Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought

Fatima al-Zahra

A Heavenly Lady: Fatima al-Zahra

A Heavenly Lady: Fatima al-Zahra

The highest degree of humanity is Infallibility, where the consent and anger is based solely upon the anger and consent of Allah (SWT). An infallible person shows content to whatever Allah (SWT) is content with, and shows anger to whatever angers Allah (SWT). Lady Fatimah (PBUH) is one whom the Almighty Allah is content when she is satisfied, and is angry when she is angry. This position has astonished many complete people.

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"Fatimah (A.S.) is the Master of All the Women of the Worlds."

In one of these statements (on which both Shiites and Sunnites agree) the Great Prophet (S.A.W.)says: "Fatimah is the master of all the women of the worlds." Although it is mentioned in the Holy Quran that Mary (A.S.) is the best woman in the worlds and has high position and is considered to be chaste and continence and is one of the four greatest women, she was the best woman of her life's period, but Fatimah's (A.S.) superiority is not restricted to her life's period and is history time.

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Hadrat Fatimah Siddiqah (the Righteous)

Hadrat Fatimah Siddiqah (the Righteous) The most predominant view in the traditions transmitted by our traditionists is that Fatimah az-Zahra' was born in Makkah, on the twentieth of Jumada 'l-Akhirah, in the fifth year of the Prophet's apostolic career. It is also asserted that when the Prophet died, Fatimah was eighteen years and seven months old.

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The Birthday of Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.)

The Birthday of Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.) Hadrat Khadija's(S.A.) excellent and noble characteristics are fantastic example for mankind to follow. She is the lady who gave birth to Fatima Zahra(S.A.) and brought her up with talents and virtues. Fatima Zahra(S.A.) was a descendant of two great people. Furthermore, there are undisputed facts that have been declared by the Sacred Messenger and Ahlul-Bayt (A.S.) that neither science nor contemporary discoveries have been able to conquer the deep meanings of, despite what science has achieved in these fields. Because these facts are beyond the reach of machines and telescopes, photographer's advanced lenses can not capture their rays, nor can natural or logical senses realize them. Actually, the truth goes beyond material and logical realization, for the five senses are unable to define it.

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The Exalted Holy Personality of Hadrat Fatimah Zahra (S.A.)

The Exalted Holy Personality of Hadrat Fatimah Zahra (S.A.) Name: Janabe Fatimah (s.a.) Kuniyat: Ummul Hasan, Ummul Husain, Ummul Aimmah and Ummul Mohsin Title: Zahra, Batool, Siddiqa Kubra, Mubarika, Tahira, and Sayyedatun Nisa. Father: Messenger of Allah, Hazrat Mohammed Mustafa (s.a.w.a.). Mother: Queen of Arab, Khadeejatul Kubra (s.a.), the first wife of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and the first woman to come under the Faith. Birth: Born five years after the Declaration of Prophethood in the holy city of Mecca. Martyrdom: 11th Hijri at Medina Munawwerah, just 75 days, after the demise of the Holy Prophet (s.a..w.a.). Grave: Due to political expediencies, and as per her own will, she was laid to rest by Hazrat Ali (a.s.) at the dead of the night. To this day, nobody knows where she is actually buried.

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Ziyarat to Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.)

Ziyarat to Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.) It is reported that Lady Fatima (A) said: "My father said to me: `He who prays on your behalf, Allah, Exalted and Glorified is He, shall forgive him and make him join me wherever I may be in Paradise."

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Sayings of Fatema (A.S.)

Sayings of Fatema (A.S.) 1. Praise and Eulogy is for Allah for the blessing and bounties which He has bestowed. And thanks to HIM upon what He revelated (to His servants) And Praise is for HIM upon the common boons and blessings which He bestowed upon His servants without their request And upon the comprehensive and complete blessings which He granted to all and sundry and gave it to us, consequently. Those graces and favours which are uncountable.

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Sayings about high status of Fatimah Az-Zahraa (AS)

Sayings about high status of Fatimah Az-Zahraa (AS) Fatimah Az-Zahraa (AS), daughter of Prophet of Allah Muhammad bin Abdullah (SAWW) and Queen of Arabia Khadija-tol Kobra (AS), was born in the holy city of Medinah on Jamadi Ath-Thaniah 20. Here are some traditions on her status:

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Glimpses into the Family Life of Hazrat Fatima (SA)

Glimpses into the Family Life of Hazrat Fatima (SA) The Fundamental Role of a Mother in the Well-Being and Prosperity of a Generation: There is no doubt that to a very large extent, the future of a child depends greatly on the mental and psychological influence that he is exposed to, through people closest to him in his childhood. And naturally since a mother is the closest to a child during his growing years, her role in his upbringing is of the utmost importance.

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A Collection of Sayeda Fatima (p)’s Supplications

A Collection of Sayeda Fatima (p)’s Supplications On the auspicious occasion of the Birth Anniversary of the beloved daughter of holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP), Mistress of the Women of World Sayyedah Fatimah Az-Zahraa (PBUH), on 20 Jamadi II, the sixth month of Islamic calendar, a few supplications are presented here.

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Fatimah Zahra (a) the Link between Prophethood and Imamat

Fatimah Zahra (a) the Link between Prophethood and Imamat Fatimah (A.S.) was the only woman connecting Prophethood and Imamate and was the link between the two. She was the daughter of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.), the wife of the first Imam (A.S.) and the mother of the rest of the Imams (A.S.) who descended from her and her husband Ali (A.S.). Allah singled her out with this virtue and peculiarity because she was the most perfect and highest example in purity, sanctity, worship, asceticism and morals.

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Great Women of the World

Great Women of the World Tomorrow is Women’s Day. It is the day when (the birth of) a woman is commemorated of whom the world is proud. It is the day commemorating a woman whose daughter stood against tyrannical governments, who recited that sermon and uttered those words, of which you are all aware. (1)

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Sayings of Hadrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.)

Sayings of Hadrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.) 1. Fatima Zahra (S.A), the only lady among fourteen ma’soomeen, is the best women in both the worlds, as no lady excels her in love, obedience and nearness to God.

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The Holy Lady Fatima al-Zahra (S.A)

The Holy Lady Fatima al-Zahra (S.A) There have been many women who have made an everlasting mark on the history of civilization and humankind. They have been great in various aspects.

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Daughter of the Holy Prophet: Lady Fatima al-Zahra (S.A)

Daughter of the Holy Prophet: Lady Fatima al-Zahra (S.A) Fatimah al-Zahra (A) was the daughter of the holy Prophet (S), Muhammad ibn Abdullah and Khadija (A), the great lady and the spiritual mother of the faithful. Fatimah al-Zahra (A) was married to Amir-ul-Mu’mineen, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (A) and all the Imams are her sons and grandsons and great grandsons.

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Lady Fatima al-Zahra (S.A): The Ideal Role Model

Lady Fatima al-Zahra (S.A): The Ideal Role Model In our era, with the creation of various industrial devices, human civilization has had many astonishing advancements. Today man's mastery over nature is not comparable to what it was anytime before. Today's human being has grasped various efficient methods for the planning of social engineering and the management of political, cultural and economic development. He has created some successful models and has devised some regulations on the field of social relations, the enforcement of which has increased social life's capacity for moving on a pre-planned path.

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Some Useful Sayings of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (S.A)

Some Useful Sayings of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (S.A) 1- Allah made the obedience of Muslims to us (Ahlul Bayt) as discipline for the Ummah, and our leadership as safety from differences.

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Manifestation of the Divine Light, A Glimpse into the Spiritual Greatness of Fatima az-Zahra (s.a.)

Manifestation of the Divine Light, A Glimpse into the Spiritual Greatness of Fatima az-Zahra (s.a.) In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious [to all of His creation], the Most Merciful [to those who believe in Him] Al-’Urayďi [a companion of the 5th Imam] has said: “One day, Imam al-Baqir, peace be upon him, said to me: When you enter the burial area of my grandmother, Fatima, peace be upon her, say the following:

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Hadrat Fatima's Youth

Hadrat Fatima's Youth Lady Fatima Zahra (A) opened her eyes to the world to enjoy prophetic fatherly love and to suckle Khadija's milk, which was mixed with excellent morals and perfection.

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Hadrat Fatimah Zahra (A.S.), the Greatest Woman

Hadrat Fatimah Zahra (A.S.), the Greatest Woman This Great Lady was the only daughter of the Holy Prophet (saww) and Hazrat Khadijah. She was born in Makkah on Friday, 20th Jamdi-ul-Akhar in the 5th year after the declaration of Prophethood (615 AD).

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Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought