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Various Books
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Chapter One: Introduction
Chapter Two: Was Mu’awiya seeking Qisas for the death of Uthman?
Mawla Ali (as) did not deem Uthman to have been killed innocently
Who Killed Uthman?
The Opinion of Mawla Ali (as) upon Uthman and Mu’awiya
Mu’awiya’s refusal to help Uthman during the Seige
Mu’awiya and his supporters
Mu’awiya exploited people’s ignorance and greed to attain support
Mu’awiya falsely claimed that Ali (as) killed Uthman so as to garner the support of the Syrians
Abu Sulaiman’s attempts to misinterpret the words of Imam Ali (as) as a means of defending Mu’awiya
Imam Ali (as) questions Mu’awiya’s motives
The Imam can only implement Qisas
Fatwa of Shah Abdul Aziz – one that fights Ali (as) is a kaafir
Mu’awiya’s actual motive was power
The agreement between Mu’awiya and Amr bin Aas is clear proof that the motive was power not avenging Uthman’s murder
Mu’awiya’s testimony further proves his real motive was power not vengeance for the slain Uthman
Mu’awiya Thaneeh’s condemnation of his grandfather eludes the fact that he fought Imam ‘Ali (as) for power
Abu Sulaiman questions the justice of Imam Ali (as)
Mu’awiya did not apply Qisas against Amr bin Aas
Misuse of a Shia tradition by the Nawasib to support Uthman
Reply One: The authenticity of the tradtion
“This tradition is Muzamir and Musquf”
Reply Two: The actual ‘Uthman’ mentioned in the tradition and the Nasibi distortion
Reply Three: The actual attributes of the followers of Uthman bin Affan recoded in Sunni texts
Chapter Three: Mu’awiya’s appointment of Yazeed as his successor
Did Mu’awiya want to make Yazeed just a Crown Prince or Khalifa?
Mu’awiya made Yazeed his Khalifa during his lifetime
Mu’awiya forced people to give bayya to Yazeed
Please see our article: Yazeed (L’aeen)
Mu’awiya bribed people to give bayya to Yazeed
Mu’awiya killed all those who posed a hurdle for him making Yazeed Khalifah
Why did Imam Hussain (as) refuse to give bay’a to Yazeed?
Mu’awiya’s development of lineal succession
Yazeed the ‘protector of afflictions’
Appraisal of ‘pious’ Yazeed by the Nasibi author
Ibn Kathir’s comments on Yazeed the drunkard
Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah (Urdu), Vol 8 Page 1169, Nafees Academy Karachi
Mu’awiya also knew that Yazeed drank alcohol
Ibn Hajar Asqalani’s views regarding those that praise Yazeed
Imam Ahmad issued Takfeer against drunkard Yazeed
Allamah Mahmood Alusi’s takfeer against Yazeed
Qadhi Thanaullah Paani Patti’s takfeer against Yazeed
Various other Sunni Ulema did takfeer against Yazeed and have deemed it permissible to curse him
An appeal to our Sunni brethren
Chapter Four: The callous killing of the Sahaba including Hujr bin Adi (ra) and of other innocent Shias
Wasn’t Hujr (ra) a Sahabi?
Allah (swt)’s displeasure at those who killed Hujr (ra)
Was Hujr (ra) a troublemaker?
Reply One – Dishonesty committed by the author in order to absolve Muawiyah bin Hind
Reply Two – Imam Hasan Basri’s testimones that Hujr was a great man and his maglining Muawiyah for the murder of Hujr (ra)
Reply Three- Imam Muhammad bin Sirin testified to Hujr (as) being virtuous
Reply Four– Imam Dhahabi, Imam Ibn Habban and Ibn Asakir’s testimonies that Hujr (ra) was an honorable, pious and worshiper
Reply Five – The families of Abu Bakr and Umar condemning Mu’awiya for killing Hujr proves that he was not a trouble maker in their eyes
Reply Six – The Sahaba deemed the killer of Hujr (ra) to be worthy of being cursed
“If it is asked: Why the Sahaba object on him?
Reply Seven – Even the hardline Nasibi companion of Muawiyah was on saddened at the murder of Hujr (ra)
Reply Eight – The Sunni Ulema’s recognition that Hujr was Shaheed (a martyr) proves that he was not a baghi (rebel)
Reply Nine – Prophet’s prediction proves that Hujr bin Adbar (rh) and Malik bin Ashatar (rh) are amongst the Momineen
Abu Sulaiman defends the method of killing
Mu’awiya killed Malik bin Ashthar (ra)
Mu’awiya killed the sahabi Amr bin al-Hamiq
Muawiya kept Shia women as prisoners in dungeons
Mu’awiya killed the two children of Ubaydullah ibn Abbas
Abdurehman bin Hasaan was buried alive by Muawiyah
Mu’awiya gave an order to slaughter the Shi’a
During Mu’awiya’s brutal reign, Shia Muslim women were made slaves and were sold in the market place
The punishment for killing a Momin from the Qur’an
Chapter Five: The peace treaty with Imam Hasan (as)
Reply One
Reply Two – The Prophet (s) saw the Banu Umayya climbing his Pulpit and this saddened him
Reply Three – Imam Hasan deemed Mu’awiya an unjust thief
Reply Four – Imam Hasan (as) deemed the Khilafath to be his own right
A Nasibi excuse and its reply
Reply Five – By making peace Imam Hasan (as) was able to show the Ummah that Mu’awiya was a hypocrite
Reply Six – The peace treaty in the eyes of the Sunni Ulema
Reply Seven – Mu’awiya was not well intentioned when he made peace with Imam Hasan (as)
Reply Eight – Imam Hasan (as) made peace on account of pressure
Reply Nine – If you see Mu’awiya on my pulpit kill him (hadeeth)
Reply Ten – Banu Zarqa cannot be Khalifas
Reply Eleven – Imam Hasan (as) made peace to protect Muslim lives, property and honour, and thus provided an example for those people faced with difficult choices
Reply Twelve – According to Sunnies it is permissible to make peace with unjust people
Reply Thirteen – The Tulqa cannot be khalifas
Reply Fourteen – Mu’awiya took the Caliphate by force
Reply Fifteen– Imam Hasan (as) said he had the right to kill Mu’awiya
Reply Sixteen – Textual evidence from Quran
Reply Seventeen – Infallible ones under pressure from common men
The bay’a given to Mu’awiya
Reply One – The meaning of bayya
Reply Two – Nawasib have stupidly assumed that peace means bayya
Mu’awiya’s poisoning of Imam Hasan (as)
Who was Ja’da bint Asha’ath bin Qays?
Now, how did Asha’ath bin Qais repay this favor?
Reasons behind the poisoning of Imam Hasan (as)
Mu’awiya’s pleasure upon hearing about the death of Imam Hasan (as)
Nasibi conjecture about Imam Hasan (as) receiving stipends from Muawiya’s government
Reply one
Reply Two
Reply Three
Reply Four
Reply Five
Nasibi accusation on Aqeel bin Abi Talib
Reply One – We have already provided an array of replies about accepting stipends from a tyrant
Reply Two – Aqeel always held Ali (as) to be on the right path as compared to his views on Muawiya
Reply Three – The Bani Umaya fabricated texts to cast aspersions over Aqeel’s relationship with Ali (as)
Reply Four – Aqeel didn’t participate in battles alongside Ali bin Abi Talib (as) due to illness
Refuting the Nawasib claim that there existed a reciprocal warmth, respect and affection between Imam Hussain (as) and Muawiya
Muawiya’s will for his son Yazeed
Muawiya threatened to kill Imam Hussain (as)
Concluding this chapter
Chapter Six: Mu’awiya the baghi (rebel)
Ali (as) was the Imam and rightful caliph of the time
Muawiya faught Ali (as), the Imam and rightful caliph of the time
It was incumbent to fight alongside Imam Ali (as)
Abdullah bin Umar’s regret he didn’t fight the baghi Mu’awiya
The early Sahaba fought alongside Imam Ali (as)
Abu Sulaiman’s refusal to describe Mu’awiya as a baghi
Defining baghi (rebell)
The Sunni scholars deemed Muawiyah as a baghi, Khariji and tyrant
Mu’awiya’s rebellion was in violation of the Qur’an
Mu’awiya’s rebellion was in violation to the Sunnah of Rasulullah (s)
Mu’awiya was from amongst Qasateen (those refrained from giving bayya to Imam e Haqq)
Mu’awiya was amongst the Fajireen (perpetrators of debauchery)
Abu Sulaiman’s plea that both parties were believers
To rebel against the Imam is tantamount to Zina in a Mosque
If a Baghi dies in war don’t perform his funeral prayers
One who rebels is from the Party of Satan
One who fights Imam Ali is Zaalim and Faasiq
Testimony of the Sahabi Amar Yasir (ra) that Mu’awiya and his cohorts were misguided ones
By fighting Maula ‘Ali, Mu’awiya fought against the truth, the Qur’an and Rasulullah (s)
Muawiya’s opposition was motivated by his hatred of Imam ‘Ali (as)
Answering Abu Sulaiman’s criticism that Imam ‘Ali (as) should have left Mu’awiya alone
Answering Abu Sulaiman’s criticism that Imam ‘Ali (as) started the battle, contradicting the Qur’an (astaghfirullah)
Imam ‘Ali (as) fought for interpretation of the Qur’an in the same way Rasulullah (s) fought for the revelation of the Qur’an
The martyrdom of Ammar bin Yasir was comprehensive proof that Mu’awiya was a baghi
Ammar deemed those that fought Imam ‘Ali (as) to be the same munafiqs that tried to assassinate Rasulullah (s)
Abu Sulaiman’s defence of ijtihad
Reply One
Reply Two – A Mujtahid has to be a pious / just man
Reply Three – Mu’awiya was not a mujtahid
Reply Four – Imam Ali (as)’s verdict that Mu’awiya should be killed as he has no grounds to oppose him
Reply Five – Maula Ali’s expose on Mu’awiya’s character destroys the defence of ijtihad
Reply Six – Abdullah bin Umro’s regret that he fought alongside Mu’awiya at Sifeen
Rasulullah’s condemnation of Mu’awiya and Amr bin Aas refutes the defence of ijtihaad
Abu Sulaiman’s verdict that both parties were on truth and cannot be criticised
It is narrated on the authority of ‘Abdullah b. Mas’ud that
Imam Taymeeya al Nasibi’s Fatwa that killers of Amar lead people to Hell
Chapter Seven: Mu’awiya instituted the bid’ah of cursing Imam Ali (as)
Mu’awiya asks Sa’d to curse Ali (as)
Al-Nawawi offered lame excuses to defend Mu’awiya
1st critique – Nawawi’s misguided innovation in Islamic Sharia to defend the Sahaba
Incidents of Sahaba Cursing/Abusing each other
2nd critique – Al-Nawawi applied this insane logic, so as to defend Mu’awiya (i.e. no textual proofs)
1st Hadith that Al-Nawawi & Co. Concealed
2nd Hadith that Al-Nawawi & Co. Concealed
Al Bidayah wa al Nahayah, Volume 7 page 341, Chapter: The virtues of Ali
3rd Hadith that Al-Nawawi & Co. Concealed
4th tradition that Al-Nawawi & Co. concealed
5th tradition that Al-Nawawi & Co. concealed
6th tradition that Al-Nawawi & Co. concealed
7th Tradition, that Al-Nawawi & Co. concealed
8th Tradition that Al-Nawawi & Co. concealed – Imam Hasan (as) asking Muawiya not to curse Ali (as) from the pulpits
Al-Abar fi Khabar min Ghabar, Volume 1, page 18 Chapter: Year 37 the battle of Sifin
Sunni scholars rejected Al-Nawawi’s conjecture pertaining to Sahih Muslim’s episode
Shaykh Wajihuddin Umar bin Abdulmuhsin
Imam Muhammad bin Shahab al-Zuhri
Shaykh Musa Shahin Lashin
Allamah Muhammad bin Abdulhadi al-Sindi (d. 1138 H)
Sharh Sunnan ibn Majah, Kitab al-Muqadma, Chapter: Merits of Ali bin Abi Talib (ra)
Muhammad al-Amin al-Hurarri
Ibn Tamiyah
The Governors of Mu’awiya started cursing Mawla Ali (as) upon the instructions of Mu’awiya
Muawiya’s Governor Marwan bin Hakam cursed Imam Ali (as)
Mu’awiya’s Governor Mughira bin Shu’ba (la) cursed Imam Ali (as)
Sunan Nasai al-Kabeer, Kitab al-Manaqib, Volume 7 Hadith 8148, Merits of Abdurehman bin Auf
Mu’awiya’s Governor Busr Bin Artat cursed Maula Ali
Muawiya’s Governors Ziyad and Kathir ibn Shahab cursed Imam Ali (as)
Mu’awiya would curse Ali after the Friday Sermon and this bid’a became a tradition during the Banu Umayya reign
Mu’awiya refused to follow the peoples’ demands that he abolish the practice of cursing Ali (as)
Mu’awiya changed the Sunnah of the Prophet (s) to ensure that the people heard the cursing of ‘Ali (as)
Faiz al Bari Sharah Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1 page 722 No. 954, Kitab al-Eidayn
Testimonies of prominent Sunni scholars that Ali bin Abi Talib (as) used to be cursed from pulpits
Learned Scholar Ahmad Zaki Safwat’s comments on the Governors of Mu’awiya
Imam of Ahle Sunnah Awzai also reviled Ali (as) as a means of acquiring gifts from the Umayad rulers
The admission by al Muhaddith Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlavi that Mu’awiya cursed Ali (as)
The admission by leading Deobandi Ulema that Mu’awiya introduced the bid`ah of cursing Ali (as)
Learned Sunni Scholar Abu Zahra
Taha Hussain
Shaykh Hassan Saqqaf
Imam of Ahl’ul Sunnah Muhammad Abdul Hai Lucknawi
Qadhi Thanaullah Paani Patti al-Uthmani
Imam Ibn Hazm Andlasi
Jawami al Seerah
Imam Muhammad Zahed al-Kawthari
Maula Ali (as) was cursed for ninety years
Summary of references
Rasulullah (s) cursed those who commit bidah
Allamah Abdul Qadir Gilani’s Fatwa against Ahl’ul bidah
Allamah Sa’duddeen Taftazani’s fatwa that Ahl’ul bidah should be cursed
Cursing Ali (as) is tantamount to cursing Allah (swt)
Fatwa of al Muhaddith Shah Abdul Aziz – those that curse Ali are kaafir
Fatwa of Muhaddith Shah Abdul Aziz – whoever disrespects Ahl’ul bayt (as) is a murtad
An appeal to justice
Chapter Eight: The phantom merits of Mu’awiya
Was Mu’awiya the writer of the revelation?
Reply One – Prominent Ulema of Ahl’ul Sunnah have not counted Mu’awiya as writer of the revelation
Reply Two- Mu’awiya wrote letters not the revelation
Reply Three- A writer of the revelation became a kaafir
Was Mu’awiya a Hadi?
A Hadi is one who guides his followers in accordance with the Qur’an and Sunnah
Mu’awiya ‘the Hadi’ declared Ziyad, the bastard son of Abu Sufiyan as his real brother contradicting the Sharia
Mu’awiya ‘the Hadi’ made decisions that contradicted the Shar’ia on inheritance
Mu’awiya ‘the Hadi’ contradicted the Shar’ia on Blood money
Mu’awiya ‘the Hadi’ contradicted the Shar’ia on the distribution of war booty
Mu’awiya ‘the Hadi’ drank a prohibited substance
Mu’awiya ‘the Hadi’ used to smuggle alcohol
Mu’awiya ‘the Hadi’ used to sell idols to polythiests helping them to worship the idols
Mu’awiya ‘the Hadi’ undresses and inspects the body of a naked woman
Mu’awiya ‘the Hadi’ tells the people to consume haraam items and kill each other
Mu’awiya ‘the Hadi’ took interest
Mu’awiya ‘the Hadi’ made changes to the Eid Salat
Mu’awiya ‘the Hadi’ reduced the number of Takbeers from daily prayers
Mu’awiya ‘the Hadi’ reduced Iqamah from daily prayers
Mu’awiya ‘the Hadi’ issued a Fatwa deeming it permissible for a man to marry two sisters at any one given time
Mu’awiya ‘the Hadi’ abandoned to apply the mandatory punishment for theft in Islam
If a right hand parts from its left?
Mu’awiya ‘the Hadi’ and his Nasibi adherents abandoned the Sunnah due to their hatred of Ali (as)
Sharah Sunan Nasai
Mu’awiya ‘the Hadi’ and his fellow Nasibi rulers of Bani Ummayah abandoned to recite ‘Bismillah’ loudly due to their hate towards Ali (as)
Mu’awiya ‘the Hadi’ wore prohibited items despite the fact that he was aware that Rasulullah (s) deemed them haraam
An appeal to justice
Rasulullah (s) criticised those that praise Ahl’ul Bidah
Rasulullah (s) made three Dua’s, one that was rejected
Rasulullah (s) even prayed for Abu Jahil to be guided
Not all of Rasulullah’s prayers were accepted
Allah (swt) never guides a wrongdoer
The narrator of this ‘Hadi’ hadith is not a reliable authority
Not a single hadith in praise of Mu’awiya is Sahih
Rasulullah’s advice for Mu’awiya is also a fabrication
Reply One – This verse merely states Allah (swt) emboldened the believers on that day
Reply Two – The verse only benefits believers in the true sense of the word not those that stood in the ranks of the Muslims but were pagans and hypocrites
Chapter Nine: Abu Sulaiman’s plea of clemency for Mu’awiya
Chapter Ten: Was Mu’awiya a Momin or Munafiq?
The sign of a Munafiq is hatred of ‘Ali (as)
Fada’il al-Sahaba, Volume 2 page 549 (Published in Makkah Mukkarmah, Saudi Arabia)
It is not permissible to refer to a Munafiq as Sayyidina
‘Ali (as)’s testimony – Mu’awiya is my enemy
An enemy of Ali (as) is an enemy of Allah (swt)
One who fails to accept ‘Ali as his Maula is not a Momin
Chapter Eleven: The ‘true’ merits of Mu’awiya bin Hind
The meaning of Mu’awiya
Love and hatred of Ali is the difference between one being legitimate and illegitimate
Ayesha’s testimony about methods of Nikah during the time of Jahiliyya
Mu’awiya bin Hind was the product of a combined Nikah
Ayesha’s testimony that Hinda committed Zina
The ‘virtues’ possessed by one born illegitimately
One born illegitimately can not be a Khalifa
One who fights the rightful Imam is a Fasiq
One who turns his back on the right path is a Zaalim and Fasiq
Mu’awiya’s Conquests
Mu’awiya’s declaration that Ziyad was the son of ‘Abu Sufyan is proof that he was a fasiq
It is a religious duty to expose the deeds of a fasiq
A Zaalim Ruler
Praising a fasiq leads to incurring the wrath of Allah (swt)
Muawiya was wicked and is cursed
Mu’awiya was a Nasibi
Fatwa of Imam of Ahl’ul Sunnah, Shah Abdul Aziz that Nawasib are equal to dogs and pigs
Appraisals of Mu’awiya
Appraisal of Mu’awiya by Rasulullah (s)
First appraisal – Rasulullah (s) cursed Mu’awiya’s stomach
Nasibi excuses for the Prophet’s curse on Muawiya’s stomach
Reply One
Reply Two
Reply Three
Reply Four
Reply Five
Reply Six
Second appraisal – Rasulullah (s) cursed Mu’awiya, his brother father and Amr bin Aas
Third appraisal – Rasulullah (s) cursed Mu’awiya and Amr bin Aas
Fourth appraisal – Rasulullah (s) cursed Mu’awiya, his father Abu Sufyan and his son Yazeed
Ffith appraisal – Mu’awiya shall die a kaafir
Sixth appraisal – Mu’awiya shall be raised with a different Ummah on the day of Judgment
Seventh appraisal – Mu’awiya shall be in the deepest part of Hell Fire
Eighth appraisal – Mu’awiya and Amr bin al-Aas can never gather for a good cause
Ninth appraisal – Mu’awiya is Kafir
Tenth appraisal – Mu’awiya shall be killed if tried to sit on Prophet’s pulpit
Umar’s appraisal of Mu’awiya
First appraisal
Second appraisal
Maula Ali (as) appraisal of Mu’awiya
First appraisal
Second appraisal
Third appraisal
Fourth Appraisal
Fifth Appraisal
Ayesha’s appraisal of Mu’awiya
First appraisal – Mu’awiya’s Government compared by Ayesha to Firawn (Pharoah) and other Kaafirs (Pagans)
Second Appraisal – Ayesha cursed Mu’awiya and Amr bin Aas
Saad ibn Waqqas’s appraisal of Mu’awiya
Mu’awiya the second’s appraisal of his grandfather Mu’awiya
Qays bin Sa’d bin Ibada’s appraisal of Mu’awiya
These words suffice to destroy the Nasibi appraisals of Mu’awiya. Or should we question by the truthfulness of the Sahaba?
Abu Hurrayra’s appraisal of Mu’awiya
Muhammad bin Abi Bakar’s appraisal of Mu’awiya
Samra bin Jandab’s appraisal of Mu’awiya
Miswan, appraisal of her husband Mu’awiya
Mamun Abbasi’s appraisal of Mu’awiya
The people of Madina’s appraisal of Mu’awiya
Ibn Katheer’s appraisal of Mu’awiya
Imam Shafiyee’s appraisal of Mu’awiya that his testimony is unacceptable
Imam of Ahle Sunnah al-Atiqi al-Baghdadi’s appraisal of Mu’awiya
Imam of Ahle Sunnah Ali bin Ja’ad’s appraisal of Mu’awiya
Mu’awiya – According to the Imams of Ahlulbayt (as)
A German scholar’s recognition of the contribution made by Mu’awiya
Book library
Various Books
2022-10-18 16:59:15