Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

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Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws) Author:
Translator: Syed Jazib Reza Kazmi
Publisher: Wilayat Mission
Category: Imam Ali

Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Author: Abdul Rasool
Translator: Syed Jazib Reza Kazmi
Publisher: Wilayat Mission

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Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)
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Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Publisher: Wilayat Mission

Alif ا

1. Al ansa al bateen (far from shirk and full of knowledge)

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “O’Ali (asws)! Allah has forgiven Your shia and those who love Your shia. You are ansa al bateen (far from shirk and full of knowledge).

(Ayun al Akbar Second Edition pg 47)

2. Awal al momineen (First Momin)

Omar bin khattab narrates “Myself, abu ubayda, and abu bakr were present along with other companions when RasoolAllah (saw) said, “O’Ali (asws)! You are the first of momineen. You are the first of muslims. You are to Me as Haroon (as) was to Musa (as).

(Zakhair ul Uqba pg 95)

3. Afzal khaliq Allah (Greatest from amongst the creation of Allah)

Ibne Abbas (ra) narrates RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Verily, Ali (asws) is the greatest from amongst the creation of Allah along with Me. Verily, Hasan (as) and Hussain (as) are the Masters of the youth of jannah. Their Father is greater than Them. Verily, Fatima (sa) is the Mistress of all the women of all universes. Verily, Ali (asws) is My most favorite.”

(Maya al Manaqaba pg 2)

4. Azan (Declaration)

Hakeem bin al Jabir narrates “I heard Ali (as) bin Hussain (as) saying, “There is a name of Ali (asws) in Quran that the people are unaware of. Have you not read in Quran Allah says “There is a declaration (azan) for the people from Allah and His Messenger.”

(Tafseer ul Furat)

5. Ameen (Trustee)

Imam (as) further said, Moula Ali (asws)’s name is Ameen (Trustee) of the Trustees of Jannah.

6. Alab (Father)

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “I am Ali (asws) are Father to this ummah (nation).

(Ayun ul Akbar)

When Ameerul Momineen (asws) was martyred a voice was heard coming from His house saying “Who is better, the one who will burn in the fire or the one who will be in peace on the day of judgement?” Then the crier said, “O’people! RasoolAllah (saw)has died and today your Father Ali (asws) has left you!”

(Al Manaqib pg 3)

7. Al Iman (faith)

Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said regarding this saying of Allah “Allah has chosen Iman for you and placed it in your hearts. He dislikes kufr, fasiq, and sins for you”. In this ayah, Iman is Ameerul Momineen (asws) and kufr, fasiq, and sin are abu bakr, umar, and usman.

(Tafseer e Buran 4th Volume pg 206)

8. Asab (Most Perfect)

Moula Ali (asws)’s name amongst the hooris is Asab.

9. Ameenullah (Trustee of the Knowledge of Allah)

Imam Reza (as)’s slave Abu Salat Harvi narrates that he heard Imam Reza (as) saying that He heard this from His Father Imam Musa Kazim (as) who heard from His Father Imam Jafar (as) who heard from His Father Imam Baqir (as) who heard from His Father Imam Zainul Abideen (as) who heard from His Father Imam Hussain (as) who heard from His Father Imam Ali (asws) who heard from RasoolAllah (saw). RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Allah said, “Ali (asws)ibne Abi Talib (as) is My Hujjat (proof) upon My creation. He is My Noor in this world and Trustee of My Knowledge. One who gains His marifat will not go into hell even if He has disobeyed Me. One who denied Him will not be able to enter jannah even if he has obeyed Me.

(Maya Manqaba pg 32)

10. Ailiya

In the Injeel (bible), Moula Ali (asws)’s name is Ailiya and in the language of the Arabs it is Ali (asws).

11. Ayatul Huda(sign of guidance)

Abu Huraira narrates that RasoolAllah (saw) said, “On the night of Miraj when I was taken to the seventh heavens, I heard from under the Arsh, “Ali (asws) is a sign of guidance (Ayatul Huda) and beloved of the momins. Convey this to Ali (asws).” When RasoolAllah (saw) returned, He was made to forget this until Allah revealed this ayah “O’RasoolAllah (saw)! Convey that message which has been revealed to You. If You did not then it is as if You have not revealed any of My message”(5:67)

(Maya Manqaba pg 37)

12. Arya

In Zaboor, Moula Ali (asws)’s name is Arya.

13. Alaa al Rahman (Blessing of Rahman (Merciful))

Moalli bin Muhammad narrates regarding this saying of Allah, “Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?”(55:13), whom will you deny His Prophet or His Successor?

This ayah was revealed in Sura Rahman (Usool e Kafi 1st Vol pg 217)

14. Akhu al Tayyar (Brother of Jafar Tayyar (as))

Abul Hasan al Madaini narrates “muawiya (la) wrote a letter to Ameerul Momineen (asws).

He wrote “O’Abul Hasan (asws)! I have many attributes. My father was a master in the era of jahiliyat (ignorance). I am now a king in islam. I am brother in law of RasoolAllah (saw). I am the writer of wahi (revelation).” When Ameerul Momineen (asws) read this letter, He said, “O’Abu Fazail! Son of a liver eater has compared himself with Us.” Then He ordered a letter to be written to muawiya (la). Moula (asws) wrote, “Muhammad (saw) is My Brother and My Father in Law. The Master of Martyrs, Hamza (ra), is My Uncle, and Jaffar (as) who flies in jannah with the angels is My Brother. The Daughter (sa) of Muhammad (saw) is My Comfort and My Wife. Her Flesh and Blood is a part of Me. Both Grandsons (as) of Muhammad (saw) are My Sons from Fatima (sa). Who from amongst you has such attributes as Me?”

(Al Manaqib Second Edition pg 19)

15. Ayat hub al Rasool (saw)

(Sign of the Love of RasoolAllah (saw))

Amar asked RasoolAllah (saw), “What is the sign of Your love”? RasoolAllah (saw) put His hand on the shoulder of Moula Ali (asws) and said, “His love. One who loves Ali (asws) loves Us. One who is the enemy of Ali (asws) is Our enemy”.

(Al Manaqib Second Edition pg 5)

16. Awal min yakhasam (First to stand on the day of judgment)

Qais bin Sa’ad bin Ibadah narrates I heard Ameerul Momineen (asws) saying “On the day of judgment I will be the first to stand and speak with Allah.”

(Amali ul Tulsi First Edition pg 83)

17. Akhu al malaikat (Brother of Angels)

Abullah bin Masood narrates RasoolAllah (saw) said, “The first from the heavens who made Ameerul Momineen (asws) as His brother was Israfeel (as). Then Jibrael (as) made Moula Ali (asws) His Brother. The first who loved Moula Ali (asws) was the Arsh. Then the angels of jannah. Then the angel of death. The angel of death is kind to the lovers of Moula Ali (asws) the way He is kind to the prophets (as).”

(Irshad ul Quloob Second Edition pg 235)

18. Imam e Mubeen

Imam Hasan (as) says, “When this ayah (We have put everything in Imam e Mubeen) was revealed on RasoolAllah (saw), umar and abu bakr stood up and asked “O’RasoolAllah (saw)! Is this Imam e Mubeen the Torah?” RasoolAllah (saw) replied, “No”.

They asked again, “Is this Injeel”? RasoolAllah (saw) replied, “No”. They asked again, “Is this Quran?” RasoolAllah (saw) replied, “No”. At that moment, Ameerul Momineen (asws) arrived, and then RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Imam e Mubeen is this Ali (asws). He is that Imam to whom Allah has given the knowledge of all things”.

(Mani ul Akbar pg 95)

19. Ameerul Momineen

Jabar bin Yazid narrates “I asked Abu Jafar (as), May I be sacrificed upon You! Why was Ameerul Momineen (asws) given the title of Ameerul Momineen?” Imam (as) replied, “Because He is the one who gives knowledge to the creation of Allah.”

(Mani ul Akbar)

Abu Abdullah Imam Sadiq (as) narrates, “Verily, We are the first Ahlul Bayt (as). When Allah created the heavens and earth, Allah gave them Noor through Our Names. When Allah created the heavens and the earth, He ordered a crier to call, “I testify there is no god except Allah.” Then three times he announced, “Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah”. Then three times he announced, “Ali (asws) is Ameerul Momineen”.

(Bihar ul Anwar 38th Vol hadith 1295)

Ibn Abbas (ra) narrates, “One day Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) arrived at a gathering. Those present there said “Ameerul Momineen” has arrived. RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Ali (asws) was named Ameerul Momineen even before Me.” People asked, “O’RasoolAllah (saw)! Even before You”? RasoolAllah (saw) replied, “Even before Isa (as) and Musa (as).” The people asked, “O’RasoolAllah (saw)! Even before Isa (as) and Musa (as)?” RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Even before Soloman (as) and Dawood (as).” The people kept asking and RasoolAllah (saw) kept counting the names of prophets until Adam (as). Then RasoolAllah (saw) said, “When Allah created Adam (as), He placed a pearl between his eyes that would do the tasbeeh of Allah. Allah said, “I will make the resident of you a person whom I will make Ameerul Momineen”. When Allah revealed Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) He kept Him in that pearl. Allah had named Ali (asws) Ameerul Momineen even before the creation of Adam (as).”

(Fazail ibn Shazaan pg 148)

20. Ahal E Atat (Imam of the Obedient)

Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) narrates from His forefathers that RasoolAllah (saw) said, “On the night of Miraj, Allah spoke to Me. He said, “O’Muhammad (saw)!” I said, “Labbaik, O’My Lord”! Allah said, “After You, Ali (asws) is My Hujjah (proof) upon My creation and Imam of those who are obedient. One who has obeyed Him has obeyed Me. One who has disobeyed Him has disobeyed Me. I will make Ali (asws) a sign of guidance after You through whom the people will be able to gain guidance.

(Al Majalis al Suniya pg 2001)

21. Al Ameer (ruler)

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “O’Ali (asws)! You are to Me as Hibbatullah was to Adam (as). Saam was to Nuh (as), Ishaq was to Ibrahim (as) and Haroon was to Musa (as) except there will be no prophet after Me. O’Ali (asws)! You are My successor and My caliph. One who denies Your successorship and caliphate is not from Me and You. I will be his enemy on the Day of Judgment. O’Ali (asws)! You are the greatest in My ummah. You are the most knowledgeable, most wise, most brave, and most generous. O’Ali (asws)! You are Imam and Ameer (ruler) after Me. You are the authority after Me. There is no one like You in My ummah.”

(Amali al Sudooq)

22. Al Ahsan (doing of good)

In this ayah of Allah, “Surely Allah enjoins the doing of justice and the doing of good (to others) and the giving to the kindred, and He forbids indecency and evil and rebellion;

He admonishes you that you may be mindful” (16:90), justice is testifying to the oneness of Allah and prophet hood of RasoolAllah (saw), ahsan (doing of good) is Ameerul Momineen (asws), and indecency, evil, and rebellion are three (abu bakr, umar, and usman)

(Tafseer e Qummi)

23. Al Izan al Waiya (The ear that remembers)

Makhool asked Moula Ali (asws) regarding this ayah, “When He hears, He remembers”

(69:12) Moula Ali (asws) said, “RasoolAllah (saw) prayed to Allah and asked “Make Ali (asws)’s Ear “Izn e Waiya”. Moula (asws) said, “Whenever I listened to anything from RasoolAllah (saw), I would memorize it and remember it.” RasoolAllah (saw) said, “O’Ali (asws)! Allah ordered Me to inform You that You are “Izn e Waiya” of My knowledge”.

(Tafeer al Burhan 3rd Vol pg 150)

24. Imam ul Khaliqat (Imam of the entire creation)

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Ali (asws) is from Me and I am from Ali (asws). May Allah destroy him who fights with Ali (asws). May Allah curse him who fights and opposes Ali. After Me, Ali (asws) is Imam of the entire creation. One who tries to proceed Ali (asws) has proceeded Me. One who abandons Ali (asws) abandons Me. One who prefers another to Ali (asws) prefers another to Me. I am peaceful with those who are peaceful to Ali (asws). I will wage war against him who wages war against Ali (asws). I am friend of the one who is a friend of Ali (asws). I love him who loves Ali (asws). I am an enemy of him who is an enemy of Ali (asws). “

(Amali al Tulsi pg 589)

25. Abul Rahateen (Father of two Flowers)

Jabir bin Abdullah narrates “I heard RasoolAllah (saw) three days before His death say, “O’Abul Rahateen (asws)! Salam of Allah be upon You. I make a will regarding two flowers of Mine. Both will part from You shortly. Thus, there is only Allah for You after Me.” Upon the demise of RasoolAllah (saw), Moula Ali (asws) said, “This was the first one of the two whom RasoolAllah (saw) had mentioned.” Upon the demise of Syeda (sa), Moula Ali (asws) said, “This was the second of the two whom RasoolAllah (saw) had mentioned”.

(Mani ul Akbar pg 403)

26. Al Ayat ul Mahakmat (Decisive Verses)

Abdul bin Rahman bin Kaseer Al Hashimi narrates from Imam Abu Abdullah (as) regarding this ayah “He it is Who has revealed the Book to you; some of its verses are decisive, they are the basis of the Book, and others are allegorical; then as for those in whose hearts there is perversity they follow the part of it which is allegorical, seeking to mislead and seeking to give it (their own) interpretation” (3: 7)”. Imam (as) said, “In this ayah decisive verses are Ameerul Momineen (asws) and Aimma (as). Allegorical verses are 1, 2, and 3 (abu bakr la, umar la, and usman la). Those in whose hearts contains doubts and perversity are their families and their companions.”

(Tafseer e Ayyashi First Edition pg 185)

27. Awal Ward ala al hawaz (First to arrive at spring of Kauser)

Hz Salman Farsi (as) narrates I heard RasoolAllah (saw) saying “On the day of judgement, the first who will arrive at the Spring of Kauser is the very first muslim and that is Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as)

(Manaqib al Khawrzmi pg 17)

28. Abu Turab (Father of the Earth)

Abaya bin Rabi narrates I asked Abdullah ibne Abbas (ra) why RasoolAllah (saw) gave Ali (asws) the title of “Abu Turab”. He replied, “Because He is Master of the Earth and Allah’s Hujjat (proof) for those who live on this earth. He is the cause of the survival and comfort of this earth. I heard RasoolAllah (saw) saying, “On the day of judgement, when kaffirs will see the honor and reward that will be given to the shia e Ali (asws), they will say “I wish I was a Shia e Ali (asws)”. This is what Allah has mentioned in Quran “and the kaffir will say alas I was a piece of earth”.”

(Maani ul Akbar pg 120)

29. Ayat Musa (as) wa Haroon (as): (Sign for Musa (as) and Haroon (as)

“After Musa (as) and Haroon (as) received the orders of Allah to preach to Firoan, they started off towards the court of Firoan. Both of them were extremely frustrated and worried as to how they would be treated by Firoan. Along the way, they saw a rider approaching them. He was wearing a dress adorned with gold and silver stitching and holding a sword made of gold. He said to them, “Follow Me. Do not have any fear.” This rider reached the court of Firoan and said, “Obey these two prophets. If you do not, I will kill you.” Upon hearing these words, Firoan became so frightened. Then this rider disappeared. Firoan asked Hz Musa (as) and Haroon to come to his court the next day and say whatever it was they wished to say. When Musa (as) and Haroon (as) left, Firoan asked his guards, “Why did you allow this rider to enter without my permission?” The guards replied, “We swear by your honor, we did not see any rider. We only saw these two brothers.”

That rider was Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) ibn Abi Talib (as). Allah hiddenly helped all the prophets through Ali (as) and openly helped Muhammad (saw) through Ali (as). Moula Ali (as) is that great Kalim ul Kubra (greatest word of Allah) which Allah sent in order to help His prophets in every age and in various forms. Ali (as) always was a helper to the prophets, messengers, and friends of Allah. All the prayers of the prophets, messengers and friends of Allah were accepted through Moula Ali (as). All of their problems, difficulties, and sufferings were removed through Moula Ali (as). This ayah of Quran refers to that incident;

“We shall appoint a sultan for the both of you and Firoan and his followers will not be able to reach you because of Our Signs.” (28:35) Ibne Abbas (ra) narrates that rider was Ayatul Kubra (greatest sign) and Sultan for them.

(Al Qatra First Edition pg 66)

30. Ayat Muhammad (saw) (Sign of Muhammad saw)

Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said, “Verily, Ali (asws) is a sign of Muhammad (saw), and verily, Muhammad (saw) calls toward the Wilayat of Ali (asws). Have you not heard the saying of RasoolAllah (saw) “Whomsoever I am his Moula then Ali (asws) is his Moula. O’Allah, love him who loves Him and hate him who hates Him.”

(Basaar ul Darjaat pg 77)

31. Asal e Deen (Foundation of Religion)

Abu Hamza Thumali narrates I heard Abu Jafar Sadiq (as) saying “Once RasoolAllah (saw) asked for water to perform wuzu. After performing wuzu, He held the hand of Ali (asws) and said, “Verily, I am the Warner.”Then He placed His hand on the chest of Ali (asws) and said, “There is a guide for every nation”. Then He said, “O’Ali (asws)! You are the foundation of the religion. You are iman (faith). You are the purpose of guidance. You are the bravest of the brave. I make You as a witness of this.”

(Basaar ul Darjaat pg 30)

32. Awal ul Aimmat (First Imams)

Ameerul Momineen Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) narrates “I asked RasoolAllah (saw), “Tell Me about the Imams (as) after You.” RasoolAllah (saw) said, “O’Ali (asws)! They are 12. You are the first and al Qaim (ajfts) is the last.”

(Biharul Anwar 36th Vol hadith 232)

33. Awal ul Musleen (First Namazi)

Zaid bin Imam Ali (as) bin Imam Hussain (as) narrates that he recited “and there was beneath it a treasure belonging to them, and their father was a righteous man ; so your Lord desired that they should attain their maturity and take out their treasure, a mercy from your Lord (18:82)”, then he said, “Allah protected them because of their righteous parent. Who other than Us is more worthy of protection? RasoolAllah (saw) is Our Grandfather. His Daughter (sa) is Our Mother. The Mistress of Women is Our Grandmother. The first momin and first one to pray is Our Father. “

(Biharul Anwar 46th Vol pg 173)

34. Ibrahim fi Sakhiya (Ibrahim (as) in generosity)

Sabit bin Dinaar narrates from Abu Hamza Thumali who narrates from Imam Ali (as) bin Imam Hussain (as) who narrates from His Father Imam Hussain (as) “One day RasoolAllah (saw) looked at Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) and stepped forward. Many of His companions were with Him. RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Anyone who wants to see beauty of Yusuf (as),

generosity of Ibrahim (as), glories of Solomon (as), and power of Dawood (as), then he should look at Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).”

(Biharul Anwar vol 39 pg 35)

35. Akhu RasoolAllah (saw) (Brother of RasoolAllah saw)

Jabir bin Abdullah (ra) narrates RasoolAllah (saw) “On the door of jannah it is written “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad (saw) is Messenger of Allah, and Ali (asws) is Brother of the Messenger of Allah.” Allah wrote this 2000 years before the creation of the heavens and earth.”

(Al Khisal pg 638)

36. Anees ul Masbahat (one who loves the beads of tasbeeh)

Moula Ali (asws) said in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I love the beads of tasbeeh”.

37. Abul Hasan

Harris ul Aur who is standard bearer of Moula Ali (asws) narrates, “RasoolAllah (saw) was sat amidst His companions. He said, “Let Me show you the knowledge of Adam (as), marifat of Nuh (as), and wisdom of Ibrahim (as).” At that moment, Moula Ali (asws) ar rived. Abu bakr said, “O’RasoolAllah (saw)! You associated the attributes of 3 prophets with one person. How great that person must be. Who is that person?” RasoolAllah (saw) said, “O’

abu bakr! Do you not know Him?” He replied, “Allah and His prophet knows better.”

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “He is Abul Hasan Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).” Then abu bakr said, “O’Abul Hasan (asws)! Congratulations! There is no one who is like You.”

(Manaqib al Khawarazmi pg 45)

38. Awal Mazloom (First to be oppressed)

Abul Hasan al Salis, Imam Ali (as) bin Muhammad Taqi (as) narrates “When you visit the Holy Grave of Ameerul Momineen (asws) say “Salam be upon You O’Wali of Allah. You are the first oppressed and You are the first person whose right was usurped. You bore it with great patience until death came. I testify that You met Allah in the state of shaheed (martyr). May your killers each taste a different punishment of Allah. I came to You while recognizing Your right. I am well aware of Your greatness. I am an enemy of Your enemies and those who oppressed You. Insha’Allah in this state I will see my Allah. O’Wali of Allah! I am very sinful. I beg You to intercede on my behalf in the court of Allah. Your status is very high with Allah. Allah has blessed You with great honor and the right of shifaat (intercession). Allah has said, “Only those people can intercede whom Allah is pleased with.”

(Mafatiha ul Jinan pg 426)

39. Al Akbar ul ghair mominoon (Reward that will never finish)

Abu Abullah Imam Sadiq (as) narrates regarding this saying of Allah, “except those who believe and do good, for them is a reward that shall never be cut off” (41:8). Imam (as) said, “The momineens are Salman Farsi (as), Miqad (ra), Ammar bin Yasir (ra), and Abu Dhar (ra). The reward that will never finish is Ameerul Momineen (asws).”

(Tafseer e Furat pg 577)

40. Al Ayat ul Minzalat min Asmaa: (sign from the heavens)

Abu Basir narrates “I heard Imam Jafar (as) say regarding this ayah “if We please We would send down upon them a sign from the heavens so that their necks would remain bowed before it.”(26:4) Imam (as) said, “Sun appeared at the time of Asr and then a person appeared. The beauty of His face clearly told He was Imam e Shaams (sun).” I asked “Who was that?” Imam (as) replied, “Who can He be? I swear by Allah, He is Ameerul Momineen (asws). He is that ayat (sign)”.

(Taweel ul Ayat First Edition pg 386, al Burhan Third Edition pg 180)

41. Asal al Imamate (Foundation of Imamate)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan “I am the foundation of Imamate”.

42. Al Awal fi al Deen (First of religion)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan “I am the first to believe in the religion”.

43. Al Awal wa al Khair (First and Last)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the first and the last”.

44. Asad ul Nashara (Lion of Preaching)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the Lion of the preaching of islam”.

45. Ameer ul Nayreen (Master of sun and moon)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the Master of the sun and moon”.

46. Ayat ul Nusrat (Sign of help)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the ayat ul nusrat “.

47. Umm ul Kitab (Reality of the book)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “ I am umm ul Kitab (reality of the book)”.

48. Asas ul Majd (Foundation of ownership)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the foundation of ownership”.

49. Ayat Bani Israel

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the sign in Bani Israel”.

50. Al Azfat (filled pot)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am that pot that is filled (with knowledge)”.

51. Al Asal ul Qadeem (Immortal Truth)

In the ziarat of Ameerul Momineen (asws) that is narrated by Imam Jafar Sadiq (as), it is written “Salam be upon the Brother of RasoolAllah (saw) and His Cousin and the Husband of His Daughter (sa). You are a part of His Noor. Salam be upon You, O’ Immortal Truth!

Salam be upon You, O’ one who is most merciful! Salam be upon You, O’ Fruit of Jannah!

Salam be upon Abul Hasan Ali (asws)! Salam be upon O’ Shajra Tuba! Salam be upon Sidrat ul Muntaha!”

(Biharul Anwar 97th Vol pg 305)

52. Ism Allah (Name of Allah)

In the seventh ziarat of Moula Ali (asws) it is written “Salam be upon You, O’ the favorite Ism (name) of Allah!”

53. Ayat ul Sabqeen (Sign of Previous Nations)

In one sermon Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am the sign of previous nations”.

(Mukhtasir ul Basair pg 340)

54. Asmaa ul Husna (Greatest name of Allah)

In one sermon Moula Ali (asws) says, “I am the Asmaa ul Husna of Allah.”

(Mukhtasir ul Basair pg 34)

55. Ameer ul Ghazwaat (Master of Wars)

In the ziarat that is recited on the day of the beginning of prophet hood, “Salam be upon You, O’ Ameerul Ghazwaat!

56. Al Akbar fi al Yaqeen (height of certainty)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am on the height of certainty”.

57. Imam of Aal e Yaseen

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the Imam of Aal e Yaseen”.

58. Alaa Al Rahman (Blessing of Rahman)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the blessing of Rahman (mercy)”.

59. Aman al Ahzab (protector of groups)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the protector of groups” (it can be the war of Khanduq as in Quran Allah mentions the state of Momineen and they were protected through Moula Ali asws)

60. Azhoor al Tariq (Light in the darkness)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the light in the darkness”.

61. Ajtheyaa al Zanj

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am ajtheya al Zanj.”

62. Abriya al Zaboor

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the Abriya of Zaboor”. (in Zaboor Moula Ali (asws)’s name is Abriya)

63. Aliyia Injeel

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the Aliyia in Injeel”.

64. Istamsak Al Araat (a strong rope for holding)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the strong rope one holds fast to”.

65. Abriya al Taurat

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the Abriya of Taurah”.

66. Imam ul Muttaqeen

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the Imam of Muttaqeen (pious)”.

67. Abul Aimmat (Father of Great Imams as)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the Father of Great Imams (as)”.

68. Anees ul Huam (known for immense thirst)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am known for immense thirst”.

69. Awafarul Sama ( great listener)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the great listener”.

70. Awal ul Sadiqeen (First Truthful)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the first one who is truthful”.

71. Amar ul Salsal

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am Amar ul Salsal”.

72. Ayat ul Hilm (sign of wisdom)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the sign of wisdom”.

73. Awal ul Sabat (first in the Family)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the first in the Family”.

74. Amin ul Mafawaz (Protector of those who render)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the protector of those who render”

75. Asal ul Qadi

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am asal ul qadi”.

76. Arth ul Mawarith (Inheritance of those who inherit)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the inheritance of those who inherit.”

77. Anfath ul Nafath

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am anfath ul nafath”.

78. Al Imam ul Mubeen

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am Imam e Mubeen”.

79. Abraam ul Nazir (Warner)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the warner .”

80. Ameen ul Hasab (Trustee of accountability)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the one who will hold the creation accountable”.

81. Alfat ul Ailaf (love of every lover)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the love of every lover”.

82. Asaf Hud (storm of Hud)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the storm of Hud”.

83. Awariya ul Zaboor

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the Awariya of Zaboor”.

84. Imam ul Muhashir (Imam of the day of judgment)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the Imam of the day of judgment”.

85. Awal ul Masadiqeen (First who testified)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the first one who testified”.

86. Imam ul Mufassareen (Imam of Interpreters)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the Imam of interpreters”.

87. Amanat ul Ahzab (Trustee of Groups)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the trustee of groups”.

88. Imam ul Muzlheen (Imam of righteous)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the Imam of the righteous”.

89. Amanat Yaseen (Trustee of Yaseen)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the trustee of Yaseen”.

90. Ayat ul Qamar (Sign of Moon)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the sign of the moon”.

91. Ameen ul Malmoon (Protector of protectors)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the protecto r of all protectors”.

92. Imam Arbab (Imam who creates braveness)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am the Imam who creates bravery in youths”.

*“Holy, Sacred, and Chosen. Warner. One who is followed. Strong chain.

Greatest sign. Greatest proof. Test for whole universe. Best of creators.

Imam of those who are guided. Imam of the earth. Blood of RasoolAllah (saw). Key of guidance. Light in the darkness. Ocean of flames. Glory of war. Shining sun. Lord of the valleys. Greatest News. One who prefers the hereafter over this world. An example of Musa (as) and Haroon (as).

Whomsoever Rasool (saw) is Moula , Ali (asws) is his Moula. Most powerful. One who is associated with the strongest rope. The one for whom the Ayah Halata was revealed. Most honored. Most Respectful. Most Brave. A garden for those who pray and fast. Enemy of those who disobey.

Protector of the religion of Allah. Protector of the right of Allah. One who was not a child in His childhood. For whom the sword came from the heavens. One who established the proof of Syeda (sa). One whom shirk fears. Sun in the darkness. Moon in the darkness. Star of Ahlul Bayt (as).

Knowledge of guidance. Cousin of Muhammad (saw) whose title is Murtaza. “

(Manaqib Third Edition pg 68)