Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

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Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws) Author:
Translator: Syed Jazib Reza Kazmi
Publisher: Wilayat Mission
Category: Imam Ali

Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Author: Abdul Rasool
Translator: Syed Jazib Reza Kazmi
Publisher: Wilayat Mission

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Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Publisher: Wilayat Mission

Kha خ

1. Khairul Barit (Best Creation)

Hussain bin Saeed narrates from Maaz regarding this ayah, “As for those who believe and do good surely they are the best of creation” (98:7) was revealed for Ameerul Momineen (asws).

(Tafseer e Furat pg 218)

2. Khairul Ummat (Best of the ummah)

Abu Huraira narrates RasoolAllah (saw) said, ‘Ali (asws), Fatima (sa), Hasan (as) and Hussain (as) are the best of the ummah after Me. May the curse of Allah be upon those who deny this.”

(Maya al Munqaba pg 39)

3. Khairul Bashir (Best of men)

Uthman bin Zubair Al Maliki narrates “I saw Jabir walking in the streets of Ansar with the aid of a walking stick. He was saying “Ali (asws) is the best of men. One who denies this has commited kufr. O’Ansars! Raise your children with the love of Ali (asws). The one who denies you should look at his mother (meaning he is illegitimate).” Moula Ali (asws) said that RasoolAllah (saw) said, “O’Ali (asws)! You are the best of men. Only a kafir will deny this!”

(Amali Sudooq pg 69 and Ilal ul Sharie pg 142)

Huzaifa Yamani narrates RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Ali (asws) is the best of men. One who denies has commited kufr”.

(Biharul Anwar 38th Vol pg 6)

4. Khairatullah (Chosen by Allah)

Moula Ali (asws) narrates RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Allah looked upon the earth and chose Me. Second time He looked and chose You after Me for the guidance of My ummah. After Us, there will be no other like Us.”

(Ayun ul Akbar al Reza (as) Second Vol pg 67)

5. Kharisiya

In the Scriptures of Ibrahim (as) Moula (asws)’s name is Kharisiya.

(Maani ul Akbar)

6. Khairul Wasieen (Best of the Successors)

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “O’people! Verily, Ali (asws) is Caliph of Allah after Me. Verily, He is Ameerul Momineen (asws) and best of the successors. One who abandons Him has abandoned Me. One who oppresses Him has oppressed Me. One who tries to overcome Him has tried to overcome Me. One who is disloyal to Him is disloyal to Me. One who hates Him hates Me. One who loves Him loves Me because He is My brother and My successor. Ali (asws) and I were created from the same Noor.”

(Ayun al Akbar al Reza (as) Second Vol pg 13)

7. Khaleel Allah (Friend of Allah)

Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) narrates from His Father and His Grandfather, Imam Hussain (as) bin Ali (as) that RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) is Mine and Allah’s caliph, the friend of Allah as well as Mine, Beloved of Allah as well as My beloved, and sword of Allah as well as Mine. He is My brother, My friend, and My successor. One who loves Him love Me. One who is envious with Him is envious with Me. His friend is My friend and His enemy is My enemy. His Wife (sa) is My Daughter (sa) and His Sons (as) are My Sons (as). His war is My war. His words are My words. His order is My order. Ali (asws) is the Master of Successors and Best of My ummah.”

(Maya Munqaba pg 9)

8. Khairul Nas (Best among the people)

Imam Abu Jafar Muhammad (as) bin Ali (as) al Baqir (as) narrates “I heard Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari saying, “One day RasoolAllah (saw) was at the place of Umm Ibrahim (as).

His companions were also with Him. When Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) came, RasoolAllah (saw) looked upon Him and said, “O’ people! The best person after Me has arrived in your midst. Ali (asws) is your Moula. Obedience of Him is wajib (compulsory) the same way obedience to Me is wajib upon you. Disobeying His is haram (forbidden) the way disobeying Me is haram. O’ people! I am the city of wisdom and Ali (asws) is its key. No one can enter into the house without a key. The one who hates Ali (asws) but says he loves Me has lied.”

(Biharul Anwar 38th Vol pg 102)

9. Khairul Awaliya (Best Wali)

Abu Ayyub Ansari narrates RasoolAllah (saw) said, ‘On the night of Miraj when I ascended to the heavens and reached Sidrat ul Muntaha, I heard the wind singing a song. I asked Jibrael (as), “What is this?” He replied, “This is Sidrat ul Muntaha who is a lover of Your Cousin Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).” When it looked upon RasoolAllah (saw), a crier could be heard saying these words from his Lord, “Muhammad (saw) is the best prophet and Ameerul Momineen Ali (asws) is the best wali. Those who have marifat of His Wilayat are the best creation. Their Lord will reward them with jannah that will filled with flowing rivers, and they will remain there for eternity. Allah is pleased with Ali (asws) and His Ahlul Bayt (as). They are Noor of Allah and associated with His mercy. They are the closest to Allah. Tuba is for Them. On the day of judgment, the entire creation will see Their status with Allah.”

(Tafseer e Furat pg 219)

10. Khalifatul Allah (Caliph of Allah)

Abu Abdullah Jafar (as) bin Muhammad (as) al Sadiq narrates “On the day of judgment, a crier will be heard from the Arsh saying, “Where is the Caliph of Allah upon the earth?”

Prophet Dawood (as) will stand. Then the voice will come, “We do not mean You even though You were a caliph of Allah”. Again the voice will ask, “Where is the Caliph of Allah?”

Then Ameerul Momineen (asws) will stand up and the voice of Allah will come, “O’ My creation! This is Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as). He is My caliph on the earth and My Hujjat (proof) upon My creation. One who was associated with His love in the world will be associated with His love today and will go into jannah.” Then Imam (as) said, ‘The people who were associated with the love of Ameerul Momineen (asws) will stand up. Moula Ali (asws) will take them towards jannah. Then a voice of Allah will be heard saying, “O’ people who followed Ali (asws) in the world, now follow Him towards jannah!”

“When those who were followed shall renounce those who followed them and they see the chastisement and their ties are cut asunder. And those who followed shall say: Had there been for us a return, then we would renounce them as they have renounced us.

Thus will Allah show them their deeds to be an anguish for them and they will not emerge from the Fire”. (2:166-167)

(Amali al Tulsi First Vol pg 97)

11. Khair min Khalf al Nabi (Best Inheritance of RasoolAllah saw)

I heard Ans bin Malik saying he heard from Salman Farsi (as) that RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Verily, My Brother, My Successor, and My Best inheritance is Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) whom I left after Me.”

(Biharul Anwar 14th Vol pg 6)

12. Khalifatul Muhammad (saw) (Caliph of Muhammad saw)

Abdullah bin umar narrates RasoolAllah (saw) said to Ali (asws), “O’ Ali (asws)! On the day of judgment, a noor will come to You and upon Your head will be a crown whose light will be seen shining in every corner. People will feel as if they will become blind from the brightness of this light. The voice of Allah will be heard saying, “Where is the caliph of Muhammad (saw)?” You will say, “I am here”. A crier will announce, “O’Ali (asws)! Take those who have loved You into jannah and send those who were Your enemies into hell.

You are the distributor of heaven and hell.”

(Biharul Anwar 7th Vol pg 232)

13. Khatim al Wasieen (Seal of Successors)

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “I am the Seal of Prophets and Ali (asws) is the Seal of Successors”.

(Ayun al Akbar al Reza (as) First Vol pg 74)

14. Khazan Sar RasoolAllah (saw) (Trustee of the Secrets of RasoolAllah (saw)

Muhammad bin Mashkoor narrates “I heard Abu Amama saying, “We never doubted whenever Ali (asws) said anything because we heard RasoolAllah (saw) say, “Ali (asws) is the trustee of My secrets after Me”.

(Biharul Anwar 40th Vol pg 184)

15. Khasaf al Naal (Mender of Shoe)

Abu Saeed Khudri narrates “I heard RasoolAllah (saw) saying, “There is one amongst you who will fight upon Taweel ul Quran the way He fought Tanzeel ul Quran.” Abu Bakr said, “O’RasoolAllah (saw)! Am I that person?” RasoolAllah (saw) replied, “No, He is the one who is in the tent mending the shoe.” That person was Ameerul Momineen (asws) to whom RasoolAllah (saw) had given His shoe to mend.

(Al Ghadeer 3rd Edition pg 130)

16. Khairatullah min Khaliqat (Best of the creation of Allah)

Abu Nofal narrates I heard Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) saying, “We are the best creation of Allah.

Our shia are the best ummah (nation) of the Prophet.”

(Basharit ul Mustafa pg 95)

17. Khazanat (Precious treasure)

Imam Abu Musa (as) al Sadiq (as) narrates “When Allah created Us, He made Us the best of His creation. When He gave Us Our physical form, it was from the best of forms and made Us a precious treasure upon the earth and the heavens. Trees spoke to Us. Allah is being worshipped through Our worship if We had not come into existence, then Allah would have not been worshipped.”

(Usool e Kafi First Vol pg 193)

18. Al Mastakhalif (Representative of Allah upon the earth)

Abdullah bin Sinan narrates from Imam Sadiq (as) regarding this ayah of Quran, “Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good that He will most certainly make them representatives in the earth as He made representatives of those before them and that He will most certainly establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them” (24:55). Imam (as) said, “This ayah was revealed for Ameerul Momineen Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) and the Imams (as) from His offspring.” Then Imam (as) said, “This ayah “that He will most certainly establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them and that He wil most certainly, after their fear, give them security in exchange”(24:55) is in reference to the zahoor of Qaim (ajfts).”

(Taweel ul Ayat First Vol pg 368)

19. Khat

Moula Ali (asws) said, “I am dot. I am khat (letter). I am dot. I am dot. And I am khat.”

(Manqib ibn Shahr Ashoob Second Vol pg 327)

20. Khashaay (Submissive ones)

Ibne Abbas (ra) narrates regarding this saying of Allah, “And see assistance through patience and prayer, and most surely it is a hard thing except for the submissive ones.” (2:45), He says, “The most submissive in the prayers are RasoolAllah (saw) and Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).”

(Tafseer e Furat pg 20)

21. Khazan ilm Allah (Trustee of the Knowledge of Allah)

Moula Ali (asws) says to His Son Imam Hasan (as), “I am the trustee of the knowledge of Allah”.

22. Khaleel Jibrael (as) (Friend of Jibrael as)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the friend of Jibrael (as).”

23. Khairul Umam (Best of ummah)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the best of ummah.”

24. Khalasat al Asara

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am khulasatul asara”.

25. Khams al Kisa (Fifth of the Cloak)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the fifth of the Cloak”.

26. Khairat al Akhiyar (Best of the best)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am best of the best.”

27. Khairat ul Nireen

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am Khairatul Nireen”.

28. Khatim al Awajim

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am Khatim al Awajim”.

29. Khairatul Mahin

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am Khairatul Mahin”.

30. Khalifatul Risalat (Caliph of Risalat)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the caliph of risalat”.

31. Khila Khaleel

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am khila khaleel.”

32. Khiba al Qurah

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am Khiba al Qurah”.

33. Khair ul Awileen (Best of previous nations)

Rasool Allah (saw) looked upon Moula Ali (asws) and said, “You are the best of the previous nations. Those who are from the heavens and the earth. You are the master of those who are trustworthy, master of successors, Imam of muttaqeen (pious), and leader of the people with shining foreheads.”

(Maya al Munqaba pg 88)

34. Khashaay (Submissive ones)

Ibne Abbas (ra) narrates regarding this saying of Allah, “And seek assistance through patience and prayer, and most surely it is a hard thing except for the submissive ones.”

(2:45), He says, “The most submissive in the prayers are RasoolAllah (saw) and Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).”

(Tafseer e Furat pg 60)

35. Khali min kal zur (far from every lie)

Muttawakil asked Zaid bin Harrisa al Basri regarding Moula Ali (asws). He said, “Ali (asws) is one who is the order of justice and favor from Allah. He is the one who opened the doors of knowledge of the religions. He is the recitor of Quran and a threat to shaitan (la). He is the compiler of the orders of Quran. He is the ruler of man and jinns. He is far from every lie and evil. He is the proof for those who ask for proof. He is the one who remembered His Lord secretly and openly. He is the one who submitted Himself before His Lord when the darkness prevails. He is the best forgiver and most patient. He is the wrath upon the enemies of Allah. His knowledge is greater than anyone else. He is the most brave, most courageous. He is the one who established the laws of Allah. He is the Husband of the Best Woman (sa) and Allah mentions Him in His Book. He is the Wali of Momins. He guides those who seek guidance. He is the mercy for those who seek mercy.

*Khairul Bashar, Khairul Bariya, Khairul Ummah, Khairul Nas, Wal Khalifa, wal Khasif, wal Khazin, wal Khashaay, wal Khasam

Dal د

1. Deen

Zahri narrates from Imam al Sadiq (as) regarding this ayah, “As for those who believe and do good, they shall surely have a reward never to be cut off” (41:8), Imam (as) said, “This ayah was revealed for Salman (as), Miqdad (ra), Ammar (ra), and Abu Dharr (ra).

There is a reward for them that will never be cut off. This ayah , “Then who can give you the lie after this about the deen” (95:7), was revealed for Ameerul Momineen (asws).”

(Tafseer e Furat pg 27)

2. Dal

Ans bin Malik narrates, “RasoolAllah (saw) said, “On the day of judgment, Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) will be called by 7 different names. ‘O’Sadiq! O’ Dal! O’ Abd! O’ Hadi! O’

Mahdi! O’ Fatah! O’ Ali! He and His Shia will enter jannah without having to face accountability.”

(Maya Manqaba pg 50)

3. Daamatul Islam (Pillar of Islam)

Abu Hamza Thumali narrates from Imam Muhammad Baqir (as), “The foundation of Islam is based upon 5 pillars, establishing prayer, paying zakat, fasting in Ramadhan, hajj of beitullah, Wilayat of Ahlul Bayt (as).”

(Bashartul Mustafa pg 69)

4. Dawood fi Zahdah (Worship of Dawood)

Abdullah ibn Abbas narrates, “One day we were sat with RasoolAllah (saw). RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Anyone who wants to see Adam (as) in His knowledge, Nuh (as) in His wisdom, Ibrahim (as) in His generosity, and Musa (as) in His wisdom, and Dawood (as) in His worship should look upon the face of Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).”

(Basharatul Mustafa pg 277)

5. Diyan al deen (Ruler of the religion)

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) is My Hujjat (proof) upon My ummah (nation). He is ruler of My religion. The Imams (as) from His Offspring will establish the religion of Allah and will invite people towards My way. Allah remove all of the difficulties of His servants through Them, and They will be the source of the mercy of Allah.”

(Ayun al Akbar al Reza (as) Second Vol pg 56)

6. Dabah

Ameerul Momineen (asws) said, “I am the distributor of heaven and hell of Allah. No one can enter jannah (heaven) without My permission. I am the greatest farooq (honor). I am the Father of Imams (as). No one can proceed Me except Muhammad (saw). He and I will be on the same path. He will be called by His name and I will be called by 6 names; Ilm ul Mania, Ilm ul Baliya, Ilm ul Wasiya, Fasalul Kitab, Wasahibul Karat, and Dolatul Dhol. I am the Master of Asa and Meem. I am Dabah tul Ardh (a sign of the coming of the day of judgement).”

(Usool e Kafi First Edition pg 198)

7. Diyan al Nas (Ruler of men)

Mufasal bin umar narrates from Imam Sadiq (as). Imam (as) said, “Verily, Ameerul Momineen Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) is the ruler of men in this world and on the day of judgment. He is the distributor of heaven and hell. No one will be able to enter into heaven without His permission. Verily, He is the greatest farooq (honor).”

(Basairul Darjaat pg 410)

8. Daleel al Samawat (Proof of heavens)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the proof of heavens”.

9. Doosar al Brajum

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am Doosar al Brajum”.

10. Darflah al Fars

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am Darflah al Fars”.

11. Dafa al Shifaa

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am Dafa al Shifaa”.

12. Dayam al deen (pillar of religion)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the pillar of religion”.

13. Doha al Aslayah

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am Doha al Aslayah”.

14. Daraa al Haseen

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am Daraa al Haseen”.

Dooden al Khata; Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am Dooden al Khata”.

15. Daaya (summoner)

Abul Hasan Imam Musa (as) bin Jafar (as) narrates from His Father, “I asked from My Father regarding this ayah, “On that day they shall follow the summoner who deceiveth not” (20:108), Imam (as) said, “Al Dayaa (summoner) is Ameerul Momineen (asws).”

(Taweel ul Ayat pg 311)

*Guide, Master, Blessings, Most Pious, Most Pious Worshipper, Witness, Guides, One who is praised in every age, Caliph of RasoolAllah (saw),

Father of the Children of RasoolAllah (saw), One who fulfills every promise of Allah, Allah made Him as the Father of the Offspring of RasoolAllah (saw), Commander of the army of haqq (Truth), A hand that gives blessings, Manifestation of the names of Allah, Lion of Allah, One who prostrates before Allah, Master, Father,

Dhal ذ

1. Dhayad ain al Houz (One who will remove from the Pool of Kausar)

Jabir bin Abdullah (as) narrates, “We were lying in the mosque. RasoolAllah (saw) approached us in His hand was a palm branch. He asked, “Why are you lying in the mosque?” We replied, “We were tired and Ali (asws) was also with us.” RasoolAllah (saw) said, “O’Ali (asws)! Come to Me. Those things that are halal for Me to do in the mosque are also halal for You. You are to Me as Haroon (as) was to Musa (as) except there is no prophet after Me. I swear by the owner of My life, on the day of judgment, You will remove people from My Houz (pool of Kausar) the water a camel is removed from the water. You will be given a branch filled with thorns. I can see You by the Pool right now.”

(Manaqib al Khawarazmi pg 60)

2. Dhul Qalb

Jabir al Jaffi narrates from Imam Muhammad Baqir (as), “When Ameerul Momineen (asws) returned from Nehrwan, He delivered a sermon in the mosque of Kufa after being told muwaiyah (la) had been abusing Him and had slaughtered His companions; O’My Lord! I thank You for Your blessings which are uncountable. And I thank You for Your Mercy which cannot be forgotten. I am the brother of Rasool (saw) and His cousin. I am a curse upon the enemies of RasoolAllah (saw). I am the pillar of His help. I am that wrath whom Allah sent upon His enemies. I have full authority over the souls of man. I am the distributor of the displeasure of Allah. I am the names of Allah in Quran. Be aware! Do not try to interpret them according to your own desires. Otherwise you will go astray in your religion. Allah says “Certainly Allah is with those who do good deeds”. I am that good deed. Allah says, ‘Allah is with those who are trustworthy’. I am those who are trustworthy. I am the crier of this world and in the hereafter. Verily I am that ‘izn’ (ear) of Allah who hears those who call upon Allah and His Rasool (saw). Allah says ‘and those people who remember Allah all of the time’. I am from Those people as is My Uncle, My Brother, My Cousin, and all of the true companions of RasoolAllah (saw). None of those who are Our true lovers will enter into the jahannum (hellfire). None of Our enemies will enter into jannah (paradise). Allah says ‘on the day of judgment there will be a few people who will recognize each other by their signs’. I am that sign. Allah says ‘I am the one who created man with water’. Allah says ‘an ear will remember Him’. I am that Ear. I am the one who protected RasoolAllah (saw).

Remember! A munafiq (hypocrite) is recognized through My hatred and a momin is tested through My love. This is the promise of the Prophet that momin will love Me and munafiqs will hate Me. I am the inheritor of the flag of RasoolAllah (saw) in this world and in the hereafter. I swear by Allah, My lover will not be thirsty and afraid on the day of judgment. I have come to know muawiyah (la) has been abusive towards Me. O’Allah! Send Your eternal wrath upon him and curse him. O’ the Lord of the universe! O’ the Lord of Ismael (as)! O’ the Lord of Ibrahim (as)! Verily, You are the greatest!”

Then Moula (asws) descended from the mimbar and never again ascended the mimbar because ibn muljum (la) martyred Him. May the curse of Allah be upon him (ibn muljum la)!

(Maani ul Akbar pg 58)

3. Dhakar (male)

Amir bin Yassir narrates regarding this ayah, “So their Lord accepted their prayer; That I will not waste the work of a worker among you, whether male or female”(3:195), that male is Moula Ali (asws) and female is Syeda (sa).”

(Manqib pg 3)

4. Dhikr (Remembrance)

In the tafseer of this ayah, “Say: I do not ask you for any reward for it; nor am I of those who pretend. It is nothing except a reminder to the people” (38:86-87), Imam Sadiq (as) says, “This ayah was revealed for Ameerul Momineen (asws), and “And most certainly you will come to know about it after a time” (38:88) is in reference to the parents of Al Qaim (ajfts).”

(Roz al Kafi pg 287)

5. Dhu Qurani al Janah (Distributor of the treasures of heaven)

RasoolAllah (saw) said, “OAli (asws)! There are treasures in jannah for You, and You will be its distributor”.

(Maani ul Akbar pg 205)

6. Dhab ain al Nasuan (Titles and Kunyats of Ameerul Momineen asws)

Abul Hasan (as), Abul Hussain (as), Abu Bashir, Abu Turab, Abul Nooran, These are the kunyats of Ameerul Momineen (asws).

His titles are Ameerul Momineen, Syedul Wasieen, Leader of people with shining foreheads, One who fought against the oppressors, Leader of Momineen, Most trustworthy, Greatest farooq, Distributor of heaven and hell, Wasi (successor), Wali, Caliph, Judge of Religion, One who fulfills all of the promises of Allah, Lion of the universe, Standard bearer, One who will remove people from the Pool of Kausar, Leader of man and jinns, Anza al Bateen, Remover of the pains, Master of Religion, Door of repentance, Resident of earth, Best Judge, Most Glorified, Arc of Salvation, Clear Path, Purpose of guidance.

(Fazail ibn Shazaan pg 124)

7. Dhat al Dhawat (Reality of all realities)

Moula Ali (asws) said, “I am the reality of all realities. The reality of all realities is Me.”

(Mashariqul Anwar pg 31)

8. Dhakheerah al Shakoor

Moula Ali (asws) sayins in Khutba Bayan, “I am dhakhira al shakoor”.

9. Dharbis al Khataa

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am Dharbis al Khataa”.

10. Dharmaj al Arsh

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutbat ul Bayan, “I am Dharmaj al Arsh”.

11. Dhakheeratul Dhakhayar

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am dhakhiratul dhakhiar”.

*Other names of Ameerul Momineen (asws) are Dhikar, Dhakir, Dhahid, Dhariya, Dhul Qurba, Dhul Hin, and Dhul Nurain

Ra ر

1. Rahmah (mercy)

Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) was asked about this ayah, “Say; In the grace of Allah and in His mercy let them rejoice there in. It is better than what they gather” (10:58), Imam (as) said, “Grace of Allah is RasoolAllah (saw) and His Mercy is Ameerul Momineen (asws)”.

(Tafseer e Furat pg 62)

2. Radfah

Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) was asked about this ayah, “On the day when the first quaking shall quake and the second followeth it” (79:6-7), Imam (as) said, “In this ayah “al rajfah”

(quaking) is Imam Hussain (as) and al radfah(the second) is Ameerul Momineen (asws) who will appear along with Imam Hussain (as) and 95,000 companions on that day. This saying of Allah attests to this,”Most surely We help Our messengers, and those who believe, in this world, and on the day when the witnesses shall stand. The day on which their excuse shall not benefit the unjust and for them is curse and for them is the evil abode.” (40:51-52)

(Tafseer e Furat pg 203)

3. Raskh fi al Alim (full knowledge)

Abul Rahman bin Kaseer narrates from Imam Jafar Sadiq (as), “Ameerul Momineen (asws) and Aimma (as) have full knowledge.”

(Usool e Kafi First Edition pg 175)

4. Rayatul Hadi (Flag of guidance)

Abu Bureeda narrates from RasoolAllah (saw), “Allah took an oath of allegiance from Me regarding Ali (asws). I said, “O’My Lord! Associate Me with Ali (asws).” Allah said, “Listen!

Verily, Ali (asws) is the flag of guidance. He is Imam of Awliya. He is noor for those who obey Me. He is kalima of the muttaqeen (pious). One who loves Him loves Me. One who obeys Him obeys Me.”

(Maani ul Akbar pg 126)

5. Rabaa al arbaat (Fourth of Four)

Ibne Abbas (ra) narrates RasoolAllah (saw) said, “Ali (asws) is to Me like the blood in My body. One who loves Him is guided. One who loves Him has found the true path. One who obeys Him finds salvation. Ali (asws) is fourth of four in jannah. Myself, Hasan (as),

Hussain (as), and Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).”

(Maya Manqaba pg 28)

6. Rabaa al Khalifa (Fourth Caliph)

Ali (as) bin Al Hussain (as) narrates from His Father that Ameerul Momineen (asws) said, “May the curse of Allah be upon the one who does not consider Me as the fourth caliph”.

Hussain bin Zaid said to Imam Jafar (as) bin Muhammad (as), “How is it possible that Ameerul Momineen (asws) considers Himself the fourth caliph?” Imam (as) replied, “Allah said in His book, “And when your Lord said to the angels, I am going to place in the earth a caliph” (2:30), therefore Adam (as) is the first caliph. “O’Dawood (as) We made you as caliph upon the earth”, therefore Dawood (as) is the second caliph. Haroon (as) was caliph of Musa (as) so He is the third. Ameerul Momineen (asws) was caliph of Muhammad (saw), so He is the fourth caliph.”

(Maya Manqaba pg 38)

7. Rabib RasoolAllah (saw) (Raised by RasoolAllah saw)

Abul Hajjaj narrates, “It is a great blessing of Allah upon Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) when the Quraish boycotted Abu Talib (as) and His financial situation became destabilized and because Hz Abi Talib (as) had many children, RasoolAllah (saw) said to His uncle, Abbas (ra) who was very wealthy amongst Bani Hashim, “O’ My uncle! Your brother Abi Talib (as) has many children. As you are aware, Quraish have placed him in extreme difficulties. Let Us go to help him.” Therefore, Abbas (ra) took Jafar and RasoolAllah (saw) took Ali (asws).

Ali (asws) lived with RasoolAllah (saw) until He took His last breath. He helped RasoolAllah (saw), followed Him, believed Him and testified to Him.”

(Manaqib al Khawarzmi pg 17)

8. Rajal al A’araf (Man of Araaf)

Hasham asked Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) regarding this saying of Allah, “on the most elevated places there shall be men who know all by their marks” (7:46). Hasham asked, “What does it mean there will be men on araaf (elevated places)?” Imam (as) replied, “Do you not know there are people from amongst your tribe who know who is good and who is bad. We are those people who will know Our lovers by the marks on their foreheads”

Zadan said to Salman (as), “I have heard RasoolAllah (saw) say more than 10 times say regarding Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as), “You and Your Successors will be on Araaf between jannah and jahannum. No one will be able to enter into jannah except those who recognize You and You recognize them. Those who will deny You and You will deny them will be thrown into hell.”

(Tafseer Ayyashi Second Edition pg 22)

9. Rukan al deen (Pillar of Religion)

RasoolAllah (saw) to Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as), “You and Your Sons, Hasan (as) and Hussain (as), and the 9 Imams (as) from the Offspring of Hussain (as) are the pillars of religion. One who follows Us shall find salvation. One who denies Us has gone towards the path of fire.”

(Bashartul Mustafa pg 49)

10. Rayis al bakaian

Hajjaj asked Qambar (ra), the slave of Moula Ali (asws), “Who are you?” Qambar (ra) replied, “I am the slave of the one who fought with two swords. I am the slave of one who fought with two spears, who offered prayers towards two Qiblas, who made two bayyats and was never disobedient to Allah even for the blink of an eye. I am the slave of one who is master of Momineen, inheritor of prophets, master of successors, greatest muslim, master of religion, noor of those who fight in the way of Allah, master of those who cry during their prayers, the glory of worshippers, the light of believers, the most pious, tongue of Allah, first momin of Aal e Yaseen (as). I am the slave of one who is the teacher of Jibrael (as),

master of Mikael (as), one who was praised in all seven heavens, who is the killer of naqiseen (those who break their oath), markeen (rebels), and qasteen (kaffirs). I am the slave of one who is the protector of the honor of muslims, who fought against the enemies of Allah. I am the slave of one who is the treasure of Allah. I am the slave of one who is Ameerul Momineen (asws) and Successor of the Prophet (saw), who is the trustee of Allah upon His creation, and who is the caliph of Allah upon His every creation. I am the slave of oen who is the master of all muslims, Allah’s sword upon munafiqeen (hypo crites), kalima (testimony) of worshippers, helper of the religion of Allah. I am the slave of the Wali of Allah and His Kalima and His helper on this earth. I am the slave of the most glorified Imam (as). I am the slave of the master of the brave. I am the slave of the lion of Allah. I am the slave of the destroyer of the enemies of Allah, who is most sacred and the cousin of RasoolAllah (saw), Imam of those who are guided, master of arabs. I am the slave of the Father of Hasan (as) and Hussain (as). I swear by Allah, I am the slave of the Master of true Momineen , Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as), may the blessing of Allah be upon Him.

(Rajal al Lakshi pg 68)

11. Ruq al Munshoor (Scripture of Munshoor)

In the seventh ziarat of Ameerul Momineen (asws), it is written, “I testify that You are the sahifa al Munshoor (scripture of Munshoor).

12. Ramitul Qowasaf (Man with resonating voice)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “ I am the resonating voice”.

13. Rajal al A’araf (man of Araaf)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “ I am the the man of Araaf”.

14. Raqib al Marsad

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “ I am raqib al marsad”.

15. Rasid al Najm

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “ I am the rasid al najm”.

16. Rahmatul Nafaa (most benevolent mercy)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “ I am the most benevolent mercy”.

17. Raseen al Bala

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “ I am raseen al bala.”

18. Rayis al Masbahat (Master of those who praise Allah)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “ I am the master of those who praise Allah”.

19. Raskh al Jabil (strongest mountain)

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “ I am the strongest mountain”.

20. Rosiyan al Tarajam

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the rosiyan al turajam”.

21. Rooh al Ashabah

Moula Ali (asws) says in Khutba Bayan, “I am the rooh al ashabah”.

22. Rizwan Allah (will of Allah)

Jabir bin Yazid narrates from Imam Abu Jafar (as) regarding this ayah, “That is because they follow what is displeasing to Allah and are averse to His pleasure therefore He has made null their deeds” (47:28), Imam (as) said, “They disliked Ali (asws) and refused to follow Him while He was the pleasure of Allah and His Prophet.”

(Taweel ul Ayat pg 569)

23. Rafi

In the conversation with Sa’ad bin al Fazl, Ameerul Momineen (asws) said , “Ask Me. I am the greatest virtue. I am the one who is most oppressed. I am the one causes the rain to come from the clouds. I was given Book. I am the Quran. I am the greatest news. I am Sirat ul Mustaqeem (true path). I am Qalmoos. I am Afoos. I have knowledge regarding all of creation. I am the best of protectors. I am the most high. Every book speaks of My attributes. Every wise person testifies to My knowledge. I am Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as). I am brother of RasoolAllah (saw) and Father of His Grandsons (as).”

(Noor ul Moajizat pg 31)

*Sacred Imam, Bright Sun, Sacred Water, Flowing Furat, Veil, Lion, First Spring, Virtue and Remembrance, Most Trustworthy, Intercessor on the day of judgment, Red Death, Greatest Wrath, Father of Shabbir and Shabbar whose name was Haider, and you do not know who is Haider, He is the bright star, shining moon, roaring lion, most sacred, best of the best, master of Ghadeer, sura tawba, standbearer on the day of Khayber, most courageous and brave of Uhud, Badr, and Khanduq, who will appear at Kausar on the day of judgment, whose Offspring are called as the Offspring of RasoolAllah (saw), shining iman (faith), dark night, Imam, Wasi (successor), cousin of RasoolAllah (saw), son in law of RasoolAllah (saw), brother, strength for weak muslims, wrath upon powerful kufar, master of the army of Allah, hand of blessings, wealth of the poor, Imam of those who feed the poor, orphans, and prisoners in His love, warner, adviser, killer of munafiq (hypocrites) and kufar, one who has Zulfiqar, the killer of arrogant like amr (la) and marhab (la), hope of muttaqeen (pious), moon of moons, one who dishonors the oppressors, distributor of heaven and hell, master of muhajreen and ansars (immigrants and helpers), brother of Jafar Tayyar (as), cousin of RasoolAllah (saw),

karrarr, ghair farar, killer of kufar, leader of pious, destroyer of oppressors, one who never disobeyed RasoolAllah (saw) even for the blink of an eye, one who called Himself by the name of Haider on the day of Khayber, brother of RasoolAllah (saw), His successor, His lion, treasurer of His knowledge, its distributor, one who does not want this world nor wants to live in it, master of all virtues, friend of birds, one broke the door of Khayber, Amongst the titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)are order of virtue, order of justice, beginning and end, tahir, zahir, batin, sabir, bashir, nazir Amongst His attributes are caretaker of people, one who calls towards Allah, will of Allah, pleasure of Allah, most strong, performer of rukoo, mercy of Allah and the guide.

(Al Manaqib Third Edition pg 71)