Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought
Qalbe-Saleem; [Immaculate Conscience]
Qalbe-Saleem; [Immaculate Conscience]
This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought
Ayatullah Sayyid Abdul Husayn Dastghaib Shirazi
Ansariyan Publications – Qum
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Mission of the Prophets
Training and self-purification means knowledge and action
Knowledge sans actions or a fruitless Branch
Body and Soul
Sins related to the body and soul
Duty of the religious Scholars
Compilation of Greater Sins, an Important Step
Qalbe Saleem (Immaculate Conscience) and Gunahane Kabira (Greater Sins)
Responsibility of the Respected Readers
Sin of the Heart
Quran and the sins of the heart
Sin of the Heart or inner disease
Paradise is the abode of only those who possess a perfect heart
Harmful effects of the diseases of the Heart
Physical sins are caused by diseases of the Heart
Depravity of the Society
Jealousy, an Example
A Healthy soul and a Healthy Body
Cleanliness of the Body from the food consumed
Spiritual Hygiene is also Important
Materialist man has no spiritual cure
Quran, The Message that Bestows life
Refutation of a wrong notion
A Wrong Notion
To be cautious of Satanic whisperings is a sign of belief
There is no other way
An Astounding Fact
Prescription is not a cure
Disbelief is not the only Spiritual Disease
Lack of belief is real ignorance
A disbeliever is worse than animals
The Dead
Death of the Soul
Peaceful life and a comfortable Hereafter
Hope in Allah, the strongest support for a believer
The disbeliever’s heart is a Horrible Ruin
The Unbeliever’s dread will never end
Joy and Sorrow
Acquire as much belief as possible
Belief means Certainty
Conclusion of this Introduction
First Disease-Disbelief
Consequence of Disbelief
Two Types of Disbeliefs
Disbelief Despite Knowledge
Irreligious People
Infidels of Mecca and Jews of Medina
Worldly Punishment
Two Inner Eyes
An Objection and its Reply
Blindness and Deafness
Cure for the Denial of the Origin and Hereafter
Lack of knowledge is different from lack of realization that one lacks knowledge
In Doubt
If you cannot find proof you cannot say that there is no proof
Ray of Hope
Difference in the Understanding capacity of Human beings and Animals
Disbelievers are like Beasts
Quranic Cure of Disbelief
Precaution makes Sense
The style of Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.)
A Good Tree
Leaves, Branches and Fruits of the Tree of Belief
Consequence of Disbelief
Belief and Disbelief
The Believer does no evil, the Infidel does no good
Denial of Prophethood
Benefit of a Guide
Intellect in isolation is subdued by desires
Denial of the Messengership of the Last Prophet
Denial of Wilayat and Imamat
Second Disease: Hypocrisy
Types of Hypocrisy
First Type: Hypocrisy against Allah regarding actual faith
Dissimulation and its Types
Difference between Dissimulation and Hypocrisy
Second Type: Hypocrisy with Allah Regarding the Necessities of faith
A Believer is not a Habitual sinner
Spending in Allah’s way is a sign of Hope in Allah
False claim of Piety and Religiousness
Hypocrisy with Allah regarding the worship acts
Sins that cause Hypocrisy
Third Type: Hypocrisy with people
The worst folks on Judgment Day
Difference between Dissimulation and False Praise
Punishment in proportion to Hypocrisy
Justice of Allah, Intercession and Repentance
Verbal Repentance
Heartfelt Regret
Divine Mercy
Cure of Hypocrisy with Allah
Deceiving Oneself
Loss in the world and the Hereafter
Deceit to Counter Deceit
Repentance from Hypocrisy
Conditions for leaving hypocrisy
First ConditionFirst Condition
Second ConditionSecond Condition
Third ConditionThird Condition
Fourth ConditionFourth Condition
Cure of Sins related to the Soul
Sincerity is the only way
Performing good deeds secretly
Cure for Hypocrisy with people
Hypocrisy of States
Hypocrisy is widespread
Worldly Harm of Hypocrisy
Result of Jealousy
Spiritual harm of Hypocrisy
All those you see are not humans
Animal Qualities
Men who are Satans
Humans have a higher status than Angels
Truth and Reality
Giving up Hypocrisy
Some customs that are against Reality
Third Disease: Polytheism
From the height of Monotheism to the depravity of Polytheism
The Demand of Humanity : Monotheism
Cannot ever create a Mosquito
Types of False Deities
Worship of the most lowly things
Excuses for Idol Worship
Worship of the Four Elements
Sun, Moon and the Stars
From the aspect of creation, Earth is like the Moon and Stars
False beliefs
Worship of Trees and Division of Good and Evil
The Nature of Man says that God is One
Polytheism in Actions
Idol-worship is open Polytheism
The Polytheism of Ahlul Kitab is Hidden Polytheism
Extremists and believers in ‘delegation’ (Tafweez) are also Polytheists
Obedience of the Lord
People who make legal things illegal and illegal things legal
Following the scholars of false religions is also Polytheism
Quality of the Shia Jurisprudents
Polytheism along with worship
Obedience in every moment of life
He should not serve anyone else
Worshipping the Desires
Slave of many masters and Slave of One Master
Steadfastness in Monotheism
An Example
Polytheism in seeking the help of causes
We should repose hope in the final cause
Obeying someone in sin is also Polytheism
Swearing by anyone else is not Prohibited
Practice for Monotheism
Do not Hide faith by oppression
Believers in Difficulties and Polytheists in Comfort
Forgetting the Favors
A Wrong Notion
All blessings are from Allah
When the fact will be known
They have come alone and would return alone
Imploring the Causes is Deviation
One who forgets Allah, gets himself forgotten
Monotheism of Actions
Strengthen your Faith
Verbal confession is not enough
Worship of carnal desires is contrary to the belief in Monotheism
Attention on belief in monotheism through words and deeds
Hope from Allah and fear of Sins
More subtle than the footfall of an Ant
Making someone a medium (Wasilah) for God is not polytheism
To augur evil is a kind of polytheism
Sneeze is a blessing
‘Inauspicious moment’ is also nonsense
Amirul Momineen (a.s.) marches to Naharwan
Marched at the same time and returned victorious
Crowing of the crow
To consider someone as auspicious or inauspicious is also nonsense
Inauspiciousness lies in wrong beliefs and disapproved qualities
Do not care for Bad Omen
Travel on Wednesday and its Supplication
We must always augur good
Auguring evil is related to polytheism
Making Imams as intermediaries is not polytheism
Visitation (Ziyarat) is not deification
Respecting the kings and rulers
Taking someone as intermediary is different from considering him a deity
After the demise of the Holy Prophet (S)
Prophet Yaqub (a.s.) interceded for his sons
Hidden Wisdoms of Intercession
Cure of the disease of polytheism
Cause and Effect
Effect of the causes
Man is helpless in creation
Will of Allah
One should say ‘If Allah wills’ (Insha Allah)
With the expectations being broken
Dua Faraj and release of Hasan Muthanna
Beyond the Will of Allah
Necessary to understand
He may forgive us
Dua Jaushan Kabir and Dua Arafah
Fourth Disease: Doubt
Doubt is a sign of the disease of heart
Doubt is a serious disease
Nothing but Allah
Loss in both the worlds
Do not doubt! You may become an infidel
One who doubts in Allah is an infidel
Good deeds in the state of doubt are useless
Destruction forever
This is not reasonable
Way to Paradise
Punishment of the Hereafter is not revenge
Another Misunderstanding
Allah is not hidden from any sensible being
The blind cannot see the sun
They do not want to recognize the truth
The book of nature should be read with attention
Knowledge of the Universe
Advancement of science
Courage is low and limited to material pleasures
An historic example of an elevated spirit
Wealth, Position and Lust
Spiritual Pleasures are many times tastier
Continued praying though hit with arrows
The brave ones of Karbala
Science supports belief of Monotheism
The Purpose of all creation is recognition of God
Worship and Knowledge of Allah
The Remedy of doubt and the position of certainty
Power of electricity
Purification of filth
Belief is a natural thing
One kind of Creation cannot be changed into another kind
Firmness on Monotheism is an excellence
If man seriously tries he can definitely gain Allah’s recognition
Awakening of conscience
1. Darwin
2. Raeng
3. Rumien
4. Faraday
Islam is a natural religion
When there is none to hear the plea
Divine help to seek knowledge
Do not deliberate on Allah’s Being
The Flight of thought is limited
Eyes only see material things
Three questions-a single reply
Some scientists
A Drop of Sea
The Ant and The Telephone Pole
Recognition of God and Science are related to each other
An Eternal and Everlasting power
The Universe and its Creator
Brief statements of other thinkers
Removal of Dirt
Cure of Self-worship
Self Recognition
Don’t consider yourself free
Beastly pleasures and desires
The Most dangerous pain of the heart
Allah is Manifest, but veils of desires intervene
Preoccupation makes one forget Allah
We have lost the way
A Miserable time
Social life must also not be forsaken
The Self of man, and Satan
Congregational prayer and Hajj
Islamic laws and acting on them
Five times purification every twenty-four hours
Every act has a particular effect
Remembering death purifies the heart
Everything should be within limits
Pleasure of Supplication
Worship slashes the veil
It is a difficult but important task
Material Progress
Another World
This world is for divine recognition (Ma’arifat)
Contemplation is the best worship act
Contemplation results in good deeds
Contemplation is the way of recognition
Hands of the clock
The Human Body
Habit or Warning
Study the Quran
The Infidel king and the Pious vizier
Discussion of Ali Bin Mitham
White and Yolk of an egg
Words of Allah
A Great Power
Shaddad could not see his self-made Paradise
Pharaoh was disappointed
Nimrod, Abraha and Prophet Sulaiman (a.s.)
Remembrance of Allah
Pride on ancestry
Remembrance and thanks all the time
One Breath
Man forgets himself
Man is not only a physical body
Concern for Obligatory and Unlawful Acts
The Best and the most Difficult work
Importance of Remembering Allah
This is watchfulness
Prophet Yusuf (a.s.) and Zulaikha
Allah is watching
What the shepherd said
A slave of Allah
Verbal remembrance
The Four Praises
The More the Better
Excellence of the Midnight Prayer
Emphasis on the Midnight Prayer
Those who wake up at dawn
Twenty-six Qualities of the Midnight Prayer
The Messenger of Allah (S) has said that the Midnight Prayer
Method of the Midnight Prayer
Stages of Faith
Three stages of Infidelity
A Condition of a True Believer
Obligatory and Recommended Deeds
Deviation of the Sufis
People of Perception
Fondness of Allah’s proximity
The Great Signs of Certainty
Certainty is Peace and Doubt is Perplexity
Everything belongs to Allah
People of certainty are satisfied in all conditions
Fear and Hope only from Allah
Importance of a Deed is based on certainty
It is Better to Sleep with certainty of Faith
Love of the world
Only Deeds Remain
Worship is an action devoid of the love of the world
For the eternal world
Love the Hereafter
Love the world for the Hereafter
Worldly bounties for the pleasure of Allah
It is better if it is for the Hereafter
Temporary love of the world is not Blameworthy
Signs of the love of the world for the sake of the Hereafter
Permanent Love of the world
Ranks of Worldly love
First LevelFirst Level
Loving the world too much
Second levelSecond level
A heart imbued with the love of Allah becomes empty of the love of the world
The Heart–moving words of Amirul Momineen(a.s.)
Removing the Love of the world from the Heart
Since the love of the world begets poverty and destitution it is not obligatory to forgo it
It is a Voluntary act to have more and more love for the Hereafter
The Universe would disintegrate if there is no love for the world
Love of the world is not absolutely unlawful
Piety means that the heart becomes devoid of the love of the world
Deeds Performed for Allah are more Beneficial
Love of the world is the source of all Evil
Love of the world be gets Evil
Conclusion of the above Discussion
Promise of Chastisement for the world-worshippers
Four Noteworthy points in this verse
Satisfied with the life of this world
Nostalgia of a traveler
Peace for the world-worshippers
Ignoring the Signs of Allah
Place of comfort for the world-worshippers
Ignoring the Remembrance of God
The Love of the world has sealed the Hearts
The Utmost limit of Deviation
They left behind the Difficult Day
On the crossroads of the world and the Hereafter
Three Groups
Love of the world is the source of all evil
Trouble from the moment of death
Prophet Isa (a.s.) and his companions
Love of the world disables reason
The world and the Hereafter are deadly foes of each other
The Second Level – Where the love of the world is preferable
Exposition of the Verse
Love for Allah necessitates love for His friends
Love for the faith is love for Allah
Take your Account
Ahlul Bayt consider him an Enemy
Love of Ahlul Bayt is obedience of Allah
All good deeds result from love of God
Twenty characteristics of the love for Ahlul Bayt
Intellect of man informs about his mistake
The criterion of the love of the Creator is divine recognition, not seeing Him with our physical eyes
Divine Recognition and love for the Hereafter
What Amirul Momineen (a.s.) says regarding Paradise and the Chosen People
Additional verse on the unlawfulness of the love of the world
Those who preferred the comforts of the world
Some notable verses
Allah does not like those who are proud and vain
Further Explanation
Signs of the Thankful and the Denier
Thankfulness for a Bounty is more valuable than the Bounty itself
Self-pride distances one from Allah
Unlawful despair in the world
Do not eye others’ property
Explanation of Muhaqqiq Ardebeli
Conclusion derived from the above verses
Desiring the world brings trouble
Love of the world causes fearlessness of and despair from Allah
Sorrows of the world and the Hereafter
Good Deeds, but Aimless
Those who sacrifice the Hereafter on the world
Good deeds without sincerity
One who loves the world is not eligible for salvation
That which Allah hates
Enmity of the world is the best deed
Sayings of the elders about the different kinds of deeds
More harmful than hungry wolves
World-worshipping scholars are robbers on the path of Allah
Followers of the world-worshipping scholar also become like him
Status-seekers are accursed
Musa advises his scholar friend
Beasts in Human Forms
Ali (a.s.) introduces the Animals
The Third Rank is Detestable
That which stalls perfection of faith and human upliftment
Love for anyone or anything other than God takes one away from God
Divine injunction about such degree of attachment
Let not the wealth and children make you negligent of remembering God
Those who cannot be stopped from remembering God
Worldly Beauties are Merely a Test
The Primary and Secondary Aims of Creation
How people are Tested through worldly Adornments
Paradise is a better place for the pious
A Wonderful narration regarding worldly love
Love for the world is universal
Three Groups of Theists
Unmindful Worshippers
All are equal in this matter
Self-Glorification of Jews and Christians
Evil of running away from Religious Scholars
When intelligence will become perfect
Our Responsibility in the present age
Crooked thinking of the unwise and its answer
An advice for the Faithful
Divine Messengers are more worthy of emulation
An example worth pondering over
The world tries to entice Ali (a.s.)
Love for the Hereafter and Negligence do not go together
Lessening the love of the world
Worldly love comes in the way of Gathering provision for the Hereafter
This Illness must be remedied
Danger upto the brink of grave
Excessiveness of lust and intensity of anxiety
Increase in Greed
Growing Anxieties
Envy, anger and Fearlessness
The Difficulty of Death
Last moments of Abu Zakaria
Gold coins and a creditor
Flight from good advice
Ponder over the Holy Quran
(1) La’b (play)
(2) Lahv (vain pastimes)
(3) Beautification
(4)Self Glorification
(5) Abundance of wealth and children
Do not pass on cursorily, but ponder
Youth also was a spring season, which passed away
This world is a place of warning
Wise words of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) about instability of the world
Those who are blind in seeing the Hereafter and run after the world
Amirul Momineen (a.s.) forbids excess
Success in this world is failure in Hereafter
Light of wisdom, the result of worldly piety
Examples of worldly life
A beautiful but dreadful snake
A strange story about a snake
Luqman’s Admonition to his son
Intention for sinning and remaining pleased with it
Instances of sinful advances
Verses and Narrations
Deeds will be questioned about, be they open or hidden
Good intention too will be rewarded
Punishment for spreading scandals
Allah will hold you responsible on the basis of your intention
The killer and the killed, both in Hell
Those who have been cursed
Whoever threatens a believer will go to Hell
One who is pleased with an act is a partner in that act
Imam az-Zaman (a.s.) will take revenge
Reason supports such narrations
Statements of Shaykh Bahai
Intention of sin has been pardoned
Addition of a Good deed
A sin not actually done will not be recorded
Canceling of intention is the expiation for a sinful wish
Intention of sinning without preliminaries of the act
One should at least be cautious
Intention to obey God
For a poor person, intention to donate is charity
Reward of Night Prayer Recorded
A Believer and the Good Deeds He could not do
With the martyrs of Karbala
The wound of the battle of Siffin lasted for several years
Qalbe-Saleem; [Immaculate Conscience]
Ayatullah Sayyid Abdul Husayn Dastghaib Shirazi
Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Book library
Ethics and Supplications
Miscellaneous Books
2024-09-23 22:54:11
This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought