Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought

Imam Al Bin Hussein

# Title Author Download
1 A Brief Biography of Ali ibn Husain (A.S) Muhammad Reza Dungersi. PH.D
2 Alone with the Beloved: The words of ʿAlī b. al-Ḥusayn inThe Ṣaḥīfa Sajjādiyya Mahmood G. Dhalla
3 Battle of Harrah Muhammad Ali Chenarani
4 History of the Shi‘a in the Time of Imam Sajjad (a) - Volume 1 Sayyid Ahmad Reza Khizri
5 Lectures on Ashura Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Ayati
6 Reciprocal Rights (Risalatu 'l-Huquq) Imam Zain AL Abidin (A.S)
7 The Life of Imam Zayn al-‘Abidin Baqir Sharif al-Qarashi
8 Treatise On Rights (Risalat al-Huquq) Imam Zain ul Abideen

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Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought