Allah, His strong chain and strong rope”.

(Al Mahtazir page 80)

2. Inside of fruit

Ibne Abbas (ra) narrates “When Ameerul Momineen (asws) dealt a fatal blow to amr bin abdodh, He (Ameerul Momineen asws) returned to RasoolAllah (saw) and the blood was dripping from His sword. Upon seeing Ameerul Momineen (asws), RasoolAllah (saw) raised the slogan of “Allahu akbar” and the other muslims followed Him. At that time, RasoolAllah (saw) said, “O’Allah, bless Ali (asws) with such attribute which no one has had before Him nor will anyone be able to gain after Him”. Meanwhile, Jibrael (as) came with a fruit from jannah and said, “Allah sends salam for You and orders to give this fruit to Ali (asws) as a gift.” Jibrael (as) gave this fruit in the hand of Ameerul Momineen (asws). It split in half. There was a green surface inside and upon it was written “This gift is from Allah for Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as)”.

(Fazail ibn Shazaan page 92)

3. On the forehead of angels

Muhammad ibn Hanafi narrates RasoolAllah (saw) said, “On the night of Miraj, I saw an angel that half of its body was made from fire and the other half was made of ice. Upon his forehead was written, “Allah helped Muhammad (saw) through Ali (asws)”. I was amazed. The angel said, “Why are You amazed? Allah wrote this on my forehead 2000 years before the creation of the heavens and earth.”

(Al Mahtazir page 99)

4. On the door of jannah

Ahmad bin Hanbal narrates from Hz Jabir (ra) that RasoolAllah (saw) said, “I saw written on the door of Jannah “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger, and Ali (asws) is Muhammad (saw)’s brother”.

(Al Mahtazir page 102)

5. On the door of heavens and on noorani veils

Hz Jabir (ra) bin Abdullah (ra) narrates that RasoolAllah (saw) said, “I do not understand why the people accuse Me for honoring Ali (asws). I swear by the glory of Allah, My Lord ordered Me to honor Ali (asws). Allah made Him Ameerul Momineen and Imam of My ummah (nation). O’people! When I was taken to the 7th heaven (on the night of ascension), I saw written on the door of the heavens, “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is Messenger of Allah, and Ali (asws) is Ameerul Momineen”.

When I reached the noorani veils, I saw written upon every noorani veil “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger and Ali (asws) is Ameerul Momineen”. When I reached to the Throne, upon every corner of the throne was written, “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger, and Ali (asws) is Ameerul Momineen”.

(Al Mahtazir page 170)

6. On every veil of jannah

Hz Sulaim bin Qais narrates RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Ali (asws) is like the shining sun in the 7th heaven. In this world, He is like a bright shining moon in the night. Allah blessed Ali (asws) with such honor and knowledge that if it were to be distributed throughout the entire world, it still would not finish. He is polite like Lut (as), kind like Isa (as), devotee like Ayub (as), forehead like Ibrahim (as), beauty is like Solomon (as), and His power is like that of Dawood (as). Ali (asws)’s name is written on every veil in Jannah. Allah blessed Ali (asws) with this actuality and Me also”.

7. On noorani flags

Hz Jabir (ra) bin Abdullah (ra) says, “We were present with RasoolAllah (saw) in Nabwi Mosque. A companion mentioned jannah. RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Allah has a noorani flag.

Its pole is made of emeralds. Allah created it 2000 years before the creation of the heavens.

Upon it is written, “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is His messenger, Aal e Muhammad (as) is the best nation and O’Ali (asws)! You are the most honored and blessed”. Upon hearing this Moula (asws) said, “All praise is for Allah who blessed Us with this honor. Allah gave Us this honor through You, O’RasoolAllah (saw).” Then RasoolAllah (saw) said, “O’Ali (asws)! Do You not know the one who loves Us will be with Us”. Then RasoolAllah (saw) recited this ayah “fi maqhd sidqa inda malaika maqtader” (54:55 In the seat of honor with a most Powerful King)

(Amali Toolsi Second Edition pg 705)

8. On the doors of jannah and jahannum

Hz Ibne Masood narrates RasoolAllah (saw) said, “When I was taken towards the heavens, Jibrael (as) said, “Allah ordered Me to present both jannah and jahannum to You.”

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “When they were brought before Me, I saw jannah and its blessings and jahannum and its punishment. There were 8 doors of jannah. On each door, 4 sentences were written. Every word was greater than the whole universe for those people who understand and follow.” Jibrael (as) said, “ O’RasoolAllah (saw)! Read what is written on the doors of jannah”. I said, “I have read all of the things which were written on the doors of Jannah. Upon the first door was written, “There is no god except Allah. Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger, and Ali (asws) is the Wali of Allah. There is a purpose for everything. The purpose of life is four things; contentment, to kill rancourness, refrains from enviousness and the accompaniment of good people”. On the second door it was written, “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger, and Ali (asws) is the Wali of Allah. There are four methods in which one can gain success on the day of judgment; being kind to orphans, helping widows, fulfilling the needs of muslims, and taking care of the poor”. On the third door was written, “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is His messenger, and Ali (asws) is the Wali of Allah. In this world good health depends upon four habits; speaking less, sleeping less, walking less, and eating less”.

On the fourth door was written, “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is His messenger, and Ali (asws) is the Wali of Allah. Anyone who believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment should honor his guests. One who believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment should respect and honor his parents. One who believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment should say only good things or otherwise remain silent.” On the fifth door was written, “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger, and Ali (asws) is the Wali of Allah. One who wants that no one should abuse him or dishonors him and does not wish to oppress someone nor be oppressed himself, then he must hold tight to the powerful chain and continuously say “La illaha illallah, Muhammadin rasullullah, Aliunwaliullah”. On the sixth door of jannah was written, “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah, and Ali (asws) is the Wali of Allah. One who wants his grave to be widened should build mosque. One who wants the earthworms to not eat his body in the grave should spend the majority of his time in the mosque. One who wants to be clothed in the hereafter should provide dress to the poor. One who wants to be healthy and powerful should propagate the zikr (remembrance) of Allah. One who wants to remain in jannah should remain in the mosque.” On the seventh door was written, “There is no god except Allah. Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger and Ali (asws) is the Wali of Allah. Four acts brighten one’s heart.

1. Visiting the sick

2. Attending funerals

3. Buying kafan

4. Paying debts

On the eighth door was written, “There is no god except Allah. Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger, and Ali (asws) is the Wali of Allah. One who wants to enter jannah through these eight doors should adopt these four rituals; sadqa, generosity, morality, and removing hardships from people.” Then I saw the doors of jahannum (hell). On the first door three sayings were written; “Whoever remains hopeful of Allah will be happy. Who has fear of Allah will be in peace. That person will be destroyed who hoped from ghair Allah and feared ghair Allah (other than Allah)”. On the second door was written; “One who wants to be raised with clothing on the Day of Judgment should provide dress in this world to those without dress. One who does not want to be thirsty on the Day of Judgment should give water to the thirsty in this world. One who does not want to remain hungry on the Day of Judgment should feed the hungry in this world.” On the third door was written, “Allah’s curse be upon the kafirs. Allah’s curse be upon the miserly. Allah’s curse be upon the oppressors.” On the fourth door these three sayings were written, “One who insults islam, may Allah degrade him. One who insults Ahlul Bayt (as), may Allah humiliate him. One who helps the oppressor, may Allah curse him.” On the fifth door was written, “Do not follow your desires because desires take you away from iman. Do not speak abusively as it removes the mercy of Allah and do not be helpful to the oppressors.” On the sixth door, it was written, “I (jahannum) am haram on those who offer tahajjud prayers and on those who fast.” On the seventh door was written, “Be accountable for your deeds before you will be made to be accountable. Call Allah before you return back to Him then you will no longer be able to call upon Him.”

(Fazail ibn Shazaan page 152)

9. Write My Decrees and Fortunes

In the hadith regarding the noorani creation of RasoolAllah (saw), it is written that Allah made a jewel from the noor of Muhammad (saw) and then divided it into two parts. He looked upon one part with the eye of jalal (respectful fear), and it turned into sweet water.

Upon the second part, He looked with the eye of kindness, and it turned into Arsh (Throne).

Then He created Kursi (chair) from the noor of the Arsh and created Looh (Tablet) from the noor of Kursi and created Qalam (Pen) from the noor of Looh and ordered Him to write My tauheed. For 1000 years the Pen was awestruck and lost in the words of Allah. When He came out of His stupor, Allah ordered Him to write and He asked, “O’My Lord, what should I write”? Allah said, “La illaha illallah Muhammadin rasoolullah”. When the Pen heard the name of Muhammad (saw) He fell into sajda. He began reciting “Subhana wahid Al Qahar, Subhanul Azeem al Azam”. Then He lifted His head from sajda and wrote “La illaha illallah Muhammadin rasoolullah”. Then He (Pen) asked, “O’My Lord, who is this Muhammad (saw) whose name and zirk (remembrance) You have included in Your name and zikr (remembrance)?” Allah said, “O’Pen! If He had not been there, I would have not created You and the whole universe. He is Bashir (informer) and Nazir (warner) and Siraj e Munir (bright sun), Haseeb (noble).” When the Pen heard the attributes of RasoolAllah (saw), He was overcome with such great feelings of love for RasoolAllah (saw) that He began saying, “Assalamu alaika ya RasoolAllah (saw)”. RasoolAllah (saw) replied to Him and said, “Peace and blessing of Allah upon You as well”. This is the reason that saying salam is sunnah, and it is also the reason that replying is wajib (compulsory). Then Allah asked the Pen to write all of His decrees and destinies as well as all of that which will be created until the judgement.

(Biharul Anwar vol 15 pg 28)

10. On the throne of Our Lord

Imam Musa (as) ibn Jafar (as) says, “We are present at the Arsh (Throne) of Our Lord. It is written there “Muhammad (saw) is the greatest of all the prophets. Ali (asws) is the greatest of the successors and their master. Fatima (sa) is the Master of all women. I am the revenge taker of Sifeen, Basra, and Karbala. One who will love Us and hate Our enemies will be with Us in jannah and will be the owner of the rivers of jannah. “

(Al Ikhtasas pg 87)

11. On a tree in India

Qulb bin Wail narrates “I saw a tree in India and upon its flowers was written “Muhammadin rasoolullah”. I saw numerous trees and rocks that had Muhammad (saw) and Ali (asws) written on them.”

12. On both sides of the sun

Abdullah bin Masood narrates “ I heard RasoolAllah (saw) saying “The sun has two directions and two sides. One is towards those who live in the heavens and one is towards those who live on the earth. Upon both sides there is writing.” Then RasoolAllah (saw) asked, “Do you know what is written on it”? We replied, “Allah and His Messenger kno w best.” RasoolAllah (saw) said, “On the side of the sun that is towards the heavens it is written “Allah noor al samawat wal arz”. (Allah is the noor of heavens and earth) On the side of the sun that is towards the earth, it is written “Ali (asws) noorul arzain” (Ali (asws) is noor of the entire earth).”

(Irshad ul Quloob Second Edition pg 182)

13. On rocks, trees, and leaves

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “On the night of Miraj (ascension towards heavens), I did not see a single door, veil, tree, leaf, or fruit that did not have the name of Ali (asws) written on it. Ali (asws)’s name is written on everything.”

(Mashariqul Anwar ul Yaqeen pg 149)

14. On the veil of Arsh (Throne)

Abu Saeed Khuri narrates “One day we were sat with RasoolAllah (saw) when a person came and asked, “O’RasoolAllah (saw)! Iblees (la) said to Allah, “astabart am kunto min al aleen”. Who are “aleen” (superior) in this? Are there people who are even more superior than the angels?” RasoolAllah (saw) replied, “I, Ali (asws), Fatima (sa), Hasan (as), and Hussain (as) were in a tent behind the veil of Arsh (Throne). We praised Allah 2000 years before the creation of Adam (as). When Allah created Adam (as) and ordered the angels to perform sajda to Him, He gave this order because of Us. However, Iblees (la) refused. Then Allah asked him “O’Iblees (la)! Why do you refuse to perform sajda of the one whom I made with My own hands? You have become arrogant or do you consider yourself to be among the superior beings whose names are written on the veil of Arsh?” Then RasoolAllah (saw),

“We are the doors of Allah through which He reveals. We are the source of guidance, and those who seek guidance do so through Us. One who loves Us Allah will love him and bless him with jannah. One who hates Us Allah will hate him and throw him into jahannum”.

(Fazail ul Shia pg 49)

15. On the pillars of the heavens

A woman from amongst the jinns came to RasoolAllah (saw) and embraced islam. She would visit with RasoolAllah (saw) once in the week. One time she did not return until after 40 days. RasoolAllah (saw) asked her what was the reason of her being so late in coming.

She said, “I had to visit that ocean which covers this whole world. There I saw a person sat upon its bank on a great mountain. He had his hands raised towards the heavens and was saying, “O’Allah! I ask You to forgive me for the sake of Muhammad (saw), Ali (asws),

Fatima (sa), Hasan (as), and Hussain (as), but You did not forgive me.” I asked him, “Who are you?” He said, “I am Iblees (la)”. I asked again, “How do you know these personalities”?

He replied, “I had worshipped Allah for a very long time on this earth and in the heavens. I have not seen a single pillar in the heavens where it is not written “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger, and Ali (asws) is Ameerul Momineen through whom Allah helped Muhammad (saw).”

(Al Mohasin pg 273)

16. On noorani crowns

RasoolAllah (saw) said to Moula Ali (asws), “On the day of judgement You will be brought forward in a noorani caravan and You will be wearing a noorani crown that has 4 sides. On each side these 3 lines will be written; “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is Allah’s Messenger, and Ali (asws) is Wali of Allah.” Then a great chair will be brought forward and the keys of jannah will be given to You. The whole creation will be presented before You. You will take Your shia into jannah and throw Your enemies into hell because You are the distributor of jannah and jahannum. You are the trustee of Allah.”

(Mashariqul Anwar ul Yaqeen pg 181)

17. On the leaves of the trees in China

Muhammd bin Sanan narrates “One day I was sat with Imam Sadiq (as) and a person came.

Imam (as) replied, “Who is at the door”? I said, “A man from China”. Imam (as) said, “Bring him inside”. Imam (as) asked him, “Do you know Us in China”? He replied, “Yes” Then Imam (as) asked, “How do you know Us”? He replied, “O’Son of RasoolAllah (saw)! There is a tree in China and every year a flower grows from it. It changes its color twice in the day.

In the morning we see written on it “La illaha illallah Muhammadin rasoolullah”, and in the evening “La illaha illallah Ali calipha RasoolAllah (saw)”.

(Madina tul Moajiz Second Edition pg 460)

18. In the book of Moula Ali (asws)

Abu Jafar (as) says, “I saw the book of Moula Ali (asws) and upon it was written “The worth of every man depends on his level of marifat. Allah will punish or reward according to the amount of intellect that was given to him in this world.”

(Maani ul Akbar)

19. On the leaves of the trees in jannah

RasoolAllah (saw) said in the hadith of Miraj, “When I was taken to the fifth heaven, the angels who were present there welcomed Me like I was one of their fellow angels (they called Me by My name). I said to them, “How do you know Us and recognize Us in this way”? They replied, “How could we not recognize You”? Whenever we pass by the Arsh we see these writings “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger, and Allah helped Him through Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).” This is how we know that Ali (asws) is the Wali of Allah. Say our salams to Ameerul Momineen (asws).” Then I was taken to the sixth heaven. The angels who were present there welcomed Me in the same manner as the previous angels. I asked them, “O’angels! How do you know Us”? The y replied, “When Allah created jannah, there is a tree beside its door and upon its every leaf it is written with noor “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger, and Ali (asws) is His strong chain and rope and the caretaker of the whole of creation. Say our salam to Ali (asws).”

(Tafseer e Furat pg 133)

20. On the wings of Jibrael (as)

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Once Jibrael (as) spread his wings. On one wing was written “There is no god except Allah and Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger”. On the other wing was written “There is no god except Allah and Ali (asws) is Wali of Allah”.

21. A dua written on the wings of Jibrael (as)

When the Jewish gathered to murder Hz Isa (as), Jibrael (as ) took Him under His wing.

Then Hz Isa (as) said on his wing was written, “O’Allah! I praise You with that Name (Ali) which is most honored, most glorious, and most high. This name is the cause of the survival of the entire creation. Protect me from all sufferings and difficulties which I face everyday.”

(Al Noor ul Mubeen fi Qasas al Anbia wa Mursaleen)

22. On Chair

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Arsh, Kursi, and the heavens would never have been established nor would the earth and heavens have been able to survive if there had not been written on them “La illaha illallah Muhammadin rasoolullah Aliun Ameerul Momineen”

(Al Waiz)

23. Name of Moula Ali (asws) on tablet

When Moula Ali (asws) appeared in the house of Hz Abu Talib (as), He (Hz Abu Talib as) held the hand of His Mother, Fatima (sa) binte Asad (as), placed Moula Ali (asws) on His chest, and went towards a river and said, “O’the Lord of dark nights and bright sun! Tell us what is the mystery behind the name “Ali”? Before Us appeared something that was similar to a cloud on the heaven, Hz Abu Talib (as) took hold of it and returned back. In the morning He saw it was a green tablet and written upon it was “We have blessed You with a tahir (pure), honored, and glorious Son. The meaning of His name is Most High Most Great.

This tablet was placed inside of the Kaaba until Hasham bin Abdul Mulk removed it from there.”

(Fazail ibne Shazaan pg 12)

24. On the base of the Arsh

Imam Reza (as) says, “When Allah ordered the angels to perform sajda to Adam (as) and allowed him to enter jannah and blessed him with such honor, Adam (as) thought in his heart “Has Allah made anyone who is greater than me”? The voice of Allah came “O’Adam!

Lift your head and see the base of the Arsh. When he looked, he saw written there “There is no god except Allah. Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger. Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib is Ameerul Momineen. His Wife Fatima Zahra (sa) is the Mistress of all the women of all the worlds. Hasan (as) and Hussain (as) are the Masters of Jannah.”

(Al Jowahir ul Sannia)

25. On everything

When Allah created Arsh, He wrote on it “La illaha illallah Muhamamdin rasoolullah Aliun Ameerul Momineen”. Allah wrote the same words on water, Chair, Tablet, on the face of Israfeel (as), on the wings of Jibrael (as), on the sides of the earth and heavens, on the tops of the mountains, on the sun and moon.”

(Al Jowahir ul Sannia)

26. On the door of jannah

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “These words were written on the door of jannah “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger, Ali (asws) is His brother and Wali of Allah. His Wilayat was made wajib (compulsory) 2000 years before the creation of the earth and heavens. One who wants that when Allah sees him He (Allah) is pleased with him then he love Ali (asws) and His Offspring because They are My Friends, Caliphs and Beloved.”

(Al Jowahir ul Sannia)

27. On Arsh (Throne)

Once all of the children of Adam (as) were gathered together in one place. They were debating about who was greater in the creation of Allah. Some said “Our father, Adam (as)”.

Some said, “Honored angels”. Some said, “Those angels who carry the Arsh are greater”.

During this time Habbatullah came and they informed him of their differences. Then he went to Hz Adam (as) and informed him that his brothers were disputing about who was greater in the creation of Allah. I (Habbatullah) had no answer so I could not tell them.

Adam (as) said, “O’my son! I was standing in front of Allah and I saw these words written on the Arsh ;“In the name of Allah who is merciful and kind. Muhammad (saw) and His Offspring are the best among the Chosen Ones.”

(Qasas ul Rawindi)

28. Moula Ali (asws)’s name along with RasoolAllah (saw)’s name

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “O’Ali (asws)! I saw Your name in four places alongside My name.

On Miraj, when I reached Baitul Maquddas I saw a rock there that had written on it “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger, and Allah helped Him through His successor, Ali (asws)”. When I reached Sidrat ul Muntaha, I saw written on it “I am Allah. There is no god except Me. Muhammad (saw) is My Chosen from amongst My creation. I helped Him through His successor, Ali (asws).” When I reached the Arsh of Allah, I saw written on its base “I am Allah. There is no god except Me. Muhammad (saw) is My Beloved from amongst My creation. I helped Him through His successor, Ali (asws)”. When I reached jannah, I saw written on its door “There is no god except Me. Muhammad (saw) is My Beloved from amongst My creation. I helped Him through His successor, Ali (asws)”.

(Makaram al Akhlaq)

29. On the surface of the moon

Imam Abu Abdullah (as) said, “When Allah created the moon He wrote “La illaha illallah Muhamamdin rasoolullah Aliun Ameerul Momineen” on it. This writing are those black spots which you see on the moon”.

(Al Itejaj First Edition pg 83)

30. On a great veil

Moula Ali (asws) said, “Adam (as) learned the kalima (testimony) from His Lord, and then said, “O’Allah! I sought Your forgiveness through the Wasila of Muhammad (saw). Did You accept my repentance”? Allah said, “How did you know about Muhammad (saw)”? He replied, “ I saw this name on a great veil when I was present in jannah”.

(Tafseer ul Ayyashi First Edition pg 41)

31. On the cheek of hoori

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “One who recites “Bismillah al rahman al raheem”, Allah will build 70,000 palaces made from red rubies in jannah for him. In each palace, there are 70,000 rooms with white pearls. In each room, there are 70,000 beds made from green emeralds.

On each bed, there are 70,000 linens of silk and a beautiful hoori with shining hair is sat on it. On its right cheek is written “Muhammadin rasoolullah”. On its left cheek is written “Aliunwaliullah”. On her forehead, it is written “Hasan (as)”. On her chin is written “Hussain (as)”. On her lips is written “Bismillah al rahman al raheem”.

(Jamia al Akbar)

32. On every creation in the universe

Qasim bin muawiya asked Imam Abu Abdullah (as), “People say when RasoolAllah (saw)

went for Miraj, He saw written on the Arsh, “La illaha illallah, Muhammadin rasoolullah, abu bakr sadiq”. Imam (as) said, “SubhanAllah! They have usurped this in the same wa y they have usurped the other rights.” I said, “Yes.” Then Imam (as) said, “When Allah created Arsh, He wrote “La illaha illallah, Muhammadin rasoolullah, Aliun Ameerul Momineen” on its base. When He created Kursi (chair), He wrote on its base “La illaha illallah, Muhammadin rasoolullah, Aliun Ameerul Momineen”. When He created Tablet, He wrote on it “La illaha illallah, Muhammadin rasoolullah, Aliun Ameerul Momineen”. When He created Israfeel (as), He wrote on His forehead “La illaha illallah, Muhammadin rasoolullah, Aliun Ameerul Momineen”. When He created Jibrael (as), He wrote on His wings “La illaha illallah, Muhammadin rasoolullah, Aliun Ameerul Momineen”. When He created the heavens, on its every side He wrote “La illaha illallah, Muhammadin rasoolullah, Aliun Ameerul Momineen”. When He created the universe, He wrote on its every side “La illaha illallah, Muhammadin rasoolullah, Aliun Ameerul Momineen”. When He created the mountains, He wrote on their tops “La illaha illallah, Muhammadin rasoolullah, A liun Ameerul Momineen”. When He created the sun, He wrote on it “La illaha illallah, Muhammadin rasoolullah, Aliun Ameerul Momineen”. When He created the moon, He wrote on it “La illaha illallah, Muhammadin rasoolullah, Aliun Ameerul Momineen”. The black spots which you see on the moon are this writing. Whenever you say “La illaha illallah Muhammadin rasoolullah” you must immediately say “Aliun Ameerul Momineen Waliullah”.

(Al Itejaj pg 83)

33. The Chair did not come into existance

Ibne Abbas (ra) narrates RasoolAllah (saw) said;

“I swear by Allah who made Me messenger with haqq (truth), Kursi (chair), Arsh, and heavens would have never been established nor brought into existance and neither would the heavens or earth have survived if it had not been written on it ““La illaha illallah, Muhammadin rasoolullah, Aliun Ameerul Momineen”.

(Biharul Anwar vol 27 pg 8)

34. On rock

Mirza Taqi says, “A Russain ambassador told me of this incident. His name was Khanikov.

He was a christain but had great knowledge of our books, our arabic language, and had memorized numerious hadiths. The government appointed him as a visitor to many countries and he had witnessed many strange incidents. He told us of this incident that occurred while he was staying in Tabriz. He says, “In those days I was staying in Mavara and Arz, I heard near the city there were some huge mountains, and it was almost impossible to reach one of the mountains. On this mountain however, the word “Ali” is written clearly. I became curious and wanted to see it with my own eyes. I took some labourers and a shovel and went towards that mountain. I found that mountain from amongst the other mountains and just like I had been told the writing was there and its color was different from the other mountains. I thought it may have been artificial. I ordered the labourers to climb on the mountain and to begin digging. When they broke the stones, the same writing was written on the stones that they dug up. Then I knew it was not made by any human. It was by the order of Allah.”

(Sahifa al Abrar First Edition pg 330)

35. On the veils of Allah

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “First of all Allah created His noorani veils and on its sides He wrote “La illaha illallah, Muhammadin rasoolullah, Aliun Wasi” ( “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger and Ali (asws) is His successor”). Then He created the Arsh and wrote on its pillars “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger and Ali (asws) is His successor”. Then He created earth, and wrote on its mountains “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger and Ali (asws) is His successor”. Then He created Tablet and wrote on its corners “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger and Ali (asws) is His successor”.

(Madina tul Moajiz pg 141)

36. On the wings of birds

Regarding the attributes of Aimma (as), Ameerul Momineen (asws) says in His famous Hadees e Tariq “Names of Aimma (as) are written on stones, the doors of jannah, on the door of jahannum, earth, Arsh, on the wings of angels, and on the veils of Allah. In the depths of the oceans, fish perform tasbeeh of Their names and make duas for the forgiveness of Their shia through Their wasila.”

(Mashariqul Anwar ul Yaqeen)

37. On the veils of jannah

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “On the seventh heavens, Ali (asws) is like the bright shining sun in the day. His name is written on every veil of jannah.”

(Amali ul Sadooq, Madina tul Moajiz pg 137)

38. On Jabil Bilka

I saw him and I recognized him. He said “Bring something to me and I will take you”. I left him ride on my horse and we went towards the mountain. I had a paper and pen with me.

When he saw this, he said, “This is written in Hebrew. This is very strange. I will translate this for you in Arabic”.

“In Your name O’Allah! Haqq (truth) has been revealed in Arabic. Allah is one and there is no god except Him. Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger, and Ali (asws) is the Wali of Allah.

Allah’s blessings be upon both of Them.” This was written by the hand of Musa bin Imran (as).

(Sahifa tul Ibrar First Edition page 154)

39. On the sides of the earth

Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) says “In the hadith of Hz Jabir, when Allah ordered Our noor to perform tasbeeh, Our noor began reading tasbeeh. The angels as well began performing the tasbeeh of Allah. If We had not done so, then the angels would have never known how to perform the tasbeeh of Allah. Then Allah created the earth and wrote on its sides “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is Messenger of Allah, Ali (asws) is His successor, and I helped and testified to Him through Ali (asws)”.

(Jamia ul Akbar)

40. On Sidrat ul Muntaha

In the hadith of Miraj, RasoolAllah (saw) said, “When I reached Sidrat ul Muntaha, I saw written there “I am Allah, there is no god except Me. Muhammad (saw) is the Chosen from amongst My creation. I testified and helped Him through Ali (asws). Verily! Ali (asws) is a test through which I shall test My whole creation”.

41. On Al Makkan

Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) says, “Then Allah willed Al Makkan be created. When it was created, He wrote “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger, Ali (asws) is Ameerul Momineen. I helped and testified to Muhammad (saw) through Ali (asws)”.

42. On Wind

Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) says in the hadith of Jabir, “Then Allah created wind and wrote “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger, Ali (asws) is Ameerul Momineen. I helped and testified to Muhammad (saw) through Ali (asws)”. Then He created jinns and made wind as their house. He took the promise of allegiance of His oneness, prophet hood of Muhammad (saw), and wilayat of Moula Ali (asws).

(Sahifa tul Ibrar First Edition pg 160)