Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

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Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws) Author:
Translator: Syed Jazib Reza Kazmi
Publisher: Wilayat Mission
Category: Imam Ali

Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Author: Abdul Rasool
Translator: Syed Jazib Reza Kazmi
Publisher: Wilayat Mission

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Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Publisher: Wilayat Mission

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1. Junb Allah (Duty to Allah)

Imam Musa Kazim (as) says regarding this ayah, “O’ woe to me! For what I fell short of in my duty to Allah” (39:56), Imam (as) said, duty to Allah is Ameerul Momineen (asws) and the Imams (as) who came after Him.”

(Usool e Kafi First Edition pg 145)

2. Jalis ala Al Fardoos (One who sits on Fardoos)

Hasan Basra narrates from Abdullah that RasoolAllah (saw) said, “On the day of judgment, Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) will sit on Fardoos, a high mountain in Jannah. Allah’s Throne will be above it and rivers will be flowing under it. Ali (asws) will sit on a chair made from noor on the top of this mountain. No one will be able to cross the Bridge except those who possess the letter of the Wilayat of Ahlul Bayt (as). Their lovers will be the dwellers of jannah and Their enemies will be the inmates of hell.”

(Manaqib pg 31)

3. Jun ul Shoams (Brightness of Suns)

Moula (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the brightness of suns”.

4. Johir ul Qadim

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am johir al qadim”.

5. Jamaa al Ayat (Compiler of Signs)

Moula (asws) says in Khutba Bayan , “I am the compiler of signs”.

6. Johir al Iklas (Pearl of Sincerity)

Moula (asws) says in Khutba Bayan , “I am the pearl of sincerity”.

7. Jumlit al Anaam

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am jumlit al anaam”.

8. Ginnah al Buraq (Wing of Buraq)

Moula (asws) says in Khutba Bayan , “I am the wing of Buraq”.

9. Jaal al Aalim al Qaleem (Creator of the nations of the world)

Moula (asws) says in Khutba Tutanjiya, “I am the one who established the nations of the world.”

10. Janbutha

In Khutba Tutunjiya, Moula Ali (asws) said, “All praise be to Allah who divided the heavens and established the atmosphere and laid out the immense universe and caused the Luminance to shine and gave life to the dead and caused the living to die. I praise Him with such a shining and elevated praise, a praise that is luminescent and ascends to the highest reaches of the heavens. He created the heavens without pillars and set them up right without any supports. Then He beautified the heavens with radiant planets and caused the dark clouds to be trapped within their spheres. He created the ever flowing oceans and caused the mountains to rise. When He unleashed their waters, their mighty waves were massive. I give praise unto Him and to Him all praise is due. I testify there is no god but Him and I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His servant and His Messenger and He was chosen by Allah as the best from amongst the creation. Allah sent Him unto the Arabs and appointed Him to guide others for He Himself was rightly guided. He was indeed wonderous. Muhammad (saw) presented proof before the people and the muslims gained guidance through Him. Allah established His religion through Him, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him and His Holy Family.

O’people! Turn repentantly towards Me and hold fast to your pledge of allegiance with Me, remain steadfast in your faith with absolute certainty. Hold fast to the Successor of the Prophet in whom lies your salvation and whose love is your refuge on the day of judgment.

I am hope and I am the one to be hoped for.

I am the one that stands upon Two Gulfs!

I am the one that looks upon the east and the west. I have seen the glories of the heavens with My own eyes while the seventh heaven was moving in its orbit and within it were the stars and their orbits. I saw the earth folded like a small cloth lying within its foundations on the right side facing the east and the Twin Gulfs. On the left of the Two Gulfs lies a vast expanse of water. I saw the circle that was surrounding all of this and the heavens keeping all that there was within was like nothing more than a ring upon the finger of thy Lord. I saw the sun as it was setting and it was like a bird that is searching for its nest. If it were not for the Lord of Paradise and the Two Gulfs, then all that is in the heavens and the earth would hear its tumultuous descent into the Black Water that is known as the Warm Fountain. I know the secrets of Allah that no one knows except Allah Himself. I know all that was and all that will be even with those who preceded the First Adam (as). I knew for all things were revealed unto Me. Therefore, hasten and do not cause an uproar. If I knew you would not say, “Ali (asws) has gone astray and left His Iman”, then I would inform you of all of the happenings regarding the day of judgment. I am the trustee of all of the knowledge which has been hidden from all of the prophets except for the Lord of this Sharia (Muhammad saw). He taught Me His knowledge and I taught Him My knowledge.

Verily, We are the warners of old and shall continue to be the everlasting warners from Allah.

All those who will be destroyed will be destroyed through Us and all those who will receive salvation will do so through Us. You will never be able to comprehend Our station. I swear by the righteous of the One whose authority causes the seed to grow and breathes the spirit of life into all things, by Him who alone is glorious and all mighty. The world and all of its temptations were lain before Me. Yet I turned away from it. Then how is it that I shall be overcome by such events?

I know all that is above the highest reaches of jannah and all that which is below the lowest depths of the seventh ocean and all that is between them. I came into being while having possession of this knowledge. I did not have to acquire it. I swear by the Lord of the Tremendous Throne, if I desired I could inform you as to where all of your forefathers were and from whom they descend and where they are now and how it was they came to be in their place! How many of you are devouring the property of your brother and drinking the fountainhead of your father while at the same time wishing to be with them! If you only knew! When all that is hidden becomes known and all that which is hidden in the chests of men is revealed, I swear by Allah, you will have already been returned to clay and you will have already been given your just favours. How many signs were there for you from those who had died and those who were slain. I know all that is hidden within all of the creation.

Mankind is between those who have departed and those that are being encouraged on. If I were to show you all that has been revealed unto Me from times of old until the end of time that has no end, then you would be amazed by many a wondrous event.

I am the Lord of the First Creation before the First Nuh (as). If you could comprehend, then I would tell you of all that was between Adam (as) and Nuh (as) and of all the nations I brought about and all of those nations I caused to be destroyed. I am the Lord of the First and Second Floods. I am the Lord of the Deluge of Iram. I am the Lord of Secrets. I am the Lord of Ad and its gardens. I am the Lord of Thamud and its wondrous signs. I am also the one who destroyed Thamud. I am the one that caused the earth to quake. I am the creator of those civilizations and their destroyer. I am the cause of their end and the cause of their beginning. I am the first and the last. I am the Zahir (apparent) and the Batin (hidden). I am the beginning of all beginnings. I was with the Pen before the Pen. I was with the Tablet before it was revealed. I am the Lord of the First Creation. I am the Lord of Jabulqa and Jabulsa. I am the Lord of Rafraf and Bahram. I am the one who established the creation before the existence of the heaven and the earth as you comprehend them to be.

The son of Suwairama said, “Are You that One?”

Ameerul Momineen (asws) replied, “I am that One”

There is no god but Allah who is My Lord and the Lord of the entire creation. He established the creation according to His wisdom and through His amr (command) raised the heavens and the earth. I am aware of those amongst you with weak iman who are saying: “Is this not the son of Abu Talib (as) whom just yesterday was overcome by the people of Syria and He sent Muhammad and Ibrahim to fight them?” Rest assured I shall fight on numerous occasions and I shall be victorious every time. I will fight their armies at Siffeen and I will give sustenance to the believers until justice is fulfilled. I will fight for Ammar (ra), Yassir (ra), and Owais e Qarani (ra). None shall say, “How, when or with whose support?”

We have been given the knowledge of all destinies and of all tribulations. We possess the knowledge of interpretation, revelation, and Fazl al Khitab (blessed speech) as well as knowledge of all future adversities and afflictions. There is nothing in the entire creation that We do not possess the knowledge of in its minutest details. This is the absolute truth.

Moula Ali (asws) pointed towards Imam Hussain (as) and said, “I will see Him when His noor departs from this world. I will be present with Him when the earth trembles and quakes. Those that claim to be believers will abandon Him. I swear by Allah, if I so desired, I could tell you each one of their names as well as their lineage from both parents from their beginning until the day of judgment.

Then Moula Ali (asws) said, “O’Jabir! You are with Haq and you will be with Haq in the hereafter and it is on haq that you will die.

O’Jabir! When the trumpet will ring loudly and the bewilderment encompasses man, on that day many a wondrous event will occur. The fire will ignited. The banner of the house of uthman will appear in the Black Valley. Basra will be plagued by doubts. They will attempt to overthrow one and another. The armies of Khurasan begin to depart and Shoaib, the son of Salih of Tamim will be followed in Taliqan. Saeed of Shusha will be followed in Khuzistan and the banner of the Kurds will be raised by the Amalekites. The Arabs will seek victory over Armenia and the Slavs. Heraclitus will submit to the elders of Sinan in Constantinople. After all of this has passed, you should anxiously await the revelation of the speaker of Mt Sinai. All of this shall pass with clear signs, easily seen by all. However, there are many a wondrous sign I have not mentioned and many explanations I have not disclosed for there is none amongst you that is able to bearthem.

I am the one who ordered Iblees (la) to perform sajda to Adam (as). I am the one who raised Idris to the heavens. I am the one through whom Isa (as) spoke from the cradle when He was still an infant. I am the one who caused the flattening of the valleys. I am the one who organized the Earth in its proper places. I am the one who divided it into its five parts, land sea, mountains, inhabited, and uninhabited. I am the one who separated the Red Sea from Tarjim and Aqim from the Red Sea. I am Tirathia, Janbutha, Barhilion, and Aliuthoutha. I am the one who brings forth from the oceans that which inhabits them.

Then Moula Ali (asws) gave Ammar bin Yassir 12,000 men whom were believers and followers of Allah and His Messenger, and each had 12,000 armies of angels to support them saying “Rejoice for you are the best of believers and after this there shall be a star through whom all things shall come to pass. The secrets and mysteries will become clear to you when Bahram and Keyvan rise together and become as One. When the trembling and quaking of the earth shall follow each other at rapid pace and the banners will be lifted up from the shores of Oxus to the desert of Babylon. Then you will come to know;

I am the one that caused the wind to blow. I am the remover of all difficulties. I am the Lord of Mt Sinai. I am that Noor. I am that blinding noor that was shone to Musa (as) and all was given unto Me by Allah, the Lord of Glory. I am the Lord of paradise. I am the one that causes the rivers to flow from the divine currents of milk and honey.

I am the one that caused the fires of hell to blaze and established its many levels. First the hell of Saeer. Then the hell of Saqar and lastly the lowest parts of hell that have been made for the transgressors. All of these are maintained in the Valley of Solitude. Again I swear by the Lord who brings for the dawn, the Lord of all creation, within this valley lies both Jibt and Taghut along with their servants and whosoever denies the Lord of this world and the hereafter.

I am the creator and sustainer of all of the expanses of this world by the command of the one who is all knowing and all wise. I am the Word through which all things come into being and through which the universes are lain in their orbits. I am the one who made the domains of the earth to be four and the islands to be seven; the domain of the South is the receiver of all glory, the domain of the North is to be the authority and dominion, the domain of Sheba is to be the center of earthquakes and the Desert domain is to be the center of many afflictions. Woe be to those who will come attempting to destroy and distort justice. Woe will be when afflictions rise from that government of eunuchs, ignorant, and effeminate rulers. On that day, many a liar shall come forth bring a claim of falsehood. On that day, wait anxiously for your arc of salvation. On that day Allah will make the dirt of Najaf into treasures of gold that shall be strewn wherever the believer shall set his foot and with that same dust of gold, the kafirs and munafiqs (hypocrites) will be exposed. Then the valley of bright red rubies, pearls, and emeralds be looked upon as worthless. This will be a a clear sign and when it occurs the noor of Allah will shine forth and His Glory will become manifest. All that you desire and all that is hidden within you will become known.

O’you whose desires are like that of the cattle and beasts of the fields! What will be your status when the banners of the sons of Kenan and those of uthman fall upon you in the battlefield? Know without doubt these events will never be known by one related to umayya or ady.

Then Moula Ali (asws) wept and then said, “O’Alas for the nations! Soon some munafiqs (hypocrites) will say that “Ali (asws) has claimed the godhead for Himself” but you are witness that “Ali (asws) is truly a created being, a servant, nourished of divine sustenance and whoever denies this shall be accursed by Allah”.

Moula Ali (asws) then descended the mimbar and said, “I seek refuge with Him who created the heavens and the earth. I seek protection through Him who possesses all Authority and Glory. O’people! No one will say these words but when trials and tribulations fall upon man it is that same Allah who will cause them to be removed through this prayer.”

Jabir said, “Only those words?”

Moula Ali (asws) spoke 13 more words and then left.

11. Janab ul Tur (voice of Tur)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the voice of Tur”.

12. Jarjis al Faranj

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Jarjis al Faranj”.

13. Jod ul Jawad

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Jod ul Jawad.”

14. Jalist al Asaad

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Jalist al Asaad”.

15. Jowaz al Sarat (Passage over Pul e Sirat)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the safe passage over Pul e Sirat (bridge between heaven and hell).”

16. Jadool al Hasab (Scale of Accountability)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the scale of accountability”.

17. Junbata al Zanj

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Janabatul Zanj.”

18. Joharat al Thameenat (Precious Pearl)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the precious pearl”.

19. Jabil Qaaf

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Jabil Qaaf”.

20. Jabil al Shamakh (Holy Mountain)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the Holy Mountain”.

21. Jabil al Rasikh (Strong Mountain)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the strong mountain”.

22. Jamaa al Quran (Compiler of Quran)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the compiler of Quran”.

*Al Jasi, Al Jamia, wal Jar, wal Jawad (Manaqib Third Edition pg 70)

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1. Hasanat (Virtue)

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Ali(asws)’s love is such virtue that no evil can harm. His hatred is such evil that no virtue will be of benefit.”

(Yanabil Muwaddah pg 239)

2. Haq (Truth)

Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) said regarding this ayah, “And they ask you: Is this true? Say; Yes, by My Lord, it is most surely the truth” (10:53), “O’Muhammad (saw)! When the people of Mecca ask You regarding Ali (asws) say “He is My Imam and My Lord is truth”.

(Amali Sudooq pg 601)

3. Habil Min Allah (Rope from Allah)

Aban bin Taghlab narrates “I asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) regarding this saying of Allah, “Abasement shall be their portion wheresoever they are found except where they grasp a rope from Allah and a rope from men” (3:112), Imam (as) said, “The rope from Allah is His Book and the rope from amongst the people is Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as)”.

(Tafsir e Furat pg 14)

4. Habil Allah (Rope of Allah)

Ibne Abbas (ra) narrates “One day I was with RasoolAllah (saw) when a man came and asked RasoolAllah (saw) regarding this ayah, “And hold fast by the rope of Allah all together and do not separate” (3:103). The man asked, “Who is the rope of Allah?”

RasoolAllah (saw) replied, “I am the Prophet of Allah and Ali (asws) is the rope of Allah.”

The man left saying, “I believe in the Prophet of Allah and hold fast to His Rope”.

(Tafseer e Furat pg 14)

5. Habib Allah (Beloved of Allah)

Mujahid narrates from Ibne Abbas (ra) that RasoolAllah (saw) said, “I saw written on the door of jannah, “La illaha illallah, Muhammad rasoolullah, Ali habibullah, Hasan wa Hussain safatullah, Fatima (sa) amatullah, Allah’s curse be upon Their enemies”.

(Al Juwahir al Sunnah pg 170)

6. Hakeem min Al Hukmaa (Wisest of the Wise)

Zahak bin Mazahim narrates, “Once, after the mayrtyrdom of Moula Ali (asws), some people mentioned Moula Ali (asws) to Ibne Abbas (ra). He said, “Alas! Abul Hasan (asws) has departed. Neither did He change nor did He collect anything nor did He prefer anything other than Allah. I swear by My Lord, this world was even less than the sole of His shoes to Him. He was a lion in the war, a great speaker on the mimbar (pulpit), and wisest of the wise. Alas! He has gone towards His Lord.”

(Amali Sudooq pg 366)

7. Habik (Paths)

Abu Hamza Thumali narrates, “I asked Imam Abu Jafar (as) regarding this ayah, “I swear by the heaven full of paths” (51:7), Imam (as) said, “Heaven is RasoolAllah (saw) and the paths are Ameerul Momineen (asws) and His Ahlul Bayt (as).”

(Tafseer e Furat pg 441)

8. Harab

Moula Ali (asws)’s Father named Him “Harab”.

9. Hamil Lowaa al duniya wa al akhira (Standard bearer of RasoolAllah (saw) in this world and in the hereafter)

Moula Ali (asws) said, “The flag in My hand will only fall down if My hand is cut off.”

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “In that case place the flag in Ali (asws)’s left hand because He is My standard bearer in this world and in the hereafter”.

(Zaikhir ul Uqba pg 35)

10. Haider

Moula Ali (asws)’s Mother named Him “Haider”. There is also a saying of Moula (asws) regarding this name. “I am the one whose Mother named Him as “Haider”. I attack savagely like the lions of the jungle.”

Umar bin Khattab narrates, “I saw a snake slithering into the cradle of Ali (asws).

Ali (asws) reached out His hand, grabbed the snake, placed His fingers in its mouth, and held it very strongly. Then He ripped it apart. When His Mother saw this scene, She screamed, and the people gathered around. Then She said, “You are Haider”. It means the lion who ripped everything apart.”

(Al Qatra First Edition pg 73)

11. Hujjat ul Azma (Greatest Proof)

Asbagh bin Nabata narrates, “Ameerul Momineen (asws) said, “I am caliph, successor, and inheritor of RasoolAllah (saw). I am the brother of RasoolAllah (saw). I am the chosen one of RasoolAllah (saw). I am the friend of RasoolAllah (saw). I am His cousin and Husband of His Daughter (sa), and Father of His Children (as). I am the Master of Successors. I am the Successor of the Master of the Prophets. I am the greatest proof and sign. I am the greatest example. I am the door of Muhammad (saw). I am the greatest help. I am the sign of taqwa (piety). I am trustee of Allah and His zikr (remembrance) upon His creation.”

(Biharul Anwar 39th Vol pg 335)

12. Hajir al Ain

In Scriptures, Moula Ali (asws)’s name is Hajir al Ain.

13. Harm Allah al Akbar (Greatest Harm of Allah)

Khaseema narrates Imam Sadiq (as) said to me, “O’ Khaseema! We are the tree of nabuwat (prophet hood) and house of mercy. We are the treasures of wisdom and the house of risalat. Angels come to Us. We are the secrets of Allah. We are the Trustees of Allah upon His creation. We are the greatest harm of Allah. We are the promise of Allah whoever is loyal to Us has kept His promise of allegiance to Allah and one who breaks it has broken his promise of allegiance with Allah.”

(Usool e Kafi First Edition pg 221)

14. Hujjat al Khasam (Proof upon the enemies)

In the ziarat of Imam Jafar Sadiq (as), “Salam be upon You, O’ the Pious Successor! Salam be upon You, O’ Greatest News! Salam be upon You, O’ Successor of the Prophet of Allah!

Salam be upon You, O’ Best Creation of Allah! I testify that You are the beloved of Allah and His Most Beloved Servant. Salam be upon You, O’ Wali of Allah! Salam be upon You, O’Secret ofAllah and Trustee of His Knowledge and Trustee of His Wahi (revelation)! May my parents be sacrificed upon You! Salam be upon You, O’ Complete Noor of Allah! I testify that You conveyed that Amr (command) that Allah and RasoolAllah (saw) appointed You to convey. May my parents be sacrificed upon You! You are the Proof of Allah upon His enemies! You established the orders of Allah and guarded that trust and worshipped Allah with great sincerity until the death came! Blessings and mercy of Allah be upon You and all Masoomeen (as)”.

(Mafatih ul Jinan pg 425)

15. Haq ul Yaqeen

Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said regarding this ayah, “Verily! He is Haqqul Yaqeen!” (69:51),

Imam (as) said, “Verily! Haqqul Yaqeen is Ameerul Momineen (asws). One who denies this has turned away from haqq (truth).”

(Tafseer e Burhan Fourth Vol pg 380)

16. Hafiz ul Alowah (Protector of Tablets)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the protector of tablets”.

17. Hujjat ul Hajjaj (Proof upon proofs)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the proof upon proofs”. This saying of Moula (asws) refers to the fact that He is the Father of Masoomeen (as). Moula (asws) is Allah’s proof upon His creation and all of His creation is dependent upon Moula (asws). This is why Moula (asws) said, “I am the proof upon every proof”.

18. Haris ul Ashraq (Protector of World)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the protector of the world”.

19. Habil Allah al Almateen (Strong rope of Allah)

Ibne Yazid narrates, “I asked Abul Hasan (asws) regarding this ayah, “Behold the rope of Allah” (3:103). Imam (as) said, “Ali (asws) is that strong rope of Allah.”

(Tafseer e Burhan First Vol 194)

20. Habil min al Nas (Rope amongst people)

Yunus bin AbduRahman and other companions narrate from Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) regarding this ayah, “except from a rope from Allah and a rope from men” (3:112), Imam (as) said, “The rope from Allah is His Book and the rope from amongst the people is Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).”

(Tafseer Ayyashi First Vol pg 196)

21. Haqqa

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Noorania, “I am al Haqqa”.

22. Hizb Allah (Party of Allah)

Ibne Abbas (ra) narrates regarding this ayah, “And whoever takes Allah and His Messenger and those who believe for a guardian, then surely the party of Allah are they that shall be triumphant” (5:56), that the party of Allah is Ameerul Momineen Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).

(Tafseer Furat pg 129)

23. Habil ul Matteen (Strong Rope)

Moula Ali (asws) says to Syeda (sa), “I am the strong rope”.

24. Hawameem

Moula Ali (asws) says to Syeda (sa), “I am Hawameem”.

25. Hayat al Arifeen (Life of Arifeen (people who have marifat)

Moula Ali (asws) says to Syeda (sa), “I am the life of the people who have marifat”.

26. Hawi al Mazlat

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am Hawi al Mazlat”.

27. Hatim al Aajim

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am Hatim al Aajim”.

28. Hijab al Ghafoor (Veil of Allah)

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am the Veil of Allah”.

29. Hamil al Ikleel

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am hamil al ikleel.”

30. Hafeef Arman

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am Hafeef of Arman”.

31. Habib al Ahbab (Friend of Friends)

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am the friend of friends.”

32. Hafaz al Kalimat (One who remembers words)

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am the one who remembers the word”.

33. Hameera

Amongst the Turkish Moula Ali (asws)’s name is Hameera.

(Fazail ibn Shazaan pg 175)

34. Haqeeqat al Asrar (Reality of secrets)

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am the reality of secrets.”

35. Ham al Anaf

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am Ham al Anaf”.

36. Hua al Huameem

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am Hua al Huameem”.

37. Hafaz al Quran (memorizer of Quran)

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am Hafiz al Quran (memorizer of Quran)”.

38. Hafeef al Ary

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am Hafeef al Ary”.

39. Haider al Aslaa

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am Haider al Aslaa”.

40. Hamil al Lowaa (Standard Bearer)

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am the standardbearer”.

41. Hatimul Adayan (guide of religions)

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am the guide of religions.”

42. Haqeeqatul Adayan (reality of the religion)

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am the reality of religion”.

43. Haleelat al Makhalid

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am Haleelat al Makhalid”.

44. Hikmat ul Amoor (wisdom of all commandments)

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am the wisdom of all commandments”.

45. Hikmat ul Hikmat (Wisdom of wisdom)

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am the wisdom of wisdom”.

46. Hafaz al Tariqat

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am Hafiz al Tariqat”.

47. Hafiz al Ayat (memorizer of tablets)

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am the memorizer of verses”.

48. Hafiz al Alowah (Memorizer of Tablets)

Moula Ali (asws) in Khutba Bayan, “I am the memorizer of tablets.”

*Al Hitta, wal Hijab, wal Haider, wal Hakim, wal Hamid, wal Hameed, wal Habir, wal Haqq, wal Habal, wal Husna, wal Hafiz, wal Haleem, wal Hakeem, wal Hamil Lowa al Hamd.