

1.Spiritual Bond with the Sacred al-Mahdi, pg. 252

2.MiSbah of al-Kaf’ami, pg. 176; Mafatih al-Jinan after Du’a at-Tawassul

3.Biharul Anwar, vol. 102, pg. 234, sec. 10, no. 2; al-Balad al-Amin, pg. 157; MiSbah al-Kaf’ami, pg. 404

4.Biharul Anwar, vol. 53, pg. 171, sec. 31, no. 5

5.Spiritual Bond with the Sacred Mahdi, pg. 252

6.Biharul Anwar, vol. 102, pg. 252, sec. 10, no. 10

7.al-Kharaij, pg. 419; Biharul Anwar, vol. 50, pg. 155, sec. 3, no. 41