Imamat and Wilayat

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Imamat and Wilayat Author:
Translator: Jalil Dorrani
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Category: Imamate

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Imamat and Wilayat

Imamat and Wilayat

Publisher: Naba Publication (

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Perpetuation of Divine Leaders

Thus, the Mercy of the All-Merciful and the All Compassionate and the divine Wisdom necessarily requires that right from the time of creation of the earth and its inhabitants, the divine Mercy[4] and Wisdom[5] should embrace them. Moreover, the means of guidance and progress and the results derived from them (i.e. advisability and reform) should be kept within their reach. Considering man’s qualities and the wide spectrum which, he can traverse from unlimited negativeness to unlimited positiveness , he is helpless but to taste the leadership of those endowed with lofty position and perfection. Thus, God has appointed a few amongst mankind (chosen ones) and acquainted them with the realities of "مبدأ" (origin) and "معاد" (eschatology) and the path between this beginning and end (i.e. .Prophet hood). A group amongst them has been charged with the duty of transmitting these messages (Messenger ship) and the people too have been commanded to obey them. Moreover, He has given yet another group the responsibility of guiding, supervising and assisting the human beings in all aspects (Imamah and Wilayah).[6]

Here are some examples from the sayings of the Immaculate Imams (A.S.):

Abu-Abdullah (A.S.) says:

“The earth shall not last but with the existence of a learned man who shall reform it and the people (themselves) shall not be reformed hut with his presence.” (Elal-ush-Sharayeh /196, item 8)

Again, he says: “People will not reform save with the help of a leader. The earth too shall not be reformed but through him.” (Bihar-ul -Anwar 23/22, item 23 (narrated fromElal-ush-Sharaye /76)Basa’er Darajaat / l43 andGhaibat Nu’mani /68)

Abu-Ja’ far (A.S.) said:

“I swear by Allah that since the time the earth was inherited by Adam (A.S.) it has never been delivered except when it shall be inherited by a leader through whom it shall be guided towards Allah and he shall be Allah’s plea over His creatures. And the earth shall not last without Allah’s plea over His creatures.” (Bihar-ul -Anwr 23/22: item 25)

One of ImamSadiq’s followers said: I heardHazrat saying:

“If there does not remain on the earth but two persons then surely one of them shall be the ‘Hujjah ’ (proof).” (Bihar-ul -Anwar 23/22; item 24)

Muhammad-Ibn -Muslim has narrated from ImamBaqir (A. S.) who said: “The earth shall not endure without a leader.” (Whether apparent or concealed) (Bihar-ul -Anwar 23/23; item 26)

Since, under such circumstances, the earth will not remain fit and life in it will be suitable but for a while as both of these will have then given away the medium for divine bounties as well as the wise objective of remaining firm in position.

Thus a ‘Messenger’ "رسول" should possess the knowledge of a ‘Prophet’ "نبي" ; and a ‘Leader’ "امام" and ‘Master’ "ولي" should possess (either directly or indirectly) the Knowledge of a ‘Messenger’ "رسول" By direct, we may cite the case of an Imam who is also a Prophet and a Messenger. By indirect, is meant an Imam who is the Messenger’s successor. Just as the people have no choice in the selection of a Prophet and Messenger in the same manner, they have no choice in the appointment of an ‘Imam’ and ‘Wali ’:

"الله أعلمُ حَيثُ يجعَلُ رِسَا لتهُ"

“Allah best knows where he places His message.” (Anam /124)

"وَ رَبُكَ يخلُقُ ما يشاءُ وَ يختارُ ما كان لهُمُ الخِيَرَةُ"

“And your Lord creates and chooses whom He pleases; to choose is not theirs.” (Qasas /68)

"وَ ما كان لِمُؤمنٍ وَ لا مؤمنةٍ اذا قضي اللهُ و رَسولُهُ أمراْ أن يكُونَ لهُم الخيرةُ من أمرهم"

“And itbehoves not a believing man and a believing woman that they should have any choice in their matter when Allah and His Apostle have decided a matter.” (Ahzab /36)

Thus, it has come down that one cannot become a leader without an explicit designation and it is necessary for an Imam to explicitly stipulate the Imam who is to follow him. (Bihar-ul -Anwar 23/ 66-75)

Verily, is it possible for a legatee (وصي) to be appointed by someone other than alegator (موصي) ? Verily, the hierarchy of divine leaders began fromHazrat Adam (A.S.) and continued in the progeny ofRazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) and finally continues to last in the pure progeny of Amir-ulMumineen andFatemah (A.S.).

ImamSadiq (A.S.) said:

The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) said: “I am the chief of all the Prophets. My legatee (وصي) is the chief of all the legatees and my legatees are the chief of all (other) legatees. Verily, Adam (A.S.) requested Almighty Allah to appoint a worthy legatee for himself Then Allah revealed to him as such: “Verily, I honored the prophets with prophet hood. Then, I appointed the legatees amongst the best of My creatures.” Thereafter, Allah revealed to him as such: “O Adam, appointShais as your legatee.” He appointedShais as his legatee andShais was Adam’s son.

Shais appointed his sonShabban as his legatee. He was the son ofNazlah Hura who was sent from the Paradise by Allah for Adam and Adam had given her hand in marriage to his son,Shais .

Shabban appointedMuhlas as his legatee andMuhlas in turn appointedMuhwaq as his legatee.Muhwaq too appointedAmisha as his legatee andAmisha appointedOkhnukh (ProphetIdris ) as his legatee.Idris appointedNahur andNahur entrusted theexecutorship prophet Noah.

Noah appointedSaam as his legatee andSaam handed over theexecutorship toAthamer ,Ethasha ,Yafeth ,Bareh ,Jafiseh andImran followedAthamer in sequence.

Imran entrusted the executor ship to Ibrahim who was later succeeded by his son Ismail. Thereafter,Ishaaq ,Ya’qub , Yusuf,Yathriya andShuaib followed in order.Shuaib entrusted the executor ship to Musa-ibn -Imran who in turn appointedYushah -ibn -Nun as his legatee. Thereafter, the executor ship was entrusted toSulaiman ,Asif-ibn-Barkhiya andZakaria in order.

Zakaria entrusted the executor ship to Isa-ibn -Maryam who entrusted toSham’un-ibn-Hamun as-Safa .Yahya-ibn­-Zakaria Munzar ,Sulaimah andBardah followedSha’mun in sequence.

Then, the holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) said: “AndBardah entrusted the executor ship to me. From my side, I shall hand over this executor ship to you O Ali. You in turn entrust it to your legatee. Your legatee too shall entrust it to your legatees one after the other and they shall be from your progeny until it shall be handed over to the best creature on the earth after you. Verily, people will turn atheist after your departure and a great dispute will arise amongst them over you. The one who remains loyal to you will be the one who will reside next to me and the one who forsakes you will dwell in Hell, and the Hell is the abode of the disbelievers.” (Bihar-ul -Anwar 23/57; item 1(narrated fromA’mali ofSaduq ))

Jabir-ibn -AbdullahAnsari says:

About the verse:

"ياأيها الذين آمنوا أطيعوا الله و أطيعوا الرسول"

I asked the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) as such: We know Allah and His Messenger but who are these "اولوالأمر" (those vested with authority)? He replied:

‘O Jabir! They are my successors and the leaders of the Muslims after me. They are Ali-ibn -Abi Talib and then Hassan, then Hussein, then Ali-ibn -Hussein, then Muhammad-ibn -Ali who has been mentioned as ‘Baqir ’ in the Torah. ‘O Jabir, you shall see him and when you do so, convey my greetings to him. After him shall followJafaribn -MuhammadSadiq , then Musa-ibn -Jafar --------Hassan -ibn - Ali. Then Allah’s plea and tile ‘spared one’ amongst His creatures, the son of Hassan-ibn -Ali whose name and agnomen shall be the same as mine will come and Almighty Allah will relieve the earth from East to West by his hands. He is the same one who will be concealed from his followers for such a long that his-followers will not remain firm in their belief (during occultation) save those whom Allah has tested their hearts with faith. (Bihar-ul -Anwar 23/289: item 16)

Hadith -e-Luh

In the glorioushadith-luh (the divine gift from God to the last of His prophets who in turn gifted it to his dear daughterFatemah ) the hierarchy of Imams has been introduced:

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. This is a writ of command from the Wise and Mighty Allah to Muhammad, His prophet, His Light, His sent one, His curtain and His guide. The trustworthy spirit has brought this down from Allah.

‘O Muhammad! Keep My Name Exalted. Be thankful to My bounties and do notbely them. Verily, I am Allah and except for Me there is no (other) Allah. I am the Smasher of the oppressors; the Redresser of the innocent ones and the Dominator of religion. Verily, I am Allah and besides Me there is no (other) Allah. So, anyone who trusts others but not Me and fears but not from My Justice, then I shall so torment him that would be unprecedented. So, glorify Me only and have trust on Me only.

Verily, I have not appointed any prophet nor perfected his life nor completed revelation upon him save that I have fixed for him a وصي" (legatee). Verily, I made you superior all the prophets and granted superiority to your legatee more than all other legatees. Moreover, I honored you with your two grandsons, Hassan and Hussein.

I made Hassan the treasure house of knowledge after his father. I made Hussein the treasurer of My revelation and honored him with martyrdom and brought his affair to a prosperous end. Thus he is the most superior of all the martyrs. I placed My absolute creed with him and entrusted My conclusive evidence with him. Moreover, I shall give reward and punishment through his offspring.

I made the first amongst them the leader of the adorers and the ornament of (My) saints. Thereafter, his son who is similar to his great grandfather is the splitter of My knowledge and the mine of My wisdom. Soon it shall be when the doubters inJafar will perish. Anyone who rejects him has indeed rejected Me.

My words are certain that verily I shall honorJafar’s abode and haven and shall make him glad amongst his followers, friends and companions. After him, Musa will encounter blind and severe seditions. But in spite of this, My precepts shall never be severed and My plea (Hujiah ) shall never remain covered. Verily, My saints will be quenched from the overflowing cup. Anyone who denies any one of them has indeed denied My bounty and anyone who alters any verse has indeed attributed a lie to Me.

Woe be to those who belong to the group of deniers and hers. After the termination of Musa’s age shall come My slave, friend and appointed one Ali who is My friend, helper and the one upon whom I placed the prophet hood for several times and tested his capability for it. A wicked and haughty person shall kill him and he will be buried next to the worst creature in a city, which will be built by a worthy man.

Verily, I shall make him glad, by appointing his son Muhammad to succeed him and inherit his knowledge. He is the deposit of My Knowledge; the stronghold of My secrets and My plea over My creatures. None shall be inclined to him but that I shall make the Paradise his abode and I will accept his intercession for seventy persons from his family members who otherwise would be worthy of the Fire. I shall bring the affairs of his son Ah to a prosperous end and he shall be My friend, helper, a witness over My creatures and a trustworthy one over My revelation. And from him I will create the caller to My path and the treasurer of My Knowledge. And I shall perfect the affairs through his son

"م ح م د" who is a mercy for mankind. He possesses the perfection of Musa (Moses), the brightness of Isa (Jesus) and the patience ofAyub (Job). During his time, My friends will be despised and degraded and their heads will be presented as gifts just like the heads of Turks andDylamites . Thus, they shall be killed and burnt and fear and terror will grip them, The land shall be colored with their blood. The crying, wailing and recitation of elegy by their women shall become manifest. Verily, they are My friends by the truth. By their means, I shall eliminate every blind and dark sedition. And by their means, I shall put away the earthquakes and bury the fetters. My greetings and Mercy be upon them. And they are those who have found guidance.”

Abdur -Rahman -ibn -Salem says: AbuBaseer says: If you have not heard anyhadith in your life time save this one suffice it will be for you. So keep it a secret save from its people. (Kafi /1, Chapter "ما جاء في الاثنا عشر و النص عليهم" Page 527-528. No. 3)

It is in this manner that in the length of divine leadership, the ‘Prophet hood’ and ‘Messenger ship’ ends inHazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.A.) the last of the Prophets but the ‘Imamat ’ still continues. As such, it should be said that Amir-ul -Mumineen (A.S.) is not the first Imam (even though he is reckoned to be the best of all the Prophet’s legatees) and his:Imamat is the continuation of theImamat of other Imams.

ImamAbul -Hassanar-Ridha (A.S.) has expressed in beautiful and audible terms the position ofImamat , the specialties of an Imam, the necessity of Imam’s appointment through designation, the continuity ofImamat right from the beginning till the end of this world and all other points related to this matter.

Abdul Aziz-ibn -Muslim says; We were in Imam’s presence at Marv. On Friday, which was the first day of our entry to this city, we gathered at the Friday mosque. The people involved themselves in the discussion ofImamat and the various differences that existed amongst the people in this matter. So I approached my master and informed him about the various things the people had said. He smiled and said:

‘O Abdul Aziz! The people do not know and have been deceived in their opinion. Almighty Allah did not seize (the life of) His prophet but after having perfected the religion for him and having revealed the Quran upon him where in one can find the clarification ofevery thing . In it, He has clarified the lawful and the unlawful acts, the restrictions "حدود" and the commands and all that the people need. He to Whom belongs Might and Majesty says: “We have neglected nothing in the Book.” (An’am /38)

And in the farewell pilgrimage which took place at the end of the Prophet’s life, Allah revealed this verse: “Today I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed My blessing upon you, and I have approved Islam for your religion.’ (Maeda 3.) And the matter of Imamate is the means by which the religion has been brought to perfection:

The holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) did not depart from the world until he clarified to his nation the guiding principles of their religion and the path to be pursued by them. And he appointed for them Ali (A.S.) as a sign and as an Imam. And he has not left out the clarification of any matter, which is essential for the nation. So, whoever reckons that the Almighty Allah has not perfected His religion has indeed rejected the Book of Allah, and whoever rejects the Book of Allah is an unbeliever in it.

Do they know the worth of Imamate and “Its position among the nation so that their selection could b? Decided by the people? Verily the Imamate is too sublime” among values, too great among ranks, too high among stations, too impenetrable on all sides, too profound among the depths for people to reach it with their intellects, or to grasp it with their opinions, or to establish an Imam by their choice. Verily, Allah granted Abraham (A.S.) the Imamate in the third stage only after bestowing him the prophet hood and His friendship. And it is a grace by which He has bestowed him with honor and raised his renown and said: “Behold! I make you an Imam (leader) for this people.” And Allah’s friend joyfully said: “And of my seed?” Allah, the Sublime said: “My covenant shall not reach the evil-doers.” (Baqarah / 124) Thus this verse has nullified the leadership of alt oppressors till the chosen ones only.

Then, Almighty Allah honored him by placing the Imamate amongst the chosen and pure ones of his offspring and said:

“And We gave himIshaq andYa’qub in superabundance and everyone made We righteous and appointed them tohe Imams guiding by Our commands, and We revealed to them the doing of good deeds and the keeping up of prayer and the giving of the alms, and Us (alone) did they serve.” (Anbiya /72-73)

So, this affair continued in his offspring; one inheriting from the other generation after generation till Allah, the Sublime, made the holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) inherit. And He the Majestic, the Sublime said: “Surely, the nearest of people to Abraham are those who followed him and this Prophet and those who believe and Allah is the Master of the believers.” (Al-Imran /68)

So, Imamate belonged to him particularly, and hence he invested Ali (A.S.) with it by the command of Allah, the Sublime, in the way in which Allah had made obligatory. So it came to be in his (Ali’s) selected seed, those to whom Allah has given knowledge and faith, as in the words of He Who is the Sublime:

‘But those who have been given knowledge and faith shall say: Certainly, you have tarried according to Allah’s Book till the Day of Resurrection.” (Rum /56)

Therefore, Imamate shall be only for Ali’s offspring till the Day of Judgment since, there shall be no Prophet after Muhammad (S.A.W.A.). Then, how can these foolish people have the right to select (their leader)?! Verily, Imamate is the rank of the Prophets and the heritage of the successors. Verily, the Imamate is thevicegerency (Khilafah ) of Allah and thevicegerency of the Messenger; the station of Amir-ul -Mumineen (A.S.) and the heritage of al-Hassan and al-Hussein (A.S.). Verily, Imamate is the reins of the religion, the state of order of the Muslims, the rectitude of the world and the might of the believers Verily, Imamate is Islam’s growing root and its lofty branches. Through the Imam, the ‘Salat ’ (prayer), ‘Zakat ’ (alms), ‘Saum ’ (fasting), ‘Haj ’ (pilgrimage to Mecca) and ‘Jihad’ (holy war) are perfected, the general wealth and charity are augmented, the restrictions and precepts are put into practice and the frontiers and territories are protected. An Imam makes lawful what Allah has made lawful and prohibits what Allah has prohibited; he establishes the restrictions of Allah; he defends the religion of Allah and he calls the people towards His Lord with wisdom and good admonition and perfect and complete arguments. Imam is like the radiant sun, which gives embellishment to the world with its light and it is (placed) on the highest point of the sky where no hand or eye can reach it.

Imam is like the glaring moon; the glowing lamp; the luminous light and the brilliant stars, which act as a guidance in the dark gloomy night and in the lands, deserts and oceans. Imam is a refreshing water for the thirsty people; a guide on the path of guidance and deliverer from the deviations. Imam is (like) the fire on the heights, and which warms those who seek the heat and an indicator in dangers. He who moves away from him will perish.

Imam is (like) the pluvial cloud, the rainfall that covers everywhere, the shining sun, the shady sky, the smooth earth, the overflowing spring, the pool and the meadow. Imam is an affectionate associate; the sympathetic father; the blood brother; the mother who is tender to her small child and a shelter for those in misfortunes. Imam is Allah’s custodian over His creatures; His plea for His creatures, Hisvecegerency in His lands, a caller towards Allah and the defender of Allah’s precincts.

The Imam is the one who is immune from sins, free from all shortcomings, characterized by knowledge, distinguished by forbearance, the state of order of the religion, the might of the Muslims, the one who enrages the hypocrites and the destroyer of the infidels. The Imam is the unique one of his times; no one is comparable to him; no scholar can approach his rank; no one can replace him nor can anyone be found who is similar to him. All the virtues can be found only in him without him seeking it or acquiring it. Rather, it has come upon him from theBestower of virtues, the All-Giving. So, who is there who can arrive at the knowledge of Imam or have the ability to select him?! How far from the truth! Intellects have lost (themselves), imaginations have gone astray, minds have been made small, the wise have confounded themselves, those who reflect forever fall short, orators falter, the intelligent become ignorant, poets become expressionless,prosodists turn incapable and the eloquent stammer in describing one of his aspects or one of his eminence. All of them have confessed their incapability and inadequacy. How can this totality be described and how can his inner essence be characterized? How can anything concerning him be understood? Who can be found who can replace him and give what he can give? Nay! How can it be possible? While he is like the position of a star where hands cannot reach it or the adorers can eulogize.

So, what a difference between this and selection! What a difference between this and the thoughts! And where can the like of him be found?! Do you imagine that this can be found somewhere other than the Prophet’s household?! By Allah, they have lied to themselves, they have promised to themselves the impossible, they have climbed up to a difficult and dangerous height, (and) their feet will slip and fall to the bottom. They want to appoint an Imam with (their) confused, unproductive and defective minds, and (their) misguided opinions. Nothing accrued to them but remoteness from him. [May Allah assail them! How they are turned away!]

Surely, they have intended to engage in a difficult affair with the result that they have uttered the untruth and have gone astray into far error; they have put themselves into confusion, because they have knowingly abandoned the Imam. And the Satan made their deeds fair-seeming to them and barred them from the way, though they saw choice of the Messenger of Allah and hisAhlu’l-bayt , and instead turned to their own choice whereas the Quran has called out to them:

“Thy Lord creates whatsoever He pleases and He chooses; they have not the choice. Glory be to Allah! Exalted be He above what they associate.” (Qasas /68)

And He to Whom belongs Might and Majesty says:

“And itbehoves not a believing man and a believing woman that they should have any choice in their matter when Allah and His Apostle have decided a matter.” (Ahzab /36)

And He says:

“What ails you then, how you judge? Or have you a Book wherein you study? Surely therein you shall have whatever you choose! Or have you oaths from Us, reaching to the Day of Resurrection? Surely you shall have whatever you judge! Ask them, which of them will guarantee that! Or do they have associates? Then let them bring their associates, if they speak truly.” (Qalam /37-42)

Yet in another verse, the Almighty and Exalted God says:

“What, do they not ponder the Quran? Or is it that there are locks upon their hearts? (Muhammad/24) or “Allah has set a seal upon their hearts, so they understand not.” (Tauba /87) or “And be not like those who said, We hear, and they hear not. Surely the worst of beasts in Allah’s sight are those that are deaf and dumb and do not understand. If Allah had known of any good in them He would have made them hear and if He had made themhear , they would have turned away, swerving aside.” (Anfal /21-23) or “They said: We have heard and we disobey.” (Baqarah /93) Rather, that is the Grace of Allah. He grants it to whomsoever He wishes and Allah is the Owner of Grace. So how can they have (the right) to choose an Imam? Since, the Imam is a man of knowledge in whom ignorance cannot penetrate; a shepherd who does not shirk (his duty), a mine of sanctity and purity, of piety and renunciation, of knowledge and worship. He is the one specifically mentioned in the supplication of the Messenger (S.A.W.A.), and he is of the seed of the purified one, the chaste [al-Batul ,Fatemah (A.S.)]. Aspersion cannot be cast on him in relation to his parentage; no one can approach him in honorability-----

­Verily, Allah accommodates the Prophets and the Imams, may Allah bless them; He bestows to them of His stored Knowledge and Wisdom, which He does not give to anyone else. Thus their knowledge is far above the knowledge of the people of their time, as He, the Sublime says: “Is He who guides to the truth, the worthier to be followed, or he who himself does not aright unless he is guided? What then ails you, how you judge? (Yunus /35)

In another verse, Almighty Allah says:

“And whose is given the Wisdom, has been given much good.” (Baqarah /269)

AboutThalut (Saul), He says:

“Verily, Allah has chosen him over you, and has increased him broadly in knowledge and body. Allah gives the kingship to whom He wills. And Allah is All-embracing. All- knowing.” (Baqarah /247)

In His address to the Prophet, He says:

“Allah has sent down on thee the Book and the Wisdom and He has taught thee that thouknowest not: Allah’s bounty to thee is very great.”(Nisa /113)

About the Imams from His Prophet’sAhlu’l-bayt and progeny, He says: “Or are they jealous of the people for the bounty that Allah has given them? Yet We gave the progeny of Abraham the Book and the Wisdom, and We gave them a mighty kingdom. And some of them (i.e. those that were jealous) there are that believe, and some of them that bar from it;Gehenna suffices for a Blaze!” (Nisa /53-54)

Verily, when Allah, to whom belongs Might and Majesty, selects a slave for the affairs of His creatures He expands his breast for it; He deposits in his heart the fountains of wisdom and profoundly inspires him with knowledge. So after this, he does not stammer in answers and he does not deviate from the truth. Thus, he is immaculate, supported (by Allah); he is accommodated (to the right path); his steps being firmly guided; he will be safe from errors, slips and stumbling. Allah distinguishes him by this, because he is His Proof over his slaves, and His witness over His creatures. That is the bounty of Allah, He gives it to whom He will, and Allah is of bounty abounding.

So, do they have the power to do the like of this, so that they can choose him? Or can the one of their choice possess this attribution so that they may prefer him? By the House of Allah, they have transgressed against the truth, they have rejected the Book of Allah behind their backs as though they did not know, and in the Book of Allah there is guidance and cure. So they have rejected it, and they have followed their own desires. Thus, Allah has found fault with them, detested them and casted them down, as He, to Whom belongs Majesty and Sublimeness , has said: “And who is further astray then he who follows his own caprice without guidance from Allah? Surely, Allah guides not the people of the evil-doers.” (Qasas /50) And He has said: “And (as for) those who disbelieve, for them is destruction, and He has made their deeds ineffective.” (Muhammad /8) And He has said: “………. greatly hated it is by Allan and by those who believe. Thus does Allah set a seal over the heart of every proud, haughty one?” (Ghafir /35) And may Allah bless the Prophet, Muhammad and his progeny, and bestow peace upon them with much bestowing.”

The Virtues of Amir-Ul -Mumineen (A.S.)

We had mentioned earlier that Amir-ul -Mumineen (A.S.) is the most superior of all the legatees. Why shouldn’t he be so?! Isn’t he the holy Prophet’s successor?! As per the explanation of the Quran, isn’t lie the holy Prophet’s ‘self’?![7] Doesn’t the Quran reckon the last of the Prophets to be the “Mercy for mankind” "رحمةْالعالمين" ? Thus, his blessed existence is a mercy for all mankind and consequently his mercy embraces the entire Prophets too. The same is the case with Amir-ul -Mumineen (A.S.).

About Amir-ul -Mumineen’s superiority over all beings save the holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) of Islam, ImamSadiq (A.S.) explains as such: (Yanabi al-Mu’ajez andUsul al-Dala’el /6-7)

Abdullah-ibn -Walid said: Abu-Abdullah (A.S.) inquired from me: ‘What is the opinion of the Shiites about Jesus Moses and Amir-ul -Mumineen (A.S.)’? I said: “Surely that Jesus and Moses are more superior to Amir-ul -Mumineen ” He said: “Do they believe that Amir-ul -Mumineen (A.S.) possessed the same knowledge as that of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.)?” I said: “Yes, but none can have priority over the Arch-Prophets” He replied: “Then, argue with them with the divine Book.” I said: “From which part of the Book should I argue with them?”

He said: ‘The Almighty and Exalted Allah addressesMose (A.S.) as such: “And We ordained for him in the tablets admonition of every kind and clear explanation of part of all things.” (Araf /145)

From this we realize that Allah did not ordain for him everything. And Jesus (A.S.) says: “…And that I may make clear to you part of what you differ in.” (Zukhraf /63) About Muhammad, Almighty Allah says: “And bring you as a witness against these-and We have revealed the Book to you explaining dearly everything.” (Nahl / 89)

Moreover, the holy Prophet (S.A.W.A) has uttered many things about his legatee, which covers details of hisspecialities .

Ali on the seventh heaven is like the sun on earth at daytime. He, on this worldly sky is like the moon on earth luring the night. Allah bestowed Ali with a certain grace such that if this grace were to be distributed amongst all the inhabitants of the world then the entire lot of them could have enjoyed it.

His compassion is like the compassion of Lot; his character like the character of John; his asceticism like the asceticism of Job; his generosity like the generosity of Abraham; his benevolence like the benevolence ofSoloman son of David; his might like the might of David; and on every curtain in Paradise is mentioned his name. My Lord gave me this as a reward and his reward is with me.

Ali, before the Exalted Allah is laudable; pure before the Angels; and special, pure, apparent, light, shield and a friend to me. My Lord made him my associate. So, I requested My Lord not to bring him death before my departure from this world and instead make him die by way of martyrdom after my departure.

When I was taken to Paradise, I saw Ali’s wide-eyedhouris more in number than the leaves of trees and I saw Ali’s palaces equal to the number of human beings. Ali is from me and I am from him. Anyone who loves Ali, loves me. Ali’s friendship is a bounty and his obedience a grace. The Angels have brought faith in him and the peace-lovingJinns have amassed around him.

After me, none shall come who would be more honorable than Ali in glory, honor and manner (of living). He is neither rough nor panicky and neither submissive before corruption and perversion nor refractory and obstinate. The earth supported him and honored him. None came out from their mother’s womb in the manner, which Ali came out from his mother’s womb. In no house, a child brought good luck the way Ali brought luck. Allah revealed the wisdom to him and covered him with the mantle of comprehension. The Angels sitbesides him and he doesno see them. And if there was to be any revelation after me, I would have been Ali who would receive it. Through him, Allah granted adornment to the gatherings, honored the armies, made the cities prosper and bestowed respect to the soldiers.

His parable is like the parable of the House of Allah, which is visited but does not pay a visit. Also, his parable is like the parable of the moon such that when it gleams illuminates the world. In His Book, Almighty Allah ha depicted and praised him and has commended his work and elevated his (various) positions. Thus in life he generous and in death a martyr. (Bihar-ul -Anwar 39/37-38 (narrated fromA’mali ofSaduq 6-7))

Now that Amir-ul -Mumineen (A.S.) enjoys these virtues, at all the matter of his comparison arises, then he should be measured with the great ones in creation and the appointed ones from the hierarchy of Messenger ship and notwit others as, he himself said:

“They sowed vices, watered them with pride andharveste destruction. None in the Islamic community can be taken par with the Prophet’s progeny. One who was under the obligation cannot be matched with them. They are the foundation of religion and pillar of belief. The forward runner has to turn back to them while the follower has to reach them. They possess the chief characteristics forvicegerency . In their favor exists the will and succession (of the Prophet).

Alas! After the Prophet’s departure, cowardliness and foul play took the affairs to such extent thatHazrat’s heart was put to severe pain; his mouth opened (to speak); he complained of the time and groaned because of ungrateful people like, the sellers of Yusuf (Joseph):

“How strange it is that I am being grouped with him who never evinced briskness of pace like me nor had he to his credit any achievement like mine unless he claims something of which I do not know and which I think Allah too does not know.” (Nahjul-Ba1agha; letter No. 9)

In another sermon, he says:

“Where was any doubt about me with regard to the first of them that I was now considered akin to these ones.” (Nahjul-Balagha ; Sermon No. 3)

Thus, this innocent man of all-time history does not find any remedy against the composers and believers ofSaqifa other than describing his own superiority over all other well-known figures of his time. In the books ofhadith and history, one can find the description of some of the discussions and debates ofHazrat regarding his own virtues and superiority. Amongst them, we may mention the argumentation with the Consultative committee of six persons held for the appointment of the third Caliph and the argumentation with: a number of the Prophet’s companion in the Prophet’s mosque duringUthman’s caliphate.

A Selection of the First Argumentation

Aamer-ibn-Wathela says: On the day of the Consultative committee, I was in my residence that I heard Ali (A.S.) saying: ‘The people set Abu-Bakr as the Caliph while by Allah, I was more worthy and deserved it more than him. Then, Abu-Bakr appointed Omar as the Caliph while by Allah, I was more worthy and deserved it more than him. Besides, Omar put me in the group of six and regarded me to, be one of them and they did not possess any superiority over me. If I desire, I can argue with them with such matters that none of the Arabs or non-Arabs amongst them or the Muslims and polytheists can present any reply to these arguments.

Thereafter, he said: ‘O people, tell me, by Allah, is there anyone amongst you who has turned to monotheism prior to me?

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone except me to whom the holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) has said: “You are to me asHaroun was to Musa except that there will be no Prophet after me”?!

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me where on the occasion when a cooked bird was brought before the Prophet he said: “O Allah, send to me Thy most beloved creature so that he will accompany me in eating this bird.” Then, I approached him!

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me who has a brother like my brotherJafar who is decorated with two wings in paradise and descends wherever he wishes?!

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me who possesses a uncle likeHamza the lion of Allah, the lion of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) and the chief of the martyrs?!

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me who possesses two sons like Hassan and Hussein - the sons of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) and the leaders of the youths of paradise?!

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me who possesses a spouse likeFatemah , the daughter and part of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) and the chief of the women of paradise?!

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me to whom the holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) has said: “Anyone who forsakes you has forsaken me and anyone who forsakes me has indeed forsaken Allah?!”

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me about whom the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) has said:

“TheBanu-Valiah should desist or else I shall send to them disobedience to him is disobedience to me. He shall strike them with his sword?!”

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me to whom the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) has addressed: “There is no Muslim in whose heart is found my love except that Allah shall forgive his sins. Anyone whose heart bears love for me then surely his heart will bear love for you too. Anyone who reckons that he loves me and bears enmity with you is indeed a liar.”

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me to whom the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) has said: You are my successor in household, offspring and among the Muslims in every absence. Your enemy is my enemy and my enemy is Allah’s enemy. Your friend is my friend and my friend is Allah’s friend?!

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me to whom the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) has said: ‘O Ali, anyone who loves you and accepts your ‘Wilayah’ (vicegerency ) then, surely mercy will overcome him?! Anyone who bears enmity with you and starts a battle against you then the curse (of Allah) shall overcome him.’ Ayesha said: “O the Messenger of Allah, pray to Allah that I and my father do not fall in the category of those who invite his wrath and bear enmity against him.” Then, the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) said: “Be quiet! If you and your father be amongst those who love him then verily mercy shall overcome you. On the other hand, if you be against him then verily the curse (of Allah) shall befall you. Surely, you and your father shall act and your father will be the first who will commit injustice against him and you shall be the first one who will fight against him.”

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me to whom the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) has said: ‘O Ali, you are my brother and I am your brother in this world as well as the world hereafter: and your residence shall be facing my residence just as the faithful brothers shall be residing facing each other?!

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me about whom Gabriel has said: ‘O Muhammad! How do you see the brotherhood of Ali? The Prophet (S.A.W.A.) said:

“Verily, he is from me and I am from him.” Then, Gabriel said: “And I am from the two of you.”

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me for whom a caller cried out from the heavens as such:

‘There is no sword butZulfiqar and no stalwart but All?

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me to whom the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) has addressed as such: ‘Verily Tuba is a tree in paradise and its roots lies in your house. There is no believer in whose house a branch from its branches will not be found?!

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me about whom the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) has said:

‘He shall fight for my ‘Suunah ’ (practice of the Prophet) and will pay my debt and fulfill my religion?!

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me to whom the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) has said:

‘You shall fight against therenegers , oppressors and deviators?!

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me who approached the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) while his head lay rested on Gabriel’s lap and the latter said:

‘Come near your cousin. You are more worthy to him than I am to him?!

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me who on the occasion when Allah commanded His Messenger to send the ‘Baraat ’ (declaration of immunity), the Prophet sent Abu-Bakr for this task and then Gabriel came and said: “O Muhammad! Verily nobody can deliver it save you and the one who is from you.” Then, the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) sent me. I took the ‘Baraat ’ from Abu-Bakr and presented it on behalf of the holy Prophet And the Almighty Allah affirmed on His Prophet’s tongue that I was from him.’

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me to whom the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) said: ‘On the Day of Judgment, those believing in yourvicegerency shall arise from their graves riding on white camels while their shoe-laces will be the lights. The stops shall become easy; the hardships and difficulties shall depart from them; security will be guaranteed and sorrow will vanish from them until they will reach the shadow of the Celestial Throne. A tablecloth shall be spread before them where they shall eat until they will be delivered from the reckoning. Fear shall grip the people but not them. People will be in sorrow but not them.’

They replied: ‘By swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me who when Abu-Bakr approached the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) for seekingFatemah’s hand in marriage the Prophet refused and Omar made such a proposal and the Prophet refused and then, I made such a proposal and he accepted. Thereafter, Abu-Bakr and Omar approached and said: “You refused our proposal but accepted Ali’s marriage toFatemah ! The Prophet (S.A.W.A.) replied: It was not me but Allah who rejected your proposal and accepted his proposal.”

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, haven’t you heard the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) saying: “On the Day of Resurrection, every means and blood relationship will be cut off except my means and relationship.” My father as well as the Prophet’s father were brothers to each other. Hassan and Hussein, the Prophet’s sons and the leaders of the youths of paradise are my sons.Fatemah , the Prophet’s daughter and my spouse is the chief of the women in paradise. Is it anyone but me?!

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: “By Allah, didn’t the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) order the closure of all the doors towards the mosque except my door. Then,Abbass andHamza approached the Prophet and said: ‘You command us to exit but made him reside here! The holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) replied: It was not me but Allah Who ordered your exit but. Permitted him to reside. Verily, Almighty Allah revealed to my brother Musa (A. S.) to construct a mosque and reside there withHaroun and his two sons. And He revealed to me that I should construct a mosque and reside there along with Ah and his two sons.”

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone except me about whom the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) said: “Truth is with Ali and Ali is with the truth. They shall not separate from each other until they meet me at the fountain (in paradise).”

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: “By Allah, is there anyone except me who protected the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) at the time when the polytheists planned to kill him. I slept on his bed and he went to the cave while they thought that I was the Prophet. Later they asked: Where is your cousin? I replied:

I do not know. Then they beat me so much that I was almost dead.”

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone except me who whenAmr-ibn-Abdud stepped forward and cried: “Isn’t there any warrior?” I was prepared to face him while you all trembled. The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) said:

“Where are you going?” I said: “I am going to face this miscreant.” He said: “He isAmr-ibn-Abdud !” I said: “If he isAmr-ibn-Abdud then. I too am Ali-ibn -Abi Talib .” The Prophet uttered the same sentence once again and I replied the same. Thereafter, he said: “You may go in the name of Allah.” - When I approached him, he inquired: “Who are you.” I replied: “Ali-ibn -Abi Talib .” He said: “A honorable resemblance. Turn back ‘O cousin; there existed a friendship between me and your father and (so) I do not like to see you die.” I said: “OAmr , verily you havesweared by Allah that if someone gives you the option in three practices, you would choose one of them.” He said:

“What are they?” I said: “Bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger and confess that whatever he says is from Allah.” He said: “What is the alternative?” I said: “Return back.” He said: “I swear by Allah that I shall never give opportunity to theQuraish women to spread this news that I have turned my back to you.” I said: “Then descend down and engage in a battle with me.” He replied: “Ali! I shall accept this one.” So he descended. Two blows were exchanged between us. His blow hit my shield and then my head. Istriked him such that his legs got severed and Allah killed him through me. Is there anyone amongst you who has done the like of this?!

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah tell me, whenMarhab stepped forward end said: “I am he whose mother has named him asMarhab . I am a well experienced champion armed from head to foot. I attack, sometimes with the spear and sometimes with the sword,” was there anyone amongst you who dared to face him except me?! Hestriked at me and Istriked at him too. On his head was a covering carved from stone since, his head was so big that his helmet did not fit his head. I split open this covering and my sword hit his head killing him. Is there anyone amongst you who has performed such a feat?!

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you for whom Allah has revealed upon His Messenger (S.A.W.A.) the verse of purity: “Allah only desires to keep away the impurity from you, O people of the House! and to purify you a (thorough) purifying.?!” Then, the Prophet (S.A.W.A.) took a cloak and covered me under it along withFatemah , Hassan and Hussein (A.S.) thereafter, he said: “O my Lord, these are myAhl’ul-bayt . Keep away every impurity from them and purify them.”

They replied: ‘We swear by Allah, No!

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you except me to whom the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) has said: “I am the leader of Adam’s sons and you ‘O Ali are the leader of the Arabs?”

They replied: “We swear by Allah, No.”

He said: ‘By Allah, is there anyone amongst you to whom the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) has said the same as what he has said to me: “In the morn, I was given permission to innovate. Then, I did not ask anything from my Lord but that lie granted my wish. And I did not ask anything for myself but that I asked the same for you too and it was granted.” Then I said: “All praise and Glory is for Allah.”

They replied: “We swear by Allah, No.”

He said: By Allah, is there anyone amongst you to who the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) has addressed these words which he uttered to me: “Verily your friends are paradise and your enemies in hell.”

They replied: “We swear by Allah, No.”

At the end of this argumentation Ali (A.S.) said: “O Lord, Thou be a witness.”[8]

A Selection of the SecondArgumentaion

Sulaim-ibn-Qais Halali an eminent disciple of the holy Prophet’s companions says: “DuringUthman’s Caliphate, I saw Ali (A.S.) discussing and debating with a group about knowledge and chastity in the Prophet’s mosque.”

They were arguing and pointing out about theQuraish their virtues, previous record, migration and whatever the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) had uttered about the virtues ofQuraish such as: “The leaders are from theQuraish ” and “The people are followers and theQuraish the leaders of the Arabs.”

And in the ring there were two hundred men. Amongst them were Ali-ibn -Abi Talib ,Sa’d-ibn-Abi Waqqas ,Abdur -Rahman -ibn -Auf,Talha ,Zubair ,Miqdad ,Hashim­ibn-Utbah ,Ibne -Omar, Hassan, Hussein,Ibne-Abbass , Muhammad-ibn -Abi Bakr , Abdullah-ibn -Jafar ,Abi Ibne ­Ka’b ,Zaid-ibn-Thabit , Abu-Ayyub Ansari ,Abul-Haitham ­ibn-Taiyahan , Muhammad-ibn -Salmah , -Qais-ibn-Sa’d-ibn-­Ebadah , Jabir-ibn -Abdullah,Anas-ibn-Malik ,Zaid-ibn-Arqam , Abdullah-ibn -Abi Aufi , Abu-Laili , his sonAbdur ­Rahman and a handsome young slave who stoodbesides him.

This debate lasted from morning till afternoon andUthaman was in his house unaware of their talks about him. Ali-ibn -Abi Talib kept silent. Neither he nor the people from his household uttered anything. So, the people turned towards him and said: ‘OAbul -Hassan, what has kept you silent? Then, he said: ‘There remains no tribe which has not commemorated the grace and uttered the truth. ‘O the group ofQuraish andAnsars , tell me, for whose sake Allah has bestowed this grace? Is it because of you, your tribe and your progeny or for someone other than you?

They replied: “Allah has bestowed this grace not because of ourselves, our tribe and progeny but rather for the sake of Muhammad (S.A.W.A.) and his clan.”

He said: ‘You have spoken the truth, ‘O the group ofQuraish andAnsars ! Didn’t you know that whatever goodness you face in this world as well as the hereafter is only due to usAhl’ul-bayt and nobody else?!…

He said: ‘By Allah, do you know where this was revealed:

“Obey Allah and His messenger and those vested with authority amongst you.” And where this was revealed:

“Do not take as your friends anyone but Allah, His messenger and the believers.” The people asked: ‘Does “friendship with believers” refer to some special group of believers or covers all the believers in general?

So, Allah Exalted be He, ordered His Prophet (S.A.W.A.) to introduce to the people the governors of His affairs and explain to them thevicegerency just as he has explained to them the prayers, the alms tax and the fasting; and inform the people about myvicegerency after the ‘Ghadir Khum ’. Thereafter, the Prophet addressed the people as such: “O people, Allah has sent me a message that has tightened my chest and I know that the people will refute me. Thus, Allah has commanded me to convey this message to you or else He would chastise me.”

Then, the Prophet (S.A.W.A.) ordered for the establishment of the congregation prayers. Then, he delivered a sermon and said: ‘O people! Do you know that Allah is my Master and I am the master of the believers “and I am more worthy than them?” They said: “Yes, O the Messenger of Allah.”

He said: “O Ali stand! And I stood.” He said: “of whomsoever I am his master then, Ali is his master too. “O Allah, love the one who loves Ali and bear enmity with the one who bears enmity with him.”

Salman stood on his feet and said: “What kind ofvicegerency ?” He said: ‘Avicegerency like myvicegerency upon the one whom I am more worthy. Thereafter, the Exalted Allah revealed as such: “Today, I have perfected for you your religion…” The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) proclaimed Allah’s Greatness and said: “Allah-o-Akbar!” the completion of my prophet hood and the perfection of Allah’s religion is only after Ali’svicgerency after me.’

Abu-Bakr and Omar stood on their feet and said: ‘O the Messenger of Allah! Does this verse exclusively refer to All? He said: “Yes, it refers to Ah and my legatees till the Day of Judgment.” They said: “O the Messenger of Allah! Mention them to us.” He said: ‘Ali, (who is) my brother, my vizier, my heir, my legatee and my vicegerent amongst my nation and the custodian of every believer after me.

Then, my son Hassan, then Hussein followed by nine more from the progeny of Hussein. They are with the Quran and the Quran is with them. They shall not separate from it and the Quran (too) shall not separate from them until they will meet me at the fountain in paradise.” They said: “O Allah! Indeed we have heard this and we bear witness to whatever Thou have uttered.” Someor them said: “We had memorized most of what Thou has uttered: not all. Those who have memorized all are the best and the most virtuous amongst us.”

Ali (A.S.) said: “You have spoken the truth. All the people are not alike in memorization. By Allah, I ask those who have memorized this from the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) to stand firm and convey this message (to others).”

Zaid-ibn-Arqam ,Burah-ibn-Aazeb ,Salman , Abu-Zar ,Miqdad andAmmar stood on their feet and said: “We bar witness that we have memorized the Prophet’s utterances; that he was on the pulpit and you were besides him while he uttered these words:”

“O people! Allah has commanded me to appoint for you a leader and Upholder after me: my legatee and my vicegerent: the one whose obedience has been made obligatory by Allah in His Book: the one whose obedience is fixed on par with my obedience and the one whose love has been commanded by Allah. I referred to Allah due to fear from the evil-sayings of the hypocrites and their refutation but He warned me to deliver the message or else He would chastise me.”

O people! Allah has commanded you in His Book to establish the prayers and has expressed this matter for you. He has also commanded you thezakat , fasting and pilgrimage and has expressed these to you and I have explained them to you. He commanded you the Wilayah and I bear witness that the Wilayah is exclusively meant for him (Ali). Then, he placed his hand on Ali-ibn -Abi Talib and said: ‘Then, for his son and then for the legatees who will be from their progeny. Neither they shall separate from the Quran nor shall the Quran separate from them until they meet me at the Fountain. (In paradise)

“O people! I have shown you your place of refuge as well as your leader, master and guide after me. He is my brother, Ali-ibn -Abi Talib . His position amongst you is the same as my position amongst you. Follow him in religion and obey him in all the affairs. Verily, with him is all the divine knowledge and wisdom which Allah has bestowed upon me. Thus, you should solve your problems and acquire knowledge from him and his legatees. Do not try to teach them or take precedence over them and do not disobey them as they are with the truth and truth is with them. They shall never separate from the truth and the truth shall never separate from them.” (Al-Ghadir 1/163-166)

* * *

The discourse in brief is the same which Allah, Exalted be He, addressed His Prophet at the time of his ascension to the heaven:

"يا مُحَمدٌ! أنتَ عبدي وَ أنا ربُكَ فَلِي فَاخضَع وَ اياي فَاعبُد وَ عَلَيَ فَتَوَكل فَاني رَضيتُ بِكَ عَبداْ وَ حَبِيباْ وَ رَسُو لاْ وَ نَبيناْ وَ بِأخِيكَ عَلِيْ خَلِيفَةْ وَ بَاباْ فَهوَ حُجتي علي عِبادِي وَ امام لِخَلقِي بِهِ تُعرَفُ أوليائي مِن أعدائي وَ بِهِ يُمَيزُ حِزبُ الشيطان مِن حزبي وَ بِهِ يُقامُ ديني وَ تُنقَدُ أحكامي وَتُحفظُ حُدُودي وَبِكَ وَ بِهِ وَ بالأئمة مِن وُلدِهِ أرحمُ عِبادي و أمائي

وَ بالقائمِ مِنكُم أعمُرُ أرضي بِتَسبِيحي وَ تَهلِيلِي وَتَقدِيسي وَ تَكبيري وَ تَمجيِدي وَ بِهِ أُطهرُ الأرضَ مِن أعدائي وَ أُورِثُها أوليائي وَ بِهِ أجعَلُ كَلِمَةَ الذين كَفَرُوا السفلي وَ كلمتي العُليا وَ بِهِ أُحيِي عِبادِي وَ بِلادِي وَبِه ِأُضهِرُ الكنوز وَ الذخَائرَ بمشيئتي وَ اياهُ اُضهِرُ عَلَي الأسرار وَ الضمائرِ بِاِرَادَتِي وَ أُمِدهُ بملائكتي لِتُؤيدهُ علي اِنفاذ أمري وَ اِعلانِ ديني ذالكَ وَلِيي حقاْ وَ مُهدِي عِبادِي صِدقاْ"

“O Muhammad! You are My slave and I am your Lord. So, be humble before Me. Worship Me only and trust Me (only). Verily, I am pleased with your servitude, friendship, and prophet hood and messenger ship as well as with Ali, your brother’s successor ship. Thus, he is the plea over My slaves and the leader of My creatures. By his means, My friend will be distinguished from My enemies and the group of Satan will be separated from My group. By his means, My religion shall be established, My ordinance implemented and My bounds safeguarded. I shall shower My Mercy on My slaves and slave-maids for the sake of you, him (i.e. Ali) and the leaders from his progeny.

And, through yourQaem , I shall make the earth to flourish by glorifying, praising, (by citing: لا اله الا الله ) sanctifying, magnifying (by citing: الله اكبر ) and extolling Me. By him, I shall cleanse the earth of My enemies and will make My friends inherit the earth. By his means, I shall degrade the disbeliever’s creed and raise high My creed; and by his means, I shall enliven My creatures and My cities; and by his means, I shall reveal the riches and the buried treasures. And as per My will, I shall divulge My secrets and mysteries to him. I shall assist him through the Angels so that they act as his helpers in the implementation of My affairs and the proclamation of My religion, truly, My friend is he, and truly he is theMahdi of My slaves.” (Klamat al-Allah /121 narrated fromA’mali ofSaduq )