Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought

Various Articles

The Historical Speech of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) in Ghadir Khum

The Historical Speech of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) in Ghadir Khum

This is the English translation of the speech of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) in Ghadir Khum. It is well written and documented with lots of references. O Allah! Send your blessings to the head of your Messengers and the Last of your Prophets Muhammad (s), and his ahlul-bayt.

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Night of Majesty / The Night of Power (Laylah al-Qadr)

Night of Majesty / The Night of Power (Laylah al-Qadr) The Night of Power is full of blessings because the Eminent Quran descended in it. The Quran is peace by itself. It distinguishes between the good and evil and shows the path of eternal Peace and Bliss to all Mankind forever. This being so, the Night in which this Divine Book was sent down is worthy of great esteem. During this night, as explained in the verse quoted above, the Angels and the Heavenly spirit (Hazrat Gibreel Alai-his-Salam) descend.

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Fasting - A Body/Mind/Spirit Healing

Fasting - A Body/Mind/Spirit Healing Allah the Almighty says in the Qur’an: “And seek (Allah’s) assistance with Patience and Prayer; and truly it is extremely heavy and hard except for those with full submission. Who are certain that they are going to meet their Lord and that unto Him they are going to return.” 2:45-46

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Reward and recompense of Sawm (Fasting)

Reward and recompense of Sawm (Fasting) The sawm is one of the Furu' al-Din (the duties to be performed according to Islamic Shari'ah) of the holy religion of Islam. It is wajib upon every mukallaf to have sawm in the month of Ramadan. In order to obey the command of Allah, from the time of Salatal-Fajr to the time of Salat al-Maghrib one must refrain from muftirat (certain acts which break or invalidate the sawm) which make the sawm batil.

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The Study of the Creed and Sciences of the Shi'ah

The Study of the Creed and Sciences of the Shi'ah From a scientific point of view, the first conflict of all religions, civil and ethical laws would be against two basic human forces, viz. reason and the will. Reason without any restriction accepts whatever it understands, and, the will without any reservation and obligation can do whatever it wishes.

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The Scientific Facts Presented in the Holy Qur'an

The Scientific Facts Presented in the Holy Qur'an In the following paragraphs some of the verses from the Qur’an, dealing with various scientific facts, are presented. For the sake of convenience these are grouped under various headings. For a more detailed study, the reader is referred to the book “The Bible, The Quran and Science,” by Dr. Maurice Bucaille.

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The Islamic National Education

The Islamic National Education The Islamic national education is not mere slogans and enthusiastic chants or any other empty aspects that bring about no single advantage to the society. The actual national education of Islam alludes to rational and faithful activities that aim at servicing the nation purely.

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Principles of Ethics in the View of the Ancients

Principles of Ethics in the View of the Ancients First, we shall review a prospect of the principles of ethics in view of pioneers of this technique, and study exactly the course of their discussion in brief.

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Faith in Islam

Faith in Islam 149- In Al-Mahasin it is narrated that Imam Baqir (a.s) said: “We find in (Imam) Ali ibn Abitalib's (a.s) book that God's Prophet (a.s) used to say the following when he gave a sermon on the mosque pulpit: “I swear by God who has no partners that no good of this world or

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Islam and the Position of Women

Islam and the Position of Women The West's vociferous partisans of Women's Lib. have no idea of the revolutionary leap forward in women's position which Islam brought about. In the days of Islam's first appearance the position of women was that of chattels of the men - little above the domesticated animals.

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Toward Peace

Toward Peace Alone among the entire creation, the human being is a thinking, rational creature, endowed with the wonderful powers of Intellect and Will. By means of these two amazing powers, he can decide his fate and determine his path, either choosing the way leading towards happiness or the miserable road of tragedies and torments. .

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Islam The Message of the Prophets

Islam The Message of the Prophets The concept of submission to Allah has thus been described as the core of the religion and the gist of faith. Here, Islam' as a special title given to the eternal Divine Religion - the Message of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) - and as a general title for the calls of all the prophets, will be discussed.

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True Path in this World and in the Hereafter

True Path in this World and in the Hereafter Relevant to this verse, it is appropriate to discuss about ‘Sirat’ or the Path. ‘Sirat’ in this world and in the Hereafter, is a subject we speak about several times daily: O God! Guide us to the right path. What is the difference between Path in this world referred here, and the Path in the Hereafter, crossing which is obligatory? .....

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A Very Useful Article on Marriage

A Very Useful Article on Marriage Today we shall discuss about the reasons for people opting for polygamy. This discussion is neither on jurisprudence nor on the cultural aspect of human life. It pertains only to the morality of polygamy.

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Characteristics of the Hereafter

Characteristics of the Hereafter The images that we form in our minds of persons, gardens, cities or other places when we hear them described to us, are generally quite different from we later see when we come to observe the objects at first hand. This is true despite the fact that we have often seen similar objects earlier in our lives and are therefore able to make comparisons.

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The Nature of understanding Allah

The Nature of understanding Allah A human being possesses innumerable instincts. One of these is the instinct of recognizing Allah or God. This means that man always makes an effort to find God.

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The Infallibility of the Prophets

The Infallibility of the Prophets A government organization established in a country to handle public affairs cannot operate by itself. Unless a group of competent and experienced individuals endeavour to maintain and run it, it will not survive and will not provide the people with its services.

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Patience Strengthens Will Power

Patience Strengthens Will Power The second best act to make the willpower strong is patience. Whether, it is the achievements (attainment) of the world or those of the hereafter. Patience is fundamentally (basically) important and necessary. e.

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Honesty, the Most Manifest Sign of Personality

Honesty, the Most Manifest Sign of Personality Undoubtedly, two attributes of truthfulness and honesty (truth and trust) are the most manifest signs of personality. Rather, we can not call a human the one who lacks these two, ..

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Growth of Shi'ism

Growth of Shi'ism Shi'ism began with a reference made for the first time to the partisans of Ali (shi'ah-i ' Ali), the first leader of the Household of the Prophet, during the lifetime of the Prophet himself. The course of the first manifestation and the later growth of Islam during the twenty-three years of prophecy brought about many conditions which necessitated the appearance of a group such as the Shi'ites among the companions of the Prophet.

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Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought