Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought
Hajj Rituals (Manasek Hajj)
Hajj Rituals (Manasek Hajj)
Ayatullah Seyyed Ali Sistani
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Jurisprudence and Its Principles
Jurisprudence Science
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Obligation to perform Hajj
Conditions which make Hajjatul Islam obligatory
1. Adulthood
2. Reason
3. and 4. Freedom and Financial Ability
A- Time
B- Physical Health and Strength
C- No Obstruction
D- Expenses for the Journey
E- Availability of Means on Return
Making a will regarding pilgrimage
The rules on pilgrimage by proxy (Niyabah)
First: Adulthood
Second: State of Mind
Third: Faith
Fourth: The Agent's Freedom
Various kinds of Umrah
Optional Pilgrimage
Types of Hajj
Meqats for wearing Ihram
Rules of Meqats
Ihram procedure
First: Niyyah
Second: Talbiyah
Third: Wearing ihram garments
Prohibitions during Ihram
1. Hunting
Kaffarah (penalty) for hunting
2. Sexual Activity
3. Kissing a Woman
4. Touching a Woman
5. Looking at and Playing with a Woman
6. Masturbation
7. Marriage Contract
8. Use of Perfume
9. Wearing Sewn Clothes by Men
10. Applying Antimony (Surma)
11. Looking in the Mirror
12. Wearing Shoes, Socks or Stockings
13. Outrage (Fusouq)
14. Quarrelling
15. Killing of Insects Found on the Body
16. Self Beautification
17. Applying Oil
18. Removal of Hair from the Body
19. Covering of the Head for Men
20. Ladies' Face Cover
21. Remaining under Shade by Men
22. Removal of Blood from the Body
23. Cutting Nails
24. Extraction of Teeth
25. Wearing of Arms
Matters forbidden within (The Haram)
Boundaries of Haram
Place of sacrifice
Disbursement of the sacrifice
Conditions of Tawaf
First: Niyyah
Second: Taharah from urine and excrement
Thirdly, Conditions of Tawaf
Fourth: Circumcision for Males
Fifth: Covering the Private Parts
Obligations of Tawaf
Stepping out of the Bounds of Tawaf
Irregularities in Tawaf
Tawaf Prayer
Obligations of Sa'y
Rules of Sa'y
Doubt in Sa’y
Ihram for Hajj
Wuquf at Arafat
Wuquf at Muzdalifah
Accomplishing both the Wuqufs or one of them
Mina and the obligations there
Stoning Jamratil-Aqabah
Sacrificing an animal at Mina
Distributing the sacrifice
Shaving the head and Taqseer
Tawaf-Un-Nisa and its prayer
Wuquf at Mina
Rami of Jamarat
Persons prevented from performing Hajj
Persons prevented from completeing hajj due to sickness and the like
Recommended acts and supplications
Recommended acts in Ihram
Matters discouraged in Ihram
Matters recommended on entry into Haram
Countries on entry into holy Makkah and the Holy Mosque
Courtesies during Tawaf
Courtesies of Tawaf prayer
Courtesies in Sa'y
Courtesies in Ihram during Wuquf at Arafat
Courtesies of Wuquf at Arafat
Courtesies of Wuquf at Muzdalifah
Courtesies of Rami the Jamarat
Courtesies during Hady
Courtesies of shaving the head
Courtesies of the Tawaf of Hajj and Sa'y
Courtesies of Mina
Courtesies of Makkah
Farewell Tawaf
Greeting the Great Messenger (S.A.W.)
Hajj Rituals (Manasek Hajj)
Ayatullah Seyyed Ali Sistani
Book library
Jurisprudence and Its Principles
Jurisprudence Science
2024-06-17 00:23:28