Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought

Woman and Child

The Virtues of Hijab

The Virtues of Hijab

1. An act of obedience. The hijab is an act of obedience to Allah and to his prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), Allah says in the Quran:

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Woman in Islam: Role as Mother

Woman in Islam: Role as Mother Woman in IslamApart from her role as a wife, the Muslim woman has a very important role as mother. The status and value attached to parents in the Muslim world is very high.

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Role of Women in the Sacred Defence and Jihad

Role of Women in the Sacred Defence and Jihad Reply: Jihad is not incumbent on women, but defence is incumbent on everyone in line with their ability and means.

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The Role of Women in the Victory of the Islamic Revolution

The Role of Women in the Victory of the Islamic Revolution A spiritual transformation took place, a change in attitude. With tenacious resolve, all segments of the population, from small children to older men, from small girls to older women, rose up together obeying the call to “rise up for God, it may be in pairs or it may be singly” (Qur’an 34:46), and stood fast.

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Women's Cooperation in Social Life

Women's Cooperation in Social Life The arena of social life being the third area of search and strival of son of Adam for attaining to perfection, in which a great portion of aptitudes and abilities are put in practice and flourishing, as they be effective also in realising individual maturities and success in family life. Further the social life is becoming nowadays much more miscellaneous and extensive than it was in the past. The examples for this can be seen in employment, art, sports, minute and enormous management in the society, parties and associations, legal procedure, and arbitration, education and training.

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Veil and Chastity

Veil and Chastity Issue of veil “covering” being one of self-evident truths of Islamic jurisprudence, having multifarious and extensive arenas. Before broaching it, I find it necessary to give a bright image of the matter on hand, and the terms used in these subjects of discussion.

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Importance of Hijab

Importance of Hijab A woman who adheres to the principles of Islam is required to follow the dress code called “hijaab”. its other definitions are veil, pardah (cover, barrier) or just covering. it is an act of faith and establishes a Muslim's life with honour, respect and dignity. The hijaab is regarded as liberation for woman, in that the covering brings about as aura of respect and woman are recognised as individuals who are admired for their mind and personality. They are not judged by their beauty or its lack of and they are not treated as sex objects. The hijaab acts as a “barrier” between a woman and the opposite sex, although she retains her femininity, she does not display or exposes her sexuality.

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Raising Children in Islam

Raising Children in Islam We are all aware of the notion that an appropriate “role model” is a central character in our children’s upbringing but whom they trust and accept enough to idolize is another factor. One of the dilemmas we are facing today arises from a clash of values between modern and classical ways of living. If we ever want to be able to influence our children’s behavior in a positive way there should exist a mutual understanding and a common bond between the present and the previous generations.

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UK Sisters Face the Challenges of Conversion

UK Sisters Face the Challenges of Conversion When I asked at our weekly circle for new Muslim sisters, "What was the biggest challenge you faced after taking your shahadah ?”

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The Children and Their Social Responsibilities

The Children and Their Social Responsibilities And we have charged mankind, that he be kind to his parents, his mother borne him impatiently, and painfully she gave birth to him; his bearing and his weaning are thirty months. Until, when he is fully grown, and reaches forty years, he says: O my lord, dispose me that I may be thankful for your blessing where with thou hast blessed me and my father and my mother, and that I may do righteousness well-pleasing to Thee; and make me righteous also in my offspring; surely I repent to Thee, and I am of those who surrender (to Thee).

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Rights of Parents and Children in Islam

Rights of Parents and Children in Islam Your parents and your children, ye know not which of them are nearest to you in benefit. . . (Qur'an, 4:11). This ayah shows the Islamic attitude towards the relationship between parents and children. From infancy to adulthood, it is unparalleled tender love and care of the parents which brings the child from the stage of absolute weakness and helplessness to perfect strength and independence.

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The Habit of Reading Among Children

The Habit of Reading Among Children Books are one of the best tools for training and upbringing. A good book always has a salutary effect on the mind of a reader. It will elevate spirit and thoughts, and it will augment the reader's store of knowledge. Books help in correcting moral ineptitude. Particularly in these days of mechanical existence, when people have hardly any time to attend meetings and symposia, the best source of acquiring religious and general knowledge are books that can be browsed through whenever a person finds some time to spare.

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Bringing Up Children in the Western Societies

Bringing Up Children in the Western Societies It is one of the most important duties of the parents to protect their children from falling a prey to the evil and sinful habits and practices of the western societies. It becomes even a greater challenge for the parents living in the western secular societies because the chances of children being spoiled is far greater in these countries than in most of the eastern countries like Pakistan and India, Iran and the Gulf. And if the Parents do not perform their duties well then it becomes very difficult for the children to remain on the right track.

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Women's Liberation Through Islam

Women's Liberation Through Islam Today people think that women are liberated in the West and that the women's liberation movement began in the 20th century. Actually, the women's liberation movement was not begun by women but was revealed by God to a man in the seventh century by the name of Muhammad (peace be upon him), who is known as the last Prophet of Islam. The Qur'an and the Traditions of the Prophet (Hadith or Sunnah) are the sources from which every Muslim woman derives her rights and duties.

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Children and Play

Children and Play Most parents view playing as a waste of time. They would like a child to grow out of the love for playing and get into more serious things like studies, research, or even household chores.

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Women in the Nahjul-balagha: A Psychological Perspective

Women in the Nahjul-balagha: A Psychological Perspective One of the important principles which should be considered about women and therefore, one should refer to Imam Ali (AS), is the physical- psychological differences between men and women.

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The Veil of A Muslim Woman

The Veil of A Muslim Woman Scholars have established various explanations elucidating the subject of women covering. The two essential reasons as to why Muslim women must cover are to protect and defend women, as well as society.

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Comparative Study of Women Rights

Comparative Study of Women Rights Five years ago, I read in the Toronto Star issue of July 3, 1990 an article titled "Islam is not alone in patriarchal doctrines", by Gwynne Dyer. The article described the furious reactions of the participants of a conference on women and power held in Montreal to the comments of the famous Egyptian feminist Dr. Nawal Saadawi.

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The Status of Women in the Western World

The Status of Women in the Western World Humanity's affliction and the cause of its tragedy under the modern materialistic culture stems from the crisis of thought, the ideological loss, together with confused concepts and ideas, which impose weird attitudes, limiting outlook toward things around and rigidly defining fellowmen and society in an absurd manner.

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Advice to Children

Advice to Children My son! May Allah guide you to the right path and protect you from all sins and mistakes. Remember, your first Islamic duty is to think and ponder deeply about the principles of religion (Usul-e-Deen). Make the foundation of faith strong by forceful arguments, have implicit faith in the Creator of the Universe, prophets and walis. Human being is born from human being. He is not an animal.

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Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought