Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought

Body of Hadith

Ghadir in Ahadith

Ghadir in Ahadith

In the tenth year after the migration to Madinah, the year which later became known as Hajjatul Wida' [The (year of the) farewell Hajj], the Muslims who had accompanied the Noble Prophet (s) to Makkah were finishing their Hajj rites.

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Hajj in Ahadith

Hajj in Ahadith Allah, the Most High, has said: “Surely the first House which was appointed for mankind (as a place of worship) was that in Bakkah (Makkah), the blessed, and a source of guidance for the entire universe.” (Surat Aale ‘Imran (3), Verse 96)

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40 Ahadith Regarding the Month of Ramadan

40 Ahadith Regarding the Month of Ramadan The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: Those people from amongst my ummah, who memorise forty traditions pertaninig to those issues of religion, which they are in need of, Allah shall resurrect them on the Day of Judgment as jurisprudents and scholars. (Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol. 2, p. 156; Al-Ikhtasaas, p.2)

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Imam Sajjad's (A.S.) Letter

Imam Sajjad's (A.S.) Letter Imam al-Sajjad (A.S.) in his advising letter to Muhammad Ibn Muslim al-Zuhri: May Allah keep the calamity far from me and you and have mercy on you and keep you away from the fire of Hell, because you are entangled in a state that you need mercy. Allah's bounties are so much for you that you are healthy and have lived a long life. Your responsibilities are more serious because [the Holy Qur'an] and the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) .....

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The Event of Cloak (Hadith al-Kisa)

The Event of Cloak (Hadith al-Kisa) A famous event known as the "Event of the Cloak" was reported in the Shiite books regarding "the verse of purification." The context of the event is as follows: Jabir Ibn Abdullah Ansari (Allah be pleased with him) narrates from the authority of Lady Fatima, the beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet (peace be on her) that she said:

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Imam Ali's Commandments for his Son Muhammad bin Hanafiyya

Imam Ali's Commandments for his Son Muhammad bin Hanafiyya Sit with the people of charity and you will be one of them. Be away from those who preclude you from mentioning Allah and death by means of decorated falsities and fabricated lies and you will be discriminated from them. Do not let mistrust of Allah overcome you, for it will spoil every conciliation between your friends and you.

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The Ahlul Bayt and the Recordation of Hadith

The Ahlul Bayt and the Recordation of Hadith It has been uninterruptedly narrated that the Ahl al - Bayt allowed the recordation of the Hadith. Imam `Ali ibn Abi - Talib recorded the seventy - cubit book of al - Jami`ah, which included the dictations of the Holy Prophet and has been reported in the narrations of the Holy Imams. In a book entitled The Book of `Ali ibn Abi - Talib as reported from the Messenger of Allah; A Muslim Jurisprudential Documentative Thesis, Dr. Rif`at Fawziy `Abd al - Muttalib has collected all the narrations of that al - Jami`ah that are dispersed in the jurisprudential reference books.

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Shi'ite Works on 'Dirayah Science" in Hadith'

Shi'ite Works on 'Dirayah Science The first person to begin in this field was Hakim Abu Abdullah Neishabouri who is known as Ibn-ul-Bai'a. We wrote a book titled Ma'rifat-u-Ulumil-Hadith. According to Kashfuz-Zunun, «the first person to initiate in this field was Hakim Abu Abdullah Neishabouri. He wrote Ma'rifat-u-'Ulum-il-Hadith which is in five volumes and contains fifty types of Traditions. He was followed by Ibn-us-Salah who has mentioned 65 types of Traditions.» The suthor of Kashfuz Zunun then writing about the Studies on Traditions (Ulum-ul-Hadith) mentions a book by Abi 'Amr Uthman bin Abdur Rahman known as Ibn-us-Salah Shahrzuri al-Hafiz Shafi'i Dimishqi who died in 643 A.H.

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Hadith Unwan al-Basri (حدیث عنوان البصری)

Hadith Unwan al-Basri (حدیث عنوان البصری) So if a slave does not see any ownership for himself of that which Allah has entrusted to him, it would be easy for him to spend only in the way that Allah, the Exalted, has commanded him to spend, and if a slave leaves the management of his self to his Manager then the afflictions of this world become easy on him, and if a slave occupies himself with what Allah...

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Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought