Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought
A Study of Polytheism and Idolatry in the Qur’an
A Study of Polytheism and Idolatry in the Qur’an
This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought
Sayyid ‘Abbas Sayyid Karimi (Husayni)
Kelvin Lembani (Muhammad ‘Abd al-‘Aziz)
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Chapter 1: Polytheistic Beliefs with respect to Allah
Allah, the only Creator and Governor of the existing cosmos
First verse
Second verse
Third verse
Fourth verse
Fifth verse
Sixth verse
Seventh verse
Eighth verse
Belief that Allah has a child
Āyatullāh Sha‘rānī’s objection to Mullā Sadrā
First verse
Second verse
Third verse
Fourth verse
Fifth verse
Sixth verse
Seventh verse
Eighth verse
Ninth verse
Tenth verse
Eleventh verse
Twelfth verse
Belief that Allah has a spouse
Aversion to Monotheism
First verse
Second verse
Third verse
Fourth verse
Chapter 2: Polytheistic Beliefs with respect to Idols
Equating idols with Allah
The first proof: polytheists’ avowal of equality on the Day of Resurrection
First verse
Second verse
Third verse
The second proof: applying the word ‘god’ to idols
First verse
Second verse
Third verse
Fourth verse
Fifth verse
Sixth verse
Seventh verse
The third proof: simultaneity
The fourth proof: incompatibility
First verse
Second verse
Fifth proof: ‘besides Allah’
Sixth proof: belittlement if idols
First verse
Second verse
Seventh proof: polytheism is a great injustice
Eighth proof: the terms ‘partner’ and ‘idolatry’
The Wahhābīs’ error
Ninth proof: lack of ownership
Tenth proof: independence in affecting cosmic affairs
Eleventh proof: invitation to monotheism
Twelfth proof: the Noble Prophet’s invitation to monotheism
Thirteenth proof: sincere devotion in religion
Fourteenth proof: reference to primordial nature
Fifteenth proof: detestation of monotheism
Sixteenth proof: Sūrat al-Tawhīd
Seventeenth proof: belief in the ownership of idols
Eighteenth proof: using the word lord for idols
Reasons for asserting that idolaters used to believe that idols were longitudinal with Allah and dependent on Him and critiquing those reasons
Al-Mīzān’s statement regarding idolatrous beliefs
The meaning of idols’ intercession
Another explanation asserting that idols lacked independence
Two assertions that idolaters used to believe that their idols were longitudinal with Allah
Critique of Al-Mīzān’s statement
Summary of Al-Mīzān’s statements
An independent summary
Permitted and forbidden intercession
Āyatullāh Zanjānī’s assertion
A study and critique of Āyatullāh Zanjānī’s assertion
A thorough response and critique of certain parts of Āyatullāh Zanjānī’s assertion
First verse
Second verse
Third verse
Fourth verse
Idolatrous beliefs described in Al-Mīzān
Polytheistic beliefs that idols intercede independently
First verse
Second verse
Third verse
A critique of another part of Āyatullāh Zanjānī’s assertion
A defense of Āyatullāh Zanjānī’s assertion and a response to it
Chapter 3: Idolatrous Beliefs with respect to the Resurrection
Two theories about idolatrous beliefs with respect to the Resurrection
Response from “Majma‘ al-Bayān”
Idolaters and denial of the Resurrection
First verse
Second verse
Third verse
Fourth verse
Fifth verse
Sixth verse
Seventh verse
Eitghth verse
Ninth verse
Tenth verse
Eleventh verse
Twelfth verse
Chapter 4: Idolatrous Religious Rites
Idolatrous rites
a) Slaughtering animals in the name of idols
b) Cutting and/or slitting the ears of animals
c) Slaughtering animals with the intention of gaining proximity to idols
d) Animals whose use was forbidden
e) Apportioning yield from animal and crop husbandry between Allah and idols
f) Killing children on account of fear of poverty
g) Ignominy for having daughters and burying female newborns alive
h) Worshipping and supplicating idols
Chapter 5: The Social Culture of Idolaters
Chapter 6: Idolatry is an Illogical Creed
First verse
Second verse
Third verse
Fourth verse
Fifth verse
Sixth verse
Seventh verse
Eighth verse
Ninth verse
Tenth verse
Eleventh verse
Twelfth verse
Thirteenth verse
Fourteenth verse
Fifteenth verse
Is idolatry a reality or a delusion?
First verse
Second verse
Third verse
Fourth verse
The monotheism of polytheists in crises
First verse
Second verse
Third verse
Fourth verse
Awakening the primordial nature of polytheists
First verse
Second verse
Third verse
Fourth verse
Demonstrating the weakness of idols
First verse
Second verse
Third verse
Fourth verse
Chapter 7: Causes of Idolatry
1. Not knowing Allah
2. Self-worship
First verse
Second verse
3. Blindly following their forefathers
First verse
Second verse
Chapter 8: Categories of Polytheists
The first category: calf-worshippers
The second category: worshippers of Jesus Christ and Mary
Third category: worshippers of the jinn
Chapter 9: Types of Polytheism
1. Polytheism in Divinity
2. Polytheism in obedience
Democracy and obedience to Allah
The prohibition of polytheism in obedience
3. Manifest and hidden polytheism
First verse
Second verse
Characteristics of manifest and hidden polytheism
Characteristics of manifest polytheism
Absence of the aforementioned characteristics in hidden polytheism
Sanctimony and non-devotional deeds
Chapter 10: What is Tawhīd (Monotheism)?
The goal of creation is monotheism and refutation of polytheism
Monotheism conforms to man’s primordial nature
The goal of prophets (‘a) is monotheism
Chapter 11: The Etymological and Juristic Meaning of Worship [‘ibādah]
The etymological meaning of worship [‘ibādah]
The term worship [‘ibādah] in the Holy Qur’an
First verse
Second verse
Third verse
Fourth verse
Fifth verse
Concordance between the meaning of supplication [du‘ā] and worship [‘ibādah]
First verse
Second verse
Third verse
Fourth verse
Sincere worship
The meaning of prostration [sajdah]
A Study of Polytheism and Idolatry in the Qur’an
ABWA Publishing and Printing Center
Book library
Debates and Replies
2023-03-20 20:17:03
This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought