Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought


Eid Al-Adhha Sermon

Eid Al-Adhha Sermon

Once again we have all been blessed by Allah (SWT) to witness and celebrate this great day of Eid al-Adh-ha. Eid al-Adh-ha basically means, ‘the festival of sacrifice’.

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Epistemology of Prophethood in Islam

Epistemology of Prophethood in Islam Revelation as a medium of information about the content of reality has not been particularly a subject of scholarly interest in Western tradition of philosophy and philosophical theology. Medievalists talked of `revelation' but they did not mean by it an epistemic activity in which God `spoke' to a human person: it was rather for them a concrete event in which God `entered' into a human body.

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Finality of Prophethood

Finality of Prophethood We have said that despite the differences in details all Prophets have delivered the same message and belonged to the same ideological school. The principles and teachings of this school were explained to human society gradually in proportion to its development till the humanity reached the stage when the entire teachings in a comprehensive form were presented. At this point Prophethood came to an end.

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Guidance of the Holy Prophets

Guidance of the Holy Prophets A grain of wheat that is placed within the bosom of the earth under appropriate conditions begins to grow and enters upon a path of development in which at every moment it takes on a new form and state. Following a particular order and sequence it treads this path until it becomes a grown plant with spikes of wheat ; if once again one of the seeds were to fall upon the ground it would begin the previous cycle all over again until it reached the final goal.

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Finality of Prophethood; Khatm an-Nubuwwah

Finality of Prophethood; Khatm an-Nubuwwah A) Continuity of Religious Leadership God, in His grace, never left mankind without a religious guide. That guide may be a prophet; a 'Rasul' or an 'Imam '. The first man, Prophet Adam (a.s.), was made a vicegerent of Allah on this earth, so that he might lead his children on the right path. Since then, prophets and messengers were sent to all the regions and all the peoples. Allah says in the Qur'an: "And there never was a people without a warner having lived among them". (Qur'an, 35:24) In all, there came 124,000 prophets from God. Many of the prophets were sent to one or two villages, some even to one family or one man. Others were sent to a bigger area; still others to a whole tribe. But none of them, before our Holy Prophet, was sent to the whole mankind. Our Holy Prophet was sent to the whole mankind for up to the end of the world. No other prophet is to come after him. He was, and is, the Last Prophet.

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The End of Prophethood

The End of Prophethood We have said that despite the differences in details all Prophets have delivered the same message and belonged to the same ideological school. The principles and teachings of this school were explained to human society gradually in proportion to its development till the humanity reached the stage when the entire teachings in a comprehensive form were presented. At this point Prophethood came to an end.

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Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ Maryam was passing her solitary life in a room of Baitul Maqdas engaged in God-worship. Thirteen years of her life passed away in this way. Now youth was approaching her speedily and her devotion to worship accompanied with her radiant face and noble form made her a daughter that was a model of morality for the entire world. At the beginning of the fourteenth year of her life some angels sent by God approached her and told her:

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A Conversation with Abraham: Exploring the Image of God in the Bible and the Qur’an, Part 2

A Conversation with Abraham: Exploring the Image of God in the Bible and the Qur’an, Part 2 The patriarch Abraham has a special place as a central figure in all three monotheistic religions. Although essentially the "One" God that all monotheistic religions consider as their Lord, the God of Abraham in the Old Testament, Bible, and the Qur'an are arguably very different Gods. Part 1 of this series included God's image and characteristics in both the Old Testament and the Qur'an as compared and contrasted in regards to "seeing" God, His knowledge, His all-hearing quality, and His justice, and how these aspects contribute to an image of Him.

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A Conversation with Abraham: Exploring the Image of God in the Bible and the Qur’an Part 1

A Conversation with Abraham: Exploring the Image of God in the Bible and the Qur’an Part 1 The patriarch Abraham has a special place as a central figure in all three monotheistic religions. Although essentially the "One" God that all monotheistic religions consider as their Lord - the God of Abraham in the Old Testament, Bible, and the Qur'an are arguably very different Gods. In all of the Abrahamic religions, at the most fundamental level, God is 'the maker of heaven and earth'. Despite many other shared elements, the image of God and His characteristics diverge on other points.

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Lady Maryam: Mother of Jesus

Lady Maryam: Mother of Jesus Imran was the son of Mathan, who was from the progeny of Sulaiman son of Dawood (a.s). The children of Mathan and especially Imran were among the leading religious scholars of Bani Israel. They were residing in Baitul Maqdas. Imran’s wife was Hannah. Both grew old but remained issueless. They wished so earnestly to have children who would keep their memory alive after them and who would continue their holy progeny further.

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Hazrat Ibrahim-Friend of Allah

Hazrat Ibrahim-Friend of Allah They announce loudly that great historical revolutions have occurred only when a courageous youth had come forward with a strong and unwavering decision to do something important. On the other hand the weak-hearted, who are unable to make any change in their mode of life can never change the course of history. Worse than that, if timid and selfish people gather around the oppressor ruling class an atmosphere is created wherein common masses submit to every unjust calamity as their destiny and turn superstitious. But when this situation becomes too troublesome to be tolerated any more, Almighty God raises from those masses an epoch-making character who changes the future of his community; who draws his people out of the alleys of misguidance, making them march ahead on the path of truth.

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Yusuf - The Truthful One

Yusuf - The Truthful One Yusuf (a.s) was the son of Prophet Yaqub (a.s) the son of Ishaq (a.s), the son of Ibrahim through his first wife Sarah. Yusuf (a.s) once saw in his dream that, “the stars, the sun and the moon have come down on earth and they are bowing to him.” When Yusuf (a.s) mentioned this dream to his dear father Yaqub, the latter said, “You will acquire a very high rank. So much so that your father, mother and eleven brothers would bow down before you to accord you respect.” Then he added, “Do not mention this dream to your brothers otherwise they will burn in jealousy and may create some trouble.”

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Luqman-The Wise Sage

Luqman-The Wise Sage Luqman was not a messenger. He was a Hakim (the wise one). Almighty God had gifted him much intelligence and a high moral character. It is said that he was the son of Prophet Ayyub’s sister or aunt and lived during the time of Ayyub (a.s).

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Ismail and the Great Sacrifice

Ismail and the Great Sacrifice The brave soldier of monotheism had finished his fight with the idol-worshippers of Babel. Thereafter when the residents of the town knew well that he was the messenger of God and the only aim of his mission was to make people aware of God and the realization of His Radiance (Noor) and when the influence of Nimrod ended in Babel, he took his wife, Sarah with him and, bidding farewell to Babel went towards Syria. After concluding a long journey he stayed at Harran.

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Need for the Existence of the Prophets

Need for the Existence of the Prophets It is a fact that Allah did not have any Personal interest in the creation of the Universe because He is above all considerations of wants and wishes. He has created the world with all its wonders to be exploited by His noblest of creatures, man!

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People of the Cave [Ashab al-Kahaf]

People of the Cave [Ashab al-Kahaf] One of the most interesting stories in the Holy Quran is the story of the People of the Cave. The Merciful Allah says to His Messenger, in Surah Kahf:

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Infallibility of the Prophets (Part III)

Infallibility of the Prophets (Part III) This part addresses the questions and counter arguments on this subject in the current and the previous rounds of discussions, and the responses to them.

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Infallibility of the Prophets (Part II)

Infallibility of the Prophets (Part II) In this part, we discuss the logical support for the infallibility of the Prophets, and we then provide some traditions from Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih al-Tirmidhi with regard to the issue of infallibility.

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Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought