Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought

Various Articles

Recommended A'mal On the Night of Qadr

Recommended A'mal On the Night of Qadr

Can be performed on the 19th , 21st and 23rd It is reported in Hadith that whoever keeps awake on the nights of Qadr shall have his/her sins forgiven, even if they equal the number of the stars in the heaven.

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Holy Ramadhan

Holy Ramadhan The Holy Month of Ramadhan, which begins after the crescent of the new moon is spotted, is one of the most sacred Islamic observances because it marks the month in which Allah revealed the Holy Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h), bringing with it all the glory. This is the month in which the door of heavens are kept open, doors of hell are closed and Satan is kept in chains.

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Ramadhan Articles

Ramadhan Articles Originally, in Arabic the word 'as-Sawm' meant 'al-Imsak', that is, to abstain totally from any act including eating, drinking, walking, speaking, etc. Thus, the Arabs used to refer to a horse refusing to run or to be fed, as 'Sa'im', that is, fasting. As is clear, the word 'Sawm' is ancient and was used in a different context by the Arabs before Islam. Then, however it did not have the specific meaning given to it by Islam as a term denoting a certain religious obligation. As an Islamic term, it means to refrain intentionally from what breaks fasting.

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The Excellence of the Holy Month of Ramadhan

The Excellence of the Holy Month of Ramadhan Shaikh Saduq relates from an authentic source that Imam Raza (A.S.) related from his ancestors, who related it from Ameerul Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S.) that latter said that one day, the Prophet of Allah delivered the following sermon to them: 'O' People! the Month of Allah (Ramazan has approached you with His mercies and blessings. This is the month that is the best of all the month in the estimation of Allah. Its days are best among the days; its nights are best among the nights. Its hours are best among the hours.

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Ramadan: Month of Allah's Revelation

Ramadan: Month of Allah's Revelation Surah Qadr (Chapter 97) is recommended to be recited during the holy month of Ramadan because the Qur’an tells us that the ‘Night of Power’ (Laylatul-Qadr) occurs each year during this month (Qur’an, 97:2-5; 2:85). This is a night when all the doors of heaven are open and the blessings of Allah are available for all people. The actual night is not known, but according to tradition (Hadith) the file of each Muslim is shown to the Imam of the Age (Twelfth Imam). Muslims should try to spend this night in the worship of Allah to demonstrate the depth of their faith in Him. The date is not definite, so people are encouraged to spend more time in prayer during the last nights of Ramadan.

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Ramadan: A Time for Repentance, Prayers and Salutation

Ramadan: A Time for Repentance, Prayers and Salutation ‘Ramazan, The Month of Glory’ is almost upon us, and all too soon it will be over. ‘Ramadan’ is derived from the root word ‘Ramad’ which indicates ‘heat’, and this is perhaps why in one of his traditions our holy Prophet SA has said that: “Ramadan burns the sins and shortcomings, as fire burns wood!”

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Are You Ready For Ramadan?, Getting our Families Prepared For the Holy Month

Are You Ready For Ramadan?, Getting our Families Prepared For the Holy Month Rajab and Sha’ban are great times to get our minds, hearts, and homes ready for Ramadan.

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What Have We Gained From Ramadan?

What Have We Gained From Ramadan? We leave the blessed month of Ramadan, its beautiful days and its fragrant nights. We leave the month of the Quran, Taqwa, patience, jihad, mercy, forgiveness and freedom from hellfire…

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Seven Strategies to Train Kids this Ramadan

Seven Strategies to Train Kids this Ramadan The many aspects of Ramadan - fasting, prayers, moral values, charity, Holy Quran, family, Eid - provide a valuable opportunity to train kids. Whether they are your own kids or kids you teach, education or training isn"t an automatic or easy process. Children don"t bring empty minds and fill them with what we say. Training requires effort, energy and a few techniques to take off.

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Fasting: Zakat of the Body

Fasting: Zakat of the Body When the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) first left Mecca for Medina, he fasted for three days. Subsequently a revelation from God established the obligation to fast a certain number of days, and thus this determined the month of Ramadan. “O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint.” “... whoever of you is present in the month ( of Ramadan) he shall fast therein ...” (Chapter 2, Verse 183 and 185).

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What is the Fast of the Month of Ramadan

What is the Fast of the Month of Ramadan O Believers! Fast is prescribed for you as it was for those before you so that you may ward off evil. (Fast) a certain number of days…(Holy Qur'an: Chapter 2, Verses 182-183) Every year in the ninth lunar month of the Islamic calendar, Muslims around the world abstain from food, drink, vain talk and certain other actions from before sunrise until after sunset.

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Fasting in Islam

Fasting in Islam "The month of Ramadan, in which was revealed the Quran, a guide to mankind, with explanations for direction and discernment. Whoever of you is in a position to do so, let him fast the month, and whoever is ill or on a journey the same number of other days.

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Significance of the Month of Ramadan and Its Fast

Significance of the Month of Ramadan and Its Fast On p. 64, Vol. 2, of Safeenat al-Bihar, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted saying that Allah Almighty has charged a group of His angels with the task of supplicating for those who observe the fast. On the same page of the same reference, Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq (as) is quoted saying that if a person fasts during a hot day, and he suffers from thirst, Allah will assign a thousand angels to wipe his face and convey to him glad tidings, and when he breaks his fast, Allah, the most Exalted, the most Glorified, addresses him with these words, "How sweet your smell and soul are! O My angels! Bear witness that I have forgiven him.

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What Is The Philosophy Of Fast?

What Is The Philosophy Of Fast? There are various aspects associated with the fasts and they also possess numerous physical and spiritual effects and benefits, which tend have a great impact upon man - the most important of them being their ethical aspect and their educative philosophy. Some of their important benefits are that they make man’s soul kind, strengthen his determination and moderate his instincts. When an individual fasts, despite his hunger and thirst, he must stay away from food, water and sexual pleasures and prove, in practice, that he is not an animal within a stable but an entity that can rein in his wild soul and overcome his lust and carnal desires.

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The Social Effects Of Fasts

The Social Effects Of Fasts The social effects of fasts are not concealed for anyone. Fasts impart the message of equality amongst the individuals of the society.  By acting upon this religious obligation the affluent ones not only experience the hunger of the hungry and the impoverished ones of the society, first hand, but economizing on their daily food also serves to benefit them.

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The Theory of Necessity

The Theory of Necessity The Theory of Necessity (Sadra’s theory in the interpretation of causality and its relation to human freedom) Before explaining the theory of necessity, it is noteworthy that the reason beyond calling this theory "The Theory of Necessity" lies in the fact that according to this theory the relation between cause and effect is both the relation of existence and that of necessity.

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Two Views Concerning the Pleasures of This World

Two Views Concerning the Pleasures of This World Man can construct a solid barrier against the danger of the dissolution of his inward personality only when he attains religious belief and certainty, the conviction that our sorrows and joys do not go to waste, that we are not advancing to annihilation,...

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The Sovereignty of the Spirit

The Sovereignty of the Spirit We are aware of two realities in our being: one the external compound that is our body, fully accessible to empirical science, and the other, consisting of thought and perception, love and affection, hatred, and conscience. These cannot be considered as a mere series of sensory needs or bodily reactions; they are beyond the scope of empirical science and cannot be measured by material criteria.

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Schools of Thought in Islamic Medicine

Schools of Thought in Islamic Medicine The author is a well-known Iranian scholar who has edited, either alone or jointly with other scholars, numerous classics of Islamic philosophy, mysticism, jurisprudence, etc. Among these are: .

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The Virtues of the Midnight (Tahajjud) Prayers

The Virtues of the Midnight (Tahajjud) Prayers 1- The midnight prayers 2- providing iftar food for those who fast 3- The meetings of Muslim brothers. In another hadis from same imam we read in the definition of the ayaat: The good deeds removes the evils

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Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought