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Articles: 5

Ali Akbar, the Hashmite Prince
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The whole town of Medina was humming with activity. People from all parts of the town were looking into the street of the Hashimites where a caravan was getting ready for a journey. The elders of the town were talking to each other in hushed tones,

Birth Anniversary of Hazrat Ali Akbar: The Day of Youths
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Heartiest congratulations to you all on a very auspicious day commemorated as Day of Youths. It is the day that is celebrated every year in the Islamic Republic of Iran as the Day of the Virtuous Youths, for it was on this day on the 11th of the month of Sha'ban that God had granted the Martyr of Karbala, Imam Husain (AS), with a meritorious son, who bore a striking resemblance to his grandfather, Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) in both appearance and, as he grew up, in excellence of character. If you are ready we have prepared a special feature for you in this regard as motivation for all virtuous youths, please stay with us.

Ali Akbar ibn Hussain (A.S)
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Ali Akbar ibn Hussain was born on 11th of Shabaan 44 AH and he was the son of Imam Hussain ibn Ali and Umm-e-Laila. He was a handsome young man of eighteen. He was also a brave soldier. He had been taught fencing and archery by his half-uncle, Abbas ibn Ali.

Ali Al-Akbar (p), Look-alike of the Prophet (p)
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- Author:
- Mikdad El-Awsat
The Hashemite Prince Hazrat Ali Al-Akbar (p), son of Imam Al-Hussain (p) and Hazrat Umm-e-Layla (p), born on 11 Shaban, possessed so much remarkable resemblance to the holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad (p) that the Chief of Martyrs and Leader of the Youths of Paradise Al-Imam Al-Hussain (p) was often heard to say “Whenever I desire to see the holy prophet (p) I look at him.”

Imam Sajjad (A.S)’s Advice on The Human Rights
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Imam Ali bin Al-Hussein (a.S) gave a lengthy advice on human rights. This today appears in a book form and is called RISALAH AL-HUQUQ (Or a treatise on rights). In this book, the Imam (a.s) describes examples of 51 different rights.

Imam Sajjad's(a.s) Advice to His Companions
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O people fear Allah(s.w.t) and know that you will inevitably return to Him, when every one will see his good and bad deeds right before his very eyes, he will wish for the longest period of time to separate himself from his bad deeds Allah(s.w.t) warns you about Himself.

An Introduction to Al-Sahifat Al-Sajjadiyya
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Al-Sahifat Al-Sajjadiyya is the oldest prayer manual in Islamic sources and one of the most seminal works of Islamic spirituality of the early period.

What do you know about Imam Zain-ul-Abideen(a.s)? Evaluate yourself here!
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What do you know about Imam Zain-ul-Abideen(a.s.)

Imam Zayn al-Abidin's Supplication for the Muslims Guarding the Frontiers
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- Author:
- Imam Reza Network
This is one of the great supplications, which display the highest moral traits of the Ima`m, peace be on him, and his great talents, which did not yield to any desire except the truth. Now, let's listen to this great supplication with which he would supplicate for the people of the frontiers: "O Allah, bless Mohammed and his Household, fortify the frontiers of the Muslims through Your mighty, support their defenders through Your strength, and lavish upon them gifts through Your wealth!

The Illustrious Period of the Imamate of Imam Zayn al-'Abidin
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- Author:
- Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi
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No Imam began his Imamat in a more tragic atmosphere. The first day of his Imamat saw him seriously ill and a captive of the army of Yazid in Karbala. His father and predecessor had sacrificed all he had on the altar of truth; and Imam Zayn al-'Abidin found himself with a group of helpless widows and orphans being led from place to place, from the durbar of Ibn Ziyad to the court of Yazid. Finally they were thrown into a prison, where the Imam spent the first year of his Imamat, cut off from the followers of his father and unable to look after their affairs.