Forty Hadith

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Forty Hadith Author:
Translator: Ali Quli Qara'i
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Various Books

Forty Hadith

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Ayatullah Sayyid Rohullah Khomeini
Translator: Ali Quli Qara'i
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
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Forty Hadith
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Forty Hadith

Forty Hadith

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Table of Contents

Introductory Note 11

About The Author 12

Childhood and Early Education 12

The Years of Spiritual and Intellectual Formation in Qum, 1923 To 1962 15

The Years of Struggle and Exile, 1962-1978 19

The Islamic Revolution, 1978-79 25

1979-89: First Decade of the Islamic Republic, Last Decade of the Imam’s Life 30

Notes 37

Introduction 39

Purpose of Writing the Book 39

First Hadith: Jihad of The Self 40

Verbal Translation 40

Exposition 40

First Grade 40

Contemplation 41

Will and Resolution 42

Remembrance of God, Remembering The Graces Bestowed By Him 45

The Second Stage 46

How to Regulate Human Instincts 50

How to Bridle Fancy And Imagination 50

Estimation and Appraisal 51

How to Cure Moral Maladies 57

Conclusion 58

Second Hadith: Ostentation (Riya’) 60

Riya’ In Faith or Creed 61

Difference between Knowledge and Belief 62

Sincerity in Action 66

The Value Of Human Existence As A Trustee Of Divine Honor 70

Riya’ In Worship 71

Section I 71

Riya’ In Congregational Prayers 73

An Invitation to Sincerity 75

Variation in Grades and Degrees of Qualities among Different Individuals 80

Notes 81

Third Hadith: Self-Conceit (‘Ujb) 82

‘Ujb of The Faithful 83

The ‘Ujb of The Faithless 85

Snares and Wiles of the Devil 86

The Evil Effects of ‘Ujb 87

Contempt of Others 89

The Factor of Pride 89

Self-Love as the Source of ‘Ujb 91

Notes 96

Fourth Hadith: Pride (Kibr) 97

Kinds and Degrees of Kibr 97

The Causes of Kibr 99

Spiritual and Social Harms of Pride 103

Other Causes Of Pride 106

The Punishment in The Hereafter 112

To Cure Pride, One Should Act Against Its Dictates 113

A Reminiscence of a Teacher 114

Yaqzah (Awakening) is the First Step 115

The Vicious Subtleties of the Self 116

Notes 117

Fifth Hadith: Envy (Hasad) 118

Definition of Hasad 118

Kinds of Hasad 118

The Causes and Motives of Hasad 119

Some Evil Effects of Envy 120

The Punishment of the Grave 122

The Source of Moral Corruption 124

The Practical Remedy for Envy 125

The Tradition Regarding Remission of Envy 126

Notes 127

Sixth Hadith: Love of the World 128

Exposition of the Tradition 128

Mawlana Majlisi on the Reality of the World 128

The Author’s View 129

Factors That Promote Worldliness 130

Notes 138

Seventh Hadith: Anger (Ghadhab) 139

Exposition 139

Vice of Immoderation in Anger 141

Moral Hazards of Anger 143

Its Behavioral Hazards 143

Controlling Anger 144

How to Eradicate the Roots of Anger 146

Notes 148

Eighth Hadith: Prejudice (‘Asabiyyah) 149

Exposition 149

The Evils of ‘Asabiyyah 150

A Prophetic Tradition 151

The Otherworldly Form of ‘Asabiyyah 152

A Colloquy with the Self 153

On The ‘Asabiyyahs of the Intellectuals 154

Notes 156

Ninth Hadith: Hypocrisy (Nifaq) 157

Exposition 157

Degrees of Nifaq 157

Effects of Nifaq 158

Cure of the Disease of Nifaq 160

Some Forms of Nifaq 161

Notes 164

Tenth Hadith: Desire and Hope 166

Exposition 166

1. On the Evil of Following One’s Desires 166

(B) The Qur’an and Hadith on the Evil of Submission to Desire 168

(C) On Numerousness of Desires 171

2. On The Evil Of Endless Hopes 172

(A) On The Endlessness Of Hopes 172

(B) Provisions For The Long Journey Ahead 172

Notes 174

Eleventh Hadith: Man’s God-Seeking Nature 176

Exposition 176

The Meaning of Fitrah 176

Laws of Human Nature 177

Innateness of Religious Truths 178

1. Man’s Love of Perfection 178

2. The Innateness Of Divine Attributes 181

3. Innateness of the Belief in Resurrection 182

Notes 183

Twelfth Hadith: Contemplation (Tafakkur) 184

Exposition 184

Merits of Contemplation 185

The Desirable And The Forbidden Contemplation On The Divine Essence 186

Contemplation on Creation 190

The Earth and the Sun: Two Masterpieces of Creation 191

Contemplation on the States of the Soul 192

A Conclusive Proof 195

Virtues of the Midnight Prayer 196

What is Taqwa? 199

Taqwa for the Common People 200

Notes 204

Thirteenth Hadith: Trust In God (Tawakkul) 205

Exposition 205

Tawakkul And Its Degrees 205

Difference Between Tawakkul And Rida 208

Tafwid, Tawakkul And Thiqah 209

Notes 210

Fourteenth Hadith: Fear of God 211

Exposition 211

Between Hope And Fear 211

Stages And Degrees Of Fear 213

Hope And Prayer 215

Contemplation, Fear And Hope 216

The Difference Between Hope And Delusion 217

The Opinion Of Al-Majlisi 220

Notes 220

Fifteenth Hadith: The Believer’s Trials And Tribulations 221

Exposition 221

The Meaning Of Trial 222

The Prophets And Divine Trial 224

God’s Remembrance 226

The Prophets’ Suffering 227

The World Is Not A Place Of Reward Or Punishment 230

Notes 232

Sixteenth Hadith: Patience (Sabr) 233

Exposition 233

Desire, The Source Of All Bondage 234

Sabr, The Outcome Of Freedom From Lust 239

Results Of Sabr 240

The Degrees And Levels Of Sabr 243

Notes 246

Seventeenth Hadith: Repentance (Tawbah) 247

Exposition 247

Tawbah And Postponement 248

An Important Point 249

The Essentials Of Tawbah 250

The Conditions Of Tawbah 251

The Result Of Istighfar 255

On The Interpretation Of Tawbah Nasuh 256

All Beings Are Endowed With Life And Knowledge 256

Notes 257

Eighteenth Hadith: Remembrance Of God 258

Exposition 258

The Difference Between Tafakkur And Tadhakkur 261

The Complete Dhikr 262

Some Traditions Concerning Dhikr 264

Notes 266

Nineteenth Hadith: Backbiting (Ghibah) 267

Exposition 267

The Definition Of Ghibah 268

The Social Harms Of Ghibah 275

The Cure Of This Malady 277

The Priority Of Abstinence From Permissible Ghibah 279

On The Prohibition On Listening To Ghibah 281

Al-Shahid Al-Thani’s Discourse 282

Notes 284

Twentieth Hadith: Pure Intention (Ikhlas) 285

Exposition 285

The Meaning Of ‘Test’ In Relation To God 286

Fear, Sincere Intention And Rightness Of Action 288

The Definition Of Ikhlas 291

Ikhlas Is Subsequent To Action 292

Notes 296

Twenty-First Hadith: Thankfulness (Shukr) 297

Exposition 297

A Mystical Interpretation 301

The Reality Of Shukr 303

Ignorance And Ingratitude 305

The Different Levels Of Shukr 306

The Station Of Shukr In Hadith 307

Conclusion 309

Notes 312

Twenty-Second Hadith: The Aversion For Death 313

Exposition 314

The remedy lies in you and you perceive not 315

The Reality Of Heaven And Hell 317

Notes 319

Twenty-Third Hadith: The Seekers Of Knowledge 320

Exposition 321

Section 1 323

Section 2 326

Section 3 329

Section 4 331

Notes 332

Twenty Fourth Hadith: The Classification Of Sciences 333

Exposition 333

Section 1 334

Section 2 338

Section 3 339

Section 4 342

Section 5 343

Notes 344

Twenty-Fifth Hadith: Satanic Insinuation 345

Exposition 345

A Simpler Explanation Of The Character Of Waswas 347

The Remedy For Waswas 350

Notes 353

Twenty Sixth Hadith: The Pursuit Of Knowledge 354

Exposition 354

The Path Of Knowledge And The Way To Paradise 354

An Important Point 355

The Angels’ Spreading Their Wings For The Seekers Of Knowledge 356

The Inhabitants Of The Heaven And Earth Asking Forgiveness For The Seeker Of Knowledge 358

The ‘Alim’s Superiority Over The ‘Abid 360

The Ulama Being The Heirs Of The Prophets 363

Notes 363

Twenty-Seventh Hadith: Prayer And Concentration 365

Exposition 365

The Significance Of Prayer 366

The Various Levels Of Concentration 371

Attention To Worship 372

Attention To The Worshipped One 373

The Incarnation Of Works In The Hereafter 375

Worship And Freedom From Need 382

A Last Point 384

Notes 385

Twenty-Eighth Hadith: Meeting God 386

Exposition 386

Liqa’ Allah And Its Character 388

Death-The Moment Of Truth 393

The Significance Of ‘Love’ And ‘Hate’ When Ascribed To God 397

Notes 398

Twenty-Ninth Hadith: The Prophet’s Counsel To ‘Ali 400

Preface 402

The Evils of Lying 403

The Meaning of Wara’ and its Levels 405

The Evils Of Treachery And The Meaning Of Trustworthiness 407

Concerning Some Divine Trusts 411

And it is said in a well-known hadith qudsi 411

The Fear Of God Almighty 413

The Disparity of People in Observing The Divine Presence 414

And if you know that He indeed sees you 415

The Virtues Of Lamentation 415

Doubts Regarding Disproportionate Award 416

Concerning the Number of the Naw'afil 418

Concerning the Istihbab of Fasting on Three Days in Every Month 419

On the Merit of Sadaqah 420

Another Point 422

One of the Secrets of Sadaqah 423

A Complementary Note 423

Conclusion 424

On the Merit of the Nightly Prayer 424

Concerning al-Salat al-Wusta 425

On the Merits of Reciting the Qur'an 427

Concerning the Effect of Worship on Youth 429

On the Etiquette of Qira'ah 429

On Sincerity in Reading 431

Concerning the Meaning of Tartil 433

On Raising The Hands In Prayer And Turning Them 434

The Secret Behind The Raising Of The Hands 435

A Warning Concerning One Of The Satanic Ruses 437

The Merit Of Brushing The Teeth 437

Moral Virtues And Vices 438

Notes 442

Thirtieth Hadith: The Kinds of Hearts 446

Exposition 446

Reforming The Heart 447

The Basis for The Classification Of The Hearts 448

The Reason Why the Kinds of Hearts Are Confined To the Four 449

The States of The Hearts 450

The Luminosity of the Believer’s Heart 450

Explanation of the Believer’s Being on the Straight Path 450

Some Stratagems Of Satan 452

The Hypocrite’s Heart And The Difference Between It And The Believer’s Heart 453

Neglect Of The Truth Results In The Inversion Of The Heart 454

Notes 455

Thirty-First Hadith: The Indescribability of God, The Prophet, And The Imams 457

Exposition 457

The Indescribability Of God 458

Impossibility Of Knowing The Reality Of The Names And The Attributes 461

Knowledge Of The Spiritual Reality Of The Prophets And The Awliya’ Is Unattainable Through Rational Thought 461

The Waiting Of ‘The Seven Hijabs’ Mentioned In Relation To The Prophet 463

The Delegation (Tafwid) Of The Affair To The Messenger Of God (S), As Indicated By This And Many Other Traditions 465

Brief Allusion To The Meaning Of Tafwid 467

Reality Of ‘Ismah 469

The Indescribability of Faith 470

Notes 471

Thirty-Second Hadith: Conviction In Faith 473

Exposition 473

Section 1 473

Reconciling Traditions Concerning Livelihood Being Apportioned And Traditions Exhorting Effort 474

Section 2: The Signs Or Soundness Or Conviction 475

The Twofold Classes Of The People 476

Section 3: The Views Of The Mu’tazilah And The Asha’irah And The Correct Position 477

Last Section 478

Notes 479

Thirty-Third Hadith: Wilayah And Works 480

Exposition 480

Explanation Of Absence Of Contradiction Between Traditions That Exhort One To Perform 481

‘Ibadah And Abstain From Sins And Other Traditions Which Apparently Conflict With Them 481

Wilayah Of The Ahl Al-Bayt, The Condition For Acceptability Of Works 489

Notes 490

Thirty-Fourth Hadith: The Station of The Faithful Before God 492

Exposition 492

A Noteworthy Point 495

Interpretation Of The ‘Hesitation’ Ascribed To God 495

An ‘Irfani Explanation 496

Another Interpretation Of The Tradition Of Hesitation 498

God’s Reforming Of The State Of The Faithful Through Poverty And Wealth 499

The Nearness Relating To Obligatory And Supererogatory Acts And Their Result, In Accordance With The Approach Of The Wayfarers 500

The Secret Of The Variance Among The Prophets In Respect Of Prophethood 502

A Citation From The Most August Shaykh Baha’i 503

A Citation From Khwajah Tusi 504

Concluding Note 504

Notes 505

Thirty-Fifth Hadith: God And Man, Good And Evil 507

Exposition 507

Two Stations Of Divine Names 507

An Allusion To The Topic Of Jabr And Tafwid 509

God, the Exalted, is not Answerable Concerning what He does and other Existents are Answerable 511

Notes 513

Thirty-Sixth Hadith: The Attributes Of God 514

Exposition 514

The Identity of God’s Attributes with His Essence 515

The Statements Of The Philosophers On The Division Of Divine Attributes 516

The Identity Of The Attributes With The Sacred Essence 517

The Priority Of Knowledge To Creation 518

The Meaning Of Hearing And Sight In Relation To God 520

Character Of The Relation Of God’s Knowledge To The Knowables 523

The Criterion Relating To Positive And Negative Attributes 525

Notes 527

Thirty-Seventh Hadith: The Knowledge Of God 528

Exposition 528

Traditions Dealing With The Higher Teachings Should Not Be Interpreted In A Plebeian Sense 533

Notes 535

Thirty-Eighth Hadith: The Meaning Of God’s Creation Of Adam In His Image 536

Exposition 536

Adam Is The Complete Manifestation Of God And The Greatest Name Of God 539

Notes 542

Thirty-Ninth Hadith: Good And Evil 543

Exposition 543

The Reality Of Good And Evil 544

The Relation Of Good And Evil To Creation And The Occurrence Of Evil In The Divine Ordainments (Qada) 546

God’s Carrying Out Good And Evil Acts At The Hands Of The Servants 548

Notes 551

Fortieth Hadith: Exegesis of Surat Al-Tawhid and Some Verses of Surat Al-Hadid 552

Exposition 552

A Hint Concerning The Exegesis Of Surat Al-Tawhid 553

A Hint Concerning Bismillah 554

A Brief Hint Concerning the Exegesis of the Noble Verses of Surat Al-Hadid Until The Words ‘Alimun Bi Dhatis-Sudur 556

Conclusion 562

Notes 562

Prayer and Epilogue 564

Notes 564

Introductory Note

The original work in Persian, recently published under the title “Arba’in, ya chihil hadith” was written by Imam al-Khumayni forty-six years ago and was completed in the month of Muharram 1358 (April-May, 1939).

The manuscript of this work, together with that of two other unpublished works of the author, Sharh Du’ae sahar, and Adab al-salat, were recovered from the library of the late Ayatullah Akhund al-Hamadani. All the three works have now been published.