Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought
The Qur’an As Reflected In Nahj Al-Balaghah
The Qur’an As Reflected In Nahj Al-Balaghah
This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought
Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi Misbah Yazdi
Mansoor L. Limba
ABWA Publishing and Printing Center
Book library
Holy Quran
Various Books
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Chapter 1: The Status of the Qur’an in Religious Society
The Qur’an as the only heavenly book at the disposal of mankind
The Qur’anic mode of speech
The Apostle (S) and explanation of the Qur’an
Mentioning two points
The role of the Qur’an in life
The Qur’an as the universal source of guidance
An example of the general ways of the Qur’an
Manifestation of divine grace in the establishment of the Islamic government
The solution to social problems lies in following the Qur’an
Organizing social affairs according to the guidelines of the Qur’an
The role of an objective in social life
Self-sufficiency lies in following the Qur’an
The Qur’an as a panacea for the most serious maladies
The wisdom behind some calamities
Outward and real respect for the Holy Qur’an
The Qur’an as the true light
Qur’anic lamps and reflections
Deliverance of the followers of the Qur’an on the Day of Resurrection
Admonition and reminder
The secret of success and the role of the Qur’an
Ibrahim (‘a) as a model of submission and servitude in the Holy Qur’an
Chapter 2: Understanding and Interpreting the Qur’an
The main problem
The advice of ‘Ali (‘a) in dealing with the Qur’an
Speculative interpretation [tafsir bi ’r-ra’y]
The instruction of ‘Ali (‘a) to avoid speculative interpretation
Two perspectives on the Qur’an and religious teachings
The necessity of acquiring competence in understanding and interpreting the Qur’an
Different degrees of meaning and understanding of Qur’anic concepts
Confining the Apostle (S) and infallible Imams’ (‘a) interpretation of the Qur’an to the exposition of laws
Acquiring the knowledge provided by the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) as a prerequisite in understanding and interpreting the Qur’an
Interpreting the Qur’an by means of the Qur’an
Observing the principles and rules of intellectual discourse in understanding the Qur’an
The understanding of exegetes commensurates with their competence
The necessity of paying attention to the linguistic contexts
The existence of literary beauties in the Holy Qur’an
Chapter 3: The Qur’an and the Cultural Onslaught
The contradictory nature of truth and falsehood
The alleged inaccessibility of the truth of religion
Inculcation and repetition as a key weapon of the devils
Citing the allegorical verses [mutashabihat] of the Qur’an as another way of confronting the Qur’an
The wisdom behind the existence of allegorical verses [mutashabihat] in the Qur’an
Amalgamation of truth and falsehood as another weapon of the deviators
“Different interpretations” as a weapon in confronting the Qur’an
Motives of the opponents of religious culture according to the Qur’an
The Qur’anic stance vis-à-vis sedition [fitnah] in religion
1. Armed sedition
2. Cultural sedition
The warning of the Qur’an against cultural sedition
Polytheism [shirk] under a new garb
The prediction of the Qur’an about the emergence of sedition in religion
The prediction of fitnah after his demise by the Apostle (S)
1. Financial fitnah
2. Ideological fitnah
3. False justifications as the most dangerous fitnah
Obscuring the atmosphere with the aim of misleading public opinion
Distorters of religious teachings according to ‘Ali (‘a)
Pseudo-Muslim materialists’ treatment of the Qur’an
Imam ‘Ali’s (‘a) warning to the people
The motive of pseudo-learned ignoramuses in distorting religious teachings according to ‘Ali (‘a)
The Qur’an As Reflected In Nahj Al-Balaghah
Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi Misbah Yazdi
ABWA Publishing and Printing Center
Book library
Holy Quran
Various Books
2024-09-10 18:07:56
This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought