Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought

Ethics Articles

Rules regarding will (Wasiyyat) and Inheritance

Rules regarding will (Wasiyyat) and Inheritance

2703. A Will is purported to direct that after one's death, a certain task be completed, or that a portion of his property be given in ownership to someone, or that the ownership of his property be transferred to someone, or that it be spent for charitable purposes, or that he appoints someone as guardian of his children and dependents. A person who is to give effect to a Will is called executor (Wasi).

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Defense - The Spirit of Jihad

Defense - The Spirit of Jihad One of the points that now comes into question is the Islamic view of the essence and spirit of jihad. On this point there is complete agreement amongst researchers; the essence of jihad is defense, meaning that not one of them even suspects jihad, or any kind of fighting, that is motivated by aggression, by lust for the wealth and riches and other resources of the other side, for an aggressor's harnessing of a people's economic or human resources, to be in any way permissible in the view of Islam.

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A Meeting with the Ulama of Najaf

A Meeting with the Ulama of Najaf My friend took me to a mosque next to the mausoleum, where the floors were covered by carpets, and around its Mihrab there were some Qur'anic verses, engraved in beautiful calligraphy. I noticed a few turbaned youngsters sitting near the Mihrab studying, and each one of them had a book in his hand.

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Islam and Democracy

Islam and Democracy Contemporary Islamic political thought has become deeply influenced by attempts at reconciling Islam and democracy. Muslim thinkers who deal with political debates cannot ignore the significance of the democratic system, as it is the prevailing theme of modern western political thought. Thus it is necessary for any alternative political system, whether it is religious or secular, to explore its position with regards to democratic government.

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A Criticism of the Idea of Arab Nationalism

A Criticism of the Idea of Arab Nationalism This article was presented as a paper at the World Seminar on "The Impact of Nationalism on the Ummah," London, Dhu al-Qi'dah 13 -- 16, 1405 (July 31 -- August 3, 1985), held by the Muslim Institute. The author is a scholar from Cairo, Egypt.

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Islam and Democracy: An Obscure Relationship

Islam and Democracy: An Obscure Relationship Democracy is determined by many different elements: culture, wealth, equalities, education, and some will say, religion. Religion as a determinant of democratic development has been extensively studied and many arguments have been presented supporting the claim that religion hinders democracy, while others are less convinced. Since Samule P. Huntington published his book, Clash of Civilization,...

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Science and Medicine in the Light of the Seerah

Science and Medicine in the Light of the Seerah Since the importance of leadership of the ulama is demonstrated in the Islamic resistance movements throughout the history of colonization, lately by Imam Khomeini and currently by many, including Sheikh Ahmad Yaseen and Sayyed Hasan Nasrullah, the project of undermining traditional and committed ulama has become a necessity in the Western agenda. Because they will continue to be the real challenge to the West, the aim is to delegitimize them.

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Scientific Philosophy and Metaphysics

Scientific Philosophy and Metaphysics Admitting the existence of problems that must be investigated on a philosophical plane, Marxism has tried to pretend that these problems can be solved by using the discoveries made by the experimental sciences. The way Marxist writers go about doing this is that they first give an example from nature, and follow it with an example drawn from social or historical phenomena. Their third step is to draw a general conclusion by forcing a connection between these two examples, thereby, in their own imagination, proving the philosophical principle in question.

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Spiritual Philosophy and Scientific Truths

Spiritual Philosophy and Scientific Truths A glance at the fundamental philosophical questions, to which spiritual and materialist philosophies give contradictory answers, clearly shows that the areas of contention between the two opposing points of view have nothing to do with experimental matters. Whatever the solutions found to scientific problems, they would not in any way affect the way these philosophical questions are answered.

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The Relevance of Islamic Ideology in Human Sciences

The Relevance of Islamic Ideology in Human Sciences Now, how should the influence of the culture and ideology of Islam be exercised upon the human sciences Should it be done in a revolutionary manner or in the way of a reform, or in a way different from either of these two If the question facing us is how to apply Islamic culture and ideology to the existing social sciences, the answer is clear.

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The Development of Beliefs Through the Ages

The Development of Beliefs Through the Ages Among the fundamental intellectual topics that concern human life religious questions enjoy a particular importance. They have always been regarded in fact as the most basic concern for the well- being and destiny of man and have produced profound insights and extensive knowledge.

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A Religious and Political Journey

A Religious and Political Journey The sixth year of migration was terminating with all its bitter and sweet events when suddenly the Prophet dreamt a pleasant dream that the Muslims were performing ceremonies of Haj in Masjidul Haram. He related this dream to his companions and took it to be a good omen for the Muslims as they would achieve their heart's desire soon. [1]

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The Perfect Man from the Viewpoint of Islam

The Perfect Man from the Viewpoint of Islam The subject under discussion is the perfect man from the viewpoint of Islam. A perfect man means an exemplary human being, who is superior and exalted, or any other interpretation that one can make. Like everything else, a human being may be perfect or imperfect, and sound or defective. A sound person, too, may be both sound and perfect or sound and imperfect.

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How can a Muslim Youth be Successful?

How can a Muslim Youth be Successful? Question : What qualities do you think a good Muslim youth should have to be successful ?

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Eternity of Moral Values

Eternity of Moral Values Before entering the discussion concerning the eternity of moral values it should be noted that according to the philosophies of `being' reality and knowledge as well as moral values are considered to be permanent. Though here I will not be concerned with the permanence of reality, but it is necessary to deal with the question as to why reality and ethics are dealt with separately.

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Self-Awareness and Reality of Faith

Self-Awareness and Reality of Faith After we saw some of the attributes that cause the degradation of human status, now let us proceed to observe the virtues that ensure the perfection of human development and are the cause of human maturity and perfection. But before beginning this discussion we invite your attention to two essential introductions.

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Perfection in the Light of Morals

Perfection in the Light of Morals Imam Sadiq (a.s.): It is your duty to adorn yourselves with the favours of morality as the Glorious God likes it and to keep away from immorality as the Almighty Allah is against it.

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The Eternal Nature of Punishment

The Eternal Nature of Punishment The eternal nature of the punishment that the faithless and wicked are to suffer in hellfire presents a problem for many people. Given the fact that evil acts are marked by the finiteness of the world, how, they ask, can requital for those acts be eternal and everlasting? Can there be any common measure between a finite act and an infinite punishment?

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The Equality of Believers in Islam

The Equality of Believers in Islam Islam came with a universal concept of brotherhood. Its foundation is based on tawhi-d, the belief in One God. And its social program is also based on unity of the believers.

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Is Islamic Culture Compatible with Western Culture?

Is Islamic Culture Compatible with Western Culture? If by “culture” here we refer to phenomena making man's logical mode of life understanding, objective and mentally enlightening, it is not only certainly compatible with Islamic culture, but also even encouraged and promoted by it. The criterion is, however, whether Western culture is capable of basing itself upon an objective man in an objective world or not.

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Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought