Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought

Religions and Sects

Islam - A Comprehensive School

Islam - A Comprehensive School

Islam, which is based on a perfect conception of the universe is a comprehensive and realistic school. In Islam attention has been paid to all aspects of human needs, whether they are carnal or spiritual, intellectual or sentimental, individualistic or social and whether they pertain to this world or the next.

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Shi'ahs and The Holy Qur'an

Shi'ahs and The Holy Qur'an Shi`ahs believe that "The Qur`an is the Divine wahi revealed by Allah Almighty to His greatest Prophet (S.A.W.) in order to explain everything. It is His eternal miracle which has proven that humans are unable to challenge its oratory and clarity. While it contains facts and sublime knowledge, no falsehood can approach it nor can its words be replaced, changed or distorted. What we recite is the same Qur`an which was revealed to the Prophet (S.A.W.). Anyone who claims anything else different from this is a violator or a promoter of falsehood or simply confused,

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The Origin of Shiaism

The Origin of Shiaism Have historical factors influenced the development of Shiaism, or is this sect a set of beliefs derived from the Qur’an and the clear traditions of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his family)?

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The Bible Proves ''The Only Religion is Islam'

The Bible Proves ''The Only Religion is Islam' As we look around us we find the world and admire the universe and we come to know that there is a Creator and also there is a power which controls this system systematically and the Creator, power is God which is Supreme.

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The Religion of Human Rights and Other Religions

The Religion of Human Rights and Other Religions The concept I am trying to address in this paper is a dilemma faced by most people who are faithful to God and at the same time want to make sure that the basic rights of human individuals are safeguarded against those who have the power and the position to violate it. The paper is not seeking to provide an answer to the dilemma, but to state it as clearly as possible.

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Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought