Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought
A Hundred and One Rules in Arabic Grammar!
A Hundred and One Rules in Arabic Grammar!
This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought
Mohammed Jiyad
Book library
Language and Literature
Arabic Language and Literature
visits: 8170
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1. The Arabic Alphabet
2. The Arabic Consonatial System
3. One Direction Connectors
4. Emphatic Consonants
5. Short Vowels in Arabic
6. Nunation
7. The Shadda
8. The Sun Letters
9. The Moon Letters
10. Arabic Syntax
11. The Definite Article in Arabic
12. The Arabic Morphology
13. The Feminine Marker
14. The Personal pronouns
15. All countries, towns, villages, etc
16. Definiteness in Arabic
17. The Nisba
18. Long vowel to a Diphthong
19. The Possessive pronouns
20. Sentences in Arabic
21. The Vocative Particle يا
22. Idaafa الاضافة
23. The Simple Idaafa
24. The Diptotes
25. Demonstrative Pronouns
26. The Equational Sentences
27. Interrogative Particles. أ / هل
28. Indefinite Noun Subject
29. Negating Equational Sentences
30. The Subject markers
32. Interrogative Particles أ / هل (revisited)
33. The Idaafa (revisited)
34. Verb-Subject Agreement
35. A Transitive Verb
36. Helping Vowels
37. Object Pronouns
38. The word ما
39. The Cluster Buster
40. Negation of Past Tense Verbs
41. هُنا / هُناكَ
42. کُلُّ
43. The conjunction ( و)
44. Definiteness in Arabic (Revisited)
45. Emphasis/Contrast
46. The Defacto Case of the Noun and Adjective
47. لِماذا (why)
48. When it means “how many,” کَم
49. Numbers
50. Plurals
51. Numbers (Revisited)
52. أيَّـةُ / أيُّ
53. Verb Object Pronouns
54. Object Pronouns of Prepositions
55. Prepositions
56. Feminine Sound Plurals
57. The Roots
58. The Verb Form Numbers
59. The Phonological Environment for Form VIII Verb
60. Non-human Plurals
62. The Conjunction لکنَّ
63. The Singular Subject and its mood markers
64. The Plural Subject and mood markers
65. The Present Tense of the Arabic verb
66. The Moods. The Present tense verb in Arabic has three moods
67. Vowels of the Present Tense Verb
68. حتـَّی
69. Negation of Present and Future Tense Verbs
70. The Sick Verbs الافعال المعتلة
72. The Plural Vocatives أيـُّها and أيـَّتـُها
73. Masculine Sound Plural
74. Negation of the Future Tense (Revisited)
75. Verbs with Two Objects
76. The Semi-Diptotes
77. کانَ & her Sisters (أصبحَ ، بَقيَ ، ما زالَ ، ظلَّ ، صارَ ، لـَيسَ)
78. Nouns are said to be in Apposition البَدَل
79. The Moody Present Tense
80. In the Subjunctive Mood
81. أن
83. The Nominalizer إنَّ & her Sisters ( لعلَّ ، أنَّ ، کأنَّ ، لکنَّ ، لأنَّ )
84. Adjectives
85. کانَ& her Sisters (Revisited)
86. Phony/Fake Idaafa
87. If the Perfect Particle قد
88. The Verbal Noun المَصدَر
89. Forms of Verbal Nouns
90. The Dropping of the Shadda of إنَّ and her sisters لکنَّ ، کأنَّ ، أنَّ
91. The Relative Pronouns ضَمائرَ الوصل
92. ما (Revisited)
93. The Cognate Accusative المَفعولُ المُطلق
94. The noun نـَفسُ
95. The Emphasis التوکيد
96. غيرُ
97. The Imperative Mood
99. The preposition مُنذ
100. The Apposition البَدَل (Revisted)
101. Verbs of Beginning. Past tense verbs like بَدأ ، أخَذَ ، جَعَلَ
102. The Active Participle إسمُ الفاعِل
103. The Derivation of the Active Participle
104. The nouns أبٌ and أخٌ
105. The Haal Construction الحال
106. The Passive Participle إسم المَفعول
107. The Derivation of Passive Participle إسم المَفعول
108. Negation Particle لـَيسَ (Revisited)
109. The Accusative of Distinction (Revisited) ألتمييز
110. Particles of Exception أدوات الأستثناء
111. The Accusative of Purpose المفعول لأجله
112. The Absolute Negation
Functional Arabic Verbs List
The Pedagogy Section
The Explicit/Implicit Controversy
Reformulating Grammar Instruction
Basic Principles of Whole Language Teaching
A Model for Integrating Form in a Whole Language Approach
1. Presentation of Meaningful Language
2. Attention
3. Co-construct an Explanation
4. Extension Activity
A Hundred and One Rules in Arabic Grammar!
Mohammed Jiyad
Book library
Language and Literature
Arabic Language and Literature
2023-04-25 17:52:23
This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought