Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought

Fatima al-Zahra

Blessings of Kowthar: Lady Fatima (S.A)

Blessings of Kowthar: Lady Fatima (S.A)

"When one of them is brought the news of a female [newborn], his face becomes darkened and he chokes with suppressed agony.

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The Prophet's (as) Love for Fatima az-Zahra (sa)

 The Prophet's (as) Love for Fatima az-Zahra (sa) It is difficult to define the extent of the Prophet's (as) love for Fatima az-Zahra (sa) for she occupied a special place in his heart like no other person did. The Prophet's love for Fatima az-Zahra (sa) was mixed with respect and exaltation; and in addition to being motivated by the father/daughter relationship, this love was granted to her for the special talents, and .........

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The Suffering of Lady Fatima al-Zahra after Holy Prophet

The Suffering of Lady Fatima al-Zahra after Holy Prophet One of the undeniable historical facts that all Muslim historians, regardless of their school of thought, unanimously agree upon is that the beloved daughter of the Prophet, Lady Fatima al-Zahra died approximately three months after him; as a result of the great pain and suffering she endured during the incident of the attack on her house. She died at the age of 18 years and 7 months. On the day of her burial, Imam ‘Ali addressed the Prophet at his grave and said:  

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Backlash of Saqifah Event

Backlash of Saqifah Event The day after the Saqifah, ‘Umar Ibn al-Khattab, along with a group of individuals came to the house of the daughter of the Holy Prophet. In the house, there was ‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Fatima, and their two sons, Hasan and Husayn, who were still in a state of deep sorrow over the death of the Prophet.

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What are the different dimensions of Lady Fatimah’s (SA) character?

What are the different dimensions of Lady Fatimah’s (SA) character? The dimensions of Lady Fatimah’s (as) character are very vast and can only be understood through deep and profound thought and study. Reading and researching about her spirituality, knowledge and political struggles and the other aspects of her life, will help us in reaching our goal. According to both Shia and Sunni sources, some of her characteristics are as follows: 1- Her contentment to a simple life of small wealth and few facilities, while being able to have the best life possible. 2- Her donation and giving of things that she herself was fond of and liked. 3- Frequent worship and supplication at the peak of pureness in intention. 4- Her modesty and humility. 5- A role model in Islamic hijab and covering. 6- Her vast knowledge; a small example of it being her knowing all of the contents of the “Mus-haf Fatimah”. 7- Her political and social struggles and efforts in defending Imam Ali’s (as) successorship to the Prophet (pbuh) after his demise.

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The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.):“Fatima (S.A.) is a part of me;

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.):“Fatima (S.A.) is a part of me; “What Allah gave to His Prophet from them (and), you did not spur any horse for its sake (acquisition), nor any riding camel; but Allah makes His prophets prevail over whomever He wishes, and Allah has power over all things.”

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Why Was Hazrat Fatima az-Zahra (S.A.) Martyred?

Why Was Hazrat Fatima az-Zahra (S.A.) Martyred? We are clad in black these days to mourn a young lady who in order to safeguard the spirit and letter of God's Revealed Word for ensuring eternity of humanitarian values, not just sacrificed her peace and life, but also gave to the world illustrious offspring who courted martyrdom so that truth stands forever triumphant over falsehood.

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Hadrat Fatimah Siddiqah (the Righteous)

Hadrat Fatimah Siddiqah (the Righteous) The most predominant view in the traditions transmitted by our traditionists is that Fatimah az-Zahra' was born in Makkah, on the twentieth of Jumada 'l-Akhirah, in the fifth year of the Prophet's apostolic career. It is also asserted that when the Prophet died, Fatimah was eighteen years and seven months old.

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Meher [Dowry] of Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.)

Meher [Dowry] of Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.) Islam does not recommend extravagance in fixing Mehr, in the interest of its followers. It says that if the faith and character of a prospective son-in-law are impeccable, one should not bargain over Mehr and advises to be content with whatever was fixed voluntarily by the concerned parties, without creating an unnecessary fuss over it.

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Sayings of Hadrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.)

Sayings of Hadrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.) 1. Fatima Zahra (S.A), the only lady among fourteen ma’soomeen, is the best women in both the worlds, as no lady excels her in love, obedience and nearness to God.

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Manifestation of the Divine Light, A Glimpse into the Spiritual Greatness of Fatima az-Zahra (s.a.)

Manifestation of the Divine Light, A Glimpse into the Spiritual Greatness of Fatima az-Zahra (s.a.) In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious [to all of His creation], the Most Merciful [to those who believe in Him] Al-’Urayďi [a companion of the 5th Imam] has said: “One day, Imam al-Baqir, peace be upon him, said to me: When you enter the burial area of my grandmother, Fatima, peace be upon her, say the following:

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Hadrat Fatima (A.S.) The Sacred Spring of Kawthar

Hadrat Fatima (A.S.) The Sacred Spring of Kawthar “We have given you Kawthar… Surely your enemy is the one who shall be without posterity.” (Holy Quran 109:1,3)

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Hadrat Fatimah Zahra(A.S.) Pleads Her Case

Hadrat Fatimah Zahra(A.S.) Pleads Her Case After all else failing, the holy Lady Fatimah Al-Zahra(A.S.), in her desperation and frustration, causes a great controversy among all the Muslims. By personally going to her Father's Mosque of Al-Madinah, after prayers had ended, to publicly expose and demand the immeadiate return of her rightful inheritance from Abu Bakr and his supporters,...

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Centuries of Poetry Speaks of Oppressions on Sayyidah Zahra (p)

Centuries of Poetry Speaks of Oppressions on Sayyidah Zahra (p) Sayyedah Fatima Az-Zahraa (a.s.), daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and Sayyedah Khadija Al-Kobra (a.s.), spouse of Imam Ali (a.s.) and mother of Imam Hassan (a.s.), Imam Hussein (a.s.), Sayyedah Zeinab (a.s.) and Sayyedah Umm Kulthum (a.s.), was martyred at the age of 18 years on 13th Jamadi-ol Awwal, according to some traditions, while other narrations tell it was 3rd Jamadi-oth Thani.

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The Story of Lady Fatima al-Zahra(S.A): the Daughter of the Holy Prophet

The Story of Lady Fatima al-Zahra(S.A): the Daughter of the Holy Prophet The Prophet of Islam had only one daughter named Fatima. Her mother Khadija had two other daughters from her two earlier marriages. When The Prophet married her, both daughters came with her mother to live in the house of the Prophet.

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A Reliabale Proof from Shia and Sunni Sources on the Event of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (S.A)'s Martyrdom

A Reliabale Proof from Shia and Sunni Sources on the Event of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (S.A)'s Martyrdom Question: Can you please provide reliable Shia and Sunni sources on the event that led to martyrdom of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (a.s.)? Answer: The Eminent Sheikh At-Tusi wrote: “One of the denied facts is that they (Umar and his followers) hit Fatima (the blessing of Allah be upon her) although it has been narrated that they flogged her with a strip and a famous opinion that no one amongst the Shia scholars dispute about, is that Umar hit her on her stomach (womb) until she was forced to have a miscarriage, where the miscarried baby was named Mohassan.

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Hazrat Fatema az-Zahra (SA): the First Victim of Terrorism in Islam

Hazrat Fatema az-Zahra (SA): the First Victim of Terrorism in Islam We are once again on the threshold of the tragic 3rd of Jamadi al-Akher, the day that revives for the faithful, memories of the “Burning Door” and its Victim, who sacrificed her life in defence of the message of her father and the mission of her husband.

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Where was Lady Fatima Zahra (SA) buried?

Where was Lady Fatima Zahra (SA) buried? Fatima Zahra (s.a.) was born in Mecca after the prophetic mission of the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) [1] eight years before her father's migration to Medina. [2] She married Imam Ali (a.s.) when she had reached nine years of age. [3]

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Fatima Zahra (A.S.): Jewel in the Crown of Womanhood

Fatima Zahra (A.S.): Jewel in the Crown of Womanhood Dignified Status of Woman     Islamic law bestows upon woman the right of inheritance and the right of possessing and disposing of her property, when other communities of the world deprived her of her basic human rights.  Islam placed the eternal reward of Paradise under the feet of woman, in her capacity as mother. 

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The Grievances of the Holy Prophet's Daughter

The Grievances of the Holy Prophet's Daughter It was a while that people had not heard Fatima’s (SA) somber tone. One didn’t hear those heart-rending and distressing lamentations anymore.

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Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought