With Infallibles

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With Infallibles Author:
Translator: Maryam Akhond Ali
Publisher: Naba Publication (www.nabacultural.org)
Category: General Books
ISBN: 978-964-8323-64-1

With Infallibles

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: A Group of Scholars
Translator: Maryam Akhond Ali
Publisher: Naba Publication (www.nabacultural.org)
Category: ISBN: 978-964-8323-64-1
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With Infallibles

With Infallibles

Publisher: Naba Publication (www.nabacultural.org)
ISBN: 978-964-8323-64-1

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Alhassanain (p) Network for Islamic Heritage and Thought

With Infallibles

Author (s): A Group of Authors

Translator (s):Maryam Akhond Ali & AlaEdin Pasargadi


Name: With Infallibles

Author: A Group of Authors

Translator: Maryam Akhond Ali & AlaEdin Pasargadi

Firs t Edition: 2008

Publis her: Naba Cultural

E-mail: Info@Naba Cultural.org

ISBN: 978-964-8323-64-1

Table of Contents

Introduction 4

Deatail of Topics and Writers 5

Another Prayer 6

Not Out of Rage 8

Revelation of Delight 12

The Mid-Day Traveler 16

I am Sakinah 20

A Gift from Sky 23

Coins of Victory 26

The Last Words 30

The Second Growth 33

De'bel's Secret 36

No one saw 39

In Those Palaces 44

The Great Secret 48

The Last Hope 53


Preparing "with infallibles" is a step towards recognizing the lives of 14 imams; each story of this collection is recreated and written according to historical events. This book comprised of 14 stories of different authors, and each story is about one of our 14 imams. It is started with a story of the Prophet and ended with a story about the 14th infallibles.

The 2,8,10, and 12 stories (according to the content's numbers) are translated by Dr. AlaEdin Pasargadi and the rest are translated byMaryam Akhond Ali.

Deatail of Topics and Writers

1. Another Prayer (Mostafa Rahmandoost )

2. Not out of Rage (AhmadArabloo )

3. Revelation of Delight (Syed Mehdi Shojae )

4. The Mid-Day Traveler (Sarvare Katbi )

5. I amSakinah (Syed Mehdi Shojae )

6. A Gift from Sky (Sarvare Katbi )

7. Coins of Victory (Mostafa Rahmandoost )

8. The last words (Mostafa Rahmandoost )

9. Rebirth (Azar Reza'ee )

10.De'bel's Secret (Fariba Kalhor )

11. No one saw (Sa'eed AleRasool )

12. Those palaces (Mehdi Hejvani )

13. The Great Secret (Mehdi Rahimi )

14. The Last Hope (Mehdi Rahimi )

Another Prayer

It was three months that "Salimah " had not gone to the mosque. She thought about the mosque especially when she heard the sound of the 'Azān '. It was three months now that she had become a mother. She had no one to look after her baby so she could attend to the mosque for praying. Her husband was a peddler date-seller who walked through the alleys of Medina, from morning to night, in order to run his family.

He neither had time to take care of his baby, nor money to pay someone to look after it.Salimah was content with her life, but she always had a strange feeling when she heard the Azan. She was reminded of the pleasant and warm voice of the Prophet in the mosque. How she longed to go to the mosque as before, when she heard the sound of the Azan and attend the mass prayer.

Her first baby was born three months ago. It was a crying baby and did not keep quiet. Most of the time,Salimah was tired and sleepy. She knew that going to the mosque and praying behind the prophet would make her fresh and happy. But there was no one to leave her child with.

That day, like every other day, was ending when once again the sound ofAzān echoed through the sky of Medina…"Allaho -Akbar"

Salimah felt deeply sad at heart. She stared at her child, listening to theAzān . The baby was asleep and breathed quietly.Salimah could not take it anymore. She got up and put on her clothes. She performed ablution and slowly took her child in her arms. She went out of the house in a hurry, to get to the mosque in time for mass prayer. She looked straight ahead of herself and not paying attention to her surrounding strode quickly towards the mosque to be in time for the prayer. Her feet moved involuntary towards the mosque.

She became calm when she arrived at the mosque. The prayer had not started yet. She was joyful for being at the mosque in time. She slowly entered the mosque.Salimah looked at her child. The baby had woken with a sweet smile on its lips.Salimah thought, "Why did I trouble myself all this time? I could've brought my child to the mosque like now. It's a pity to pray alone at home and not attend the mass prayer. It's a blessing, even if I pray just one "Rak'a " with the prophet."Salimah had not yet stood in the rows of prayer, when she heard theMuazzin crying, "Ajjeloo beSalah ," meaning, hurry up to prayer.Salimah quickly stood in one of the rows. She was looking around for a suitable place to put her child, when she heard the voice of the Prophet saying, "Allaho -Akbar".

The praying started.Salimah laid her child on the straw mat, which covered the floor of the mosque. Her child was quiet.Salimah glanced at its face and wished that the baby would keep quiet until the end of the prayer, so she could perform a peaceful prayer after three months.Salimah prepared herself quickly and stood to prayer…

The pleasant voice of the Prophet was heard. Apart from his voice, nothing else could be heard. It seemed that the mosque, the birds, and the sky were all silent and still, to listen to the voice of the Prophet, praying.Salimah listened to the Prophet reciting theSurah , Al-Fatihah , with all her heart. For three months, she had missed listening to the recitation of thisSurah in the Prophet's voice.Salimah's heart was filled with happiness and serenity.

With the hearing of "Allaho -Akbar," all prayers prostrated,

-"Sobhana Rabi-al-Azime va behamdehAllaho -Akbar"

And suddenlySalimah's baby started to cry.

Salimah's heart sank. In the pleasant silence of the mosque, the sound of her child seemed very loud. The baby was crying continuously.Salimah was not aware of the way she finished thatRak'a . She blamed herself, for disturbing others by bringing her baby to the mosque. She wished to finish her prayer as fast as possible, to take her child away.

"Allaho -Akbar"…all prayers stood up. So didSalimah . The baby continued to cry.

The Messenger of God recited the words of the prayer hurriedly. He performed the prostrations very quickly. The secondRak'a was done very fast. The thirdRak'a was also done a lot faster than the other evenings.

Salimah's child was still crying.Salimah was so anxious that she did not realize that the Prophet had ended the prayer sooner than before.Salimah was sad at heart and ashamed that she had disturbed the peace of other prayers. She was about to take her child and go, when she confronted with the smiling face of the Prophet. The Prophet had kneeled next to the baby and he was smiling at it. The baby became quiet when it saw the smiling face of the Prophet.

The prayers were surprised of the quick prayer of that evening. They were even more surprised when they saw the Prophet getting up straight after the prayer. When the Prophet returned they all went towards him and asked the reason for what he had done.

The Prophet answered, "Didn't you all hear a baby weeping and crying?"

Everyone understood that the Prophet had finished the prayer sooner, to quiet the child.Salimah too, heard what the Prophet said. She knew that the Prophet had finished the prayer sooner so she could care her baby. She was not embarrassed anymore. She turned to the baby and said, "You naughty child, you cried so much, that you attracted the attention of the Prophet to yourself. When you grow up, I shall tell you how much the Prophet loved the children."

Not Out of Rage

After some thirty days of tiresome march the army of Mecca reached the outskirts of the city of Medina. AbuSofyan , commander ofMeccan infidels, had, since a long time before, prepared this large army. His plan was to carry out a big raid upon Medina, which was the center of the new government of Islam. He had also planned to kill the holy Prophet and his loyal friends and overthrow Islam. TheMeccan infidels, in order to make sure of the success of their evil plan, concluded a pact with the Jews of Medina, who were great enemies to Islam, and intended to attack Medina with an army of about ten thousand soldiers.

When theMeccan army reached the city of Medina, they were faced with a strange scene. Round the city a wide canal of three to four meters depth had been dug. Inside the canal, too, many obstacles had been placed, so that despite their every effort the infidels could not overcome these obstacles and enter the city.

The Muslims of Medina had learned of the infields' raid. So, on the suggestion ofSalman Farsi, who was an Iranian Muslim and a faithful friend of the Prophet, they had dug this canal round the city before the enemy's imminent attack.

TheMeccan infidels who never expected such a measure, halted in awe and amazement. They had cherished the hope of entering the city on their horsebacks, easily and unchecked, to massacre the Muslims. But the canal round the city proved to be an insurmountable barrier for the pagans.

Then, AbuSofyan broke the terrible silence of his frustrated army with a loud cry which showed his rage and anxiety. He ordered his troops to camp near the canal so that he might consult his army officers to find a solution. Very soon the tents were raised and the city of Medina surrounded by the army of Abu-Sofyan .

The siege lasted many days. AbuSofyan's army soon became tired and weary.

They were deeply enraged at being unable to find a way to infiltrate the city. Inside the city the Muslims who were about three thousands in number, with their trust in God, were preparing for the confrontation and each time the enemy army intended to pass the canal, they would pour showers of arrows upon them.

One day, however, an incident took place. In the infidel army there was a soldier named 'Amr Ibn-Abduwod who had won great fame as a brave warrior among all Arabs. He had become weary and angry that the siege had had taken so long. So, he mounted his horse and surveyed the canal several times. Suddenly, he chose a sport where the width of the canal was shortest and managed to jump over to the other side of the canal.

This caused a great uproar in both armies and all eyes turned towards him. TheMeccan infidels encouraged him with their cries of support.

When 'Amr reached the vanguard of the Muslim army, he waved his sword in the air and boastfully challenged a match, saying: "Hark! Is there anyone who dares to step into the field to confront me?"

The Muslims held their breaths in the breasts and bowed their heads. To fight against such a powerful warrior was not a simple matter.

Suddenly, a voice from among the Muslimarmy, broke the silence. It was the voice of Ali (p.b.u.h .) who had volunteered to fightAmr , and was begging Prophet's permission to enter the field.

The Prophet had not yet consented to Ali's request to fight whenAmr once more shouted: "Hark! I have kept on calling for a fighter so many times that my throat had got hoarse. Is there no one to take up the challenge? O Muslims? Do you not claim that on being killed you will send me to hell? So let one of you come and send me to hell or go to heaven himself!"

Again Imam Ali begged the Prophet's permission to fight 'Amr , but again the Prophet did not give permission.

'Amr kept on bragging andwith each bravado the shouts of the infidels' acclaim filled the air. Then he galloped his horse round about the field and for the third time called for a challenger.

Again Ali volunteered to take up his challenge, and this time the Prophet gave him the permission to do so. Imam Ali, smiling and confident with a heart full of faith, took firm and steadfast steps towards his adversary, and addressed him saying, "Amr , keep quiet! Now your challenger is coming to you without the slightest fear!"

All eyes were turned to the field of battle. The infidel army's clamor gradually died down and they stretched their necks to see who had dared to take up the challenge of their great champion. The Prophet who had his eyes on the gallant Imam Ali said: "Now the whole of infidelity is facing the whole of faith." Then he prayed for Ali.

'Amr pulled back the rein of his horse and quieted it he then peered to see the challenger who had dared to confront him. When Imam Ali came in full view, 'Amr looked him up and down, and then said in a tone of surprise: "Young Man! Who are you that wish to lose your life so easily? Have you not heard my name?"

Ali responded: "I have heard your name; and I am 'AliIbn -Abi-Taleb !"

On hearing 'Ali's name, 'Amr trembled with fear and remembered Ali's valiant bravery with battles ofBadr ans Uhod . Then be urged on his horse to getnearerto Ali, and said in a low voice: "O son ofAbi-Taleb ! You are very young. You have plenty of time to live in this world. It would be a pity to take your life so soon. Go back and let someone else come to fight me!"

Ali took another step forward and said: "O 'Amr ! I have come to fight you. Did you not brawl for a match?"

'Amr reasoned: "I have been a friend of your father,Abi-Taleb , and have no wish to see you immersed in your blood!"

Ali said: "O 'Amr ! I have been told that if in the field of battle your adversary makes three requests to you, you will surely grant one of them."

'Amr said: "Yes. What you have heard is true."

Imam 'Ali then said: "Now I have three requests from you; one of which you must fulfill."

'Amr said: "What are they?"

The Imam said: "First, give up infidelity and idolatry and submit that Muhammad is the rightful Prophet and thus live with honor and freedom among the Muslims."

"Amr said: "This is impossible. What is your next request?"

The Imam said: "Abstain from fighting us and return from the very way you have come. Your horse can take you to the other side of the canal."

Amr retorted angrily: "If I return to the other side of the canal I shall be disgracefully reproached by the other soldiers. So, you can be sure that I shall not return before I strike a heavy blow on theMedanese army."

At this answer Imam Ali smiled and concluded: "My third request is that you dismount from your horse to fight me!"

Amr became so greatly enraged that he immediately leapt down from the horse and charged against Imam Ali.

Both armies kept perfect silence, and waited for the outcome of this duel.

Amr waved his sword in the air and brought it down with all his might upon Ali's head, but Ali swiftly protected his head with his shield, and the clash of the sword and shield echoed loudly in the silent field. For a moment the joyful uproar of the infidels dominated the groans of the Muslims.

As a result of this blow Imam 'Ali's shield was split and the corner of 'Amr's sword wounded the Imam's head slightly. 'Ali dressed his wound in a brisk and before 'Amr could collect himself for another assault, the Imam advanced him. He clasped the hilt of his sword firmly with both hands and swiftly swished 'Amr on the body. The flash of the swordsparkled the eyes of the infidels' army and the great historical blow of truth was dealt by Imam Ali.

The blow was so forceful that it could have shaken a mountain, and this it could have shaken a mountain, and this single blow knocked the wretched 'Amr down. Both armies craned their necks in curiosity to see the proceeding amidst the clouds of dust. They could not quite make out the one who was lying down on the ground.

At this moment a Victorious chant put an end to the deadly expectation of both armies. It was the voice of Imam 'Ali, chanting Allah-o-Akbar [God is Great]. The whole army of Islam, hearing 'Ali's voice, joined in chanting, Allah-o-Akbar, which sank the hearts of the infidels to the bottom. 'Amr's wounds were so deep that he was unable to rise.

Imam 'Ali sat on 'Amr's chest, as it was the code of conduct to end his pair. 'Amr was livid with rage and envy at his defeat by the lion-hearted man of Islam. This mental pain was so great that he forgot his physical pain. So in his last moment he resorted to aninsolent and unmanly act, and in his helplessness to move, he suddenly spat on the face of Imam 'Ali.

This moment another heroic act began to take place. Imam 'Ali, who had raised his sword to finish off the work lowered it slowly, rose from 'Amr's chest, and cleaned his face. He let out e deep sigh, looking up at heaven, and began walking to and fro.

The enemy forces, 'Amr and even theMeccan army were struck with astonishment.

They asked themselves:

-Why did 'Ali rise from 'Amr's chest?

- Why does he not end it all?

-Why is he walking to and fro?

-Why doesn't he finish off the work?

-What is 'Ali thinking about?

There were so many 'whys'. But no one but God and His Prophet could know what was in 'Ali's mind or the reason for it. In those moments an utmost faith in God and in His satisfaction was surging within the mind of the Imam.When 'Amr committed his mean and lowly act, 'Ali became very angry, and everyone expected him to kill 'Amr at once. But contrary to the general expectation, 'Ali did not do so. At that moment he thought that killing 'Amr at that instant would be attributed to his own anger. So he rose from 'Amr's chest and walked about until his anger subsided. Then he knelt on 'Amr's chest and with a manly blow, which was dealt only for God's satisfaction and not in revenge, killed 'Amr and returned victoriously to the Muslim army.

'Amr possessed a valuable chain-mail and sword. It was customary among the Arabs that the victor took the mail and weapon of the vanquished for himself. But Imam Ali in his chivalry left those objects of 'Amr in the field.

Some days later when 'Amr's sister heard the news of her brother's death, she inquired who had killed her brother. When she was told that Ali had done so, she said without any show of uneasiness and anger: 'If my brother had been killed by anyone else but Ali, I would have wept and groaned. But I know that Ali is a manly, noble and peerless warrior, and my brother's death at the hand of such a man need not be lamented."

This historical combat of the Imam filled the infidel army with despair, and after a while they abandoned their siege of Medina in defeat and went away.

The significance of Imam Ali's strike in the battle of Ditch (Khandagh ) was so great that the Prophet said: "Ali'sstike in that battle was worthier than the religious devotions of all human beings and angles."

Revelation of Delight

A heavy cold silence has taken over Medina. The people of the town, tired from their daily work have gone to their homes to rest.

The stars have decorated the sky. The earth is lighted from the soft, pale glow of the moon which has spread its rays like a silk cloth over the small mud-built houses of Medina.

Medina is silent and quiet and the only sound which gives it life is the echo of the strong steps of the Prophet. He is getting closer to Ali's home.

The Prophet is accompanied by two of his followers. They too are pondering about what is worrying the Prophet.

Not only them, but the entire town knows how much the Prophet lovesHasan andHussain .

Everybody knows that the Prophet gets sad from what saddensHasan andHussain and is pleased from what pleases them. Everyone knows that his love for them is not just the love of a grandfather for two adorable sweet grandsons. It's a divine love; a divine affection. All Muslims know that they must follow the Prophet and loveHasan andHussain .

Because lots of times before, they had seen the Prophet in front of the eyes of everyone saying, "Oh, God, I loveHasan andHussain . Love whoever may love them."

Now the Prophet and two of his followers have reached Ali's home. The sweet warm voice of the Prophet echoes through the house:

-Dear Ali, darling Fatima, greetings to you. I've come to visit my children with two others. May we come in?

It is the eager voice of Ali and Fatima that is heard from inside the house:

-Greetings to you and the bliss of God! Welcome. Come in please.

First the scent of the Prophet and them himself and his followers enter the house. But this timeHasan andHussain don't come running towards the Prophet. This time they do not throw themselves in his arms nor give themselves to his kisses.

TonightHasan andHussain are in their sickbeds and their illness has weakened them. They open their eyes with difficulty. But they do not find the power in their limbs to get up.

The Prophet, worried and impatient, goes towards their sickbed, rolls his cloak around his legs and sits next to the children kissing their faces.

-What's the matter my dear ones? I hope God removes this illness from you and give your health back.

Hasan andHussain circle their hands around the Prophet's neck and hug him. Although this house belongs to the commander of the Islamic army, but nothing is found in it to serve the guests.

Ali apologizes for not having anything to serve the guests. However, the Prophet and his followers know that Ali's poverty is his honor and the honor of Islam. They know that if Ali wanted, he could have had the best of livings. It was the lifestyle which Ali and Fatima had chosen, themselves.

Therefore, the guests are served with love, kindness and sincerity of the host.

Before leaving, the Prophet asks Ali:

-Dear Ali! Don't you want to perform a vow for the cure of their illness?

Ali answers without hesitation:

-Yes, I will vow three days of fasting. If God gave back their health I will fast for three continuous days.

Fatima, hearing what the Prophet and Ali said, she says:

-I too, vow that if God gave back the health of my children, I fast three continuous days.

Hasan andHussain open their tired eyes and say:

-We will fast for three days too.

And they feel the lips of the Prophet on their faces.

"Fezzah " is a woman who has been the servant of Amana, the Prophet's mother, for years. Now, she has voluntarily come to this house to be the companion of Fatima and learn the lesson of life from her. She, like the rest of her dear ones, vows to fast for three continuous days for the cure ofHasan andHussain .

* * *

It is a little after their vow that God gives back the health toHasan andHussain . They both get up from their sickbeds, strong and refreshed.

It is now the time to fulfill their vow and the household are all fasting. For breaking their fasts, there is only grain for five breads, which Fatima andFezzah prepare and cook.

The breads are cooked; one per person. They all sit waiting for Ali to come back from the mosque, so they could break their fasts together.

When Ali returns from the mosque, they all sit down to eat after a day of fasting and hunger.

Their hands have not reached the food when a knock on the door is heard:

-I am a poor, wretched beggar. Oh household of the Prophet! I pray God to serve you from his heavenly foods. Help me. My family and I are hungry…

The beggar has not finished his words yet that Ali rises to give his bread to him. Fatima's bread is put on top of Ali's and thenHasan ,Hussain andFezzah do the same? Five breads, the entire dinner of a fasting household is given to a beggar.

Now, there is only water to be served. The five fasters break their fasts with water alone, and thank God!

The second day of fasting is here. Again five breads are prepared for dinner. After two days of hunger and fasting, the hands go towards the hot breads which are the only food in the house; when again there is a knock on the door…

-Oh, household of the Prophet! I am an orphan child that has nothing to eat. Please help me.

A hand, with five breads in it, comes out from behind the door. The breads are given to the child along with good wishes and blessings. Again, the fasters break the second day of their fast with water. Hunger has drained their energy.

The food for the third day of their fasting is the same as the previous nights; flour enough for five breads.

Ali is a powerful man and hunger is something which he is used to. However, how can the slender and delicate Fatima,Fezzeh , and the two children who have just recovered from illness bear two days of hunger and not eat even a single piece of bread?

Anyway, they are fasting on the third day of their huger.

As they get closer to the time of breaking their fasts, their hands start to shake from starvation. The eyes ofHasan andHussain are sunken and they cannot walk nor stand on their feet from hunger. Ali returns from the mosque and there are five breads to eat and a bowl of water. Who knows how these three days have been for the members of this family? How appetizing this piece of bread looks!

Hasan andHussain pull themselves towards the food and stretch their hands towards the breads like the others. But… there is again a knock on the door…

The sound of the knock leaves the hands hanging in the air.

-Hello to the household of the Prophet! Oh, Mohammad's family! Please help a captive that has been hungry for a long time…

Nobody hesitates for a moment. The hands that had been stretched towards the breads to take a piece ofthem, put the breads in one pile and put them in the hands of the captive!

The only thing that gives this pained family strength and power is the joy of giving and self-sacrifice; the joy of giving when you are in need; to take the morsel from your starving mouth and giving it to another hungry being. Only God can value such a deed and knowits worth.

Ali looks at the pale yellow faces of his children and thinks with himself:

-visiting the Prophet will lessen pains and makes we forget our hunger. He turns toHasan andHussain and says,

-let's pay a visit to your grandfather.

The joy of seeing the Prophet excites the children and the three of them go towards his house.

When the Prophet sees the colorless and pale faces of his grandchildren and their delicate bodies, which shake from hunger, tears fill his eyes.

- How can I bear to see my children in such a condition? Oh God, witness what the family of your Prophet do to gain your pleasure. Get up my dear ones to see how my darling Fatima is doing. How has she spent these three days?

Fatima's eyes are sunken from hunger, and her legs are weak, but she still continues to pray.

The Prophet embraces his darling Fatima and cries in a way that his shoulders tremble.

Who can see the loved ones of the God in such a condition and be unmoved?

At this time the air is filled with a beautiful fragrance and Gabriel comes down to the Prophet.

-Oh Mohammad! Accept the gift which I have brought for your family.

-Gabriel! What have you brought with you?

-First the mercy and bliss of God for this family, and then verses about their matchless deed has been sent down.

Real value is in a work that brings about the pleasure of God. I, the faithful Gabriel, the bringer of revelation, and the link between you and God, do not find a greater gift than this.

In these verses, the almighty God has introduced this fasting group as "the righteous ones" and has described their state in heaven:

God protects the ones who perform vows and are fearful of the Day of Judgment and give their food out of love of God to the poor, the orphaned and the captive, saying:

"We only feed you for God's sake. We desire from you neither reward nor thanks. Surely we fear from our God, a stern distressing Day."

Therefore God will guard them from the evil of that Day and cause them to meet with ease and happiness.

And the reward of them for their patience is Heaven.

Reclining therein on raised couches they shall find therein neither heat nor cold.

And the shades of the garden will come down over them. And its fruits will hang low and easy to reach…

Surely this is the reward for you and your endeavor is accepted and recognized.

Now,Hasan ,Hussain ,Fezzeh , Fatima, and Imam Ali no longer feel hungry. Their starvation does no longer bother them and it is replaced by feelings of happiness and glory.

They all bow and thank their God for this wonderful great gift.