Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

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Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws) Author:
Translator: Syed Jazib Reza Kazmi
Publisher: Wilayat Mission
Category: Imam Ali

Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Author: Abdul Rasool
Translator: Syed Jazib Reza Kazmi
Publisher: Wilayat Mission

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Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Publisher: Wilayat Mission

Bay ب

1. Bab (Door)

Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) said regarding this ayah, “Until We open for them the door of extreme punishment, behold! They are in despair at it. (23:77), “This ayah was revealed for Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) for when He will return during Rajat”.

(Tafseer e Burhan Third Volume pg 811)

2. Bihar (Ocean)

Ibne Abbas (ra) narrates regarding this ayah, “He has made the two seas flow freely so that They meet each other” (55:19), “ This ayah refers to Moula Ali (asws) and Syeda (sa).

There is a curtain between Them so They do not cross each other. RasoolAllah (saw) said, “The pearls came out of these oceans, and that is Imam Hasan (as) and Imam Hussain (as).”

(Tafseer e Furat)

Jafar bin Muhammad narrates regarding this ayah, “Between Them is a barrier which They cannot pass” (55:20), “Imam (as) said, “Ameerul Momineen (asws) and Syeda (sa) are two deep oceans, and neither crosses the other.”

(Tafseer e Furat pg 46)

3. Batareeq

In one of Moula Ali (asws)’s sermons He says, “Amongst the Arman my name is Batareeq”.

4. Bab ul Dar ul Hikmat (Door of the city of wisdom)

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “I am the city of wisdom and Ali (asws) is its door”.

(Noor ul Absar pg 174)

5. Bab ul Jannat (Door of Jannah)

Saeed bin Janadah Alufi narrates “I heard RasoolAllah (saw) saying, “Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) is the master of arabs.” I asked, “O’RasoolAllah (saw)! Are You not the master of arabs?” RasoolAllah (saw) replied, “I am the master of the offspring of Adam (as), and Ali (asws) is the master of arabs. One who loves Him is loved and guided by Allah. One who hates Him is hated and made blind by Allah. The right of Ali (asws) is like My right. His obedience is My obedience except there is no prophet after Me. One who abandons Him has abandoned Me. One who abandons Me has abandoned Allah. I am the city of wisdom. In reality, that is jannah. Ali (asws) is its door. No one can enter into jannah without coming through its door. Ali (asws) is the best of creation. One who denies Him has commited kufr.

(Maya Manaqaba pg 56)

6. Briya

In one sermon of Moula Ali (asws) He says, “In Taurat My name is Briya. It means free from shirk”.

(Maani ul Akbar pg 58)

7. Bazaat ul Rasool (Part of RasoolAllah saw)

Abu Saeed al Qudri narrates RasoolAllah (saw) recited this ayah, “Not equal are the dwellers of the fire and the dwellers of the garden. The owners of the garden, They are the victorious.” (59:20). Then RasoolAllah (saw) said, “The people of jannah are those who obeyed Me and accepted the Wilayat of Ali (asws) after Me. Remember! Ali (asws) is a part of Me. One who wages war against Him wages war against Me.” Then RasoolAllah (saw) called Ali (asws), and said, “O’Ali (asws)! Your fight is My fight. Your friendship is My friendship. You are the knowledge between Me and My ummah.”

(Tafseer e Furat pg 183)

8. Bas ul Shadeed (Severe punishment)

Barqi narrates from Abu Baseer who narrates from Imam Abu Jafar (as) regarding this ayah, “That He might give warning of a severe punishment from Him” (18:2), Imam (as) said, “That severe punishment is Ameerul Momineen Ali (asws). He is from the near ones of RasoolAllah (saw). He slayed the enemies of RasoolAllah (saw). This is why Allah has said, “give warning of severe punishment from Him”

(Tafseer e Ayyashi Second Edition pg 247)

9. Bitris

In one of His sermons Moula Ali (asws) says, “Amongst the Romans My name is Bitris”.

10. Bab Hitat (Door of repentance)

Saeed Ilfalafri narrates I heard Imam Reza (as) say regarding this ayah, “enter the door prostrate and say “Repentance”, We will forgive you” (2:58), Imam (as) said, “We are the door of repentance for you.”

(Tafseer e Ayyashi First Edition pg 63)

11. Beit

Sa’ad bin Minhal narrates from Imams (as), “Aimmah (as) are Houses, and the door of Their houses are also Imams (as). “

(Tafseer e Ayyashi First Edition pg 105)

12. Bateen min al Alim (Absolute Knowledge)

Abaya bin Rabee narrates a person came to Ibne Abbas (ra) and asked, “Tell me about Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as). People are in dispute over Him.” Ibne Abbas (ra) said, “You have asked me about a personality who after RasoolAllah (saw), there is no one on this earth greater than Him. He is the brother of RasoolAllah (saw), His successor, and His caliph upon His ummah. He is far from shirk and has absolute knowledge. RasoolAllah (saw) said, “One who wants salvation on the day of judgment should follow Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).”

(Kafaia al Talib pg 45)

13. Balagh (Clear message)

Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) says regarding this ayah, “This is a clear message for mankind in order that they may be warned thereby” (14:52), Imam (as) says “Clear message is Ameerul Momineen (asws) and warned is regarding His Wilayat. Those who have wisdom and take advice are the shia of Ali (asws).”

(Taweel ul Ayat Second Edition pg 570)

14. Baqeel Beit ul Mamoor (apparent of Beitul Mamoor)

Moula Ali (asws) said in Khutba ul Bayan, “I am Baqeel Beit ul Mamoor.”

15. Bab ul Abu Ab (Door of all doors)

Moula Ali (asws) said in Khutba ul Bayan, “I am door of all doors”.

16. Batin ala al kufar

Moula Ali (asws) said in Khutba ul Bayan, “I am batin ala al kufar”.

17. Batin wa al Zahir (hidden and apparent)

Moula Ali (asws) said in Khutba ul Bayan, “I am hidden and apparent”.

18. Barq al Lamooa (bright lightning)

Moula Ali (asws) said in Khutba ul Bayan, “I am the bright lightning”.

19. Bas Allah (wrath of Allah)

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “O’Ali (asws)! You are the tongue of Allah through whom He speaks and You are the wrath of Allah through whom He takes revenge.”

(Tafseer e Furat pg 455)

20. Batishtullah (blow of Allah)

RasoolAllah (saw), “O’Ali (asws)! You are the blow of Allah for whom Allah says in Quran, “And certainly He warned them of Our blow but they did doubt the warnings”. (54:36)

(Tafseer e Furat pg 455)

21. Beitullah (House of Allah)

Moula Ali (asws) said to His Son Imam Hasan (as), “I am the House of Allah. Whoever enters has been protected. One who holds to My Wilayat and love is protected from the fire”.

22. Bihar ul Alim (Ocean of knowledge)

In Ziarat e Ameerul Momineen (asws) it is written, “I testify that You are Tur and Rik e Manshoor and Bihar ul Alim (ocean of Knowledge).”

23. Baooza

Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) narrates regarding this ayah, “Surely Allah is not ashamed to set forth any parable, even that of a gnat or anything above that” (2:26), Imam (as) said, “Allah mentioned the example of gnat for Ameerul Momineen (asws) and the one who is above that is RasoolAllah (saw). Allah says, “as for those who believe, they know that it is the truth from their Lord,” (2:26) and that truth is Ameerul Momineen (asws).”

(Tafseer e Burhan First Edition pg 70)

24. Badr al Mazia

In the ziarat of Moula on Lailatul Mabath (asws) it is written, “Salam be upon You, O’Badr al Mazia”

25. Barjaloon

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Tutanjiya, “ I am Barjaloon”.

26. Burhan Bihar

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Tutanjiya, “I am Burhan Bihar”.

27. Bast al Ajah

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Tutanjiya, “I am Bast al ajah”.

28. Bralqasm

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Bralqasm”

29. Bab al Hajrat (door of the rooms)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the door of the rooms.”

30. Bal al Batool (husband of Batool sa)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the husband of Batool (sa)”.

31. Bitreek al Habash

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Bitreek al Habash”.

32. Birsoom al Roos

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Birsoom al Roos”.

33. Badr al Birooj

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Badr al Birooj”.

34. Bab al Hatah

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Bab al Hatah”

35. Basheer al Falaq

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Basheer al Falaq”.

36. Baseerah al Basair

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Baseerah al Basair”.

37. Bareed al Mihamat

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Bareed al Mihamat”.

38. Basharatul Bashaeerah

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Basharatul Bashaeerah”.

39. Baqeel Bait al Mamoor

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the apparent of Bait ul Mamoor”.

40. Batin ala Kufar

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am batin ala kufar”.

41. Batin al Soor

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am batin ala soor”.

42. Bayd al Mada

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am bayd al mada”.

43. Bayzah al Balad

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am bayzah al balad”.

44. Baitul Mamoor

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Baitul Mamoor”.

45. Batin al Sidq

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am batin al sidq”.

46. Badr al Masbaheen

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am badr al masbaheen”.

47. Burhan (Proof)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the proof”.

48. Badr al Barooj

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am badr al barooj”.

49 Bitris al Rum (Bright Moon)

In Ziarat of Moula Ali (asws), on the night of Basat “O’Salam be upon You o’bright moon”.

*Kashif al Karb, Mazaf al sabab ila al Nasib, Matoof al sabab ala al nasib, Al Nasb, al Mukhsoos, Basharf al Asal wal al Hasib, al Hashimi al Um wal Ab, al Maftraa abkar al khatab, al Amr bil adab, Misaar harb, wa Mazher khatab, Syed al Arab, Rajal al Katheebah wal Katheeb, wal Harb wal Maharb, wal Taan wal Zarb, wal Khair wal Hasab bila Hasab, Matam al Saghab, Bajfan kal jawab, raad al mazlat bil jawab al sawab, Mazeef al Nasoor wal Dhiab, Bilbatar al mazi al Dhabab, Hazim al Ahazab, wa Qasim al Salab, wa Qasim al Asbab, Hazaz al Raqab, Babin al Qarab, Miftooh al Bab ila al Harab and sd Abooab Saeer al Ashab, Jadeed al Raghbat fi al Ta’aat wal Thawab bili al Jalbab, Rath al Thayab, Roaz al Saab, Masool al Khatab, Adeem al Hijab wal Hijab, Thabit alab fi madhaz al abab, Adeem ashbah wazrab, wa Marshad ajam wa arab, Dhu Arab wa dhu aghrab, Min Jumaa been atil wa Nazab, wa Asal wa Nasab, wal Jamal al Sabr ala kul masab, wa ala kul awajaa wa aoosab al dhe yazher biha kul mahrab youmin mahrar raqab wa youmin mizrab raqab, wa Miqdam jafan ghrab, majadil al itrab mafreen biltrab, al Makina babe Trab, al Imam al Harab, Les bijaban wal Harb, Khatin al Rasool wal Akh wal Sahib wali al mulk al ghalib, Khuaz al Moakib, Bidhal al Raghayab, al Mikram Llgrayab wal Iqarb, Mikhsam al Khalaiq wal Rezaa Allah Talib, Katheer al Minaqib, Rafayaa al Maratib, Ghalib kul Ghalib, Ali (asws) bin Abi Talib (as), al Masoom min al Ayub, al Hajoob ila al Qaloob, al Mina mama Nabah Allah wa Rasoolah min al Ghayoob min al Ilm al Miknoon al Hajoob, al Mishayub laqabail al kafir wal shoaib, habeeb RasoolAllah (saw), wa Rabeeb Nabi Allah, Sahib al Qirabatul Qarabah, wa Kasir asnaam al kaabah, leth al ghabah, wa fazl al sahabah, al dhe min safatah: al bayan, wal bayt, wal bab, wal bihar, wal banayah, wal bashraa, wal basher, wal bir, wal bas, wal balagh, wal baqiyah, wal balua

(Al Manaqib Third Edition pg 69)

Ta ت

1. Taj RasoolAllah (saw) (Crown of the Prophet of Allah)

In the ziarat of Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) He says regarding His Grandfather, Ameerul Momineen (asws).

“Salam of Allah and the angels be upon You, Salam of those who are in Your obedience be upon You, O’ Ameerul Momineen (asws) and of those who tell of Your attributes and testify You are the most trustworthy, trustee, and true. Blessing of Allah and His mercy be upon You. I testify You and Your Offspring are pure and sacred. I testify O’ Wali of Allah O’ Wali of RasoolAllah (saw), that You conveyed the message of Allah. I testify You are the door of Allah. His Beloved. You are the side of Allah. You are the way that takes one towards Allah.

You are the slave of Allah and brother of RasoolAllah (saw). I came to You in order to gain the nearness of Allah through Your ziarat and to gain Your shifaat (intercession). I seek to free myself from jahannum through Your shifaat. I seek Your shelter from jahannum. I have brought uncountable sins with me. I am scared of the wrath of Allah. I came to You because You are the hope. You are the one from whom I seek shifaat, O’ my Moula (asws)! I seek the nearness of Allah through You. Allah will fulfill all of my needs through You. You shall intercede on my behalf. O’ Ameerul Momineen (asws)! I am a slave of Allah, Your lover, and Your visitor. Your status is very high and near to Allah. O’ Allah! Send Your blessings upon Muhammad (saw) wa Aal e Muhammad (as) and Ameerul Momineen (asws) who is Your beloved creation, Your trustee, Your strong rope, Your high hand, Your best kalima (testimony), and Your Hujjat (proof) upon creation, Your most trustworthy, Master of the successors, Master of Awliya, Master of all those who are blessed, Ameerul Momineen, Master of the religion, Master of the pious, Imam of the sincere, free from every sin, free from every fault, free from every doubt, brother of RasoolAllah (saw), successor of Rasool (saw), one who slept on His bed and sacrificed His nafs in Your way, the one who removed all the hardships from the path of RasoolAllah (saw), the one You declared the sword of nabuwiat, sign of prophet hood, a witness upon the ummah, proof of truth, standbearer, caretaker of RasoolAllah (saw), leader of the ummah, Your power, the door of Your secrets, and the key of every success. He defeated all the armies of shirk by Your order and destroyed the entire army of kufr by Your order, sacrificed His life in the way of Your Prophet and gave Himself in His obedience. O’ Allah! Send every lasting blessings upon Him.

(Mafatih ul Jinan pg 429)

2. Tajarat (Trade)

Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) narrates regarding this saying of Allah, “O’ you who believe! Shall I lead you to a trade that will save you from a horrible punishment? (61:10), that Ameerul Momineen (asws) said, “I am that trade that protects you from the wrath of Allah.”

(Tafseer e Burhan Fourth Edition pg 330)

3. Tamam ul Naamat (Seal of all blessings)

Ibne Abbas (ra) narrates in the tafseer of this ayah, “Today We have perfected for you your religion” (5:3) through Prophet “and revealed all of My blessings upon You”(5:3)

through Ali (asws) “and chose for you Islam as your religion”(5:3) through Arfat (Tafseer e Furat pg 120)

4. Tarjman Allah (Representative of Allah)

Ameerul Momineen (asws) said to His Son Imam Hasan (as), “I am the representative of Allah and His knowledge”

5. Tali ul Mabut

In the ziarat of the Milad ul Nabi (Zahoor of RasoolAllah saw), “Salam be upon You O’Master of all successors! Salam be upon You O’ Master of the pious! Salam be upon You O’Master of all Walis! Salam be upon You O’ Master of Martyrs! Salam be upon You O’the Greatest Sign of Allah! Salam be upon You O’Fifth of the People of the Cloak (Ahlul Kisa asws)! Salam be upon You O’ Master of those with shining foreheads! Salam be upon You O’owner of the Awliya! Salam be upon You O’ Beauty of those who believe in the tauheed (Oneness) of Allah! O’ Most Purest, Salam be upon You! Salam be upon You, O’ Father of the Infallible Imams (as)! Salam be upon You, O’ owner of the spring of Kausar! Salam be upon You, O’

Carrier of Lawa al Hamd (standard on the day of judgment)! Salam be upon You O’

Distributer of jannah (heaven) and jahannum (hell)! Salam be upon You, O’ the One who gave honor to Mecca and Mina! Salam be upon You, O’ Treasure of Knowledge! Salam be upon You, O’ Treasure of the poor! Salam be upon You, O’ the one who appeared in the Kaaba! Salam be upon You, O’ the one who was married to Syeda tul Nisa and witnessed by the angels in the heavens! Salam be upon You, O’ Lamp of Noor! Salam be upon You, O’ the Honor of the blessings of Allah’s Prophet! Salam be upon You, O’ the one who slept in the bed of RasoolAllah (saw), placing His life in danger while protecting Him (RasoolAllah saw) from His enemies! Salam be upon You, O’ the one for whom the sun was turned back! Salam be upon the One through whose name and the name of His brother Allah saved the ark of Nuh (as) when it was in the whirlpool! Salam be upon the One and His Brother through whom Allah accepted the repentance of Adam (as)! Salam be upon You who is the arc of salvation for those who ride upon it and the destruction for those who abandon it! Salam be upon You, O’ Master of Momin! Salam be upon You, O’Allah’s Proof upon the kafirs (disbelievers)! O’ Imam of the Wise, salam be upon You! Salam be upon You, O’ treasure of wisdom and king of speech! Salam be upon You who has complete knowledge of the Book!

Salam be upon You, O’ Mizan (scale) on the day of judgment! Salam be upon You who gave His ring in zakat while praying! Salam be upon You through whom Allah helped momin in the war of Khanduq! Salam be upon You whom Allah chose for His tauheed (oneness)! O’

the slayer of Khayber and the one who removed its door, Salam be upon You! Salam be upon You whom the Prophet of Allah called to sleep on His bed and You presented Yourself for death! Salam be upon You, O’ the Protector of the honor of religion! Salam be upon You, O’ Master of Sadaat! Salam be upon You, O’ Master of Miracles! Salam be upon You the one whom Sura Adiyat was revealed in Your honor! Salam be upon You whose name is written on the heavens! Salam be upon You, O’ Mazher (manifestation) of Allah and His Sign! Salam be upon You O’Master of Ghazwaat (wars)! Salam be upon You who knows the incidents of the past and the happenings of the future! Salam be upon You who speaks with the wolves of the jungle! Salam be upon You who removes the difficulties and worries! Salam be upon You who when the angels saw fighting in the wars became astonished! Salam be upon You, O’ Protector of RasoolAllah (saw)! Salam be upon You, O’ Father of the Pious Imams (as)!

Salam be upon You whom Allah sent along with His Prophet! Salam be upon You, O’

Inheritor of the Best Knowledge! Salam be upon You, O’ Master of Successors! Salam be upon You, O’ Imam of the Pious! Salam be upon You, O’ Honor of Momineen! Salam be upon You, O’ the Mazher (manifestation) of Haq (truth)! O’ Taha and Yaseen, salam be upon You!

Salam be upon You, O’ Rope of Allah! Salam be upon You who gave His ring in sadqa while praying! Salam be upon You, O’Eye of Allah! Salam be upon You, O’ Hand of Allah! Salam be upon You, O’ Tongue of Allah who speaks to every creation in their own language! Salam be upon You, O’ Inheritor of the knowledge of Prophets! Salam be upon You, O’ Trustee of the knowledge of what has happened and what will happen! Salam be upon You, O’ Standard bearer of Lawa Hamd! Salam be You who will make His lovers drink from the spring of Kausar! O’ Imam Abul Hasan Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as), our salam be upon You! Our salam be upon the Imam of those who are guided! Lamp in the darkness! The path of guidance! Helper of the universe! Strong rope! Hujjat (proof) of Allah upon His creation!

Salam be upon You, O’ Noor of all Noors! Upon the Hujjat of Allah! Father of Sacred Imams (as)! Distributor of heaven and hell! Protector of His shia! Salam be upon the one who married with Tahira (sa), Razia (sa), Marzia (sa) and Mother (sa) of the Sacred Imams (as)!

Our salam be upon that Greatest News! Salam be upon You the one who the people disputed over and turned away from! Salam be upon the bright Noor of Allah! O’ Wali of Allah and His Hujjat (proof)! Salam be upon You! I testify that You are the Wali of Allah and the Hujjat (proof) upon His creation! I testify that You fought in the way of Allah and followed RasoolAllah (saw)! You spread His command, established the prayer, paid the zakat, enjoined the good and forbade the evil, remained patient while His rights were oppressed! May the curse of Allah be upon any who stole His right! May the curse of Allah be upon those who did not give You Your right! May the curse of Allah be upon those who heard of this and were pleased with it! I am friend of Your friends! I am enemy of Your enemies! May the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon You!

6. Tawbat ul Nadm (Repentance of the remorseful)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the repentance of the remorseful”.

7. Tazkrat Awal Taha

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the first reminder Ta Ha.”

8. Tarjmat ul Sad

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the tarjmat ul saad”.

9. Tabeen ul Nayeen

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the tabeen ul nayeen.”

10. Takseer ul Aanaf

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the takseer ul aanaf”.

11. Tabeen ul Nisa

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am tabeen ul nisa”.

12. Tawbat ul Aanaf

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the tawbat ul aanaf”.

*The writer of Kitab ul Anwar wrote in his book, “In the Book of Allah, there are 300 names for Ameerul Momineen (asws). The other names only Allah knows. Ibne Hamad says, “The names that Allah gave to Ameerul Momineen (asws) in Quran, we read every day whenever we recite Quran such as Sura Fajr, Al Naml, Al Anfaal, Al Saffat, Al Zumr, etc.” Moula (asws)’s name is mentioned also in the Taurah and Injeel, but only those who recite Injeel and Zaboor know. Allah has chosen Ameerul Momineen (asws) for Himself. He made Him Brother of RasoolAllah (saw), and Husband of Syeda (sa). In the heavens, Ameerul Momineen (asws)’s name is Shamsatil. On the earth, it is Jamhaial. In Looh (Tablet) it is Qunsoon. In Kalam (Pen), it is Munsoon. On Arsh (Throne), it is Moeen. Amongst the angels, it is Ameen. Amongst hooris, it is Asab. In the scripture of Ibrahim (as), it is Hazbeel. In Hebrew, it is Balqayatees. In Syriani, it is Sharoheel.

In Taurah, it is Briyia. In Zaboor, it is Ariya. In Injeel, it is Ailiya. In the scripture, it is Hajr e Ain. In Quran, it is Ali. He is helper to RasoolAllah (saw). Amongst Arabs, it is Malya. Amongst hindus, it is Kabkra. Amongst Romans, it is Bitris. Amongs Armeen, it is Karkar. Amongst Saqlab, it is Firoq. Amongst Persians, it is Firooz. Amongs Turkish, it is Titer. Amongst Khazar, it is Bareen. Amongst Nabt, it is Tabreek. Amongst Qana and Halasqis, it is Youshah. Amongst jinns, it is Habeen. Amongst shaiteen, it is Madmar. Amongst mushriks (polytheists), it is red death. Amongst momins, it is white clouds. His Father named Him “Harb” and His Mother named Him Haider. Allah named Him “Ali”. A poet, Aoni, said, “One whose name is in Injeel, who is on the highest levels of greatness, that “Ali”

(asws) is called Ailya and the one whose name is known in Taurah amongst those who are great and guided they remember Him by the name of “Briyia”. He is known amongst Kahna and they consider His name to be one of great blessing. One who revealed Haq (Truth) in this universe, and that name is Boya.

“One who is known in Zaboor by His glorified name. There is no line like Arya in the entire universe. “

“Whom is remembered in the great books of Hinduas as Kabkra”.

“The Romans remember Him as Pitris”.

“The negros call Him “Majeed.”

“He is king of Tabreek and Madmar”.

“His Mother calls Him “Haider” which means “Lion of great power”.

“Arman call Him Fareek”.

“Solver of problems. Remover of difficulties. Reciter of Quran. Qibla of Sadaat. Master of Virtues. Remover of pains. Performer of miracles. Eye of life. Arc of salvation. Standard bearer. Master of all masters. Destroyer of the idols that were placed in the Kaaba. The greatest virtue amongst the virtues of RasoolAllah (saw). Protector of RasoolAllah (saw) and cannot bear to see Him (RasoolAllah saw) in sufferings. Allah made His (Moula asws) lover as His (Allah) lover and His (Moula asws) enemy as His (Allah) enemy. In His other names al Tasneem, al Tazkira, al Tabah, al Tabi,

(Manaqib Third Vol pg 70)

Tha ث

1. Thaqal RasoolAllah (saw) (Equal to RasoolAllah saw)

Saeed bin Jabir narrates from Ibne Abbas (ra) that RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Ali (asws) is My successor and My caliph. His wife Fatima (sa) is Mistress of the Women of Jannah and My Daughter. Hasan (as) and Hussain (as) are Masters of the Youths of Jannah and My Sons.

One who loves Them loves Me. One who is enemy to Them is enemy to Me. One who oppresses Them oppresses Me. One who associates with Them has associated with Allah.

One who abandons Them Allah will abandon Him. Allah helps those who help Them. Allah leaves those alone who left Them alone. Ali (asws), Fatima (sa), Hasan (as), Hussain (as),

and My Ahlul Bayt (as) are equal to Me. O’Allah! Keep all impurities away from Them and purify Them with a thorough cleansing!

(Basharit ul Mustafa pg 16)

2. Thawab (Reward)

RasoolAllah (saw) said to Moula Ali (asws), “Allah has promised the best reward for You and Your shia. (Allah has the best reward for You)(3:195)

(Tafseer e Burhan First Edition pg 333)

Asbagh bin Nabata narrates regarding this ayah that was revealed for Moula Ali (asws),

“they shall have gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding in them; an entertainment from their Lord, and that which is Allah is best for the righteous” (3:198) RasoolAllah (saw) said, “O’Ali (asws)! You are that reward and those who will live in jannah are Your helpers.”

(Tafseer Ayyashi First Edition pg 212)

3. Thumr ul Janni (Fruit of jannah)

In the ziarat of Ameerul Momineen (asws) it is written, “Salam be upon You O’Fruit of Jannah! Salam be upon You O’ RasooAllah (saw)! Salam be upon You O’Slave of Allah!

Salam be upon You O’Trustee of Allah! Salam be upon the one who is blessed by Allah an d choosen from amongst His creation! Salam be upon You O’Friend of Allah! Salam be upon You from the darkness of the night until the light of the day! Salam be upon You as long as silence is silent and the speaking speak and as long as the stars shine! Blessing and mercy of Allah be upon You! Salam be upon You O’ our Master Ameerul Momineen Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) who possesses great attributes and virtues! He is the destroyer of armies! A severe punishment upon the enemies of Allah! Who is a great fighter in the way of Allah!

One who will make Momineen drink from the spring of Kausar! Salam be upon You, O’

Great blessing of Allah! Salam be upon You, O’ Master of Momineen! Protector of the tauheed (Oneness) of Allah! The slayer of mushriks (polytheists)! Successor of the Prophet of Allah! May the blessing and mercy of Allah be upon You! Salam be upon You whom Allah testified to through Jibrael (as)! Whom Allah helped through Mikaeel (as)! Whom Allah gave such great status in both worlds! Whom Allah blessed with all things! May the blessing of Allah be upon Him and His Holy Offspring and Aimmah (as) who enjoined the good and forbid the evil and who made prayer as wajib (compulsory) upon us, ordered us to pay zakat, ordered us to fast in Ramazan, taught us Quran. Salam be upon You, O’Ameerul Momineen (asws)! O’ Master of religion! Salam be upon You O’Door of Allah! Salam be upon You O’ Eye of Allah! His Hand! His Ear! His wisdom! His absolute blessing! You are the wrath of Allah upon kafirs! Salam be upon You O’Distributor of Heaven and Hell! Salam be upon You O’Reward of the pious and wrath upon the sinners! Salam be upon You O’Master of the Pious! Salam be upon You O’Brother of RasoolAllah (saw), His cousin, His son in law, and who was created from the same clay as RasoolAllah (saw). Salam be upon You O’Immortal! Salam be upon Abul Hasan Ali (asws)! Salam be upon You O’Tree of Jannah!

Salam be upon You O’ Sidrat ul Muntaha! Salam be upon Adam (as) who is the blessed slave of Allah! Salam be upon Nuh (as) prophet of Allah! Salam be upon Ibrahim (as) friend of Allah, Salam be upon Musa (as) the one who spoke with Allah, Salam be upon Isa (as) soul of Allah, Salam be upon Muhammad (saw), friend of Allah, Salam be upon all prophets, martyrs, and pious and their friends. Salam be upon the Noor of all Noors! Salam be upon the lineage of Sacred Personalities! Salam be upon the Father of Masoomeen (as)! Salam be upon the strong rope of Allah! Salam be upon the great side of Allah! Salam be upon the Trustee of Allah upon the earth, His caliph and His ruler! The Protector of His religion who speaks with His (Allah) wisdom! Salam be upon You, O’Brother of RasoolAllah (saw),

Husband of Syeda (sa), Sword of Allah, Way of guidance, Protector from destruction, whom Allah remembered in His Book and said, “He is Umm al Kitab and Most High Most Wise”.

Salam be upon O’Favorite Name of Allah! Salam be upon O’Face of Allah and His Side! Salam be upon Hujjat ul Allah (proof of Allah), His successors, His blessed and chosen! Blessing of Allah be upon all!

(Mafatiha ul Jinan pg 427)

4. Thaqab ul Kasaf

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am thaqab ul kasaf”.

5. Thaban ul Kaleem

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am thaban ul kaleem”.

6. Thabeer ul Tark

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am thabeer ul tark”.

7. Thalit (Groups)

Abu Saeed al Maidini narrates from Imam Sadiq (as) regarding this ayah, “a multitude of those of old and a multitude of those of later time” (56:39-40), Imam (as) said, “The first was Hazqeel who was momin from Aal e Firoan and the other is Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).”

(Taweel ul Ayat pg 621)

*And from amongst your names it is thaqal (heavy), thawab (reward) and thalit (groups).

(Manaqib Third Edition pg 70)